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(Journal of Textiles and Engineer)


Process Optimization of Pad-Dry-Fixation and Foam Coating Methods for Flame

Retardant Mattress Fabrics

Alev Geciktirici Yatak Kumaşları için Emdirme ve Köpük Kaplama Yöntemlerinin

Proses Optimizasyonu

Züleyha ÖNDER1, Sümeyye ÜSTÜNTAĞ2*, Nazım PAŞAYEV2, Hüseyin Gazi TÜRKSOY2

Boyteks Textile Industry &Trade Inc., 1st Industrial Area 8th Street, No. 60, 38070, Kayseri, Turkey
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Textile Engineering, Erciyes University, 38039, Kayseri, Turkey

Online Erişime Açıldığı Tarih (Available online):30 Eylül 2021 (30 September 2021)

Bu makaleye atıf yapmak için (To cite this article):

Züleyha ÖNDER, Sümeyye ÜSTÜNTAĞ, Nazım PAŞAYEV, Hüseyin Gazi TÜRKSOY

(2021): Process Optimization of Pad-Dry-Fixation and Foam Coating Methods for Flame Retardant
Mattress Fabrics, Tekstil ve Mühendis, 28: 123, 199-207.

For online version of the article: https://doi.org/10.7216/1300759920212812305

TMMOB Tekstil Mühendisleri Odası
Yıl (Year) : 2021/3
UCTEA Chamber of Textile Engineers
Cilt (Vol) : 28
Tekstil ve Mühendis
Sayı (No) : 123
Journal of Textiles and Engineer

Araştırma Makalesi / Research Article



Züleyha ÖNDER1
Sümeyye ÜSTÜNTAĞ2*
Hüseyin Gazi TÜRKSOY2
Boyteks Textile Industry &Trade Inc., 1st Industrial Area 8th Street, No. 60, 38070, Kayseri, Turkey
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Textile Engineering, Erciyes University, 38039, Kayseri, Turkey

Gönderilme Tarihi / Received: 24.03.2021

Kabul Tarihi / Accepted: 01.09.2021

ABSTRACT: The subject of flame retardancy is a dynamic area which is constantly developing in textile industry. Flame retardant
chemicals are applied to many home textile products, including mattress fabrics, by different methods. In the paper, the parameters of
the two different methods (pad-dry-fixation and foam coating) used in the application of the flame retardant chemicals to the mattress
fabrics produced with 100% PET fibers were optimized by Response Surface Method. The flame retardant properties of the fabrics
were evaluated by Limit oxygen index (LOI). The proposed models for LOI test results of both coating methods were found to be
statistically significant. However, it was determined that the LOI value for the pad-dry-fixation method was better explained by the
model’s inputs than the foam coating method. R2 (0.9619) and R2 adjusted (0.9571) values of fitted model for the pad-dry-fixation
demonstrated that there was an acceptable correlation between the predicted and actual LOI values. The optimum chemical quantity,
squeezing pressure and fixing temperature for the pad-dry-fixation method were found to be 150 g/lt, 6 bar and 189.2 °C, respectively.
Based on these optimum conditions, the predicted LOI value was found to be 41.92%.

Keywords: Mattress Fabric, Flame retardancy, Pad-dry-fixation, Foam coating, Limit oxygen index



ÖZET: Alev geciktiricilik konusu tekstil sektöründe sürekli gelişen dinamik bir alandır. Alev geciktirici kimyasallar, yatak kumaşları
dâhil birçok ev tekstili ürününe farklı yöntemlerle uygulanmaktadır. Bu makalede, alev geciktirici kimyasalların % 100 PET filament
ile üretilen yatak kumaşlarına uygulanmasında kullanılan iki farklı yöntemin (emdirme ve köpük kaplama) parametreleri Yanıt Yüzey
Yöntemi ile optimize edilmiştir. Kumaşların alev geciktirme özellikleri Limit oksijen indeksi (LOI) ile değerlendirilmiştir. Her iki
kaplama yönteminin LOI test sonuçları için önerilen modeller istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur. Bununla birlikte, emdirme
yöntemi için LOI değerinin, modelin girdileri ile köpük kaplama yöntemine göre daha iyi açıklandığı belirlenmiştir. Emdirme yöntemi
için geliştirilmiş modelin R2 (0.9619 ) ve düzenlenmiş R2 (0.9571) değerleri, tahmini ve gerçek LOI değerleri arasında kabul edilebilir
bir kolelasyon olduğunu göstermiştir. Emdirme yöntemi için optimum kimyasal miktar, sıkma basıncı ve fiksaj sıcaklığı sırasıyla 150
g/lt, 6 bar ve 189.2 ◦C olarak bulunmuştur. Bu optimum koşullara göre öngörülen LOI değeri %41,92 olarak bulunmuştur.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Yatak kumaşı, Alev geciktirici, Emdirme yöntemi, Köpük kaplama, Limit oksijen indeksi

