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Chuck Missler and The Curse of New Age Christianity

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The Curse of New Age Christianity:

Chuck Missler and his 'Holographic' Universe

by Jeremy James

Chuck Missler is a well known figure in Evangelical circles. While building a

reputation as a champion of conservative Christianity, he has also pursued a parallel
career as an explorer of what might be termed Quantum Spirituality, whose exponents
seek a direct connection between Biblical truth and the phenomena of modern Physics.
His more traditional followers probably regard this aspect of his work as an
eccentricity, the product of a fertile imagination and a restless mind. With the passage
of time, however, these two streams of his teaching have been coming together to
form a new kind of Christianity, where long-established Biblical concepts about the
universe are being reinterpreted in a radically new way.
Chief among these is his concept of a Holographic Universe, which completely
overturns the account of Creation given in Genesis. However, he is also promoting the
Nephilim theory, which asserts that the universe is populated by aliens or alien-human
hybrids, and the theory that man can actually communicate with the dead, despite
stern Biblical warnings to the contrary.
He even endorses, through his newsletter, the scandalous bestseller, Jesus Calling by
Sarah Young, which offers channeled messages from a phony New-Age 'Jesus'. In
addition he is promoting a method of Biblical interpretation that relies on the
identification of secret codes and hidden messages in the original Bible manuscripts.

The Holographic Universe
by Michael Talbot

Excerpts from this book were liberally

used by Chuck Missler without attribution.
He later apologized for his oversight, but
never denied that the book itself was full
of New Age philosophy.

Recent papers exposing these deceptions

We have already addressed some of these issues in recent papers posted on this
website (www.zephaniah.eu). They include:
The Great Nephilim Deception
Christians Must Not Communicate with Departed Loved Ones
The 'Jesus Calling' Books are an Alarming New Age Deception

Readers may wish to refer to these earlier papers since they explore the respective
issues in some depth and show beyond all doubt that the teachings in each instance
are both non-Biblical and New Age.

What is the supposed Holographic Universe?

In a recent in-depth review of his book Cosmic Codes: Hidden Messages from the
Edge of Eternity (1999), Gaylene Goodroad of Herescope revealed that Missler
quoted extensively, without attribution, from The Holographic Universe (1992) by
New Age teacher and author, Michael Talbot. He later apologized for this in a
YouTube presentation [published August 20, 2013], in which he claimed that his use of
Talbot’s material in this way was entirely inadvertent. However – and this ought to be
of concern to all who study his teachings – he did not deny that the material he had
used was New Age or that it was drawn from Talbot’s book.
To appreciate the seriousness of this, we need to understand Talbot’s philosophy and
the Eastern mystical tradition on which it is based.
Hinduism has long used the metaphor of Indra’s Net to illustrate the
interconnectedness of all things. This holds that the entire Universe is produced and
sustained by a transcendental intelligence that projects itself like a dream into a void
that our mind perceives as a Space-Time continuum. According to this philosophy,
what we conceive as reality is nothing more than an infinite series of inter-connected
images projecting from an unknowable Cosmic Source.

Indra's Net

In Hinduism, All is One and

One is All. All divisions and
separations are illusory.
Everything is connected.
Indra's Net is a visual metaphor to
illustrate how every part of the
whole is a perfect reflection of
the whole itself.

Each individual perceives this dream in a unique way relative to his location in the
Space-Time Continuum. Divine Illumination or Cosmic Consciousness is the life-
changing moment when we realize that our individual perspective is intimately linked
to the perspectives enjoyed by every other individual and that, in reality, All is One.
As the individual advances into higher states of spiritual awareness – via meditation,
contemplation, yoga, creative visualization, out-of-body experiences, and sacred
initiations imparted by a 'Spiritual Master' – he finds that he can change and re-order
these images through the correct use of his imagination. When this happens he
becomes the Creator of his own reality. The perfect mastery of this process is known
as God-Realization or God Consciousness, where man comes to the awesome
realization that he too is God.
Conceived in this way the Universe is ‘holographic’ because the whole, the totality of
all things, is completely contained in each of its constituent cells, rather like the
holographic images imprinted into a glass sheet in a laboratory using a laser beam. If
the glass is shattered, the entire image may still be found in each of its fragments.

The Matrix and the Dance of Shiva

Perhaps the most popular expression of this idea is found in the movie The Matrix,
where the protagonist, Neo (an anagram of 'One') awakens to the realization that he
and everyone else exists within a world that is entirely computer-generated, a
dynamic digital simulation. This awakening, which corresponds with “divine
illumination” or “cosmic consciousness” in Hindu and New Age philosophy, gives
him incredible super-powers that are limited only by his imagination.
The idea that the universe is a matrix or a spectrum of dancing images is also depicted
in Hinduism through the supposed Dance of Shiva. The Hindu god of creation,
preservation and destruction – known as Shiva – is supposed to "dance" as an
expression of his omnipotent power. This dance is believed to manifest a Cosmos
with the properties of Indra’s Net, but which lacks both an intrinsic purpose and a
substantial reality.

This pagan notion is highly esteemed by the global elite who are trying to bring about
a New World Order and destroy Biblical Christianity. For example, CERN, the
European Organization for Nuclear Research, has erected a large statue in his honor at
its headquarters in Geneva (It had already made known its pagan ethos by the use of a
'666' motif in its logo).

The 2m tall statue of the Hindu

god Shiva at CERN, Geneva.

The infamous CERN logo

with its '666' motif.

Satan's Lies in the Garden

While these ideas may sound very modern, they are actually no more than a
philosophical re-statement of the lies told by Satan in the Garden. The following table
identifies the way these lies feed into the main errors and heresies that currently affect
the church:

How Satan’s Four Lies in the Garden feed into
the most pervasive Modern Errors and Heresies

Satan's Lie Modern Heresy/Error Outcome

1. Rejection of what God

Replacement Theology
“yea, hath God said?” said.
(Genesis 3:1) 2. Rejection of what God
3. Truth is relative to the
“...knowing good and evil” individual.
(Genesis 3:5) 4. Adding to the word of
Extra-Biblical Revelation
5. All religions have truth,
“ye shall not surely die” therefore all will be saved.
(Genesis 3:4) 6. No damnation and
therefore no death.
7. The divine power to
control the cosmic spirit.
8. The divine power to
mould one’s universe.
“ye shall be as gods” 9. The divine power to
(Genesis 3:5) Dominionism
bring in the Kingdom
10. Sharing in God’s holiness
Contemplative Spirituality
by entering His presence.
11. The realization of one’s
own divinity.

