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Asean Lit Reviewer

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LITERATURE IN THE PHILIPPINES work of art is formulated by the information and

details of the piece itself. Formalists do not

Theme interpret a work based on matters that are
The theme of the story is the underlying outside the confines of the work like history,
message or the central idea. It is about life that politics, society, time or even the author.
the author is conveying in the story which is Considered are form, structure, technical
universal in nature. It is about human features as more important than the content and
experience. context.


1. Good vs. evil
2. Love - forbidden love, family love, unrequited Three Types of Poetry
love, friendship. 1. Lyric Poetry
3. Redemption - Stories of redemption often uses song-like and emotional words to
involve a reformed character sacrificing his or describe a moment, an object, a feeling, or a
her freedom or life. person.
4. Courage and perseverance - Characters a. Elegy - a reflective poem to honor the
endure difficult circumstances or impossible dead.
odds, persevering through sheer determination, b. Haiku - seventeen-syllable poem that
grit, and gall. uses natural imagery to express an
5. Coming of age - These characters may emotion.
experience everything from a loss of innocence, c. Ode - poem that pays tribute to a
to an awakening or self-awareness before finally person, idea, place, or another
reaching maturity. concept.
6. Revenge - sets up a conflict between one d. Sonnet - a descriptive fourteen-line
character and his or her enemies as he or she poem with a specific rhyme scheme.
journeys to avenge wrongs done to them.
2. Narrative Poetry
Moral tells a story.
An idea that is concerned with the a. Allegory - a narrative that canbe
concept of right-doing and wrong-doing or the interpreted to reveal a hidden
principles of life and ethical behavior, a lesson meaning, typically a moral or political
learned from a story. one.
b. Ballad - narrative poetry sets to
Title music.
Attraction point of an article, or giving c. Burlesque - description of serious
a more specific gist of the theme in few words. topics and problems deliberately in a
funny sometimes even in a vulgar
Approaches to Literary Criticism way.
1. Feminism d. Epic - a lengthy poem that tells a
Feminism uplifts women goals by story of a heroic adventure.
defining and establishing equality in the family,
civil, social, political, and economic arena. 3. Dramatic Poetry
Feminist literature is often associated with also known as dramatic monologue, is
literary pieces written by women that deal with meant to be spoken or acted.
women in the society. It also involves characters a. Monologue - a speech given by one
or ides which chide the common gender norms character to another, or by one
dominated with masculinity. This approach character to the audience (also known
gives an impact to the voice of women. as dramatic verse when not in poetic
2. New Historicism form).
New Historicism deals with the cultural b. Soliloquy - a speech given by one
context during the writing of the piece of character to himself or herself; a
literature. This approach interprets literature for dramatic representation of inner
its meaning or idea in a particular socio monologue.
historical atmosphere. It needs an understanding
of the author’s milieu and the cultural context
during its production. LITERATURE IN THE MYANMAR
3. Formalism
Also known as New Criticism. This Character Analysis
means that the formalists’ interpretation of a
character analysis essay explains the in- motivation of youth inspiration. He was awarded
depth traits and characteristics of a certain with lifetime National Literary Award in 2012.

Types of Characters
Main - This character plays a large role in the LITERATURE IN THE THAILAND
entire story, and a major part of the plot revolves
around him. Writing a Movie Review
Minor - These are the characters who help tell is a critical judgment of a motion
the major character’s tale by letting them interact picture. It focuses on the art of the film maker
and reveal their personalities, situations, and/or and evaluates the techniques employed by the
stories. director.

