Tendernotice 1
Tendernotice 1
Tendernotice 1
Irrigation & Water Resources Department
Name of work: Estimate for bridge on river Ghaggar at RD 31000 upstream Sirsa Bhatinda railway line on
village road farwain Kalan to Budhbhana district Sirsa.
Estimate Cost: Rs 803.85 Lakhs
Standard Forms Letter of Acceptance and Other Forms
The Governor of Haryana invites bids from the eligible contractors online on the website:
https://etenders.hry.nic.in for the work detailed in the table.
Name of Work: Estimate for bridge on river Ghaggar at RD 31000 upstream Sirsa Bhatinda
railway line on village road farwain Kalan to Budhbhana district Sirsa.
2. For further details and e-tendering schedule please visit website http://etenders.hry.nic.in
The Governor of Haryana invites the bids from the contractors who have created login ID on
the portal http://works.haryana.gov.in through online bids on the website for the work detailed in
the table below.
Sr. Name of work Cost of work Earnest money Cost of Time Date and
No (For bid limit time for bid
. unregistered document Submission.
bidders only) (in Rs.)
(in Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Bidders registered on the portal https://works.haryana.gov.in are not required to deposit any
earnest money and are required to submit earnest money declaration Form as provided in
Section 7 of the bidding document.
2. Interested bidders are encouraged to get themselves registered as contractor on the portal
3. Interested bidders must have contractor ID on https://works.haryana.gov.in.
Note: Bidding shall be online only and no document shall be accepted in any physical form.
5. In the first instance, Earnest money /Earnest money Declaration Form (as provided in Section
7) shall be opened online and checked for correctness along with tender document fee. If the
earnest money declaration form / earnest money are found in order, Technical Bid shall be
opened (Online) in the presence of such contractors who choose to be present. The Financial
offer shall be opened (Online) only, if the bidders meet the qualification criteria as per the bid
document. The date of opening of Financial Bid shall be intimated separately.
• “Single tender shall normally not be considered unless there are special circumstances to
do so. In such eventuality, decision to accept the single tender shall be as prescribed in
the rules. If special circumstances are not present, tenders shall be re-called. If re-
tendering again results in a single
• Tender, its acceptance may be considered with proper justification and reasons”. Where
on first call of tender, number of bidders participate in the tender but on Technical
evaluation only one participating bidder qualifies, the tender shall be re-invited treating it
as single tender.
• Those bidders shall not be required to pay tender document fees, who choose to submit
bids again on tender being re-called on account of single tender being received or single
bidder qualifies on first call.
6. Bidders shall have to pay the e-Service Fees of Rs. 1180 in favour of ‘Society for IT initiative
fund for
e-Governance through Debit Cards & Internet Banking Accounts are required to be paid online
directly through Internet Baking Accounts.
7. Last Date/ Time for receipt of bids through e-tendering: 18/07/2024 up-to 05:00 Hrs.
9. Only online submission of bids is permitted, therefore; bids must be submitted online on
https://etenders.hry.nic.in. The technical qualification part of the bids will be opened online at
Ghaggar W.S. Divn. Sirsa on 19/07/2024 at 03:00 hrs. by the authorized officers. If the office
happens to be closed on the date of opening of the bids as specified, the bids will be opened
online on the next working day at the same time.
10. The bid for the work shall remain open for acceptance during the bid validity period to be
reckoned from the last date of ‘Submission of Online Bids. Bids as submitted online shall be
valid for 120 days from the date of bid closing i.e. from last date of submission of online bids.
In case the last day to accept the tender happens to be holiday, validity to accept tender will be
the next working day.
11. Bidders may bid for any one or more of the works mentioned in the Table above.
13. Other details can be seen in the bidding documents. The Employer shall not be held liable for
any delays due to system failure beyond its control. Even though the system will attempt to
notify the bidders of any bid updates, the Employer shall not be liable for any information not
received by the bidder. It is the bidders’ responsibility to verify the website for the latest
information related to the tender.
14. Conditional tenders will not be entertained and are liable to be rejected.
15. In case the day of opening of tenders happens to be holiday, the tenders will be opened on the
next working day. The time, mode and place of receipt of tenders and other conditions will
remain unchanged.
16. The invitation of this tender can be cancelled without assigning any reason.
17. The societies shall produce an attested copy of the resolution of the Co-operative department
for the issuance of tenders.
18. The tender without Earnest money /Earnest money Declaration form and tender document fee
will not be opened.
19. The jurisdiction of court will be as defined as in Appendix to ITB.
20. The tender of the bidder who does not satisfy the qualification criteria in the bid documents are
liable to be rejected and financial bids will not be opened.
21. The Pre-bid meeting will be held as per the details in Appendix to ITB.
22. The bidders may note that the works are to be carried out strictly as per the applicable laws,
permits, rules and regulations. Any damages / penalties imposed by any statutory authority, like
NGT etc, on account of noncompliance of any applicable laws, permits, rules and regulations
shall have to be borne by the contractor.
23. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all of the bids without assigning any reason.
For and on behalf of Governor of Haryana
Executive Engineer
Irrigation & Water Resources Department
Ghaggar W.S. Divn. Sirsa
Phone No: 9991520122
6. Time and Date for opening of Part-I of the Bid : Date 19/07/2024 at 03:00 hrs
(Technical Qualification Part)
A. General
1. Scope of Bid
1.1 The Employer (Appendix to ITB) on behalf of ‘Authority’ (defined in Appendix to ITB)
invites bids for the construction of Works as described in these documents and referred to as “the
Works”. The name of the works is provided in the Appendix to ITB. The bidders may submit bids
for any or all of the works detailed in the table given in the Notice Inviting Tender. Bid for each
work should be submitted separately. The bidders should refer Section 4-A for the detailed scope
of work and Section 4-B for Technical Specifications for the work.
1.2 The successful Bidder will be expected to complete the Works by the Intended
Completion Date specified in the Contract data.
