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Materials Today: Proceedings 87 (2023) 200–206

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Materials Today: Proceedings

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Recent technology of edible coating production: A review

Vika Andriani ⇑, Noer Abyor Handayani ⇑
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Jl.Prof. Soedarto, SH, Undip Tembalang Campus, Semarang 50275, Indonesia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Today, the agricultural industry faces various types of challenges, including post-harvest damage, man-
Available online 14 March 2023 agement factors, health indications, packaging, and preservation techniques. In this case, the extension of
storage quality needs to be done with healthy preservation methods such as edible coatings. The edible
Keywords: coating is a thin layer that can be eaten and revent damage caused during the storage period. Production
Postharvest of edible coatings uses standardized ingredients to form edible coating matrix and apply to the surface of
Edible coating food, thereby increasing the safety, quality and quantity of nutrients, \ shelf life of food, and preventing
Food products
gas exchange loss. Edible coating technology includes various techniques such as dipping, spraying, layer-
by-layer 3D food printing. Coatings parameters, such as color, firmness, weight loss and nuutrition value
are very specific for the product type and storage conditions. It can be monitored with great precision. In
addition, edible coatings laso can be used as an alternative food preservatives, made from natural
biopolymers, such as lipids, proteins, polysaccharides, and composite polymer. It is also can be apply
as carriers of antioxidant and antimicrobials components by essential oil addition or natural components
Ó 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0).
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 3rd International Con-
ference on Chemical Engineering and Applied Sciences.

1. Introduction come some of these problems, while providing additional benefits,

such as improving health through the fortification of nutrients and
There are many problems around the world this decade. The acting as a carrier for natural preservatives such as antioxidants
major problems in food security so it requires research that has a and antimicrobial agents. Recent studies have shown that edible
good impact on the population. In food marketing, maintaining coatings can extend the shelf life of food, are environmentally
quality and fresh products. Several methods, such as ozone preser- friendly, effective, biodegradable, retain the sensory quality char-
vation, Ultra High Pressure, Pulsed Electric Field, Modified Atmo- acteristics of food, and are biocompatibility [4,5,6,7,8]. Edible coat-
sphere, hydrocarbon,and active packaging [1]. Food preservatives ings are widely used, especially for fresh meats and coatings for
can be applied to extend shelf life, minimize microbial growth, fruit and vegetables. On perishable fruits and vegetables, many
maintain quality, and retain food compounds [2,3]. Therefore, studies have been conducted with the aim of minimizing moisture
one alternative to overcome this problem is using edible coatings. loss and maintaining oxidative stability so as to improve product
However, it has the potential for toxicity, therefore, natural com- quality and extend shelf life. Food preservation is one of the chal-
pounds continue to be developed and considered in the food indus- lenges, especially for horticultural crops, so that food loss due to
try to add economic value to the population, minimizing the need concurrent production or food chains, including post-harvest loss,
for climate-reliant storage [2,3]. Therefore, one alternative to over- also occurs in fruits around 30 to 60 percent in both developed
come this problem is using edible coatings. Edible coatings are and developing countries [9,10,11,12].
semi-permeable materials on surfaces that can be directly applied
to products in the form of coatings to slow down the physiological
response to mechanical stress. The use of edible coatings can over- 2. Technology for edible coating production

The Edible coating is a layer that covers an edible surface from a

⇑ Corresponding authors. mixture of natural and environmentally friendly biopolymers. The
E-mail addresses: vika.drni@gmail.com (V. Andriani), noer.abyor@che.undip.ac. natural sources are different and may incorporate different func-
id (N. Abyor Handayani). tional characteristics of the respective compounds. Sources of

2214-7853/Ó 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0).
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 3rd International Conference on Chemical Engineering and Applied Sciences.
Table 1

V. Andriani and N. Abyor Handayani

Technology for edible coating production.

