LCI of Bitumen - TREng
LCI of Bitumen - TREng
LCI of Bitumen - TREng
Transportation Engineering
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Keywords: Road pavements are constructed of bulk raw materials such as aggregate, cement, bitumen and water. The en-
Life cycle assessment vironmental, social, and economic impacts of the materials and processes should be quantified and monitored
Life cycle inventory towards the optimisation of pavement design. At present, no such protocol is in place in South Africa. This paper
Pavement sustainability
proposes a framework for the development of a pavement life cycle assessment model, starting by documenting
Carbon dioxide equivalent
the life cycle inventory for bitumen, one of the leading environmental and social burdensome materials used for
pavement development.
This inventory acts as the first building block in the development of a life cycle assessment model by evaluating
and delineating primary flows (inputs of materials and energy and outputs of pollution) related to the supply
chain of bitumen in South Africa. The primary flows are represented by indicators which measure their quantita-
tive impacts. The inventory provides impact category indicators for environmental and social related emissions,
energy- and water-use and currently excludes other indicators such as emissions to water, waste generation, jobs
creation and economic transformation, amongst others. These indicators are omitted due to lack of quality data at
present and difficulty in the quantification of impacts, but recognition is given to their relevancy and importance.
The approach is envisioned to function as the first version of a living protocol that will be improved on through
further research. Although the primary target audience is South African road authorities, the approach can be
adapted for use in any country.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S.A. Blaauw).
Received 14 July 2020; Received in revised form 1 September 2020; Accepted 1 September 2020
2666-691X/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
S.A. Blaauw, J.W. Maina and L.J. Grobler Transportation Engineering 2 (2020) 100019
between the two data sets, with up to 50% differences in some instances. omitted due to lack of quality data at present and difficulty in the quan-
This highlights the impacts of lack of quality data on predictions. An ad- tification of impacts, but recognition is given to their relevancy and im-
ditional flaw present in LCI development models is the inconsistency in portance. Indicators related to the provision of infrastructure required
selecting impact categories; where energy and carbon emissions are typ- for the extraction, transportation, refinery and storage of bitumen are
ically focused on with other important indicators such as water use often excluded from this study. Although the primary target audience is South
being omitted [6]. Focus on a holistic inventory which incorporates both African road authorities, the approach can be adapted for use in any
environmental and social indicators, as demonstrated by Bressi et al. [7], country.
is required.
Supporting the need to quantify these indicators, Giunta et al. 2.2. Functional unit and system boundaries
[8] demonstrates the contributions of various pavement life cycle phases
(excluding the use phase) to the total energy and carbon footprint esti- The functional unit, representing the reference unit used to quantify
mates for a typical pavement project. Giunta et al. found that the pro- indicator performance, is either one tonne crude oil bitumen depending
duction phase generally accounted for more than 50% of the total energy on the relevant phase considered. This study comprises all the processes
and emissions related to pavement development, with bitumen produc- for the production and transportation of bitumen for a cradle-to-gate
tion being the leading material contributor. Methods, such as the use approach. In detail, the system boundaries include the following steps,
of recycled polystyrene to substitute bitumen, are available to reduce shown in Fig. 1:
these impacts [9].
The inventory detailed in this study is specific to South Africa but 1 Crude oil extraction, which includes the requirements for extraction
can be modified to be representative of any country. This approach fol- of crude oil from oil reserves in Africa and the Middle East and prepa-
lows the notion that sustainability is spatially dependant and influenced ration for transportation.
by local boundaries [10]. The research highlights the typical processes 2 Crude oil transportation, which includes the processes required for
bitumen undergoes during production and the common constraints ex- transporting crude oil by ship and pipeline to the relevant South
perienced in the development of an inventory for penetration-grade bi- African refineries.
tumen. Furthermore, the need to develop country specific inventories is 3 Bitumen refinery and storage, which includes the processes required
demonstrated through data validation and sensitivity analyses, to high- to process, refine and store paving-grade bitumen in South Africa.
light key factors affecting estimates and support conclusions and recom-
mendations. 2.3. Impact category indicators
2. Method: life cycle inventory For this study, the following impact category indicators are used:
Table 2 Table 4
Weighted average indicator factors for shipping one-tonne crude oil. Average refinery and storage environmental indicator factors for one-
tonne bitumen production.