The main characters are mostly DYNAMIC Genre

since they frequently chance their  is the kind or type of film.
characteristics, behavior and motives.  Is it comedy? Tragedy? Musical?
Action? Thriller? Horror? Sci-Fi?
Static/Flat Romance? Historical? Melodrama?
Someone who does not change Animation?
throughout the story Synopsis
Foils  Summary of the film
Someone who is the opposite of another  What is the film all about?
character. This bring out the characteristics of  How were the elements of the story
the main. interrelated with one another?
Confidant Characterization
The best fiend or sidekick of the  the development or portrayal of the
protagonist. characters.
Round  How will you describe the characters in
Has complex traits with distinct
 the film? What are their deprivations
personality, background, and motive
and motivations? Are their
 acting skills convincing and powerful
Are there to help give information to
for the viewers?
the reader.
Stereotype /Stock
Typical characteristics set to common  SOUND- is the essential aspect of the
groups of people film and it consists SPEECH as the
Love interest voice of the actors,
the protagonist’s object of desire  MUSIC - soundtrack or song laid in the
Tertiary Characters film
Tertiary characters populate the world  SOUND EFFECT - embedded sound
of the story but do not necessarily link to the in the film.
main storyline. Cinematography
Symbolic  is the manipulation of the filmstrip and
A symbolic character is any major or photographic image by the camera.
minor character whose very existence represents  How was the coordination of one shot
some major idea or aspect of society. with the succeeding shot?
 Does the speed, motion, and
The Kindergarten Teacher transformation of each photographic
by Aung Thinn (A true story) image help in the quality of the film?
Aung Thinn (17 April 1927 – 25 October Production Design
2014) was a Lifetime National Literary Award-  refers to the costumes and make-ups
winning writer in Myanmar known for his matched to the characters’ role.
continuous encouraging of youth to become a  Do the props stimulate the ambiance for
righteous man. the scene?
 Does the production design depict the
He wrote more than 50 books on genres of setting of the story?
ethical conducts, cultural knowledge and
Saling - She is the only daughter of Tata Selo. A
turning 17-year-old sick lady who worked in
Kabesang Tano’s house as a housemaid before.
Alkalde – He is the mayor of the town. He is the
one who talks to Saling about her father’s case.
Hepe – He is the chief police officer who
ruthlessly hurt the oppressed farmer, Tata Selo.
TATA SELO Binata – He is the son of the richest proprietor
by: Rogelio Sikat in San Roque. He is tall and white. He wears
shade glasses and standing with his arm akimbo
Rogelio Sikat while smoking cigarette.
Amang – He is a young peasant, a son of
 Rogelio R. Sikat (also known as farmers like Tata Selo. He sneaks into the prison
Rogelio Sícat) (1940-1997) was a to see Tata Selo and talk to him. He is wearing a
balanggot hat.
Filipino fictionist, playwright,
translator, and educator. Genre
 He was born on June 26, 1940 in  Fictional Narrative
Alua, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija, Form
Philippines.  Short Story
 Rogelio Sikat graduated with a Language
 Filipino / Tagalog
Bachelor of Journalism from the
University of Santo Tomas and an
 Political Cruelties
MA in Filipino from the University Year
of the Philippines.  1963
 He is famous for "Impeng Negro", Narration
his short story that won the Palanca  Third Person
prize in 1962 in Filipino. Type of Literature
 Prose
The story entitled "Tata Selo" by
Rogelio Sikat, a life of a farmer who merely MORNING IN NAGREBCAN
wanted to farm theproperty he had to sell the by: Manuel Aguila
captain (Kabesang Tano) because his wife was
unwell. He continually displays that he is still Author: Manuel E. Arguilla
capable of farming despite his age in his day-to- Background: This story was written by Manuel
day activities. He decided to work because he E. Arguilla, a Filipino writer and Patriot known
wanted to reclaim their land but his lack of for his significant contributions to Philippine
resources prevents him from doing so. Up until Literature. It was written sometime in the 1940s.
the day he killed the captain who disregarded his He wrote this to explore and portray aspects of
abilities and stomp him for appealing to be Filipino rural life, family dynamics, and the
spared for replacement. The public watched him cultural nuances of the time. His stories often
being imprisoned as he was singing for freedom reflect the socio-cultural context of the
like a bird in a zoo. Without hearing his side of Philippines during the early to mid-20th century.
the story, he was judged, convicted, and treated Genre: Non- Fiction
with contempt, and Tata Selo final words Theme: Cycle of violence
“everything was taken from him" Social Issues: Child behavior and parent’s
Form: Short story
The Characters Language: English
Tata Selo – He is a marginalized person who is Narration: 3rd person point of view
helplessly being judge, despised, and condemned Setting: The setting of the story is Nagrebcan,
by sharp judgmental-eyed hypocritical wherein is a barrio near the Katayaghan hills. It
audiences. He is the farmer who was sentenced was sunrise when the story took place.
of murdering the captain or the so-called Type of Literature: Prose
Kabesang Tano, who forces him to give up the
land he was farming, which was once his own. Characters:
Kabesang Tano – He is the landlord of Tata Baldo - He must have been about ten years old,
Selo. He is also their captain/ barangay captain. small for his age, but compactly built, and he
stood straight on his bony legs. He wore one of He turned his attention to his sons and beat them
his father’s discarded cotton undershirts. also.
Ambo – Younger brother of Baldo. He is seven While Nana Elang came out and
years old, almost as tall as his older brother and brought her sons inside the house. She continues
he had stout husky legs. The home-made cotton doing household chores inside the house and
shirt he wore was variously stained. The pocket Tang leaves the house to go to work. The boys
was torn, and it flipped down. look for the puppy and give it a much-needed
Nana Elang – Thirty years old, but she looked burial.
at least fifty. She was a thin, wispy woman, with Moral Lesson:
bony hands and arms. She had scanty, straight, The moral story of the story “Morning
graying hair which she gathered behind her head in Nagrebcan” revolves around the importance