Category Main Material Aditional Compound Product Technology Results Reference

Polysaccharides Chitosan Acetic acid Broccoli Conventional technology (dipping) Improve the quality and nutrition of broccoli, reducing [18]
(Brassica temperature 20 ± 2 °C, RH 60–70 % for five days. yellowing symptoms and improveing good sensory quality.
oleracea L.
var. italica)
Conventional technology
Pectin Maltodextrin, Sodium Star fruit (dipping Extends shelf life and maintains physicochemical [19]
chloride at 30 s), Pe-M100 ppm, samples were placed on trays and characteristics up to more than 14 days
stored for 14 days at 28± oC, FTIR spectra, and sensory
evacuations were performed on day 0.
Xanthan gum (XG) Edible rose, Basil seed Apple 3D food printing, Experiment, and set as follows: nozzle Improve the ability of 3D printed objects at some points, [20]
gum (BSG) diameter is 1.2 mm, printing speed is 22 mm/s, layer height is there are defects with high pressure and consistency of the
1.2 mm, infill density is 100 %, and infill pattern is rectilinear, coefficient value (K), improve printing accuracy with a self-
all printing experiments were conducted at ambient smooth surface, processing the blend containing apple, and
temperature 25 °C, the printability of different apple-rose edible rose can be well used in hospitals, hospitals, care
inks was estimated using a hollow cylinder shape with an centers, and nursing homes for dysphagia and others.
outer diameter of 28 mm, internal diameter of 23 mm, and
height of 20 mm.

Starch Corn starch, fumaric Silver Conventional technology (dipping Increase the inhibitory power of microbial growth and lipid [21]
acid pomfret at 10 min in cold conditions, the sample is dried for 5 min. quality and increase shelf life for 15 days

Xanthan gum Citric acid, glycerol, Fresh lotus Conventional technology (dipping, 10 s), dried at 20 °C for Effective in inhibiting bacterial growth, increase shelf life of [22]
Polyvinylpyrrolidone root (N. 1 h, drying tunnel with forced air at 23 °C, cold storage of fresh cut and lotus root during postharvest.
catechol, Sodium nucifera) fruit at 5 °C and 2 °C sub-optimal temperatures for 21 days,
phosphate, Folic on the 7th day with a temperature of 22 °C and RH 70 %.
chocolate, Gallic acid

Chitosan Glycerol, Canola oil Bell pepper Spraying with a volume of 0.5 ml, storage temperature It has a shelf life of 5 days at 20 ± 2 °C for post-harvest [23]
12 ± 2 °C, RH 89 % for 21 days, at a temperature of 20 ± 2 °C. quality; the nanoparticle sizes were 3.9 ± 0.5 nm and 13.4
and 14.9, respectively.
The pinene incorporation was corroborated by FTIR,
decreased weight loss of P-CSNPs and EC-P-CSNPs at 3 % and
6 %, and maintained physicochemical qualities during cold
storage of bell pepper.

Materials Today: Proceedings 87 (2023) 200–206

Chitosan Acetic acid, Alginic Japanese Layer by layer at three seconds by air drying for three hour, Extend shelf life and produces a balanced control system of [24]
acid, pear stirring the ammonia and acetic acid solution for four hour aerobic-anaerobic metabolism.
Ammonia with a pH of 6, and storing fruit at a 20 °C for 21 days.

Protein Collagen Bacterial cellulose, Meat 3D Food Printing of Scaffold for Biomanufacturing, water It has the capability to set print speed and rheology data, and [25]
Chitosan, Essential temperature in ink 55–56 °C, and transfer the ink to an the 3D print has an edible ink composition by freeze-drying
oil, Polycaprolactone airtight container for 10 min. test to achieve the pore morphology shown by the CBM

(continued on next page)

V. Andriani and N. Abyor Handayani
Table 1 (continued)

Category Main Material Aditional Compound Product Technology Results Reference

Zein Glycerol (Platisizer), Melon Conventional technology (dipping) at stirring the zein The flexible film can be used as an antimicrobial coating that [26]
Essential oils (EUG, ingredients for 25 min at 200 rpm, homogeneous mixing at inhibit some of the major pathogenic bacteria on the surface
CAR, and THY) as 10,000 rpm for 4 min, drying at 25 °C for 24 h using an of the intact melon skin.
antimicrobial activity incubator, and melon after 1 h stored cold at a temperature of
10 °C and 50 % RH for 7 days.