The 'holographic universe' theory gives substantial support to many of these, in

#3 - truth is relative to the individual;
#8 - man has the power to mould his own universe, and
#11 - man will come to recognize his own divinity.
If one were to convert the Four Lies into the seductive language of the New Age
movement, they might possibly read as follows:
You can unleash your divine potential and transcend the limitations of your
mind by using the power of visualization to create your own reality. Good and
evil are purely relative. It is your destiny to break the artificial rules of
conventional reality and awaken your infinite potential by mastering the
power of imagination. Become a god and live forever!
Missler does not make this statement or one like it but, by endorsing the doctrine of a
'Holographic Universe', he leaves the door wide open to this highly destructive New
Age deception. If it appealed to Adam before he sinned, just think how dangerously
seductive it must be today, where proud and rebellious man in his fallen state is
striving to conquer and control the universe!

Missler's commitment to the concept of a Holographic Universe
The extent to which Missler is committed to this New Age idea is apparent from the
following quotations from his writings over a period of 12 years or more:
“There seems to be evidence to suggest that our world and
everything in it are only ghostly images, projections from a level of
reality so beyond our own that the real reality is literally beyond
both space and time.” – Cosmic Codes: Hidden Messages From the
Edge of Eternity, Chapter 23. [emphasis in original]
“The holographic paradigm is still a developing concept and riddled
with controversies. For decades, science has chosen to ignore
evidences that do not fit their standard theories. However, the
volume of evidence has now reached the point that denial is no
longer a viable option...We now discover that we are in a virtual
reality that is a digital, simulated environment.” – A Holographic
Universe? November 2012
“So the astonishing discovery is that we exist within a finite
boundary between the macrocosm of astronomy and the microcosm
of quantum physics. In fact, we are in a digital simulation! The
eminent atheist Paul Davies has admitted that "it seems that the
entire universe may be nothing more than a thought in the mind of
God."” – Whence Our ‘Reality’? December 2003 [emphasis in original]
“Is our own "reality" virtual? One implication of these conjectures is
the insight that both our own behavior and even our "physical
reality" can be viewed as simply software, a super-program running
within a highly advanced environment. We know today that our
physical world is, in a very real sense, a digital "simulation."”
– The Ultimate Computer Game, January 2000
“People think that Physical to Spiritual is the same as Tangible to
Intangible, but it’s actually the other way around. What we
experience in this physical dimension is actually a digital
simulation.” – Learn the Bible in 24 Hours, p.230
“It is astonishing to realize that we actually live within a digital
simulation of reality. In the macrocosm, we now know that the
universe is finite, having begun at a ''singularity,'' and will ultimately
suffer a thermodynamic ''heat death'' when it finally exhausts the
available energy.” – What Is Truth?, June 2006 [emphasis in original]

It is clear from these quotations that, for Missler, the universe and everything in it is
merely a "digital simulation", a kind of cosmic computer game. Nevertheless, despite
the revolutionary nature of this theory, we can find no evidence that he has ever
spelled out the real implications for Christian doctrine of what he is proposing. His
students are left to assume that his new idea is consistent with Evangelical theology,
even though we know that this is far from being the case.

For example, few of his admirers seem to notice that, in describing the Universe in
holographic terms, Missler is actually denying that it has any substantial reality. If it is
only a digital simulation then it is, by definition, a copy of something else. Its reality,
to the extent that it has any, is derived entirely from the mind of the one who
imagined it – “a thought in the mind of God.” In itself it is no more than a cosmic
compilation of interacting images, while sentient beings who perceive these images –
the masses of humanity – are tricked by the limitations of their minds into thinking it
is real.
Furthermore, the entire drama is arbitrary. Just as one computer can simulate (or
emulate) the operating system of another computer, the universe that we "see" is just
one of an infinite number of equally arbitrary universes – complex mathematical
games with neither meaning nor purpose.
Compare this with the children's animated cartoons shown on television. They too can
“simulate” actual events, but they cannot reproduce their reality. The same is true of
the "virtual" reality generated by a video game – it is "virtual" because it is illusory.

Missler's Blasphemy
How does the LORD God of the Bible describe Himself? Again and again He refers
to His role as Creator of heaven and earth, of the sun, the moon and the stars, and of
all the creatures that populate the earth. He is the Creator! -
"Thou, even thou, art LORD alone; thou hast made heaven, the heaven of
heavens, with all their host, the earth, and all things that are therein, the
seas, and all that is therein, and thou preservest them all; and the host of
heaven worshippeth thee." (Nehemiah 9:6)
But Missler has reduced the incredible work of Creation to a computerised light show,
a digital simulation, a complex fantasy without any substantial reality. His
holographic universe is a perverse parody of the account of Creation given in Genesis,
a blasphemous trivialization of all that God has done.

This is an old pagan idea, the Eastern concept of Maya in a modern form. To the
Hindu yogis and mystics Indra's Net, the cosmic manifestation of the Dance of Shiva,
was simply an illusion – or maya – without any fundamental reality.
This blasphemous dismissal of Creation is immensely pleasing to the false gods, the
supernatural entities of Eastern religion – also known as the pantheon of fallen angels
– who delight in trivializing the awesome works of the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob.
Furthermore, by reducing Creation to a digital simulation or a complex algorithm, the
world around us is stripped of value and purpose. No algorithm or simulation is
intrinsically superior to another, therefore the universe that we see is merely one of
many possible digital 'realities'. To the extent that moral values can be said to exist in
such a universe, they are purely subjective, a product of individual preference, much
like the arbitrary 'values' incorporated into a video game or a television cartoon.
The so-called Holographic Universe is clearly a world without sin, a world where, in
the absence of absolute moral laws, judicial condemnation is impossible.

It is also a world without purpose. The 'god' of such a universe is nothing more than
the Architect or Designer of a great cosmic light show. Having set the show in motion
aeons ago, he disappeared into the solitude of his own being. The cosmic projection
that remained will run for eternity, without interruption, in accordance with its perfect
set of immutable, universal laws.
The 'god' behind all of this is the god of Deism and Freemasonry, a completely
unknowable and impersonal being.
According to this austere philosophy, man has been left to fend for himself. His task
now is to unravel the mysteries of the universe through the careful exercise of his
intellectual power and creative imagination. Over time, as he grows in knowledge and
experience, including 'mystical' experience, the most evolved members of mankind
will have the opportunity to ascend into a higher dimension and become god-like
beings in their own right.