in a small, tight knot. It made her look thinner of family. In the story where we see that the
than ever. Her cheekbones seemed on the point bonds and communication are very special in
of bursting through the dry, yellowish-brown every family and also it is one of the roots in
skin. Above a gray-checkered skirt, she wore a one’s connection. Based on the experiences of
single wide-sleeved cotton blouse that ended the siblings, they shared a special bond as
below her flat breasts. Sometimes when she siblings but also represented a means of survival
stooped or reached up for anything, a glimpse of in one place. Additionally, this story encourages
the flesh at her waist showed in a dark, purplish everyone to create a family with a wonderful
band where the skirt had been tied so often. bond and communication and also to appreciate
Tang Ciaco - He is a big, gaunt man with thick one's family that we had no matter what,
bony wrists and stoop shoulders. A short-sleeved understand one’s self, and be careful when using
cotton shirt revealed his sinewy arms on which words as they can hurt others' feelings.
the blood-vessels stood out like roots. His short
pants showed his bony-kneed, hard-muscled legs
covered with black hair. He was a carpenter. He THE CHERISHED DAUGHTER
had come home drunk the night before. He was
not a habitual drunkard, but now and then he Mother, I am eighteen this year and still
drank great quantities of basi and came home without a husband. What, Mother, is your
and beat his wife and children. He would blame plan? The magpie brought two matchmakers
them for their hard life and poverty. “You are a and you threw them the challenge: not less
prostitute,” he would roar at his wife, and as he than five full quan, five thousand areca nuts,
beat his children, he would shout, “I will kill you five fat pigs, and five suits of clothes.
both, you bastards.” If Nana Elang ventured to
remonstrate, he would beat them harder and Mother, I am twenty-three this year
curse her for being an interfering whore. “I am and still without a husband.
king in my house,” he would say. What, Mother, dear, is your plan?
The magpie brought two matchmakers
Summary: and you threw them the challenge:
It is the morning in the village of not less than three full quan, three thousand
Nagrebcan. Baldo is playing with their puppies, areca
when his mother, Nana Elang calls him to get nuts, three fat pigs, and three suits of clothes.
some live coal from their neighbor named Ka
Ikao. After that, he plays with the puppies again. Mother, I am thirty-two this year
Ambo, his younger brother awoke, crying. Nana and still without a husband. What, Mother,
Elang called him patiently to go downstair. darling, is your plan?
Ambo went to the puppies but he wanted to play The magpie brought two matchmakers
with a particular puppy who was black-spotted and you threw them the challenge:
Baldo claimed it as his puppy and didn’t want to not less than one full quan, one thousand areca
share it with his brother. He didn’t allow Ambo nuts,
to touch the puppy. They fight over the puppy one fat dog this time, and one suit of clothes.
and Ambo has his bit by the puppy they fighting
over. His hand started bleeding. Mother, I am forty-three this year. Still
Hearing the commotion outside the without a husband. Mother, look, Mother,
house, Tang Ciaco the father of the boys, looks will you please just give me away?
out in the window. He so Ambo’s hand bleeding
hand and declared that the puppy had gone mad.
He grabbed a chunk of firewood, got out of the THE KHAKI COAT
house, and violently beat the puppy until it died. by: Nhat Tien
Title: The Khaki Coat materialism and responsibility to support her
Author: Nhat Tien siblings.
Published: 1988 in the journal "Index on Woman with the Khaki Coat - The woman
Censorship" who claims that the golden-colored khaki
Setting: The story takes place in a crowded Western coat being sold by the young girl
and messy market , where a ragged society belonged to her late husband and was buried
tries to make a living with him. Her accusation starts a chain of events
Genre: Non-fiction that leads to the girl's detention and trial.
Form: Short Story Other characters:
Language: English Old Lady - An elderly woman selling tobacco
Theme: loss, memory, political issues, poverty leaves in the market whom the young girl briefly
Main Theme: Redemption encountered in the noisy crowd.
Narration: 3rd Person Public Security Agents - Government officials
Type of Lit: Prose who intervene when the woman accuses the
young girl of attempting to sell her deceased
Author: Nhat Tien is one of the best-known husband's coat. They have a role in the girl's
Vietnamese writers who lived in South Vietnam detention and interrogation.
until a few years after the Communist take-over Secretary - The person in public security officer
of the country successfully in 1975. In the late in charge of recording the defendant's statement
1970s, he left Vietnam as a refugee, and he is during the interrogation. His presence brings
now living in the United States. The short story bureaucratic formality to the proceedings.
reveals the hard truth of the communist The Deceased Husband - Although not directly
government which fails to provide social and involved in the story, the deceased husband is an
economic equality for their citizen. He was vice- important character because ownership of the
president of the Vietnamese PEN club, director khaki coat becomes a source of argument
of the Huyen Tran Publishing Co, and editor of between the young girl and the woman.
the weekly Thieu Nhi. He is known for his 10
novels and 11 collections of short stories. Moral of the story:
The story discusses the moral challenges of
Summary surviving in difficult circumstances. It questions
The story begins in a crowded and how far people will go to provide for their
chaotic market, where a young girl tries to sell a families and challenges societal norms. The girl
fancy khaki Western coat. The coat attracts the justifies her actions by emphasizing her devotion
attention of the marketgoers, but trouble arises to materialism and her role in raising future
when a woman recognizes it as the one she generations. The story encourages readers to
recently buried her husband in. consider the blurred lines between right and
A confrontation follows, with the wrong in desperate situations, as well as the
woman accusing the girl of grave robbing. In importance of understanding diverse points of