*Sorumlu Yazar/Corresponding Author: sumeyyeustuntag@erciyes.edu.tr

DOI: https://doi.org/10.7216/1300759920212812305 www.tekstilvemuhendis.org.tr

Cilt (Vol): 28 No: 123

Journal of Textiles and Engineer Tekstil ve Mühendis
Process Optimization of Pad-Dry-Fixation and Foam Coating Züleyha ÖNDER, Sümeyye ÜSTÜNTAĞ
Methods for Flame Retardant Mattress Fabrics Nazım PAŞAYEV, Hüseyin Gazi TÜRKSOY

1. INTRODUCTION flame retardant monomer during the PET synthesis stage [11-14],
addition of flame retardants to the PET matrix during the spinning
A large part of the natural or synthetic materials utilized in the stage [15-17] and depositing flame retardants on the PET fabric
production of home textiles, which comprise floor coverings used surface through flame-retardant finishing [7, 10, 18, 19]. Flame-
in home or indoor areas, curtains, linens, mattresses, quilts, and retardant PET fibers obtained via copolymerization demonstrate
many other textile products, tend to ignite in air, if exposed to a better flame-retardant durability, however they require higher
flame or other heat source of adequate intensity for a sufficient costs and more complicated operations. Adding flame retardants
period. Therefore, firefighting that has been going on for centuries to PET matrix during spinning is a simple process, however, is
is inevitable for the textile sector and the need for flame retardant limited due to high requirements (molecular structure,
home textile products is of great importance for protection from decomposition temperature, etc.) for additive flame retardant [7].
fire. Flame retardancy is defined as the non-continuation of Among the various ways to impart flame retardancy to PET fibers
combustion after removal of the flame source, but the physical and or fabrics, the flame retardant finishing method has been widely
chemical changes of the material. Textile material is defined as utilized in many different areas, including the mattress industry,
flame retardant if it does not ignite when exposed to a flame source due to its relative suitability, many techniques available,
or if it extinguishes despite physical and chemical changes when cheapness and easy control compared to the other two ways [10].
the flame source is removed even if it ignites [1]. In this method, flame retardants are commonly deposited onto the
surface of fabrics including sol-gel process, solution-dipping
The mattress sector has shown a rapid development in recent years method, spray coating, and layer-by-layer (LbL) assembly, and so
among the flame retardant home textile products. What people forth [20]. Moreover, pad-dry-fixation and foam coating
expect from the mattresses is that it has not only a good quality techniques are generally used to transfer flame-retardant
sleep but also protective features in the face of a negative situation chemicals to mattress fabrics.
such as fire. In order to provide the desired comfort and flame
retardant properties to the mattress, all materials used in the In the literature, studies have generally focused on the use of
production of mattresses must also be correctly identified and used different flame retardants (such as expandable graphite, phosphorus-
in a compatible manner. In particular, the fabrics used on the containing siloxane, aluminium phosphinate, nanoclay, sulfur-
