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ProDes Road Map

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Roadmap for

the development of
by renewable energy
EDITORS Michael Papapetrou Marcel Wieghaus Charlotte Biercamp

Promotion of Renewable Energy for Water

Production through Desalination

Fraunhofer Verlag

This publication is the deliverable 2.2 of the ProDes

between January 2009 and March 2010 by the ProDes

project (www.prodes-project.org). It was developed

project partners indicated below:
















The sole responsibility for the content of this document

lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the
ProDes project is co-financed by the Intelligent Energy

opinion of the European Communities. The European

for Europe programme (contract number IEE/07/781/

Commission is not responsible for any use that may be


made of the information contained therein.


The ProDes Consortium would like to thank the following

individuals from the industry and academia for their valuable contributions to the roadmap:

Etienne Brauns

Oliver Mayer

Flemish institute for Technological Research, Vito

General Electric

Martin Buchholz

Essam Shaban Bersy Mohamed

Technical University of Berlin

Agricultural University of Athens

Frank W. Croon

SolarDew International


Enrico Drioli

Dr. Klaus J. Nick

National Research Council - Institute on

Rsd Rosendahl System GmbH i.G.

Karl Moosdorf

Membrane Technology

Brandi Gunn

Rania Speer, Uwe Marggrander

Our World Pure Water GmbH & Co.KG

Power and Water GmbH

Stefan Thiesen

Jan Henk Hanemaaijer

i3 innovative technologies b.v.

Wagner Solar
Peter Trk

Joachim Kufler, Robert Pohl

HelioTech GmbH

SYNLIFT Systems GmbH

Hans-Diether v.Loebbecke

Joachim Went

Fraunhofer ISE

Deutsche MeerwasserEntsalzung e.V

Table of contents

Executive summary



1. Status of THE RE-desalination technology

1.1 Introduction


1.2 Solar Thermal Energy


1.3 Concentrated Solar Power


1.4 Solar Photovoltaic


1.5 Wind Energy


1.6 Geothermal


1.7 Ocean Power


2. Perspectives of RE-desalination


2.1 Water crisis


2.2 The global desalination market


2.3 The status of RE-desalination


2.4 The perspectives of RE-desalination


3. Barriers

3.1 Technological barriers


3.2 Economic barriers


3.3 Institutional and social barriers


4. Strategy for promotion of RE-desalination

4.1 Technological strategies


4.2 Economic strategies


4.3 Institutional and social strategies


5. Resources and activities

5.1 Targets and time frame


5.2 Establishing the RE-Desalination Association


5.3 R&D priorities


5.4 Education and training


5.5 Market study


5.6 Legal and policy issues


5.7 Raising awareness


List of abbreviations and References




Executive summary

assist in coordinating and guiding

the renewable
energy-desalination community

The world water crisis is one of the largest public health

For desalination to remain a viable option in a world with

issues of our time. One in eight people (884 million people)

a changing climate, renewable energy sources have to be

lack access to safe drinking water. The lack of clean, safe

used to meet at least part of its power requirements. The

drinking water is estimated to kill almost 4,000 children

scientific community has been working for decades on

per day. Many regions of the world are increasingly turning

optimising technological combinations where the desali-

to desalination of brackish and sea water in their effort to

nation process is powered directly by renewable sources;

match the increasing demand with the available natural re-

thermal energy, electricity or shaft power. The industry is

sources. The trend is intensified by climate change, which

also recognising the potential and various companies are

seems to be already affecting the water cycle resulting in

active in this field.

long periods of drought. The desalination industry has responded well to the increasing demand and is constantly

This document has been developed within the ProDes

evolving by reducing the costs and reliably producing water

project (www.prodes-project.org) with input from various

of very high quality. Most innovations focus on reducing the

key actors from the industry and academia. This roadmap

energy demand, since this is associated with high operating

is intended to assist in coordinating and guiding the rene-

costs. However, desalination processes will always require

wable energy-desalination community in overcoming the

considerable amounts of energy. If conventional energy

barriers they are currently facing. The main elements of

sources are used, they contribute to climate change, which,

the Roadmap are summarised in a tabular format in the

in turn, affects the water cycle and intensifies the original

next pages, indicating the main barriers, their effects and

problem that desalination was intending to solve.

the way forward.




Most RE-D1 are not develo-

Poor reliability

Promote cooperation between companies from the ener-

ped as a single system but

Increased water cost

gy sector, water sector and other specialists to achieve fully


are combinations of compo-

functional integrated products

nents developed indepen-

Promote cooperation within the RE-desalination field for


achieving R&D results that will benefit the whole sector

Support development of standardized, reliable and robust
systems offering competitive performance guarantees

Desalination development

Lack of components ap-

R&D of components suitable for the smooth and efficient

focuses on ever larger sys-

propriate for small scale

coupling of the existing desalination and renewable energy


desalination plants, typical


of many RE-D combinations

Support development of elements that will make RE-desalination robust for long stand-alone operation in harsh environments

Current desalination tech-

Increased capital and

Support development of components and control systems

nology has been designed

maintenance costs

that allow desalination technologies to deal better with va-

for use with a constant ener-

riable energy input, hybrid systems and energy storage to

gy supply, however most

reduce variability

RE provide variable energy

Support development of co-generation systems that pro-


duce water and power

RE-D1 = renewable energy driven desalination




Lack of comprehensive mar-

It is difficult to assess the

Support development of detailed and reliable market

ket analysis as to the size,

risk and investors are reluc-


locations and segments of

tant to invest


the market
SMEs lack the financial re-

Difficulty to access some

Cooperation with agencies from EU countries in the target

sources and local know-how

of the most promising ni-

markets for organising trade missions

to enter distant markets

che markets

Facilitate collection and dissemination of relevant experiences and information in the RE-desalination community

The pricing structures and

Investment in RE-D re-

Promote pricing structures and subsidy allocations that let

the subsidies of water supply

mains unprofitable even

the market choose the most efficient solution and encoura-

create unfair competition

where it offers better value

ge efficiency in the use of the water, while ensuring global

than the current solutions

access to safe water

Campaign for inclusion of RE for desalination in national
schemes that support RE electricity generation

Lack of identified niche mar-

No cash is generated that

Identify niche markets and use existing support programs

kets with the ability to pay

could be used for further

in combination with financing schemes to help users that

for the full cost of the sys-

product development, redu-

are willing and able to pay for the technology

tems, which would demons-

cing the costs and improving

trate the technology attrac-

the performance

ting additional customers




Institutional and Social




desalination by the popu-

Opposition of local com-

Support development and implementation of a long-term

munities to installation

and consistent communication strategy by the RE-desalina-


tion community

RE-D is a new technology

RE-D is not commissi-

Facilitate organization of seminars, debates and other

and is typically small-scale,

oned because water autho-

events related to RE-desalination involving engineers and

suitable for community-led

rities prefer familiar tech-

decision makers from large institutions responsible for water

water provision

nologies and want to keep

and energy in the target countries

centralized control
Bureaucratic structures not

The cost and effort re-

Promote simpler and straightforward processes to obtain a

tailored for independent

quired to deal with the

license for independent water production

water production; separa-

bureaucracy does not favor

Lobby for greater cooperation between the power and

tion of energy and water

small companies

water branches in governmental and non-governmental in-



Lack of training and infra-

Reduced plant availability


Lack of personnel for

Support education and training at all levels

operation and maintenance

Cultural gap between pro-

Projects fail for non-

Encourage adequate consideration of socio-cultural factors

ject developers and the

technological reasons like

and establishment of communication channels with the


conflict about control



The main targets, resources and activities require to follow-

Support the wider establishment of RE-desalination

up the strategies that have been identified. The key recom-

education and training activities with the aim of

mendation is to formalise the RE-desalination community

reaching 2,000 students and 500 professionals per

into a body that will represent the sector and will lobby for

year within Europe by 2015

its interests. This body is mentioned as the "RE-Desalination Association" in this document and the target is to have

Coordinate the development of a comprehensive

it established before 2012 and to include at least 20 mem-

market analysis on a country by country basis,

bers. The other activities identified as priorities can be best

covering the four most promising markets by 2014

carried out through the Association and include:

Develop and promote appropriate legal structures
and policies on a country by country basis, starting
with the four most promising markets by 2015

Target a 35 % share of the new installations in the

global desalination market by 2016

Raise awareness about the technology and demonstrate its market potential

Define the R&D priorities that will benefit the entire

sector and promote these priorities to bodies that
fund R&D, targeting R&D worth more than 100 million
Euro in the period 2014 to 2020



The world water crisis is one of the largest public health

The RE-desalination Roadmap contains 5 chapters. Chapter 1

issues of our time. One in eight people (884 million people)

presents the state of the art of RE-desalination. Chapter 2

lack access to safe drinking water. The lack of clean, safe

discusses the potential to gain a share of the water supply

drinking water is estimated to kill almost 4,000 children per

market. In chapter 3 the barriers to the development of the

day1. Part of this problem is caused by drought, which is

technology are outlined, including the technological, eco-

expected to get worse in the future.

nomical, institutional and social issues. The fourth chapter

proposes strategies to overcome these barriers. Finally

Research and development aiming to increase the energy

chapter 5 specifies the resources and activities needed for

efficiency of desalination and to power it with renewable

the implementation of the proposed strategy.

energy is achieving important results. The coupling of renewable energy sources with desalination has the potential of
providing a sustainable source of potable water, initially for
end-users in arid areas with limited alternative solutions. In
the long-term, it is aimed to power every new desalination
plant with renewable energy sources.
Although interest in RE-desalination has been growing very
fast, the applications so far are primarily pilot and demonstration systems. However, the rapid increase in fossil fuel
costs and the increased concerns about climate change
have intensified the interest in the use of alternative energy
sources among the desalination community.
Clearly RE-desalination will be part of the water supply in
the near future. The aim of this roadmap is to facilitate the
development of the technologies in order to accelerate the
transition and make it as smooth and efficient as possible,
dealing with all technical, economical, social and environmental issues involved.


1. Status of the RE-desalination technology

Most technologies
have already been
tested extensively
1.1 Introduction

desalination combinations, can be found in the "Desalination

Guide Using Renewable Energies"4. Although this publication

There is a wide variety of technological combinations possible

is now more than 10 years old, it remains relevant and very

between desalination technologies and renewable energy

useful. In particular, pages 3452 describe the technologies

sources. Table 1.1 provides an overview of the possible com-

and give guidelines for their selection depending on the size,

binations; however not all of these combination have been

framework, conditions and purpose of the application.

tested yet under real conditions.