Gelatin Frog skin oil (FSO) as Persimmon Conventional technology (dipping, 3 min) at a speed of FSO can slow down fruit damage during storage, reduce [27]
emulsifer, glycerol 22,000 rpm using a stator rotor homogenizer, coating at 20 °C weight loss, and lower TSS, high firmness, pH, and alternative
for one hour and excess layer allowed to drain, coated storage method used as a natural coating but needs improvement.
at 25 °C ± 2 °C (accelerated confection) and fruit quality is
carried out at intervals of 3 days for nine days.

Whey Protein WPI, Glycerol, MA Fish Conventional technology (dipping, 3 min) and drying for one MA-WP + CP coating can potentially increase the microbial [28]
(Sigma-Aldrich) hour, stirring speed 800 rpm for 3 min, Vacuum oven at 50 °C safety of steamed fish paste.
and 12 kPa for four hours to make MA-WPI films, MA-WPI
film thickness is 0.13 ± 0.01 mm, and CP treatment at a
voltage of 28 kV with a time of 3 min.

Lipid Glycerol Ginger extract Walnuts Conventional technology (dipping at 5 min, the walnut GGE coating can reduce lip oxidation or rancidity and inhibit [29]
(Juglans kernels were drained and let to stand at room temperature the growth of a.flavus fungus, improve nutritional quality, and
regia L.) (20 °C completely dry (almost five hours), incubated at 45 °C extend the shelf life of walnuts.
and analysis of variance (ANOVA) One-Way analysis of
(p < 0.05) and UV–VIS spectrometer
Carnauba wax Conventional Fresh Conventional technology (dipping, 3 min) storage at a - Maintaining the quality of tomatoes, reduces spoilage, [30]
carnauba wax tomatoes temperature of 23 ± 1 °C and RH 80 % or 15 days extend shelf life, increase shine on fruit, affects gas per-

emulsion (CWM) meability or production of oxygen and carbon dioxide,

color, and reduces weight loss.
Fatty acid Glycerid Cucumbar Immerse transmission measurement for water vapor and O2 / Extends shelf life reduces water loss and respiration of fresh [31]
CO2, liquid seal (coating) at temperature 20oC and RH 65 % for cucumbers
Composite Loquat leaf Citric acid, Sucrose Nanfeng Conventional technology (dipping, 2 min), storage at a The green composite coating containing plants have great [32]
Coating extract + Alginat esterabsorbic acid tangerines temperature 5 ± 1 °C or 60 days. potential for preserving citrus fruits, reducing postharvest
(lipid/polysaccharidic) (AsA) . spoilage rate, delaying fruit respiration, delays nutrient
degradation of nanfeng tangerines during cold storage and
has higher non-enzymatic antioxidants.

Polysaccharides/ lipids Glycerol Tomato Conventional technology (dipping, 30 s), storage at room It has a high potential to extend the shelf life of fresh [33]
(Carboxymethyl temperature 25 ± 2 °C, RH 60 % for 15 days. tomatoes during storage at a temperature of 25 ± 2 °C;
cellulose (CMC) + (CEO) nanoemulsion layer serves to reduce weight loss

Materials Today: Proceedings 87 (2023) 200–206

Cardamom essential oil) (7.32 ± 2.4 %), hardness (1.3 times), total dissolved solids, and
acidity of tomatoes that can be titrated reduces oxidative
stress and increases antioxidant enzymes for 15 days of

Polysaccharides/ Lipids Acetic acid Chicken Conventional technology (dipping, 2 min) with 800 rpm It has a higher viscosity for coating chicken meatDFC2 shows [34]
(chitosan + duck oil) meat magnetic stirring, the sample is placed for 2 h at a lower lipid oxidation (TBARS value) and protein breakdown
temperature of 25 ± 2 °C, coated samples were sealed with (VBN value). It
polyethylene bags and stored at 4 ± 1 °C. Extends the shelf life of raw chicken meat by 15 days.
V. Andriani and N. Abyor Handayani Materials Today: Proceedings 87 (2023) 200–206

Table 2
Vegetables and fruits containing different functional components edible coating.

Vegetable/Fruit Material Result Reference

Peeled garlic Zein, whey protein, glycerol Peeled garlic with milk protein and zein coating can extend the shelf life [38]
of garlic cloves up to 10 and 15 days at 15 °C.