outside of the mattress play an important role in the ignition and containing aryl polyphosphonate, superhydrophobic bionic etc.)
combustion. Flammability refers to temperature and to heat to add flame retardant properties to PET fibers or fabrics [21-25].
amount necessary to ignite a textile material with a certain In this work, unlike the literature, it was aimed to optimize
chemical composition and a given configuration. Flammability variable parameters of the two methods (pad-dry-fixation and
characteristics of the mattress fabrics can be influenced different foam coating) used in order to give the flame retardant properties
factors such as fiber content, yarn twist, fabric density, fabric to the mattresses produced from %100 PET fiber by Response
construction, fabric weight and fabric finishes [2]. Surface Method. The variable parameters were chemical quantity,
squeezing pressure, and fixing temperature for the pad-dry-
Fibers behave differently when exposed to heat or open flame due fixation method; were foam density and fixing temperature for the
to differences in chemical structure. Accordingly, the fibers are foam coating method. Commonly used chemicals were selected
divided into three groups: ready-to-burn fibers (cotton, stalk for both methods, thus focusing only on optimum production
fibers, regenerated cellulose fibers and PAN), low-flammability conditions for maximum flame retardant properties. The flame
fibers (wool, silk, polyester and polyamide) and non-flammable retardant properties have been evaluated by means of LOI (limited
fibers (such as glass, mineral and asbestos) [3]. Poly(ethylene oxygen index) test.
terephthalate) (PET) is extensively used in many areas, not only
in the clothing industry but also in home furnishings such as
drapery and matress fabrics due to its outstanding characteristics
of high strength, good flexibility, resistance to shrinkage and 2. MATERIAL AND METHOD
stretch and thermal stability [4]. The distinguished properties of 2.1 Material
PET make these fibers an important material in the production of
mattress fabrics [5]. However, they have substantial limits on Double-layer weft knitted fabric with a filling core, which
account of their organic nature leading to a relatively poor fire comprises a surface layer and a rear layer, is most commonly used
behavior [6]. They are flammable fibers with a limiting oxygen in the production of mattress fabric. Double-layer weft knitted
index (LOI) of 21 % [7] and exhibits serious melt-dripping fabrics are produced on double-bed circular knitting machines by
behavior during combustion [8, 9]. The melt-dripping behavior feeding filling yarn between two needle beds. Generally, filling
accelerates the spread of flame [10]. Hence, the research and yarns having soft, bulky or textured structure are used for the
development of flame retardant PET fibers and fabrics are of production of mattress fabrics. In this work, double-layer weft
remarkable importance to reduce fire disasters [7]. The flowing knitted fabric samples were manufactured by OVJA 1.6 E Mayer
three methods are mainly applied in order to impart the flame & Cie. circular knitting machine (38 inch - 20E) in the rib knit
retardancy to PET fibers: copolymerization of PET with a reactive structure. The surface and rear layers of fabrics were produced

