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FireTIR Brochure

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FireTIR – Thermal Infra-Red Imaging

Real-time temperature monitoring of industrial plants

FireTIR – Radiometric Infra-Red Camera Technology

Early warning fire detection to protect industrial plants

Many types of businesses carry an increased risk of fire

due to the concentration of highly combustible materials
that when combined can generate high levels of heat.
Thermal cameras offer the ability to monitor such
operations around the clock to detect any increases in
heat that might lead to spontaneous combustion.

Amongst Patol’s comprehensive range of fire detection

technologies is its thermal imaging camera system –
FireTIR – which quickly detects emerging fire risks.

The FireTIR system features fixed infra-red cameras

connected to a user-friendly software interface through
which the surface temperatures of the area being
protected are monitored in real time. The image from
each camera can be divided into zones, allowing specific risk areas to be identified and to also establish non-detection areas.
High or low pre-alarm and alarm set temperatures can be programmed for each zone, with outputs to fire alarm and process
control systems.

FireTIR is suitable for a wide range of applications, including storage and handling plants, manufacturing industries, transport
and power generation. For hazardous areas, camera enclosures are available to IP66 or ATEX certification, with automatic
camera lens cleaning ensuring the system is ideally suited to dusty environments.
Radiometric Infra-Red System
Thermal cameras measure infra-red radiation – a
type of radiant energy that is invisible to the human
eye, but detectable in the form of heat. They use a
sensor to measure the amount of infra-red radiation
(or heat) emitted from an object or in a given area.
The measurements are then processed using
specialised software to visually display the heat
readings in the form of high-definition images or
video. Hot spots or areas with higher temperatures
will show up as brighter areas on the image against
areas with cooler temperatures, which appear
darker. Alarm outputs can be configured for each

6 x Camera System

Cat 6 Cable (100m)


Media 16 Channel Relay

Converter Output Unit

Switch Unit Fibre Optic Cable

Aluminium Housing and Thermographic Cameras

System features
z Wide-area monitoring.

Fast and precise temperature measurement.

Captures the temperature distribution of a surface in milliseconds.

z Definition of alarm zones and related temperatures.

To avoid combustion of materials as a preventative measure.

z Precise, accurate temperature detection.

Cameras are equipped with self-calibration.

z Integrated fire alarm outputs.

For all current alarm and extinguishing systems.

z High resolution temperature measurement over long distances.

FireTIR Aluminium Housing
z Customized system design and architecture.
Tailor-made solutions even for complex monitoring tasks.

Camera options
z FTS8X Camera z FTS80X Camera
80x80 pixels resolution 382x288 pixels resolution

z FTS70 Camera z FTS90 Camera

160x120 pixels resolution 640x480 pixels resolution

FTS80X Camera in Aluminium Housing

Air Purge Wiper Anti-Dust Glass

Cleaning Systems
FireTIR cameras feature various cleaning systems. Air purging from a compressed air feed
or blower is used to maintain a positive air pressure across the camera lens to prevent
dust settling. There are also mechanical wiper and anti-dust glass options.

Stainless Steel Housings and Camera Mounts

FireTIR Wall Mount FireTIR Remotely-Operated FireTIR Remotely-Operated

Single Camera Pan-and-Tilt Mount Dual Camera Pan-and-Tilt Mount

Housing and mount features

z Remotely-operated mounting stations.
Offers greater flexibility and operational coverage.

z Stainless steel housings.

For high tolerance in harsh environments such as marine.

z ATEX-certified housings.
For installation and operation in Ex-zones l, 2, 21 and 22.

FireTIR Stainless Steel ATEX-Certified

Camera Housing
FireTIR Thermal Infra-Red System Software

Software features
Full remote control of all infra-red cameras.
Multiple zones
z Automatic hot spot detection. FireTIR software is only limited by its resolution as every
Allows thermal evaluation of objects with automatic pixel can in theory be defined as a zone, which offers
detection of hot or cold spots. comprehensive coverage and flexibility.
Easy integration process.
Advanced interface allows integration in networks and
automated systems.

Recording functions and analysis of measured data.


Different inspection zones configuration.

Facilitates the parameters processing of each zone:
emissivity, measurement temperatures, pre-alarms and
alarms events, dimensions, etc.

Email notification of alarms or alarms notification by

digital outputs.

z Discrimination system.
Consisting of alarms and pre-alarms to avoid false
alarms due to work vehicles, forklift, etc.
FireTIR Thermal Infra-Red System Applications

Waste/Recycling Warehousing
Modern recycling plants are, by their very nature, dirty A warehouse environment presents many challenges
and dusty environments, processing mixed recyclable for fire detection with varying potential ignition sources
waste such as wood, plastic, paper, cardboard, rubber stored in large quantities, often in vertical arrangement.
and carpet/tiles. These waste products are highly The infra-red thermal imaging technology of FireTIR is
combustible and susceptible to potential ignition from the well suited to avoid the difficulties faced by other fire
processing machinery. Discarded batteries in themselves detection systems. Whether it be coal, grain or sulphur,
present potential fire risks that can be efficiently detected FireTIR focusses directly on the point of risk. Its thermal
by FireTIR. imaging cameras do not require lighting to produce
images, so they support 24/7 warehouse monitoring.
Petrochemical plants operate 24/7 often at very high
temperatures. FireTIR will test and maintain the facility
without affecting production status. Its infra-red cameras Spontaneous combustion is the principle cause of
check the condition of electrical equipment, cables laundry fires. Usually fires start in the centre of a pile of
and transformers, as well as toxic materials stored in clean textiles. As the heat increases, the temperature
specialist containers, such as biochemical reactors and starts to rise exponentially and within a few hours
storage tanks. the auto-ignition point is reached. FireTIR cameras
set to monitor such areas are able to identify a rise in
temperature enabling early fire extinguishing intervention
Biomass to prevent a potential fire.
Biomass plants are as prone to fire as coal-fired power
plants. Dust also affects biomass plants, but with the
additional issue that it can be composed of a multitude
of refuse items, creating the problem of an unknown
fuel source and making it even more essential to detect
potential fire risk situations at the earliest opportunity.
Patol Ltd
Archway House, Bath Road, Padworth, Reading RG7 5HR
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1189 701 701

Email: info@patol.uk.com
Web: www.patol.co.uk

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