The ProDes Project, based on the work of the project ADU-RES5,
In this chapter a brief presentation of the most important com-

updated the information collection on installed RE-desalinati-

binations is given. More detailed information can be found in

on plants. In total 131 representative plants have been inclu-

several other reviews that are evaluating the status of renewa-

ded, which were installed between 1974 and 2009. Some of

ble energy driven desalination, like the one by Lourdes , or by

them were installed as pilot installations and have been dis-

Mathioulakis3. One of the most complete overviews published

mantled after some years of operation, but most of the instal-

so far, including detailed technical explanations of the main RE-

lations are providing drinking water and are used by the local






Ocean Power




















Table 1.1: Possible combinations of renewable energy with desalination technologies


populations. The full list with the plants included in this survey

Table 1.2 presents an overview of the most common or pro-

is available at the project website (www.prodes-project.org).

mising RE-desalination technologies, including their typical

capacities, their energy demand, the estimated water gene-

Figure 1.1 shows the technology combinations used in the

ration cost and the development stage. Most technologies

identified installations, with PV-RO being the most common-

have already been tested extensively and the water generati-

ly used technology. Solar stills, included under "others", are

on costs are estimated based on operational experience and

a simple small-scale technology used broadly worldwide.

real data. However, the practical experience with CSP-MED

This technology is not mentioned much in industry reviews

and Wave-RO is limited; therefore the stated costs reflect

or papers and therefore is probably under-represented in this

technology developers assessments of the technology when


fully developed.
In this chapter the main technology combinations are briefly

3 %

presented, grouped under the renewable energy source that

drives the process. The desalination processes are explained


in the sections where they are first mentioned. Only technologies that have been tested in pilot plants are included here.


Other interesting concepts for the future like solar freezing,

forward osmosis and vacuum distillation are outside the


scope of this document.

12 % WIND RO

Figure 1.1: Technology combinations of 131 RE-desalination

plants reviewed in 2009

31 % PV RO



energy demand

generation cost

development stage

solar Still

< 0.1 m3/d

solar passive

15 /m3


solar MEH

1100 m3/d

thermal: 100 kWh/m3

electrical: 1.5 kWh/m3

25 /m3

advanced R&D

solar MD

0.1510 m3/d

thermal: 150200 kWh/m3

815 /m3

advanced R&D


> 5,000 m3/d

thermal: 6070 kWh/m3

electrical: 1.52 kWh/m3

1.82.2 /m3
(prospective cost)

advanced R&D


< 100 m3/d

BW: 0.51.5 kWh/m3
SW: 45 kWh/m3

BW: 57 /m3
SW: 912 /m3

advanced R&D


< 100 m3/d

only BW: 34 kWh/m3

BW: 89 /m3

advanced R&D


502,000 m3/d

BW: 0.51.5 kWh/m3
SW: 45 kWh/m3

units under 100 m3/d

BW: 35 /m3
SW: 57 /m3
about 1,000 m3/d
1.54 /m3

advanced R&D


< 100 m3/d

only SW: 1114 kWh/m3

46 /m3

basic research


1,0003,000 m3/d

pressurised water: 1.82.4 kWh/m3

electrical: 2.22.8 kWh/m3

0.51.0 /m3
(prospective cost)

basic research

Table 1.2: Possible combinations of renewable energy with desalination technologies


Solar energy can

be used directly ...
or indirectly
1.2 Solar Thermal Energy

The principle of operation is simple, based on the fact that

glass or other transparent materials have the property

Solar energy can be used directly as in the case of the solar

of transmitting incident short-wave solar radiation. The

still, or indirectly by using solar thermal collectors connec-

incident solar radiation is transmitted through the trans-

ted to a desalination plant. There are several possible con-

parent cover and is absorbed as heat by a black surface

figurations, which are described in this section depending

in contact with the salty water to be distilled. The water is

on the different desalination technologies used.

thus heated and evaporates partially. The vapour condenses on the glass cover, which is at a lower temperature because it is in contact with the ambient air, and runs down

1.2.1 Solar Stills/ Solar Distillation (SD)

into a groove from where it is collected. Well-designed

units can produce 2.54 l/m per day.

The solar still is a very old concept. Today it is attractive in

areas where the land is cheap, because large areas are required to produce relatively small amounts of water. The
solar still is basically a low-tech "greenhouse" providing
simplicity of construction and maintenance.


An example is the thermal desalination unit with a heat

recovery system from the Solar-Institut Jlich. The energy
demand for the production of 1 m of fresh water is reduced to approximately 200 kWh due to the use of several
stages in which the water is evaporated with the latent
heat of each previous stage. About 15 to 18l of distillate
can be produced per square meter collector area per day.
This technology was developed for capacities between 50
and 5,000 l per day9.

Technology: Simple Solar Still

Product: Water cone
Energy Source: Solar thermal energy
Daily Capacity (nominal): 1.5 liter
Year of installation: 2007
Type of installation: commercial
Location: Yemen

Beside the simple solar still, alternative systems and configurations have been developed to increase the productivity
or simplify the production. Multiple effect basin stills have
two or more compartments for recovering part of the condensing heat to warm up the water in an upper compart-

Technology: Multi Effect Solar Basins

Energy Source: Solar thermal energy
Water Source: brackish water
Daily Capacity (nominal): 15-18 liter/m
Year of installation: 2005
Type of installation: R&D
Location: Gran Canaria
Installed by: Solar-Institut Jlich

ment. In wick stills the basin is tilted and the salty water is
fed into the basin via wicks. Active solar stills are coupled
to flat plate solar collectors and can be driven both directly
and indirectly and optionally with a heat exchanger.6/7/8


One of the biggest solar still plants was installed in 1967

than for solar stills and the specific water production rate

on the island of Patmos in Greece. The solar still had an

is between 20 to 30 litres per m absorber area per day.

area of 8,640 m and was desalinating seawater with a

production capacity of 26 m/day. Long lasting solar stills
have been built, at current prices, for a unit cost of US$
50150 /m.10
The main potential for technical improvements is to be
found in reducing the cost of materials. Increased reliability and better performing absorber surfaces would slightly
increase production per m.

Technology: Multiple Effect Humidification

Product: Midi-Sal5000
Energy Source: Solar thermal energy / PV
Water Source: Brackish-water
Daily Capacity (nominal): 5000 liter
Year of installation: 2008
Type of installation: commercial
Location: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Installed by: Mage water management

1.2.2 Multiple Effect Humidification (MEH)

Multiple Effect Humidification systems use heat from
highly efficient solar thermal collectors. They induce multiple evaporation and condensation cycles inside thermally isolated, steam-tight containers and require tempe-

1.2.3 Membrane Distillation (MD)

ratures of between 70 and 85C. By solar thermally driven

humidification of air inside the box, water-vapour and

Membrane distillation is a separation technique which

concentrated salt solution are separated, because salt and

joins a thermally driven distillation process with a mem-

dissolved solids from the fluid are not carried away by va-

brane separation process. The thermal energy is used to

pour. During re-condensation of the generated saturated

increase the vapour pressure on one side of the mem-

humid air, most of the energy used before for evaporation

brane. The membrane is permeable for vapour but not for

is regained and can be used in subsequent cycles of eva-

water, so it separates the pure distillate from the retained

poration and condensation, which considerably reduce

solution. MD offers significant advantages for the const-

the thermal energy input required for desalination. The

ruction of stand-alone desalination systems which are

thermal efficiency of the solar collector is much higher

driven by solar energy or waste heat. MD is typically ope-


rated at a temperature of 6080C. Due to the nature of

150 l/day and 2 two-loop systems (1x 1000 and 1x 1600 l/day)

the hydrophobic membrane it is less sensitive to biofou-

with an integrated heat storage system for a 24h-operati-

ling and scaling compared to other thermal desalination

on have been installed at different test sites. The first sys-

technologies. The process itself does not need a constant

tem was installed in Gran Canaria, Spain in 2004 and is still

operation point, as opposed to MED or MSF. This makes it

in daily operation. In 2010 it is foreseen to install a 100%

attractive for intermittent energy supplies like the use of

solar driven system, and also a hybrid system (solar and

solar energy without heat storage.

waste heat) with a capacity of 5 m/d.

The Swedish company Scarab Development provides flat

plate MD-modules. Production ratios of 12 to 20 kg/h are
reported for high temperature gradients across the membrane11. Within the framework of the MEDESOL project
the SCARAB module is currently being tested with a solar
energy supply12.
Todays largest MD-system is the MEMSTIL system, developed by TNO in the Netherlands. The MD-modules are
of flat plate type. Pilot plants have been installed by the
Kepel Seghers Company in Singapore and by Eon in Rotterdam. The design capacities of the waste heat-driven units
are 80 and 50 m/day, respectively13. Solar applications of
MEMSTIL are not known.
Since 2001, the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy

Technology: Membrane Distillation

Product: Oryx150
Energy Source: Solar thermal energy / PV
Water Source: Seawater (bank filtrate)
Daily Capacity (nominal): 150 liter
Year of installation: 2007
Type of installation: commercial
Location: Tenerife, Spain
Installed by: SolarSpring GmbH

Systems and SolarSpring GmbH have been developing

autonomous solar thermally driven Membrane Distillations units for remote areas. Two different system designs
(Compact System and Two-Loop System) are available.
Nine compact systems for fresh water capacities up to


1.2.4 Multiple Effect Distillation (MED)

day), optimizing the overall heat consumption of the system by the incorporation of a double effect absorption

The MED process has been used since the late 1950s and

(LiBr-H2O) heat pump. In the context of EU project AQUA-

early 1960s. Multi-effect distillation occurs in a series of

SOL (20022006), the MED plant was connected to a 500

vessels (effects) and uses the principles of evaporation and

m stationary CPC (compound parabolic concentrator) solar

condensation at reduced ambient pressure. In a MED plant,

collector field which supplied heat at medium temperature

a series of evaporator effects produce water at progressi-

(6090C) and a new prototype of double-effect absorpti-

vely lower pressures. Water boils at lower temperatures as

on heat pump was developed. Operation and maintenance

pressure decreases, so the water vapor of the first vessel

was proven to be highly reliable as no major problem was

or effect serves as the heating medium for the second, and

observed during the tests.

so on. The more vessels or effects there are, the higher the
performance ratio. The number of effects is limited to 15
20, however, depending on the process configuration due
to practical and economical reasons.
During the 1990's at the Plataforma Solar de Almera
(Spain), a parabolic-trough solar field was coupled with
a conventional MED seawater distillation unit (14-cell
forward-feed vertically-stacked unit with capacity 72 m/

Technology: solar MED

Energy Source: Solar thermal energy (CPC collectors)
Daily Capacity (nominal): 72m/d
Year of installation: 2005
Type of installation: R&D
Location: Almeria, Spain
Installed by: Plataforma Solar de Almeria; Aquasol Project


The integration of
CSP and desalination makes the solar power concept
fully sustainable
1.3 Concentrated Solar Power

Recently, direct steam generation in the parabolic troughs

has been used for power production. CSP is already in use

Megawatt scale solar power generation using Concen-

in countries such as the US and Spain with more than 180

trating Solar Power (CSP) technology can be achieved by

MW production plants currently installed and more than

using any one of the four basic configurations: central re-

1500 MW under construction. The overall objective for

ceivers, parabolic troughs, parabolic dishes and linear Fres-

CSP in MENA (Middle East and North African) countries is

nel systems. All of these configurations are based on glass

to cover 14% of the electricity demand by 2025 and 57%

mirrors that continuously track the position of the sun to

by 2050 at an estimated cost in the range of 815 Euro-

attain the desired concentration ratio. The concentrated


sunlight is absorbed and the heat is transferred to a power

cycle where high-pressure, high temperature steam is ge-

Several configurations are possible for CSP-desalination

nerated to drive a turbine in a conventional power cycle.

