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I.L. 70C1037H02 I.L.

Page 1

Instructions for Digitrip Models 220, 520, 520i, 520M, and

520Mi Trip Units for use only in Cutler-Hammer Magnum
and Magnum DS Circuit Breakers

Table of Contents

1.0 General Description of Digitrip Trip Units ................ 2 5.2 When to Test ........................................................ 22
1.1 Protection ............................................................... 4 5.3 Functional Field Testing ........................................ 22
1.2 Mode of Trip and Status Information ....................... 4 5.4 Performance Testing for Ground Fault
1.3 Installation and Removal ........................................ 4 Trip Units .............................................................. 22
1.3.1 Installation of the Trip Unit ........................... 4 5.4.1 Code Requirements .................................. 22
1.3.2 Rating Plug Installation ................................ 4 5.4.2 Standards Requirements ........................... 22
5.4.3 General Test Instructions ........................... 22
1.3.3 Trip Unit/Rating Plug Removal .................... 5
1.4 Wiring ..................................................................... 6 6.0 Battery ................................................................. 23
6.1 General ................................................................ 23
1.5 Plexiglass Cover ..................................................... 6
6.2 Battery Check ....................................................... 23
1.6 Ground Alarm/Power Supply Module
(520M Models only) ................................................ 6 6.3 Battery Installation and Removal .......................... 24
7.0 Frame Ratings
1.6.1 Auxiliary Power ............................................ 6
(Sensor Ratings and Rating Plugs) ................ 10, 24
1.6.2 Ground Alarm .............................................. 6
1.7 Display Feature (520M family only) ......................... 7 8.0 Record Keeping .................................................... 25
9.0 References ........................................................... 25
1.8 Standards ............................................................... 7
9.1 Magnum and Magnum DS Circuit Breakers ......... 25
2.0 General Description of
Magnum Circuit Breakers ....................................... 7 9.2 Time-Current Curves ............................................ 25
2.1 General .................................................................. 7
Appendix A Zone Interlocking Examples ...................... 29
2.2 Low Energy Trip Actuator ....................................... 8
2.3 Ground Fault Protection ......................................... 8 Appendix B Troubleshooting Guide .............................. 31
Appendix C Typical Breaker Master
2.3.1 General ....................................................... 9
Connection Diagram ............................................. 33
2.3.2 Residual Sensing ........................................ 9
2.3.3 Source Ground Sensing .............................. 9
2.3.4 Zero Sequence Sensing .............................. 9
2.3.5 Multiple Source/Multiple Ground .................. 9 WARNING
2.3.6 Ground Fault Settings ................................. 9
2.4 Current Sensors (Magnum Frames less than DO NOT ATTEMPT TO INSTALL OR PERFORM
or equal to 3200A) ................................................ 10 MAINTENANCE ON EQUIPMENT WHILE IT IS
2.5 Current Sensors (Magnum Frames greater ENERGIZED. DEATH OR SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY
than 3200A) .......................................................... 10 CAN RESULT FROM CONTACT WITH ENERGIZED
3.0 Principles of Operation ......................................... 10 EQUIPMENT. ALWAYS VERIFY THAT NO VOLTAGE IS
3.1 General ................................................................ 10 PRESENT BEFORE PROCEEDING. ALWAYS FOLLOW
3.2 Trip and Operation Indicators ............................... 15 SAFETY PROCEDURES. CUTLER-HAMMER IS NOT
3.3 Making Current Release ....................................... 15 LIABLE FOR THE MISAPPLICA-TION OR
3.4 Zone Interlocking (520 family only) ....................... 15 MISINSTALLATION OF ITS PRODUCTS.
4.0 Protection Settings ............................................... 19
4.1 General ................................................................ 19
4.2 Long Delay Current Setting ................................... 19
4.3 Long Delay Time Setting ...................................... 19
4.4 Short Delay Current Setting .................................. 20
4.5 Short Delay Time Setting ...................................... 20 OBSERVE ALL RECOMMENDATIONS, NOTES,
4.6 Instantaneous Current Setting .............................. 20 CAUTIONS, AND WARNINGS RELATING TO THE
4.7 Ground Fault Current Setting ................................ 21 SAFETY OF PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT. OB-
4.8 Ground Fault Time Delay Setting .......................... 21 SERVE AND COMPLY WITH ALL GENERAL AND
5.0 Test Procedures ................................................... 21 LOCAL HEALTH AND SAFETY LAWS, CODES, AND
5.1 General ................................................................ 21 PROCEDURES.

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Figure 1.1 Digitrip 520M Trip Unit with Rating Plug

NOTE: The recommendations and information contained This instruction book specifically covers the application of
herein are based on experience and judgement, but Digitrip Trip Units, as illustrated in Figure 1.1, installed in
should not be considered to be all inclusive or to cover Magnum and Magnum DS Breakers. Throughout this
every application or circumstance which may arise. Instructional Leaflet, the use of the term “Magnum
Breakers” refers to both the Magnum and Magnum DS
If you have any questions or need further information or low-voltage, ac power circuit breakers.
instructions, please contact your local representative or
the Customer Support Center at 1-800-356-1234. The Magnum Digitrip line of trip units consists of the 220,
520, and 520M for UL standards and models 220, 520i,
1.0 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DIGITRIP TRIP UNITS and 520Mi for IEC standards. Throughout this Instruc-
tional Leaflet, the use of the term “DT20 family” refers to
The Digitrip Trip Units are breaker subsystems that the 220, 520, 520i, 520M, and 520Mi units; the term “520
provide the protective functions of a circuit breaker. The family” refers to only the 520, 520i, 520M, and 520Mi
trip units are in removable housings, installed in the units.
breaker, and can be replaced or upgraded in the field by
the customer.

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Table 1.1 Protection Types Available for Digitrip Trip Units

Trip Unit Type Digitrip 220 Digitrip 520/520i Digitrip 520M/520Mi
Ampere Range 200A-3200A 200A-6300A 200A-6300A
RMS Sensing Yes Yes Yes
Protection and Coordination
Protection Ordering Options LI LSI,LSIG/WLSIG MLSI,MLSIG,
Fixed Rating Plug (In) Yes Yes Yes
Overtemperature Trip Yes Yes Yes
Long Long Delay Setting Fixed @ 1 x (In) 0.4-1.0 x (In) 0.4-1.0 x (In)
Delay Long Delay Time I 2t at 6 x (Ir) Fixed @ 10 seconds 2-24 Seconds 2-24 Seconds
Protection Long Delay Thermal Memory Yes Yes Yes
Short Short Delay Pick-Up4 No 200-1000% x (Ir) 200-1000% x (Ir)
Delay Short Delay Time I 2t at 8 x (Ir) No 100-500 ms 100-500 ms
Protection Short Delay Time FLAT No 100-500 ms 100-500 ms
Short Delay Time ZSI5 No Yes Yes
Instan- Instantaneous Pick-Up4 200-1000% x (In) 200-1000% x (In) 200-1000% x (In)
taneous Off Position No Yes Yes
Protection Making Current Release Yes Yes Yes
Ground Ground Fault Option No Yes Yes
(Earth) Ground Fault Alarm No No Yes3
Fault Ground Fault Pick-Up No 25-100% x (In)1 25-100% x (In)1
Protection Ground Fault Delay I2t at .625 x (In) No 100-500 ms 100-500 ms
Ground Fault Delay Flat No 100-500 ms 100-500 ms
Ground Fault ZSI5 No Yes Yes
Ground Fault Memory No Yes Yes
System Diagnostics
Status/Long Pick-up LED Yes Yes Yes
Cause of Trip LEDs No Yes2 Yes2
Remote Ground Trip/Alarm Contacts No No Yes3
System Metering
Digital Display No No 4 Char. LCD
Notes: 1. Limited to 1200 Amperes; this is only for UL versions, not for IEC models.
2. Four cause of trip LEDs–L, S, I, G. Making Current Release is indicated by the Instantaneous LED.
3. Requires optional Ground Alarm/Power Supply Module (see Section 1.6).
4. Additional setting is marked M1 where:
800-3200A Frame: M1 = 14 x /n for Plug Amps 200 through 1250A
M1 = 12 x /n for Plug Amps 1600, 2000, 2500A
M1 = 10 x /n for Plug Amps 3000, 3200A
4000-6300A Frame: M1 = 14 x /n for Plug Amps 2000, 2500A (see Section 2.5)
M1 = 12 x /n for Plug Amps 3200, 4000, 5000A
M1 = 10 x /n for Plug Amps 6300A
5. ZSI = Zone Selective Interlock (see Section 3.4)