Cherry tomato Extraction of gelatin from chicken feet, extraction of UV light transmission can reduce starch concentration over the entire [39]
starch from lotus stems (LSW) visible light range.
Firmness and Ph are maintained to a greater extent, and weight loss in
tomatoes is minimized for 15 days of storage
Coatings that, have the potential to extend shelf life.

Apple Zein Jagun, nectarine, conventional petroleum-based wax Coatings that are water soluble as natural antimicrobials and foodborne [40]
coating, formulation, zein-coating containing beeswax pathogens
Accelerate the decline of L. monocyte gene in fresh produce.

Tomatoes Whey protein isolate used, glycerol monostearate (GMS), The coating that can inhibit respiration, minimize the conversion of [41]
clove oil (CO), xanthan gum (XG) starch to sugar, is non-reactive and is biodegradable.

Lychee (Litchi Chitosan, pomelo extract, citric acid It has the ability to inhibit fungi, increase the shelf life of fruit, and has [42]
chinensis good sensory qualities.
Green banana Silk fibroin (SF), curcumin Increase shelf life two times, maintain weight loss, stiffness, and fruit [43]
quality, add nutrition, and save cost; bananas last 8–9 days while apples
last more than three weeks.
Blacberry Bacterial cellulose fiber (BCF), carboxymethyl cellulose BPP, CMC, and BCF as sources of bioactive components with antimicrobial [44]
(CMC), blackberry powder pomace (BPP), pectin and antioxidant effects good coating for food/candy with high lipid
content and functional properties of fruit flavor and aroma coating
(observed during the experiment)
and affects the viscosity of the dispersion and the water resistance of the

Nectarine (Prunus Chitosan, carboxymethylcellulose (CM), combination with Chitosan nanoparticle coating to improve postharvest quality, and [45]
persica var. mixed plant extract (MPE) of (moringa, marigold, and maintain the physicochemical, sensory, and microbiological qualities of
nucipersica) eucalyptus), tween 20 grapes.

biopolymers include polysaccharides (pectin, cellulose, starch, 4. Application edible coating for red meat and white meat
gums), lipids (fatty acids, acetylated glycerides, surfactants,
waxes), and proteins (fatty acids, collagen, gelatin, waxes, resins, Meat in trade commodities from WCRF/AIR is divided into red
whey) [13,14,15]. meat and white meat [46]. Meat has a high source of protein, min-
In general, biopolymers are dominated by hydrophilic mole- erals, and amino acids. In maintaining meat quality, there are sev-
cules, have a high level of clarity, have an affordable cost, have a eral modified atmospheric preservation methods, including
neutral taste, and have a high phosphate ester content so that their coating irradiation, hydrostatic pressure, and biomarco molecular
clarity is visible. Composite coatings are used for bilayer compos- coating. The best meat has two qualifications, namely red meat
ites (polysaccharides/proteins, polysaccharides/lipids, proteins/ such as beef, pork, lamb, and goat, while white meat such as poul-
proteins, and gum mixture [16,17]. The functional coatings can try, chicken, duck, turkey and rabbit. Good meat products have the
be enhanced by incorporating various bioactive molecules such characteristics of texture, color, taste, nutritional quality, strong
as antimicrobials, flavonoids, antioxidants, colors, textures, sen- resistance to UV rays [47,48]. Consumers are aware of the risks
sors, and vitamins [18,29]. edible coating technology production of using synthetic compounds, so another alternative can be to
such as layer by layer, dipping, and spraying can be used. seen in use edible coatings listed in Table 3.
Table 1.