1.3 Throughout these documents, the terms “bid” and “tender” and their derivatives
(bidder/tender, bid/tender, bidding/tendering etc.) are synonymous.
2. Source of Funds
2.1 The expenditure on this project will be met from the budget provided by the Govt. of
3. Eligible Bidders
3.1 The Invitation for Bids is open to all bidders have created contractor Id on the portal
https://works.haryana.gov.in and eligible bidders meeting the eligibility criteria as defined in ITB.
3.2 The bidders in Joint Ventures are allowed as per the Appendix to ITB.
3.3 Bidders shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent practices
by the Central Government, the State Government or any public undertaking, autonomous body,
authority by whatever name called under the Central or the State Government.
A) For works put to tender upto Rs. 25.00 Lacs, a valid Registration Certificate/
contractor’s id created on Haryana Engineering Works Portal.(No technical
evaluation shall be carried out for this category). The intending bidders who are not
registered are required to submit the following documents in place of Registration:
Interested bidders who are not registered should upload the following documents at the
time of bidding:
a. Mandatory Documents
i. Proof of Constitution - Partnership deed (in case of the partnership firm
registration); or Certificate of Incorporation (in case of Private limited company,
public limited company, Public sector undertaking, Limited Liability Partnership,
registration); or Any proof substantiating constitution (in the case of society, trust,
DNIT Name : Estimate for bridge on rive...
b. Optional Documents
In case during examination it is found that any bidder for this category of works
has not submitted above mandatory documents or has submitted false documents
his bid shall be rejected.
B) For works put to tender from Rs. 25.01 Lacs to Rs. 64.00 Lacs, a valid enlistment in the
respective category on Haryana Engineering Works Portal with proof of ownership/ lease of
specified machinery/ manpower as listed in Clause 39 in section 1 of this document.
(Technical Evaluation shall be carried out as per the requirement specified in Clause 39 in
section 1 of this document and financial bid of only responsive qualifying bidders shall be
C) For works put to tender from Rs. 64.01 Lacs onwards, following qualification criteria is
required to be fulfilled:-
4.1 All bidders shall provide the Qualification Information as specified in Section-2 of this
document, Forms of Bid and the undertaking(s) as specified in Section 7. The undertaking should
be of a date after the first invitation of this tender. Initially the scanned copy of undertaking(s) shall
have to be submitted in technical bid and before signing the agreement, the original undertaking(s)
should be submitted by the bidders to the concerned Executive Engineer. The undertaking(s) in
original shall make integral part of the agreement. The bidder should also meet the requirements
mentioned in clause 39 .
4.2 All bidders participating in tenders costing more than Rs. 25.00 lacs shall include the
following information and documents with their bids in Section 2, Qualification Information unless
otherwise stated in the Appendix to ITB:
(b) Total annual financial turnover of each of the last three years duly certified by
Chartered Accountant;
(c) (i) Experience in works of a similar nature and size for each of the last seven
years with certificates from the concerned officer not below the rank of
Executive Engineer or equivalent;
(d) The undertakings as per the format and language given in Section 7 of the
document. The undertakings should be of a date after the invitation of this tender.
The bids accompanying with the language deviated from the language of the draft
provided in Section 2 shall be treated as non – responsive.
4.3 All care should be taken by the bidder to submit correct information and documents in first
place. No cognizance of the documents submitted subsequently by the bidder on his own
regarding his technical bid shall be taken. However, clarification can be sought upto
the extent of clearing any doubt on the documents already submitted online.
4.4 Joint Ventures are permitted to bid for the work as defined in the Appendix to ITB. Bids
submitted by a Joint Venture (JV) shall comply with the following requirements:
a. There shall be a Joint Venture Agreement (as per the format given in Section-
7) specific for these contract packages between the constituent firms, indicating
clearly, amongst other things, the proposed distribution of responsibilities both
financial as well as technical for execution of the work amongst them. For the
purpose of this clause, the most experienced lead partner will be the one
defined. A copy of the Joint Venture agreement shall be submitted before any
award of work could be finalized.
b. The bid, and in the case of the successful bidder, the Form of Agreement, etc.,
shall be signed and / or executed in such a manner as may be required for
making it legally binding on all partners (including operative parts of the
ensuing Contract in respect of Agreement of Arbitration, etc.). On award of
work, the Form of Agreement and Contract Documents shall be signed by all
partners of the Joint Venture to conclude Contract Agreement.
e. All partners of the Joint Venture shall be liable jointly and severally for the
execution of the Contract in accordance with the Contract terms, and a relevant
f. In the event of default by any partner, in the execution of his part of Contract,
the Employer shall be so notified within 30 days by the partner-in-charge, or in
the case of the partner-in-charge being the defaulter, by the partner nominated
as partner-in-charge of the remaining Joint Venture. The partner-in-charge shall,
within 60 days of the said notice, assign the work of the defaulting partner to
any other equally competent party acceptable to the Employer to ensure the
execution of that part of the Contract, as envisaged at the time of bid. Failure to
comply with the above provisions will make the Contractor liable for action by
the Employer under the Conditions of Contract. If the Most Experienced i.e.
Lead Partner defined as such in the Communication approving the qualification
defaults, it shall be construed as default of the Contractor and Employer will
take action under the Conditions of Contract.
h. The bid submitted shall include all the relevant information as required under
the provisions of Sub-Clause 4.5 D of ITB and furnished separately for each
4.5A To qualify for award of the contract, each bidder in its name should have :-
The amount of works shall be updated to price level of the last financial year at the rate of
8% per year compounded yearly.
Note 1:- The works may have been executed by the applicant as Prime contractor or as a member
of Joint Venture As contractor, he should have acquired the experience of execution of all major
Note 2:- Substantially completed works means those works which are at least 95% completed as
on the date of submission (i.e. gross value of work done upto the last date of submission is 95% or
more of the original contract price or enhanced contract price as the case may be) and continuing
Note 3:-Similar works means road work for road tender, building work for building tender, bridge
work for bridge tender and so on.
