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Celeste Porsbjerg, Erik Melén, Lauri Lehtimäki, Dominick Shaw

Lancet 2023; 401: 858–73 Asthma is one of the most common chronic non-communicable diseases worldwide and is characterised by variable
Published Online airflow obstruction, causing dyspnoea and wheezing. Highly effective therapies are available; asthma morbidity and
January 19, 2023 mortality have vastly improved in the past 15 years, and most patients can attain good asthma control. However,
undertreatment is still common, and improving patient and health-care provider understanding of when and how
to adjust treatment is crucial. Asthma management consists of a cycle of assessment of asthma control and risk
Department of Respiratory and
Infectious Diseases, Bispebjerg
factors and adjustment of medications accordingly. With the introduction of biological therapies, management of
Hospital, Copenhagen, severe asthma has entered the precision medicine era—a shift that is driving clinical ambitions towards disease
Denmark remission. Patients with severe asthma often have co-existing conditions contributing to their symptoms, mandating
(Prof C Porsbjerg MD PhD);
a multidimensional management approach. In this Seminar, we provide a clinically focused overview of asthma;
Institute of Clinical Medicine,
University of Copenhagen, epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management in children and adults.
Copenhagen, Denmark
(Prof C Porsbjerg); Department Epidemiology asthma prevention and reduced burden of disease are
of Clinical Science and
Asthma affects around 300 million individuals globally:1 achievable.8 Introduction of asthma-protective environ­
Education Södersjukhuset,
Karolinska Institutet and after having increased in prevalence for decades, the mental microbial exposures, in the form of bacterial
Sachs’ Children and Youth prevalence of asthma now appears to be plateauing, lysates or microbial compounds, has yielded promising
Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden although there is clear regional variation with continuous results. Supplemen­tation of some nutrients, such as fish
(Prof E Melén MD PhD); Allergy
increases in many low-income and middle-income oil during pregnancy, might decrease childhood risk of
Centre, Tampere University
Hospital, Tampere, Finland countries. Estimates from publications in the past 5 years asthma.9 Although general reco­mmendations are given to
(Prof L Lehtimäki MD PhD); suggest a global prevalence of asthma symptoms of reduce harmful exposures, such as tobacco smoke and air
Faculty of Medicine and Health around 10% in children and adolescents2,3 and 6–7% in pollution (if possible at the individual level), targeted
Technology, Tampere
adults, ranging from 2 to 3% in adults in some low- intervention strategies are yet to be developed and fully
University, Tampere, Finland
(Prof L Lehtimäki); National income countries to 10% in high-income countries.4 evaluated.
Institute for Health and Care The prevalence of childhood wheeze, the hallmark
Research Nottingham of asthma in young children, varies considerably From childhood to adulthood
Biomedical Research Centre,
Division of Respiratory
across regions and countries, with estimates of around Although childhood wheezing is very common, the
Medicine, School of Medicine, 3–5% (in Indonesia and Albania) up to more than 20% majority of asthma has its onset in adulthood,10 but the
University of Nottingham, (in New Zealand and Costa Rica).5 By the age of 6 years, proportion of allergic asthma decreases with increasing
Nottingham, UK up to 50% of all children might have experienced some age at asthma onset.11 Conversely, there is up to a
(Prof D Shaw MD FRCP)
form of wheezing, most with a mild form of disease 60% chance of remission of asthma in people who
Correspondence to:
associated with viral infections.6 develop the disease before the age of 10 years, but
Dr Celeste Porsbjerg, Department
of Respiratory and Infectious Risk factors associated with asthma prevalence include only 5–15% for adult-onset asthma.12,13 Before puberty,
Diseases, Bispebjerg Hospital, heredity, exposure to tobacco smoke, viral exposure, air boys are more likely to develop wheeze and asthma,
Copenhagen 2400, Denmark pollution, obesity, genetic risk factors, sex (boys have a whereas a sex shift occurs around the start of puberty
higher risk than girls before puberty) stress, some towards a more sex-balanced onset. In adults with
allergen exposures (eg, dust mites), urbanisation, scarcity severe asthma, there appears to be a female
of beneficial microbial exposures, socioeconomic status,1 predominance. Guideline recommendations about
and occupational exposures in adults.7 structured transitional care of adolescents and young
Primary prevention of asthma has proven adults with asthma are now in place and highlight the
challenging, although multifaceted programmes, such as need to check that the patient is knowledgeable about
the Finnish Allergy Program 2008–2018, have shown that their disease and compliant with their prescribed
Factors associated with persistence of asthma from
Search strategy and selection criteria childhood to adulthood overlap to a great extent with the
We searched for English language articles and reviews in general asthma risk factors (eg, heredity, polysensitisation,
PubMed published from database inception to June 30, 2022. and obesity) but also include repeated airway infections,
The search combined the terms “asthma”, and the impaired lung function, comorbidities, and eosinophilia.15
subheadings “epidemiology”, “pathophysiology”, Asthma in childhood might impair airway development
“immunology, “diagnosis”, “children”, “management”, and reduce maximally attained lung function, which
“severe”, and “exacerbations”. We prioritised papers published could persist into adulthood;16 severe asthma during
between Jan 1, 2018 and April 31, 2022. We also searched the childhood has been associated with a substantially
reference lists of articles identified by this search and selected increased risk for fixed airway obstruction (in some
those we deemed most relevant. studies classified as chronic obstructive pulmonary

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2023. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