Cilt (Vol): 28 No: 123

Journal of Textiles and Engineer Tekstil ve Mühendis
Process Optimization of Pad-Dry-Fixation and Foam Coating Züleyha ÖNDER, Sümeyye ÜSTÜNTAĞ
Methods for Flame Retardant Mattress Fabrics Nazım PAŞAYEV, Hüseyin Gazi TÜRKSOY

with 110 dtex polyester (PET) and also, 900 deniers PET filament 1. For pad-dry-fixation method, the independent variables were
were used as filling. The wales per cm (wales/cm) of the knitted chemical quantity (X1), squeezing pressure (X2), and fixing
fabric was 11.1, the course per cm (courses/cm) was 10.8 and the temperature (X3). 27 different coated mattress fabrics with a 33
fabric weight was 230 g/m2. factorial experimental design for pad-dry-fixation method were
obtained. For foam coating method, foam density (X4) and fixing
Two different coating solutions commonly used for foam coating temperature (X5) were determined as the independent variables
method and pad-dry-fixation methods were determined to impart and 9 different fabrics were prepared with 32 factorial
flame retardant properties to mattress fabrics. Flame retarder experimental design.
AD14 + Tubicoat CM 2T chemicals were used as flame retardants
in foam coating method. The flame retarder AD14 chemical is a According to the determined experimental design, two different
halogen-based additive that have been considered to be highly solutions were deposited on the surface of fabrics by pad-dry-
effective in improving the flame retardancy of fibers. The pH fixation (Fig. 1-a) and foam coating (Fig. 1-b) techniques. Since
value of this chemical is 8.5 and it is a nonionic chemical. the machines used for the application of the flame-retardant
Halogen-based flame retardants are still widely used in the finishes were laboratory type, the fabric samples were cut to 30 x
mattress industry, although in recent years there have been many 35 cm dimensions according to the width and length of the
concerns about the application of their due to the potential machine. For both methods, machine parameters and fabric
emission of toxic fumes and the bioaccumulation of bromine [26]. properties were kept constant, except for parameters that were
The Tubicoat CM 2T chemical used as a binder for foam coating changed in a controlled manner. The application prescriptions of
is an acrylate-based anionic compound. The pH value of this the coating process for both methods used in the study are given
chemical is between 7.5-8.5 and it has the ability to self-cross-link in Table 2.
Table 1. Levels of factors used in the experimental design
Phosphonate derivatives Aflammit Pe Conc. chemical was used as
Methods Factors Units Code Levels
flame retardants in pad-dry-fixation method. Aflammit Pe Conc.
chemical is an organic phosphorus compound. The pH value of quantity
(g/lt) X1 50 75 150
this chemical is between 2.5 and 3.5 and its density is 1.28 g/cm3. Pad-dry- Squeezing
(bar) X2 4 5 6
Phosphorus-containing flame retardants have been applicable to fixation pressure
many polymer matrices, due to their low toxicity, high efficiency, Fixing
(°C ) X3 110 140 190
spinnability, durability and molecular diversity [9, 26]. temperature
Foam density (g/cm3) X4 200 350 700
2.2 Methods Fixing
coating (°C ) X5 110 140 190
In this work, the full factorial experimental designs having three
variables with three levels for the pad-dry-fixation method and
two variables with three levels for the foam coating method were
planned. The range of these variables and levels are given in Table

(a) (b)
Figure 1. (a) Pad-dry-fixation machine; (b) Foam coating machine

Cilt (Vol): 28 No: 123

Journal of Textiles and Engineer Tekstil ve Mühendis
Process Optimization of Pad-Dry-Fixation and Foam Coating Züleyha ÖNDER, Sümeyye ÜSTÜNTAĞ
Methods for Flame Retardant Mattress Fabrics Nazım PAŞAYEV, Hüseyin Gazi TÜRKSOY

Table 2. Application prescriptions of coating processes used in the study

Methods Parameters I II III

The concentrations (g/l) 50 75 150
Squeezing pressure (bar) 4 5 6
Pad-dry-fixation method Fixing temperature (°C)/Time (dk) 110 °C 2’ 140 °C/2’ 190 °C/2’
Pick-up (%) 96 77 62
Drying temperature (°C)/Time (dk) 110 °C/15’
The concentrations (g/cm3) 200 350 700
Fixing temperature (°C)/Time (dk) 110 °C/2’ 140 °C/2’ 190 °C/2’
Foam coating method
Chemical / Binder Ratio (%) 50
Chemical Amount on Fabric (gr/m2) 4.8 6.7 12.9
Drying temperature (°C)/Time (dk) 110 °C/15’