Satan hates creation because he can’t create anything. So what could be more
pleasing to him than to reduce the whole of Creation to a sophisticated piece of
software that he himself could have written! At the same time he is trying, through his
earthly servants, to develop a technology that will enable him to create something, if
only a few atoms. This is the purpose of CERN and the Large Hadron Collider, where
some of the best minds on earth are trying to develop a system that will create
something out of nothing. The hypothetical Higgs Boson has been named "the God
Particle" as an expression of this vaunted ambition. Satan reasons that if he can create
something out of nothing, even a tiny atom, then he can call himself a Creator!
We should hardly be surprised, therefore, that the CERN facility displays a statue of
Shiva-Satan in his "creator" mode.
The Freemasons call their 'god' the Great Architect of the Universe – which is often
abbreviated to GAOTU – because they are painfully aware that he lacks the ability to
create anything. Creation is an embarrassment to the Luciferian elite who control this
world. This is why they postulate ridiculous theories like Evolution and the Big Bang.
They are prepared to believe anything, no matter how absurd, rather than
acknowledge the Creator God of the Bible.
Deists and Freemasons despise Christianity and have long sought to destroy it,
principally by redefining its doctrines and absorbing it into a one-world religion of
their own devising.
From all of this it is clear that the Architect of the Holographic Universe, the
impersonal and unknowable god of Deism, is NOT the LORD God of the Bible, the
God who declared:
"But let him that glorieth glory in this...that I am the LORD which
exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in
these things I delight, saith the LORD." (Jeremiah 9:24)

Missler and the 'Big Bang'

Why would an experienced teacher of orthodox Biblical theology, as Chuck Missler
purports to be, promote a theory like the holographic universe? There can be no doubt
that he fully understands the serious theological implications of his theory, therefore
we must conclude that he is deliberately pursuing a strategy that will in due course
redefine Christianity. The Holographic Universe is simply part of that strategy.
Now that we know that something is amiss with Missler, we can expect to find further
evidence of this strategy elsewhere in his teaching. Indeed, we have already come
across such evidence in one of the quotations already cited:
“It is astonishing to realize that we actually live within a digital
simulation of reality. In the macrocosm, we now know that the
universe is finite, having begun at a ''singularity,'' and will ultimately
suffer a thermodynamic ''heat death'' when it finally exhausts the
available energy.” – What Is Truth?, June 2006 [emphasis in original]

A heresy is like a Matryoshka doll –
she will always smuggle in her friends.

This is a remarkably anti-biblical statement. It explicitly rejects the account of

Creation given in Genesis and presents instead the modern 'scientific' theory known as
the Big Bang. This alleges that the universe came into being spontaneously about 14
billion years ago when a point of infinite density, known as a singularity, exploded
and expanded at a staggering rate before finally condensing into the multitude of
galaxies that we see today. In further alleges that the awesome dispersal set in motion
by the Big Bang is ongoing and will ultimately propel the universe into a completely
lifeless state known as "heat death", to which Missler refers.
Why would an evangelical Christian speak in these terms unless he had discarded the
literal truth of Genesis and adopted the materialistic doctrines of modern humanism?
He even opens the door to evolution since there is no other way life could have
formed in a Big Bang scenario except through a process of gradual change. Even
though Missler does not openly espouse evolution, as far as I am aware, he gives an
account of 'creation' that must inevitably embrace it.
Both the Big Bang theory and the theory of Evolution are completely bogus. They are
a cynical atheistic attempt to account for the wonders of Creation without having to
give one ounce of glory to God. The humanists and Christ-hating elite who push these
theories have only one goal in mind, namely to undermine the truth of God's holy
Word and prepare humanity for the false messiah of Freemasonry.

Since the miracle of Creation is one of the main ways that God has revealed Himself
to mankind, these rebellious individuals take considerable satisfaction in reducing His
glorious work to a series of purely random events. It allows them both to blaspheme
the Creator and to undermine the faith of professing Christians.
It would appear that Chuck Missler is now teaching a 'brand' of Christianity that fits
neatly into this agenda.

Bible Codes and the Cryptological Theory

In his book, Cosmic Codes: Hidden Messages from the Edge of Eternity (1998), he
exploits a novel way of circumventing the plain word of God. Instead of studying
what the text actually says, he speculates on the existence of messages that may have
been concealed. According to this, the Cryptological Theory, God is believed to have
hidden important messages in coded form in the original texts, to be found only when
mankind was ready to receive them. What is more, they may be found only by those
who possess the necessary expertise, the superior insight and, seemingly, the
necessary computer technology. Once these sublime messages have been unravelled,
it has been suggested, they could even transform our whole understanding of the
This idea has been cropping up with great frequency in recent decades, but it conflicts
sharply with the plain teaching of Scripture:
"But the anointing which ye have received of him [the Holy Spirit]
abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the
same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie,
and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him." (1 John 2:27)
The Holy Spirit dwelling in each born-again believer reveals to him over time the
depth and truth of God's holy Word. Through His Word God says what He means and
means what He says. We have no need for self-proclaimed exegetical innovators to
tell us what God really meant – "...ye need not that any man teach you."

The Roman Catholic Church has done this for centuries, forbidding her members to
read and interpret the Bible for themselves. The Pope alone has the authority to decide
what it really means, and any Catholic who says otherwise can be severely punished.
The same elitist position is also taken by those who use the allegorical method of
Bible interpretation. They reject the plain meaning of Scripture in favor of symbolic
and figurative renderings which are determined mainly by subjective considerations.
This allows them to bend the Word in whatever direction suits their purpose. Just
about every false teacher who comes along makes use of this device, offering a new,
and at times revolutionary, way of reading key passages of Scripture. Some even
claim to possess a "secret" that is only now being revealed.
Satan HATES the Bible. He hates it with a hatred that is hard to imagine. If he can't
prevent man from reading the Word, he will try to change it. And if he can't change it,
he'll urge men to adopt methods of interpretation that dilute or distort what God has
plainly said. The Cryptological Method lends itself readily to the latter, where humble
believers are asked to depend on computer analysts, linguistic experts and nerdy
cryptologists to tell them what God really meant.
The Cosmic Code approach even promotes the expectation that the traditional
understanding of key Biblical doctrines may need to be revised as and when these so-
called hidden messages are revealed.
The extracts (overleaf) from the Koinonia Institute newsletter, Spyglass Monthly,
show that Missler is determined to spread this methodology among believers and to
have it accepted as a legitimate aspect of sound Biblical scholarship. When believers
are asked to study "microcodes" and "metacodes", transpositions and substitutions,
not to mention extraterrestrial communication, we know that the truth in 1 John 2:27
has been well and truly rejected.

