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Self Test

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Osmosis is defined as the movement of water molecules from a region of their high concentration to a
region of their lower concentration via a semi permeable membrane.

A semi permeable or selectivity permeable membrane is one which can allow the passage of some
material to occur and prevent others from passing across it e.g. visking –tubing, cell membrane which
allows the passage of all materials across it is said to be a freely permeable membrane

An experiment to demonstrate osmosis

Aim : To demonstrate osmosis in non living tissues (osmometer)


 Visking tubing or cellophane or dialysis tubing

 Thistle funnel
 Sugar solution
 Distilled water
 Beaker
 Stand/clamp


50cc of distilled water is poured in a beaker. The mouth of thistle is tightly covered with a visking tubing
(a semi permeable membrane). This is filled with a strong solution .Thistle funnel containing the sugar
solution is lowered into the beaker and clamped vertically. The level of sugar solution in the funnel is
marked as the first level



After 2 hours the sugar solution in the thistle is found to have risen upward to level 2 .The water level in
the beaker slightly falls down.


Water molecules moved from the beaker where they are of a high concentration to the sugar solution in
the thistle funnel via semi –permeable membrane by osmosis causing a risen in the level of solution in
the thistle funnel

Experiment to demonstrate osmosis in living tissues


 3 irish potato halves (raw)

 3 petridishes
 2 tea spoonfuls of salt
 Knife or scalpel
 Boiling water
 Distilled

Procedures /method
The three potato halves are peeled at the base using a knife. The middle cavities of the potato halves are
scooped out using a spoon or knife
One of the cut potatoes is placed in boiling water for 5 minutes (This will destroy the cell membrane )
The three prepared potatoes are placed in three petridishes and some water is poured in each of the
dish . A tea spoonful of salt is placed in one of the cavity of the boiled potato and in one of the raw
potatoes as shown bellow

Set up of the experiment

The set up is left to stand for about 3hours


In the cavity of the boiled potato A, there was no water while in the cavity of raw potato half B, there
was water which dissolved salt it. The water level in petrisdish B decreased at the same time .There was
hardly any water in the cavity of potato half C without salt.


Osmosis did not take place in A and C but osmosis took place in B

Explanation of the observation

In A, osmosis did not occur because the semi permeable membrane of potato cells was destroyed by
boiling which did not allow movement of water into the solute (salt) molecules

In B osmosis took place because there was a difference in the water potential between cavity of the
potato and the water in the petridish and plasma membrane of potato cells was living which caused
osmotic inflow of water to the cavity .In C, there was no solute molecules to enable osmatic flow of
water from the petridish to the potato cavity

Note :

When water moves across a semi permeable membrane by osmosis into another solution, a pressure
builds up to stop the flow of pure water into the solution. This pressure is called osmotic pressure .Thus
water moves from a region of high osmotic pressure to a region of low osmotic pressure.

Diagram illustrating osmosis between pure distilled water and sugar solution

The ability of a solution to develop an osmotic pressure is called osmotic potential

Terms used in connection with osmosis

1. Hypotonic solution .This is used to describe a solution containing less solute and more water
molecules compared to another .A hypotonic solution has lower osmotic pressure and is
generally termed as less concentrated
2. Isotonic solution .These are solutions with same concentration of solute and water i.e solutions
with same osmotic pressure
3. Hypertonic solution. This is used to describe a solution with more solutes and less water
molecules than another .A hypertonic solution has a higher osmotic pressure and is generally
termed as more concentrated solution.
4. Turgid .This is the distension of cells particularly plant cells with water.


A. Animal cells .Unlike the plant cells animal cells lack a cell membrane , which is weak and non –
resistant to high internal pressure .


When red blood are placed in a dilute solution (hypotonic solution) e.g. distilled water, the cells swell up
and eventually burst i.e. haemolyse. This is because water moves from the surrounding solution
(distilled water) via the semi permeable cell membrane into the cell.

Haemolysis in the red blood cell. (diagram)

When red blood cells are placed in a more concentrated solution (hypertonic solution ) e.g a strong
sugar or salt solution ,water moves out of the cells to the surrounding solution by osmosis.As a result
,the cells shrink a process called crenation or laking

Crenation of red blood cells (diagram)

However ,when red blood cells are placed in isotonic solution they neither gain water and burst nor lose
water and shrink .This indicates that the blood plasma is isotonic to solution in red blood cells .

Osmosis and plant cells

Plant cells are surrounded by an inextensible ,resistant and completely permeable cellulose cell wall.
The centre of cells contains a vacuoles ,which contains sap .sap is a solution of salt ,sugars and organic
acid .saps is surrounded by a semi-permeable tonoplast membrane .

Diagram of plant cell showing osmotically important parts

When a plant cell is placed in a hypotonic solution e.g distilled water ,it swells up hence increasing in size
due to osmotic flow of water from the solution into the cell .As the cell gains water osmotically it
reaches a time when no more water enters it because the cell wall resist further expansion .At this stage
,the cell is said to be at full turgor or fully turgid .At full turgidity the sap vacuole enlarges and pushes
the cytoplasm against the cell wall. The pressure exertes out wards by vacuole is called turgor pressure .