plants: (i) multi-stage flash (MSF) distillation units opera-


ting with steam extracted from steam turbines or supplied

1.3.1 Multi Stage Flash (MSF)

directly from boilers; (ii) low-temperature multi-effect distillation (MED) using steam extracted from a turbine and;

The process involves the use of distillation through seve-

(iii) seawater reverse osmosis (RO) desalting units supplied

ral (multi-stage) chambers to obtain vapour free of salts.

with electricity from a steam power plant or from a com-

In the MSF process, each successive stage of the plant ope-

bined gas/steam power cycle.

rates at progressively lower pressures. The feed water is

first heated by steam extracted under high pressure from

The concept is of special interest for large CSP plants de-

the CSP turbine (max. 120C) The steam is directed into

ployed in deserts to generate electricity. By making use of

the first "flash chamber", where the pressure is released,

the salt water availability in these regions, the large quanti-

causing the water to boil rapidly resulting in sudden evapo-

ties of fresh water needed for operation can be generated.

ration or "flashing". This "flashing" of a portion of the feed

For a concentrating solar thermal collector array, the land

continues in each successive stage, because the pressure at

required to desalinate 1 billion m/year is approximately 10

each stage is lower than in the previous stage. The vapour

km x 10 km in the MENA region. This translates to about

generated by the flashing is converted into fresh water by

27 l/day of desalinated water per square metre of collector

condensation taking place on the heat exchanger tubing


that runs through each stage. The tubes are cooled by the
incoming feed water. Generally, only a small percentage of

CSP plants need large amounts of fresh water for their

the feed water is converted into vapor and condensed.

operation. The integration of CSP and desalination makes

the solar power concept fully sustainable, as it can provi-

Conventional Multi-stage flash distillation plants have

de fresh water for its own cooling system and the mirror

been in use since the late 1950s. Some MSF plants con-

cleaning. One of the most interesting configurations for

tain 15 to 25 stages and have either a "once-through" or

CSP+D plants is the integration of an MED unit to replace

"recycled" process. In the "once-through" design, the feed

the conventional water cooling system used to condense

water is passed through the heater and flash chambers just

the exhaust steam PSA-CIEMAT is currently studying the

once and disposed of. In the recycled design, the feed wa-

different configurations possible for coupling an MED plant

ter is reused. In the 80's several solar-driven MSF plants

to a solar thermal power plant. An installation is being built

have been built for testing purposes.

to connect an existing MED with CSP. They plan to have the

test bed ready in summer 2010.


Water cost is
higher for systems
with capacities
below 5m/day
1.4 Solar Photovoltaic

a set of batteries is used for storage. As a result, the number of daily operating hours is increased. This technology

1.4.1 Photovoltaic-driven Reverse Osmosis (PV-RO)

has been widely tested and also been installed to supply

water in rural areas in developing countries, for example, in

The PV-RO system consists of a photovoltaic field that

Tunisia14/15, Morocco and other Mediterranean countries16.

supplies electricity to the desalination unit through a DC/

AC converter and a RO membrane for the desalination.

Investment costs are relatively high, as is the case with

During the RO process salt water is pressurized against a

most RE-desalination technologies, resulting in specific

membrane. The membrane only allows water to pass, the

cost of drinking water in the range of 3.57 /m for bra-

salt remains on the other side. For stand-alone operation,

ckish and 912 /m for seawater RO units. The water


cost is disproportionally higher for systems with capacities

selective membrane, however, serves as a barrier and

below 5 m/day. Despite these high costs compared to

the anions remain in the channel they are in. The pro-

conventional large scale desalination plants, this solution

cess is the same for the cations but towards the negative

is economically feasible in remote locations where the

pole. In all, two types of channels are formed: one type

alternatives are limited and also expensive.

with cations and anions and one type with fresh water.
Electrodyalysis Reversed (EDR) operates with the same

Both PV and RO are mature technologies, with a large list

principle as ED except for the fact that the polarity of the

of suppliers in many countries. Moreover, there are inten-

poles is reversed several times an hour. The reversal is

sive R&D efforts to increase the PV conversion efficiency

useful in breaking up and flushing out scales, slimes and

and improve the RO process. Also innovative combination

other deposits. The advantage of combining ED with PV,

topologies of PV-RO have been investigated over the last

compared to RO with PV, is that no inverter is needed,

34 years17. Therefore, it is expected that costs of PV-RO

because ED works with direct current.

systems will be reduced significantly in the future.

Little experience exists using these kinds of systems with
renewable energy (RE). Only a few pilot units for R&D
1.4.2 Photovoltaic-driven Electrodialysis

purposes are in operation. The main barriers for this sys-


tem are the limited availability of small-sized commercial

EDR units and that they can only be used for brackish wa-

Salt water contains ions. These ions are attracted to eit-

ter desalination.

her positive or negative charges. This fact is utilized for

the electrodialysis (ED) process. A series of membranes
are installed in a unit. These membranes are selective
in that either only anions or cations are allowed to pass
through them. The two types of different membranes are
installed alternately. One side of the unit is connected to
a positive pole and the other to a negative pole. As water streams through the channels created by the membranes, the anions are attracted by the positive pole and
pass through the anion selective membrane. The cation


Technology: PV-RO
Energy Source: Solar Photovoltaic
Water Source: Brackish Water
Hourly Capacity (nominal): 2.100 liter
Year of installation: 2006
Type of installation: commercial
Location: Ksar Ghilne, Tunisia
Installed by: Canary Islands Institute of Technology (ITC)


Autonomous winddriven desalination

systems are particularly interesting in
remote windy areas
and especially on
small islands
1.5 Wind Energy

dy areas and especially on small islands, where the wind

power penetration to the grid is limited by the stability

Wind energy technology can be scaled-up easier than PV

criteria of the electricity grid.

so many options can be considered. There is not so much

experience in off-grid wind systems coupled to a desalination unit, since it is much easier and more economical to

1.5.1 Wind-driven reverse osmosis (Wind-RO)

connect both the desalination plant and the wind farm to

the grid. Nevertheless, autonomous wind-driven desali-

Wind energy has been used as power supply for desa-

nation systems are particularly interesting in remote win-

lination systems, mostly for reverse osmosis systems.


In this case a wind generator is coupled to a RO plant

control system (wind generators and loads) was used to

with a buffer and batteries as a back-up.

continuously balance the instantaneous power18.

The highly fluctuating wind power requires a control sys-

Cost of water produced by wind-powered RO systems

tem which fits the available wind to the energy require-

ranges from 37 /m for small RO plants (less than

ments and restricts or dumps the surplus wind energy

100 m/day), and is estimated at 1.504 /m for medi-

accordingly in order to achieve a stable operation. The

um capacity RO units (1,0002,500 m/day).

experience with a 2 x 230 kW off-grid wind farm connected to 8 x 25 m/day SWRO units, tested within the
framework of an EU project (JOULE III program) serves as

1.5.2 Wind-driven mechanical vapour

one example. The wind system included a 100 kVA syn-

compression (Wind-MVC)

chronous machine flywheel to power the isolated grid

Vapour compression (VC) units have been built in a varie-

and to stabilize the frequency and a 7.5 kW UPS. A double

ty of configurations. Usually, a mechanical compressor is

used to compress vapour, which generates heat. This heat
is used for evaporation. Mechanical vapour compression
(MVC) coupled to wind systems have also been analysed,
but further development is needed. VC has to operate at
certain temperatures: 100C for atmospheric pressure
or 60C at 80% of vacuum (0.2 bar). Thus, the system
requires a minimum amount of time to achieve operating
conditions, as well as to continuously maintain those conditions. Fast scaling generation was detected during frequent stops, which is a usual situation under the variable
power supply of an autonomous wind system19.

Technology: Reverse Osmosis

Energy Source: 2 stand alone wind turbines
Water Source: Seawater
Hourly Capacity (nominal): 8 m
Installed by: Canary Islands Institute of Technology (ITC)


Thermal distillation
techniques based
on direct heating ...
will be the method
of choice in most
desalination plants


1.6 Geothermal

can be developed at acceptable costs (< 7.5 /GJ and

< 2.2 /m), and one can consider the option of geother-

Different types of geothermal energy sources exist. These

mal desalination. For reservoirs with higher temperatures,

are classified in terms of the measured temperature as

there is also the option to generate power for use in a

follows: 1) low (< 100C), 2) medium (100C150C) and

desalination plant.

3) high temperature (> 150C). Geothermal energy can be

directly used in combination with MED, MEH, TVC and MD

It is recognized that there is significant potential to im-

(low temperature) or with MSF (medium temperature).

prove desalination systems based on geothermal energy.

Moreover, thermal energy conversion into shaft power or

Thermal distillation techniques based on direct heating

electricity would permit the coupling with other desalina-

from geothermal energy will be the method of choice in

tion systems like RO, ED and MVC.

most geothermal desalination plants.21

The first desalination plant powered by geothermal energy

was constructed in Holtville, USA in 1972 by the United
States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation.
Two more geothermal powered distillation plants have
been installed in France and in southern Tunisia. Both of
them use evaporators and condensers of polypropylene
with operation temperature range of 60C90C.20
During the 1990s a research project in the Milos Island in
Greece demonstrated that it is technically feasible to utilize
low enthalpy geothermal energy for electricity generation
and seawater desalination. In 2000, a pilot geothermal
MED plant producing 80 m/day was installed in Kimolos
Island by CRES. It operates at 61C with a 2-stage MED unit.
At sites where drinking water is scarce and geothermal
sources with temperatures of 80100C exist, such systems


Based on the direct

pressurisation of
sea water
1.7 Ocean Power

by using sea-water pressurised by the action of the waves.

A plant using mechanical vapour compression (MVC) has also

1.7.1 Wave energy driven RO and MVC

been proposed, but no prototype has yet been built.

Wave energy, in general, and wave-powered desalination

The current wave-powered desalination technologies are

technologies, in particular, are still in the prototype stages.

based on modifications of wave energy technologies desig-

One of the most obvious combinations for RE-desalination

ned for electricity production. Therefore, they are typically

is wave power coupled with desalination because, in most

relatively large with unit capacities in the range of 500

cases, the two main components of (wave) energy and (sea)

5,000 m/day. Thus, the primary target of wave-powered

water are available in abundance and at the same location.

desalination plants is municipal-scale water production.

