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b) oceanic-continental
- Volcanic arc
Layers of the Earth
- Trenches
c) oceanic-oceanic
- outermost layer (thinnest)
- Volcanic island chains
- Mid-ocean ridges
- Largest layer (rocky)
- Contains the:
Transform fault boundary
- Lithosphere (upper)
- Asthenosphere (lower) - plates slide past each other
Outer core
- Liquid material
- Molten iron and nickel Convection Currents
Inner core
- These currents cause hot
- Solid material material to rise and cool
- Solid iron and nickel material to sink, creating a
cycle of rising and sinking
currents within the mantle.
Continental Crust
- thick, less dense, old
Mantle Convection - is the process of
Oceanic Crust
thermal convection in the Earth's
- thin, dense, young
mantle, where hot rocks and magma
move due to temperature differences.
Tectonic Plates Theory
- a theory that describes the
Asthenosphere - a soft and less rigid
Earth's lithosphere, as being
upper part of the mantle.
divided into several rigid
Ridge Push - the weight of the raised
Tectonic Plates - are large, rigid
ridge at a divergent boundary pushes
pieces of the Earth's lithosphere that
the older oceanic crust towards the
fit together like a puzzle.
trench at a subduction zone.
Continental Drift Theory
Slab Pull - occurs when a heavier
- Alfred Wegener
subducting plate pulls down the
Seafloor Spreading Theory
trailing slab into a subduction zone
- Harry Hess and Robert Dietz
Seismic waves
Plate boundaries
- Energy that travels through
- are the regions where tectonic
the earth
plates meet.
Two types of waves:
Subduction - the process where one
Body waves
tectonic plate is forced beneath
- Travelling through the interior
another plate into the mantle.
of the earth
o Primary waves (P waves)
a) Divergent boundary
o Secondary waves (S waves)
- plates move apart
Surface waves
b) Convergent boundary
- Travelling through the crust
- plates move towards each
o Love waves - side to side
a) continental-continental
o Rayleigh waves - up and down, side
- Rift valley to side
- Mountains
Volcanoes The Phanerozoic Eon is divided into
- Also occur when to plates three eras:
meet 1. Paleozoic era (prehistoric
life) – the existence of marine
Types of volcanoes: invertebrates; the development
(Classified according to shape) of marine life.
Cinder cone volcano 2. Mesozoic era (middle life) –
Shield volcano the existence of largest
Composite volcano creatures.
3. Cenozoic era (recent life) –
(Classified according to activity) the existence of warm-blooded
Active volcano animals and humans.
- have recent history of
eruptions Period - Eras are further subdivided
Dormant volcano into periods
- erupted but are now quiet and Epochs - Periods are further divided
inactive into epochs, which even shorter
Extinct volcano intervals of time.
- no records of eruptions
Layers of the Atmosphere
Earthquakes - The atmosphere consists of
- are seismic events caused by the layers of gases that surround
sudden release of energy in the the Earth.
Earth's crust. - Most abundance gases are
Epicenter - location at the surface oxygen (21%) and nitrogen
where earthquake starts (78%).
Hypocenter - location below the - The earth is divided into 5
surface atmospheric layers
Focus - actual location of maximum 5 Layers:
Fault - surface where they slip
Foreshock - smaller earthquakes as
larger earthquake follows
Mainshock - main earthquake,
Aftershock - smaller earthquakes Troposphere - layer closest to the
occur afterwards surface of Earth. Nearly all life and
Magnitude - size of the earthquake all weather occur in this layer
Seismographs - instruments that Stratosphere - cold layer but ozone
record earthquakes warms up the upper region of this
Seismogram - record they make layer by absorbing the UV rays heat.
Mesosphere - It’s the coldest layer of
Geological time scale the atmosphere that protects earth
a timetable of the earth’s history. from meteoroids
Earth formed 4.6 billion years ago Thermosphere - hottest layer and
Developed by Giovanni Avduina where space begins.
Exosphere - The exosphere is the
Divisions of Geologic Time farthest layer extending from the
Pre-Cambrian Super Eon - largest thermosphere into outer space
unit of time
Era - subdivisions of eons and Ozone layer - A protective layer in
represent significant intervals of the stratosphere that blocks harmful
time. UV rays.
BIOLOGY reactions – breaking down fats and
- basic unit of life
o Cell Wall
▪ It is the control center of the cell and it
contains the cell’s DNA ▪ Allow materials like water and nutrients;
waste, oxygen and carbon dioxide to pass to
Organelles Found Only in an Animal Cells and from the cell membrane.
These organelles are found in animal cells o Cell Membrane
but are not present in plant cells.