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The Digitrip 220, 520, and 520M trip units may be applied 1.2 Mode of Trip and Status Information
on both 50 and 60 Hz systems.
On all DT20 units, a green light emitting diode (LED),
Digitrip DT20 family of trip units are microprocessor- labeled Status, blinks approximately once each second to
based ac protection devices that provide true RMS indicate that the trip unit is operating normally. This Status
current sensing for the proper coordination with the LED will also blink at a faster rate if the Digitrip is in a
thermal characteristics of conductors and equipment. The pick-up, or overload, mode.
primary function of the Digitrip Trip Unit is circuit protec-
tion. The Digitrip analyzes the secondary current signals Red LEDs on the face of the 520 family of trip units (for
from the circuit breaker current sensors and, when preset Long Delay, Short Delay, and Instantaneous) flash to
current levels and time delay settings are exceeded, will indicate the cause, or trip mode, for an automatic trip
send an initiating trip signal to the Trip Actuator of the operation (for example, ground fault, overload, or short
circuit breaker. circuit trip). A battery in the Digitrip unit maintains the trip
indication until the Reset/Battery Test button is pushed.
In addition to the basic protection function, the Digitrip 520 The battery is satisfactory if its LED lights green when the
family of trip units provides mode of trip information such Battery Check button is pushed (see Section 6).
NOTE: The Digitrip 520 family provides all protection
• Long Time trip (overload) functions regardless of the status of the battery. The
• Short Time trip battery is only needed to maintain the automatic trip
• Instantaneous trip indication.
• Ground (Earth) Fault trip (if supplied).
1.3 Installation and Removal
The current sensors provide operating power to the trip
unit. As current begins to flow through the breaker, the 1.3.1 Installation of the Trip Unit
sensors generate a secondary current which powers the
trip unit. Align the Digitrip unit with the guide pins and spring clip of
the Magnum Circuit Breaker. Press the unit into the
The Digitrip 520 family of trip units provides five phase breaker until the pins on the trip unit seat firmly into the
and two ground (time-current) curve shaping adjustments. connector housing and the unit clicks into place (see
To satisfy the protection needs of any specific installation, Figure 1.2).
the exact selection of the available protection function
adjustments is optional. The short delay and ground fault 1.3.2 Rating Plug Installation
pick-up adjustments can be set for either FLAT or I2t
response. A pictorial representation of the applicable
time-current curves for the selected protection functions is WARNING
provided, for user reference, on the face of the trip unit as
Each Digitrip DT20 Trip Unit is completely self-contained CIRCUIT CONDITION.
and requires no external control power to operate its
protection systems. It operates from current signal levels
derived through current sensors mounted in the circuit CAUTION
breaker. The types of protection available for each model
are shown in Table 1.1 and Figures 3.2 through 3.9.
NOTE: The Digitrip 220 (LI model), 520 (LSI model), and UNIT, THE UNIT WILL TRIP WHEN IT IS ENERGIZED.
520M (MLSI model) can be used on 3-pole or 4-pole
circuit breakers for the protection of the neutral circuit. Insert the rating plug into the cavity on the right-hand side
Only these three models can provide neutral protection, of the trip unit. Align the three pins on the plug with the
although models MLSIA,MLSIG, and MWLSIG can sockets in the cavity. The plug should fit with a slight
provide neutral metering (see Figures 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9). insertion force.
Refer to the National Electric Code (NEC) for the appro-
priate application for 4-pole breakers.

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Figure 1.2 Installation of the Digitrip Unit into a Magnum Breaker (Side View)




Use a 1/8" (3 mm) wide screwdriver to tighten the M4

screw and secure the plug and the trip unit to the circuit
breaker (see Figure 1.3). Close the rating plug door.




1.3.3 Trip Unit/Rating Plug Removal

To remove the rating plug from the trip unit, open the rating
plug door. Use a 1/8" (3 mm) wide screwdriver to loosen
the M4 screw. Pull the door to release the rating plug from
the trip unit.

To remove the trip unit from the circuit breaker, deflect the Figure 1.3 Installation of the Rating Plug and Mounting
spring clip to release the unit from the steel mounting Screw
plate. Pull the unit to disengage the two 9-pin connectors
from the circuit breaker (see Figure 1.2).

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1.4 Wiring

The internal components of the breaker, and how they are

wired out to the breaker secondary contacts, are shown in
the breaker master connection diagram provided as
Appendix C.

1.5 Plexiglass Cover

A clear, tamper-proof, plexiglass door sits on the breaker
cover. This door allows the settings to be viewed but not
changed, except by authorized personnel. The plexiglass
cover meets applicable tamper-proof requirements. The
cover is held in place by two cover screws. Security is
insured by the insertion of a standard meter seal through
the holes in both of the cover retention screws. The
plexiglass cover has an access hole for the Step button
on the 520M and 520Mi units.

1.6 Ground Alarm/Power Supply Module (520M Models only)

The Ground Alarm/Power Supply Module (see Figure 1.4)

is an optional accessory for the Digitrip 520M and 520Mi
models. The module can be installed beneath the metal
mounting plate of the trip unit in the Magnum Circuit
Breaker. The module covers the following input voltage
ratings: 120 VAC (7802C83G01), 230 VAC
(7802C83G02), and 24/48 VDC (7802C82G01).

1.6.1 Auxiliary Power

When the module is wired as shown in Figure 1.5, it will
provide an auxiliary power supply so that the 520M/520Mi
liquid crystal display (LCD) will be functional even when
the circuit breaker has no load. A Digitrip 520M unit
without auxiliary power will not display data until load Figure 1.4 Optional Ground Alarm/Power Supply Module
current reaches approximately 25% 1 phase or 10% for 520M Trip Unit
3 phase of the (In) rating. Ground Fault Alarm
1.6.2 Ground Alarm
A ground fault alarm alerts a user to a ground fault
A second function of the module is to provide either a condition without tripping the circuit breaker. A red Alarm
ground trip or ground alarm only output contact via the Only LED on the front of the trip unit will indicate the
relay supplied in the module. On Digitrip 520M models presence of a ground fault condition that exceeds the
with ground fault protection, an LED on the front of the programmed setting.
unit also provides an indication of ground fault trip.
The ground fault alarm relay is energized when the Ground Fault Trip ground current continuously exceeds the ground fault
pickup setting for a time in excess of a 0.1 second delay.
When the Ground Alarm/Power Supply module is used The alarm relay will reset automatically if the ground
with the MLSIG model, this unit will provide ground fault current is less than the ground fault pickup (see Fig-
trip contacts when the circuit breaker trips on a ground ure 1.5, Note 4).
fault. You must then push the Reset button on the Digitrip
in order to reset the contacts (see Figure 1.5, Note 3).