2.3 Flame retardancy analysis design and carrying out the experiments according to the selected
experimental matrix; (3) the developing a mathematical model of
The flame retardant efficiency of the sample fabrics was the second order response surface; (4) the evaluation of the
determined through the LOI (Limit Oxygen Index). LOI test was model’s fitness; and (5) the obtaining the optimal experimental
developed by Mark and Atlas to determine the burning behavior parameter set that produces a maximum or minimum response
of different polymers [27]. The LOI test determines the minimum value; (6) the determination of the response surface plot and
percentage of oxygen required to continue to burn of a material contour plot of the response as a function of the variables and
(ASTM D2863). The test is carried out by placing the sample determination of optimal points [29, 31].
vertically, igniting at its top edge with hydrogen flame in an
oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere. The fabrics burn from top to bottom In the optimization process of RSM, the response variables (yi)
and, the oxygen (O2) and nitrogen (N2) streams are adjusted until can be simply related to independent variables (xi) by linear or
the sample is completely and slowly burned. The test is repeated quadratic models [30]. In the study, experimental data with three-
until consistent results are obtained. LOI test value is expressed level were fitted to the polynomial function to contain quadratic
by the following formula [28]. terms. The polynomial functional relationship for a quadratic
model, which also includes the linear model, with k independent
LOI % = [O2] / ([O2] + [N2]) x 100 (1) variables is generally as follow:
Prior to the experimental study, the samples were conditioned for
𝑦𝑖 = 𝛽0 + ∑𝑘𝑖=1 𝛽𝑖 𝑥𝑖 + ∑𝑘𝑖=1 𝛽𝑖𝑖 𝑥𝑖2 + ∑𝑘−1 𝑘
𝑖=1 ∑𝑗=2 𝛽𝑖𝑗 𝑥𝑖 𝑥𝑗 +
at least 24 hours under standard atmospheric conditions (20±2ºC
𝑒𝑖 , (2)
temperature, 65±2% relative humidity).
where yi is the response (flame retardancy efficiency) used as a
2.4 Response analysis and optimization dependent variable; k is the number of independent variables, xi
Optimization is a technique used to determine the optimum and xj are independent variables (factors); β0 is the constant
working conditions of a system or a process in order to obtain the coefficient, and βi, βij and βii are the regression coefficients of
best possible response. Response surface methodology (RSM) has linear, quadratic term and interaction terms, respectively, and ei is
been quite popular for optimization of processes in which a the error.
response of interest is influenced by several variables [29]. RSM The developed mathematical models can sometimes not
is essentially a particular set of mathematical and statistical satisfactorily describe the experimental domain studied. The
methods for designing experiments, building models, evaluating variance analysis (ANOVA) provides a more reliable way to
the effects of variables, and searching optimum conditions of identify the significant input variable in the developed model [31].
variables to predict targeted responses [30]. In this work, optimal The ANOVA also gives the relative contribution that each input
application parameters of pad-dry-fixation and foam coating variable makes on the overall estimated response. In the study, the
techniques used to add the flame retardancy properties to the statistical analysis of the data was performed with Minitab 19
mattress fabrics were estimated with RSM. statistical software package. This software was used to determine
The application procedure of the RSM as an optimization the optimal application parameters, to observe the effect of
technique comprises the following steps: (1) the determination of application parameters on the response, and to estimate the
the variables and their levels; (2) the selection of the experimental coefficient of regression equation of the obtained data.

Cilt (Vol): 28 No: 123

Journal of Textiles and Engineer Tekstil ve Mühendis
Process Optimization of Pad-Dry-Fixation and Foam Coating Züleyha ÖNDER, Sümeyye ÜSTÜNTAĞ
Methods for Flame Retardant Mattress Fabrics Nazım PAŞAYEV, Hüseyin Gazi TÜRKSOY