Introduction to Biblical Cryptology
Introduction to Cryptology (the study of
secret writing) details astonishing hidden Verbatim extract from
messages within the text of the Torah Spyglass Monthly
newsletter, April 2009,
that could only have been placed there announcing a new course
by the Great Author Himself. at Koinonia House.
This 9-week course will exlore the [Spyglass Monthly is the official
impact of information sciences on our newsletter circulated by Chuck
understanding of ancient texts… Missler to students of his
Bible study institute,
including microcodes ("jots and tittles"), Koinonia House.]
macrocodes (strategic anticipatory
structures), and metacodes (beyond the
boundaries of physical reality)… as well
as the highly controversial "equidistant
letter sequences" discovered in the
Students will be able to use this exciting
information to discover the hidden
messages because many of them do not
require a computer to decipher.

Course Objectives

- Explore the surprising use of [LEFT]

encryptions in the Biblical text. Actual text from
Spyglass Monthly
- Survey codes and cyphers describing the
including transpositions and course objectives.
monoalphabetic, polyalphabetic
and polygraphic substitutions.
- Examine paracryptology and
extraterrestrial communication

Alien Encounters
So far we have identified several disturbing elements in Chuck Missler's teaching –
the holographic universe, the cosmological big bang theory, a willingness to accept
biological evolution, and a controversial method of Biblical interpretation known as
the Cryptological Method. Taken together these extra-biblical teachings describe a
universe where other kinds of intelligence may have evolved, where aliens and inter-
dimensional beings could conceivably exist, and where Biblical truth as we know it
may fit into a much bigger picture which, until our modern era, our pre-scientific
minds have been unable to comprehend.
In light of this it should hardly be surprising that Missler does in fact believe in ETs
and UFOs and has made them a key part of his teaching!
In Alien Encounters: The Secret Behind the UFO Phenomenon (1997), which he co-
wrote with Mark Eastman, he presents a number of phenomena in considerable detail
– and in a surprisingly impartial manner – which can only be described as New Age.
These strange phenomena include UFO visitations, alien abductions, alien implants,
Reptilians, panspermia, extraterrestrial species such as Nordics and Pleiadians,
interdimensional hybrids, Gaia and 'Mother Earth', ascended masters, crop circles,
animal mutilations, hypnotic regression, the Book of Enoch, the Egyptian Book of the
Dead, and channeled entities whose ‘messages’ he sees fit to quote in some detail,
including Ashtar, Theodore, and Kut Hu Mi (Possibly the same Koot Hoomi who
transmitted the demonic writings of Theosophy to Helena Blavatsky).
Many of his 'sources', too, are highly suspect or entirely lacking in credibility. These
include Eric von Daniken, Zechariah Sitchin, Ralph Blum, Brad Steiger, Stewart
Farrar, Barbara Marciniak, Earlyne Chaney, Whitley Streiber, Kay Wheeler, Thelma
Terrell, Budd Hopkins, Claude Vorilhon, and Timothy Green Beckley.

The seemingly innocent presentation of such material is so extravagant in places –
without cautionary comments or Biblical warnings of any kind – that undiscerning
readers could easily assume that such bizarre phenomena are compatible in some way
with Christian theology. Readers are also being urged to believe that the pagan
superstition and occult speculation of the New Age offer sincere Christians a fruitful
way of exploring Biblical truth.
There are even occasions when Missler steps over the line and redefines a traditional
Biblical truth in blatantly New Age terms. Consider, for example, his depiction of
There are some that view Jesus as a kind of "Super Angel" or hyper-
dimensional "Extraterrestrial." Clearly, he did demonstrate many hyper-
dimensional capabilities. His ability to materialize and dematerialize,
while yet being tangible, within a closed room, indicates that he possesses
a dimensionality which is independent of the limitations of our three-
dimensional spatial "reality" His ability to foretell the future indicates his
nature is independent of our time domain. Conquering death, as validated
by his resurrection, was, of course, the crowning achievement and is
evidence of supremacy over the laws of physics. (p.179)
He is not describing the Son of God, the Savior of mankind, but a powerful
supernatural entity that differs little, if at all, from the ancient occult depiction of

The Nephilim Agenda

Having addressed the phenomena of ETs and UFOs in some detail in Alien
Encounters, Missler then proceeds to conclude – rightly in our view – that they are
demonic manifestations. As such they ought to be non-physical, but Missler performs
an extraordinary intellectual somersault by insisting that they are actually physical.
How does he do this?

In Missler's cosmology an ET is a fallen angel that has taken human form or cross-
bred with humans to produce a type of humanoid hybrid. He equates these beings
with the Nephilim mentioned in the Book of Genesis.
We have already examined this speculative teaching in some detail in our paper The
Great Nephilim Deception and shown it to be false. In doing so we noted that it has
serious implications for Christian theology and that, if it ever became generally
accepted, would do immense harm to the church. (We strongly recommend a careful
and prayerful examination of the case made in our earlier paper.)

The Nephilim theory fits very naturally with the theory of a Holographic Universe.
Both allow the reality of everyday life to fuse in some mysterious way with a higher
dimension. In a sense they bring heaven and earth together, rather like the All is One
philosophy that permeates Hinduism and Buddhism. The same idea may be found
also in the apostate teachings of the New Apostolic Reformation (C Peter Wager,
Cindy Jacobs, Bill Hamon, etc) [See our earlier paper, Proof that the New Apostolic
Reformation is a Pseudo-Christian Cult.]
Each of these theories – the Nephilim and the Holographic Universe – opens the door
to a whole new world of possibilities. Rather like a Matryoshka doll they are
pregnant with error, for concealed within each of them is a series of additional
heresies that will gradually filter into the individual's mind. For example, if the
universe is holographic, then time travel should be possible, and if time travel is
possible then the consequences of sin are not irreversible. Such a view of sin conflicts
sharply with what we are told in God's Word. And if the Nephilim exist then, through
His permissive will, God has created a race of intelligent beings that cannot be saved
– since Christ, as a man, could only die in the place of man.
Thus, in just two simple examples, we find these theories undermining both the
Biblical doctrine of sin and the Biblical doctrine of the substitutionary atonement.