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OL Overload (Digitrip in overload mode)

Pushing the Step button while the unit is in the OL
mode will have the unit again display the overload
current value.
HELP This message can indicate more than one prob-
lem with the trip unit. If the rating plug is missing,
a HELP message and an Instantaneous trip LED
light will be observed. The rating plug needs to be
installed and the Instantaneous trip LED must be
cleared by pressing the Reset/Battery Test button.
This message could also indicate that the trip unit
is out of calibration and should be replaced at the
earliest opportunity.

1.8 Standards

The Digitrip 220, 520, and 520M Trip Units are listed by
the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., under UL File
E52096, for use in Magnum Circuit Breakers. These same
units are also listed by the Canadian Standards Associa-
tion (CSA) under file LR 43556.

All Digitrip units have also passed the IEC 947-2 test
program which includes radiated and conducted emission
Figure 1.5 Wiring Diagram for 520M Models and Ground testing. As a result, all units carry the CE mark.
Alarm/Power Supply Module
1.7 Display Feature (520M family only) 2.1 General
The Digitrip 520M and 520Mi models have a user inter- Magnum Circuit Breakers are tripped automatically on
face in addition to the green and red LED trip indicators. overload fault current conditions by the combined action of
This seven element display performs a metering function three components:
and can be used to monitor load currents.
1. The Sensors, which measure the current level
When the Step button on the face of the trip unit is
pressed and released, the display will show PH 1, for 2. The Digitrip Trip Unit, which provides a tripping signal
Phase 1 or A, and the current value. If the Step button is to the Trip Actuator when current and time delay
not pressed again, the display will continue to show the settings are exceeded
current value for Phase 1. Each time that the Step button
is pressed, the next monitored function will be displayed. 3. The low-energy Trip Actuator, which actually trips the
The other readings can be displayed in the sequence circuit breaker
Figure 2.1 shows this tripping circuit for a typical Magnum
PH 2 Phase 2 (B) Breaker. This arrangement provides a very flexible
system, covering a wide range of tripping characteristics
PH 3 Phase 3 (C) described by the time-current curves referenced in Section
PH 4 Neutral
PH 5 Ground (if Ground function is supplied) The automatic overload and short circuit tripping charac-
HI Highest phase current teristics for a specific circuit breaker are determined by
the ratings of the installed current sensors with a matching
rating plug and the selected functional protection settings.
Specific setting instructions are provided in Section 4.

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When the functional protection settings are exceeded, the located under the black molded platform on which the
Digitrip unit supplies a trip signal to the Trip Actuator. As a Digitrip unit is supported. The Trip Actuator contains a
result, all tripping operations initiated by the protection permanent magnet assembly, moving and stationary core
functions of the Digitrip Trip Unit are performed by its assemblies, a spring, and a coil. Nominal coil resistance
internal circuitry. There is no mechanical or direct mag- is 25 ohms and the black lead is positive. The circuit
netic action between the primary current and the me- breaker mechanism assembly contains a
chanical tripping parts of the breaker, and external control mechanism-actuated reset lever and a trip lever to
power is not required. actuate the tripping action of the circuit breaker.

When the Trip Actuator is reset by the operating mecha-

WARNING nism, the moving core assembly is held in readiness
against the force of the compressed spring by the perma-
nent magnet. When a tripping action is initiated, the low-
energy Trip Actuator coil receives a tripping pulse from
the Digitrip unit. This pulse overcomes the holding effect
of the permanent magnet, and the moving core is re-
leased to trigger the tripping operation via the trip lever.
2.3 Ground Fault Protection
ERLY, USING THE INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED. NOTE: The Digitrip Model 220 is not available with
ground fault protection. Only the 520 family has ground
2.2 Low-Energy Trip Actuator fault types available.
The mechanical force required to initiate the tripping
action of a Magnum Circuit Breaker is provided by a
special low-energy Trip Actuator. The Trip Actuator is

Figure 2.1 Tripping Circuit for a Typical Magnum Breaker (Partial)

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2.3.1 General
When the Digitrip 520 family includes ground fault protec-
tion features, the distribution system characteristics (for
example, system grounding, number of sources, number IF THE SENSOR CONNECTIONS ARE INCORRECT, A
and location of ground points, and the like) must be NUISANCE TRIP MAY OCCUR. ALWAYS OBSERVE
considered along with the manner and location in which THE POLARITY MARKINGS ON THE INSTALLATION
the circuit breaker is applied to the system. These ele- DRAWINGS. TO INSURE CORRECT GROUND FAULT
ments are discussed in Sections 2.3.3 through 2.3.6. EQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE, CONDUCT FIELD
The Digitrip 520 family uses three modes of sensing to
detect ground fault currents: residual, source ground, and
zero sequence (see Table 2.1). Magnum Circuit Breakers 2.3.3 Source Ground Sensing
can accommodate all three types, except for 4-pole
Depending upon the installation requirements, alternate
breakers. The breaker secondary contact inputs B-6, B-7
ground fault sensing schemes may be dictated (see
are used to configure the breaker cell positions for the
Figures 2.6 and 2.7). The ground return method is usually
three schemes. No jumper from B-6 to B-7 programs the
applied when ground fault protection is desired only on the
unit for a residual ground fault scheme, while a jumper
main circuit breaker in a simple radial system. This
from B-6 to B-7 programs the trip unit for either a source
method is also applicable to double-ended systems where
ground or zero sequence configuration. If present, this
a mid-point grounding electrode is employed. For this
jumper resides on the stationary side of the switchgear
mode of sensing, a single current sensor mounted on the
assembly. In all three schemes, the proper current sensor
equipment-bonding jumper directly measures the total
input is required on the external sensor input terminals
ground current flowing in the grounding electrode
B-4, B-5 of the breaker secondary contacts.
conductor and all other equipment-grounding conductors.
Table 2.1 Digitrip Sensing Modes The settings shown in Table 2.1 will apply when the
Ground (Earth) Breaker Digitrip GF neutral sensor is not the same as the frame rating in a
Fault Secondary Applicable Figure Sensing
ground return sensing scheme.
Sensing Method Contacts Req’d Breakers Reference Element
Residual No Jumper 3 or 4 pole 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 2.9 element R5 2.3.4 Zero Sequence Sensing
Source Ground Jumper B6 to B7 3 pole only 2.7 element R4
Zero Sequence Sensing, also referred to as vectorial
Zero Sequence Jumper B6 to B7 3 pole only 2.8 element R4
summation (see Figure 2.8), is applicable to mains,
Note: This information applies to Trip Units with Ground
feeders, and special schemes involving zone protection.
2.3.2 Residual Sensing Zero Sequence current transformers (4 ½" x 13 ½"
[114 mm x 342 mm] rectangular inside dimensions) are
Residual Sensing is the standard mode of ground fault available with 100:1 and 1000:1 ratios.
sensing in Magnum Circuit Breakers. This mode utilizes
one current sensor on each phase conductor and one on 2.3.5 Multiple Source/Multiple Ground
the neutral for a 4-wire system (shown in Figures 2.2
and 2.3). If the system neutral is grounded, but no phase A Multiple Source/Multiple Ground scheme is shown in
to neutral loads are used, the Digitrip 520 family of units Figure 2.9. In this figure, a ground fault is shown which
includes all of the components necessary for ground fault has two possible return paths, via the neutral, back to its
protection. This mode of sensing vectorially sums the source. The three neutral sensors are interconnected to
outputs of the three or four individual current sensors. For sense and detect both ground fault and neutral currents.
separately-mounted neutrals, as long as the vectorial sum
is zero, then no ground fault exists. The neutral sensor Call Cutler-Hammer for more details on this scheme.
must have characteristics and a ratio which are identical
to the three internally-mounted phase current sensors. 2.3.6 Ground Fault Settings
Available types of neutral sensors are shown in Fig-
ure 2.4. Residual ground fault sensing features are The adjustment of the ground fault functional settings
adaptable to main and feeder breaker applications. (FLAT response or I2t) is discussed in Section 4.8. The
Available ground fault pick-up settings employing Re- effect of these settings is illustrated in the ground fault
sidual Sensing are given in Table 2.2. Figure 2.5 shows a time-current curve referenced in Section 9. Applicable
4-pole breaker with Residual Ground Fault Sensing. residual ground fault pick-up settings and current values
are given in Table 2.2 as well as in the ground time-current