For these, a certificate from the employer shall be submitted along with qualification
information clearly mentioning the name of work, Contract Value, billing amount. Date of
commencement of works, satisfactory performance of the Contractor and any other relevant
4.5 C To qualify for a package of contracts made up of this and other contracts for which
bids are invited in the Notice Inviting Tender, the bidder must demonstrate having
experience and resources sufficient to meet the aggregate of the qualifying criteria for
the individual contracts.
4.5 D If bidder is a Joint Venture, the partners would be limited to three (including lead
partner). Joint Venture firm shall be jointly and severally responsible for completion
of the project. Joint Venture must fulfill the following minimum qualification
i. The lead partner shall meet not less than 50% of qualification criteria given in
sub-clause 4.5 A (i) & (ii) of ITB above.
ii. Each of the remaining partners shall meet not less than 25% of all the criteria
given in sub-clause 4.5 A (i) & (ii) of ITB above.
iii. The Joint Venture must also collectively satisfy the subject of the criteria of
Clause 4.5 B and 4.5 C of ITB for this purpose the relevant figures for each of the
partners shall be added together to arrive at the Joint Venture total capacity
which shall be 100% or more.
iv. In the event that the Employer has caused to disqualify under Clause 4.7 of
ITB below all of the Joint Venture partners will be disqualified.
v. Joint Venture Applicants shall provide a certified copy of the Joint Venture
Agreement in demonstration of the partners undertaking joint and several
liabilities for the performance of any contract entered into before award of work.
vi. The available bid capacity of the JV as required under Clause 4.6 of ITB below will
4.6 Bidders who meet the minimum qualification criteria will be qualified only if their
available bid capacity for construction work is equal to or more than the total bid
value.The available bid capacity will be calculated as under:
N = Number of years prescribed for completion of the works for which bids are invited
(period up to 6 months to be taken as ½ and more than 6 months as 1 in a year).
B = Value, at the current price level (compounded yearly @8% per year), of existing
commitments and on-going works to be completed during the period of
completion of the works for which bids are invited.
4.7 Even though the bidders meet the above qualifying criteria, they are subject to be
disqualified if they have:
5.1 Each Bidder shall submit only one Bid for one work. A Bidder who submits more than one
Bid for one work will cause the proposals with the Bidder's participation to be disqualified.
6. Cost of Bidding
6.1 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his Bid,
and the Employer will, in no case, be responsible or liable for those costs.
7. Site Visit
7.1 The Bidder, at the Bidder’s own responsibility and risk is encouraged to visit and examine
the Site of Works and its surroundings and obtain all information that may be necessary for
preparing the Bid and entering into a contract for construction of the Works. The costs of visiting
the Site shall be at the Bidder’s own expense. The Bidder acknowledges that prior to the
submission of the bid, the Bidder/Contractor has, after a complete and careful examination, made
DNIT Name : Estimate for bridge on rive...
8. Content of Bidding Documents
8.1 The set of bidding documents comprises the documents listed below and addenda issued in
accordance with Clause 10 of ITB.
5 Technical Specifications
6 Drawings
7 Bill of Quantities
8.2 The bidder is expected to examine carefully all instructions, conditions of contract, contract
data, forms, terms and specifications, bill of quantities, forms and drawings in the Bid Document.
Failure to comply with the requirements of Bid Documents shall be at the bidder’s own risk.
Pursuant to clause 26 hereof, bids, which are not substantially responsive to the requirements of
the Bid Documents, shall be rejected.
9.1 A prospective bidder requiring any clarification of the bidding documents may notify the
Employer in writing or through email at the Employer’s address indicated in the invitation to bid.
The Employer will respond to any request for clarification which he receives earlier than 10 days
prior to the deadline for submission of bids. Copies of the Employer’s response will be put on
website including a description of the enquiry but without identifying its source.
9.2 If a pre-bid meeting is to be held, the bidder or his authorized representative is invited to
attend it. Its date, time and address are given in the Appendix to ITB.
9.3 The purpose of the meeting will be to clarify issues and to answer questions on any matter
that may be raised at that stage.
9.4 Minutes of the meeting, including the text of the questions raised (without identifying the
source of the enquiry) and the responses given will be uploaded for information of the public or
other bidders. Any modifications of the bidding documents listed in Clause 8.1 of ITB, which may
become necessary as a result of the pre-bid meeting shall be made by the Employer exclusively
through the issue of an Addendum pursuant to Clause 10 of ITB and not through the minutes of
the pre-bid meeting.
9.5 Non-attendance at the pre-bid meeting will not be a cause for disqualification of a bidder.
10.1 Before the deadline for submission of bids, the Employer may modify the bidding
documents by issuing corrigendum.
10.2 Any addendum/corrigendum thus issued shall be part of the bidding documents and put on
website only and shall be deemed to have been communicated to all the bidders. The Employer
will assume no responsibility in this regard.
10.3 To give prospective bidders reasonable time in which to take an addendum into account in
preparing their bids, the Employer shall extend, as necessary, the deadline for submission of bids,
in accordance with Clause 20.2 of ITB.
12.1 The Bid submitted by the Bidder shall be in two separate parts:
Part I Technical bid This shall be named Technical Qualification Part of Bid and shall comprise
ii) The Earnest money in any of the forms as specified in clause 16 of ITB or
Earnest Money declaration form specified in Section-7 as applicable.
iii) Authorized address and contact details of the Bidder having the following
a. Address of communication:
Telephone No.(s):
Mobile No.:
vi) Scanned copy of the affidavit (on the format given in Section 7 of bid
Part II. Financial Bid:- It shall be named Financial Bid and shall comprise of:
12.2 The following documents, which are not submitted with the bid, will be deemed to be part
of the bid.
Section Particulars
1. Detail Notice Inviting Tender
2. Instructions to Bidders
3. Conditions of Contract
4. Contract Data
5. Technical Specifications
6. Drawings
13. Bid Prices
13.1 The Contract shall be for the whole Works, as described in Clause 1.1 of ITB, based on
the priced Bill of Quantities submitted by the Bidder.