defense, the girl discusses her difficult life story, view in complex moral dilemmas.
including her father's imprisonment and death,
her mother's passing, and her responsibility for
her siblings. She admits to committing grave Old Hac (Lao Hac)
robbery for the past two years to make ends by: Nam Cao
During the questioning, the girl Title: Old Hac (Lao Hac)
explains that she sees her actions as a way of Author: Nam Cao
surviving and contributing to society by caring Written: 1943
for her siblings. Despite her justifications, she is Genre: literary fiction
detained for trial. A month later, she reappears at Form: Short Story
the flea market, looking worse for wear but Language: English
determined to make a living. The story prompts Theme: Poverty
reflection on the challenges people face and the Narration: Third Person
choices they make in difficult circumstances, Type of Literature: Prose
highlighting the struggle between personal
survival and societal expectations. The Character:
Old Hac
Primary characters: • An elderly man who faces financial hardships
Young Girl - The central protagonist, works as a and loneliness after his wife's death and his son's
gravedigger, which is a morally complex job. departure to work on a rubber plantation.
She justifies her actions by citing her Narrator (referred to as “Teach”)
• A younger individual, likely a teacher, who
befriends Old Hac and sympathizes with his
struggles. The Oilfield Labourers
Cau Vang
• Old Hac's loyal dog, his only companion in his Title: The Oilfield Labourers
old age. Author: unknown
Translated by: Siti Badriyah biti Haji Md
Author Information: Yusuf
• Born in 1917 and died in 1951 Written: unknown
• Talented realist writer Genre: literary fiction
• Posthumously awarded Vietnam's French Form: Short Story
Resistance Medal First-class and the Ho Chi Language: English
Minh Prize for Literature and Arts in 1996 Theme: Life and Death
• Tackling the issues including poverty and class Narration: Third Person
struggle in early 20th century Vietnam prior to Type of Literature: Prose
the August Revolution in 1945 that ended
French colonial rule in the country. Characters:
YAZID - A derrick climber, he was traumatized
Background of the story after the destruction of his village and after he
The writer delves into the theme of farmers, witnessed the old man being burnt alive.
evoking a poignant and bitter reflection on the ADAM - A helpful friend of Yazid who insisted
fate of those enduring hardship and poverty yet on giving Yazid a shelter after what happened to
rich in humanity. the village he resides in.
JAMAL - A forty-nine year old man who was
Summary: also a derrick climber just like Yazid.
The short story is a classic about the Old Man - A critically ill old man was found
dark years of starvation in the North of Vietnam, burnt to death in his home after the fire. He is a
specifically the struggle of the man Hac, told cock fighter with a unique style, and his death is
from the perspective of his neighbor. Because of a significant event in the story.
poverty, Hac's son worked at a rubber plantation, William - Mentioned as a source of information
far away from home, leaving Hac alone with his about the company's plans and strategies related
puppy friend, whom he lovingly called The to the oilfield. He is positioned as a figure of
Golden Boy. Hac treated Golden like his own authority.
missed son and cared for the dog more than
himself. Unfortunately, his circumstance turned Characters analysis
for the worse, he could not find any source of Yazid – main character, protagonist, static
income to feed himself and Golden. Refusing to Adam – minor character, confidant
take advantages of the resources that he saved up Jamal - minor character, round
for his son, Hac was forced to sell Golden for Old man - minor character, foil, symbolic
slaughter. He felt as if he had failed the trust of William - minor character, dummies
Golden. He gave the money from selling Golden
to the neighbor to prepare for his own funeral, Background of the story
and eventually took his own life, by taking dog Brunei's landscape is dominated by the oil
poison. industry, which plays a central role in shaping
the nation's socio-economic dynamics. The story
BORNEO’S GREEN HEART delves into the lives of diverse characters,
A gem of a nation offering a panoramic view of the oilfield.
An abode of peace
A treasure of empire Summary: The oilfield laborers is a short story
A haven of tranquility about a group of workers from an oil derrick. At
A kingdom of treasures the start of the story the kampong umbi was on
An oasis of modern empire fire forty houses were burnt down. Finally
A space of warmth greeting everything came under control when the fire
A den of hospitable people trucks and the rescue team had left. Only a
A neoclassical form of politics number of distraught old mothers remained,
A gateway to beyond comports weeping and wishing they were dead. An old
An avenue of understanding man, who had been critically ill, had also been
An environment of treasures found burnt to death in his home. As the story
An ancient Sultanate kingdom progressed Jamal, an old man and friend of
An indeed pampering Brunei Darussalam Yazid, was afraid to die but believed that death
was necessary. The story encompasses and  Symbolic
shows the features of hardship and trauma of
Yazid experiences who is (the main character Author Information:
and one of the workers at the derrick).  Born on April 17, 1927
Moral Lesson: The moral lesson of the story is  Died on October 25, 2014
about the importance of death in life. All of us
fear death but if we all think about it; death gives  A writer and academician
us purpose, it gives us motivation, and it makes
 Lifetime National Literary Award-winning
us dream and strive for those dreams. If we don't
writer in Myanmar
die at all why would we do our task, why would
we study, why would we even get out of our  He wrote more than 50 books on genres of
beds if we can do it tomorrow or on the next ethical conducts, cultural knowledge and
century, we all do what we do because we know motivation of youth inspiration.
that everything will end someday, the reason
why we enjoy life is because we know it is  He had spoken 200 over literature talks
limited. We all die in different ways which is across not only in local but also in oversea
why death is actually scary. The reason why we like Singapore.
fear death is not because it will end us but is
because it is too spontaneous and we have no
idea what would be the cause of it. If we all The narrator was a lecturer at the