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Table 2.2 Ground (Earth) Fault Current Settings rating specified on the plug label. The current sensor
Ground Fault Current Settings rating can be viewed through openings in the back of the
2.5 Current Sensors (Magnum Frames greater than 3200A)
Rating Plug
(Amperes) In .25 .30 .35 .40 .50 .60 .75 1.0 The six (3-pole) or eight (4-pole) current sensors installed
in the circuit breaker are located on the lower conductors.
200 50 60 70 80 100 120 150 200
The poles are paralleled and the corresponding current
250 63 75 88 100 125 150 188 250 sensors are also paralleled (see Figure 2.3). For ex-
300 75 90 105 120 150 180 225 300 ample, a 4000A breaker phase rating has two 2000:1
400 100 120 140 160 200 240 300 400 current sensors wired in parallel, which provides an
overall ratio of 4000:2. The auxiliary current transformers
600 150 180 210 240 300 360 450 600 have a ratio of 20:1 for this size breaker which further
630 158 189 221 252 315 378 473 630 steps down the rated current to 100 milliamperes and is
800 200 240 280 320 400 480 600 800 equivalent to 100% (In) to the Digitrip.
1000 250 300 350 400 500 600 750 1000
1200 300 360 420 480 600 720 900 1200
1250 312 375 438 500 625 750 938 1250 3.1 General
1600 400 480 560 640 800 960 1200 16002
The Digitrip DT20 family of trip units is designed for
2000 500 600 700 800 1000 1200 15002 20002 industrial circuit breaker environments where the ambient
2500 625 750 875 1000 1250 1500 1875 2500 temperatures can range from –20° C to +85° C but rarely
3000 750 900 1050 1200 15002 18002 22502 30002 exceed 70° to 75° C. If, however, temperatures in the
neighborhood of the trip unit exceed this range, the trip
3200 800 960 1120 1200 16002 19202 24002 32002
unit performance may be degraded. In order to insure that
40003 1000 1200 14002 16002 20002 24002 30002 40002 the tripping function is not compromised due to an over-
50003 12502 15002 17502 20002 25002 30002 37502 50002 temperature condition, the Digitrip 520 family microcom-
63003 1575 1890 2205 2520 3150 3780 4725 6300
puter chip has a built-in over-temperature protection
feature, factory set to trip the breaker if the chip tempera-
1. Tolerance on settings are ±10% of values shown. ture is excessive. On the 520 family, if over-temperature
2. On Models 520 LSIG and 520M LSIG, the shaded values are set to a maximum is the reason for the trip the red Long Delay Time LED will
trip value of 1200 amperes for NEC. flash.
3. See Section 2.5.
The Digitrip uses the Cutler-Hammer custom-designed
2.4 Current Sensors (Magnum Frames less than or equal to SµRE+chip™, an integrated circuit that includes a
3200A) microcomputer to perform its numeric and logic functions.
The three (3-pole) or four (4-pole) primary current sensors The principles of operation of the trip unit are shown in
are installed internally in the circuit breaker on the lower Figure 3.1.
conductors of the breaker. The current sensor rating
defines the breaker rating (In). For example, 2000A:1A In the Digitrip DT20 family of trip units, all sensing and
sensors are used on a 2000A rated breaker. There are tripping power required to operate the protection function
four auxiliary current transformers with a ratio of 10:1 is derived from the current sensors in the circuit breaker.
which further step down the rated current to 100 milliam- The secondary currents from these sensors provide the
peres, which is equivalent to 100% (In) to the Digitrip. correct input information for the protection functions, as
well as tripping power, whenever the circuit breaker is
The primary current sensors produce an output propor- carrying current. These current signals develop analog
tional to the load current and furnish the Digitrip DT20 voltages across the current viewing resistors. The result-
family with the information and energy required to trip the ing analog voltages are digitized by the SµRE+chip™.
circuit breaker when functional protection settings are
exceeded. The microcomputer continually digitizes these signals.
This data is used to calculate true RMS current values,
If a set of current sensors with a different ratio are in- which are then continually compared with the protection
stalled in the field, the rating plug must also be changed. function settings and other operating data stored in the
The associated rating plug must match the current sensor

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S o u rc e
B la c k
+ K 1 -2
A c tu a to r - K 1 -3 D ig itrip 5 2 0
w ith G F
1 1 0 :1
K 1 -9

K 1 -8
R /1 1 K 1 -7

K 1 -6
K 1 -5
K 1 -4 R5
B -7 K 2 -1
B -6 K 2 -7
B -5 K 2 -9

B -4 K 2 -8
R /1 3 1 0 :1 A U X . C T

N o te s :
1 In th is s ch e m e , a ll b re a ke r s e c o n d a ry c u rre n ts (a t th e 10 0 m A le v e l) a re s u m m ed to ge the r at th e P C
b o a rd d o n u t tra n s fo rm e r to s e n s e g ro u n d fa u lt v ia e le m e nt R .
2 N o ju m p e r o n s e c o nd a ry co n ta cts B -6 , B -7 .

3 N e u tra l in p u t (if 4 -w ire ) is v ia co n ta cts B -4 , B -5 . N e u tra l c u rre n t in p u t to s e c o n d ary c o n ta cts is 1 A ,

e q u iv a le n t to 1 p e r u nit g ro u n d .

Figure 2.2 3-Pole, 4-Wire Breaker with Neutral Sensor Connections for 3200A Frame Using Residual GF Sensing

S ource
L N1 LN2 L A1 L B1 LC1 LA2 LB2 LC2

B lack
+ K 1-2
Trip D ig itrip 52 0
A ctua tor - K 1-3 w ith G F
K 1-9
200 0:1 200 0:1
K 1-8

2 K 1-7
200 0:1 200 0:1
K 1-6

K 1-5
200 0:1 200 0:1
K 1-4 R5
B -7 K 2-1
B -6 K 2-7
K 2-9
B -5
200 0:1 K 2-8
B -4
20:1 AU X. C Ts

200 0:1 Loa d

N otes:
1 In this schem e, all brea ker secondary currents (at the 100 m A leve l) are sum m ed toge ther at the P C
boa rd do nut transform er to sense ground fault via elem ent R 5 .

2 In this schem e, th e current sensors in the breaker poles are parallel-w ired to a chieve a 4 000 am p
breaker rating. O ther availa ble ratings in this double-w ide configura tion a re 63 00A , 5000 A,
320 0A , 2500A , and 2000A .