The co-generation of fresh water and electricity by wave

All of the wave-powered desalination plants built as proto-

power is also being actively developed. While smaller

types up to now use reverse osmosis for the desalination

desalination units (less than 500 m/day) are technically

process . The reverse osmosis plants are powered either

feasible, the development effort for the smaller capacity

by electricity generated by a wave energy plant or directly

units is modest at present.



the University of Edinburgh, uses MVC to produce fresh water. At present, there is no commercial development of this

1.7.2 Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC)

Another source of ocean power is called Ocean Thermal
Energy Conversion (OTEC). It makes use of the temperature difference between the water surface and deep sea
layers. OTEC is a low grade thermal source of energy and
so most suited to distillation processes. A prototype of an

Technology: Reverse osmosis

Product: Oyster
Energy Source: Wave power
Water Source: Seawater
Daily Capacity (nominal): 3000m
Year of installation: Type of installation: R&D

OTEC desalination plant has been built in India, but it is no

longer in operation due to failure of the pipe accessing the
deep sea-layers. Research in OTEC-desalination continues in
Japan, India and Mexico.
The final major source of ocean energy is tidal energy,

Developers of wave-powered desalination technology cur-

which can be extracted using tidal barrages or tidal turbines.

rently include:

Currently, no consideration has been given to coupling this

technology with desalination technologies. It is expected to

Aquamarine Power Ltd - Oyster desalinator technology

face similar challenges as wind-powered desalination since

Carnegie Corporation Ltd CETO desalinator technology

in both cases the generating mechanism is a rotating shaft.

Oceanlinx Ltd OWC desalinator technology

All three of these technologies are based on the direct pressurisation of sea water (avoiding the generation of electricity)
that is then fed into a reverse osmosis desalination plant to
produce fresh water. The DUCK plant, in development by


2. Perspectives of RE-desalination

balance between
water demand and
availability has
reached a critical


2.1 Water crisis

The balance between water demand and availability has

Climate change will exacerbate these adverse impacts

reached a critical level in many areas of Europe and throug-

in the future, with more frequent and severe droughts

hout the world in general. This is the result of over-abstrac-

expected across southern Europe24. For the years between

tion and prolonged periods of low rainfall or drought in com-

1961 and 2006, these effects are already apparent as

bination with ever increasing demand. Where the water

shown in figure 2.1. The trend of reduced precipitation

resources have already diminished, a deterioration of the

in the Mediterranean is clearly shown. Climate models

water quality has normally followed since there has been

predict a future increase in precipitation in northern

increasingly less water to dilute pollutants. In addition,

Europe and a decrease in southern Europe, with particu-

seawater often intrudes into "over-pumped" coastal aquifers.

larly dry summers.

Figure 2.1: Changes in annual precipitation 1961200623


It is forecasted that
this capacity will
more than double
by 2016
2.2 The global desalination market

made. The GWI for example has currently made a report

on the water sector of 49 countries including desalination:

The Mediterranean region, affected by the water crisis

"The Global Water Market 2011 Meeting the worlds wa-

described in section 2.1, is currently one of the fastest

ter and wastewater needs until 2016."

growing desalination markets. Spain is the largest user of

According to Global Water Intelligence26, the capacity

desalination technologies in the western world. Globally,

of operating plants around the world was estimated at

it ranks fourth behind Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emira-

52 million m/d in 2008. It is forecasted that this capacity

tes and Kuwait. It ranks first in the use of desalinated water

will more than double by 2016 reaching 107 million m/d.

for agriculture. Its 700 plants produce some 1.6 million m/

The expected growth over that 8 year period is estimated

day, enough for 8 million people . Other Mediterranean

to be worth $64 billion.

countries also rely increasingly on desalinated water as an

The commercial water supply is not the only market for

additional resource for public water supply and to support

desalination technologies. Purified water is also needed

holiday resorts in arid areas. Malta, for example, relies on

for boilers used in industrial processes. The water is of-

desalination for 57% of its water supply. Desalination also

ten produced on-site through desalination technologies,

started appearing in regions not normally regarded as arid;

which can be partially powered from the heat of the boi-

London's water utility Thames Water is currently investing

ler in a semi-closed loop. Also increasingly more food and

300 million to build the regions first desalination plant.

drink processing plants are using desalinated water (RO) to

Several market studies for desalination have already been

get a consistent water quality.



water costs typically increase with

decreasing production capacity
2.3 The status of RE-desalination

duced water. Typical costs for conventional technologies

are about 1 /m depending on the plant size, technology

Desalination powered by renewable energy is a very wide

and raw water quality. However, water costs typically in-

field that includes many technologies at various stages of

crease with decreasing production capacity. The cost of

technological development, each addressing different mar-

water from RE-desalination ranges from 1.5 /m to more

ket segments. In chapter 1 the different technologies were

than 30 /m, depending on the technology used, the

presented. Figure 2.2 illustrates the development stage and

salinity of the feed water and several other site specific

the typical capacity range of some common RE-desalinati-

factors like the renewable energy potential.

on technology combinations.
In the literature, several different figures are given for the
The figure does not reflect the cost of the technologies.

cost of each technological combination. These are calcu-

It does show how much research has been performed and

lated from pilot or demonstration systems. However, the

the improvement potential of the technologies. Further-

costs of these installations are greatly affected by the size

more, it gives an overview about the typical capacity range

and the local conditions. Also, the methodologies used

rather than the technically possible capacity range.

to calculate these costs and the assumptions made vary

considerably. Therefore, these figures are not directly

The difference in technological maturity compared to con-


ventional desalination is reflected by the cost of the pro-


Solar Stills
PhotovoltaicReverse Osmosis



Solar Multi

Development Stage






Solar Organic


Typical Capacity Range

per day

of cubic meters
per day

cubic meters
per day

Figure 2.2: Development stage and capacity range of the main RE-desalination technologies


of cubic meters
per day

The following table shows the results of a recent theoreti-

some technological combinations. All calculations have been

cal calculation27 and gives an idea about the average costs of

made with a lifetime of 20 years and an interest rate of 7%.


COST (/m)


Off-grid wind poweredseawater RO systems


Nominal capacity: 1,000 m3/d

Number of annual operation hours: 5,200
Specific energy consumption: 3.3 kWh/m3

Seawater PV-OR


Nominal capacity: 100 m3/d

Number of annual operation hours: 3,000
Specific energy consumption: 6 kWh/m3

Brakish water PV-RO


Nominal capacity: 100 m3/d

Number of annual operation hours: 3,000
Specific energy consumption: 1.6 kWh/m3

Brakish water PV-EDR


Nominal capacity: 100 m3/d

Number of annual operation hours: 3,000
Energy consumption: 3.313.65 kWh/m3 (depending)

MED + solar pond


Nominal capacity: 6,000 m3/d

Number of annual operation hours: 8,320*
Electric consumption: 2.25 kWh/m3

CP solar collectors +


Nominal capacity: 6,000 m3/d

Number of annual operation hours: 8,320*
Electric consumption: 2.25 kWh/m3

TabLe 2.1: Average costs of some technological combinations

(*) MED annual operation availability 95%, by including external energy support


The market is large

2.4 The perspectives of RE-desalination

At present, the RE-desalination community has a unique

opportunity to capitalize on the potential for political and

The desalination market is growing very fast with the de-

social support.

mand increasing in all continents. The installed capacity

is expected to double within a period of 8 years as explai-

In principle any desalination plant can be operated by re-

ned in section 2.2. This growth will create important ad-

newable energy. However, the first steps of the technology

ditional energy requirements which are associated with

in the market will be at the lower capacity systems, where

environmental and socio-economic issues, currently high

several RE-desalination technologies have been developed

in the political agenda. As a result the RE-desalination

and tested because of their suitability for remote areas

option has started attracting the interest of politicians

where few alternatives exist. At the same time the first

and other stakeholders. Already in 2004, Spain's Minis-

large-scale desalination systems are being installed in areas

ter for the Environment, Cristina Narbona, stated that

countries that source large shares of their total water sup-

her government will support renewable energy powered

ply through desalination and the energy issues becomes cri-

desalination technologies .

tical. This is the case for example in the Canary Islands and



in Australia that have introduced regulations supporting the

Very small scale (< 1 m/d) plants are targeted directly to the

use of renewable energy for powering desalination plants.

end-user. Typically a single user like a household would install such a desalination plant in remote areas where electrici-

To better identify markets and applications of RE-D, four

ty and water supply are non-existent or unreliable. Currently

different capacity ranges are defined for the purpose of this

the alternatives used are bottled water, or water delivered


by boats and trucks. There are several well-established REDesalination technologies that are addressing this market,

Very small scale:

Medium scale:
Large scale:

< 1 m/d

like solar stills, solar membrane distillation (MD) and solar

< 10 m/d

multiple effect humidification (MEH).

101,000 m/d
> 1,000 m/d

The market is large, including for example families living in

isolated houses, remote holiday homes, military person-

The number of people that can be served from a plant of a

nel like border guards, small health centres etc. There are

certain capacity depends on the intended use of the water.

suitable locations in Europe, like the small islands in the

If the water is only needed for drinking purposes 35

Mediterranean, but there is also a huge potential worldwide

litres per person per day (l/p/d) are enough. To cover other

in areas like Northern Africa, Oceania etc, offering good

needs as well UNICEF and the WHO define 20 l/p/d as the

export potential for European companies.

minimum water requirement. In Europe the average water

consumption is about 150 l/p/d. If the desalinated water

Small scale RE-D (< 10 m/d) plants are targeting users very

is also used for irrigation even more water is needed per

similar to the "very small scale" plants. The main difference

person and day.

is that they can cover the daily water needs of more than
100 people and thus they do not target single users, but

It is important though when sizing a plant to take into

small groups. For example, a "very small scale" plant would

account the average daily production expected and not

be used by a single holiday home, while a "small scale" plant

the nominal, especially in the case of RE-desalination that

would be used by a group of 10 to 20 holiday homes, or by a

produces water only when the energy is available. Accor-

small hotel. The main technology in that range is PV-RO but

ding to that, also appropriate water storage facilities have

all RE-desalination technologies from the "very small scale"

to be provided, to ensure water supply for periods of re-

applications are modular and could be used in the "small

duced production.

scale" range as well.