1. Centrosomes ▪ It is semi-permeable and controls what
It is a microtubule-organizing center found enters and exits the cell such as water,
near the nuclei of animal cells. The nutrients and waste and thereby protects
centrosome replicates itself before a cell and supports the cell.
divides. o Chloroplast
2. Lysosome
They transport undigested material to cell ▪ It is only found in plant cells. They are
membrane for removal.
responsible for photosynthesis.
▪ It controls and regulates all cell activities. There are 3 types of RNA:
1. Messenger RNA (mRNA)
▪ It is the control center of the cell and it - transcribes the DNA nucleotide bases to RNA
contains the cell’s DNA. nucleotide bases
2. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
- binds the mRNA and tRNA to ensure that codons
are translated correctly
3. Transfer RNA (tRNA)
- translates the mRNA codons into the correct
amino acids
Organelles Found Only in an Animal Cells
There are two stages of protein synthesis:
1. Plastids 1. Transcription
These are double-membraned organelles 2. Translation
found mainly in plants.
Types: Important Codons:
a. Chloroplasts Start Codons: AUG (starts the translation stage);
b. Chromoplasts Stop Codons: UAG, UGA, UAA (stops the
c. Leucoplasts translation stage)
2. Vacuoles
It stores food, enzymes, and other materials Biodiversity
needed by the cell. Term used to describe the number
and variety of life found on Earth.
Three types: genetic, species, and
DNA ecosystem.
Deoxyribonucleic acid A. Genetic diversity - variation of genes
It is like a blueprint that determines how within species.
living things develop and function. B. Species diversity - variety and
located inside a chromosome in the nucleus abundance of species within a region.
of the cell. C. Ecosystem diversity - the variation
among groups of organisms in different
Double Helix is the srtucture of DNA
physical settings.
Gene - A segment of DNA that carries the Population - the number of
instructions for a specific trait or organisms of the same species living
characteristic. in the same region
Communities - composed of different
Chromosome - Structures made of DNA and organisms living in the same region.
proteins found in the cell nucleus. Humans Biodiversity scale - a scale of the
have 23 pairs of chromosomes. diversity of plant and animal species
in a given area.
Nucleotide - The building blocks of DNA, Limiting factors - lack of particular
consisting of a sugar molecule, a phosphate resources like the food, water, and
group, and a nitrogenous base (adenine, space.
thymine, cytosine, or guanine). Carrying capacity - Increasing the
number of population size that an
RNA area can support
Ribonucleic acid
Evidence of Evolution
carries genetic information from DNA and is
I. Evidence of Fossil
involved in the production of proteins.
II. Comparative Anatomy
- Homologous and Analogous Structure
Homologous - similar structure but
different function
Analogous - different structure but similar
III. Vestigial Structure - lost their original
function through time
IV. Embryology - comparing the embryonic
development of different
Theories of Evolution
Jean Baptiste de Lamarck - a French
naturalist was the first evolutionist who
believed that organisms change over time.
Any numerus substance that are produced
by cells and living organisms
Four major types:
1. Carbohydrates
- source of energy for the body
1. Monosaccharides (one) - simplest sugar and
basic subunit of carbo
2. Disaccharides - consist of two
monosaccharides that are chemically
3. Polysaccharides - contains numerous
1. Lipids
any organic compounds that are soluble in
Function storing energy
1. Nucleic acid
Are genetic material of the cell and are
composed of recurring monomeric units
called nucleotides
1. Proteins
known as poly peptide, polymers of amino
Functions: enzymes, pigments and steroid
Sources of Light
A type of radiation that is visible to the
human eye
Natural light
Light produced or emitted naturally
1. Sun
2. Moon
3. Stars
4. Fireflies
5. Jellyfish
PHYSICS 6. Glow-worm
A mirror is a reflective surface that
Bending of light when it travels allows light to bounce off its surface,
creating a visual representation or
Reflection projection of an object known as an
Bouncing of light rays when it hits a surface. image.
o Real Image
Concave Lens (diverging)
1. formed when light rays converge
- thinner at the center and
2. upright
thicker at the edges.
3. inverted with respect to the object.
- It diverges light rays, virtual
4. formed by a concave mirror.
and upright images.
- negative
o Virtual Image
1. formed when light rays diverge
o Concave Lenses and Myopia
2. inverted
(nearsightedness) Correction
3. erect with respect to the object.
o Concave Lenses and Myopia
4. The image of an object formed by a
convex mirror. (nearsightedness) Correction
Convex Lens (converging)
- thicker at the center and
thinner at the edges.
- It converges light rays,
creating real and inverted
- positive
o Microscope
o Camera lenses
o Human eye analogies