13.2 For item rate tenders, the bidder shall fill in item rate at its appropriate place in figures.
Items for which no rate or price is entered by the bidder will not be paid for by the employer. Such
item, where the bidder does not quote the price or leaves it blank, will be treated as item to be
executed free of cost item from the contractor.
13.3 For percentage rate tender, the bidder shall make its due diligence and quote a single
percentage above or below HSR items including any premium if applicable and individual rate for
NS items which are in the BOQ but not in HSR. NS Items in the BOQ, for which no rate or price is
entered by the bidder will not be paid for by the Employer and considered as nil rate items.
13.4 All duties, taxes (excluding GST) , royalties, compensation, cost and other levies payable
by the Contractor under the Contract or to execute item(s) of work or for any other cause,
shall be included in the rates, prices, and total Bid price submitted by the Bidder online.
The GST amount shall be reimbursed on production of proof of deposit of GST with Govt.
for the previous payment.
13.5 The rates and prices quoted by the bidder are subject to adjustment during the performance
of the Contract in accordance with the provision of Clause 42 A of the Conditions of
14.1 The unit rates and the prices shall be quoted by the bidder entirely in Indian Rupees.
15.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original time limit, the Employer may
request that the bidders may extend the period of validity for a specified additional period. The
request and the bidders’ responses shall be made in writing or by email. A bidder may refuse the
request without forfeiting his Earnest money. A bidder agreeing to the request will not be required
or permitted to modify his bid, but will be required to extend the validity of his Earnest money for
a period of the extension, and in compliance with Clause 16 of ITB in all respects.
16.1. The Bidder who does not have contractor id on HEWP can not participate in tendering
process. Bidders who have contractor ID but have not registered on HEWP can participate in
tendering process by paying the earnest money through online payment on the portal. Bidders who
have contractor Id and are registered on HEWP and also have deposited one time deposit are
eligible for participation in the tender by annexing bid specific Earnest Money Declaration Form
generated from HEWP.
16.2. The bidder who is registered as contractor with Haryana Government and is
availing the exemption available for earnest money, shall upload bid specific
Earnest Money Declaration form duly downloaded from HEWP.
16.3 Any bid from the registered bidders not accompanied by an acceptable Earnest
Money Declaration form (in case exemption is availed) as above or not secured as
indicated in Sub-Clauses 16.1 above shall be rejected by the Employer as non-
16.4. The successful bidder shall be de-registered with forfeiture of his/its one time
deposit of EMD exemption amount on HEWP and further barred from participation
in future bidding for a period of 2 years, in case of failure to submit the
Performance Bank Guarantee as per Clause 34 of this document.
17.1 Bidders shall submit offers that comply with the requirements of the bidding documents,
including the Bill of Quantities and the basic technical design as indicated in the drawings and
specifications. Conditional offer or alternative proposals will be rejected as non-responsive.
These conditions will over-rule the conditions stated in the tender documents, wherever relevant
and applicable.
All the bidders intending to participate in the tenders processed online are required to get registered
on the centralized e – Procurement Portal i.e. https://etenders.hry.nic.in. Please visit the website for
more details.
19. 2.1 The Bids submitted online should be encrypted and signed electronically with a Digital
Certificate to establish the identity of the bidder bidding online. These Digital Certificates are
issued by an Approved Certifying Authority, by the Controller of Certifying Authorities,
Government of India.
19.2.2 A Digital Certificate is issued upon receipt of mandatory identity (i.e. Applicant’s PAN
Card) and Address proofs and verification form duly attested by the Bank Manager / Post Master /
Gazetted Officer. Only upon the receipt of the required documents, a digital certificate can be
issued. For more details please visit the website – https://etenders.hry.nic.in.
19.2.3 The bidders may obtain Class-II or III digital signature certificate from any Certifying
Authority or Sub-certifying Authority authorized by the Controller of Certifying Authorities or
may obtain information and application format and documents required for the issue of digital
certificate from the authority.
19.2.4 The bidder must ensure that he/she comply by the online available important guidelines at
the portal https://etenders.hry.nic.in for Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) including the e-Token
carrying DSCs.
19.2.5 Bid for a particular tender must be submitted online using the digital certificate (Encryption
& Signing), which is used to encrypt and sign the data during the stage of bid preparation. In case,
during the process of a particular tender, the user loses his digital certificate (due to virus attack,
hardware problem, operating system or any other problem) he will not be able to submit the bid
Hence, the users are advised to keep a backup of the certificate and also keep the copies at safe
place under proper security (for its use in case of emergencies).
19.2.6 In case of online tendering, if the digital certificate issued to the authorized user of a firm is
used for signing and submitting a bid, it will be considered equivalent to a no-objection
certificate/power of attorney /lawful authorization to that User. The firm has to authorize a specific
individual through an authorization certificate signed by all partners to use the digital certificate as
per Indian Information Technology Act 2000. Unless the certificates are revoked, it will be
assumed to represent adequate authority of the user to bid on behalf of the firm in the department
tenders as per Information Technology Act 2000. The digital signature of this authorized user will
be binding on the firm.
DNIT Name : Estimate for bridge on rive...
19.2.7 In case of any change in the authorization, it shall be the responsibility of management /
partners of the firm to inform the certifying authority about the change and to obtain the digital
signatures of the new person / user on behalf of the firm / company. The procedure for application
of a digital certificate however will remain the same for the new user.
19.2.8 The same procedure holds true for the authorized users in a private/Public limited
company. In this case, the authorization certificate will have to be signed by the directors of the
In order to bid online on the portal http://etenders.hry.nic.in, the user machine must be
updated with the latest Java & DC setup. The link for downloading latest java applet & DC setup
are available on the Home page of the e-tendering Portal.