know when we will die and if we all die University of Yangon in the early 1960s. Before
peacefully, we won't be afraid to die at all. that, he served about three years as a middle
school teacher in his hometown of Taung Dwin-
The Kindergarten Teacher gyi. He was considered quiet a ‘good teacher’ at
by: Aung Thinn both posts. But he thought it was nothing much
because one becomes known as a ‘good teacher’
Title: The Kindergarten Teacher without too much effort of talent. However, what
Author: Aung Thinn he encountered oh his trip home in 1963 shook
Written: 1960 him.
Genre: Non-fiction
Form: Short Story He arrived just as as the schools
Language: English reopened for the new semester and realized that
Themes: Real Value of Teaching he has been way off the mark with his evaluation
Narration: First Person of ‘good teaching’.
Type of Literature: Prose
Settings: Primary school next to the Pagoda His friend, U nYan Sein, like him, was
an art teacher, but also taught reading an writing
Characters: to the newest children school: the kindergarten.
U Nyan Sein For days, he was able to pass by and
 Kindergarten Teacher catch sight of his friend teach his class of five-
Aung Thinn year-olds. He would just see him making
 Author, narrator, the friend drawings and telling stories, so he asked him
why he was not teaching anything. His friend
Daw Aye Thar responded, “I can teach reading and writing
anytime, but right now it’s important that
 Grandmother looking for her grandchildren children enjoy school, they must love coming to
school, not fear it. It’s the most important step.”
Characters Analysis:
He reflected that it might be true so for
U Nyan Sein
the next few days he decided to spend more time
 Protagonist; Flat Character
watching his class.
Aung Thinn
After days of seeing his friend at work,
 Confidant; Round Character
he was truly shaken. He started asking himself,
Daw Aye Thar was he a good teacher? Was he doing as much
good for his students as U Nyan Sein is?
 Foils
Moral of the Story:
We learn in different things and we
have to normalize that learnings cannot just be Major Characters:
learned in the four corners of the classroom SEIN HLA
doing reading and writing activities. The ability →wearing a dark golden yellow longyi as near
to read and to write is really important, but I the golden color of the bride’s htamein
think the eagerness to learn makes learning more → rubbed some powder on his face because it
worth it. That’s what the kindergarten teacher looked dust.
was trying to bring out of his pupils. When you → he is the groom who is so passionate about
are eager, you got to enjoy the learning process, their wedding
and with that kind of attitude, learning got even → a loving son who always watches for his
more effective father’s comfort most especially when they
decide to watch a TV show and his father had
Literary Approaches: peed
New Historicism MAR MAR TIN
 A literary theory based on the idea that → a beautiful bride who catches everyone's
literature should be studied and interpreted attention when she arrives at the church
within the context of both the history of the → wears a beautiful gown with fabulous make-
author and the history of the critic. up and hairstyle that makes her stunning on her
wedding day
Moral/Philosophical → wore a gem necklace and strand pearl that
surely looked like a real one in the photos or
 A type of literary criticism that believes pictures
literature should instruct morality. → Her face was pink with the western
foundation and not used to having false
eyelashes glued on her lids
→ a kind person and a good daughter-in-law
By: Nyi Pu Lay
because she always checks and asks the people if
they are okay at her wedding and she gives
Author: Nyi Pu Lay
concern and respect to her father-in-law.
Background: Nyi Pu Lay lived as a writer,
photographer, artist, and as PEN Myanmar’s
longest-serving president. Born in 1952, he was
Minor Characters:
the youngest son of Ludu Daw Amar and Ludu
U Hla, both prominent dissident writers and
→ brother of the groom who persuades their
journalists. Nyi Pu Lay followed in his parent’s
father to stay at home on the day of the wedding
footsteps, becoming one of Myanmar’s most
because of his situation. KYWET THOE
celebrated writers. He began writing after his
→ the good-looking best man on that wedding
father’s death and published his first short story,
A Pinch of Salt, in 1985. He quickly developed a
→ a close friend of the groom, to the point that
reputation for his satirical prose, and over the
he knew almost everything about him, especially
following decades, he published over a dozen
the worst condition of Sein Hla’s father
collections of short stories and several novels. In
2016, Nyi Pu Lay received Myanmar’s National
→ the owner of the place and the TV where the
Literature Prize for his book, The Sweet Honey
girls and the children watch during the night
Drop on the Sharp Scalpel Blade, which
after the wedding
recounts the life of Dr Thein Hlaing, a surgeon
→ he is a nice person because, even though the
who became revered for his selfless work in
old man, who is the father of the groom, had
support of others.
peed on the place, he did not get mad at him.
→ aside from that, he also squeezed the left
Genre: Non- Fiction Narrative
hand of the father as they left. With that kind of
Theme: Wedding tradition/traditional wedding
action, you can see in him how kind, concerned,
and individuality
and respectful he is to his clients, especially the
Form: Short Story
Language: English
→ Sein Hla’s father
Narration: 3rd person point of view
→ due to his old age, he could no longer walk
Setting: Wedding is marked by a ceremony at
properly and he used a folding chair
the wedding hall; Simple wedding from the
→ even though he is ill on the day of the
traditional remote village.
wedding, he still wants to attend the wedding of
Type of Literature: Prose
his son
→ the one who peed on the wedding reception When the couple arrived at the house,
that makes his son feel embarrassed Father asked them how the ceremony went.
Sein Hla’s Friend When Father had known that they would be
→ the one who lends his car to Sein Hla so he treating the girls and kids to the show Mandalay
will have acara to use for his wedding Dance Troupe, he wanted to come. At first Sein
MA MA THAN Hla was hesitating since he knew
→ Sein Hla’s neighbor who also looked over U San Tin, the owner of the TV is not a
Sein’s Hla father on his wedding day very happy man. But he wanted to make Father
SEIN SEIN AYE happy so he obliged. He carried father in his