Costs related to asthma underlying type 2 inflammation in a patient on inhaled

Expenditure related to asthma has continued to increase. corticosteroids. Type-2-low asthma is poorly understood;
In the USA, health-care costs increased from US$53 billion the proposed potential role of neutrophils, with
in 2007 to $56 billion in 2009 and $82 billion in 2013.18 involvement of Th1 and Th17 cells, is increasingly
Asthma is thought to account for more than 1% of the debatable because attempts to targets these immune
total global disability-adjusted life-years lost.19 The majority pathways have proven ineffective, and neutrophilic
of costs associated with asthma care relate to emergency airway inflammation might be more of a non-specific
care and severe persistent disease.20 In addition, indirect marker of severe asthma, relating to low lung function,
costs due to school absenteeism, reduced working older age, altered airway microbiome, and high doses of
capacity, sick leave, and disability pensions are substantial inhaled corticosteroids, than a causative factor.23 At this
and correlate with asthma severity, but might vary across point, more research is needed to understand the role of
countries and health-care systems. Th1 and Th17 inflammation in the pathophysiology of
asthma, including the potential interaction with Th2
Pathogenesis of asthma immunity.
Asthma is an airways disease, defined by intermittent Mast cells are important effector cells, releasing
bronchospasm causing symptoms such as wheezing and bronchoconstrictive mediators, such as histamine and
dyspnoea, and characterised by airway inflammation, leukotrienes. Mast-cell infiltration of the airway smooth
airway hyper­-responsiveness, and mucus hypersecretion, muscles is a feature of type-2-low asthma as well as
all contributing to variable airflow obstruction, but with type 2 high asthma, and hence a general driver of airway
heterogeneous underlying inflammatory mechanisms. hyper-responsiveness.24–26
An improved understanding of the role of these The airway epithelium is increasingly recognised as
mechanisms is leading to increasingly effective targeted having a key role in asthma pathology with disrupted
treatment options. barrier function, but also an exacerbated inflammatory
response to specific triggers, such as allergens, and non-
Clinical traits and pathogenetic mechanisms specific triggers, such as virus or smoke, with increased
Clinical traits of asthma (ie, dyspnoea, wheezing, cough release of thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP), IL-33,
and phlegm, exacerbation tendency, loss of lung function, and IL-25.27,28 These epithelial cytokines (known as
and asthma severity) reflect different underlying disease alarmins) then activate several immune cells, including
mechanisms, in which structural cells and immune cells Th2 and ILC2 cells, ultimately causing eosinophilic
interact to cause the pathogenetic features of asthma. airway inflammation, mucus hypersecretion, and
The relative contribution of these features might vary bronchospasm.29 Additionally, TSLP and IL-33 activate
between people who have asthma, causing heterogeneity mast cells directly, thereby establishing a link between
in the clinical presentation and expression of the airway epithelium and mast-cell activation directly
inflammatory biomarkers (figure 1). without the involvement of T2 cells, but similarly
The immunology of asthma is heterogeneous; however, resulting in airway inflammation and airway hyper-
although it is well recognised that the type of airway responsiveness.24 Consequently, alarmins have a key role
inflammation might differ between patients (eg, eosino­ in the immune hyper-responsiveness that underpins
philic or neutrophilic), underlying causative (endotypic) asthma exacerbations.
mechanisms are not understood as well, although An aberrant innate immune memory might contribute
molecular inflammatory profiling has provided better to the increased inflammatory responses observed in
insights.21 In early onset allergic asthma, Th2 cells are asthma. Trained immunity refers to epigenetic and
activated during allergen exposure, inducing an metabolic reprogramming of innate immune cells,
inflammatory cascade that results in eosinophilic airway resulting in an augmented secondary response to
inflammation. In the past 5 years, innate lymphoid different immune triggers.30
type 2 cells (ILC2s) have been identified as possible drivers In asthma, airway smooth muscle is hypertrophic, and
of eosinophilic airway inflammation in non-allergic loss of homoeostatic control causes hypercontractility with
asthma and have also become apparent in allergic asthma, tendency to bronchospasm.31 Airway hyper-responsiveness,
leading to a shift in denomination from eosinophilic the key defining pathophysiological feature of asthma,
versus non-eosinophilic asthma to type 2 high and results from hypercontractile airway smooth muscle, with
type-2-low asthma.22 Clinical evidence on the exact role of an increased sensitivity to the bronchoconstrictive
ILC2 cells and other types of innate lymphoid cells in mediators released mainly from mast cells and eosinophils
asthma is still somewhat limited. in relation to airway inflammation.32 Airway smooth
Clinical biomarkers of type 2 inflammation include muscle in asthma is thought to be affected by inflammation,
blood and airway eosinophils, which are driven mainly rather than intrinsic abnormalities, and additionally to
by IL-5, and fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO), contribute to airway inflammation and remodelling by
induced by IL-13. As type 2 biomarkers are suppressed by releasing inflammatory mediators, such as IL-5, IL-13, and
anti-inflammatory treatment, low levels do not preclude IL-8.31

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2023. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

Epithelial dysfunction
(Disrupted barrier, aberrant inflammatory response
to asthma triggers)

Immune hyper-responsiveness and trained immunity

TRMs DCs ILC2 Th2 Eosinophils Mast cells

Epithelial transition: goblet cell Key cytokines: TSLP, IL-33, IL-25, IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, IL-8 Airway remodelling
hyperplasia Key inflammatory mediators: leukotrienes, PGD, histamine, tryptase, (basal membrane, fibroblasts)
(Mucus hypersecretion) chymase, EPX, ECP, EDN
Growth factors: EGF, TGF-β, VEGF

ASM pathology
(hypertrophy, hypercontractility, mast cell infiltration, release of
immune mediators)

Irritative cough: provoked by

Exacerbations environmental triggers

(aberrant response to Sensory nerve
asthma triggers: tendency dysfunction
to inflammatory bursts)

Airway remodelling;
(basal membrane Mucus hypersecretion Cough with phlegm
Loss of lung function
thickening: (goblet cell hyperplasia) dyspnoea and wheezing
(typically irreversible: fixed
airflow obstruction) subepithelial fibrosis)

Airway T2 mucosal
ASM hypertrophia Airway inflammation
and mucosal oedema hyper-responsiveness (eg, mast cells, Elevated T2 biomarkers
Reduced lung function eosinophils) (FeNO or eosinophils)
(potentially reversible with
anti-inflammatory treatment) Variable airflow obstruction


Wheezing, dyspnoea, cough

Figure 1: Key pathophysiological mechanisms of asthma and resulting disease components and clinical features
Bottom: dyspnoea and wheezing are caused by variable airflow obstruction, reflecting airway smooth muscle hypercontractility. Top: a range of pathophysiological
mechanisms interact to cause these clinical features of asthma. These factors might interact in different manners and with variation between patients. TRM=tissue
resident memory cell. DC=dendritic cell. ILC2=innate lymphoid cell. Th2=T2 helper cells. TSLP=thymic stromal lymphopoietin. PGD=prostaglandins. EPX=eosinophil
peroxidase. ECP=eosinophilic cationic protein. EDN=eosinophil-derived neurotoxin. EGF=epidermal growth factors. TGF-β=tumour growth factor β. VEGF=vascular
endothelial growth factor. ASM=airway smooth muscle. FeNO=fractional exhaled nitric oxide.

Sensory nerve dysfunction might cause irritative cough, hyper-responsiveness.35,37 In patients with type 2 asthma,
but also airway hyper-responsiveness in asthma. The IL-13 induces transition of the airway epithelial cells into
density of sensory nerves is increased in asthma, mucus secreting phenotypes via upregulation of
particularly in patients with eosinophilic airway inflam­ MUC5AC,38 causing chronic mucus hypersecretion with
mation, possibly contributing to hypersensitivity to cough and phlegm, and disrupting the epithelial barrier,
environ­ mental triggers and airway hyper-responsive­ potentially contributing to loss of lung function.
Airway remodelling contributes to airflow obstruction Genetics and epigenetics
by a combination of subepithelial fibrosis, basal Estimates from twin studies show a very strong hereditary
membrane thickening, mucosal oedema, and airway effect with up to 80% or more of disease occurrence (ie,
smooth muscles hypertrophy, which might to some heritability) explained by genetic factors.39 Yet the influence
degree be reversible with anti-inflammatory treatment of genetic factors needs to be considered in an
but often requires longer term therapy.36 Additionally, environmental context with multiple factors influencing
structural components (airway smooth muscle hyper­ disease risk. Overall, the genetic influence appears to be
trophy, mucosal oedema, and basal membrane thickening stronger for child-onset asthma than adult-onset asthma,
causing airway narrowing) also contribute to airway although many risk loci are common for both children