Diadram of plant cell becoming fully turgid

When a plant cell is in a hypertonic solution e.g strong sugar solution .the cell shrinks and decreases in
size .this is because water moves out of plant cells to surrounding solution by osmosis and cell vacuole
shrinks causing the cell membrane to pull away from the cell wall .

The plant cell becomes faccid because the cell contients are no longer pushing against the cell wall .A
cell in this condition is said to be plasmolysed

Therefore,plasmolysisis the shrinkage of the protoplasm away from the cell wall due to loss of water
from the plant cell by osmosis to the surrounding hypertonic solution

Diagram illustrating plasmolysis

Notes :

Plasmlysis leads to drooping of the plant.if a plant loses water to the surrounding environment by
evaporation faster than it can be replaced from soil the plant droops and and the condition is called
writing .

The absorbtion of water by a solid ,resulting in swelling is called imbibitions .imbibition is different from
osmosis in that water enters the substance ,which absorbs it rather than entering a solution .

Too heavy application of strong fertilizers to soil may kill the plant roots they come in contact with due
to plasmolysis .

Practical activity on osmosis.

Living tissues for example irish, potatoes ,raw pawpaw can be used to determine the levels of solutions
.strips or cylinders of known length and width are cut and at least two pieces soaked in each solution for
30 minutes .They are then removed and measured to get the final length .They are also squeezed to feel
their firmness

Expected observations and conclusions.

1. Some strips would be flexible and soft to touch , while the length and the width would have
reduced .This would mean that the tissue lost water to surrounding solution and the solution is
therefore hypertonic to cell sap .
2. Others would be rigid length and width would have increased .This would mean that the tissue
gained water from the surrounding solution by osmosis and the solution therefore was
hypotonic to the cell sap .
3. There would be no noticeable change in firmness and length of other tissues . This would mean
that the tissue neither gained nor lost water to the surrounding solution was isotonic to cell sap

Significance of osmosis

1. Osmosis is important in absorbtion of water by root hairs from the soil .

2. It enhances the movement of water from rootes hairs via the root cortex to the xylem
3. It facilities the opening and the closure of the stomata by guard cells
4. It enables movement of water from gut into blood streams via gut walls
5. It enables reabsorption of water into blood streams via kidney tubules .


(a). Absorption of water.

Water is absorbed by the root tips and root hairs. Each root hair is an extension of an epidermal cell. It
provides a large surface area for the absorption of water.

Water in the sap vacuole of the root hair is more concentrated with solutes than the soil water solution.
Water from the soil therefore moves through the cell wall (by diffusion), the cell membrane [by osmosis]
into the cytoplasm and finally into the vacuole by diffusion. By osmosis from the soil to the roots.

The root hair sap thus becomes less concentrated than the sap in the surrounding cells.

Water then moves from the root hair into the surrounding cells following the concentration gradient
until it reaches the xylem vessels. As a result the root hair cell remains more concentrated in solutes
than the surrounding soil-water solution. Water continues to move by osmosis from the soil to the

(b)Transport of water up the stem

From the roots, water is transported up the stem through the xylem vessels. The following mechanisms
are thought to be involved;

i. Root pressure

As the water is continuously absorbed into the xylem vessels in the root, it builds up a hydrostatic
pressure that pushes the water up the root. This is illustrated by exudation of water from stumps of the
stem after a tree has been cut.

ii. Transpiration pull

Transpiration is the loss of water from the plant through the leaves.

As the water evaporates from the air spaces and mesophyll cells, it escapes through the stomata
(stomatal transpiration) or through the cuticle (cuticular transpiration). And sometimes through the
lenticels (openings within the stem)- lenticular transpiration

The mesophyll cells develop a higher osmotic pressure than the surrounding cells .water then moves to
the mesophyll cells by osmosis, from the surrounding cells which in turn draw water from the xylem

This creates a continuous pull of water from the roots to the leaves since the xylem vessels in the
leaves, stem and roots are continuous.

The movement of the water is due to cohesion (attraction between water molecules) and adhesion
(attraction of water molecules to the vessel walls). Continued water uptake through the stem is
provided for and maintained by the tension in the leaves created as water is continuously lost
through transpiration and this is termed as transpiration pull.

Leaf structure and transpiration

A typical leaf is broad and flat. This increases the surface area for evaporation of water. Some leaves
have hairs and scales on their surfaces in order to reduce the rate of transpiration. A thick covering of
cuticle on the leave surface also reduces evaporation of water.
The leaf mesophyll cells have large air spaces between them. Water diffuses from the mesophyll cells
and evaporates into the air spaces. The air-spaces connect with the stomata through which water
vapour escapes into the atmosphere. As the mesophyll cells lose water, they draw more from the xylem

Rate of transpiration; This is the amount water lost per unit time.