Also this market segment is very large including for

strictive than the solar powered technologies that can

example small villages, holiday resorts, isolated tourist

operate practically anywhere where water is needed.

attractions, isolated industrial sites etc. There are hundreds of islands In Europe and several thousands worldwi-

Large scale RE-D (> 1,000 m/d) can be used for municipal

de with less than 100 inhabitants, water supply problems

water supply and any other application where conventio-

and plenty of sunshine. Another example of possible ap-

nal desalination is also used. Currently the direct comple-

plications are the autarkic apartments built in North Af-

tion with conventional desalination is feasible mainly in

rica, Mexico and in the Caribbean for workers or tourists.

cases where there is political support, like in some States

in Australia where desalination developers are obliged to

Medium scale RE-D (10 1,000 m/d) can be used for wa-

generate from renewable sources electricity equal to the

ter supply of villages, or other large users like hotels. The

desalination plant consumption. Mostly this is applied in

alternative solutions used currently are water transporta-

the form of large grid connected reverse osmosis plants

tion or conventional desalination, since in that range the

for the municipal water supply of cities and wind parks in

users tend to have access to electricity. However, in the

other locations to offset the energy requirements of the

case of islands or other isolated areas the cost of electri-

desalination plants. This kind of applications are expec-

city generation can be high and the local grid can be un-

ted to be more widely used, especially at the range up to

stable. A large load like a desalination plant might further

10,000 m/d, that are common in Southern Europe whe-

destabilise the electricity network especially in periods

re supporting framework conditions exist for renewable

of high water and electricity demand. This problem is

energy, if the support schemes are suitably adapted.

addressed when powering desalination directly by renewable energy, like in the case of wind-RO or wind-MVC,

There is large potential though for the future, with in-

the most common technologies in that range.

novative technologies coupling water and electricity

production, through Concentrated Solar Power and MED

The market is huge, since it can address any area facing

plants. The CSP plant generates electricity. During this

water shortage with a permanent or seasonal population

process waste heat is also generated which can be used

from 500 up to 50,000 people, including towns like in the

to power the thermal desalination process. With the CSP

Middle East region, islands, golf resorts etc. The only

market growing very fast, the CSP-MED combination has

limitation when using wind energy is that the selected

great potential, especially for the Mediterranean Solar

site needs an attractive wind profile, which is more re-



3. Barriers

l ack of technologies appropriate

for small-scale

In this chapter the barriers to the development of RE-

renewable energy or desalination technologies indepen-

desalination are identified and categorised. These barri-

dently. Each section starts with the main points summa-

ers relate to the development of RE-desalination techno-

rized in a table.

logy only and do not include barriers associated with the


3.1 Technological barriers

Most RE-D are not deve-

Poor reliability

loped as single system but

Increased water cost

3.1.1 System reliability and cost of water

For the most part, renewable energy technologies and

desalination technologies have developed along independent paths with no consideration as to how the two tech-

are combinations of com-

nologies may work together. For the efficient coupling of

ponents developed inde-

the two technologies in, RE-D plants, dedicated technolo-


gies have to be developed. Depending on the particular

Desalination development

Lack of components ap-

focuses on ever larger sys-

propriate for small scale


desalination plants, typical

RE-D technology, this can manifest itself in a range of

different plant aspects.
For many desalination technologies, the focus has been

of many RE-D combinations

Current desalination tech-

Increased capital and

nology has been designed

maintenance costs

on the development of relatively large plants. This has resulted in a lack of technologies appropriate for small-scale
applications, which is a promising market for RE-desalination plants. Technologies requiring more development for

for constant energy supply,

small-scale applications include small capacity pumps and

whilst most RE provide vari-

system control algorithms for decentralized desalination

able energy supply

systems, suitable pre and post treatments of the water,

suitable energy recovery technologies, energy storage and
methods for safe and efficient disposal of the brine in inland plants. Furthermore, the inclusion of complementary
equipment, for the autonomous operation requires the installation of additional elements (e.g. batteries, converters,
control system ) and thus a consequent increment in the
specific cost.


3.1.2 Variability of energy supply from renewable

operational life. For heat storage, the main option today


is heat storage in a tank of a thermal fluid (like water or

oil), which has short storage time.

The majority of renewable energy sources supply a variable amount of energy depending on such factors as the
wind speed, solar radiation intensity, etc. The designs of
conventional desalination plants, however, are based on
a constant supply of energy so there is typically a mismatch between energy supply and demand.
If the energy supply and demand are mismatched, either
the renewable energy or desalination plant is under-utilised. Operation under variable conditions could also lead
to increased maintenance requirements, for example,
more frequent replacement of the membranes. Underutilization and increased maintenance requirements lead
to higher specific costs of water making the RE-desalination plant less commercially attractive.
Fluctuations in the energy supply can have other negative effects on desalination plants, like microbial and other
biological contamination in unheated parts of solar thermal systems or pressure fluctuations and variable salinity
of the product water in PV-RO systems without batteries.
To reduce or avoid fluctuations, energy storage could be
used, which, however, has several limitations. For electricity, the only commercially available option is batteries,
which have limited storage capacity and a relatively short


investors are
generally reluctant
to invest in


3.2 Economic barriers

3.2.1 Market and risk uncertainty limit investment

Lack of comprehensive

It is difficult to assess

market analysis as to the

the risk and investors are

size, locations and seg-

reluctant to invest

Commercialization of RE-D is a relatively new area and

little is known about the size of the potential market and
the types of RE-D plants that are most suitable for different parts of the market. Without a comprehensive mar-

ments of the market

ket analysis, it is difficult to determine where and how to

SMEs lack the financial

Difficulty to access some

resources and local know-

of the most promising

how to enter distant mar-

niche markets

enter the market, how long it may take to receive a return

on investments, how large the return on investment may
be and therefore the magnitude of risk associated with
investment in the technology.

The pricing structures and

Investment in RE desa-

the subsidies of water

lination remains unprofit-

supply create unfair com-

able even where they


offer better value than the

The primary consequence of this uncertainty is that investors are generally reluctant to invest in RE-desalination
technologies, and when they do invest, they desire high
rates of return on their investment to compensate for the
higher perceived risks. Although there are a number of

current solutions
Lack of identified niche

No cash is generated

markets with the ability

that could be used for

to pay for the full cost of

further product develop-

the systems, which would

ment, reducing the costs

demonstrate the techno-

and improving the perfor-

logy attracting additional


authoritative studies that show that the need for desalination technologies is growing, together with public and
governmental support for renewable energy technologies, this is inadequate to define the market for RE-desalination The need of RE-desalination is not congruent with
the demand. The range of RE-desalination technologies is
large, and each technology has particular characteristics
which need to be matched to a market analysis to enab-


le investment decisions to be made. This level of detailed

analysis is currently missing.


Obtaining investment for RE-desalination is also ham-

have. This again reduces the attractiveness for investors

pered because the majority of the technology developers

because of the uncertainties involved. Moreover, large

are small companies that lack clear commercial direction

companies buy proven technologies to ensure that the

in product development and exploitation. Such compa-

water supply will be secured. As a result, new and potenti-

nies do not have the resources to address the main tar-

ally better technologies have little chance to develop.

get markets, because typically the markets are relatively

remote with difficult access, currency risks and high po3.2.2 Pricing structures

litical risks. Further, different cultures in business and

utility services are involved. This is compounded by the
lack of market analysis so that the investors have limited

Access to safe drinking water is generally considered

confidence in the commercial potential for the technolo-

a fundamental human right. Consequently the cost of

gy. Without external investors these small companies do

water production, either by desalination or otherwise,

not have the resources to address the main target markets

is often only very loosely linked to the price that consu-

which are often geographically distant creating difficulties

mers pay for their water. In many cases the price paid

for access. Moreover, fluctuating exchange rates coupled

is much less than the cost of the water production due

with political instability in some target countries as well

to subsidies provided by the central government or lo-

as differences in business and political culture mean that

cal authorities. This is further complicated because the

the difficulties in penetrating the markets are significantly

costs of water distribution are also generally difficult to


isolate. This limits the development of commercial REdesalination plants because relative to the subsidized

In a number of countries and regions where RE-desalina-

public resources the water from RE-desalination plants

tion is expected to have a substantial market, the market

is too expensive and the plants unprofitable.

may be significantly influenced by the supply of development funding. Furthermore, the role of NGOs in project

Even in cases where the water from RE-desalination has

implementation may be important. Small RE-desalination

lower costs than the other alternatives, RE-desalination

technology companies do not have the resources to inter-

might not seem so attractive because of the cash-flow

act effectively with large organizations, such as the Uni-

characteristics. The high initial investment costs of RE-

ted Nations Development Program (UNDP), because of

technology and the subsequently low operational costs

the large bureaucratic structures that such organizations

dissuade smaller users with limited capacity to motivate


the required funds. For example, a family might not have

investors so that the required investment funding

enough saved money to buy a RE-desalination plant, but

is generally not available. Unfortunately, there is circu-

they may earn enough to buy bottled water, which in the

larity in obtaining funding for new technologies, inclu-

long run is much more expensive than producing desali-

ding RE-desalination. To obtain funding it is necessary to

nated water from an own plant.

demonstrate the technology is promising, yet funding is

required in order to make this first demonstration.

Although in many countries financial support is available for electricity produced by renewable energy sources,

An additional difficulty is that the niche markets are

this support does not currently transfer to electricity

often small communities without the knowledge and

displaced by the use of renewable energy in a desalina-

abilities to help access the funding required for a new

tion plant. This lack of financial support that is available

plant. Thus, there is a mismatch between investment

for many other renewable energy technologies means

ability and demand for RE-desalination plants.

that RE-desalination plants remain unprofitable even in

places where the production of renewable energy itself
is highly valued.

3.2.3 Lack of funding for demonstration plants

In the early development stages of a technology, additional funding is typically obtained from sales in niche
markets. Early investors are prepared to take the risk
with a new technology because the potential benefits
are sufficiently large. In general, RE-desalination technology developers have not yet identified and penetrated these markets, therefore not enabling these areas
to demonstrate and further develop their technologies.
Moreover, the potential for the exploitation of niche
markets has not been adequately demonstrated to


limited support
from institutions,
politicians and
local communities
because of the
perceived rather
than actual


3.3 Institutional and social barriers




desalination by the popu-

3.3.1 Prevalence of negative perceptions

Although there is support for renewable energy and

Opposition of local com-

desalination these technologies are not universally ac-

munities to installation

cepted as desirable because they are perceived to be


uneconomic, unreliable, environmentally damaging and/

RE-D is a new technology

RE-D is not commissi-

and is typically small-scale,

oned because water autho-

suitable for community-led

rities prefer familiar tech-

water provision

nologies and centralized

or aesthetically unpleasing. These perceptions are not

necessarily consistent but remain problematic for the introduction of RE-desalination plants. For example, water
obtained by desalination may be considered energy intensive thus environmentally damaging, which can limit

Bureaucratic structures not

The cost and effort re-

tailored for independent

quired to deal with the

water production; separa-

bureaucracy does not favor

tion of energy and water

small companies

the introduction of RE-desalination plants even though

the energy is "clean". Another perception is that desalinated water is not suitable for human consumption, either because of individual prejudice or cultural issues.
Moreover the taste of desalinated water is often different


from the locally perceived "normal taste", especially for

Lack of training and infra-

Reduced plant availability


Lack of personnel for

water from distillation plants.

Some of these negative perceptions arose due to past

operation and maintenance

Cultural gap between pro-

Projects fail for non-

ject developers and the

technological reasons like


conflict about control

failures of prototype plants and some due to a misunderstanding of the technologies. Whatever the source of
the information, the consequence is that RE-desalination
plants often have limited support from institutions, politicians and local communities because of the perceived
rather than actual deficiencies.