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and adults (eg, IL18R1, HLA genes, and TSLP).40,41 There is wheeze (eg, laryngeal obstruction), or dyspnoea on exertion
no gene that alone might cause asthma, but for childhood without variability make asthma less likely.
asthma, genes at the 17q12-21 locus (including The diagnosis of asthma is ideally confirmed
gasdermin-B [GSDMB] and ORMDL sphingolipid objectively by showing variable airflow obstruction:46
biosynthesis regulator 3 [ORMDL3]) appear particularly reversibility testing and peak expiratory flow (PEF)
important. There is strong evidence for gene–environment diaries are the most widely available tests, but also have
interaction effects between these 17q12-21 variants and a limited sensitivity, and bronchial challenge testing
early life exposures such as viral infections, tobacco might be necessary. The results of objective asthma tests
smoke, and farming lifestyle.42 This evidence highlights should also be interpreted in the context of the
the joint effect of genetic and environmental effects in symptoms. For a patient in whom there is a suspicion of
asthma. Expression analyses of key genes at this locus also asthma based on the history (ie, a high pre-test likelihood
direct attention to airway epithelial function and crosstalk of asthma), a trial of treatment with inhaled steroid
with the immune system. Other well known asthma might be considered, if bronchial challenge tests are
genes, such as IL33 and TSLP, also seem to exert their unavailable.
effect primarily on the epithelium.43 Bronchodilator reversibility testing assesses the increase
Evidence from the past 5 years suggests that epigenetic in the forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) after inhalation
mechanisms are central for the regulation of airway of a rapid-acting bronchodilator; an increase of 12% and at
epithelial cells and immune responses (eg, eosinophil least 200 mL after 15 min is considered clinically significant
activation) in asthma in both children and adults.44 (in children: >12% FEV1 increase only). The sensitivity of the
Epigenetics refers to chemical modifications of the DNA, test is, however, poor,48,49 particularly in patients with normal
without any change in the underlying nucleotide lung function,50,51 and a negative test does not rule out
sequence but causing alterations in the translation into asthma.
mRNA and proteins, and is influenced by a whole range
of factors, from genetics, host factors, and ageing to
environmental exposures (eg, smoking, air pollution, History Diagnostic tests
and viral infections) and disease processes.44 Factors increasing pre- Factors reducing pre- Demonstration of variable airflow obstruction:
test probability of test probability of • Spirometry with reversibility testing (improvement
asthma asthma in FEV1 of 12% and at least 200 mL)
Clinical presentation and diagnosis of asthma Variable symptoms of Constant symptoms: • Peak flow diary (20% variation between the
Asthma is characterised by intermittent and variable • Wheezing • No variation minimum and maximum, 2 weeks)
• Breathlessness • Monosymptomatic • Bronchial challenge testing (exercise: 10%, mannitol
symptoms of bronchospasm and airway inflammation (ie, • Cough and phlegm cough test: 15%, methacholine test: 20%)
dyspnoea, tightness of the chest, wheezing, cough, and • Triggered by external • No effect of asthma
phlegm), which occur either spontaneously or in response factors (eg, cold, virus, medications
and exercise)
to triggers such as exercise or cold air. Some patients • History of atopy
might experience asthma attacks (exacerbations) with • Family history
more pronounced and persistent symptoms, such as after
a viral infection. Asthma is a heterogeneous condition and Asthma control Inflammatory biomarkers and
might present differently in terms of the age at onset, the Asthma symptom control:
clinical phenotyping
severity of asthma, and the clinical presentation. • Symptoms more than twice a week
Essentially, a diagnosis of asthma is based on a (eg, GINA, ACQ, ACT)
• Lung function less than 80%
combination of a relevant history and demonstration of • Exacerbations
variable airflow obstruction. Diagnosing asthma might Risk factors for adverse future outcomes: Allergic asthma:
be challenging; due to its variable nature, objective signs (ie, exacerbations, loss of lung function, • Allergic sensitisation to aeroallergens (skin prick test
side-effects of asthma medications) or specific IgE)
of asthma might be absent at the time of assessment, • Uncontrolled symptoms • Symptoms of allergic rhinoconjuctivitis
and the diagnostic process consists of assessing the • Tendency to exacerbations
T2 biomarkers:
• Low lung function
likelihood of asthma based on symptoms, objective tests, • High T2 biomarkers
• FeNO more than 25 ppb
• Blood eosinophils equal to or more than
and response to treatment (figure 2).46 In addition, • Exposures (eg, tobacco)
300 cells per μL
markers of asthma phenotypes might aid in guiding • Comorbidities
• Sputum eosinophils equal to or more than 3%
• High SABA use
management. A key part of the diagnostic testing of Predicts effect of treatment: guides individualised
Determines need for treatment and treatment
asthma is also considering differential diagnoses and management
determining the presence of comorbidities and other
potentially treatable traits (figure 3).47 Figure 2: Diagnostic assessment of asthma: history taking, diagnostic tests, assessment of asthma control
Taking a history from a patient assesses the likelihood of and phenotyping
asthma; typical asthma symptoms such as wheezing and Asthma is ideally diagnosed on the basis of a history of classic symptoms and objective signs of variable airflow
limitation. Symptoms might vary over time; during stable periods, asthma might be difficult to detect. Assessment
tightness of chest that vary over time, and are triggered by
of asthma control guides the level of treatment, and asthma phenotyping guides individualised management
exercise, allergen exposure, or viral infections highly strategies. In children, no reference values for peak flow variation exist.45 ACQ=Asthma Control Questionnaire.
increase the pre-test likelihood of asthma, whereas atypical ACT=Asthma Control Test. FeNO=fractional exhaled nitric oxide. FEV1=forced expiratory volume in 1 s.
symptoms such as mono­symptomatic cough, upper chest GINA=Global Initiative for Asthma. SABA=short-acting β2 agonists. T2=type 2.

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2023. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

