BS Buzz
BS Buzz
BS Buzz
Published by BS Central
515 2nd Ave. S • Glasgow, MT 59230
406-228-4558 • fax: 406-228-4578
ol 02
. 13 2 , 2
Tuesday, Ju l y
Zak Peterson can be applauded for his countless hours of events as the Middle of Nowhere BBQ Cook-off which
dedication to keep the Glasgow Elks Lodge #1922 rolling kicked off in 2018. He also makes a darn good batch of
right along. He has been instrumental in organizing such chili! Keep up the great job, Zak, it is appreciated.
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other duties as assigned.
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Fence Markers are for the Birds
By April Wamhoff filled day of fence marking.
I have silhouettes of hawks on “Research from the Sage Grouse
my porch windows to keep the birds Initiative shows that strategically It’s Coming Up!
from flying into them. Having a dead
bird on the porch every day or so is
marking fences reduces bird strikes by
83 percent.” Even if they are wingin’
just not my thing. Not to mention it just a bit, that’s a great percent. Bible School
single-handedly decimating the bird We elect presidents with much lower
population around my house. I guess approval percentages. Join us at
that’s the idea of all the little white Here’s a few more pretty tweet First Lutheran Church
vinyl markers that line the fences facts about the fence markers: They for VBS
down to bone trail. They are to keep are placed on the fences by, not only
the sage grouse from flying into them. agency staff but also volunteers and July 15 - July 18
I guess they, the sage grouse that is, private land owners. Sixty-four percent Students Ages 4 - 12
are apt to loose their heads. of Montana’s sage grouse habitat is on Welcome to Attend!
Once a pessimist about those private lands. Land owners need to be
little markers, after obtaining some on board so as not to ruffle any feathers. Monday-Thursday
information from the Working Lands The fence markers themselves 9:00am - 12:30pm
for Wildlife website, I am no longer a are produced in Billings by COR
Registration packets are
fence sitter. What I found out was a Enterprises. The company provides
available at the church office for
pheasant surprise. meaningful work for people with Pre-registration.
Admittedly, most of the disabilities. Fly like an eagle, I say! Registration will begin
information I found was from an So lets not clip the wings on this Monday, July 15 @ 8:30am
article printed in late 2013. Still, it project. Even if it is not as benefical A snack will be provided,
wasn’t that long ago I saw someone as they say, it seems to do no harm. No Lunch provided.
placing the markers. I remember And if it is, so much the better. Bring
First Lutheran Church
thinking “I could do that.” Probably on the little white fence markers. We 641 2nd Ave N • Glasgow
be up with the early bird and bring the don’t need any more birds losing their (406) 228-4862
four-legged creepies along for a fun- heads.
SOUPS: Tomato ∙ Chili
Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Chicken Strip Basket
We are looking for motivated, enthusiastic individuals to work in
multiple departments. We have openings for: Dine at the “O”
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& 401k Retirement,
Life Insurance, Flexible
Spending Accounts.
Andrew Malmend
Century Companies, Inc.
Study Finds 33% Of Americans Are Dumber Than A Bag Of Hammers
As summer ramped up heading
into the important home stretch to the
November presidential election, an
alarming new study found that 33% of
Americans are dumber than a bag of
News channel CNN conducted a
poll asking viewers who won the debate
between Joe Biden and Donald Trump,
with a shocking 33% of people responding
that they suffer from advanced cognitive people in this country are as sharp as bowling balls.”
impairment, officially placing them at or beyond the At publishing time, results of the study also
stupidity of a box of rocks. confirmed that a majority of the 33% work within the
“We can confirm over one-third of the country federal government in Washington, D.C.
are drooling morons,” said Dr. Bradford Doran, head ~ Babylon Bee, the fake news you can trust!
of the research team conducting the poll. “While it’s
always been suspected that a significant number of
Americans were mindless idiots, no one ever suspected
that there were this many of them. It’s fascinating and Please join the Smiths in celebrating
yet terrifying at the same time.” with music and dancing.