3.3.2 Prevalent culture in institutions and society

renewable energy and would in some cases prefer to rely

on traditional fresh water supplied even in cases where the

In general, water authorities have been found to be reluc-

supply is of a low quality and high cost.

tant to commission RE-desalination technologies because

of their lack of confidence with conventional desalination
3.3.3 Separation of energy and water policies

technologies and a culture of risk avoidance. Such technological conservatism is common in large hierarchical
corporations, where there is little incentive for suggesting

In many countries the management of energy is totally sepa-

new technologies that offer potential benefits but are risky

rated from the management of water so that coordinated or-

because the technology is unproven. Most RE-desalination

ganization and provision of these two fundamental services

technologies fall into this category. This attitude towards RE-

is not possible. Electricity generated by renewable energy

desalination technologies is perpetuated within the water

sources is subsidized when fed into the grid while the fresh

authorities and other large-scale suppliers of water because

water produced through renewable energy driven desalina-

of the lack of knowledge and experience with RE-D tech-

tion is not. However, the separation of the management of

nologies so that they are not able to make well informed

energy and water means that the benefits of RE-desalination

decisions about the suitability of RE-D plants.

are not always fully recognized because decision-makers focus independently on either the supply of water or the sup-

In addition, the provision of non-indigenous water supply

ply of energy. Without the full benefits of a coordinated pro-

has typically been provided using a centralized approach,

vision of energy and water the probability of RE-desalination

where water supply and quality can most easily be cont-

plants being commissioned is reduced.

rolled. Many RE-desalination technologies are appropriate

for small-scale deployment in rural locations, but adoption
3.3.4 Legal structures

of these technologies would result in a perceived loss of

control by the water providers. This perceived loss of control typically runs against the prevalent culture within water

The provision of non-indigenous water supplies has ty-

providers making it unlikely to be adopted. This reluctance

pically been highly centralized and the legal structures

of the water providers to exploit local water sources using

required to ensure specific water quality standards have

RE-desalination may be supported by local rural communi-

generally matched this concept of centralised provision.

ties that do not trust new fresh water supplies powered by

Consequently, the legal structures are often highly


bureaucratic and not tailored for small-scale indepen-

3.3.6 Religion, gender and the enabling environment

dent water production (incl. permissions for feed-water

consumption and brine discharge). For each water sup-

The last thirty years of community water projects around

ply source, they require a large investment of time and

the world have shown that the failure rate of such projects

effort. The situation is further complicated with the

is discouragingly high. A closer look at the reasons reveals

installation of a renewable energy system if permissions

a multitude of complex socio-cultural and religious causes

are required from the authorities dealing with energy

that differ vastly among cultures and locations. Introdu-

issues. Many RE-D plants are developed by independent

ced to the community for the first time, the new tech-

water suppliers who have only a small capacity, and thus

nology is often perceived as an alien intrusion disrupting

the legal overhead is relatively large making the installati-

existing traditions, responsibilities and structures. In some

on potentially uneconomical.

cultures for example men take charge of political issues

and are influential in decision making processes, while
women are responsible for household and community

3.3.5 Lack of training and infrastructure

management. Introduction of a new RE-D technology often becomes a matter of conflict as it is perceived by men

The installation of RE-desalination plants remains un-

as being part of the political arena promising status and

common and there is only a limited amount of practical

influence, while women traditionally have been in charge

experience in working with these technologies. Conse-

of water management.

quently, there is little access to trained personnel capable

of operation and maintaining the RE-desalination plants.

Sometimes the nature of the project itself is the reason for

Moreover, there is a limited distribution network for the

failure. Usually community water projects installed by out-

supply of consumables and spare parts so that RE-desali-

siders in rural areas of developing countries fail shortly af-

nation plants may have a reduced availability due to non-

ter the end of the project, as soon as outside funding dries

technical difficulties with maintenance.

up and outside conflict resolution, motivation or enforcement stop. This alone shows that such projects have not

These maintenance difficulties are compounded because

been fully integrated into the community and a true sense

in many cases the RE-desalination plant is not currently

of ownership and responsibility did not develop. The well

available as an integrated product and there are no

meant technology may even be perceived as a means of

guarantees and service contracts.

outside control and loss of independence.


4. Strategy for promotion of RE-desalination

common efforts by
the RE-desalination
developers are
Following the structure of the barriers identified in chapter 3,

R&D of components suitable for the smooth and efficient

a strategy for overcoming them is outlined here. Each section

coupling of the existing desalination and renewable

starts with the main points summarized in green.

energy technologies
Support development of elements that will make REdesalination robust for long stand-alone operation in

4.1 Technological strategies

harsh environments

Promote cooperation between companies from the

Support development of components and control sys-

energy sector, water sector and other specialists to

tems that allow desalination technologies to deal better

achieve fully functional integrated products

with variable energy input, hybrid systems and energy

storage to reduce variability

Promote cooperation within the RE-desalination field for

achieving R&D results that will benefit the whole sector

Support development of co-generation systems that

produce water and power

Support development of standardized, reliable and robust

systems offering competitive performance guarantees


4.1.1 Improving the reliability and reducing the costs

These common needs should be jointly promoted to organisations that fund R&D, like the European Commission

The various small developers of RE-desalination should come

and the national governments, to include the RE-desalina-

together and cooperate for the development of the compo-

tion needs in their programmes and priorities.

nents that can be used by all of them. This will show to the
industry that there is large market potential and will help moti-

The target should be the development of standardized,

vate them to develop products specifically for RE-desalination.

reliable and robust systems integrating the renewable

energy with the desalination unit offered to the end user

Focused R&D efforts are needed to develop the components

with comprehensive performance guarantees.

necessary for the smooth and efficient coupling of the exiting

desalination and renewable energy technologies. Other R&D
4.1.2 Dealing with the variability of energy supply

priorities include the elements that will make RE-desalination

robust for long stand-alone operation in harsh environments.
Some issues that RE-desalination developers have to deal with

RE-driven desalination systems need to be able to handle

are listed below:

the variable and intermittent energy supply from renewable

energies. There are a number of alternative approaches to

Adaptation of pumps and energy recovery systems for

handle this mismatch.

efficient operation in small-scale plants

One approach is to provide additional sources of energy for
Use of seawater-resistant materials

the desalination plant, either conventional or renewable, so

that the supply of energy is more constant. For example, this

Automated and environmental friendly pre- and post-

could be achieved by combining a wind turbine with a photo-

treatment technologies

voltaic panel. Hybridization with the electricity grid, together

with tailor made control systems can guarantee continuous

Control systems that optimise the performance and mi-

operation. Conventional energy suppliers like gas turbines

nimise the maintenance requirements

that can vary their load have to be integrated in grids with a

high percentage of renewable energy to stabilize the produc-

Obtain certification for food safe systems for materials

tion. This could be a good solution for small inland grids that

that are in contact with the water

are harder to stabilize than large grids and for countries with


a feed-in tariff that, because of this support system, have a

with sea or brackish water through a salinity gradient power

large share of renewables.

unit, can produce electricity when required. This has also the
advantage that the salinity of the rejected brine is lowered,

An alternative approach is the co-generation of electricity

which makes the process environmentally friendlier.

and/or heat with the desalination of water. The management of the energy system would allow an optimal utilizati-

Another approach would be to minimize the impact of a

on of the desalination plant. The management of the availa-

variable energy supply on the desalination plant operation.

ble energy between electricity/heat and water production

The fundamental desalination plant design and components

would depend on the needs and on the tariff structures of

should be re-thought so that they operate optimally under a

both commodities in the area of operation.

variable energy supply. The development of RO membranes

The improvement of the thermal and electrical storage tech-

which are less sensitive to variable pressure and flow could

nologies is considered to be one of the main approaches to

achieve this goal. The membrane industry has the capacity

reduce the intermittent nature of the energy supply. This is

to manufacture such membranes, if they are convinced that

currently achieved by the use of batteries or a thermal heat

the market for this product is sufficiently large. Also, new con-

storage system. Alternative storage for both electricity and

trol software is required to ensure that the available energy is

heat should be developed.

optimally used and that the system is protected from fluctu-

In the case of heat storage, one of the solutions is the utili-

ations. Therefore contributions from experts who specialize

zation of latent-heat storage materials like melting salts or

in control algorithms are necessary. For example, ENERCON

paraffin. Electrochemical storage is also under considerati-

seawater desalination systems have no fixed operating point.

on. In the case of electricity, flywheels are one example. As

By adjusting the piston speed, the water production can ran-

opposed to batteries, they are not affected by temperature

ge between 12.5% and 100% of the nominal capacity, there-

change, do not have a memory effect and are environmen-

fore making operation with a fluctuating energy supply pos-

tally friendly. Compressed air and hydrogen are also promi-

sible. The output can be adjusted flexibly to meet the water

sing technologies for electricity storage.

demand without shutting down the plant.30

A salinity gradient unit powered by reverse electrodialysis

All of the options mentioned for dealing with the intermit-

could be also a very suitable electricity storage solution for

tency of the energy source require more R&D activities.

desalination plants29. This technology uses the difference in

Again, common efforts by the RE-desalination developers

salinity to produce electricity. During desalination, brine wa-

are needed to motivate interest from the industry and secu-

ter with a high salinity is produced. This product, combined

re support for R&D programs.


establish a fair
support system for
4.2 Economic strategies

Identify niche markets and use existing support programs in combination with financing schemes to help

Support development of detailed and reliable market

users that are willing and able to pay for the technology

4.2.1 Developing a good market understanding

Cooperation with agencies from EU countries in the

target markets for organising trade missions

The lack of reliable and detailed analysis of the markets

Facilitate collection and dissemination of relevant expe-

for RE-desalination has been identified as one important

riences and information in the RE-desalination community

barrier for small companies active in the field. Studies

have already been carried out, each one of them facing

Promote pricing structures and subsidy allocations that

different limitations. The work carried out up to now

let the market choose the most efficient solution and

should be used as a basis, and now a comprehensive stu-

encourage efficiency in the use of the water, while ensu-

dy, guided by industry, needs to be developed. The study

ring global access to safe water

is to include:

Campaign for inclusion of RE for desalination in national

Identification and detailed analysis of the main target

schemes that support RE electricity generation

groups for each available RE-desalination combination


Quantification of demand by these groups into geo-

4.2.2 Developing suitable pricing structures

graphical location, their willingness and ability to pay

Introducing water pricing across all sectors, representative

at the alternative solutions they offer

of the real water costs is critical for achieving sustainable

Prioritisation of the target markets taking into account

water use. This can provide incentives to use water resour-

the demand, institutional framework and socio-econo-

ces efficiently and recover the full cost of water services,

mic conditions

including supply, maintenance, new infrastructure, environmental and resource costs. As such, it reflects the

The product developers, who on basis of such an analysis

water user pays' principle. Effective water pricing needs to

decide to enter promising markets away from their native

be based, at least in part, on the volume of water used,

country, will still need support, especially if they are small

rather than adopting a flat-rate approach. To this end,

entities. To enter the market, they will need to deal with

water metering plays a key role and must be implemented

the local legal system, currency risk and political develop-

across all sectors. Successful water pricing will require a

ments. They will also need to establish a local presence

good understanding of the relationship between tariff and

with sales, marketing and technical staff, maybe through

the use of water for each sector and needs to take into

collaboration with a local company.

account local conditions.

One way to obtain this kind of support for interested

On the other hand, the water pricing should not make

European companies is through contacts with local agencies

anyone compromise their personal hygiene and health

in the native country or through the EC, which can also or-

because they cannot pay their water bill. Access to safe

ganise trade missions in the most promising markets. As an

drinking water is a fundamental human right and conse-

additional measure, the RE-desalination community can get

quently has to be available and affordable for everybody.

organised, collect relevant information and make it available

to its members to help them expand to new markets.

