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The Indonesian Society of Endocrinology (PERKENI)

Goals ...............................
1. To raise and strengthen the relationship among endocrinology enthusiasts throughout Indonesia 2. To establish and maintain relationships with other expert associations throughout Indonesia and endocrinologist association abroad 3. To strengthen unity and to raise awareness of developing and maintaining national welfare, in particular, and humanity in general

Prevention and management of diabetes program

1. Improved diabetes healthcare services in Indonesia by: a. Organizing training for various health personnel in terms of education and administration of diabetes b. Revision and distribution management of diabetes mellitus consensus c. Development and distribution of educational materials regarding diabetes mellitus d. Meetings to establish referral systems 2. Increased capacity of diabetic foot services in Indonesia

International Relation
P. Sibarani, SpPD-KEMD dr. Roy Benny Santosa, SpPD-KEMD dr. Med.

The History .....................

The Indonesian Society of Endocrinology (Perkeni) was established on June 30, 1978 in Medan, initiated by Prof. dr. Utoyo Sukaton, SpPD-KEMD. The idea was articulated in National Congress of Indonesian Society of Internal Medicine -IV (KOPAPDI-IV) (Medan, 1978) to promote and develop the science of endocrinology and raise awareness of the existence need of coordination in this field.

Steps taken to achieve the goals:

1. Encourages our members to conduct scientific research in the field of endocrinology 2. Organize scientific meetings 3. Release scientific publications 4. Establish relationship and cooperation with other departments / associations having similar goals, in or outside the country 5. Assist government in various issues concerning endocrinology, in particular, and health in general

Organizational Structure
Advisory Board : Prof. dr. Supartondo, SpPD-KEMD, KGer Steering Board : Slamet Suyono, SpPD-KEMD Prof. dr. dr. R. Djokomoeljanto, SpPD-KEMD Prof. Dr. Dr. dr. Askandar Tjokroprawiro,SpPD-KEMD Prof. dr. Syafril Syahbuddin, SpPD-KEMD Prof. Dr. dr. Sidartawan Soegondo, SpPD-KEMD, Prof. FACE Chairman: dr. Pradana Soewondo, SpPD-KEMD Secretary: dr. Em Yunir, SpPD-KEMD Treasurer: dr. Soesilowati Soerachmad, SpPD-KEMD

............................. Profile
The Indonesian Society of Endocrinology (Perkeni) consists of endocrinologist (Konsultan Metabolik Endokrin dan Diabetes/KEMD) and physicians who have an interest in the field of endocrinology. The Indonesian Society of Endocrinology is an autonomous legal entity with it's parent organization: The Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI). At present, our board for the 2009 - 2012 period is located in Jakarta with its organizational structure attached. Perkeni has 14 branches throughout Indonesia, including Medan (North Sumatra), Padang (West Sumatra), Palembang (South Sumatra), Bandung, Jakarta, Semarang (Central Java), Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Malang, Surabaya (East Java), Bali, Makassar (South Sulawesi), Manado (North Sulawesi) and Banjarmasin (South Kalimantan).

Study Group Paediatrics Endocrinology : dr. Aman Bhakti Pulungan, SpA(K) Basic Endocrinology : dr. Herawati Sudoyo, PhD Obstetrics Endocrinology : dr. Budi Wikeko, SpOG(K) Neuro-endocrinology : dr. Diatri Nari Lastri, SpS(K) dr. Riwanti Estiasari, SpS Diabetic Foot : Prof. Dr. dr. Sarwono Waspadji, SpPD-KEMD dr. Em Yunir, SpPD-KEMD Thyroid : Prof. Dr. dr. Johan S. Masjhurr, SpPDKEMD,SpKN dr. Tjokorda Gde Pemayun, SpPD-KEMD Hypofise : dr. R. Bowo Pramono, SpPD-KEMD dr. Tri Juli Edi Tarigan, SpPD Adrenal : dr. IGN Adhiarta, SpPD-KEMD

Membership .....................
Membership is open to Indonesia Medical Association (IDI) members, physicians, Internist, Obstetricians, Pediatric Endocrinologist and other subjects experts who are interested in endocrinology. Currently we have 51 endocrinologists, 13 paediatric endocrinologists, and 49 physicians undergoing training to become certified endocrinologists and paediatric endocrinologists

Activities already implemented include:

1. Scientific meetings at home and abroad 2. Scientific researches and publications in national and international medical journals 3. Collaboration with The Ministry of Health and other associations which work in the field of diabetes such as Indonesian Diabetes Association (PERSADIA) and the Indonesian Diabetes Educator Association (PEDI) 4. Production of national consensus books / guidelines 5. Training in the field of endocrinology for doctors and paramedics 6. Training on Improving Diabetes Health Care Delivery in Indonesia for 1237 health care providers (125 internists, 539 primary care doctors, 573 diabetes educators)