airway hyper-responsiveness caused by airway inflam­

Triggers mation, but are less sensitive because a specific level of
Triggers might be acute or chronic and might have synergistic effects (eg, allergen exposure and virus infections)
inflammation is required to be present at the time of
Allergens Virus
Perfume, Exercise, the test.
emissions cold air
Occupational Smoking Pollution
exposures Specific considerations in children
In preschool children (younger than 5 years), asthma
might be challenging to diagnose due to a wide spectrum
Inflammatory phenotype traits Treatment barriers of disease symptoms and scarcity of objective airway or
Affects susceptibility to respond to Could impede asthma management in
triggers working effectively lung function measures, and because many children
Poor might have a virally induced wheezing phenotype rather
Eosinophilia adherence
Poor inhalation
than asthma, which might not become evident until later
sensitisation technique in life. Several wheezing phenotypes have also been
Lack of insight
High FeNO into asthma
identified, each with a specific set of clinical characteristics
and pathophysiological features.54 A history of recurrent
symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, chest tightness,
Comorbidities Severity traits and trouble breathing constitutes the basis for diagnosis
Can aggravate or mimic asthma symptoms In patients treated with high-dose ICS and a second (figure 1; appendix p 1). Information on symptom triggers,
controller (LABA, LAMA, or LTRA), consider traits
Allergic rhinitis Chronic cough indicating potential severe asthma (eg, exacerbations) symptom duration and severity, effect of asthma medi­
Dysfunctional cations, family history, and other allergic manifestation is
breathing Need for high-dose ICS and used for the diagnosis. In school-age children (potentially
CRSwNP Bronchiectasis second controller? from age 5 years) and older, the use of objective tools to
Impaired show airflow obstruction or airway inflammation
VCD or ILO Deconditioning lung function (spirometry, bronchodilator reversibility testing, and
Obesity symptom FeNO), in addition to disease history, are strongly
burden encouraged for a correct diagnosis.55 Many adolescents
GERD OSAS might have asthma-like symptoms during exercise, and for
these patients exercise testing may be useful.
Figure 3: Factors contributing to poor asthma control
Many factors could contribute to poor asthma control: symptoms, need for SABA, reduced lung function, and Phenotyping and endotyping asthma
exacerbations. As part of the diagnostic evaluation and management of asthma, these factors should be assessed, Asthma can be divided into phenotypes by observable
and potential treatable traits be addressed. COPD=chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. CRSwNP=chronic disease manifestations and endotypes by inflammatory
rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps. FeNO=fractional exhaled nitric oxide. GERD=gastro-oesophageal reflux. mechanisms, which is increasingly important with
ICS=inhaled corticosteroids. ILO=inducible laryngeal obstruction. LABA=long-acting β2 agonists.
LAMA=long-acting muscarinic antagonists. LTRA=leukotriene receptor antagonists. OSAS=obstructive sleep the advent of more targeted treatments: allergy to aero­
apnoea. SABA=short-acting β2 agonists. VCD=vocal cord dysfunction. allergens is diagnosed on the basis of allergic sensitisation
(ie, skin prick test or specific IgE) in combination with
PEF monitoring might be useful in patients with a symptoms in relation to a relevant exposure. Clinical
normal lung function. Different calculations might be biomarkers of type 2 inflammation include blood
applied; the percentage amplitude highest PEF eosinophils (>300 cells per µL) and FeNO (>25 ppb) for
([(highest PEF – lowest PEF)/highest PEF] × 100) with a differentiation of type 2 high versus type-2-low asthma.56–58
cutoff of more than 20%, is considered accurate and does Although the gold standard for assessing airway
not require calculating the daily mean PEF.46 inflammation is induced sputum, blood eosinophil
Bronchial challenge tests for airway hyper-responsiveness measurements are more feasible, although with a
have the highest sensitivity for detecting asthma (60–80%)52 moderate sensitivity, and low blood eosinophils do
but are mainly restricted to specialist settings; exercise not preclude eosinophilic airway inflammation.59,60
testing might be difficult to perform correctly; and in Additionally, as steroid treatment suppresses type 2
adults, inhalation challenge tests such as the direct inflammation, type 2 biomarkers and their variation over
methacholine test or the indirect mannitol or hypertonic time should be evaluated in the context of ongoing
saline tests are more commonly used. Direct challenge treatment. Over half of people with asthma are likely to
tests act directly on the airway smooth muscle, making have an eosinophilic disease, and the proportion is higher
them the most sensitive tests but also less specific, with in more severe asthma.61
false-positive tests in patients with chronic cough or
patients who smoke.52 Indirect tests act via inflammatory Differential diagnosis and comorbidities
cells—mainly mast cells releasing broncho-constricting Many conditions might resemble asthma, some of which
mediators in response to an increase in airways osmolarity might also co-exist with asthma as a comorbidity and could
(eg, exposure to mannitol, hypertonic saline, or exercise).53 contribute to poor asthma control if not managed
See Online for appendix The indirect tests are hence more specific, reflecting (appendix pp 1–4).

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2023. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

Allergic rhinitis is the most frequent comorbidity in poor asthma control is important: exposure to triggers,
asthma, particularly in children, and a common cause of treatment barriers, comorbidities, inflammatory pheno­
poorly controlled asthma.62 Chronic rhinosinusitis with or type traits, and asthma severity traits (figure 3).
without nasal polyposis is characterised by recurrent
episodes of sinus or facial pain, nasal stenosis, post-nasal Long-term management of non-severe asthma
drip, and loss of sense of smell, mostly occurring in Once the diagnosis has been established, and factors
adults, and might be associated with aspirin intolerance.63,64 contributing to symptoms and future risks of exacerbations
Dysfunctional breathing is very common in asthma and loss of lung function have been assessed, a
and can mimic symptoms similar to asthma:65 patients management plan addressing these factors can be made,
with a chronic hyperventilation pattern might also have including appropriate pharmacological management.
dizziness, numbness, tingling around the mouth, Non-pharmacological management of asthma includes
fingers, and toes, tiredness, and difficulty concentrating. advice on avoidance of exposures such as allergens
Mental health disorders are common in asthma, and— (when relevant and feasible), smoking and occupational
similar to dysfunctional breathing—the direction of exposures, and appropriate management of comorbidities
causality might be difficult to establish, particularly in contributing to poor asthma control (figure 4). Providing
patients with anxiety or depression.66 Psychological stress adequate education information to patients (and families)
might contribute to poor symptom control and trigger on their disease and management is key to achieving
airway inflammation, particularly in allergic and positive long-term outcomes. Teaching inhalation
eosinophilic asthma.67,68 technique by physical demonstration of the device is
Obesity is associated with worse asthma control and important to prevent treatment failure due to poor
increased risk of exacerbations. Additionally, comorbidities inhalation technique, and in patients with known
associated with obesity (ie, gastroesophageal reflux disease asthma, inhalation technique and adherence should be
and obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome) often contribute assessed at every clinical control.
to poor asthma control.69
Inducible laryngeal obstruction can mimic or co-exist Pharmacological treatment regimens
with asthma, but causes sudden onset of symptoms in Traditionally mild asthma was treated with short-acting
response to triggers such as strong smells or exercise.70 β2 agonists (SABA) alone and an inhaled corticosteroid
Due to the sudden onset and often profound nature, this was added in when symptoms were not adequately
acute laryngeal obstruction can be very frightening for controlled. Asthma was then treated in a stepwise
people with asthma and can lead to repeated acute manner, in which the dose of inhaled corticosteroids
hospitalisations. was increased, or second controllers (ie, long-
Overlap of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary acting β2 agonists [LABA] and leukotriene receptor
disease (COPD) can reflect several situations; incomplete antagonists [LTRA]) were added, until asthma became
development of lung function during childhood resulting controlled, and subsequently adjusted according to the
in reduced FEV1/forced vital capacity (FVC) ratio,16 level of asthma control.
irreversible loss of lung function in asthma due to This treatment approach has changed because of
remodelling, and development of COPD in an asthma several linked issues. Data suggested SABA overuse and
patient who smokes.71 ICS underuse were associated with a higher risk of
Chronic cough with cough hypersensitivity to a range exacerbation or even death,77 and that compliance with
of triggers is now recognised as a disease entity, rather inhaled medication in patients with asthma has
than a non-specific symptom, but might also co-exist consistently been poor, even when patients have
with asthma.72 Differentiating chronic cough from symptoms of asthma. A study of rapidly increasing
cough-variant asthma can be difficult; a trial of treatment inhaled steroid dose at the onset of worsening asthma
with inhaled steroids might be necessary. Eosinophilic control showed fewer severe asthma exacerbations,
bronchitis is a rare but important differential diagnosis supporting the idea that increasing doses of inhaled
that is treated similarly to asthma.73 steroids before exacerbation onset improves the outcome.
Based on these factors and several large studies,77,78
Assessing asthma control and factors the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) now
contributing to poor asthma control recommends two different tracks for adults and
Asthma symptom control and the presence of risk adolescents (ie, aged 12 years and older) and for
factors associated with future adverse events inform the children (aged 6–11 years), with very similar regimens
management strategy (figure 2) and form the basis for a (figure 4). Track 1 is based on a combination of inhaled
dialogue with the patient to set shared treatment goals. corticosteroid and formoterol (a fast onset but long-
Adverse future outcomes include recurrent acting bronchodilator) in a single inhaler used as a
exacerbations (asthma attacks), accelerated decline in reliever, and the more traditional Track 2 has a SABA
lung function, and treatment-related comorbidities.58,74–76 prescribed as a reliever, alongside intermittent or
Additionally, considering factors that could contribute to regular inhaled corticosteroids.