The challenge is to define pricing that reflects the costs

but allows global access to safe water. Traditionally public
subsidies have been used to achieve this. In many cases
this will still be the case in the future, especially where real
water costs are high relative to the income of the local
people. However, the structure and mechanism of the


subsidies has to be incorporated in a pricing system that

according to basic modern financial principles, incorpo-

allows the market to choose the most efficient water

rating market rates for the interest as well as reasonable

supply solution, while encouraging efficiency in the use of

technical assumptions for the product lifetime. The RE-

the water at the same time.

desalination community has to develop this methodology

for the different technologies and oversee its application.

A possible pricing solution is the life-line rate . With this


pricing system the first necessary unit of water is cheap.

4.2.3 Mobilising investment funding

The price of the following water units increases in blocks.

This pricing structure is similar to the increasing block
structure and presents three advantages: The average

The market analysis mentioned in section 4.2.1 will iden-

water price reflects the real cost; users have an incentive

tify the niche markets for each technological combination

to rationalize their water consumption and third everyone

showing the highest potential. These markets should be

can afford the minimum needed amount of water.

targeted directly by the product developers, aiming at

raising the initial revenues and demonstrating the good
performance of their systems.

The use of renewable energy for the energy requirements

of water infrastructure should be incorporated in the support schemes available in many countries for electricity

However, in many cases there might not be any users wil-

generated by renewable energy and exported to the grid.

ling or able to pay the full price of the first RE-desalination

For the authorities to establish a fair support system for

alternatives are available e.g. by using public support,

RE-desalination, the water generation cost from these

incentives or innovative financing schemes. Particularly for

systems, when the costs are still relatively high. Many

technologies has to be transparent. Currently, every tech-

developing countries, programmes offered by NGOs and

nology developer or researcher who installs demonst-

international development aid organizations need to be

ration plants publishes water cost figures which are not

identified and used.

comparable. A comprehensive methodology for the water

calculation cost has to be developed. It must take into ac-

Many individuals, or groups of people not served from

count the capital costs and the operation and maintenance

centralized services, currently buy bottled water or water

costs for the, average framework conditions prescribed in

delivered by trucks, which costs more than the average

a well-defined manner. The calculation shall be performed

cost of water generated by RE-desalination. In principle,


they could afford the technology, however, they might not

be able to pay up-front the whole capital cost in order to
benefit over the years by the lower daily cost of the
water supply. Therefore, suitable financing schemes should
be developed to help them pay the investment cost of a
desalination plant over 10 or more years. Several microfinancing schemes have been successfully demonstrated
for different technologies.
However, the institutions that provide the financing will
need to be sufficiently confident that the plant will operate
without problems for 10 or more years. It is up to the technology developer to provide comprehensive guarantees as
outlined in section 4.1.1.


awareness about
and its benefits
has to be increased
4.3 Institutional and social strategies

Lobby for greater cooperation between the power

and water sectors in governmental and non- govern-

Support development and implementation of a long-

mental institutions

term and consistent communication strategy by the

RE-desalination community

Support education and training at all levels

Facilitate organization of seminars, debates and other

Encourage adequate consideration of socio-cultural

events related to RE-desalination involving engineers

factors and establishment of communication chan-

and decision makers of the large institutions respon-

nels with the end-users

sible for water and energy in the target countries

Promote simpler and straightforward processes to
obtain a license for independent water production


4.3.1 Improve the public perception of the

4.3.2 Change the prevalent culture in institutions

To overcome possible negative perceptions, the awareness

Within large public or private institutions, opinions are slow

about RE-desalination and its benefits has to be increased

to change. However, as structures are gradually changing

among the general population and target groups. More

due to the privatisation of the energy and water market and

information about the progress, potential and especially

as new young employees are hired, the opportunity arises

about successful projects should be made available to the

to promote new ideas and approaches, like the decentrali-

general public and targeted audiences. For this, a long-term

sation of the water supply and the adoption of innovative

and consistent communication strategy has to be developed.

technologies like RE-desalination.

Of course, product developers manage their own promotional campaigns, but the RE-desalination community should

If RE-desalination is included in the curricula of higher edu-

come together in order to address a much broader audience.

cation young scientists and engineers, who eventually will

Contacts have to be developed and maintained in spe-

be working for large institutions, will become familiar with

cialised publications and in the mass media of the most

the technology at an early stage. The RE-desalination com-

relevant countries. They will regularly provide coverage of

munity should build on the existing efforts of education and

the progress in the field and will promote the success stories

training in the sector by supporting the update and wide use

of RE-desalination installations.

of the materials.

One of the most important issues for improving the public

Organising seminars, debates and other activities specifically

acceptance of the technology is to adapt the taste of the

directed towards the engineers and decision makers of large

desalinated water, specific to each culture. Especially for

water and energy institutions in selected countries, will help

distillation technologies, the produced water might have no

make them more familiar and comfortable with this techno-

taste, although it is of very high quality. This fact is difficult

logy, understanding its benefits and applicability.

to accept for populations that are used to consuming , for example, brackish water. All RE-D systems would profit from a
universal solution to the taste problem. A simple mechanism
that can be applied to small decentralised systems and adapts the taste to the local preferences has to be developed.


4.3.3 Promote coordination of energy

together to promote simpler and more straightforward legal

and water policies

processes. The RE-desalination community can learn from

the solar energy sector. In many countries by forming pressure

In most countries the management structures of energy and

groups, PV associations have succeeded in simplifying the

water are totally separated, as analysed in chapter 3. A stron-

procedures for domestic production of electricity and sale of

ger cooperation between both sectors should be encouraged

surplus energy to the grid, allowing any individual to become

and supported in governmental and non-governmental insti-

an independent power producer.

tutions. Special emphasis should be given to establishing and

maintaining communication channels between the decision

In all countries the RE-desalination community has to work

makers of the two sectors. In addition, independent moni-

with the authorities to identify and remove the bottlenecks

toring should ensure that their policies are coordinated and

in the licensing process. Many of these issues are the result

consistent. There are a lot of synergies and common issues

of limited cooperation between the energy and water autho-

between the two sectors that remain unexploited.

rities. As a result, many small producers having to visit many

different organisations that deal with water, energy and the

The RE-desalination community should work together with

environment to secure all of the permits required to const-

the other relevant interest groups to promote this cooperati-

ruct and operate a RE-desalination plant.

on between energy and water policies. Such interest groups

are the hydroenergy plant owners and operators, power
4.3.5 Training and infrastructure

plant operators that need fresh water for cooling etc. The International Energy Agency, recognising the need of closer cooperation between the energy and the water sectors, organi-

Education and training on all levels is necessary, covering

sed in March 2009 the "Workshop on Renewable Energy and

technological, economical, social and institutional aspects

Water" bringing together key stakeholders from both fields.

of RE-desalination. Many universities already teach REdesalination as part of their curriculum. Nevertheless, much
more must be done to include RE-desalination in a large

4.3.4 Reduce the bureaucracy

number of relevant universities and technical schools in order to cover the technology in more detail. Relevant educa-

All stakeholders that are interested in promoting small inde-

tion should be provided especially in those countries where

pendent production of water production plants should work

the technologies are most suited. Cooperation between the


universities on national and international levels should be

of new methods and technologies in rural regions of

promoted to facilitate the exchange of teaching materials,

developing countries.

lecturers and researchers specialised on RE-desalination.

Aid projects almost always bring a plethora of external
The networks for the distribution of spare parts and the

methods and methodologies, values, expectations and

availability of maintenance personnel will only be deve-

targets to the recipient community. At the same time,

loped together with the market. Existing networks of re-

the local culture often has a long tradition and deeply

levant technologies should be exploited, to facilitate the

engraved values related to water and water management.

process. Also the use of planning and other support tools

It is therefore essential to take those traditions and value

seriously and integrate them into any strategy aimed

that have been developed in EU co-funded projects


should be promoted.

at strengthening the enabling environment and resolving

allocation conflicts.

4.3.6 Factoring in religion and gender issues

Conflicts of interests leading to manipulation and corruption must also be explored as part of pre-project analysis.

Appropriate technology must consider socio-cultural and

For example, it would be difficult to install a renewable

religious factors in order to be sustainable. It is not helpful

energy based desalination plant with a bottling facility,

to install technologies such as modern RE based desali-

if the village mayor owns the local bottled water import

nation systems as part of aid projects without ensuring


proper adoption by the local community. A basic principle

should be a combination of local community partnerships
involving the key players and identifying and eventually
addressing the key conflicts. Often it is an influential
individual or a group within the community who openly
- or secretly - oppose a project for entirely unexpected
reasons. A strategy respecting values and traditions,
involving participatory community partnerships and,
whenever possible, public-private partnerships may alleviate the known problems surrounding the introduction


5. Resources and activities

community is
taRGeting a 35%
share of that
5.1 Targets and time frame

As mentioned in section 2.2, new desalination plants to be

constructed up to 2016 are expected to be worth, in total,

The RE-desalination strategy in chapter 4 outlines the main

over $64 billion. The RE-desalination community in that in-

points of focus in order to overcome the barriers the tech-

itial stage of development is targeting a 35% share of that

nology is facing. To successfully implement the strategy,

market, worth $23 billion over the next 7 years. This is a

all actors must collaborate to bring together the necessary

market large enough to attract the interest of major play-

resources and implement specific activities that will deli-

ers who will catalyse fast developments. The largest part

ver concrete results. For encouraging action and defining a

is expected to be among the plants with capacities below

benchmark against which the progress can be monitored,

1,000 m/day where on a global scale in the next decade

specific targets with associated time frames are set here.

15 to 20% of the market share is aimed by RE-desalination,


using existing technologies like wind-RO, wind-MVC, solar

ket studies for at least four countries, preferably Greece,

MD, solar MEH and PV-RO. For larger plants, just below 2%

Spain, Morocco and Tunisia by 2014. More countries are

of the market could be reached when in addition to the

to be included in the next few years. The country specific

very large wind powered RO systems, CSP-MED and wave-

studies of the legal framework conditions should follow,

RO plants start being implemented.

with the first four countries to be covered before 2015.

The "RE-desalination Association" described in paragraph

5.2 should be established before 2012 and include initially
more than 20 members, with at least 75% of them being
commercial companies.
The 8th Framework Programme of the European Commission is the main target and will cover the R&D activities
from 2014 for a period of seven years presumably. Several
topics relevant to RE-desalination are planned for that programme. As a result, the number of co-financed projects
related to RE-D over that period will increase to over 50.
This represents R&D worth more than 100 million Euro.
The education and training activities should expand continuously to more universities and institutes in Europe
and throughout neighbouring regions. The target is that
by 2015 at least 2,000 students per year in Europe have
a subject within their curriculum relevant to RE-desalination. And by 2015, more than 500 professionals per year
should be trained in RE-desalination.
The market studies analysed in section 5.5 should be made
as soon as possible. The target set here is to complete mar-


power and resources to represent

the RE-desalination
5.2 Establishing the RE-Desalination Association

objectives are common. The following are some key groups

doing relevant work and who have expressed interest in

In the description of the strategy in chapter four it has been

RE-desalination. They could facilitate the establishment of the

indicated in several points that joint action by the RE-

RE-Desalination Association:

desalination community is required. For that purpose, the

first action necessary for the implementation of the strategy

European Desalination Society: EDS34 is the association of

is to formalise the community in an organisation that is widely

desalination related industries. It organizes every year at

accepted and has the power and resources to represent the

least one major conference and several training courses. Both

RE-desalination industry and promote its interests on every

the conferences and the courses are increasingly including

level. This organization will be called here the "RE-Desalina-

RE-desalination related topics.

tion Association".
European Renewable Energy Council: EREC35 is the umbrella
The Association should build on the achievements of other

organisation of the European renewable energy industry, trade

groups or initiatives with similar interests, benefit from their

and research associations active in the sectors of bioenergy,

experience and work closely together with them where their

geothermal, ocean, small hydropower, solar and wind energy.