Fields: Education dr. Sarwono Waspadji, SpPD-KEMD Prof. Dr. dr. Karel Pandelaki, SpPD-KEMD Prof. Dr. Achmad Rudijanto, SpPD-KEMD Dr. dr. dr. Imam Subekti, SpPD-KEMD Research Committee dr. Agung Pranoto, MSc, SpPD-KEMD Prof.Dr. dr. Ketut Suastika, SpPD-KEMD Prof. Dr. dr. Dante Saksono Harbuwono, SpPD, PhD. Organization Ayu Kshanti, SpPD-KEMD dr. Ida dr. Gatut Semiardji, SpPD-KEMD

Our on Going Projects

1. Capacity Building for Diabetic Foot Care in Indonesia (in collaboration with World Diabetes Foundation/WDF) 2. Diabetes Retinopathy (Hellen Keller Int) 3. Prevention and control of DM on Community-based Initiatives (CBI) Area (MoH RI)

Our Branches
8. Yogyakarta 1. Jakarta Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Divisi Metabolik Endokrin FK.UGM/RSUPDr. Sardjito Departemen Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Jalan Kesehatan 1, Sekip FKUI/RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Yogyakarta Jalan Salemba 6, Jakarta Phone. +62274-587333 Phone. +6221-3100075/3907703 email: prharyjo2003@yahoo.com email: endocrin@rad.net.id 2. Medan Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK. USU/RS Dr. Pringadi Jalan Prof. H.M.Yamin 47, Medan Phone. +6261-4142720 dharma_lindarto@yahoo.com 3. Padang Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK.UNAND/RS Dr. M Djamil Jalan Burung Kutilang 1, Padang Phone. +62751-20022 email: pibipd@yahoo.com 4. Palembang Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK.UNSRI/ RSUP Dr. M. Hoesin Jalan Jend Sudirman Kav.3,5, Palembang Phone. +62711-354088 email: shababalwi@yahoo.com 9. Surabaya Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK.UNAIR/RSUP Dr. Sutomo Jalan Prof. Moestopo 6-8 Surabaya Phone. +6231-5023866 email: diabetes@rad.net.id 10. Malang Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK.UNBRAW/RSUD Dr. Sjaiful Anwar Jalan Jaksa Agung Suprapto 2, Malang Phone. +62341-357663 email: perkeni_mlg@yahoo.com 11. Bali Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK.UNUD/RSUP Denpasar Jalan Diponegoro, Denpasar Bali Phone. +62361-235982 email: perkeni_bali@yahoo.com

The Indonesian Society of Endocrinology

Capacity Building for Diabetic Foot Care in Indonesia (WDF08-315) Indonesian Society of Endocrinology
One of the most prominent complications among patients with diabetes and reasons for hospitalization is diabetic foot. One in every six people with diabetes had diabetic foot with the total number of 4 millions incidences per year around the world. Among that, 1 million amputations were conducted every year, or one in every 30 seconds.

1. To improve the competency of trainers in diabetic foot care in Indonesia 2. To train teams for diabetic foot care in 30 provincial referral hospitals in Indonesia 3. To establish diabetic foot clinics in five diabetes centers in Indonesia.

PERKENI branches WDF Project

Expected Outcome
1. Two internists and two nurses trained as trainer in diabetic foot care. 2. Training modules, guidelines and education materials developed and disseminated. 3. Five diabetic foot clinics operated. 4. 30 internists and 30 nurses capable of delivering diabetic care in provincial hospitals. 5. 1000-1500 diabetic patients will receive regular foot examination to prevent foot complication in one center, with total estimated 5000 to 7500 DM patients in all five centers for one year.
Contact Details: Indonesian Society of Endocrinology Department of Internal Medicine, Metabolic-Endocrinology Division, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jl. Diponegoro 71, Jakarta Pusat 10430, INDONESIA Phone: +6221 3100075/3907703, website: www.perkeni.net

The project spans from July 2008 until December 2010. Activities include 1. Training of trainers in M. V. Diabetes Hospital in Chennai, India 2. Development of the training modules, guidelines and education materials 3. Workshop for trainers 4. Training for health care workers on diabetic foot care 5. Facilitation of development of diabetic foot clinics in five diabetes centers 6. Comprehensive diabetes foot care in the five centers 7. Advance training on diabetic foot care followed by one day workshop.

12. Makassar 5. Bandung Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK.UNHAS/RSUP Dr. Wahidin FK.UNPAD/RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan Km.11, Jalan Pasir Kaliki 190, Makassar Bandung Phone. +62411-317343 Phone. +6222-2033274 email: johna@indosat.net.id email: endokrin@indosat.net.id 6. Semarang Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FKUNDIP/RSUP dr. Kariadi Jalan Dr. Soetomo 16, Semarang Phone. +6224-8446757 email: endokrin_smg@yahoo.com 13. Manado Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK.UNSRAT/RSUP Manado Jalan Tanawangko, Malalayang Manado Phone. +62431-841581 email: kpandelaki@yahoo.com

7. Surakarta Bagian Ilmu Penyakit Dalam RSUD Dr. Muwardi Jalan Dr. Soetomo Surakarta Phone. +62271-663177 email: hardiman8206@yahoo.com

14. Banjarmasin SMF Ilmu Penyakit Dalam RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin Jalan Jend Ahmad Yani No. 43 Banjarmasin Phone. +62511-3272932 perkeni_cabbjm@yahoo.com

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