Figure 2.3 Neutral Sensor Connections for 4000A Frame Using Residual Ground Fault Sensing

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Figure 2.4 Digitrip Neutral Sensor Types

S ou rce
B lac k
+ K 1-2
A ctu a to r - K 1-3 D ig itrip 52 0
w ith G F
1 10 :1
K 1-9

K 1-8
R /1 1 K 1-7

K 1-6
K 1-5
K 1-4 R5
B -7
B -6
K 2-9

K 2-8
R /1
10 :1 A U X . C T

Lo a d
N o tes:
1 In th is sch em e , all b re ake r s eco nd ary curre nts (a t th e 10 0 m A lev el) are su m m e d to ge th er a t the P C
bo a rd d on ut tra nsform e r to se nse grou nd fa ult via e lem e n t R 5 .

2 D o no t jum p er on se con d ary c ontacts B -6 , B -7 . T h is w ill de fea t a ll g ro un d fau lt p ro tectio n in

ap p lica tio n fo r 4 p ole brea ker.

3 G rou nd fa ult style trip un it is insta lled .

Figure 2.5 4-Pole–3200A Frame Using Residual Ground Fault (Earth-Fault) Sensing

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I.L. 70C1037H02 Page 13

Figure 2.6 Source Ground Fault Sensing Scheme for 3200A Frame

Tw o s ta n d a rd IA s e c o n d a ry s e n s o rs w ith p rim a ry in s e rie s a n d

s e c o n d a rie s in p a ra lle l m a y b e u s e d .

Figure 2.7 Source Ground Fault Sensing Scheme for 4000A Frame

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Page 14 I.L. 70C1037H02

Figure 2.8 Zero Sequence Sensing Scheme for 3200A Frame

IG /2 N f f N I G /2

IG /2
IG /2

B5 ig /2 ig
i g/2
ig /2
B4 Digitrip
M2 S ensor
i G /2 ig

B5 ig /2 B4
N eutral S ensors W ired
in a Loop C on figuration
G round Fault

B reaker M 2 trips since this is the only breaker seeing the IG fault via elem ent R 5 .

No jum per on B -6, B -7 term inals - all breakers are program m ed for standard Residual Ground Fault

A UX CTs not show n. W iring needed at system level is shown as a dotted line.

Capital letters repre se nt prim ary cu rren t. L ow ercase letters represent second ary current.

Th e three breakers (M 1, M 2 , and T) m ust all have th e sam e breaker/sensor rating .

Figure 2.9 Multiple Source/Multiple Ground Scheme

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I.L. 70C1037H02 Page 15

memory. The embedded software then determines 3.4 Zone Interlocking (520 family only)
whether to initiate protection functions, including tripping
the breaker through the Trip Actuator.
3.2 Trip and Operation Indicators
The LEDs on the face of the trip unit, shown in Fig- ONLY STANDARD TIME-DELAY COORDINATION IS
ures 1.1 and 3.3 to 3.9, flash red to indicate the reason for INTENDED), THE ZONE INTERLOCKING TERMINALS
any automatic trip operation. Each LED is strategically MUST BE CONNECTED BY A JUMPER FROM TERMI-
located in the related segment of the time-current curve NAL B8 TO B9 OF THE BREAKER SECONDARY
depicted on the face of the trip unit. The reason for the TERMINALS SO THAT THE TIME-DELAY SETTINGS
trip is identified by the segment of the time-current curve WILL PROVIDE THE INTENDED COORDINATION.
where the LED is illuminated. Following an automatic trip
operation, the backup battery continues to supply power
Zone Selective Interlocking (or Zone Interlocking) is
to the LEDs as shown in Figure 3.1. The LED pulse
available for the Digitrip 520 family on the Short Delay and
circuit, shown in Figure 3.1, is provided to reduce battery
Ground Fault protection functions (see Figure 3.1). The
burden and will supply a quick flash of the trip LED
zone interlocking signal is wired via a single set of wires
approximately every 4 seconds. It is therefore important
labeled Zone In (Zin) and Zone Out (Zout) along with a
to view the unit for at least 5 seconds to detect a flashing
Zone Common wire. The Zone Selective Interlocking
cause of trip indicator.
function on the Digitrip 520 family has combined the logic
interlocking of Short Delay and Ground Fault. A zone out
Following a trip operation, push the Reset\Battery Test signal is sent whenever the ground fault pick-up is
button, shown in Figure 1.1, to turn off the LEDs. exceeded or when the short delay value of 2 x (Ir) is
exceeded. Zone Selective Interlocking provides the
A green LED, shown in Figure 1.1, indicates the opera- fastest possible tripping for faults within the zone of
tional status of the trip unit. Once the load current through protection of the breaker and yet also provides positive
the circuit breaker exceeds approximately 10 percent (3 coordination among all breakers in the system (mains,
phase power) of the current sensor rating, the green LED ties, feeders, and downstream breakers) to limit a power
will flash on and off once each second to indicate that the outage to only the affected parts of the system. When
trip unit is energized and operating properly. Zone Interlocking is employed, a fault within the zone of
protection of the breaker will cause the Digitrip 520 family
NOTE: A steady green status LED typically indicates that of units to:
a low level of load current, on the order of 5% of full load,
exists. • Trip the affected breaker immediately and, at the same
3.3 Making Current Release
• Send a signal to upstream Digitrip units to restrain from
All Digitrip DT20 Trip Units have a Making Current tripping immediately. The restraining signal causes the
Release function. This safety feature prevents the circuit upstream breakers to follow their set coordination
breaker from being closed and latched-in on a faulted times, so that the service is only minimally disrupted
circuit. The nonadjustable release is preset at to a peak while the fault is cleared in the shortest time possible.
current of 25 x In which correlates to approximately 11 xIn
(rms) with maximum asymmetry. For an example of how Zone Selective Interlocking may
be used, see Appendix A of this Instructional Leaflet.
The Making Current Release is enabled only for the first
two cycles following an initial circuit breaker closing
operation. The Making Current Release will trip the circuit
breaker instantaneously and flash the Instantaneous LED.

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Page 16
Figure 3.1 Digitrip DT20 Block Diagram with Breaker Interface
Courtesy of NationalSwitchgear.com

(L ine/U ppe r)
G roun d A la rm /
Po w er S up ply Trip
(O ption a l fo r 5 20 M ) TA
M akin g C urrent
R e lease C ircuitry FE T
(S ee S e ctio n 3.3 )

C urren t S ensors
(Se e Se ction 8) Trip Trip LE D
(Se e Se ction 1 .2)

S µR E +C hip TM 4 bit LE D
Latch P u lse
In tegrate d C hip C ircuit
In terna l C ircuit
B ridg e
P ow e r Ba ttery
C ircuits
Su pply + 3V
Status L ED C ustom
(Se e Se ction 3 .2)
D esign ed

D isplay for 5 20M

R esid ual Z O ut
G roun d Z one In terlock
D etection C ircuitry
(S ee S ection 2.3) Input Se tting (See Section 3.4)
(Se e Section 4 ) ZIn
A U X C Ts
(Load/Low e r)

Typical P hase or
G roun d S e nsing R ating P lug

I.L. 70C1037H02
(Se e Se ction 7 )
R esistor
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I.L. 70C1037H02 Page 17

Figure 3.2 Digitrip 220 LI Figure 3.3 Digitrip 520 LSI

Figure 3.4 Digitrip 520 LSIG Figure 3.5 Digitrip 520i WLSIG

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Figure 3.6 Digitrip 520M MLSI Figure 3.7 Digitrip 520M MLSIA

Figure 3.8 Digitrip 520M MLSIG Figure 3.9 Digitrip 520Mi MWLSIG

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4.0 PROTECTION SETTINGS 4.3 Long Delay Time Setting

4.1 General There are 8 available Long Delay Time Settings, as

illustrated in Figure 4.2, ranging from 2 to 24 seconds.
Before placing any circuit breaker in operation, set each These settings are the total clearing times when the
trip unit protection setting to the values specified by the current value equals 6 times (Ir).
engineer responsible for the installation. The number of
settings that must be made is determined by the type of
protection supplied by each unit, as illustrated in Figures
3.2 through 3.9. Each setting is made by turning a rotary
switch, using a small screwdriver. The selected setting for
each adjustment appears on the trip unit label.