The Alchemical Marriage of Heaven and Earth
The idea that 'everything is connected' is central to the New Age. As we have seen,
everything in the Holographic Universe is dynamically interconnected, while the
Nephilim Theory is based on the principle that the inhabitants of the natural and
supernatural realms are capable of interacting with one another and even producing
offspring – an Alchemical "marriage" in every sense.
In our earlier paper – Christians who Communicate with Departed Loved Ones are
Defying God's Word – we showed how this New Age principle ('All is One,
Everything is Connected') is being used to lure Christians into believing that, under
certain circumstances, it is alright to communicate with the dead.
In place of the absolute gulf that God has placed between this world and the next, the
New Age postulates a "veil", an ethereal gauze which the perceptive faculty of our
soul is supposed to be able to penetrate if we use the right techniques – such as
meditation, contemplation, creative visualization, and lucid dreaming.
This too is a deadly Matryoshka doll, exposing the individual to all kinds of deceptions
and lies. A fallen angel can easily fabricate a 'message' that will fool an emotionally
vulnerable person. After he or she has taken the bait, the supernatural entity can then
offer further enticements until he has established a firm hypnotic hold over the
Missler's Koinonia Institute now teaches an 8-week course called, Heaven –
Infinitely More than We've Ever Imagined. It is based on the book Have Heart:
Bridging the Gulf Between Heaven and Earth by Steve and Sarah Berger. We warned
of the dangers posed by this book in our earlier paper and the way it is being used to
draw professing Christians into what can only be described as necromancy –
communication with the dead.
Necromancy is such a serious sin that King Saul was killed within hours of indulging
in it. Under no circumstances should a Christian even seek to communicate with a
departed loved one. Even if he does not receive a 'message' or a sign from 'beyond',
the very act of seeking such a message or sign is sinful.
Screenshot from Spyglass Monthly, November 2010

The Biblical warning against necromancy is for our protection! As far as humans are
concerned, the LORD has placed an impassable gulf between this world and the next.
So, if a person is receiving a message of any kind, or a sign, it is being produced by
one of the fallen angels.
Furthermore, even if it were possible to receive a message from a departed loved one,
how would the recipient know whether or not it was genuine? The answer, of course,
is that he would not!
All mediums and psychics who claim to be able to communicate with departed loved
ones are deceived. All of them. There are no exceptions. Granted, many of these
individuals are truly sincere and are acting only from the best of intentions, but they
are deceived by their so-called "spirit guides." Even when the 'messages' contain
information that only the departed person could have known, they are false! Demons
are able to collect miscellaneous pieces of information about human affairs and use
them for a malicious purpose.

The Bergers give the impression in their book that any messages and signs that a
person may receive directly – that is without an intermediary such as a psychic or a
medium – are not subject to the Biblical injunction against necromancy. But this is a
terrible error. Anyone who attempts to communicate directly with a departed loved
one, whether through their dreams or through the use of techniques like creative
visualization, is just as vulnerable to deception and equally open to the charge of
This serious misunderstanding is reinforced by the popular New Age belief that all
dreams are "spiritual" and that an uplifting dream is a gift from God. Certainly we can
enjoy whatever comfort our dreams may give us, but we can never use them to cancel
or diminish God's Word. The Bible clearly tells us that necromancy is wrong, that it is
extremely offensive to God, and that we can do ourselves serious spiritual harm by
indulging in it.

Bereavement is something that we all experience at some time in our lives. Our pain
can be intense, but we must lean on God for comfort and support, not on a message or
a sign from beyond. This is when we need more than ever to trust in His mercy, in the
comfort and protection of our wonderful Savior and Counsellor.
Necromancy is one of the great lies of the New Age movement. Countless books have
been written by well-meaning individuals who claim to have contacted a loved one on
the other side. They may have used a medium to do this, or relied instead on their
dreams, or a contemplative or imaginative technique of some kind. And yet – despite
their great sincerity, the comfort they received from these supposed communications,
and their heartfelt desire to share their discovery with others – they are greatly
It beggars belief, therefore, that Koinonia Institute – which claims to be “dedicated to
the development and distribution of materials for encouraging and facilitating serious
study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God” – should promote this sinful and
potentially very dangerous occult practice.
In fact, Missler even wrote a positive endorsement of the Berger's book:

"Like Steve and Sarah, Nancy and I

have a son in Heaven. It wasn't until
we looked at Heaven as the country [LEFT]
that our son now inhabits that it Chuck Missler’s endorsement
yielded its truths to us in an was published in the Berger's
undeniable way. This book book, Have Heart.
illuminates the glorious truths about
our future home with a life-changing
force and a biblical depth that makes
it a 'must read' for all who have made
travel plans for Heaven."
Founder of Koinonia Institute

Instead of warning against necromancy in all its forms, Missler is actually promoting
It is now part of his Koinonia Institute training program and has received favorable
coverage in his KI newsletter, Spyglass Monthly. In an article entitled A Little Slice of
"Heaven" (November 2010), a KI staffer stated the following:

In April, I had the opportunity to visit with Pastor Steve Berger of
Grace Chapel at our regional KI Conference in Liepers Fork,
Tennessee. Steve and his wife Sarah lost their son Josiah in an
automobile accident in August 2009. As I was widowed in 2006, we
were able to share a few of the emotions of our hearts. I was given
his recently released DVD series, "Heaven – Infinitely More Than
We've Ever Imagined," a new course we will be offering at KI.
As I watched the 8 sessions of "Heaven – Infinitely More Than
We've Ever Imagined " to prepare the exams and discussion
questions for our new KI course, I was reminded of how important
this information is. As Pastor Steve shares his journey, we realize the
importance of understanding the true possibilities of Heaven.
I heartily invite you to explore Heaven with Pastor Steve with
"sanctified imagination within the confines of Biblical truth." This is
one journey you will never forget.

