Ingles 12-50
Ingles 12-50
Ingles 12-50
3, MAY/JUNE 2001
recorded for the dual electrode arrangement in the presence of employed for generating corona. For simple wire-cylinder or
the additional tubular electrode. wire-plate arrangements, Peek’s formula can be used for evalu-
The corona onset voltages measured in these experiments are ating the various designs.
represented as a function of wire radius in Fig. 7. Could the researcher or the engineer use the same formula in
For each electrode arrangement, the CSP enables the estima- the case of a different electrode arrangement? How could he/she
tion of the electric field strength at the surface of the wire at determine the high voltage to be applied to the wire electrode
corona onset. These results were compared with the predicted so as to ensure at its surface the electric field strength given by
values computed with Peek’s formula (Fig. 8). such a formula? The paper gives a positive answer to the first
question for most usual electrostatic applications, and presents a
V. DISCUSSION numerical method of field computation that could be the answer
The relative scarcity of knowledge on the corona discharges to the second one.
is a major difficulty in the development of certain electrostatic The data in Fig. 8 confirm that Peek’s formula can be used for
processes. The engineer in charge of the design of new equip- engineering purposes, at least in two of the three electrode ar-
ment will hardly find any information on the electrodes to be rangements studied here; the relative error will not exceed 5% if
Ilie Suarasan received the B.S. degree in elec- Pierre Atten received the Doctor degree in physics
trical engineering, the M.S. degree in electronics from Grenoble University, Grenoble, France, in
engineering, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical 1969.
engineering from the Technical University of In 1963, as an Engineer of the “Ecole Poly-
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, in 1978, 1987, technique” in Paris, France, he joined the “Centre
and 2000, respectively. National de la Recherche Scientifique” and began
From 1978 to 1988, he was with the Technofrig working in the Laboratory of Electrostatics and Di-
Company, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, as a Design En- electric Materials (LEMD) of Grenoble. His studies
gineer. In 1988, he joined the High-Intensity Elec- concerned space-charge modified electric fields, the
tric Fields Laboratory, Technical University of Cluj- behavior of dielectric liquids subjected to electric
Napoca, as a Research Engineer in charge of devel- fields, and different problems of electrohydrody-
oping high-voltage supplies and electronic control schemes for electrostatic sep- namics with Coulomb force. He has published extensively on various EHD
arators. He is presently interested in the use of electric discharges for the gen- instability problems (linear, nonlinear, transient) electroconvection, transition
eration of ozone, in connection with waste water treatment. to turbulence, etc. Since 1991, he has also been working on electrocapillary
Dr. Suarasan is a member of the Electrostatics Society of Romania. instabilities, electrorheological effect, and electrostatic precipitators.