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21st Century Quarter 2

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21st Century Quarter 2

Orphan A character that was

abandoned or lost their parents
What do a villain, a hero, and a damsel in Caregiver A character that is nurturing
and plays a “mothering” role
distress have in common? They’re all archetypes: to other characters
typical examples of characters in stories. Archetypes
can occur in literary plotlines, settings, and Creator An artistic or creative
symbols, as they represent shared patterns of character that builds or
makes culture, art, inventions
human experience. etc.
The archetype term and idea come
primarily from Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, who Sage The truth seeker, acquirer or
also studied myth and religion. According to knowledge. A character that
thrives on learning
Jung, all humans share what he called a “collective
unconscious.” This “unconscious” is a collection of Ruler A character that is in power,
memories and images comprising a racial past of they keep order at any cost.
pre-human experiences, the memories from which Desire control and power.
have been erased. Archetypal images, then,
stimulate or trigger these memories in all of us; FLASH FICTION
that is why they are so powerful and universal. The story you read is an example of a flash
Archetypes give a literary work a fiction. A flash fiction, also known as short-short
universal acceptance, as readers identify with the story, typically contains less than 1000 words which
characters and situations in their social and is most often used to describe short casual written
cultural context. The writer uses this to attempt works. Although a flash fiction may be written in any
realism in their writing. By applying archetypes to genre, the most famous ones are in romance, thriller,
literature, it can help the reader understand the text horror and sci-fi. Even with only a number of words,
fully. a flash fiction also bears the essential elements of a
short story. The paramount of all the elements for this
Here are some examples: type of literature is the plot.
A flash fiction is similar to a short story is
doppelganger Duplicate or shadow of a
character the opposite some ways. Both tell a complete story with a
personality of that character beginning, middle and end with the elements of
storytelling in place. However, they, too, have
scapegoat A character that takes the differences.
blame for everything bad that
happens Flash Fiction VS. Short Story