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Track 1

Step 1–2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Treatable traits Intervention

Reliever: as-needed low-dose ICS–formoterol Pulmonary

• Fixed airflow • LAMA
As-needed low-dose Low-dose regular Medium-dose regular Add-on LAMA; • Bronchitis • Azithromycin
ICS–formoterol ICS–formoterol ICS–formoterol consider high-dose • Bronchiectasis • Azithromycin or
regular carbocysteine, or
ICS–formoterol; or both
consider anti-IgE, • ABPA • Anti-fungals and
anti-IL5, anti-IL5R, oral corticoste-
anti-IL4R, or roids
anti-TSLP Extra pulmonary
• Obesity • Weight loss
Track 2 • Smoking • Smoking cessation
• Gastro- • Anti-reflux
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 oesophageal therapy
• Rhinosinusitis,
Reliever: as-needed short-acting β2 agonist nasal polyps • Nasal ICS
• Allergy • Immunotherapy
• Aspirin • Avoidance
Take ICS Low-dose Low-dose Medium-dose Add-on LAMA; exacerbated
whenever regular ICS regular or high-dose consider respiratory disease
SABA taken ICS–LABA regular high-dose • Inducible laryngeal • Breathing
ICS–LABA regular ICS obstruction retraining
with LABA, • Obstructive sleep • Continuous
increase or apnoea positive airway
decrease pressure
anti-IgE, Behavioural
anti-IL5, • Anxiety • Psychological
anti-IL5R, • Depression support
anti-IL4R, or • Poor medication • Digital inhalers
anti-TSLP adherence

Always check inhaler technique and adherence ICS dose Children Adults and
• Escalate if uncontrolled (beclometasone (6–11 years) children
• De-escalate if controlled for 3 months equivalent) >12 years

Low dose 100–200 200–500

Other treatment options: mcg per day mcg per day

Medium dose >200–400 500–1000

Azithromycin mcg per day mcg per day

Bronchial Medium dose >400 >1000

thermoplasty mcg per day mcg per day

Figure 4: Long-term management of asthma in adults and adolescents older than 12 years
ABPA=allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. ICS=inhaled corticosteroids. LABA=long-acting β2 agonists. LAMA=long-acting muscarinic antagonists.
LTRA=leukotriene receptor antagonists. SABA=short-acting β2 agonists. TSLP=thymic stromal lymphopoietin.

These recommendations are based on data suggesting For children aged 0–5 years, SABA as needed can be
that SABA overuse is associated with a worse outcome.77 recommended for mild wheeze only, although short-
However, it is difficult to establish from studies whether course inhaled corticosteroids at symptom onset (GINA
SABA overuse per se or relative under-use of inhaled Step 1) or daily low-dose inhaled corticosteroids (or
corticosteroids is the main driver for the poorer outcomes, LTRA; Step 2) should be considered when symptoms
or a marker of more severe disease, because the same become frequent or more severe. For Step 3 and 4,
association is observed in patients on high-dose inhaled inhaled corticosteroids dose is increased and LTRA
corticosteroids with a high use of prescribed as-needed added. If asthma is still not well controlled at Step 4, refer
SABA.79 Importantly, the use of monotherapy with a single for specialist assessment (panel 1).
inhaled corticosteroid and formoterol inhaler in mild A stepwise approach based on increasing the dose of
asthma is not licensed or approved in all countries, or by inhaled corticosteroids at each step forms the foundation
the US Food and Drug Administration or European of many national and international asthma guidelines
For more on the types of
asthma drugs and inhalers see Medicines Agency, although its use is becoming more (figure 4). The dose administered depends not only on
www.rightbreathe.com widespread globally. the formulation but also particle size and type of inhaler.

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Panel 1: Controversies in pharmacological management of asthma: Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) Track 1 vs Track 2
The GINA guidance is based on a series of studies summarised in patients known to be compliant with inhaled corticosteroids,
a meta-analysis80 that found as-required long-acting β2 agonists but still symptomatic, can lead to confusion. In mild to moderate
(LABA) with inhaled corticosteroids are effective in adults and asthma on GINA step 2, regular use of maintenance inhaled
adolescents with mild asthma. Compared with short-acting β2 corticosteroids led to better symptom control and lung function
agonists (SABA) alone, combined LABA and inhaled than as-needed combined inhaled corticosteroids and
corticosteroids reduced exacerbations, hospital admissions, and formoterol.82,83 This outcome is understandable since an inherent
oral corticosteroid use. Compared with regular inhaled part of the as-needed strategy is to react to symptoms instead of
corticosteroids with rescue SABA, as-required LABA with inhaled preventing symptoms by regular medication. Therefore, as-
corticosteroids was more effective at reducing hospitalisations needed use of asthma medication might work best in the
and emergency department visits, with reduced overall exposure mildest forms of asthma with infrequent symptoms and normal
to inhaled corticosteroids. lung function.
Outside of the published studies, there are clear benefits to Inhaled corticosteroids are not without risk. Inhaled
adopting combined inhaled corticosteroids and LABA corticosteroids have been linked to a risk of pneumonia in both
monotherapy as initial treatment in mild asthma. These benefits asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,84 and
include medication use being more consistent up the steps, osteoporosis,76,85 all in a dose-dependent manner, and high-dose
potentially increasing adherence, use of a single type of reliever inhaled corticosteroids (>1600 beclometasone equivalent) are
or maintenance inhaler, with the added advantage of only equivalent to a systemic dose of prednisolone of 5–8 mg.86 High-
having to learn one inhaler technique; and not relying on SABA dose inhaled corticosteroid use has also been linked to adrenal
monotherapy during an exacerbation. suppression, particularly in children,87 so the addition of a second
Potential downsides are that symptoms and exacerbation risk controller rather than an increase in inhaled corticosteroids dose
might not be closely linked in individual patients,81 leading to is often initially preferred. Occurrence of growth suppression has
over-use of inhaled corticosteroids with LABA; symptoms of been observed in children with regular use of inhaled
asthma and other diseases, such as inducible laryngeal corticosteroids, in particular during the first year, but catch-up is
obstruction, dysfunctional breathing, and cough reflex possible and the overall effect on growth is considered very small
hypersensitivity, can often overlap, potentially leading to over- (around 1 cm difference in adult height).88 Growth should,
use of inhaled corticosteroids with LABA; and reports of some however, be monitored regularly in all children.
primary care doctors refusing to prescribe rescue SABA in

