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Lanao Del Norte Bansarvil National High School 7 Maria Contessa T. Plariza CHS Third Quarter

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Division Lanao del Norte


Teacher MARIA CONTESSA T. Learning Area CHS
Time & Dates Quarter Third Quarter

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of concepts and underlying
Standards principles in performing measurements and calculations.
B. Performance The learner independently performs accurate measurements and
Standards calculations based on a given tasks
LO 2. Carryout mensuration and calculation
2.1 Perform calculation needed to complete task using the four
mathematical fundamental operations (addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division)
C. Learning
Competencies/ 1. Identify the different unit of measure used to represent data.
Objectives (Write 2. Perform basic operation skills (addition, subtraction, multiplication
the code for each and division) in the computation.
LC) 3. Appreciate the importance of knowing how to compute data

LC Code: TLE_ICTCS7/8MC-0f-2

(Digital Presentation -Carry out mensuration and calculation)
A. Subject Matter 3. Conversion and calculation

1. Teacher’s Guide
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide : K -12 COMPUTER HARDWARE SERVICING 7 (Exploratory), page
Pages 13 - 14.
2. Learner’s
(Exploratory, page 42 - 46.)
Material Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Illustration/images- laptop, projector,
Materials from
LR Portal
B. Other Learning
Resources Internet
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity/ies Learner’s Expected Response/s

Alright class, let’s have a review

on what we’ve discussed

A. Reviewing
previous lesson or “Who can recall Anyone?
presenting the new Okay Mara..
lesson -Our lesson yesterday was about :
Types of components and objects to
be measured:

Good, That’s correct Mara.

What about the types of

components and objects to be

Yes Rannie? - The types of components and

objects to be measured are:
2.Data storage
3. Processor
4.Video card

Very good Rannie.

I am glad that you’ve still

remembers our Lesson
yesterday. Thata will basically
help us in our new lesson for
B. Establishing a
purpose for the (The teacher will show pictures to th the
lesson students)
-“Storage devices…ma’am
Do you remember this computer
Part class? -“Students answering in chorus….”

-a hard disk drive ma’am….

Nope, any other answers?
-Students are raising their hands.
Let me call Almer.
Very good. -“It is a Hard Disk Drive mam.

Hard disk Drive = is a magnetic

storage device thatis installed inside the

Memory – is an internal storage
Areas in the computer system.

BITS = is the smallest

Representation of data.

Bytes = is equivalent to 8 Bits and A student raises his hand.

is the smallest unit of measure
Used to represent data storage
Capacity. What about Megabytes and
Kilobytes Ma’am.
Yes Amy? Do you have any

Interesting question Amy, we will

Go to that later, that is actually
Part of our Lesson proper.
Let’s proceed to our lesson…..

Today, we will discuss about the

Capacity and Speed.

C. Presenting -“but before that let me remind

examples/ you of (4) basic operation skills
instances of the (addition, subtraction,
new lesson multiplication and division) in the -Students are listening attentively to
computation the teacher while discussing the
In this lesson we will learn about
the storage capacity and how it
can affect the Speed on the
D. Discussing new
concepts and Proper discussion:
practicing new

-“What is the difference between Ma’am?

bit and bytes?

Yes Anna… -bit is the smallest representation of

data, the most basic unit of digital
Very good Anna.. storage is the
-“When referring to storage
space, what terms do you think
we use?”

-A byte is 8 bits and is the

smallest unit of measure (UOM) * Students answer may vary
used to represent data
storage capacity

- The terms we use are bytes (B),

kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB),
gigabytes (GB), and terabytes

-Refer this chart:

Kilobytes, megabytes,
gigabytes, and terabytes are
typically used to measure the size
or storage capacity of a device.

I will call several students to -

Give the constant equivalent of (Oliver)
the following based on the chart. - One kilobyte (KB) is a little more
than one thousand bytes, specifically
Oliver, Arman, Maybeth, Ollie, 1,024.

-A megabyte (MB) represents more
than a million bytes or 1,048,576.

-A gigabyte (GB) is 1,073,741,824

A terabyte (TB)is

That’s all correct, thank you.

Examples of components and

devices that use byte storage

1.random access memory (RAM),

2.hard disk drive space,
3.CDs, DVDs, and
4. MP3 players.

1.CDs have a data storage

capacity of approximately 700
MB. A Student raises his hand..

2.DVDs have a data storage

capacity of approximately 4.3 GB Do you mean Ma’am that a movie on
on a single-layer disc, a DVD is equivalent to that much
(4.3 GB)
Yes Ringo, what is your question?

Right, but that would actually Student’s was comparing ideas

depend on how long the movie is.

Okay class let’s proceed.

3. andapproximately 8.5 GB on a
dual-layer disc.

4.BDs have a storage capacity of

25 GB on a single-layer disc, and
50 GB on
a dual-layer disc.

-Once we know the size of a file

or folder, it is possible to
determine the number of bytes
being used.