Indicators Unit Weighted Average
Indicators Unit Average
Environmental Related Indicators
Carbon Emissions kg CO2 e/t 11.12 Environmental Related Indicators
Energy Use MJ/t 140.15 Carbon Emissions [38,39] kg CO2 e/t 53.09
Water Use l/t 48 Energy Use MJ/t 610
DQI 86% Water Use l/t 342.5
Social Related Indicators DQI 75%
Sulphur Dioxide Emissions kg SO2 /t 0.13 Social Related Indicators
Nitrogen Oxides Emissions kg NOx/t 0.51 Sulphur Dioxide Emissions kg SO2 /t 0.6
Particulate Matter Emissions kg PM10 /t 0.01 Nitrogen Oxides Emissions kg NOx/t 1.75
Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions kg VOC/t 0.02 Particulate Matter Emissions kg PM10 /t Not reported
DQI 86% Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions kg VOC/t 0.28
DQI 76%
Table 3
Average pipeline transport indicator factors for one-tonne crude oil for coastal
and inland scenarios [33,34]. 2.8. Bitumen refinery and storage
Indicators Unit Coastal average Inland average
To produce bitumen, a complex refinery is required to conduct a
Environmental Related indicators straight-run distillation process on crude oil which produces a range of
Carbon Emissions kg CO2 e/t 0.30 11.77
petroleum products. Bitumen is a major product of this process, esti-
Energy Use MJ/t 1.01 39.6
Water Use l/t 0.19 7.26 mated at 28.5% bitumen yield by mass [5].
DQI 74% The energy used for the distillation process is not well reported, how-
Social Related Indicators ever, Eurobitume [5] estimates that 510 MJ/t is required and includes
Sulphur Dioxide Emissions kg SO2 /t 0 0.1
consideration of various back-ground processes such as crude oil han-
Nitrogen Oxides Emissions kg NOx/t 0 0.05
Particulate Matter Emissions kg PM10 /t 0 0
dling, desalting, flaring, loading area, general heating and lighting. A
Volatile Organic Compounds kg VOC/t Not reported Not reported further 100 MJ/t is estimated for the storage of bitumen. CONCAWE
Emissions [35] data highlights that of the total energy used in a refinery, 96% is
DQI 76% obtained from burning bi-products (84% refinery gas) and heavy fuel
oil (12%). The remaining 4% is from the electrical grid. Eurobitume
[5] disregards the energy obtained from the electricity grid. Alternative
These estimates are based on a range of assumptions and simplifica- opinions [3] state that South African refineries may use heavy fuel oil
tions. This applies for the Eurobitume [5] database which only considers as the primary fuel type. Based on this information, it was decided to
one shipping vessel specification. More accurate results may be obtained use heavy fuel oil (90%) as the main fuel type, supplemented with esti-
if better quality data is acquired reflecting the actual shipping specifi- mated distributions for refinery gas (6%) and electricity (4%) from the
cations of South Africa’s oil imports. It is further worth noting that the electrical grid.
relatively long shipping distances to South Africa significantly increase Each of these energy sources was further investigated. Using calorific
the environmental and social burden of imported oil compared to most values of 40.4 MJ/kg for heavy fuel and 49.5 MJ/kg for refinery gas
countries. [36], the consumption of energy for the production of bitumen by
straight-run distillation may be calculated. Social related emissions for
typical refinery processes in South Africa are obtained from Sapref [37].
2.7.2. Pipeline Table 4 shows the indicator factors for one-tonne bitumen production.
South Africa makes use of various pipelines to transport crude oil The total emissions of 53.09 kg CO2 e/t for the refinery and stor-
from the ships to the four refineries. For instance, ships offloading at age of bitumen may be compared to the estimate by Eurobitume [5] of
Durban Port are required to offload at an oil terminal roughly 2.5 km 25.55 kg CO2 e/t. The increase in emissions is related to the differences
offshore of the Bluff. Oil is pumped from the terminal through to the in energy source distributions and higher emissions factors for South
Enref and Sapref refineries, and further to Natref in Sasolburg with sim- African electricity production, amongst others. It is further worth not-
ilar operations used for Astron in the Cape. Pipelines transport 100% of ing that the emissions related to bitumen refinery between the Euro-
crude requirements to refineries in South Africa [32]. Pipeline lengths bitume [4] (46.03 kg CO2 e/t) and Eurobitume [5] (25.55 kg CO2 e/t)
are obtained from Transnet [32]. represent a reduction of roughly 46% and highlights the requirement
The energy required to pump crude oil to the different refineries is for further research and the need for quality data.
calculated using conservative data provided by Eurobitume [5]. It is
noted that the energy use from the Eurobitume [5] database is 260%
higher than that from the Eurobitume [4] database. This reflects the 3. Results
assumptions made and the effect different pipeline specifications and
topography have on the energy consumption. Eskom [33] provides esti- The results of the analysis are provided for the emissions, energy-
mates for social-related emissions for electricity obtained from the elec- and water-use for bitumen production in South Africa considering both
trical grid. Emissions are provided for two scenarios, namely coastal coastal and inland scenarios, shown in Table 5.