5. Future chaltese for edible coating application

Various methods are available for applying coatings to fruits,

3. Application edible coating for fruit/ vegetable vegetables, red meats and white meats. Some examples have been
summarized in Tables 1-3 as follows:
Fruits and vegetables experience loss of solutes after harvest
due to biological activity. Postharvest losses of fresh fruits and veg-
etables lead to decreased weight loss, color, structural changes and 5.1. Dipping
browning Properties of fruits and vegetables that are easily dam-
aged by the use of cold storage Required to delay ripening changes The dipping method involves immersing the food material into
such as ethylene production, softening, pigment changes, respira- a container of the coating solution. This method is especially useful
tion rate and decreased weight loss, and antifungal activity for foodstuffs that require a complete coating (anti-microbial,
[35,35,37]. However, cold storage is not sufficient to maintain the antioxidant, nutritional, etc.), have a complex or rough surface.
quality of fruits and vegetables at optimal levels during marketing, After the food material is dipped and the remaining layer is dried,
which causes spoilage at temperatures below 12 °C. Therefore, it it is dried at room temperature (air drying) or using a special dryer.
requires an effective renewal to extend postharvest life and keep Many dyes have been developed in broccoli [18], star fruit [26], fish
production costs low, so use edible coatings as shown in Table 2. [28], persimmons [27], and walnut [29].
V. Andriani and N. Abyor Handayani Materials Today: Proceedings 87 (2023) 200–206

Table 3
Red meat and white meat with different functional components edible coating.

Red meat/ Material Result Reference

White meat
Salmon Chitosan, gallic acid, clove oil, fish bone Extend shelf life and improve product quality, antioxidant coating, and antimicrobial [49]
fillets gelatine
Beef steaks Extraction of Shahri Balangu seed mucilage Improve quality attributes, suppress microbial spoilage, inhibit lipid oxidation and other [50]
(SBM), CEO extraction fresh food products, and increase the shelf life of beef in the refrigerator.
Rabbit meat Chitosan, rosemary essential oil Improves the quality of rabbit meat and reduces damage to rabbit meat during cold [9]
Fresh black Chitosan, Acetic acid (CHI), Gelatin (Gel) CHI/LPE/Gel Has melanotic, chemical, microbiological, and sensory properties. It can be [7]
tiger powder, Longkong pericarp extract (LPE) stored in the refrigerator for 20 days, delays lipid and protein oxidation, inhibits
shrimp melanosis and bacterial growth, improves sensory attributes, and prolongs shrimp
freshness during refrigerator storage. LPE serves as an alternative to sulfite agents.
Turkey meat Sodium alginate, Glycerol, Essential oil nano- Increase the shelf life of turkey fillets stored in the refrigerator. [51]
Carbonado Gelatin, Chitosan incorpor, Rosemary extract, The coating that shows increased safety and quality of ready-to-eat chicken carbonated [52]
chicken e-poly-L-lysine (e-PL), Essential oil cron products extends for six days, antimicrobial and antioxidant.
Pork Oregano essential oil (OEO), Reveratrol Demonstrated to extend the shelf life of pork by minimizing pH, and discoloration, [53]
nanoemulsion (RES)Nanoelmusi pektin slowing down the oxidation of lipids and proteins, maintaining the tenderness of the
(PEC) meat, inhibiting microbial growth, OEO, and RES showed good stability at 4 °C for five,
days and Nano/OEO/RES/PEC coatings show stable meat preservatives due to smaller
particle size.