The installed rating plug must match the current sensors

which establish the maximum continuous current rating of
the circuit breaker (In). Instantaneous and ground current
settings are defined in multiples of (In).

To illustrate the effect of each protection curve setting,

simulated time-current curves are pictured on the face of
the trip unit. Each rotary switch is located nearest the
portion of the simulated time-current curve that it controls.
Should an automatic trip occur (as a result of the current
exceeding the pre-selected value), the LED in the appro- Figure 4.2 Long Delay Time Settings
priate segment of the simulated time-current curve will
light red, indicating the reason for the trip. NOTE: In addition to the standard Long Delay Protection
Element, the DT20 family of trip units also has a Long
The available settings, along with the effects of changing Time Memory (LTM) function, which protects load circuits
the settings, are given in Figures 4.1 through 4.8. Sample from the effects of repeated overload conditions. If a
settings are represented in boxes ( 2 ). breaker is reclosed soon after a Long Delay Trip, and the
current again exceeds the Long Delay Setting, (Ir), the
LTM automatically reduces the time to trip to allow for the
4.2 Long Delay Current Setting
fact that the load circuit temperature is already higher
There are 8 available Long Delay Settings, as illustrated than normal because of the prior overload condition. Each
in Figure 4.1. Each setting, called (Ir), is expressed as a time the overload condition is repeated, the LTM causes
multiple (ranging from .4 to 1) of the current (In). the breaker to trip in a progressively shorter time. When
the load current returns to normal, the LTM begins to
reset; after about 10 minutes it will have reset fully, so the
NOTE: (Ir) is also the basis for the Short Delay Current
next Long Delay trip time will again correspond to the
Setting (see Section 4.4).
Setting value.

NOTE: In certain applications, it may be desirable to

disable the LTM function. Open the test port located at the
lower left-hand front of the trip unit and use small, long-
nose pliers to move the LTM jumper inside the test port
(see Figure 4.3) to its Inactive position. (The LTM function
can be enabled again at any time by moving the LTM
jumper back to its original Active position.)

Figure 4.1 Long Delay Current Settings

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Figure 4.3 Long Time Memory (LTM) Jumper

The action of the LTM must be considered when perform-

ing multiple Long Delay Time tests (see Section 5.4).

4.4 Short Delay Current Setting

There are 8 available Short Delay Current Settings, as

illustrated in Figure 4.4. Seven settings are in the range
from 2 to 10 times (Ir). (REMEMBER: (Ir) is the Long
Delay Current Setting.) The maximum value M1 is based
on the ampere rating of the circuit breaker and is listed in
Note 4 of Table 1.1.

Figure 4.5 Short Delay Time Settings

Five FLAT (.1, .2, .3, .4, .5 seconds) and three I2t (.1*, .3*,
.5* seconds) response time delay settings are available.
Figure 4.4 Short Delay Current Settings The I2t response settings are identified by an asterisk (*).
The I2t response is applicable to currents less than
4.5 Short Delay Time Setting 8 times the ampere rating of the installed rating plug (Ir).
For currents greater than 8 x (Ir) the I2t response reverts
As illustrated in Figure 4.5, there are two different Short to the FLAT response.
Delay response curve shapes: fixed time (FLAT) and I2t.
The shape selected depends on the type of selective NOTE: Also see Section 3.4, Zone Interlocking.
coordination chosen. The I2t response curve will provide a
longer time delay for current below 8 x Ir than will the 4.6 Instantaneous Current Setting
FLAT response curve.
There are 8 available Instantaneous Current Settings, as
illustrated in Figure 4.6. Six settings are in the range from
2 to 10 x (In) the rating plug value, and the other two
settings are M1 x (In) or Off. The value that M1 has
depends upon the sensor rating of the circuit breaker and
is specified both on the rating plug label and on the
applicable time-current curves referenced in Section 9.

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I.L. 70C1037H02 Page 21

Available S etting s
S ettin g Inst.
6 x In 2, 3, 4, 6, 8,
10, M 1, O FF *

In M ultiples of
R ating P lug
A m p eres ( I n)
M 1 va lue is sp ecified on ra tin g plug.
*N o O FF on D igitrip 2 20 .

Figure 4.6 Instantaneous Current Settings

4.7 Ground Fault Current Setting

The 8 Ground Fault Current Settings are labeled with

values from .25 to 1.0 x (In) (see Figure 4.7). The domes-
tic (U.S.) models have a maximum of 1200A, limited by
the firmware of the unit, as shown in Table 1.1 and Table
2.2. The specific Ground Current Settings for each model
are listed in Table 2.2 and on the applicable time-current
curve for the breaker.

Available S ettin gs
G n d-Fau lt 0.25, .3, .35, .4,
S ettin g .5, .6, .7 5, 1.0 Figure 4.8 Ground Fault Time Delay Settings
.4 x In
S pecific Values 5.0 TEST PROCEDURES
G iven o n C ircuit
B reaker Tim e -C urrent 5.1 General
C urve and in Table 2.2

Figure 4.7 Ground Fault Current Settings WARNING

4.8 Ground Fault Time Delay Setting DO NOT ATTEMPT TO INSTALL, TEST, OR PERFORM
As illustrated in Figure 4.8, there are two different Ground GIZED. DEATH OR SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY CAN
Fault curve shapes: fixed time (FLAT) or I2t response. The RESULT FROM CONTACT WITH ENERGIZED EQUIP-
shape selected depends on the type of selective coordi- MENT.
nation chosen. The I2t response will provide a longer time
delay for current below 0.625 x In than will the FLAT DE-ENERGIZE THE CIRCUIT AND DISCONNECT THE
Five FLAT (.1, .2, .3, .4, .5 seconds) and three I2t (.1*, .3*,
.5* seconds) response time delay settings are available.
The I2t response settings are identified by an asterisk (*). WARNING
The I2t response is applicable to currents less than 0.625
times the ampere rating of the installed rating plug (In).
For currents greater than 0.625 x (In) the I2t response ANY TRIPPING OPERATION WILL CAUSE DISRUP-
NOTE: Also see Section 3.4, Zone Interlocking. SWITCHING OF CONNECTED EQUIPMENT.

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Page 22 I.L. 70C1037H02


THE TRIPPING OF THE CIRCUIT BREAKER SHOULD The test kit authorized by Cutler-Hammer for use with the
BE DONE ONLY WITH THE CIRCUIT BREAKER IN Digitrip units plugs into the test port of the unit and pro-
THE TEST OR DISCONNECTED CELL POSITIONS OR vides a secondary injection test that simulates the current
WHILE THE CIRCUIT BREAKER IS ON A TEST transformer. Existing test kits, styles 140D481G02R,
BENCH. 140D481G02RR, 140D481G03 or G04, along with the
Magnum Test Kit Adapter 8779C02G04, can be used to
5.2 When to Test test the trip unit and breaker.