→ who is a bug-eyed girl dressed in red back while holding the potty basin while his new
scampered up wife carried the folding chair. Sein Hla reminded
→ wearing pink make-up and clashed her father to not be embarrassed when he needs
alarmingly with her dark skin to pee. U San Tin welcomed them and even
→ always slow in everything greeted his father. The show went on and on and
all of them enjoyed watching. In fact, they were
Character Analysis: still smiling as they took their leave. Sein Hla
SEIN HLA lifted his father and realized that his old man had
– protagonist; static peed without noticing it. There was a small wet
MAR MAR TIN patch on the floor. Sein Hla immediately
– protagonist; static; symbolic grabbed the brandnew handkerchief Mar Mar
KO SEIN Tin was holding and was supposed to wipe the
– minor character; confidant; static/flat floor. U San Tin stopped him and told him to not
KYWET THOE bother.
– minor character; confidant; static flat It was an unexpectedly kind word from
U SAN TIN U San Tin. They said their good bye while
– minor character; dummies; symbolic apologizing. U San Tin squeezed Father’s hand
GROOM’S FATHER as they left. Sein Hla carried his father,
– minor character; foils wondering how this night U San Tin had been so
– minor character; confidant; stereotype
MA MA THAN Moral of the Story
– tertiary character; stereotype The moral of the story is not
SEIN SEIN AYE specifically stated, but it appears to highlight the
– tertiary character; stereotype joy and simplicity found in community
celebrations, emphasizing the importance of
Summary getting together to celebrate special occasions
In a village of Mandalay, a wedding is despite any challenges or imperfections.
about to take place. Sein Hla, the groom together The story depicts a sense of unity and
with the other guests are waiting for their ride. A happiness among the characters, stating the
vehicle who looks like the one used to travel importance of shared moments, even if they are
vegetables from one place to another picked modest and unforeseen.
them up. It was not a luxury car but it is a gift to Furthermore, it implies that genuine
the couple since the driver is their friend. kindness and understanding may occur
Mar Mar Tin on the other hand, has her unexpectedly, as demonstrated by U San Tin's
make-up done and when she arrived at the forgiving attitude toward the unintentional
venue, the driver of the van, Ko Sein opened the mishap during the television show.
car door for her. Her first question was “How
was Father?” The Winter Hibiscus
It turned out that the groom’s father By Minfong Ho
was unable to attend the wedding because of his
illness. He was fine now but everyone thought Title: The Winter Hibiscus
he was already a goner a month ago. The event Author: Minfong Ho
ended successfully. The couple gave money to Genre: Fiction
the young men as in the tradition “Payment for Form: Short Story
Stones” which is a sum paid off to avoid the Language: English
teasing throwing of stones on the house that Theme: Determination and Perseverance
night, while the girls were promised by the Narration: Third Person
couple to treat them in watching a good show on Type of Literature: Prose
the TV.
SAENG - A young woman in her early twenties, leads to an emotional conflict on her part. Saeng
possesses a kind heart and a resilient spirit also has a crush named David, an American boy.
despite facing numerous challenges in her life. As she looks different, not like a typical
Saeng is determined to pursue her dreams of American cheerleader, it takes time for David to
becoming a successful artist, but she also feels a give her any attention. Saeng’s parents, the
deep sense of responsibility towards her family, Panouvongs, struggle in the United States, from
particularly her mother. Throughout the story, being a teacher in Laos, to taking up jobs as
Saeng's inner strength and unwavering janitor and dishwasher in the US. They also
determination shine through as she navigates the struggle in adapting to a new environment,
complexities of love, loss, and personal growth. climate and language. As the story goes it shows
DAVID - A charming and compassionate man in how often shafts between two realities, her
his late twenties who becomes entangled in Laotian ancestry and her new American Identity.
Saeng's life. He is drawn to Saeng's artistic talent
and her unique perspective on the world. Despite Moral Lesson:
coming from different backgrounds, David and This short story shows the renewed hope and
Saeng form a deep connection rooted in mutual determination Saeng has for her driving test and
respect and admiration. David serves as both a the rest of her future. There is always hope for
source of support and a catalyst for Saeng's survival, no matter how isolated you are or how
personal development, encouraging her to many strange difficulties and obstacles surround
embrace her. you. People are separated by their will to live
SAENG’S MOTHER - Saeng's mother is a and succeed, which motivates them to work
central figure in her life, providing love, harder to improve their situation in life. This is
guidance, and support throughout her journey. shown in Saeng's concluding statement, which
She is a strong and resilient woman who has states that despite not belonging like David and
faced her fair share of hardships, but her the cheerleaders, she still loves her new home
unwavering love for her daughter remains and will try to survive there by facing any
constant. Saeng's mother instills in her the values obstacles that may arise. The hibiscus – a
of perseverance, compassion, and determination, symbol of her home and determination – serves
shaping her into the remarkable young woman as another inspiration for Saeng to keep going,
she becomes. Despite her own struggles, Saeng's regardless of the prejudice she faces as an
mother selflessly sacrifices for the well-being of immigrant. The story of the winter hibiscus often
her family, embodying the enduring strength of a teaches the lesson of resilience and
mother's love. perseverance. Despite facing harsh conditions
and seemingly unfavorable circumstances, the
Characters analysis winter hibiscus continues to bloom, symbolizing
Saeng - main character, protagonist the importance of staying strong and resilient in
David Lambert - minor character, confidant, the face of adversity. It reminds us that even in
static the coldest and toughest times, there is always
Saeng’s Mother- minor character, confidant, hope and beauty to be found if we persist and
static keep pushing forward.

