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Science 2

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SYLLABUS – 2021 - 2022


Unit Content
1.1 Force and Motion
1.2 Inertia
1.2.1 Types of Inertia
1.2.2 Examples of Inertia
1.3 Linear Momentum
1.4 Newton’s Laws of Motion
1.4.1 Newton’s First Law
1. Laws of Motion 1.4.2 Force
1.4.3 Types of forces
1.4.4 Resultant Force
1.5 Newton’s Second Law of Motion
1.7 Newton’s Third Law of Motion
1.9 Rocket propulsion
1.10 Gravitation
1.10.1 Newton’s Universal law of gravitation
1.11 Mass and Weight
2.1 Properties of light
2.2 Refraction of Light
2.2.1 First Law of Refraction
2.2.2 Second Law of Refraction
2.3 Refraction of composite Light - Dispersion of
2.5 Lenses
2.5.1 Other Types of Lenses
2. Optics 2.6 Images formed due to refraction through
a convex and concave lens
2.7. Refraction through a convex lens
2.8 Applications of a Convex lens
2.9 Refraction through a concave lens
2.10 Applications of concave lenses
2.11 Lens Formula
2.12 Sign Convention
2.16 Human eye
2.17 Defects in eye

3.1 Temperature
3.1.1 Absolute scale (Kelvin scale)
of temperature
3.1.2 Thermal equilibrium
3.2 Thermal Energy
3.2.1 Characteristic features of heat
energy transfer
3.Thermal Physics
3.2.2 Other units of Heat energy
3.4 Fundamental laws of gases
3.4.1 Boyle’s law
3.4.2 Charles’ law
3.4.3 Avogadro’s law
3.5 Gases
3.5.1 Real gases
3.5.2 Ideal gases
4.1 Electric Current
4.1.1 Definition of Electric Current
4.1.2 SI unit of Electric current
4.2 Electric circuit
4.2.1 Electrical components
4.3 Electric potential and
Potential difference
4.3.1 Electric Potential
4.3.2 Electric Potential Difference
4.3.3 Volt
4. Electricity 4.4 Ohm’s law
4.5 Resistance of a material
4.5.1 Unit of Resistance
4.6 Electrical resistivity and electrical
4.6.1 Electrical resistivity
4.6.2 Conductance and Conductivity
4.8 Heating effect of current
4.8.1 Joule’s Law of Heating
4.9 Electric power
4.9.1 Unit of electric power
4.9.2 Consumption of electrical energy

5.1 Sound waves
5.1.1 Longitudinal Waves
5.1.2 Categories of Sound waves based on their
5.1.3 Difference between the sound
and light waves
5.2 Reflection of sound
5.2.1 Laws of reflection
5. Acoustics
5.2.2 Reflection at the boundary of
a denser medium
5.2.3 Reflection at the boundary of
a rarer medium
5.2.4 Reflection of sound in plane
and curved surfaces
5.3 Echoes
5.3.1 Conditions necessary for hearing echo
5.3.2 Applications of echo
6.1. Radioactivity
6.1.1 Discovery of radioactivity
6.1.2 Definition of radioactivity
6.1.3 Natural Radioactivity
6.1.4 Artificial Radioactivity (or)
Induced Radioactivity
6.1.5 Units of Radioactivity
6.2. Alpha, beta and gamma rays
6.2.1 Properties of Alpha, Beta and
Gamma rays
6. Nuclear Physics 6.2.2 Radioactive displacement law
6.2.3 Alpha decay
6.2.4 Beta decay
6.2.5 Gamma decay
6.5. Uses of Radioactivity
6.5.1 Agriculture
6.5.2 Medicine
6.5.3 Industries
6.5.4 Archaeological Research
6.6. Safety measures
6.6.1 Permitted range
6.6.2 Preventive Measures

