Learning-Episode-7 Done
Learning-Episode-7 Done
Learning-Episode-7 Done
Make sure your Find a quit place free Be on time for the
device is charged. of distractions. class.
Try to handle one on-line class and use the guidelines above. Happy
virtual teaching!
Learning Episode 7
Field Study 2
Unlike the traditional face-to-face class environment, online or
virtual environment is a bit difficult to manage. It is because Virtual
Learning Environment (VLE) is imaginary and not in the physical sense. It
has no corners or walls and it can be set up with the support of
How did the students show their active participation in the lesson?
Student share their answers, opinions, and thought to the class.
Even it is online class students and teacher have interaction by
sharing their daily life and insights about the topics.
As a future teacher I feel that the on-line learning environment can be safe
if Students are adept at utilizing technology and devices correctly. The
support and guidance provided by parents or family members are crucial
for ensuring the safety of students. It is important to assess the security
risks associated with online platforms and tools used with students.
Policies and procedures should be clear and easily understandable for all
staff members. Regular communication with students to keep them
informed, as well as informing parents, caregivers, and the community, is
essential. It is vital to stay updated on internet safety practices. Teachers
should document any concerns they have when interacting with students
Learning Episode 7
Field Study 2
Learning Episode 7
Field Study 2
Learning Episode 7
Field Study 2
Work on my Artifacts
Learning Episode 7
Field Study 2
Learning Episode 7
Field Study 2
Learning Episode 7