Solar Thermal Desalination Workgroup of the European

particular interest or by public funding that will have to be

Solar Thermal Technology Platform36: The workgroup is

secured. The activities of the RE-Desalination Association

dedicated to the support of solar thermal powered

will include:

Define the R&D priorities that will benefit the entire
Task on "Solar water & energy processes and applications"

sector and coordinate activities in this direction

of the SolarPACES initiative : It operates under the


umbrella of the International Energy Agency, bringing

Support the wider establishment of RE-desalination

together teams of international experts focusing on the

education and training activities

development of large combined solar power and desalination plants, medium scale solar thermal desalination and

Supervise and coordinate a comprehensive market

stand-alone small solar desalination systems.


The working group established by ProDes on RE-desalina-

Develop and promote appropriate legal structures and

tion is to follow-up on the implementation of the roadmap


and lead the efforts for the establishment of the RE-Desali Raise awareness about the technology and demonstrate

nation Association. Together with the groups defined abo-

its market potential

ve and other relevant organisations the general framework

for the new organisation will be defined. A first meeting
will be organised parallel to a major event of the sector
to launch the group. Subsequently periodic meetings open

Each one of these points is further discussed in the

to all the members of the RE-Desalination Association will

following paragraphs.

prioritise and organise its activities.

The RE-Desalination Association will need initially one or
two full time employees and funds to cover basic office and
promotion requirements. These basic expenses should be
funded by fees from its members. Additional funding for
concrete activities can be secured by members who have a


support the
of the sector
5.3 R&D priorities

In the past, the fact that RE-D belongs to both the water and
the energy sectors, has been a barrier for securing R&D fun-

In section 4.1, a number of R&D priorities that are relevant

ding since neither sector felt totally responsible for this area.

for the whole RE-desalination sector have been defined.

It should be worked to reverse this situation and use it as

A list according to the latest technological developments in

an opportunity to include RE-desalination priorities in both.

the sector should be updated regularly. The update will be

made after a regular consultation process and a review of

The R&D priorities are:

the R&D progress by a scientific committee.

R&D of components suitable for RE-D

Links with programmes that are funding R&D activities

Adaptation of pumps and energy recovery systems

for efficient operation in small-scale plants

should be developed, like national research programmes or

the Framework Programme of the European Commission.

The identified R&D priorities should be promoted for inclusion

Development of seawater-resistant materials

(e.g. pumps)

as priorities through these channels to support the develop-

Automated and environmental friendly pre- and

post- treatment technologies

ment of the sector.


Control systems that optimise the performance and

minimise the maintenance requirements

Obtain certification for food proofed systems for

materials that are in contact with the water

R&D of components suitable for the smooth and efficient coupling of the existing desalination and renewable
energy technologies
Support development of elements that will make REdesalination robust for long stand-alone operation in
harsh environments
Support development of components and control systems that allow desalination technologies to deal better
with variable energy input

Hybrid systems

Energy storage

Salinity gradient systems

Support development of co-generation systems that

produce water and power


activities are
driven by the
market demand
5.4 Education and training

the accreditation of the courses is also important. Finally,

the wider implementation of the training activities has to

In the strategy outlined in chapter 4, educational and

be promoted, especially in regions where the application

training activities have been identified as a major tool for

is suitable but the industry in the sector or the means to

overcoming all kind of barriers: technical, economical and

cover the full cost of the training are lacking.

Regarding the inclusion of RE-D in the educational system,
The training field is growing very fast. Various activities are

a beginning has already been made. Especially the Pro-

being organised. These usually take the form of seminars

Des project has developed and implemented courses for

for professionals which are organized e.g. by the ProDes

students that have been incorporated in the curriculum

project or by EDS, and last from one to five days. Such trai-

of universities in Spain, Portugal, Greece and Italy. Estab-

ning activities are driven by the market demand and are

lished classes at the universities should be continued and

expected to continue requiring specific support.

expanded. The material developed in the ProDes project is

The training activities have to be monitored, promoted, and

openly available through the project's website38. It should

it has to be assured that they do not overlap and maximi-

be ensured that this information is widely disseminated to

se the synergies. The quality assurance of the training and

other interested parties.


first step towards

bringing new
technologies to
the market


5.5 Market study

Initial profiling of the target groups for each RE-desalination segment in the most promising target areas,

A comprehensive market study normally is part of any

including their average water demand, willingness

business plan, and is the first step towards bringing new tech-

and ability to pay for water and alternative water

nologies to the market. As such, it is the responsibility of the

supply options

technology developers to carry out market studies focusing

The quality and detail of the market study depend on the

on the specific characteristics of their products. However, as

analysed in section 4.2.1 this is not always easy and external

availability of resources. For the result to be of any use to the

support or cooperation between the companies of the sector

industry, a group of experts has to be formed that have good

would be beneficial.

understanding of both the technical and business perspectives and experience in market studies. This group has to be

The market studies should be prioritised by country, starting

enriched with selected experts from each target country.

from the most promising ones and gradually including more.

It is estimated that for every country, 12 to 18 person-months

In each country, the following elements should be analysed:

will be necessary. The funds to finance this are substantial and

have to be mainly taken from the industry that will benefit

Who are the main stakeholders in the water supply

from the results. Co-funding from European or other public


sources could then be sought.

Outline of the institutional and legal framework, with

The ProDes project and other initiatives have done important

particular focus on independent water production

work already analysing the situation in selected countries and

developing suggestions for a possible RE-desalination support

Current status of the desalination market and experien-

scheme. This valuable experience can be incorporated in the

ces with RE-desalination

studies. There are also commercial studies for sale in the

market like the GWI survey of the water sector of 49 countries

Current status of the renewable energy market and the

including desalination: The Global Water Market 2011

relevant legal framework

Meeting the world's water and wastewater needs until 2016.

This study can build the base for a market study for RE-D.

Identification and prioritisation of the most suitable

regions for RE-desalination


Legal and policy

issues are impeding
the application
of RE-desalination
enhancing cooperation in the energy and water sectors,

5.6 Legal and policy issues

improving the legal framework and adapting the subsidy

There are several legal and policy issues as highlighted in

systems for giving a fair chance to RE-desalination.

section 4.3 that are impeding the application of RE-desalination

technologies. Studies should be carried out in each selected

The quality and detail of the studies depend on the availability of

country, identifying the bottlenecks in the legal system for

resources. A group comprised of experts from various fields has to

independent water producers and the difficulties faced by RE-D

be formed, which as a whole understands the legal situation and

developers because the legal framework was designed before

the economy in each country as well as the technology. It is esti-

they even entered the picture. Aspects of cooperation between

mated that at least 12 person-months will be necessary to carry

the governmental departments and non-governmental institu-

out this study. Again the funds have to be taken mainly from the

tions in charge of water and energy should be analysed. Finally,

industry benefiting from the results together with possible co-fun-

the study should focus on the mechanisms and perspectives of

ding from European or other public sources. There are synergies

the existing subsidies for water and renewable energy.

with the market studies presented in the previous paragraph.

If both are organised together for every country economies of sca-

The study should conclude with recommendations for

le can be exploited, with common experts assisting in both groups.


long-term and consistent communication strategy

5.7 Raising awareness

to demonstrate to the industry that the RE-desalination

market is large enough to justify development and pro-

A long-term and consistent communication strategy to

duction and to motivate them to develop equipment and

raise awareness has to be developed professionally through

production in this area.

newsletters, press releases and journalists. Information

about the technologies and successful installations should
be directed to the general public.
Key stakeholders should be targeted, like professionals from
the water and energy sectors. To that end, the organization of
seminars, debates and other events related to RE-desalination
should be encouraged and facilitated in the target countries.
Finally the affiliated industries should be addressed. Direct
meetings or other means of communication should be used


List of abbreviations



brackish water

WaterAid (2008/09) Annual Report 2008/09


brackish water reverse osmosis

CRES Centre for Renewable Energy Sources

Garca, Lourdes. (2002) Seawater desalination driven by


concentrating solar power

renewable energies: a review. Desalination 143 103113


Mathioulakis, E. Bellessiotis, V., Delyannis, E. (2007)

EDR Electrodyalysis Reversed

ITC Canary Islands Institute of Technology

Desalination by using alternative energy: Review and

state-of-the-art. Desalination 203 (2007) 346365


membrane distillation


multiple effect desalination


multiple effect humidification


multi stage flash

Desalination Guide Using Renewable Energies, 1998, ISBN


mechanical vapour compression



ocean thermal energy conversion



Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (Cres), Greece,

G.N. Tiwari (2003) Present status of solar distillation,


renewable energy


renewable energy driven desalination


reverse osmosis

Solar Energy 75 (2003) 367-373, Elsevier


salinity gradient powered by reverse



solar destilation

solar still in a multi-source, multi-use environment, Solar


sea water reverse osmosis

Energy 75, 403411, Elsevier


thermal vapour compression


vapour compression


vacuum membrane distillation

status report on solar desalination and solar cooling,


water that is saturated or nearly saturated

NEGST WP5 Dissemination level

with salts. It is produced as a waste

product during desalination

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V. Sabatelli, G. Fiorenza, D. Marano (2005) Technical

Mller, C., Schwarzer, K., Vieira da Silva, E. (2004) Solar

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ADU-RES Project (2005) (INCO-CT-2004-509093)




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1 March 2008, Pages 1722

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EGEC European Geothermal Energy Council (2007),

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dialysis: effect of model parameters on electrical power

n 220, January 2008

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Data from two projects: ENSEMBLES (2004-2009)


http://www.ensembles-eu.org and ECA&D; http://eca.knmi.nl

Enercon. Enercon desalination systems -sustainable

solutions for drinking water production- http://www.enercon.de/www/en/broschueren.nsf/vwwebAnzeige/1008C1


European Environment Agency (EEA). (2009) Water


resources across Europe confronting water scarcity and

tems_Booklet_Englisch.pdf, downloaded the 1.12.2009

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WWF, (2007). Making water Desalination: option or

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distraction for a thirsty world? WWF International, Gland,



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Global Water Market (2008) Opportunities in Scarcity

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V. Hernndez, A. Riaza, A. Buenaventura, B. Peate, V.


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Claves para el Desarrollo de la Desalacin con Energas Re-











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Michael Papapetrou
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