Of note, 80–90% of the maximum obtainable benefit in corticosteroids with LABA therapy. Triple therapy is
the long-term treatment of asthma in adults occurs when associated with an increased risk of dry mouth and
taking less than 500 μg beclometasone equivalent daily. dysphonia.90
Stepping up therapy depends on the level of asthma Aside from increases in inhaled corticosteroid dose,
control. In people who take inhaled corticosteroids with other options are available to improve asthma control. In
LABA as a reliever, the number of as-needed doses can the UK, the addition of an LTRA such as montelukast is
be adjusted day-to-day according to symptoms. For recommended as the next addition after the initial use of
people with asthma taking maintenance inhaled low-dose inhaled corticosteroids, rather than adding
corticosteroids, the dose can be increased for between LABA.91 GINA suggests LTRA can be given as a treatment
one and two weeks during periods of worsening asthma trial at any step to improve symptom control.
control (eg, due to a viral infection or seasonal allergen Most guidelines suggest stepping down the inhaled
exposure). If asthma control is persistently poor, there corticosteroids dose by 25–50% or removing any
should be a step up to the next level. additional controller medication if the patient is
If people with asthma are still symptomatic despite a controlled for at least 3 months. GINA states that
low-dose combination of inhaled corticosteroids with treatment should be stepped down when asthma
LABA (step 2 and 3) or medium or high-dose inhaled symptoms have been well controlled and lung function
corticosteroids with LABA (steps 3 and 4), GINA advises has been stable for a minimum of 3 months. This
addition of a long-acting muscarinic antagonist (LAMA) decision needs to be balanced against the risk of future
or LTRA as of May, 2022. The combination of inhaled exacerbations or persistent airflow limitation.
corticosteroids, LABA, and LAMA is referred to as triple Because of the plateau effect on lung function and
therapy. Addition of LAMA has been shown to reduce symptoms, at an inhaled corticosteroid dose of around
time to exacerbation in moderate to severe asthma, with 500 μg beclometasone equivalent, the GINA step 4 to 5
modest improvements in asthma control and lung might be better served by an assessment of airway
function,89 without substantial differences in quality of inflammation status and targeting an increased dose of
life or mortality, when compared with inhaled inhaled corticosteroids at persistent airway inflammation

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(after showing the patient is compliant—ie, using their modifying treatment in mild to moderate asthma;
inhalers as prescribed and with proper technique).47 however, caution is needed if used in severe asthma.
Biomarker-directed therapy with higher dose treatment Subcutaneous immunotherapy with various allergens has
in patients with persistent type 2 inflammation improved been found to reduce asthma symptoms, the need for
outcomes in the CAPTAIN92 study; this was an approach asthma medication, and airway hyper-responsiveness, but
taken in the RASP-UK study, in which FeNO there is no consistent effect on exacerbations.96 However,
measurement was used to down-titrate and up-titrate the some evidence suggests that sublingual immunotherapy
dose of inhaled corticosteroids. with house-dust-mite allergen could decrease exacer­
One potential obstacle to moving towards a fully bations and the need for asthma medication.97,98
biomarker-directed therapy approach is the commonly
held view that asthma symptoms are closely linked to risk Biomarkers to guide therapy
of asthma exacerbation. The events around the epidemic The use of type 2 biomarkers in guiding therapy is
thunderstorm event in Melbourne, VIC, Australia,93 where important in severe asthma, but their use in mild
more than 3000 emergency asthma admissions occurred and moderate asthma is more contentious. FeNO
in 24 h, with only 28% of patients having a formal asthma measurement has been studied for different indications,
diagnosis, and many of the patients with asthma having including asthma diagnosis,99 predicting the response to
few symptoms preceding the event, showed us that even inhaled corticosteroids,100 dose titration of inhaled
patients with minimal symptoms can be at risk of an corticosteroids,101,102 and adherence monitoring of inhaled
exacerbation if exposed to an antigen or virus. Conversely, corticosteroids.103–105
patients with poorly controlled asthma and daily The recent American Thoracic Society Clinical Practice
symptoms might not necessarily be at an increased risk of Guideline106 stated that measuring FeNO is beneficial and
an asthma exacerbation.94 Using biomarkers to both should be used in addition to usual care, although gave a
stratify risk and guide therapy gives the potential to both conditional recommendation. The guidance reco­ m­
target treatment and reduce exacerbations,95 but more mended that an individual’s FeNO level should be
randomised controlled studies are needed. interpreted in conjunction with clinical judgements based
on the perceived probability of benefit, including reducing
Allergen immunotherapy exacerbation risk. The group concluded that there were not
Allergic asthma is often associated with allergic enough data to recommend specific cutoff points
rhinitis. Allergen immunotherapy is widely used and associated with specific actions, such as starting or
recommended to treat allergic rhinitis, and although its increasing the dose of an inhaled corticosteroid, but
role in treating allergic asthma is less established, allergen recognised that initial guidelines stated that a low FeNO
immunotherapy has the potential of being a disease- value of 25 ppb in adults (20 ppb in children) was
considered evidence that a response to the corticosteroids
Panel 2: Digital inhalers and focus on sustainable inhalers was unlikely, and a high FeNO value above 50 ppb in adults
(35 ppb in children) was considered evidence of a likely
Digital inhalers, with embedded technology enabling the measurement of the number of corticosteroid response, with response between these two
puffs, inhaler technique, and inspiratory flow are now offered by several companies. The boundaries unpredictable. A similar conclusion was
use of connected digital devices is quite new but studies to date have consistently found reached in a systematic review107 of 22 studies that
that their use is associated with an improvement in adherence (at least in the short term), suggested using a strategy based on FeNO to reduce
although this does not always translate to improved clinical outcomes.117 Connected asthma exacerbations in both children and adults; however,
inhaler systems are now being used routinely in some severe asthma services, along with a more recent study108 in children found that adding FeNO
monitoring of fractional exhaled nitric oxide or forced expiratory volume in 1 s, to to symptom-guided treatment did not reduce exacerbations.
establish whether patients with poor control either need adherence reinforcement or These findings might reflect the problem of using group
increased doses of inhaled corticosteroids.118 mean cutoff points to guide individual therapy with FeNO.
The carbon footprint of inhalers continues to rise as global use increases. A study GINA now recommends repeated assessments of type 2
estimated that in 2018, 800 million hydrofluoroalkane (HFA)-propellant-based metered- biomarkers (blood eosinophils and FeNO) at the time of
dose inhalers were manufactured worldwide, using approximately 11 500 tonnes of asthma worsenings and a lowest possible level of inhaled
hydrofluorocarbons, predominantly HFA-134a.119 Most of these HFAs are contained in corticosteroids before assuming asthma is type-2-low.
salbutamol metered-dose inhalers. HFAs are strong greenhouse gases and contribute to In a clinical context, elevated FeNO in a patient given
global warming; every puff of salbutamol is estimated to be approximately equivalent to inhaled corticosteroids should lead to consideration of
a mile travelled in a petrol car in terms of global warming. Consequently, the use of dry poor adherence; it also supports increasing the dose of
powder inhalers that do not contain propellants is now encouraged. Three companies inhaled corticosteroids, when compared with adding a
have announced programmes to implement propellants with a lower global warming second controller, if the patient is poorly controlled.
potential using HFA-152a or HFA-1234ze, with the first products potentially available
from 2025. Disappointingly, the ability to recycle inhalers is still limited globally and the Other factors
majority still end up in landfill. Prescribing an inhaler if the patient cannot or will not use
it correctly has little benefit. Unfortunately, issues of poor