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION indicate that the terms are significant. The quality of the
polynomial model is specified by the coefficient of determination,
3.1 Model development for the pad-dry-fixation method namely R2 and adj-R2. R2 coefficient is a statistical measure
representing the proportion of the variance for a dependent
The complete design matrix together with the experimental and variable that's explained by an independent variable or variables
the predicted response values for the pad-dry-fixation method is in a regression model.
given in Table 3. F0 code in Table 3 refers to the raw mattress
fabric without any flame retardant application. While the LOI Table 3. The fabric codes and the changed application parameters for the
value of untreated fabric is 29.5%, the overall average of the LOI pad-dry-fixation method
values of treated fabrics is 39.1%. It is cleared that the LOI value Fabric codes Uncoded factors LOI
of the fabrics increase by approximately 32.5% with the flame X1 X2 X3 Exp.a Pred.b
retardant chemical used in the study. In addition, it is seen that the F0 - - - 29.5 -
F27 coded fabric, that produced with 150 g/lt chemical quantity, F1 50 4 110 36.5 36.8
6 bar squeezing pressure and 189.2 °C fixing temperature, has the F2 50 4 140 37.1 37.1
F3 50 4 190 37.5 37.4
highest flame retardant value with 41.8%. F4 50 5 110 37.1 37.1
F5 50 5 140 36.9 37.4
The experimental responses (LOI) were correlated with the three F6 50 5 190 37.4 37.7
factors (X1: chemical quantity, X2: squeezing pressure, X3: fixing F7 50 6 110 37.8 37.6
temperature) studied using the second order polynomial as F8 50 6 140 38.3 37.8
represented by Eq. (2). The quadratic regression model for the LOI F9 50 6 190 38.3 38.0
F10 75 4 110 38.4 38.1
(Y) in terms of uncoded factors are given by Eq. (3):
F11 75 4 140 38.7 38.4
Y = 30.46 + 0.0722 X1 + 0.001 X2 + 0.0312 X3 – F12 75 4 190 38.9 38.7
F13 75 5 110 38.7 38.5
0.000231 X12 + 0.0463 X22 – 0.000055 X32 + F14 75 5 140 39.1 38.8
0.00242 X1 X2 – 0.000006 X1 X3 – 0.00156 X2 X3 (3) F15 75 5 190 38.6 39.0
F16 75 6 110 38.7 39.0
The function describes how the factors and their interactions F17 75 6 140 38.7 39.2
influence the flame retardancy properties of the mattress fabrics F18 75 6 190 39.5 39.4
[32]. The positive sign in front of the terms in the model indicates F19 150 4 110 39.8 40.3
F20 150 4 140 40.5 40.6
the synergistic effect of the factors whereas the negative sign
F21 150 4 190 40.8 40.9
indicates the antagonistic effect of theirs [33]. F22 150 5 110 41.1 40.9
F23 150 5 140 41.4 41.1
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is required to test the significance F24 150 5 190 41.6 41.3
and adequacy of the model and to determine the statistical effect F25 150 6 110 41.7 41.6
of factors on responses. ANOVA for the quadratic regression F26 150 6 140 41.7 41.8
model of LOI are listed in Table 4. The statistical significance is F27 150 6 190 41.8 41.9
evaluated by the P-value (probability) with 95% confidence level. a
Values of probability less than 0.05 b

Table 4. ANOVA for the RSM model of LOI test

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F P Percent(%)

Model 9 206.541 22.949 199.09 0.000 96.19
X1 1 184.729 184.729 1602.58 0.000 86.03
X2 1 11.490 11.490 99.68 0.000 5.35
X3 1 3.201 3.201 27.07 0.000 1.49
X12 1 3.120 3.120 27.07 0.000 1.45
X22 1 0.039 0.039 0.33 0.565 0.02
X32 1 0.121 0.121 1.05 0.309 0.06
X1X2 1 0.570 0.570 4.95 0.029 0.26
X1X3 1 0.006 0.006 0.05 0.824 0.00
X2X3 1 0.143 0.143 1.24 0.269 0.07
Residual error 71 8.184 0.115 3.81
Lack of fit 17 6.744 0.397 14.88 0.000 3.14
Pure error 54 1.440 0.027 0.67
Total 80 214.725

Cilt (Vol): 28 No: 123

Journal of Textiles and Engineer Tekstil ve Mühendis
Process Optimization of Pad-Dry-Fixation and Foam Coating Züleyha ÖNDER, Sümeyye ÜSTÜNTAĞ
Methods for Flame Retardant Mattress Fabrics Nazım PAŞAYEV, Hüseyin Gazi TÜRKSOY

The model’s p value of 0.00 for in Table 4 implies that the model observed that the obtained experimental values were in good
is significant for LOI value. The value of R2 is obtained 96.19, agreement with the values predicted from the models.
which demonstrates a high correlation between the experimental
and predicted data. Moreover, the value of adj-R2 (0.9571)
confirms the proposed model. The total residue is divided into lack 190
LOI (%)
< 38
of fit and pure error. The lack of fit (LOF) test usually indicates a 180 38 – 39
39 – 40
missing one or more important terms or factors in the model. If 40 – 41
170 > 41