The bidders can view the detailed N.I.T and the time schedule (Key Dates) for all the
tenders floated through the single portal e-Tender system on the Home Page at
The tender documents can be downloaded free of cost from the e-Tender portal
The bidders are strictly advised to follow dates and times as indicated in the online Notice
Inviting Tenders. The date and time shall be binding on all bidders. All online activities are time
tracked and the system enforces time locks that ensure that no activity or transaction can take place
outside the start and end dates and the time of the stage as defined in the online Notice Inviting
19.7 Online Payment of eService fee & Bid Preparation & Submission (PQQ/ Technical &
Commercial /Price Bid):
The online payment for eService fee can be done using the secure electronic payment
gateway by bidders/ Vendors online directly through Debit Cards & Internet Banking Accounts.
The secure electronic payments gateway is an online interface between contractors and Debit card /
online payment authorization networks.
In case of any query regarding process of e-tenders and for undertaking training purpose,
the intended bidder can also avail the following and can contact service provider as per below:
Important Note:-
(a) Any intending bidder can contact the helpdesk on or before prior to 4 hours of the
scheduled closing date &time of respective Tender event.
(b) For queries pertaining to e-Payment, please contact the help desk atleast 2 business days
prior to the closing date&time of Tender event.
(c) Help-desk support will remain closed during lunch break i.e. from 1:30 PMupto 2:15 PM
on each working day.
Haryana e-Tender Help Desk Office will remain closed on Saturday, Sunday and National
NOTE:- Bidders participating in online tenders shall check the validity of his/her Digital
Signature Certificate before participating in the online Tenders at the portal
For help manual please refer to the ‘Home Page’ of the e-Tender website at
https://etenders.hry.nic.in and click on the available link ‘How to ...? to download the file.
20.1 Complete Bids in two parts as per clause 19 above must be submitted by the Bidder online
not later than the date and time indicated in the Appendix to ITB.
20.2 The Employer may extend the deadline for submission of bids by issuing an amendment in
accordance with Clause 10.3 of ITB. In such case all rights and obligations of the Employer and
the bidders previously subject to the original deadline will then be subject to the new deadline.
21.1 Any Bid received by the Employer after the deadline prescribed in Clause 20 will be
returned unopened to the bidder.
22.1 No bid shall be modified or withdrawn after the deadline of submission of bids.
22.2 Withdrawal or modification of a bid between the deadline for submission of bids and the
expiration of the original period of bid validity specified in clause 15.1 above or as extended
pursuant to Clause 15.2 may result in the forfeiture of the Earnest money pursuant to Clause 16 or
invite action as per Earnest Money declaration undertaking.
23.1 The Employer inviting the bids or its authorized representative will open the bids online in
the presence of the bidders or their representatives who choose to attend at time, date and the place
specified in Appendix to ITB. The bids shall be evaluated by committee generated online by the
23.2 In the event of the specified date for the Opening of bids being declared a holiday for the
Employer, the Bids will be opened at the appointed time and location on the next working day.
23.3 The file containing the Part-I of the bid will be opened first.
23.4 The amount, form and validity of the cost of bidding document and earnest money
furnished with each bid will be announced. If the cost of bidding document and earnest money
furnished does not conform to the amount and validity period as specified in the Invitation for Bid,
and has not been furnished in the form specified in Clause 16, the remaining technical bid will not
be opened and will be disqualified for opening of financial bid. Similarly for registered bidders, bid
not accompanied by the Earnest Money declaration form, shall be rejected and technical bid will
not be opened.
23.5 The Employer will also prepare minutes of the Bid opening, including the information
disclosed in accordance with Clause 23.4 of ITB.
(i) Subject to confirmation of the earnest money, the bids accompanied with valid earnest
money/earnest money declaration form will be taken up for evaluation with respect to the
Qualification Information and other information furnished in Part I of the bid pursuant to Clause
(ii) The technical bid will be evaluated on the basis of the documents submitted online by the
bidder and no modification of his technical bid will be sought from the bidder. No cognizance of
the documents submitted subsequently by the bidder on his own regarding his technical bid shall be
taken. However, clarification can be sought upto the extent of clearing any doubt the documents
already submitted online.
(iii) The bidders will respond in not more than 7 days of issue of the clarification letter, which
will also indicate the date, time and venue of opening of the Financial Bid.
(iv) Immediately, on receipt of these clarifications the Evaluation Committee will finalize the
list of responsive bidders whose financial bids are eligible for consideration.
23.7 The Employer shall hoist the result of technical evaluation of bids alongwith the reasons for
rejection of Part-I of the bid (Technical bid) on the website. Thereafter, the employer shall wait for
7 days before opening the financial bid of the qualified bidders so as to give the disqualified
bidders and opportunity to avail, if they so desire, any remedy available under the Law.
23.8 Part II (Financial Bid) of bids of only those bidders will be opened online, who have
qualified in Part I of the bid. The bidders’ names, the Bid prices, the total amount of each bid, and
such other details as the Employer may consider appropriate will be notified by the Employer at
the time of bid opening.
24 Process to be Confidential
25.1 No Bidder shall contact the Employer on any matter relating to its bid from the time of the
bid opening to the time the contract is awarded except as specified in clause 25.3 here under. If
the bidder wishes to bring additional information to the notice of the Employer, it should do so in
25.2 Any attempt by the bidder to influence the Employer’s bid evaluation, bid comparison or
contract award decision may result in the rejection of his bid.
25.3 To assist in the examination, evaluation, and comparison of Bids, the Employer may, at his
discretion, ask any Bidder for clarification of his Bid, including breakdowns of unit rates. The
request for clarification and the response shall be in writing or by email, but no change in the price
or substance of the Bid shall be sought, offered, or permitted.
26.1 During the detailed evaluation of “Part-I of Bids”, the Employer will determine whether
each Bid
(a) meets the eligibility criteria defined in Clauses 3 and 4;
(b) has been properly signed;
(c) is accompanied by the required securities; and
(d) is substantially responsive to the requirements of the bidding documents.
During the detailed evaluation of the “Part-II of Bids”, the responsiveness of the bids will be
further determined with respect to the remaining bid conditions, i.e., priced bill of quantities.