Note the phrase, "sanctified imagination within the confines of Biblical truth." This is
supposed to serve as an exclusion clause for Christians. Koinonia claim that the
charge of necromancy cannot be levelled against someone who communicates with a
departed loved one using "sanctified imagination within the confines of Biblical
truth." But this is ridiculous. The Biblical prohibition is addressed to all Christians! It
is addressed to those who profess to trust and love the LORD God of Abraham. We
cannot exercise our imagination in any way, "sanctified" or otherwise, in order to
circumvent one of God's directives. Neither can one do so and still profess to be
acting "within the confines of Biblical truth"!
Chuck Missler has given a "must read" endorsement to a book that is in flagrant
violation of God's Holy Word. We should be very concerned that someone who has
long claimed to be a true champion of Evangelical Christianity is now urging
Christians to communicate with the dead and has included a module for this purpose
in his training program.

Necromancy is closely related to Spiritualism

Necromancy, or communication with someone who has died, is closely related to
spiritualism, which embraces both necromancy and communication with spirit guides
(“familiar spirits”).
It can safely be said that all occult practices are designed one way or another to tap
into the supernatural power of the fallen angels. The Bible absolutely forbids any such
activity in the strictest possible terms:

“There shall not be found among you any one...that useth divination, or
an observer of times [astrologer], or an enchanter, or a witch, or a
charmer [hypnotist], or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a
necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the
LORD” (Deuteronomy 18:10-12)
In an earlier paper – The 'Jesus Calling' Books are an Alarming New Age Deception –
we revealed the true source of the 'voice' behind the books written by Sarah Young
and published by Thomas Nelson. Millions of copies of this apostate book have been
sold over the past eight years. This clearly means that large numbers of professing
Christians have been listening to the seductive voice that is speaking through its
pages, not realizing that the 'Jesus' they are hearing is the voice of a fallen angel
pretending to be Jesus.
The book belongs to a variety of literature known as 'channeled' works. The authors
receive the words telepathically, as though someone was whispering the actual text
into their mind. This can happen spontaneously, while in a trance, via meditation, or
under hypnosis. Some channelers describe a voice in their head, while others see the
words in their mind's eye. Others channel occult material using a technique known as
automatic writing, where their hand seems to be guided by an invisible presence. In
almost all cases a channeler knows that he or she is being used as a conduit or
"channel" through whom a supernatural or "extraterrestrial" voice is communicating a
message to mankind.
Several of the authors cited by Chuck Missler in Alien Encounters, which we have
already discussed, were self-confessed channelers. They include Barbara Marciniak,
who channels messages from a group of entities calling themselves Pleiadians,
supposedly a race of ETs based in the Pleiadian star system; Thelma Terrell, who is
one of the channels used by an entity calling himself Ashtar, supposedly another ET;
Jeana Lake, who receives regular messages from an entity calling himself Theodore
(yet another ET); and Earlyne Cheny, who channels messages from an entity calling
himself Kut-Hu-Mi.
Some modern channelers have published bestsellers, including Helen Schucman,
author of A Course in Miracles, who channeled the devious and deceitful works of an
entity calling himself 'Jesus', and Neale Donald Walsch, whose Conversations With
God are filled with New Age philosophy and viciously anti-Biblical propaganda.
They originate, of course, not with God but with a lying spirit calling himself ‘God’.
Other popular New Age books, the well-crafted products of demonic channeling,
include the Seth books by Jane Roberts (The entity claimes to be a highly evolved
spirit being called Seth); the Ramtha books by J Z Knight (The entity claimes to be a
Lemurian warrior who lived 35,000 years ago); the writings of Esther Hicks, who
receives messages from a group of entities calling themselves Abraham; and Barbara
Marx Hubbard, who claims that her book The Revelation: The Book of Co-Creation
was dictated to her by an entity calling himself 'Christ'.

Helen Schucman Oprah Winfrey Marianne Williamson

The author of A Course in Miracles (left) and the two individuals most
responsible for promoting it as an alternative form of Christianity.

Richard Bach said his bestseller, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, was dictated to him
by a spirit being whom he called "The Voice". The book itself is steeped in Hinduism
and New Age philosophy and actually describes the 'Christ' of the New Age.

Jonathan ...Hebrew for 'The Lord has given'

Livingston ...living stone or Rock = Christ

Seagull ..... sounds like sigil, a magic symbol or pictorial

representation of a demon.
Therefore, in occult language, Jonathan Livingston Seagull
means 'Satan gives herein his representation of Christ'

As the title suggests the book, Jonathan Livingston Seagull,

published in 1970, describes the 'Christ' of the New Age.

It is likely that many other New Age and occult bestsellers were "inspired" by
supernatural entities working through individuals who were receptive to the images
and messages that were projected into their minds. The same may be said of
Hollywood directors and scriptwriters who, over the past thirty years or so, have
created a cinematic cesspool infested with images of sadism, perversion and
witchcraft that are too awful to describe.

Among the most influential of all channeled writings have been those of Helena
Blavatsky, who served as the earthly amanuensis for two fallen angels known as Koot
Hoomi and Master Morya, and those of Alice Bailey, who channeled an entity known
as Djwhal Khul. Virtually all of the New Age writings of the late 20th century have
been heavily influenced by the occult material produced by these two women. [See
our paper, The Externalization of the Hierarchy: How the Illuminati are Implementing
Satan's Plan for the End-Time, for a detailed examination of this subject.]
Perhaps the most influential channeled works in the lives of many westerners are
those transmitted by Roman Catholic visionaries who receive apparitions of the
'Virgin Mary' and record 'her' messages for posterity. While there is no doubt that the
majority of the woman concerned are truly sincere, they show no understanding that
the entity in their visions is a fallen angel masquerading as 'Mary'. (See our earlier
paper – Satan in Satin: Apparitions of Mary – for an examination of the way Satan is
using his ‘Marian’ apparitions to deceive millions of Roman Catholics.)
Christians need to understand that all channeled works are from a demonic source.
The dark regiment of fallen angels is working hard to infect the minds and hearts of
mankind with beliefs and concepts that resist, dilute or reject Biblical truth.
Channeling is perfectly suited for this purpose.
In an age of global communication, such channeled material is being disseminated
with amazing rapidity. Even Christians who believe they are strong in the faith are
foolishly imbibing ideas that have no Biblical foundation. They think they are
"enlarging" their spirituality, when in reality they are adopting a pagan mindset. For
example, Contemplative Spirituality, which is proving attractive to many
Evangelicals, is a thinly disguised amalgam of Roman Catholic mysticism and
Eastern meditation.

