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Field Study 2

Participate and Assist

If you are assisting your mentor in an on-line class, these are some
reminders you should share to remote learners on a synchronous platform
like google.met, zoom, MOOCs or any platforms you are familiar with and
are using.

With the use of any google.met, Zoom or any platform, organize a

virtual class. Do this with the guidance of your mentor.

Make sure your Find a quit place free Be on time for the
device is charged. of distractions. class.

Be respectful at all Stay on mute and Stay focused and on

times. raised hand only if task so you won’t
needed. miss any information

Turn on camera. Use kinds word all Teacher and

the time. students are dressed

Try to handle one on-line class and use the guidelines above. Happy
virtual teaching!

Learning Episode 7
Field Study 2

Unlike the traditional face-to-face class environment, online or
virtual environment is a bit difficult to manage. It is because Virtual
Learning Environment (VLE) is imaginary and not in the physical sense. It
has no corners or walls and it can be set up with the support of

As a teacher, what have you discovered to be easy to implement in

your virtual class?
Managing online classes can be a challenge, but it's essential to
find solutions. The initial step involves creating rules and
guidelines, even in the virtual environment. I will monitor my
students' attendance and provide a mix of synchronous and
asynchronous activities to allow them flexibility in completing tasks.
Each student can only benefit from the promotion three times.

How did the students show their active participation in the lesson?
Student share their answers, opinions, and thought to the class.
Even it is online class students and teacher have interaction by
sharing their daily life and insights about the topics.


Which of the following is/are your analysis/analyses of on-line learning

Check one or more.

___/____ It was difficult to observe the physical behavior of the students.

___/____ It takes time for students to learn how to use the platform.
___/____ Students who are alone in their home space find difficulty to
make responses.
___/____ Internet connectivity is a great factor to support a conducive

As a future teacher I feel that the on-line learning environment can be safe
if Students are adept at utilizing technology and devices correctly. The
support and guidance provided by parents or family members are crucial
for ensuring the safety of students. It is important to assess the security
risks associated with online platforms and tools used with students.
Policies and procedures should be clear and easily understandable for all
staff members. Regular communication with students to keep them
informed, as well as informing parents, caregivers, and the community, is
essential. It is vital to stay updated on internet safety practices. Teachers
should document any concerns they have when interacting with students

Learning Episode 7
Field Study 2

online or in any other setting, including keeping written notes and

evidence such as screenshots.
I think that teaching in a virtual learning environment is Managing online
classes poses challenges as teachers cannot directly oversee students'
behavior. Not all students or teachers have internet access or the
necessary devices for online sessions. Factors such as financial
constraints, internet availability, energy supply, and students' ability to
engage with the instruction need to be taken into account.

Write Action Research Prompts

OBSERVE Identify the problems brought about by the on-line learning
The primary issue with online learning is the insufficient availability of
resources such as internet connection, electricity, financial means, and
moral support.
REFLECT How would you solve this problem? To address this issue, it is
essential for the government to boost funding in education and enhance
connectivity infrastructure. Developing an innovative online learning
approach that students can access during the pandemic is crucial.
PLAN What initial plan do you intend to do to solve the problem?
Ask help from the parents, students, co-teachers, department, community
and importantly the government.

Learning Episode 7
Field Study 2

Check for Mastery

Direction: Choose the appropriate answer.

1. What is common among the following learning environments: (a)

remote learning, (b) virtual learning, (c) on-line learning?
A. Presence of a teacher
B. Use of cyberspace
C. Asynchronous delivery
D. Use of module

2. If your co-teacher asks you to borrow your email address password

for an urgent concern, which action should you take as a safety
A. Deny your friend’s request because of privacy.
B. Open your email yourself and print your friends email.
C. Quickly share your password to your friend.
D. None of the A, B, C.

3. Why should parents be involved and be part of a safe on-line

A. Parents should provide guidance in the selection of websites for
children’s references.
B. Parents know better than the children so they can coach in
answering on-line.
C. Parents can do research for their children’s assignments.
D. Parents should sit by their children’s side during virtual class

4. In a virtual synchronous class, when a student would like to talk,

which of the following should be done?
A. Mute the microphone
B. Open the camera
C. Raise hand
D. Send message to chat box
5. Which would describe a safe and conducive virtual learning
A. When parents are involved
B. When the teacher provides open communication
C. When students are supported with resources
D. A, B and C

Learning Episode 7
Field Study 2

Work on my Artifacts

Make a list of 10 websites where you can source references and

instructional materials for this episode. Place the list in the matrix like the
one below. Share this with your mentor.


Name of Website Topics/Title of Content or

Instructional Materials
1. https://www.khanacademy.org Khan Academy provides free
educational content in the form of
instructional videos and practice
exercises covering different
subjects including math, chemistry,
physics, science, arts, humanities
and many more.
2. https://www.readwritethink.org Read Write Think offers a wide
variety of classroom and
professional development
resources. These include student
interactives, lesson plans, printouts,
mobile apps, strategy guides, etc.
3. https://www.commonsense.org This is a platform where you can
access teacher-created reviews of
educational tools and mobile apps,
read-made lesson plans, webinars,
videos and many other resources.
4. https://www.ck12.org/teacher/or CK-12 provides teacher-curated
https://www.ck12.org/student/ STEM content that include lessons,
activities, study guides, and
practice exercises.
5. https://learninglab.si.edu/ Smithsonian Learning Lab
empowers learners with materials
and tools to help them personalize
their learning, create new ideas,
find resources and access
collections of educational content
and build meaningful educational
6. https://www.oercommons.org/ Open Educational Resources is a
public digital library of open
educational content that allows you
to ‘explore, create, and collaborate
with educators around the word to
improve curriculum’.
7. Discovery Education provides tons

Learning Episode 7
Field Study 2

https://www.discoveryeducation.com of standards-aligned resources,

/ tools to enhance students thinking
skills, and opportunities for
collaborative learning experiences
to help teachers grow their
professional practice.
8. https://ed.ted.com/ TED Ed is an education initiative
from TED to help teachers,
educators, and students to access
and create interactive video
9. SymbalooEDU is the visual
https://www.symbaloo.com/welcome resource management tool that
helps educators and students
organize and share the best of the
web. Users save their resources in
the cloud and access them from
anywhere with any device’.
10. https://edshelf.com/ This is a ‘socially-curated discovery
engine of websites, mobile apps,
desktop programs, and electronic
products for teaching and learning

Learning Episode 7
Field Study 2

Learning Episode 7

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