26.2 A substantially responsive “Financial Bid” is one which conforms to all the terms,
conditions, and specifications of the bidding documents, without material deviation or reservation.
A material deviation or reservation is one
(a) which affects in any substantial way the scope, quality, or performance of the Works;
(b) which limits in any substantial way, inconsistent with the bidding documents, the
Employer’s rights or the Bidder’s obligations under the Contract; or
(c) whose rectification would affect unfairly the competitive position of other bidders
presenting substantially responsive bids.
26.3 If a Bid is not substantially responsive, it will be rejected by the Employer, and may not
subsequently be made responsive by correction or withdrawal of the non-conforming deviation or
27.2. The amount stated in the “Financial Bid” will be corrected by the Employer in accordance
with the above procedure and the bid amount adjusted in the following manner.
28. Adjusted in bid price pursuant to clause 27 above, shall be considered as binding upon the
Bidder. If the Bidder does not accept the corrected amount the Bid will be rejected, and action as
per provisions of Earnest Money Declaration Form shall be initiated or Earnest Money shall be
forfeited as applicable.
29.1 The Employer will evaluate and compare only the bids determined to be substantially
responsive in accordance with Clause 26 of ITB.
29.2 In evaluating the Bids, the Employer will determine for each Bid the evaluated Bid Price
by adjusting the Bid Price as follows:
(a) adjustments to reflect discounts or other price offered in Financial bid submitted online.
29.3 If the Bid of the successful Bidder is seriously unbalanced in relation to the
Engineer’s estimate of the cost of work to be performed under the contract, the Employer may
require the Bidder to produce detailed price analysis for any or all items of the Bill of Quantities, to
demonstrate the internal consistency of those prices. After evaluation of the price analysis, the
Employer may require that the amount of the Performance Security set forth in Clause 34 of ITB
be increased at the expense of the successful Bidder to a level sufficient to protect the Employer
against financial loss in the event of default of the successful Bidder under the Contract. The
amount of the increased Performance Security shall be decided at the sole discretion of the
Employer, which shall be final, binding and conclusive on the bidder. The amount of additional
performance security shall be equal to an amount arrived at as below: -
(i) If the Bid price offered by the contractor is negatively unbalanced upto the 10% of the
estimated project cost (as per analytical rates / N.S. rates).
In such cases no additional performance security shall be taken from the successful bidder;
(ii) If the bid price offered by the contractor is negatively unbalanced below 10% and upto 20%
of the estimated project cost (as per analytical rates / N.S. Rates): -
In such case, Additional performance security shall be calculated @ 20% of the {(% below
quoted by the contractor – 10%) of the estimated cost of the project};
(iii) If the bid price offered by the contractor is further negatively unbalanced below 20% of the
estimated project cost (as per analytical rates / N.S. Rates): -
In such case, the Additional performance security shall be calculated @ 30% of the {(%
(iv) 20% of the total unbalanced amount of all the seriously unbalanced items (i.e. unbalanced by
more than 40% of the estimated amount of that particular item/items).
Out of (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) above Whichever is higher is to be deposited by the successful
29.4 Validity of above Additional performance Security shall be valid until a date 28 days from
the date of issue of the certificate of completion.
29.5 The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any variation or deviation. Variations
and deviations and other factors, which are in excess of the requirements of the Bidding documents
or otherwise result in unsolicited benefits for the Employer, shall not be taken into account in Bid
29.6 The estimated effect of the price adjustment conditions under Clause 47 of the Conditions
of Contract, during the period of implementation of the Contract, will not be taken into account in
Bid evaluation.
30. The agency/Bidder to whom the work is allotted shall be paid lowest of the following in the
running/final bills.
31.1 Subject to Clause 32 of ITB, the Employer will award the Contract to the Bidder whose Bid
has been determined:
(i) To be substantially responsive to the bidding documents and who has offered the
lowest evaluated Bid price and
(ii) To be within the available bid capacity adjusted to account for his bid price which is
evaluated the lowest in any of the packages opened earlier than the one under
consideration. In no case, the contract shall be awarded to any bidder whose available
bid capacity is less than the evaluated bid.
32. Employer’s Right to Accept any Bid and to Reject any or all Bids
32.1 Notwithstanding Clause 31 above, the Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any
Bid, and to cancel the bidding process and reject all bids, at any time prior to the award of
Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or bidders or any obligation
to inform the affected Bidder or bidders of the grounds for the Employer’s action.
33.1 The bidder whose Bid has been accepted will be notified of the award by the Employer
prior to expiration of the Bid validity period by email confirmed by registered letter. This letter
(hereinafter and in the Part I General Conditions of Contract called the “Letter of Acceptance”)
will state the sum that the Employer will pay to the Contractor in consideration of the execution,
completion and maintenance of the works, by the Contractor during defect liability period as
prescribed by the Contract (hereinafter and in the Contract called the“Contract Price”).
33.2 The notification of award will constitute the formation of the Contract, subject only to the
furnishing of a Performance Security in accordance with the provisions of Clause 34.
33.3 The Agreement will incorporate all agreements between the Employer and the successful
Bidder. It will be signed by the Employer and the successful Bidder after the Performance Bank
Security is furnished.
33.4 Upon the furnishing by the successful Bidder of the Performance Security, the Employer
will promptly notify the other Bidders that their Bids have been unsuccessful.
33.5 Upon the furnishing by the successful Bidder of the Performance Security, the Employer
shall issue the letter to proceed with the work.
33.6 If the lowest tenderer (L-1) backs out, his earnest money shall be forfeited or action as per
conditions of Bid Security Declaration Form shall be initiated. The agency will be de-barred for
giving tenders for two year and the second lowest tenderer (L-2), third lowest tenderer (L-3) in
order of sequence, may be called upon to bring his offer to the same level as the originally first
lowest tenderer. In the event of their refusal to do so, tenders shall be recalled. In case of great
urgency, authority competent to accept the tender may authorize call of limited or short notice
A Bank Guarantee in the form given in Section 7/FDR in the name of Executive Engineer
concerned. Performance bank guarantee shall be valid until a date 45 days after the expiry of
Defect Liability-cum-Maintenance Period.