Fixing temperature (°C )

the model does not fit the data well, the lack of fit will be
Hold Values
significant [34]. It is mathematically possible to entirely eliminate 160 Squeezing pressure (bar) 5

the lack of fit of the model, however, the pure errors could never 150
be avoided by any predictive equation. From the Table 4 for LOI
value, it is clear that the LOF value is significant relative to pure
error. However, the pure error F value is also quite low and close 130

to Flof value. Therefore, the significance of LOF value is 120

considered to be negligible for the model.
50 75 100 125 150
Chemical quantity (g/lt)
The highest contribution percentage on the model proposed for
LOI test belongs to the chemical quantity (X1) with 86.03%. In
terms of contribution percentage, the chemical quantity is LOI (%)
< 38
followed by the squeezing pressure with a rate of 5.35%. Although 38 – 39
39 – 40
the effect of fixing temperature on the model is significant, it is 40 – 41
5,5 > 41
Squeezing pressure (bar)

seen that the percentage is quite low compared to the other factors.
Hold Values
Fixing temperature (°C ) 150

3.2 Response contours for the pad-dry-fixation method 5,0

The response contour plots are the graphical representation of the

regression model utilized in order to visualize the relationship 4,5

between the response and experimental levels of each variable [2].

Figure 2 show the 2-D contour plots for LOI responses. Figure 2
indicates that the increasing of chemical quantity remarkably 50 75 100 125 150
Chemical quantity (g/lt)
ascends the LOI value. However, it is seen that the effect of
squeezing pressure and fixing temperature on LOI value is rather
insignificant compared to chemical quantity. It is also clear that LOI (%)
< 39,2
the squeezing pressure positively affects the flame retardant 180 39,2– 39,4
39,4– 39,6
property of the mattress fabric at a higher rate than the fixing 170
39,6– 39,8
39,8– 40,0
Fixing temperature (°C )

temperature. With the increase in the squeezing pressure, the 40,0– 40,2
40,2– 40,4
coating material is thought to penetrate in the fabric structure. > 40,4

Hold Values
Therefore, it is considered that the fixed coating material affects 150
Chemical quantity (g/lt) 100

the flame retardancy properties of the mattress fabrics positively 140

than the coating material retained on the surface. Although it is
less than the other factors, it is obvious that the fixing temperature
applied to fasten the coating material to the fabric increases the 120

LOI value. As can be seen from the plots and Table 2, the best 110
4,0 4,5 5,0 5,5 6,0
performance (41.8%) in terms of flame retardancy was obtained Squeezing pressure (bar)
with 150 g/lt chemical quantity, 6 bar squeezing pressure and 190
°C fixing temperature. Figure 2. 2-D contour plots for LOI responses, (a) fixing temperature and
chemical quantity; (b) squeezing pressure and chemical
3.3 Optimization of parameters for the quantity; (c) fixing temperature and squeezing pressure.
pad-dry-fixation method
Response Surface Methodology was used to optimize the Table 5. Optimum predicted parameters and responses for pad-dry-
parameters affecting LOI. Table 5 shows the predicted parameter fixation method
values to obtain the optimum LOI value and the response result to
be obtained when these values are selected. The optimum LOI Factors
Response CI
value which experimentally resulted in 41.92 % was obtained X1 X2 X3
using application conditions as: 150 g/lt chemical quantity, 6 bar 41.63;
Y 150 6 189.2 41.92
squeezing pressure and 189.2 ◦C fixing temperature. It was 42.22

Cilt (Vol): 28 No: 123

Journal of Textiles and Engineer Tekstil ve Mühendis
Process Optimization of Pad-Dry-Fixation and Foam Coating Züleyha ÖNDER, Sümeyye ÜSTÜNTAĞ
Methods for Flame Retardant Mattress Fabrics Nazım PAŞAYEV, Hüseyin Gazi TÜRKSOY

