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Civilengineeirng Research Topics

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The Programme Advisory Committee (PAC) on Mechanical Engineering and Civil
Engineering has the objective of fostering R&D projects in the area of mechanical
engineering and civil engineering. Even while representing two different branches of
engineering sciences, the PAC does share common areas of research such as structural
dynamics, structural design & analysis, fluid dynamics, construction techniques, and
computational methods. The members of PAC are drawn from various sub-disciplines
such as machine design, tribology, thermodynamics, applied mechanics, structural
engineering, water resources and hydraulics, geotechnical engineering, transportation
engineering etc.
After deliberating on various topics which require concerted R&D effort, PAC
discussed the `Vision Document based on an approach paper prepared by the
Chairman and the comments received from Members. It was decided that a document
bringing out the focus of PAC for the next three to five years may be prepared based
on the discussions in PAC meeting. There was a consensus among Members that the
present thrust area document is still relevant; this could be republished, with
modifications where necessary. Members also felt that there is no need to restrict
encouragement for submission of proposals only in identified areas.
In the recent past, many project have been taken up with participation of Industry of
User Agencies. This arrangement ensures end-utility while enabling smooth transfer
of technology. There are many instances where PAC has conceived project ideas
which have later become major activities. An example was cited regarding the fly ash
mission being pursued by TIFAC, which was a follow-up of deliberations by the
previous PAC. It was decided that since all aspects regarding fly-ash disposals and
utilisation are covered under the Mission, this may be left out of the scope of the
vision paper.
In addition to considering individual research proposals, PAC has generated many
projects in a pro-active manner. Project on design and development of crossflow
turbine is a shining example, which resulted in the setting up of nearly a dozen
demonstration projects in various states on a joint funding basis amongst DST MNES
and state agencies. Some of the other projects with a high rate of success are:
a. Two-strokes engine with in-cylinder fuel injection
b. Advancement of spliced pile technology
c Softwares on CAD of ships


National wind tunnel facility

Geotechnical centrifuge facility
Energy efficient housing clusters
KBES for engineering of steel structures l
Projects in engineering geo-textiles
Projects in Water resources engineering & management
International Daylight Measurement Programme.

PAC identified the following major areas for coordinated research for implementation,
in a pro-active mode :
i. Production, storage and use of hydrogen as substitute for hydro carbonIt has been estimated that the availability of fossil fuels will be diminished within a
few decades and will be depleted within the next 50 to 60 years. The effect of this will
be felt much early in the less oil rich countries like India. This calls for an all out
search for alternate sources of fuel. Hydrogen as a substitute for hydrocarbon and
extensive use of methanol for transport application are possible areas of research and
ii. Technologies for solid waste disposal and management
Increased urbanisation and higher living standards result in increased quantum of
solid waste. There is a need to have an efficient system to handle and dispose the
waste material without causing hazards to human population and its environment.
Innovative and cost effective disposal systems for small towns also needs particular
attention. Use of impervious layering including geosynthetic material will have to be
iii. Solar chimneys, enewable energy for farming
Farming is one sector which is capable of adapting renewable energy sources through
solar energy, wind mills etc. Development of solar chimneys has a potential to provide
cheap and alternative energy for the farming sector, which may be site specific.

iv. Building materials, blocks using, fly ash, lime, and pozzolana based bricks and
related technologies
Housing is one of the priority sectors for the country, R&D efforts on various building
materials and related technologies have been successfully attempted by several
agencies in different parts of the country. Innovative technologies on one hand offer
cheaper construction methods, and on other hand preserve the ecology and
environment. There is a need to consolidate these efforts and direct them towards
national development. PAC can p0lay a catalytic role in bringing about the
transformation a reality through collaborative efforts with concerned agencies such as
HUDCO, BMPTC, NHB, CBRI, Nirmiti Kendras etc.
V Cost-effective road construction
Ours is a vast country where large number of people still live in semi urban and rural
areas. In order to achieve sustainable development and to prevent large scale
migration to urban centres it is necessary to provide quick and better road
communication systems. Cost effective road construction techniques need to be
employed in order to carry out this objective with life-cycle costing approach. R&D
efforts in this direction needs an impetus.
vi Ground water recharging, watershed management
Increased urbanisation and consequent reduction in recharge surfaces together with
excess withdrawal of ground water, has resulted in shortages in aquifer reservoirs.
This calls for elaborate efforts for ground water recharging through measures such as
check dams, percolation ponds, infiltration galleries etc. Combined with proper
watershed management practices, this can go a long way in sustaining the ecological
balance. Suitable numerical and analog models including demonstrative effort need to
be worked out to meet the objectives in this sector.
vii. R&D efforts for making safe water for purposes in semi-urban and rural
Safe drinking water still remains elusive for most people in the semi urban and rural
areas. Compromises in quality and quantity of potable water pose serious threat to
human health in addition to causing contamination of surface and ground water
storages. Suitable cost effective technologies need to be developed and demonstrated,
taking into account the diversity of sources and compositional variations.
viii. Disaster Prevention and Management
India being a vast country with different landscapes and a vast coastline is often

visited by natural disasters in the form of earthquake, floods, and cyclones. There is a
need to employ technological means to contain these hazards by advanced warning
systems, structural and non structural measures and better infrastucture for handling
post disaster situations.
It was decided that the above research efforts will be attempted in a phased manner.
As a first step, it was decided to take up co-ordinated research projects in three major
areas as following:
1. Development of hydrogen based fuel cells and other technologies as an alternative
for application in generators, pumpsets etc.
2. Co-ordinated research projects in the area of water resources development and
management. This will be dovetailed with on-going projects in DST and other funding
implementing agencies.
3. Co-ordinated research project including demonstration facilities in the area of
alternate building materials and technologies. Inputs from other national/state level
agencies such as HUDCO, BMTPC, NHB, CAPART, CBRI, Nirmiti Kendras will be

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