34.2 If the performance security is provided by the successful Bidder in the form of a Bank
Guarantee/FDR, it shall be issued either (a) at the Bidder’s option, by a Nationalized/Scheduled
Indian Bank or (b) by a foreign bank located in India and acceptable to the Employer.
34.3 Failure of the successful Bidder to comply with the requirements of Sub-Clause 34 shall
constitute sufficient grounds for cancellation of the award and forfeiture of the Earnest
money/action due as per Earnest Money declaration. The bidder shall also be debarred for period
of 2 year from participation in tenders in any of the Departments/Boards/Corporations etc. of
Haryana Government. If the work of is an urgent nature and cannot brook delay involved in re-
tendering, the remaining tenderers shall be offered the lowest approved rates. If more than one
tenderer turns up, then preferences shall be given to the tenderer graded according to the rates
quoted in the first instance.
34.4 Whenever the work value is enhanced on account of variation in quantities / change of scope
of work during the execution, beyond 10% above the original agreement amount, the contractor
shall be required to submit the additional Performance Security in the form of Bank Guarantee @
5% of the enhanced value of contract with the same validity as applicable to the original
Performance Security and a supplementary agreement for the revised work value shall be signed
with the department which shall also define the mile stones as well as revised intended completion
date.The contractor shall deliver additional Performance Security within 21 days of receipt of
request in this regard from the employer.
34.5 Failure of the contractor to submit a valid additional Performance Bank Guarantee @ 5% of
the enhanced value of contract as above shall invite similar penalties as prescribed for non-
submission of original Performance Security. The time control on the revised work shall
also be monitored and implemented on pro-rata basis as per the clauses applicable to the
original work.
35. Advances
The Employer will provide Advances as stipulated in the conditions of contract, subject to
maximum amount, as stated in the Contract Data.
36.1 The ‘Employer’ will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder
recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the
contract in question and will declare the firm ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of
time; to be awarded a contract by Haryana Government in any of
Departments/Boards/Corporations etc.
36.2 The successful bidder shall be required to sign an Integrity Pact as provided in Section 7.
36.3 The Employer requires the Bidders/Contractors to strictly observe the laws against fraud
and corruption in force in India, namely, Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.
37. Debarring
If a registered but unverified bidder submits Financial Bid online but he/it fails to submit the
Earnest Money instruments in physical form by 5:00 pm with the Executive Engineer on the last
date of submission of this tender, he / it shall be blacklisted for participation in the bidding in all
future tenders floated by any of Department/Boards/Corporations etc. of Government of Haryana,
for a period of 2 years
The agency to whom the work is allotted shall complete the entire work as per drawings
irrespective of quantities in the DNIT. The agency is bound to consult the drawings before
tendering and tender the work accordingly. However, Clause 37 of GCC shall be applicable
on the varied quantities
i. Condition for similar work as per clause 4.5A(ii) of bid document may be read as under in place of
existing clause (as mentioned in Approved CBD) :
Note 3:- Similar works means road work for road tender, building work for building tender, IWRD work
for IWRD tender and so on.
Appendix to ITB
Qualification Information
1. Individual Bidders
1.3.1 Work performed as prime Contractor (in the same name and style) on construction works of a
similar nature and volume over the last Seven years. Attach certificate from the Engineer-in-charge.
Project Name of Description Value of Contract No Date of Stipulated Actual Date of Remarks
Name Employer of work contract Issue of date of Completion explaining
Work Order completion reasons for
delay, if any
1.3.2 Work performed as Sub-Contractor (in the same name and style) on construction works of a
similar nature and volume over the last Seven years. Attach certificate from Principal Employer
(Main Client).Attach legal document of agreement / subcontract, Form 26 AS of the sub-contractor.
Project Name of Description Value of Contract No Date of Stipulated Actual Date of Remarks
Name Employer of work contract Issue of date of Completion explaining
Work Order completion reasons for
delay, if any
1.3.3 Information on Bid Capacity (works for which bids have been submitted and works which are
ongoing and yet to be completed) as on the date of this bid.
Descriptio Place & Contract No Name & Value of Stipulate Value of Anticipated
n State & Date Address Of Contract period of works Date of
of Work Employer (Rs.In lacs) completion remaining to completion
(Rs.Lacs) *
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Descriptio Place & Name& Estimated value Stipulated Date when Remarks, if any
n of works State Address of of works (Rs. in period of decision is
Employer lacs) completion expected
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Note:- Here, any of the departments may specify the quantities of the work executed by the
Section 3
Conditions of Contract
Table of Contents
A. General 32. Correction of Defects
1. Definitions 33. Uncorrected Defects
2. Interpretation
3. Language and Law D. Cost Control
4. Engineer’s Decisions 34. Bill of Quantities
5. Delegation 35. Variations
37. Payments for Variations
6. Communications
38. Cash Flow Forecasts
7. Subcontracting 39. Payment Certificates
8. Other Contractors 40. Payments
9. Personnel 44. Compensation Events
10. Employer’s and Contractor’s Risks 45. Tax
11. Employer’s Risks 46. Currencies
12. Contractor’s Risks 47. Price Adjustment
13. Insurance 48. Retention Money
14. Site Investigation Reports 49. Liquidated Damages
15. Queries about the Contract Data 50. Advance Payment
16. Contractor to Construct theWorks and 51. Securities
do maintenance 52. Cost of Repairs
17.The Works to Be Completed bythe
Intended Completion Date E.Finishing the Contract
18. Approval by the Engineer 55. Completion of Construction and
19. Safety Maintenance
20. Discoveries 54. Taking Over
21. Possession of the Site 55. Substantial Completion
22. Access to the Site 56. Defect Liability
22A. Royalties 57. Final Account
23. Instructions 58. Operating and Maintenance Manuals
24. Dispute Redressal System 59. Termination
25. Arbitration 60. Payment upon Termination
61. Property
B. Time Control 62. Release from Performance
26. Programme
27. Extension of the IntendedCompletion Date F.Special Conditions of Contract
28. Delays Ordered by the Engineer
29. Management Meetings
C. Quality Control
30. Identifying Defects
31. Tests
Section 3
Part I General Conditions of Contract
A. General
1. Definitions
1.1 Terms which are defined in the Contract Data are not also defined in the Conditions ofContract
but keep their defined meanings. Capital initials are used to identify defined terms.