3.4 Model development for the foam coating method effect of fixing temperature on the model appears to be
The design matrix, the experimental and the predicted responses 3.5 Response contour for the foam coating method
for 9 experiments are given in the Table 6. The LOI values of the
fabrics covered by the foam coating method compared to the raw Figure 3 demonstrate the 2-D contour plot for LOI responses.
fabric increase by approximately 6.1%. In addition, the highest Figure 3 exhibits that the increasing density of foam remarkably
LOI value of % 32.7 was achieved with the F6 fabric (Table 6). increase the LOI value. It is obvious that the LOI value does not
The predicted responses for the foam coating method was vary substantially in the fixing temperature range of 110 °C to 190
obtained using Eq. (4). From Table 6, it is clear that the predicted °C. In this case, it will be economically reasonable to use a fixed
responses are to be quite close to the experimental responses. temperature of around 110 °C while coating the mattress fabrics.
The highest LOI value (32.7%) was reached with 700 g/cm foam
Y = 26.95 + 0.01091 X4 + 0.0160 X5 – 0.000004 X42 density and 110 °C fixed temperature.
– 0.000024 X52 – 0.000018 X45 (4)
Table 6. The fabric codes and the changed application parameters for LOI (%)
the foam coating process < 30,5
180 30,5– 31,0
31,0– 31,5
Uncoded factors LOI 170
31,5– 32,0
Fabric codes 32,0– 32,5

Fixing temperature (°C)

X4 X5 Exp.a Pred.b > 32,5
F0 - - 29.5 - 160

F1 200 110 29.6 30.0

F2 200 140 30.8 30.2
F3 200 190 30.3 30.4 140
F4 350 110 31.3 31.0
F5 350 140 30.7 31.2 130
F6 350 190 31.3 32.6
F7 700 110 32.7 32.5
F8 700 140 32.3 32.3 110
F9 700 190 32.4 30.0 200 300 400 500 600 700
Experimental Foam density (g/cm3)
Figure 3. 2-D contour plot for LOI responses

ANOVA results for the quadratic regression model obtained from 3.6 Optimization of parameters for the foam coating method
RSM are given in Table 7. The model’s p value of 0.00 for in
Table 7 implies that the model is significant. Moreover, R2 value According to Table 8, the optimum LOI value (%32.55) for the
of the model is 0.8675, which means that 86.75% variation can be foam coating method was achieved with 700 g/cm3 foam density
explained by this model and only 13.25% of total variation cannot and 110 °C fixing temperature. As can be seen from this result, the
be explained (Adj-R2=0.8360). However, it is clear that the lack lowest temperature of the experiment set is sufficient for optimum
of fit value is significant and it constitutes %10.68 of the model's results. When the experimental data in Table 6 are examined, it is
error. This result indicates that some of the foam coating variables seen that the highest LOI value was obtained with these
or the LOI test method variables have been ignored. From Table parameters. Experimental data and estimated values shows results
7, it is seen that the effect of foam density on the model is compatible with each other.
significant and the contribution percentage is at 80.94%. The

Table 7. ANOVA for the RSM model of LOI test

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F P Percent(%)

Model 5 22.506 4.501 27.50 0.000 86.75
X1 1 20.999 20.999 128.32 0.000 80.94
X2 1 0.0181 0.0181 0.11 0.743 0.07
X12 1 0.298 0.298 1.82 0.191 1.15
X22 1 0.007 0.007 0.05 0.831 0.03
X1X2 1 0.400 0.400 2.45 0.133 1.54
Residual error 21 3.737 0.164 14.40
Lack of fit 3 2.770 0.923 24.93 0.000 10.68
Pure error 18 0.666 0.037 2.57
Total 26 25.943

Cilt (Vol): 28 No: 123

Journal of Textiles and Engineer Tekstil ve Mühendis
Process Optimization of Pad-Dry-Fixation and Foam Coating Züleyha ÖNDER, Sümeyye ÜSTÜNTAĞ
Methods for Flame Retardant Mattress Fabrics Nazım PAŞAYEV, Hüseyin Gazi TÜRKSOY

Table 8. Optimum predicted parameters and responses for foam coating method

Response CI
X4 X5
Y 700 110 32.55 32.12; 32.99

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Process Optimization of Pad-Dry-Fixation and Foam Coating Züleyha ÖNDER, Sümeyye ÜSTÜNTAĞ
Methods for Flame Retardant Mattress Fabrics Nazım PAŞAYEV, Hüseyin Gazi TÜRKSOY

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Cilt (Vol): 28 No: 123

Journal of Textiles and Engineer Tekstil ve Mühendis

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