Author Information:
 Born January 7, 1951. Thai Ramakien
 Chinese-American author and novelist by: King Rama I
 Her parents originated from China and
she was brought up in Bangkok, Title: Thai Ramakien
Thailand. Author: King Rama I
Written: 18th century
Summary: Genre: Epic Literature
The Winter Hibiscus discusses the issue of Form: Short Story
migrants in a new country. The Panouvongs Language: English
have moved from Laos to the United States Themes: Triumph of Good over Evil
seeking a better future. Saeng the protagonist, Narration: Third Person POV
daughter of the Panouvongs, goes through Type of Literature: Epic Poem
various situations, emotionally and socially in Setting: Kingdom of Longka
this new environment. She tries to adapt in
America. The story tells us of her struggles in Characters:
adapting. Saeng wants to be a typical American Phra Ram (Phra Rama)
teenager but sometimes feels lost and displaced.  Protagonist; Confidant; Dynamic; Round
She takes a driving test, which she fails, which
 prince of Ayodhya, who leads the He played a crucial role in the unification of
expedition to rescue Nang Sida from Thailand and the establishment of the Chakri
Tosakanth's captivity. He represents Dynasty. King Rama I's contributions to Thai
righteousness and is determined to fulfill literature extend beyond the Ramakien. He also
his duties as a prince and husband. wrote poetry, historical chronicles, and legal
Nang Sida codes, leaving a lasting legacy as a prolific
 Protagonist; Love Interest; Dynamic writer and cultural figure in Thailand's history.
 Phra Ram's wife, who is held captive by His efforts in preserving and promoting the
Tosakanth. She demonstrates her purity and Ramakien have cemented its status as a central
faithfulness through her willingness to piece of Thai literature and cultural heritage.
undergo a trial by fire.
Tosakanth (Tosakantha)
 Antagonist; Foil; Static/Flat Summary:
 demon king of Longka, who kidnaps Nang
The Ramakien Khon story follows Phra Ram's
Sida and wages war against Phra Ram. He
journey to rescue Nang Sida from the demon
represents evil and is determined to thwart
king Tosakanth. In "The Building of the Road,"
Phra Ram's efforts.
Phra Ram leads a monkey army to construct a
road across the ocean to reach Longka, where
 Protagonist; Confidant; Dynamic
Nang Sida is held captive. Despite obstacles,
 A loyal ally of Phra Ram and the general of
including fish disrupting their efforts, they
the monkey army. He plays a crucial role in
complete the road. In "The Battle of Maiyarap,"
various episodes, including organizing the
Hanuman rescues Phra Ram from an underwater
construction of the road, rescuing Phra
city after he is captured by Maiyarap. Despite
Ram from Maiyarap's underwater city, and
facing numerous challenges, Hanuman succeeds
assisting in defeating Tosakanth.
and defeats Maiyarap. In "Phra Ram Defeats
Maiyarap (Maiyarap)
Tosakanth," Hanuman deceives Tosakanth,
 Antagonist; Foil; Static/Flat
retrieves his protected heart, and ultimately helps
 The ruler of an underwater city and an ally
Phra Ram defeat Tosakanth in battle. Finally, in
of Tosakanth. He possesses magical
"Nang Sida Walks Through Fire," Nang Sida
abilities, including a powder that can
proves her purity by walking through fire,
induce sleep. Maiyarap is tasked with
affirming her innocence to Phra Ram and the
capturing Phra Ram but is ultimately
defeated by Hanuman.
Moral of the Story:
 Tertiary Character; Foil; Static/Flat
One of the primary morals of the
 The adopted son of Maiyarap, who guards
Ramakien is the triumph of righteousness over
the entrance to the underwater city. He
evil. Throughout the epic, characters like Phra
becomes involved in the conflict between
Ram and his allies demonstrate virtues such as
Hanuman and Maiyarap.
courage, loyalty, and selflessness in their quest
Phra Lak
to uphold justice and defeat the forces of
 Protagonist; Confidant; Round
darkness represented by Tosakanth and his
 Phra Ram's brother, who fights alongside
allies. The story emphasizes the importance of
him against Tosakanth's forces. He initially
staying true to one's principles, even in the face
misunderstands Hanuman's actions but later
of adversity, and highlights the ultimate victory
joins forces with Phra Ram to defeat
of good over evil. Additionally, the Ramakien
teaches the importance of love, loyalty, and
Phiphek (Phipek)
devotion. Characters like Phra Ram and Nang
 Tertiary Character; Confidant; Dynamic
Sida exemplify unwavering love and dedication
 An astrologer who predicts events related
to one another, even amidst challenges and
to Phra Ram's fate. He is also the estranged
hardships. Their relationship serves as a beacon
brother of Tosakanth and aids Hanuman in
of hope and inspiration, illustrating the power of
tricking Tosakanth.
love to overcome obstacles and unite people in
the pursuit of righteousness.
Author Information:
King Rama I
King Rama I of Thailand, also known
as Phra Phutthayotfa Chulalok. He reigned from
Thai Folk Story: Phikul Thong
1782 to 1809 and is considered one of Thailand's
By Thanapol Chadchaidee
greatest kings. King Rama I was not only a
monarch but also a scholar, poet, and statesman.
Author: Thanapol Chachaidee
Background: Born in Suphan Buri province in b. MALI
1959 to a family of farmers, Mr. Thanapol  Mali often goes along with her mother's
Chadchaidee, more commonly known under his mistreatment of Phikul, acting as an
pen name of Lamduan Chadchaidee, grew up
enabler to her mother's cruelty.
and received a secondary education in Bangkok,
then pursued his higher education in India. He
has been developing his writing skills since his
student days when he wrote many essays that
won several awards from an English newspaper, c. OLD WOMAN
The Student Weekly. He is proud of his  The old woman possesses magical
ancestors and never feels shy about telling abilities and aids Phikul in overcoming
anybody that he is the son of poor farmers. the challenges she faces.
 She provides Phikul with valuable
advice and magical items that assist her
Genre: Fictional Narrative
Theme: Importance of inner beauty on her journey.
Form: Short Story  Symbol of kindness and generosity:
Language: English The old woman embodies traits of
Narration: 3rd Person Point of View kindness and generosity, serving as a
Setting: contrast to the cruelty of Phikul's
 Their house stepmother.
 On Phikul Thong way home from  Her actions demonstrate the importance
fetching water of helping others and standing up against
 Market to sell the golden forest injustice
 Forest
Type of Literature: Prose CHARACTERS ANALYSIS