Villain A character whose main

Short Story Flash Fiction
function is to go to any extent
to oppose the hero or whom
is significantly shorter is a much shorter version of a
the hero must annihilate in
than a novel short story
order to bring justice
consists of 1000-10,000 composed of 100-1000 words
Hero A character whose main
words in length in length
function is to save the day
has a fleshed-out plot, has a well thought out plot and
Rebel A character that revolts against
well-rounded characters, great characters, but they don’t
acceptable society
and a developed setting necessarily need to be fully
and theme developed
Mentor Character’s main role is to
protect the protagonist. They
has one or a few shouldn’t be more than one plot
provide advice and training to
characters and one or a and one theme.
the protagonist and work to
few settings (limited in
help them succeed
Two types of plot
place and time, such as a
day or a couple of weeks) A writer can create a story using one of the
and expresses a single two types of plot- a unified plot or an episodic
theme, or message plot. A unified plot has a story that is realistic
generally is more flexible. is punchy and to the point, a
with a central character and action and the story
There is more space to story of extreme brevity with happens in one place during a short span of time- a
develop ideas, plot, the plot pared down to the core day, several hours or even just for an hour. An
character and theme; there of the story. Every detail, every episodic plot, on the other hand, has a story that
is at most, one plot and a character gesture, every
small subplot or a plot and description counts; each word happens in a much extended period of time. A writer
a half. has its place. Take one word who employs the episodic plot frequently uses the
away and the meaning is lost. technique of ‘flashback’ to lay out background
details of the story. But similar to the unified plot, an
Characteristics of Flash Fiction episodic plot also has a central character, setting and
When writing a flash fiction story, it is action.
important to know how they are similar and There are three other ways to write a
different to longer stories. Flash fiction is shorter, but plot. A plot may be written as a movement in
it should not feel too short. Here are some traits of casualty, a movement in time and a movement in
strong flash fiction stories. dramatic tension.
1. Story Structure: A flash fiction story is not PLOT – a movement in time
the shortened version of a longer story; it The plot is a movement in time when the
still follows the elements of plot, including a story transpires on a particular period of time such as
beginning, middle and end, as well as a an hour, a day, a week, a month or even a year.
conflict and satisfying resolution. PLOT - movement in casualty
2. Setting: Most flash fiction stories take place The plot is a movement in casualty
in one setting, as moving between locations when the story is established on a series of casual
uses up too much space. It allows the writer events that happen one after another. Here, the writer
and reader to focus on the plot. is to create a story based on the principle of cause and
3. Characters and Backstory: Flash fiction effect that is, the first event sets off the second and
pieces are plot-driven and include no more the second event sets off the third and so on. Hence,
than three or four characters. They may every new event has a casual relationship to the old
include some character development, but too ones
much backstory can use valuable space. PLOT - a movement in dramatic tension
4. Description: One may think that flash The plot is a movement in dramatic tension
fiction stories are short on description to when the story has dialogue, action, details,
save space. However, a strong piece can descriptions and scenes that amplify the tension and
balance vivid descriptions with a persuade the reader to turn the page and continue
quick-moving plot. Stories that lack reading. The techniques of foreshadowing, flashback
description are not satisfying to read, and epiphany are oftentimes employed in this type of
and a flash fiction piece should feel plot.
complete. The following are the components of a plot
The PLOT structure or parts of the narrative.
Every written story has a plot- the series of events A. Exposition – This is the beginning of the
and characters’ actions that includes a beginning, a story, also known as the inciting incident.
middle and an end. Also, every written story has a This is where the author introduces the
plot structure or a narrative arc. Although it is characters, identifies where the story is
important for a story to have all its essential happening, and establishes the main conflict.
elements, the plot is the major element of all as it is This includes events, actions or even
what the story is all about. The plot is the actual decisions that build conflict, pressure or
story. Without it, a writer has not penned anything. disturbance to the main character.
B. Rising Action – This is also known as the ‘First quality: you can make big things, but
plot complication where the writer fully never forget that there is a hand guiding your steps.
introduces the conflict or the obstacle This hand we call it God, and he will always have to
that will prevent the main character, the address you towards his will.’
protagonist, to achieve his goal. ‘Second quality: sometimes I have to stop
C. Climax – This part is considered as the most writing and use a sharpener. This makes the pencil
exciting part of a story. This part has the suffer a little, but at the end it will be sharper. So,
most tension or most exciting event learn to bear a little pain because it will make you
compared to all other events in the story. a better man.’
Also, this is where important decisions ‘Third Quality: the pencil always allows us
are made or important things are to use an eraser to cancel mistakes. Understand
discovered. that correcting something we did is not
D. Falling Action – This point occurs after the necessarily a bad thing, but something fundamental
climax as the problems in the story start to to keep us on the right path.’ ‘
work themselves out. The excitement Fourth quality: what is really important in
becomes less and less as the conflict is the pencil is not the wood or the shape, but the lead
resolved. that is inside. So, be always careful of what happens
E. Resolution/End – This is the solution to the inside of yourself.’
problem in a story. When a writer brings ‘At the end, the fifth quality is: always leave
resolution to end the story, he can end the a sign. In any case, be aware that everything you do
story with either an open or closed ending. in your life will leave trails; try to be conscious
When a writer uses a closed ending, the of every single action.
resolution is done by answering all
unanswered questions that were implied or
explicitly stated. A death is an example of a
closed ending. When a writer uses an open
ending, he leaves the readers to think,
wonder or speculate what happens after the
story has ended.