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technique or adherence persist,109,110 and both should be check self-management and compliance with their
assessed at every opportunity. The plethora of drug– medication,114 real-life data suggest that health-care
device combinations available (eg, single, double, triple, consultations decrease after the transition to adult asthma
metered-dose inhaler, dry powder, and soft mist) probably care.115 Influenza vaccination should be offered annually to
exacerbates the issue. Poor adherence is often linked to both children and adults with asthma. Data are scarce but
socioeconomic disadvantage and psychological a systematic review116 concluded that the vaccination might
comorbidity.111,112 reduce asthma exacerbations (panel 2).
The use of written personalised asthma action plans, For examples of personalised
describing how to recognise and respond to worsening Severe asthma asthma action plans see https://
symptoms, has consistently been associated with reduced Severe asthma is defined as “asthma that is uncontrolled, manage-your-asthma/action-
use of health-care resources, emergency department visits, despite adherence with maximal optimised high-dose plan/
hospital admissions, and unscheduled consultations, and inhaled corticosteroids with LABA treatment and
better asthma control.113 Understanding when to increase management of contributory factors, or that requires
reliever medication, when to take rescue oral high-dose treatment to maintain good symptom control
corticosteroids, and when to seek medical advice is crucial. and reduce the risk of exacerbations”.120 Whereas GINA
Although guidelines recommend a structured transitional guidelines define high-dose inhaled corticosteroids as
care for adolescents with asthma and highlight the need to more than 800 μg beclometasone, American Thoracic

Difficult asthma Complex asthma

(poor control despite high-dose ICS and second controller)

Systematic assessment
Diagnosis and endotype
• Confirm the diagnosis, whether current symptoms are due to asthma,
Difficult-to-treat asthma
assess asthma control, and assess inflammatory endotype
Poor asthma control
Treatment barriers
caused by treatment Severe asthma
• Check adherence, inhaler technique, and possible need for asthma Overlaps
barriers or Poor asthma control
triggers caused by insufficient
response to current
• Exposures (smoking, allergens, occupational exposures)
strandard treatments
• Comorbidities

Manage treatment barriers, aggravating factors and comorbidities, and Manage treatment barriers, aggravating factors and comorbidities, and
optimise pharmacological treatment optimise pharmacological treatment

People with severe asthma often have other co-existing causes of poor asthma control,
Continued poor asthma control, not explained by contributing factors mandating a multidimensional management approach to improve treatment outcomes

Possible specialised treatments for uncontrolled severe asthma

Anti-IgE Anti-IL-5/5R Anti-IL-4/13 Anti-TSLP Azithromycin Bronchial


• Sensitised to • Blood eosinophilia B-eos 0·15–1·5, or • No phenotype • Exacerbations • Exacerbations

Eligibility perennial (>0·15 or 0·3) FeNO >25 ppb requirements • mOCS at most
allergens, allergen and and • Exacerbations 10 mg of
driven disease •Exacerbations •Exacerbations or prednisolone per
and or or • mOCS use day
• Exacerbations • mOCS use • mOCS use • Adults only
or • FEV1 >60%
• mOCS use

Possible • B-eos >0·26 • Higher blood • Higher blood • Higher blood • Colonisation with NA
predictors of • FeNO >20 ppb eosinophils eosinophils eosinophils Haemophilus
good response • Allergen driven • More exacerbations • Higher FeNO • Higher FeNO influenzae
asthma • CRSwNP • CRSwNP

Effective also in • Chronic • CRSwNP • CRSwNP NA • Bronchiectasis NA

spontaneous • EGPA • Atopic
urticaria • HES dermatitis

Figure 5: Assessment and treatment of severe asthma

B-eos=blood eosinophils. CRSwNP=chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps. EGPA=eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis. FEV1=forced expiratory volume in
1 s. HES=hypereosinophilic syndrome. ICS=inhaled corticosteroids. FeNO=fractional exhaled nitric oxide. mOCS=maintenance oral corticosteroids. NA=not applicable.
TSLP=thymic stromal lymphopoietin.

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Society and European Respiratory Society guidelines set Systematic assessment consists of confirming the
the cutoff at more than 1600 μg beclometasone, which is diagnosis with objective tests, and assessing phenotype,
the most widely used definition in setting the indication treatment barriers, triggers, and comorbidities,120,121 and
for biological therapies. About 5–10% of asthmatics have requires a highly specialised and multidisciplinary setup
severe asthma, often with frequent exacerbations and to adequately identify and manage all treatable traits.
requiring maintenance oral corticosteroids, and severe Importantly, a multidimensional management approach
asthma drives most costs associated with the health care of patients who have poorly controlled asthma despite
of asthma. high-dose treatment has been shown to improve asthma
control.122 Asthma associated with factors other than
Difficult-to-treat asthma and systematic severe asthma is termed difficult-to-treat asthma.
assessment Recognising that there is a substantial overlap of severe
Most people referred to specialist care for uncontrolled asthma and difficult-to-treat asthma both in children and
asthma despite taking high-dose treatment do not have adults is important,123,124 because patients with truly severe
severe asthma, but have other causes of poor asthma asthma often have comorbidities that are not fully or
control, such as treatment barriers, exposures to allergens easily modifiable, such as obesity and gastroesophageal
or smoking, or asthma triggers caused by comorbidities. reflux disease. Perhaps these patients should be
Hence, to make a diagnosis of severe asthma, a systematic considered as having complex asthma, rather than
assessment is mandated, to identify and manage these difficult-to-treat or severe asthma (ie, having several
factors, before considering a biological treatment contributors to their symptom burden that need to be
(figure 5). taken into consideration in a situation of loss of symptom
control and managed appropriately).
Panel 3: Controversies in severe asthma
Pharmacological treatment of severe asthma
The definition of severe asthma might bias our perception of Besides the described standard asthma therapies, there
severe asthma towards a mainly type-2-inflammation-driven are several biological therapies available for severe asthma,
disease, because the definition is based on the intensity of the but until the introduction of tezepelumab, therapies were
anti-inflammatory treatment, rather than biological mostly directed against type 2 inflammation (panel 3).
characteristics of the disease process. People with asthma who In general, the main effects of biological therapies are a
have low type 2 biomarkers, have tried high-dose inhaled reduction in exacerbations and the need for maintenance
corticosteroids without effect, and have been down-titrated oral corticosteroids, and these two traits of severe asthma
again, do not fulfill current definitions of severe asthma, even set the indication for starting a biological therapy in most
if they have a substantial burden of symptoms, reduced lung countries, which is important to take into account when
function, and exacerbations. considering referral of a patient to a severe asthma
Furthermore, the terminology on severe asthma assumes that center.125 People with asthma might also experience
we can always differentiate between the truly severe asthma substantial improvements in symptom control and lung
and people with other causes of poor asthma control (ie, the function; generally, these effects have been moderate in
difficult-to-treat asthma). The reality is that many patients with phase 3 studies on biological therapies, mainly due to
severe asthma also have many other contributing factors, in substantial improvements in the placebo groups,
particular comorbidities that might not be modifiable. reflecting the importance of general asthma care in severe
asthma as well. Subsequent real-life studies show more
Hence, severe asthma needs to be redefined into a definition
consistent effects on symptoms and lung function, which
that reflects the complexity of this group of people, who
might reflect a better selection of patients through
often require the multidimensional and multidisciplinary
systematic assessment in the severe asthma clinics.
approach offered in severe asthma clinics to improve asthma
Most current biological therapies in severe asthma are
directed towards mediators of type 2 inflammation, but
Novel biological treatments targeting the inflammatory recently a novel biological therapy targeting TSLP
cascade in asthma more upstream (ie, at the initiation of the (tezepelumab) has been approved.126 Although most
inflammtory response, at the epithelial level) could effective in eosinophilic asthma, tezepelumab has also
potentially make it possible to begin inducing asthma shown efficiency in patients with low biomarkers of
remission. More research is needed to understand what type 2 inflammation.127 The mode of action in these
immune remission of asthma is and how it can be achieved. patients is unclear, but might reflect effects via mast cells
We do not know what triggers asthma to become severe and or directly on the airway smooth muscle, both of which are
what the typical trajectories in the development of severe activated by TSLP.
asthma are. Improved knowledge on the triggers and
mechanisms of severe asthma would allow more precise Other treatment options for severe asthma
treatment and possibly also prevention in the future. Regular long-term use of azithromycin has been shown to
decrease asthma exacerbations regardless of inflammatory