5.2. Spraying and placed in the opening between the two sealing rings (inside/
outer diameter = 29/40 mm). The jar is filled with 50 ml of distilled
Spraying coatings can be used to form a uniform layer on the water and tightly closed with a lid. The total area exchanged is
surface of fruits and vegetables to make coatings with a predeter- 6.6 cm2. Ten jars were placed in a climate chamber (IPP260plus,
mined composition, thickness, and function [23]. This method uses Memmert GmbH and Co KG, Schwabach, Germany), with ambient
a solution of xanthan gum prepared by dissolving 0.1, 0.3, or 0.5 g of humidity and temperature kept constant at 30 % RH and 35 °C,
powder in 99 ml of Milli-Q wate,to achieve a concentration of 0.1 %, respectively.
0.3 %, or 0.5 % and magnetically stirred for 2h at room temperature The mass loss of each jar was measured 3 times for a total of
(HS 360H, As One Corporation, Tokyo, Japan), to ensure complete 8 days. In O2 and CO2transmission rate (TRO2; TRCO2) and perme-
dissolution of the powder. After the xanthan gum solution was pre- ability (PO2; PCO2). The 2.9 L steel cuvette is covered with air spray
pared, 2 % (w/w) citric acid as an anti-browning agent, and 1 % (w/ coated post paper which gives a total currency area of 122.8 cm2.
w) glycerol as a plasticizer were added and used as an edible coat- Six cuvettes were rinsed with air (0 kPa O2 + 20 kPa CO2) and a
ing. Droplet size, layer thickness, and coating solution viscosity decrease or increase in internal O2 and CO2 pressure partially due
were measured prior to coating application on freshly cut lotus to gas transmission through the paper was monitored with a cellu-
roots. A layer was deposited and formed on the surface freshly. lar RMS88 sensor, then placed inside each cuvette. All cuvettes
Cut lotus roots using a pilot spray system (EP-Tech, Hitachi Ltd., were kept at 20 °C and normal air concentration (20.9 kPa O2 + al-
Tokyo, Japan). Spray it onto fresh lotus root slices 5 mm thick for most 0 kPa CO2). Then the fruits were dried on nets (1 cm  1 cm
20 s at 0.2 MPa. The samples were then air-dried for 1 min, packed mesh width) under free convection at 20 °C and 65 % RH approx.
in polyethylene bags, stored for 16 days at 5 °C and analyzed for 1 h. Thereafter, all cucumbers were stored in the same net for up
color, polyphenol oxidase (PPO) enzyme activity, pH surface of to eight days at 20 °C and 65 % RH to simulate initial conditions.
freshly cut lotus roots using a pilot spray system (EP-Tech, Hitachi
Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). Spray it onto fresh lotus root slices 5 mm thick 5.4. Layer by layer
for 20 s at 0.2 MPa. The samples were then air-dried for 1 min,
packed in polyethylene bags, stored for 16 days at 5 °C and ana- Layer by layer has been used in fruits such as Japanese Pears in
lyzed for color, polyphenol oxidase (PPO) enzyme activity, pH this case the treatment on Japanese pears initially 5 pieces was
weight loss, morphology, and microbiological effects on Bacillus used to determine the quality characteristics of the fruit at harvest
subtilis. Spray it onto fresh lotus root slices 5 mm thick for 20 s (0 days). The remaining fruits were divided into five groups of
at 0.2 MPa. The samples were then air-dried for 1 min, packed in twenty according to the following treatment: uncoated (control),
polyethylene bags, stored for 16 days at 5 °C, and analyzed for chitosan, alginate, and chitosan/alginate tri-layer LBL (LBL3), and
color, polyphenol oxidase (PPO) enzyme activity, pH weight loss, penta-layer (LBL5). Monolayer coating was applied by dipping
morphology, and microbiological effects plus. the fruit into a pre-prepared solution of chitosan or alginate for
Bacillus subtilis. Bacillus subtilis spores were chosen for this 30 second followed by natural drying in air at room temperature
study because it is one of the gram-positive bacteria that causes for 1 hour. To manufacture the coatings LBL3 (chitosan-alginate
microbial spoilage in fresh cut lotus roots. The spraying method chitosan) and LBL5 (chitosan-alginate-chitosan-alginate-chitosan),
has been used by several researchers for the application of edible the coating process described above is repeated by alternately dip-
coatings on bell peppers. ping the fruit into a solution of chitosan and alginate for 30 second
and by drying 1o’clock. Intervals in between. All fruit groups were
5.3. Immerse transmission measurement for water vapor and O2/CO2 stored at 20 °C for 21 days in an open container, and the quality
properties of the fruit were assessed periodically [24].
This tool is modified in several parts with reference to [29]
which has 2 batches consisting of 15 pieces in each batch and is 5.5. Edible coating 3 d food printing
treated with air control. The layer is measured by gravity a round
hole (diameter 2.9 cm) is cut into the lid of the coating screw jar 3D food printing (Natural Machines, Netherlands) is used to
by spraying it with Liquid Seal (coating glyceride to be immersed), print edible inks as follows:
V. Andriani and N. Abyor Handayani Materials Today: Proceedings 87 (2023) 200–206

Cartridges filled with edible ink are preheated to 5 °C, and this Acknowledgment
temperature is maintained throughout the 3D food printing pro-
cess. Edible ink is dispensed from a 1.5 mm diameter nozzle onto The funds come from the Institute for Research and Community
a silicone base. Each ink is calibrated automatically by the printer Service, Diponegoro University with grant No: 569-150/UN7.D2/
to match printing parameters by characterizing the suitability of PP/VII/2022.
edible inks for food printing, to complement printability and mea-
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