(average for Astron, Sapref and Enref) and inland (Natref). Typical fac- An analysis of the phases which contribute most to the carbon emis-
tors are shown in Table 3 for the transportation of one-tonne bitumen sions of bitumen in South Africa was conducted. Fig. 2 shows the con-
via pipelines. tribution of each phase.
More accurate data is required for the pipelines in South Africa, It is seen that the extraction phase contributes to the majority of the
considering the energy efficiency of pump stations, the effect of to- carbon emissions of bitumen production for both coastal and inland sce-
pography (with Sasolburg being 1500 m above sea level, for instance), narios, followed by the refinery and storage and transportation phases.
and the typical specifications of the various pipelines used to transport Similar results are obtained when evaluating the contributions for other
crude oil. indicators.
S.A. Blaauw, J.W. Maina and L.J. Grobler Transportation Engineering 2 (2020) 100019
Table 5
Indicator factors for bitumen in South Africa.
Carbon Emissions
Coastal kg CO2 e/t 157.38 11.42 53.09 221.89
Inland kg CO2 e/t 22.89 233.36
Energy Use
Coastal MJ/t 1450.28 141.15 610 2201.40
Inland MJ/t 179.75 2240.00
Water Use
Coastal l/t 290.92 48.19 342.50 681.61
Inland l/t 55.26 688.68
Sulphur Dioxide Emissions
Coastal kg SO2 /t 0.40 0.13 0.60 1.13
Inland kg SO2 /t 0.23 1.23
Nitrogen Oxides Emissions
Coastal kg NOx/t 0.25 0.51 1.75 2.51
Inland kg NOx/t 0.56 2.56
Particulate Matter Emissions
Coastal kg PM10 /t 0.02 0.01 Not 0.03
Inland kg PM10 /t reported
Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions
Coastal kg VOC/t 0.33 0.02 0.28 0.68
Inland kg VOC/t
It is noted that the results presented in this study have made use of 3.1.1. Sensitivity analysis
proxy data in the absence of accurate local data. As described in litera- To determine the parameters and assumptions which most greatly
ture, the use of proxy data to fill gaps in research is a common approach influence the carbon emission values of bitumen production in South
implemented in LCA studies where the driver of the study is a relative Africa, a sensitivity analysis was conducted. The results of this analysis
comparison and not quantifying absolute numbers. However, as bitu- highlight the areas which predominantly require additional research to
men has been identified as a leading material contributing to emissions ensure accurate estimates are available.
[8], the need for accurate estimates is emphasised. The region and typical associated extraction processes contribute sig-
The use of proxy data was especially required for the refinery nificantly to the carbon emissions of bitumen production. In the sensitiv-
and storage phases and is related to the energy requirements for bi- ity analysis, typical extraction embodied carbon values for the Former
tumen processing. Participation of local refineries could enhance the Soviet Union and South America [5] were used as alternative scenarios.
quality of available data and remove the need to rely on external Using these estimates, a 25% reduction in extraction embodied carbon
estimates. estimates per tonne crude oil was obtained.
The relatively low shipping estimate is due to the type of vessel con-
3.1. Data validation sidered in the calculations and is not a true reflection of the shipping
reality. This statement is however also applicable to the shipping esti-
To validate the results, a comparison may be made to similar life cy- mates of Eurobitume [5]. In the sensitivity analysis, the shipping speci-
cle inventories related to penetration grade bitumen production, shown fications from the Eurobitume [5] analysis were used as the alternative
in Table 6. scenario and a 12.5% increase in carbon emissions was calculated for
The carbon emissions for bitumen production from crude oil in South crude oil shipping per tonne.
Africa are generally higher than in other regions in the world. Various The energy estimate required to pump crude oil greatly affects the
factors affect these estimates, detailed in the sensitivity analysis shown environmental burden of transportation. The lengthy pipeline used to
in the following section. pump crude oil to Sasolburg may have a range of pipeline diameters,
S.A. Blaauw, J.W. Maina and L.J. Grobler Transportation Engineering 2 (2020) 100019
Table 6
Comparison of carbon emissions for straight-run bitumen production from crude oil.
Life Cycle Inventory Unit Extraction Transportation Refinery and storage Total
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