Three influential Roman Catholic Marian visionaries

Sister Catherine Labouré Sister Agnes Sasagawa, Ida Peerdeman,

Paris. Akita, Japan. Amsterdam.
1806 - 1876. 1930- 1905-1996.

Prominent leaders like Chuck Missler, who claim to be true champions of Biblical
Christianity, should be condemning these developments, and they should be doing so
with great urgency and determination. But he is doing the very opposite! He is
promoting them!

Missler has rejected Biblical Christianity

Missler is luring thousands of unsuspecting Christians into a New Age version of
Christianity where all is one, where everything is connected, where channeled
information has objective validity, where evolution is acceptable, where the Bible
may contain important truths that have yet to be discovered, where Jesus is akin to a
powerful extraterrestrial archangel, where angels and men can interbreed, and where
it is permissable to communicate with the dead.
The extent of Missler's rejection of Biblical Christianity becomes painfully apparent
in the way he allows his Institute to promote the writings of Sarah Young. The 'Jesus'
of the Jesus Calling books is a counterfeit, a phony, a revolting New Age parody of
the real Jesus. He is no more Jesus that the 'Jesus' channeled by Helen Schucman, the
'Christ' channeled by Barbara Marx Hubbard, or the 'God' channeled by Neale Donald

Sarah Young

Like certain Catholic visionaires and mystics, some of whom have had their 'visions'
formally recognized by the Roman Catholic Church, Sarah Young claims to be in
communication with the real Jesus of Nazareth. Unlike many of them, however, she
does not receive a visual image as such but hears his voice 'speaking' inside her. To
that extent her mode of communication is very similar to that of Louisa Jaques,
better known as Sister Mary of the Holy Trinity (1901-1942), whose many
messages from 'Jesus' have been published under the imprimatur of the Roman
Catholic Church. Such communications are defined by Rome as "interior locutions"
and have been reported, for example, by the founder of the Marian Movement of
Priests, 'Father' Stefano Gobbi (1930-2011), a close confidant of Pope John Paul II.

Sister Mary of the Holy Trinity (1901-1942),

who received numerous messages from a
supernatural voice claiming to be Jesus.
The voice called her “My little fiancée”.
Her published messages have popularized
the Vow of Victim among Catholics who
wish to be a ‘Disciple of the Eucharist’.
Her ‘Jesus’ voice said:
“What I ask of you, what I expect of you,
is that you act...by imitating My Eucharistic
Life. That is the Vow of Victim that I have
asked of you.”
“You will pronounce the Vow of Victim
between the hands of My Mother, Mediatrix
of all Graces – it is she who will present
your offering to God.”

If you have not yet discovered that the 'Jesus' in Sarah Young's book is a demonic
counterfeit, then please consider carefully the facts set out in our earlier paper – The
'Jesus Calling' Books are an Alarming New Age Deception.
Please understand that Jesus Calling is not just a mixture of 'good' and 'bad', but a
toxic brew from beginning to end. Ms Young opened herself to a supernatural entity
whose "voice" is the voice of Satan. While she was almost certainly sincere in
everything she wrote, she was utterly deceived. As a result, she is an unwitting
channel for spiritual deception and New Age lies. (We recommend Another Jesus
Calling by Warren Smith (2013) for an in-depth examination of Ms Young's
calamitous error.)

Incredibly, Missler's newsletter, Spyglass Monthly, published a very positive review
of Jesus Calling in its issue of March 2010:

Book Review –
Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

By Dan Stolebarger: Recently, I have been blessed with the

writings of Sarah Young. My wife and I are using her
devotional "Jesus Calling" as part of our morning devotional
time, and I am constantly amazed at the timeliness and
relevancy of her daily writings.
Sarah, a missionary with a heart to counsel "deeply wounded
women find healing in Christ" and help men discover
"intimacy with Christ," wrote "Jesus Calling" as a one-year
devotional based on her years of prayer journaling and
seeking His constant presence and His peace.
She shares on each page "words and scriptures Jesus lovingly laid on her heart.
Words of reassurance, comfort, hope." The daily readings from her journals aim at
bringing "you closer to Christ and move your time with Him from a monologue to
a dialogue." I wholeheartedly endorse her books and would encourage all KI'ers to
add Sarah's writings to their libraries.

Not only does the official Koinonia newsletter give a glowing endorsement of the
writings of Sarah Young, but it goes so far as to say, "I wholeheartedly endorse her
books and would encourage all KI’ers [members of the Koinonia study program] to
add Sarah’s writings to their libraries." Furthermore, generous extracts from Jesus
Calling were reproduced in Spyglass Monthly in July and November, 2010.
This is incomprehensible! It shows that Missler and his team believe that, not only is
Jesus Calling consistent with the Word of God, but that it fits comfortably with the
'brand' of Christianity that Missler wants to teach.

Our wonderful Savior said, “My sheep hear my voice” (John 10:27). But what voice
do professing Christians hear when they read Ms Young's book? “And a stranger will
they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.”
(John 10:5).
When reading Jesus Calling a born-again Christian with a firm foundation in God's
Holy Word should hear Satan’s lisping voice, subtle and dangerous. He should hear
his lies and his New Age, paganised form of Christianity. He should hear sweet-
sounding words that mean nothing and repeated invitations to submit to his beguiling
This is why the word ‘Presence’ is such a mantra in the New Age and why it appears
so often in Ms Young’s book. Satan loves the word ‘Presence’ because it induces his
listeners to submit to their feelings, to listen to their hearts, to use their imagination,
and to take an intuitive journey into their innermost being. This is mysticism, a realm
where Satan reigns supreme, a silent playground where the arch-deceiver can use his
powers with fewer and fewer restrictions.
Be warned, he has real supernatural power and is capable of imparting ecstatic, life-
changing experiences to those who are foolish enough to welcome his 'presence'. It is
the craving for such experiences that holds so many in bondage. And he knows it!
Am I being too harsh? Please think for a moment. Why would Jesus impart a message
for transmission to the rest of mankind given that he has already set out his complete,
immutable and perfect message in his Holy Word? On the other hand – keep thinking
– why would Satan miss an opportunity to corrupt the true gospel in this way, to lure a
glowing number of potential victims into his ‘presence’ and promote a lust for
‘experiences’ that will destroy millions of unsuspecting souls?
Satan hates the Bible, he hates Jesus, he hates all born-again Christians, and he hates
you. Unless you can see this, you won’t understand why he is determined to use every
trick in his arsenal to divert an ever-increasing number of professing believers from
the Word of God and feed them a sickly counterfeit version of Christianity that cannot
save anyone.

