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7 0 2 2 C20-C–106 PART—B 8×5=40

Instructions : (1) Answer all questions.

7022 (2) Each question carries eight marks.
(3) Answers should be comprehensive and criterion for
valuation is the content but not the length of the answer.
11. (a) Explain different types of errors in chain surveying. 8
Time : 3 hours ] [ Total Marks : 80
(b) From the following cross-staff survey of a field ABCDEFG calculate
PART—A the area bounded in hectares.

Instructions : (1) Answer all questions. D

(2) Each question carries three marks.
(3) Answers should be brief and straight to the point and shall 730
not exceed five simple sentences.
610 240 E

1. List the types of land surveys. 3 C 160 480

2. Write important considerations in base line of chain surveying. 3 320 210 F

3. Write formulae for correction of in-correct chain length in area and B 130 200
volume measurements. 3
120 160 G
4. What is local attraction? List where it occurs. 1+2
5. Find the include angle B given the following bearings :
Bearing of AB N 15° 15' E and bearing of AC, N 87° 10' E 3
12. (a) List any four methods of chaining when the vision is free and
* 6. Define the following terms : * chaining obstructed. Explain any one. 8
(a) Datum
(b) R.L. in levelling 1½+1½ (OR)
7. Distinguish between simple levelling and differential levelling. 1½+1½
(b) The following offsets were taken from a survey line to a hedge.
8. The line of sight from two stations A and B just grazes the sea level. Find the area between the survey line and the hedge by
If the height of A and B above sea level are 100 m and 150 m (i) trapezoidal rule and (ii) Simpson’s rule.
respectively, find the distance AB (diameter of earth = 12,880 km). 3
Distance (m) 0 5 10 15 20 30 40 55 70
9. List any three uses of contour maps. 3
Offset (m) 3.29 4.05 6.23 5.75 4.76 5.26 4.32 3.92 2.91
10. What are the uses of Abney level? 3
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13. (a) Describe the precautions to be taken in compass surveying. 15. (a) Following is a page of an old level field book in which
certain entries are missing. Prepare a new page of a level field
book and fill the missing entries and apply usual checks :
Station B.S. I.S. F.S. Rise Fall R.L. Remarks
(b) Following are the bearings observed while traversing with a 1 2.345 129.25 B.M.I
compass in an area where local attraction was suspected. Find
the correct bearings of the lines and also the true bearings, if 2 1.650 X1 0.035 x2
the magnetic declination is 5° E. Tabulate the results. 3 2.210 X3 x4
4 X7 1.850 X5 X6
Line F.B. B.B.
5 1.850 1.925 0.455 X8
AB 59° 00' 239° 00' 6 X10 X9 129.00 B.M.II
BC 139° 30' 317° 00' 7 1.690 1.140 X11 X12
CD 215°15' 36° 30' 8 X14 X13 128.500 B.M.III

DE 208° 00' 29° 00'

EA 318° 30' 138° 45' (OR)

(b) Explain any two methods of interpolation of contours. 4+4

14. (a) What are the errors due to curvature and refraction? Describe how
you correct them separately. Also express how you apply PART—C 10×1=10
combined correction. 3+3+2
Instructions : (1) Answer the following question.
(OR) (2) The question carries ten marks.

(b) The following observations were made in testing the line of

* collimation adjustment of a dumpy level. Compute the staff * 16. Explain the graphical method or Bowditch method of correction to
readings to be obtained for correct adjustment when the a given compass traverse using a sketch.
instrument is at R. Draw the sketch.

Instrument at Staff reading on Remarks
O 1.250 2.315 OP=OQ=50 m
R 1.725 2.690 PR=30 m
RQ=130 m

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