The Story of the Pencil

By: Paulo Coelho
The Grandchild was looking at his
grandma writing a letter. Suddenly he asked:
“Are you writing a story about us? Is it by
chance a story about me?”
The grandma stopped writing, smiled and
said to her grandchild, “Indeed I am writing about
you, however more important than the words is the
pencil I am using. I hope you will be like this pencil
when you grow up.”
The child looked at the pencil curiously, but
could not see anything special.
“But . . . it is exactly the same as every other
pencil I saw in my life.”
“It is all in the way you look at things.
There are five qualities in that pencil that, if you will
be able to maintain, will make you a man in peace
with the whole world.
Multimedia is an essential avenue to transform Many videos have changed formats ever
unique adaptations of a literary, thus making learning since the mobile phone industry became more
outputs interesting and productive. To have a creative advanced in technology. Many of the video formats
adaptation of literary genres, the following concepts require plug-ins on browsers and specific mobile
have to take into considerations: applications to load. Here is a list of multimedia
A. Multimedia and its Concepts
A multimedia is an electronic application
used to teach lessons or to further educate learners
on a particular topic. It is a presentation of material MPEG .mpg MPEG. Developed by the
that uses both words and pictures in a .mpeg Moving Pictures Expert
combination of text, voice, picture or video. Using Group. The first popular video
format on the web. Not
interactive digital tools to tell a story is called digital supported anymore in HTML
storytelling and often uses a combination of
multimedia venues to complete the task. The use of AVI .avi AVI (Audio Video Interleave).
multimedia allows educational ideas and materials Developed by Microsoft.
Commonly used in video
to be presented in a more artistic, inspired and cameras and TV hardware.
engaging way. Plays well on Windows
computers, but not in web
B. Uses of Multimedia and its Formats
There are many uses of multimedia for a WMA .wma WMA (Windows Media
deeper understanding of a lesson. Audiobooks are Audio). Developed by
ideal for second-language learners. Song files and Microsoft. Plays well on
Windows computers, but not
music videos can be used to compare social norms in in web browsers.
different eras. Multimedia can offer students a better
understanding of the lesson. The multimedia formats FLASH swf WMA (Windows Media
from various media include: text and graphics for (small web file) Audio). Developed by
Microsoft. Plays well on
slideshows, presentations, diagrams and infographics. Windows computers, but not
Audio has podcasts and recordings. Screen captures, in web browsers.
lecture captures and animation are examples of
video components of multimedia. Other multimedia MP3 .mp3 MP3 files are actually the
sound part of MPEG files.
components include blogs, vlogs, webinars and other MP3 is the most popular
interactive content. Multimedia applications include format for music players.
the interaction of different media types like Combines good compression
animation, video, text and sound. It has become a part (small files) with high quality.
Supported by all browsers.
of our lives as soon as we entered the digital age.
Before the modern technology, there are tools MP4 .mp4 MP4 is a video format, but
helping us appreciate some of the types of can also be used for audio.
Supported by all browsers.
multimedia such as videos on television. There are
various components of multimedia such as:
2. Animation
1. Videos Animation is a form of art for most people,
Digital video is a primary component in especially those that are in the business of producing
multimedia, especially those that appear online and animated movies. Right now, animation has
on television. The different formats of these types of become interactive, allowing users to directly affect
multimedia include WMI, AVI, MPED and flash. the outcome of animated components and events.
Some of these formats are better than others because Flash is the most common platform for animation,
they load faster and can be viewed or loaded using and using this component, the interactivity of
different platforms and operating systems. animation is enhanced.
3. Text the classroom is used for self-directed learning or
Text has always been and will always be the SDL.
most common among the types of multimedia ● Students manage their time and assess what needs
components in different applications. Text in to be included in their learning activities. This style
combination with other media components can make of learning is used mostly with older students who
any application more user-friendly. By using text, already know how to manipulate many of the
interactivity is increased. Text elements are multimedia venues available to them.
particularly important for accessibility purposes.
Users of an application need to input text for the
system to identify them. Text is also used to create a
digital signature, such as in passwords.
4. Images
Digital image files are needed to create
videos and animation. A user would sooner go to a
website filled with colorful photographs than one that
contains only text elements. Familiar image formats
include jpeg and png. These formats permit editing.
Images are created by graphic designers using
various software.
5. Audio
Voiceovers comprise a tremendous number
of the types of multimedia components. Audio files
include background music and special effects. Any
audio in an application is designed to improve a
user’s experience.

C. Characteristics of a Multimedia
● Multimedia can be used in the presentations,
making them more fun and interesting.
● A multimedia presentation has various viewing
options such as projector or a media player and the
● You can also download the multimedia presentation
or play it live.
● The technology of multimedia can also be used to
make the information be conveyed more easily to the
● Multimedia technology has improved the learning
experience by combining various forms of media

D. Benefits of Using Multimedia

● Digital storytelling allows students to improve
their knowledge about a specific subject and
increases skills such as writing, researching and
● Using multimedia improves a learner’s overall
academic performance. In particular, multimedia in

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