Factors affecting transpiration rate

a) Temperature
High temperatures cause an increase in transpiration rate.This is because high temperatures dry the air
around the leaf maintaining a concentration gradient of water vapour between the leaf mesophyll and
the atmosphere. At low temperatures, the air around the leaf gets saturated and this lowers the
transpiration rate.
b) Humidity

Humidity is the amount of water vapour in the air. If the amount of water is a lot then the humidity is
high. If it is little, then the humidity is described as being below, then humidity is described as being low.
The higher the humidity of the surrounding air, the lower the transpiration and vice versa.
c) Air movements (wind)
Air movements around the leaf blow away the humid air and replace it with dry air. This increases the
rate of transpiration.
d) Number and distribution of stomata.
The more the stomata, the faster the rate of transpiration .Plants with more stomata on the upper
surfaces of their leaves transpire at a higher rate.
e) Leaf size,
If a plant has many large leaves, or many small leaves, it will have a large surface area of leaf
exposed, and more transpiration will take place. If a plant has a few leaves, then there is a smaller
surface area of leaf exposed for transpiration and less transpiration takes place.

Demonstration of Transpiration.

a) Using polythene bag.

A leafy branch of a tree or potted plant is enclosed within a transparent polythene bag. It is left in the
sun for 1-2 hours. Drops of water are seen to collect on the sides of the bag. A control experiment is set
up by enclosing a branch from which all leaves have been removed.

b) Using cobalt chloride paper;

Cobalt chloride paper is blue when anhydrous but turns pink when hydrated. using forceps , a piece
of cobalt chloride paper is placed on the leaf and held in place by two microscope slides , which are
fastened together either by paper clips or rubber bands. After some minutes the paper turns pink.

Mearsurement of transpiration.

a) Weighing method.

A potted plant is well-watered and the pot is enclosed within a polythene bag to prevent direct
evaporation of water from the soil. It is then weighed and the mass is recorded. The plant is taken
outside for a few hours or simply left on a bench for a The rate of few a hours or simply left on a bench
for one or two days after which it is weighed again. The difference in weight represents the amount of
water lost through transpiration. The rate of transpiration of the plant is then calculated as the amount
of water lost per unit time as shown below.

Rate of transpiration= Initial weight (g)-final weight (g)

Duration of experiment.

a) Photometer method.

A simple bubble photometer can be constructed using a capillary tube, a beaker and rubber tubing. A
leafy shoot is cut and trimmed under water. It is then connected to the capillary tube through the
rubber tubing under water. An air bubble is introduced into the capillary tube. The position of the
bubble is marked.

As the plant loses water by transpiration, the bubble moves along the capillary tube. The distance
moved by the bubble after a given time is noted. From this the volume of water lost per minute i.e. rate
of transpiration, can be calculated.

The photometer is used to determine the rate of transpiration of a plant under different environmental

Significance of transpiration

 Transpiration is important to the plant since it maintains the flow of water up the stem
(transpiration pull).
 Transpiration helps in the transport of mineral salts.
 As water evaporates from the leaf surfaces, latent heat of transpiration is drawn from the
cells, thus cooling the plant.

Adaptations of plants to various Habitats

Hydrophytes (water plants ).

Water plants are either submerged, emergent or floating.

Submerged plants

The leaves have an epidermis with very thin walls and a delicate cuticle. They have no stomata. Water
is excreted from special glands and pores at the tips.

Other adaptations include the following;

i. Presence of large air spaces and canals (aerenchyma)

ii. Some plants have filamentous leaves in order to increase the surface area for
absorption of light,gases and mineral salts.
iii. Some plants are rootless.
iv. In some plants, the stem and leaves are waxy substance to reduce absorption of water.
Elodea spp. Is an example of a submerged hydrophyte.

Floating plants

Their structure is similar to that of mesophytes. The leaves are broad .They have more stomata on the
upper surface than on the lower surface. Examples are pistia spp. (water lettuce) and Lemna (duck

Halophytes (Salt plants)

These are plants that grow in salt marshes and on coastlines e.g. the mangroves. The roots spread
horizontally, and send some branches into the air.These aerial roots are known as breathing roots or
pneumatophores. They have lenticels-like openings called pneumatothodes through which oxygen


These are plants that grow in dry habitats, i.e. in deserts and semi-deserts. They have adaptations to
reduce the rate of transpiration. Others have water storage structures .These adaptations include;

 Reduction of surface area by having needle-like leaves, rolling up of leaves and shedding of
leaves during drought.
 Thick cuticle; epidermis consisting of several layers of cells; leaves covered with wax or resin.
 Sunken stomata, creating spaces with humid still air.
 Deep and extensive root systems for absorption of water.
 Development of flattened shoots and succulent tissue for water storage.e.g. opuntia.


These are the ordinary land plants which h grow in well-watered habitats .They have no special
adaptations. Stomata are found on both upper and lower leaf surfaces.

However, those found in constantly found in wet places e.g. tropical rain forests, features that increase
transpiration. These plants are called hygrophytes. The leaves are broad, thin and velvet-like (hairy).
The stomata are raised above the epidermis . They have glandular hairs or hydathodes that expel
water into the saturated atmosphere.This phenomenon is called ssss


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