7.1 Atom and Atomic mass
7.1.1 Relative Atomic mass (REM)
7.2 Molecule and molecular mass
7.2.1 Classification of molecules
7. Atoms and Molecules 7.3 Difference between atoms and
7.6 Avogadro hypothesis
7.7. Applications of Avogadro’s Law
7.9 Solved problems (Problems related to the
above mentioned topics only)
8.1 Modern periodic law
8.2 Modern periodic table
8.2.1 Features of periods
8.2.2 Features of groups
8.6. Properties of metals
8. Periodic 8.6.1 Physical properties
Classification of
Elements 8.6.2 Chemical properties
8.10 Alloys
8.10.1 Amalgam
8.10.2 Method of making alloys
8.10.3 Types of alloys
8.11 Corrosion
8.11.2 Methods of preventing corrosion
9.2 Components of solutions
9.3 Types of solutions
9.3.1 Based on the physical state of the
solute and the solvent
9. Solutions
9.3.2 Based on the type of solvent
9.3.3 Based on the amount of solute
9.3.4 Concentrated and dilute Solutions
9.6 Hydrated salts and water of

9.6.1 Copper sulphate pentahydrate
9.6.2 Magnesium sulphate heptahydrate
9.7 Hygroscopy
9.8 Deliquescence
10.1 Types of Chemical reactions
10.1.1 Classification based on the
nature of rearrangements of atoms
10. Types of Chemical 10.1.2 Classification based on the
Reactions direction of reaction
10.4 Ionic product of water
10.5 pH scale
10.7 pH calculations
10.8 Problems
11.1 General characteristics of
organic compounds
11.2 Classification of organic compounds
based on the pattern of carbon chain
11.3 Classes of organic compounds (Based on the
kind of atoms
11.3.1 Hydrocarbons
11.3.2 Characteristics of hydrocarbons
11.3.3 Classification of organic compounds based on
functional groups
11.4 Homologous series
11.4.1 Characteristics of homologous series
11. Carbon and its 11.5 Nomenclature of organic compounds
Compounds 11.5.1 Why do we need nomenclature?
11.5.2 Components of an IUPAC name
11.5.3 IUPAC rules for naming
organic compounds
11.5.4 IUPAC nomenclature of
hydrocarbons – Solved Examples
11.5.5 IUPAC nomenclature of other classes – Solved
11.6 Ethanol
11.6.1 Manufacture of ethanol
11.6.2 Physical properties
11.6.3 Chemical properties
11.6.4 Uses of ethanol
11.8 Organic compounds in daily life
12.1 Tissues
12.2 Tissue system
12.2.1 Dermal or Epidermal tissue system
12.2.2 Ground tissue system
12.2.3 Vascular tissue system
12.3 Internal structure of dicot root (Bean)
12.5 Internal structure of dicot Stem (Sunflower)
12.7 Internal structure of dicot or
dorsi-ventral leaf (Mango)
12.9 Plant Physiology
12. Plant Anatomy and
12.9.1 Plastids
Plant Physiology
12.9.2 Structure of chloroplast
12.9.3 Functions of chloroplast
12.9.4 Photosynthesis
12.9.5 Where does photosynthesis occur?
12.9.6 Photosynthetic pigments
12.9.7 Role of sunlight in photosynthesis
12.9.8 Factors affecting photosynthesis
12.11 Types of respiration
12.11.1 Aerobic respiration (Except Stages)
12.11.2 Anaerobic respiration
12.11.3 Respiratory quotient
14.1 Means of Transport in Plants
14.1.1 Diffusion
14.1.2 Active Transport
14.1.3 Osmosis
14.2 Root hair – water absorbing unit
14.3 Pathway of water absorbed by roots
14. Transportation 14.4 Types of movement of water
in Plants and into the root cells
Circulation in 14.4.1 Apoplast Pathway
Animals 14.4.2 Symplast Pathway
14.5 Transpiration
14.5.1 Factors affecting transpiration,
14.6 Root pressure
14.7 Uptake of minerals
14.8 Translocation of Mineral Ions
14.9 Phloem Transport
14.10 Translocation of sugars

14.12 Blood
14.15 Structure of Human heart
14.15.2 Heart Beat
14.17 Blood Groups
16.1 Plant Hormones
16.1.1 Auxins (Except Went’s Experiment)
16.1.2 Cytokinins
16.1.3 Gibberellins