Chuck Missler and the people who run Koinonia House know this. They know that
the teachings imparted through Jesus Calling are not from Jesus of Nazareth. So why
don’t they warn you? Worse still, why do they encourage their members to study the
writings of Ms Young?
The answer ought to be obvious. As the Apostle Paul said, “For I know this, that after
my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.” (Acts
20:29) If such people were becoming active in the church some 2,000 years ago, we
can be sure they are rampant today.

Jeremy James
February 6, 2014


For more information about the ongoing attack

on Bible-based Christianity, visit

Copyright Jeremy James 2014

Papers by Jeremy James on www.zephaniah.eu
[Papers are also available, grouped by year, on the Internet Archive website]


Apostasy / Error 18 21 35 37 46
Attacks on Christianity 18 33 42 54
Bible translations 18 48
Blasphemy 12 22 29 35
Cults 7 11
Discernment 5 15 18 42 45
Dominionism 7 18 19 31
Ecumenism 16 18 19 28 37 45
Evolution 18 29
Freemasonry 27 54
Illuminati 12 13 15 39 43 47 50 51 53
Israel / Replacement Theology 30 31 36 40 41
Marxism / Humanism 10 17
Morality 17 25
Necromancy / Demonism 5 6
New Age 15 38 52
New World Order 10 25 26 32 39 50
Occult / Witchcraft 5 6 9 11 14 44 51
Rapture 34
Rome / Jesuits 16 19 20 32 33
Satire / Humor 1 2 3 4
Subversive books 8 23 24
Virgin Mary 9 49

Recent papers listed first

1. The End-Time Crisis – Some Pictorial Thoughts for True Evangelicals

2. The Coming One World Church – Some Pictorial Thoughts for Concerned

3. The Umbilical Church is Connected to Rome – Some Pictorial Thoughts

for True Evangelicals

4. The Evangelical Church is Under Attack – Some Pictorial Thoughts about


5. The Great Nephilim Deception: Why Christians are Being Tricked into
Believing in ETs and UFOs

6. Christians who 'Communicate' with Departed Loved Ones are Defying

God's Word

7. Proof that the New Apostolic Reformation is a Pseudo-Christian Cult

8. The Jesus Calling Books are an Alarming New Age Deception

9. Satan in Satin: Overwhelming Proof that the Apparitions of the Virgin Mary
are Demonic Deceptions

10. Wagner, Siegfried, Marx, and the New World Order

11. The Strange Occult World of Barack Obama: The President who Venerates
the Goddess and has a Hindu Guru

12. Gog, Google, Gold and the Goddess: How Illuminati Trademarks Blaspheme
the LORD God of the Bible

13. The Illuminati are Laughing: How the Global Elite have set the Stage for
World War Three

14. Witchcraft and Satanism in Hollywood

15. The Externalization of the Hierarchy: How the Illuminati are Implementing
Satan’s Plan for the End-Time

16. Walk to Emmaus: Yet Another Roman Catholic Attack on Evangelical


17. Submission on Same Sex ‘Marriage’: Our Insane Society Needs to Wake Up

18. A Pyramid of Lies: How the Wolf Pack is Attacking and Destroying True
Biblical Christianity

19. The Stained Glass Curtain Deception: Why Evangelicals who Partner with
the Roman Catholic Church are in Rebellion Against God

20. Evidence that Christianity Today is a Mouthpiece for the Roman Catholic Church

21. The Great Pentecostal-Charismatic Error

22. Recent British Blasphemies reveal the Extent to which the UK is Ruled by
a Luciferian Elite

23. A Prophetic Dream in The Harbinger is Suspiciously like a Prophetic Dream

acclaimed by American Freemasons

24. The Harbinger, the Inverted Tree, and Why Christians Need to Discriminate
very carefully between Prophecy and Speculation

25. The Coming Collapse of the United States: What the Prophet Jeremiah said
about Judah is Frighteningly True of America Today

26. The Dissolution of Ireland as a Sovereign State

27. Freemasonry and the British Monarchy: Why the Queen of England Pretends
to be a Christian

28. The Apostles Creed: A Dangerous Ecumenical Distortion of True Biblical


29. The Shameless Fraud known as Darwinian Evolution

30. The Commitment to Israel of the Pre-incarnate Christ

31. One of Satan’s Greatest Lies: How Replacement Theology has Rejected and
Perverted the LORD’s Prophetic Purpose for Israel

32. The Roman Catholic Church has taken a Sinister Step toward One World
Government and a One World Religion

33. Written in Hell: An Explosive Document which the Roman Catholic Bishops
do Not want you to See

34. Understanding the Rapture from a Strictly Biblical Perspective

35. Do You Worship the Roman Catholic Jesus or the True Jesus of the Bible?

36. Psalm 83 and the Coming Wave of Attacks Against Israel

37. The Cotton-wool Gospel and the Emerging Church Movement

38. The New Age Movement is Designed to Destroy True Biblical Christianity

39. Proof of a Conspiracy: Globalists Speak Openly about their Deadly Agenda

40. How the Bible Foretold, in Two Places, the Foundation Date for Israel – 1948

41. Proof of the Legal and Moral Right of Israel to Exist as a Sovereign State

42. Beware of Warrenism and the False Theology of the Purpose-Driven Church

43. Understanding the Illuminati Mindset: Why the USA is Scheduled for Destruction

44. The Ark of the Covenant and the Eye of Lucifer

45. Lupus Occultus: The Paganised Christianity of C S Lewis

46. Speaking in Tongues: An Unscriptural and Potentially Dangerous Practice

47. Illuminati Countdown: Thirty Undeniable Signs that We are Now in the End Time

48. The King James Bible: By Far the Most Reliable Translation in English

49. Why Christians should Never Pray to the Virgin Mary

50. Anomalies in History: World War II – How a Global Elite Controlled Both Sides

51. The Role of Orion and 19 April in the Coming Devastation

52. Eighteen New Age Lies: An Occult Attack on Christianity

53. The Illuminati and 12 Smirnoff Ads

54. The Planned Destruction of Christianity in Ireland.


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