CHARACTERS OF THE STORY ● Phikul - Protagonist

● Step-mother - Antagonist; Symbolic
MAJOR CHARACTER ● Mila - Antagonist
● Old Woman – Round
 an orphan who lives with her
stepmother and stepsister
 her status as an orphan shaped her Once upon a time there was a beautiful
experiences and influences her woman named Phikul. She was said to have not
relationships with others only physical beauty but good behaviour as well.
 Despite facing mistreatment from her Her mother died while she was very young. So,
she was looked after by her step-mother who
stepmother, Phikul remains kind-
also had a daughter named Mali. It was very
hearted and resilient. unfortunate that both the mother and her
daughter were wicked women. They forced
MINOR CHARACTERS Phikul to work hard every day.

a. STEP-MOTHER One day after the job of pounding rice

 depicted as cruel and selfish, was finished, Phikul went to fetch water from a
mistreating Phikul and favoring her stream which was not far from home. On the
own daughter, Mali way back, an old woman suddenly appeared in
front of Phikul and asked water from her to
 her actions drive much of the conflict in
drink. Phikul was very pleased to be able to help
the story and contribute to Phikul's the old woman. She gave her water and told her
hardships to take more water to wash her face and body so
 the stepmother's mistreatment of Phikul as to refresh herself. Phikul told her not to worry
stems from her jealousy and if the water was not enough, she would go and
resentment towards her stepdaughter bring it more.
 she seeks to undermine Phikul's
happiness and success out of envy.
The old woman smiled and said, would come out from her mouth. Upon returning
“You’re beautiful and kind at heart. Even though home, Mali told the whole story to her mother.
I am poor and look shabby, you still treat me From the anger of telling the story, the whole
nicely.” house was full of worms. The mother thought
that Phikul was jealous of her daughter so she
After praising Phikul with kind words, had distorted the story and that was why Mali
the old woman then gave a wish to her and by did not meet an old woman. She beat Phikul and
this virtue, the golden flowers of bullet wood drove her out from home.
(Tanjong tree or Mimusops), known in Thai as
Phikul, would come out from her mouth Overwhelmed by this grief, Phikul
whenever she felt sympathy for anyone or wandered in the forest alone. Fortunately, she
anything. Immediately after granting this wish to walked in the direction of a young Prince who
Phikul, the old woman disappeared in front of was enjoying a horse ride in the forest along
her eyes. Phikul knew at once that the woman with his soldiers. Upon seeing the young girl
was surely an angel in disguise who had come crying, the Prince asked her to tell the whole
down to earth to grant her a wish. story. At the end of her narration the whole area
was full of golden flowers.
After returning home late, she was The Prince was very pleased and asked
scolded by her step-mother who thought that she for her hand. After marrying her, the couple
had gone astray just to avoid daily work. Phikul ascended the throne and ruled the city happily
thus told the whole story to her and feeling ever after.
sympathy, many golden flowers of the bullet
wood came out from her mouth. MORAL LESSON

The greedy step-mother quickly In Thailand, raising one's voice to

changed her mood from anger to greed and express anger or frustration is considered very
rushed to grasp them all while cajoling Phikul to inappropriate. This folktale exemplifies the Thai
speak more to satisfy her greed. people's strong values of compassion and
kindness. Compassion is one of the Buddha's
From that day onwards, the step-mother most important teachings. Those who maintain a
collected as many golden flowers as possible to positive attitude will reap the benefits and live
sell in the market and got a lot of money. All of happily ever after. Nevertheless, be good and
them now lived a happy life. Phikul did not need fair to everyone, whether they are poor or
to work so hard as before but she was forced to wealthy.
speak the whole day so that more golden flowers
would come out from her mouth.

Exhausted by her step-mother’s greedy

demands, Phikul got a soar throat and became
voiceless. She could not speak for a while. The
situation upset her step-mother so much so that
she started beating Phikul, trying to force her to
speak but Phikul could not utter even a single

To satisfy her greed, the step-mother

decided to send her own daughter, Mali, to do
the same thing as Phikul did. Mali was sent to
the same place as told by Phikul, but instead of
meeting an old woman, she met a beautiful
woman wearing an impressive dress standing
under the shade of a big tree. The woman then
asked for water from Mali to drink. Out of
jealousy, Mali got angry and thought that the
woman was not an angel so she refused to give
any and used rude words to curse the angel in

The angel thus placed a curse on Mali

that whenever she got angry and spoke, worms

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