Testing prior to start-up can best be accomplished with 5.4 Performance Testing for Ground Fault Trip Units
the breaker out of its cell or in the Test, Disconnected, or
Withdrawn (or Removed) cell positions. 5.4.1 Code Requirements

The NEC, under Article 230-95-C, requires that any

NOTE: Since time-current settings are based on desired ground fault protection system be performance tested
system coordination and protection schemes, the protec- when first installed. Conduct tests in accordance with the
tion settings selected and preset in accordance with approved instructions provided with the equipment. Make
Section 4 should be reset to their as-found conditions if a written record of this test and make the results available
altered during any routine test sequence. to the authority having inspection jurisdiction.

5.3 Functional Field Testing 5.4.2 Standards Requirements

As a follow-up to the basic performance requirements

CAUTION stipulated by the NEC, UL Standard No. 1053 requires that
certain minimum instructions must accompany each
PERFORMING TESTS WITHOUT THE CUTLER- ground fault protection system. These statements (Section
HAMMER-APPROVED TEST KIT MAY DAMAGE THE 5.4.3), plus a copy of the record forms (Figures 8.1, 8.2,
DIGITRIP UNIT. and 8.3), are included as part of this Instructional Leaflet.

Use the test receptacle to verify a functional load test of a 5.4.3 General Test Instructions
major portion of the electronic circuitry of the Digitrip and
the mechanical trip assembly of the breaker. The testing The interconnected system must be evaluated only by
can determine the accuracy of the desired trip settings by qualified personnel and in accordance with the equipment
performing Long Delay, Short Delay, and Ground Fault assembler’s detailed instructions.
functional tests. The Cutler-Hammer-approved test kit is
listed below. To avoid improper operations following apparently correct
simulated test operations, the polarity of the neutral sensor
connections (if used) must agree with the equipment
Model Test Kit assembler’s detailed instructions. Where a question
Digitrip DT20 family Test Kit (140D481G02R, 140D481G02RR, exists, consult the specifying engineer and/or equipment
140D481G03, or G04) with Test Kit assembler.
Adapter 8779C02G04

The test port is located on the front left-hand corner of the

DT20 units (see Figure 1.1). To access the port, remove
the plexiglass cover from the front of the circuit breaker.
Using a small screwdriver, gently pry up on the test port
cover to remove this item.

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I.L. 70C1037H02 Page 23




Verify the grounding points of the system using high-

voltage testers and resistance bridges to ensure that Figure 5.2 Connection Details for Conducting Single
ground paths do not exist that could bypass the sensors. Phase Current Tests with the Breaker
Removed from the Cell
Use a low-voltage (0 to 24 volt), high-current, ac source to
apply a test current of 125 percent of the Digitrip unit pick-
up setting through one phase of the circuit breaker. This CAUTION
should cause the breaker to trip in less than 1 second and
operate the alarm indicator, if one is supplied. Reset the
breaker and the alarm indicator. Repeat the test on the RESTORE ALL TEMPORARY CONNECTIONS MADE
other two phases (see Figure 5.1). FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONDUCTING TESTS TO
Apply the same current as described above through one TURNING THE BREAKER TO SERVICE.
phase of the breaker, returning through the neutral
sensor. The breaker should not trip, and the alarm Record the test results on the test form provided with the
indicator, if one is supplied, should not operate. Repeat equipment (Figure 8.3).
the test on the other two phases.
6.1 General
The battery plays no part in the protection function of the
trip unit.

As indicated in Figure 3.1, the battery is provided to

maintain the red LED indication of the Cause of Trip in the
Digitrip 520 family of trip units. The battery is located
under the rating plug door. A battery check pushbutton
and a green Battery Check LED are also provided in the
520 family of trip units.
Figure 5.1 Connection Details for Conducting Single Pole,
Single Phase Current Tests with the Breaker 6.2 Battery Check
Removed from the Cell The battery is a long-life, lithium, camera-type unit. Check
the status of the battery at any time by pressing the
Apply the same current as described above through any Battery Check pushbutton and observing the green LED.
two phases of the breaker. The breaker should not trip, If the Battery Check LED does not light green, replace the
and the alarm indicator, if one is supplied, should not battery. The condition of the battery has no effect on the
operate. Repeat the test using the other two combinations protection function of the trip unit. Even with the battery
of breaker phases (see Figure 5.2). removed, the unit will still trip the breaker in accordance
with its settings. However, without the battery, the Cause
of Trip LED will not be lighted red. If the battery is re-
placed, one or more of the Cause of Trip LEDs may be
illuminated. Push the red Reset/Battery Test button to turn
off the indicators; the trip unit will be ready to indicate the
next cause of trip.

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Page 24 I.L. 70C1037H02

6.3 Battery Installation and Removal Duracell, Inc. DL 1/3N

Berkshire Corporate Park
The 3-volt lithium cell battery (see Figure 6.1) is easily Bethel, CT 06801
removed and replaced. The battery is located in the cavity 1-800-551-2355
adjacent to the rating plug mounting screw, but is not part (www.duracell.com)
of the rating plug. Insert a small screwdriver at the left
side of the rating plug, and to the left of the word OPEN, Sanyo Energy Corporation CR 1/3N
to open the rating plug door. Remove the old battery by 2055 Sanyo Avenue
pulling up on the removal tab that wraps under the battery San Ysidro, CA 92173
cell. When inserting the new cell, pay special attention to 619-661-6620
ensure that the proper polarity is observed. The main (www.sanyo.co.jp)
body of the battery is the positive (+) side.
The frame rating of a circuit breaker is the maximum
RMS current it can continuously carry. The maximum
short-circuit current rating of the circuit breaker is usually
related to the frame rating as well.

A current value, (In), that is less than the full frame rating
may be chosen to be the basis for the coordination of the
protection function of the breaker without affecting its
short-circuit current capability. For the DT20 family of trip
Figure 6.1 Digitrip Battery units, this is implemented by changing the current sen-
sors and the corresponding rating plug. These sensors
NOTE: The battery can be replaced at any time, even and rating plugs are available in kit form.
while the circuit breaker is in-service, without affecting the
operation of the circuit breaker or its protection functions. The current sensor rating is the maximum current the
circuit breaker can carry with the specified current sen-
sors installed. The sensor rating can be the same or less
CAUTION than the frame rating, but not greater.

This value, (In), is the basis for the trip unit current
THE RATING PLUG WHEN THE HINGED COVER IS 1. The Instantaneous and Ground Current Settings (if
OPEN. ACCIDENTALLY INSTALLING THE BATTERY IN provided) are multiples of (In) (see Sections 4.6
THE FUNCTION OF THE BATTERY. 2. The Long Delay Current Setting, (Ir), is a fractional
multiple of (In): Long Delay Current Setting = (Ir) = LD
The replacement battery should be the same type as that x (In) (see Section 4.2).
already in the trip unit or an equivalent. Acceptable
3.0 volt lithium batteries may be obtained from the 3. The Short Delay Current Setting is a multiple of (Ir):
following companies: Short Delay Current Setting = SD x (Ir) = SD x [LD x
(In)] (see Section 4.4).
Company Model
VARTA Batteries, Inc. CR 1/3N
300 Elmsford Boulevard
Elmsford, N.Y. 10523

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I.L. 70C1037H02 Page 25

9.1 Magnum and Magnum DS Circuit Breakers
BEFORE YOU FIT THE RATING PLUG INTO THE TRIP I.B. 2C12060 Magnum DS Breaker Instructions
RATING MATCHES THAT PRINTED ON THE RATING I.B. 2C13060 Magnum I. Breaker Instructions
DOES NOT MATCH THE SENSOR RATING CAN 4A36346 Zone Interlocking Application with Non-
9.2 Time-Current Curves
NOTE: Rating plugs from Digitrip models 210, 500, or
510 CANNOT be used with DT20 Trip Units. The Time-Current Curves are listed below for particular
trip unit models. All protection function time-current
8.0 RECORD KEEPING settings should be made following the recommendations
of the specifying engineer in charge of the installation.
Use the forms shown in Figures 8.1 and 8.2 for record
keeping. Fill in these forms, giving the indicated reference 70C1009 Digitrip 220 (LI) Curve
information and initial time-current trip function settings. If
70C1006 Digitrip 520 (LS) Curve
desired, make a copy of the form and attach it to the
interior of the breaker cell door or another visible location. 70C1007 Digitrip 520 (I) Curve
Figure 8.3 provides a place for recording test data and 70C1008 Digitrip 520 (G) Curve
actual trip values.