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endotype,128 but it might be even more effective in people factors, including seasonal change (representing increased
with Haemophilus influenzae colonisation of the airways.129 exposure to viruses or allergens), previous exacerbations,
Gastrointestinal-tract related side effects are sometimes gastroesophageal reflux, obesity, low socioeconomic
encountered with regular use of azithromycin, and status, and comorbid diseases, including allergic rhinitis
macrolide resistance, potential reversible hearing loss, or chronic rhinosinusitis.139,140 Several treatable traits are
and long QT time are other factors to consider. associated with an increased risk of asthma exacerbation
Bronchial thermoplasty is a procedure in which and need to be assessed in clinic. Over-reliance on SABA
radiofrequency energy is applied to the bronchial wall, (eg, salbutamol) has long been known to be associated
which has been shown to decrease asthma exacerbations. with asthma exacerbations.77,141 In Sweden, a third of adults
The precise mode of action is not fully understood; with asthma were high-users of SABA (defined as three or
bronchial thermoplasty reduces airway smooth muscle more canisters per year), of whom 28% had no collection
mass but also appears to improve the ability of the airway of anti-inflammatory drugs,78 which suggests
epithelium to regenerate and affects afferent nerves of the undertreatment of asthma and lack of inhaled
airways.130,131 However, studies are unclear on what type of corticosteroids to be the underlying cause of the increased
patients would benefit most from bronchial thermoplasty. exacerbation risk in people with asthma with a high SABA
use; data are similar in the UK.142 Elevated blood eosinophil
Choosing between treatment modalities in counts are also associated with an increased risk of asthma
severe asthma exacerbation,143,144 and are used as one variable to identify
There are several options for the treatment of severe patients who might benefit from monoclonal antibody
asthma, particularly in a patient with type 2 high severe therapy. Poor adherence is often overlooked but is an
asthma, and treatment regimens should be selected with important risk factor for exacerbations; the highest
a precision medicine approach (ie, the right treatment reduction in the odds of exacerbation is found in patients
for the right patient). Some of the current biological achieving 80% or more adherence with their inhaled
therapies for severe asthma are also licensed for the corticosteroids.145
treatment of common comorbidities, such as atopic
dermatitis or chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis, Clinical assessment and management of
which might guide the choice of treatment (figure 5). exacerbations
Asthma exacerbations cause acute shortness of breath
Severe asthma from a paediatric perspective and wheeze. Most exacerbations can be managed in the
Severe asthma in children and adolescents is fortunately community with bronchodilators and often a short
a rather rare condition. Estimates suggest that 2–10% of course of oral prednisolone (or betamethasone). More
children with asthma of school-age and older have severe exacerbations require hospital admissions.
chronic symptoms or severe exacerbations despite Patients with asthma exacerbations can deteriorate
treatment with several drugs.132 However, most children rapidly; regular assessment via peak flow and patient
and adolescents with asthma improve their asthma examination is required. Oxygen saturations should be
control once modifiable factors have been addressed (ie, monitored by pulse oximetry (appendix p 5).146,147
difficult-to-treat asthma), and only a small remaining
group can be classified as having severe therapy- Care after an exacerbation
resistant asthma. Type-2 high asthma constitutes a well Before discharge from hospital, patients should not have
defined endotype that is also found in children and had any troublesome asthma symptoms for at least 24 h
adolescents, which is possible to treat with available and should ideally have a PEF rate of more than
biological drugs. 75% predicted (or best) at 1 h after treatment and have had
their inhaler technique checked and asthma triggers
Asthma exacerbations identified. A written personalised asthma action plan
Asthma exacerbations are episodes of worsening explaining when and how medications should be changed,
symptoms that do not respond to rescue β2 agonist when to seek help, and future ongoing management,
treatment and require a change in therapy to resolve,133 along with a PEF meter (or personal spirometer), should
often including a short course of oral corticosteroids. be administered. Follow-up should be arranged with a
Asthma exacerbations can be life threatening and are not health-care professional in the near future.
always preceded by poor symptom control, either because
of differences in perception of dyspnoea,134 or because Future directions
day to day symptoms reflect more than just airway Asthma is one of the chronic inflammatory conditions
inflammation.135 Attempts to predict asthma for which we have the best insights into underlying
exacerbations with risk stratification have yet to be immunological disease mechanisms, which has enabled
implemented into mainstream clinical care.136–138 the development of very targeted and hence safe and
Asthma exacerbations are most prevalent in young effective treatments. With this development, ambitions
children before school-age and are associated with many for achieving even better outcomes, such as the

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prevention of asthma, but also inducing remission of 13 Rönmark E, Lindberg A, Watson L, Lundbäck B. Outcome and
asthma, have grown.148 In the next few years, we can severity of adult onset asthma–report from the obstructive lung
disease in northern Sweden studies (OLIN). Respir Med 2007;
expect to learn much more about how to reach these 101: 2370–77.
ambitious goals, such as earlier intervention in at-risk 14 Khaleva E, Knibb R. DunnGalvin A, et al. Perceptions of adolescents
individuals, but we must also aim for a future in which and young adults with allergy and/or asthma and their parents on
EAACI guideline recommendations about transitional care:
long-term oral steroids are not needed and admissions to a European survey. Allergy 2022; 77: 1094–104.
intensive care units and asthma deaths are a thing of the 15 Fuchs O, Bahmer T, Rabe KF, von Mutius E. Asthma transition
past. from childhood into adulthood. Lancet Respir Med 2017; 5: 224–34.
16 Agustí A, Melén E, DeMeo DL, Breyer-Kohansal R, Faner R.
Contributors Pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease:
All authors contributed to the conception and preparation of the understanding the contributions of gene–environment interactions
manuscript. across the lifespan. Lancet Respir Med 2022; 10: 512–24.
Declaration of interests 17 Tai A, Tran H, Roberts M, Clarke N, Wilson J, Robertson CF.
CP declares research grants from AstraZeneca, GSK, Novartis, The association between childhood asthma and adult chronic
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Teva Pharmaceuticals, Sanofi, Chiesi Farmaceutici, and ALK-Abelló;
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