Experts confirmed that anyone who holds the Kathy &
opinion that Biden performed well enough in the
debate to win could only be scientifically classified as a
Leland's 50th
total imbecile. Wedding Anniversary
“It’s true,” Dr. Doran confirmed. “While people are We would be thrilled if you could join us on our special day,
shared with family and friends.
entitled to their own opinions, anyone who honestly There will be a no-host bar available.
believes Biden won the debate can be clinically July 6, 2024 Cottonwood Inn,
classified under the technical term ‘nincompoop.’” 7:00 p.m. Glasgow, MT
Though many people were shocked by the study’s
No gifts, no cards, just bring yourself
findings, others were not taken aback whatsoever.
“You’ve been out in public, right?” asked an
unsurprised citizen Chad Gleiser. “You can’t go fill up
at the gas station without running across at least a few
blithering oafs. It’s not surprising at all that 33% of
Grand Re-Opening
Sunday, July 7 • 2:00 - 4:00 PM
114 5th Street South in Glasgow
Family Friendly
Door Prizes & Giveaways
Sip & Shop
Spring deer, elk surveys show some mixed results
Biologists conducting spring deer and elk surveys antlered harvest within standard management objectives
found some areas with improved herd growth and but has restricted Mule Deer B Licenses for antlerless
some areas with lower recruitment due to poor habitat mule deer at levels comparable to the 43 percent of the
conditions and disease. 10-year average. In other words, the number of antlerless
During the spring season, FWP wildlife staff get licenses are quite low in comparison with historical
a pulse on deer and elk numbers by conducting aerial numbers.
spring trend surveys or green-up flights across the state. The results we are expecting: We expect an
These flights occur in the same areas year after year so estimated 1,158 antlerless mule deer harvested with these
biologist can understand population trends. During the licenses. In addition to a reduction in antlerless mule deer
flights, staff count the total number of deer and elk they harvest, we also expect mule deer populations to respond
see and classify fawns/calves and adults to determine positively to improved habitat conditions and improved
recruitment rates. Fawns/calves counted during spring fawn recruitment.
surveys have survived their first winter and are recruited Elk
into the population. The fawn/calf count also provides a What we saw: We observed 974 total elk numbers
critical measure for population – the ratio of young to during the 2024 biennial elk survey, which is 39 percent
adults. The data gathered from these surveys are then below the lower population objective, and the four-
used to adjust any antlerless B licenses prior to the year population average (1,133) is 29 percent below
drawing. objective. Antlerless elk harvest success rate for B
Long-term datasets for deer and elk let FWP licenses in these hunting districts averages 13 percent
determine if populations are increasing, decreasing over the past five years.
or remaining stable and adjust antlerless B licenses as What we did: We reduced Elk B License quota
needed. levels by 550 licenses (69 percent) in these HDs 620, 621,
For antlerless B licenses for both elk and deer, the and 622.s, from 800 in 2023 to 250 in 2024.
Fish and Wildlife Commission approves a quota range Why we did it: We made these adjustments to move
for each hunting district, or in some cases a region. FWP elk numbers toward the population objectives in the
adjusts the B license quota within that range as necessary 2023 Elk Plan for these hunting districts (1600-2400).
to protect herd numbers. Furthermore, the estimated harvest success rate of 13
Additionally, adjustments to season structure to percent is below the stated objective of a harvest success
address declines in herd numbers can also be done rate of at least 25 percent.
through the normal biennial season setting process, The results we are expecting: We expect to reduce
which took place last summer and fall. The Fish and antlerless elk harvest, increase cow elk survival and
Wildlife Commission approved deer and elk regulations, subsequently increase the total elk population as
including quota ranges, in December. evidenced by the number of elk observed on aerial
Here is a rundown by area for spring counts and surveys.
license quota adjustments Northeast Montana, Region 6:
Mule deer BS
What we saw: Total mule deer numbers on post-
season surveys were 21 percent below average, and spring
Home of the BS Buzz
surveys were 16 percent below average. Both represent a
significant decrease from both the 2023 surveys and the
historic high population observed in 2021. Fawn to doe
ratios improved in 2024 to 59 fawns to 100 does, which Full Color Printing
is 11 percent above average and 41 percent higher than
Envelopes • Brochures • Business Cards
observed in 2023.
What we did: We reduced Antlerless Mule Deer Advertising in the BS Buzz
B License quota levels by 3,375 (54 percent) across the
Passport Pictures
region, from 6,200 in 2023 to 2,825 in 2024.
Why we did it: Much of the region is managing • 515 2nd Ave. S • (406) 228-4558