Ideally, sheets of this type should be used and maintained

by those personnel in the user’s organization that have
the responsibility for protection equipment.

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Page 26 I.L. 70C1037H02


Circuit No./Address Breaker Shop Order Reference


Rating Plug Amperes Ir Continuous Ampere Rating

(In) = LDS x In

Trip Per Unit Equivalent
Function Setting Multi Setting Time Delay

Inst. In

Long Delay In Sec.

Short Delay Ir Sec.

Ground Fault In Sec.

Date By
Figure 8.1 Typical Trip Function Record Nameplate

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I.L. 70C1037H02 Page 27



Circuit No./Address Breaker Shop Order Reference

Trip Function Settings Reference

Orig. 0 Rev. 1 Rev. 2 Rev. 3


Long Delay Setting

Long Delay Time

Short Setting

Short Time

Ground Fault Setting

Ground Fault Time

Date Trip Mode Setting Change
of Trip Indicator Ref. Made Investigated By

Figure 8.2 Automatic Trip Operation Record

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Ground Fault Test Record should be retained by those in charge of the building's electrical
installation in order to be available to the authority having jurisdiction.
Test Date Circuit Breaker Results Tested by

Figure 8.3 Typical Performance Test Record Form

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I.L. 70C1037H02 Page 29

Fault at location 2
NOTICE The feeder breaker trip unit will initiate the trip in
0.045 seconds to clear the fault and will send an interlock-
ing signal to the main trip unit. The main trip unit will begin
to time out and, in the event that the feeder breaker Z2
does not clear the fault, the main breaker will clear the
fault in 0.5 seconds (as above).
IS NOT DESIRED OR IF FIELD TESTING IS DESIRED. There are no interlocking signals. The main breaker trip
unit will initiate the trip in 0.045 seconds.
APPENDIX A Zone Interlocking Examples
Figure A.2 presents a Zone Selective Interlocking connec-
CASE 1: There is no Zone Selective Interlocking. tion diagram for a system with two main breakers from
(Standard time delay coordination is used.) incoming sources and a bus tie breaker. Note that the
blocking diode D1 is needed so that the feeder breakers
can send interlocking signals to both the main and the tie
Assume that a ground fault of 2000 Amperes occurs and
breakers and prevent the tie breaker from sending an
refer to Figure A.1.
interlocking signal to itself.
Fault at location 3
The branch breaker will trip, clearing the fault in 0.1

Fault at location 2
The feeder breaker will trip, clearing the fault in 0.3

Fault at location 1
The main breaker will trip, clearing the fault in 0.5 sec-

CASE 2: There is Zone Selective Interlocking.

Assume a ground fault of 2000 Amperes occurs and refer
to Figure A.1.

Fault at location 3
The branch breaker trip unit will initiate the trip in
0.045 seconds to clear the fault and the branch will send
a restraint signal to the feeder trip unit; the feeder will
send a restraint interlocking signal to Z1.

Main and feeder trip units will begin to time out and, in the
event that the branch breaker does not clear the fault, the
feeder breaker will clear the fault in 0.3 seconds (as
above). Similarly, in the event that the feeder breaker
does not clear the fault, the main breaker will clear the
fault in 0.5 seconds (as above).

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- B7 C ontact
- B9 C o nta ct

- B8 C o nta ct

Figure A.1 Typical Zone Interlocking

Figure A.2 Typical Zone Interlocking Connections with Two Main Breakers (M1, M2) and a Tie Breaker (T)

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Appendix B Troubleshooting Guide

Symptom Probable Cause Possible Solution(s) References

Unit status LED is not Current thru breaker is <25% No problem. Status LED will
blinking. of sensor rating. not operate with breaker
currents <25% of sensor
Trip unit is malfunctioning. Replace trip unit.
Unit status LED is steady on. Light loading. No problem. Status LED will See Section 3.2 Note.
not flash until 25% of sensor
Trip unit is malfunctioning. Replace trip unit.
As soon as current starts to Rating plug is not installed or Install rating plug and/or
flow through the breaker, it is loose. check for loose connections.
trips and the Instantaneous
trip LED comes on. Rating plug is open internally. Replace rating plug.
Trip unit is malfunctioning. Replace trip unit.
LED does not come on when Battery installed backwards. Install correctly.
battery check button is
pressed. Dead battery. Replace battery.
Trip unit is malfunctioning. Replace trip unit.
Breaker trips on ground fault. There actually is a ground Find location of the fault.
On 4-wire residual systems, Check connections at See Section 2.3, Notes.
the neutral current sensor terminals B4 and B5. Check
may not have the correct ratio that the neutral current sensor
or be properly connected. ratio matches the breaker.
Check that the connections
from the neutral current
sensor to the breaker are not
reversed. Check B6, B7 for
correct programming of
Trip unit is malfunctioning. Replace trip unit.
Breaker trips too rapidly on Connection from Zout to Zin is Make connections B8 to B9. Refer to Appendix A.
ground fault or short delay missing.
(Zone Selective Interlocking
not used). Trip unit settings are not Change settings.
Trip unit is malfunctioning. Replace trip unit.
Breaker trips too rapidly on Long Time Memory selected. Turn off Long Time Memory. Refer to Section 4.3.
long delay.
Trip unit settings are not Change settings. Long Time
correct. Delay setting is based on
LCD display is not energized. Light load. Check breaker ordering Refer to Section 1.6.1.
No auxiliary power input. Check voltage input terminals Refer to Section 1.6.1.

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Symptom Probable Cause Possible Solution(s) References

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Appendix C Typical Breaker Master Connection Diagram

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This instruction booklet is published solely for information

purposes and should not be considered all inclusive. If
further information is required, consult Cutler-Hammer,

The sale of the product shown in this literature is subject

to the terms and conditions outlined in appropriate
Cutler-Hammer, Inc., selling policies or other contractual
agreements between the parties. This literature is not
intended to and does not enlarge or add to any such
contract. The sole source governing the rights and
remedies of any purchaser of this equipment is the
contract between the purchaser and Cutler-Hammer, Inc.



In no event will Cutler-Hammer, Inc., be responsible to

the purchaser or user in contract, in tort (including
negligence), strict liability, or otherwise for any special,
indirect, incidental, or consequential damage or loss
whatsoever, including, but not limited to, damage or loss
of the use of equipment, plant or power system, cost of
capital, loss of power, additional expenses in the use of
existing power facilities, or claims against the purchaser
or user by its customers resulting from the use of the
information, recommendations, and descriptions con-
tained herein.

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