Naveen's SOP - Germany
Naveen's SOP - Germany
Naveen's SOP - Germany
I am Dhiraj Jawahar and I wish to pursue Master of arts in International Business in Munich
business school ,Germany. Through this essay, I want to give you the gist of my academic
background, Work Experience background, and objectives for my Masters Program in
Germany. I am well prepared personally and academically.
Education Background
I completed my standard 10th in 2019 and standard 12th in 2021. After my schooling, I joined
Bacherlor of Commerce at Christ University. I will be completitng my course in the year of
Why Germany
I selected to pursue a Masters degree in Germany since it is one of the top countries in terms
of education quality, economic power, safety and security, technological innovation, global
company presence, management leadership, and so on. German education is internationally
recognised. Furthermore, the German economy relies heavily on international markets.
Germany has several start-ups and MNCs where I can gain industrial experience by visiting
these organisations. Furthermore, educational institutions in Germany collaborate closely
with industries to provide job-ready programmes that meet industry standards, and German is
one of the most popular destinations for international students. All of them prompted me to
choose German as my study location..
I believe that pursuing a Masters degree in Germany will be a significant step towards
attaining my professional goals. I assure you that I will take full use of the chances afforded
by my country and college. I also promise that I would put the knowledge I receive to good
use in society, comply by German laws, and live up to the country's high standards.
Warm Regards,
Dhiraj Jawahar