For example:
A file is 20 KB in size
1 KB = 1,024 Bytes

20 * 1,024 = 20,480 bytes in a 20

KB file

If a 20 KB file is stored in a 1 MB
(1 MB = 1,048,576 bytes of
space); then

20 (KB) = 1(MB)
=51.2 or 5151 files
can be stored in that 1MB)
folder Students are raising their hands

Okay le us have another example

and I need a volunteer to solve it
on the board.
(Students do board work)
While other student are doing the
Ollen and Faith come here in computation on their
front. notebooks/scratch paper.

Here is the problem.

A file is 30 KB in size Ollen :

Remember that 1KB = 1.024
Bytes 30* 1,024 = 30, 720 bytes in 30 KB
And the folder size that is it to be
stored is 1 MB 30 (kb) = 1 (MB)
30 (1,0240) = 1 (1,048,576)
Ollen, Faith just follow the sample 30,720 = 1,048,576
computation we had… = 1,048,576
= 34.1


30* 1,024 = 30,720

30(kb)= 1(MB)
30(1,024) = 1(1,048,576)
30, 720 = 1,048,576
= 1,048,576
= 34.33

Okay, So which among the two

answers do you think are correct
class.. Ma’am Ollen has got the correct

Exactly correct class, Who has Some students raises their hands.
got the same answer as Ollen?

Faith’s computation is almost

correct only that it differs on point

E. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new
skills #2

F. Developing (Group students into 3 and do

mastery computation activity for board

Direction: Solve the problems

indicated below. Show your

Group 1. How many 60 KB

jpg files can be stored on a 2  Students do the seat work by
MB folder in your hard drive? group and show their
answers and solutions on the
Group 2. How many 30 kb board.
mpeg files can be stored in a
1 MB folder in your flash drive

Group 3. How many 50 KB

jpg files can be stored on a 3
MB folder in your hard drive?

1. Can you identify the -“Yes mam.

different capacity and
speed of storage devices? Storage Capacity Speed
Based on the handouts Devices
that I gave you.
If yes, what are they? Devices
1.Storage 2TB
Devices (HD204UI)

-Samsung - Hard Disk

2TB Drive
(HD204UI) Buffer DRAM 32MB
- Hard Disk 2.Memory 1333M
G. Finding practical Drive - JEDEC bps
applications of Buffer DRAM Standard
concepts and skills Size DDR3
in daily living 2.Memory Bandwidth : 10660
Standard 3.Processor 3.50
DDR3 - Intel® GHz
Bandwidth : Core™ i5
3.Processor Processors
- Intel® Processor 3.00
Core™ i5 Base GHz
Processors Frequency
Processor :
Base 4.Video 8.5 GB
Frequency Card
: -Asus
4.Video GeForce GTX
Card 750 TI 2GB
-Asus 128-bit
GeForce GTX
750 TI 2GB
H. Making
To wrap it up capacity and speed
of storage devices can greatly
affect the performance of the
computer system.

I need a few students to share to

the class the leanings they have (Ana)
about our lesson. 1. I learned to identify the different
capacity and speed of storage

2. I know how to Perform basic
operation skills (addition,
subtraction, multiplication and
Very good Ana and Marco division) in the computation.

Why it is important to know the …

capacity of storage devices
(Karen)=.It gives a great role to run a
PC efficiently for everyday activities
generalization and like doing research, encoding etc..
abstractions about
the lesson (Onie) =.It has capacity also to store
data for a long period of time which
man cannot do.

(Bam).It can also back up and

restore data or information that is
being typed on computer when
there’s a power interruption.

(Coby).Transferring of files can be

easier and faster without problems to
Very good everyone..

Any questions or clarifications? None Ma’am

Okay, then we will check now

how far have you learned about
the topic.

I need you to get ½ sheet of Students are preparing……..

paper (crosswise)
Direction: Identify the
1. What is considered as
the smallest Answers:
representation of data.
1. Bit
2. It is equivalent to 8 bits. 2. Bytes
3. How many Bytes are 3. 1,024
there in 1 KB. 4. 1,048,576
4. How many Bytes are 5. 1,073,741,824
there in 1 MB
5. How many Bytes are Solving:
there in a Gigabyte. 10KB= 50MB
10(1,024)= 50 (1,048,576)
Solve the problems indicated 10,240 = 52,428,800
below. Show your solution. = 52,428,800
.( 5 points every solution)
= 5120
I. Evaluating learning
1. How many 10 KB avi
files can be stored on a
50 MB thumb drive?

Study about Lesson 3 on Page

J. Additional activities
-Prepare and Interpret
for application or
Technical Drawing
1.Identify different kinds of
technical drawing; and
2. Interpret technical drawing.


A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use / discover
which I wish to
share with other

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