16. Plant and Animal 16.2 Human Endocrine glands

Hormones 16.2.1 Pituitary Gland
16.2.2 Thyroid Gland
16.2.4 Pancreas (Islets of Langerhans)
16.2.5 Adrenal Gland
16.2.6 Reproductive Glands
16.2.7 Thymus Gland
17.3 Sexual Reproduction in Plants
17.3.1 Parts of a Typical Flower
17.3.2 Structure of the Ovule
17.4 Pollination
17.4.1 Types of Pollination
17.6 Fertilization in Plants
17.7 Sexual reproduction in human
17.7.1 Male reproductive organ -
17. Reproduction in Structure of Testes
Plants and Animals 17.7.2. Female reproductive organ -
Structure of Ovary
17.8 Gametogenesis
17.8.1 Structure of human Sperm
17.8.2 Structure of human Ovum
17.9 Menstrual cycle - Process of Ovulation
17.14 Personal Hygiene
17.14.1 Body Hygiene
17.14.2 Toilet Hygiene
17.14.3 Menstrual and napkin Hygiene

18.1 Gregor Johann Mendel –
Father of Genetics
18.2 Monohybrid cross-Inheritance
of one gene
18.3 Dihybrid Cross- Inheritance of two genes
and Law of Independent Assortment
18.4 Mendel’s laws
18. Genetics
18.5 Chromosomes, DNA and genes
18.5.1 Structure of a Chromosome
18.5.4. Karyotype
18.6 Structure of DNA
18.6.1 Watson and Crick model of DNA
18.6.2 DNA Replication
18.6.3 Significance of DNA
18.7. Sex Determination
18.7.1. Sex Determination in Human
19.1 Theories on origin of life
19. Origin and Evolution 19.3 Theories of Evolution
of Life 19.3.1 Lamarckism
19.3.2 Darvinism or Theory of natural selection
19.6 Ethnobotany
20.2 Green Revolution
20.2.4 Plant breeding for improved nutritional
20.3 Methods of Plant Breeding for
Crop Improvement
20.3.1 Introduction of new varieties of plants
20. Breeding and 20.3.2 Selection
Biotechnology 20.3.3 Polyploidy Breeding
20.3.4 Mutation Breeding
20.3.5 Hybradisation
20.4 Animal Breeding
20.4.1 Inbreeding
20.4.2 Outbreeding
20.4.3 Heterosis
20.6 Biotechnology in Medicine

21.1 Abuse and types of abuse
21.1.1 Child Abuse
21.1.2 Sexual Abuse
21.1.3 Child Sexual Abuse
21.1.4 Approaches for protection of an abused
21.2 Drug and tobacco abuse
21.3 Drug abuse
21.3.1 Types of Drug
21.3.2 Drug dependence
21.3.3 Behavioural changes of drug users
21.3.4 Drug De-addiction
21.4 Tobacco abuse
21.4.1 Tobacco Use
21. Health and Diseases 21.4.2 Smoking Hazards and effects of Tobacco
21.4.3 Prevention of smoking
21.5 Alcohol abuse
21.5.1 Harmful effects of alcohol to health
21.6 Rehabilitation measures for alcoholics
21.9 Obesity
21.9.1 Prevention and control of obesity
21.11 Cancer
21.11.1 Types of Cancer
21.11.2 Carcinogenic agents
21.11.3 Treatment of Cancer
21.11.4 Preventive measures for cancer
21.12 AIDS
21.12.1 Transmission of HIV
21.12.2 Symptoms and treatment of AIDS
21.12.3 Prevention and control of AIDS

22.1 Conservation and judicious
use of Resources
22.5 Renewable and non-
renewable Energy Resources
22.5.1 Fossil Fuels
22.5.2 Coal and Petroleum
22.5.3 Steps to conserve coal and petroleum
22. Environmental
Management resources
22.6 Non-Conventional (Alternative) Energy
22.6.3 Shale gas
22.6.5 Water energy
22.6.6 Tidal energy
22.7 Rainwater Harvesting
22.8. Electrical Energy Management
22.9 E-Waste and its management
2. Determination of focal length of a convex
3. Determination of resistivity
4. Identification of exothermic and
Practical endothermic reactions
5. Testing the solubility of salt
8. Photosynthesis
10.Mendel’s monohybrid cross
13. Identification of blood cells


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