Bill of Quantities means the priced and completed Bill of Quantities forming part of the Bid.
The Completion Date is the date of completion of the Works as certified by the Engineer, in
accordance with Clause 48.1.
The Contract is the Contract between the Employer and the Contractor to execute, complete, and
maintain the Works. It consists of the documents listed in Clause 2.3.
The Contract Data defines the documents and other information which comprise the Contract.
The Contractor is a person or corporate body whose Bid to carry out the Works, including routine
maintenance, has been accepted by the Employer.
The Contractor's Bid is the completed bidding document submitted by the Contractor to the
The Contract Price is the price stated in the Letter of Acceptance and thereafter as adjustedin
accordance with the provisions of the Contract.
A Defect is any part of the Works not completed in accordance with the Contract or distressed
development in the work irrespective of any causes.
The Defect Liability-cum-Maintenance Periodis the period named in the contract Data and
calculated from the Completion Date.
The Maintenance means the activities required to be carried out for routine maintenance of road
relating to works covered in scope of work as per the agreement or enhanced agreement.
Drawings include calculations and other information provided or approved by the Engineer for the
execution of the Contract.
The Engineer is the person named in the Contract Data (or any other competent person appointed
by the Employer and notified to the Contractor, to act in replacement of the Engineer) who is
responsible for supervising the execution of the Works and administering the Contract.
Equipment is the Contractor's machinery and vehicles brought temporarily to the Site to construct
the Works.
The Initial Contract Price is the Contract Price listed in the Employer's Letter of Acceptance.
The Revised Contract Price is the Contract Price agreed after signing of a supplementary
agreement with the Employer.
The Intended Completion Date is the date on which it is intended that the Contractor shall
complete the Works. The Intended Completion Date is specified in the Contract Data. The Intended
Completion Date may be revised only by the Engineer by issuing an extension of time.
Materials are all supplies, including consumables, used by the Contractor for incorporation in the
Plant is any integral part of the Works that shall have a mechanical, electrical, electronic, chemical,
or biological function.
Site Investigation Reports are those that were included in the bidding documents and are reports
about the surface and subsurface conditions at the Site.
Specification means the Specification of the Work included in the Contract and any modification
or addition made or approved by the Engineer. Specifications for Road and Bridge Works (Latest
Edition as on date of Tender) published by Ministry of Road Transport & Highways shall be
applicable or any or all other specifications/IS Codes applicable to a work.
The Start Date is given in the Contract Data. It is date when the Contractor shall commence
execution of the works. It does not necessarily coincide with any of the Site Possession Dates.
A Sub-Contractor is a person or corporate body who has a Contract with the Contractor to carry
out a part of the construction work in the Contract, which includes work on the Site.
Temporary Works are works designed, constructed, installed, and removed by the Contractor that
are needed for construction or installation of the Works.
The Works,as defined in the Contract Data, are what the Contract requires the Contractor to
construct, install, maintain, and hand over to the Employer.
Substantial completion means those works which are at least 95% completed as on the date of
submission (i.e. gross value of work done upto the last date of submission is 95% or more of the
original contract price) and continuing satisfactorily.
2.1 In interpreting these Conditions of Contract, singular also means plural, male also means
female or neuter, and the other way around. Headings have no significance. Words have their
normal meaning under the language of the Contract unless specifically defined. The Engineer will
provide instructions clarifying queries about these Conditions of Contract.
2.2 If sectional completion is specified in the Contract Data, references in the Conditions of
Contract to the Works, the Completion Date, and the Intended Completion Date apply to any
Section of the Works (other than references to the Completion Date and Intended Completion Date
for the whole of the Works).
2.3 The documents forming the Contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory, and unless
otherwise expressly provided elsewhere in the Contract, the priority of the documents, in the event
of any ambiguity between them, shall be interpreted in the following order of priority:
3.1 The language of the Contract shall be English. The law governing the Contract are the
Acts/Rules/Guidelines etc. notified by Government of India and Government of Haryana.
3.2 The works are to be carried out strictly as per the applicable laws, permits, rules and
regulations. Any damages / penalties imposed by any statutory authority, like NGT etc, on
account of noncompliance of any applicable laws, permits, rules and regulations shall have
to be borne by the contractor.
4. Engineer's Decisions
4.1 Except where otherwise specifically stated, the Engineer will decide contractual matters
between the Employer and the Contractor in the role representing the Employer. However, if the
Engineer is required under the rules and regulations and orders of the Employer to obtain approval
of some other authorities for specific actions, he will so obtain the approval.
4.2 Except as expressly stated in the Contract, the Engineer shall not have any authority to
relieve the Contractor of any of his obligations under the Contract.
5. Delegation
5.1 The Engineer, with the approval of the Employer, may delegate any of his duties and
responsibilities to other person, after notifying the Contractor, and may cancel any delegation after
notifying the Contractor.
6. Communications
7. Subcontracting
7.1(a) The Contractor may subcontract part of the work with the approval of the Employer
in writing, up to percent defined in contract data of the contract price, but will not assign the
Contract. It is expressly agreed that the Contractor shall, at all times, be responsible and liable for
all his obligations under this Agreement notwithstanding anything contained in the agreements with
his Sub-contractors or any other agreement that may be entered into by the Contractor and no
default under any such agreement shall exempt the Contractor from his obligations or liability
7.1 (b) However, any specialized work can be Subletted to a Sub Contractor possessing required
valid Experience and certificate required if any after approval from the Employer.
7.2 The Contractor shall not be required to obtain any consent from the Employer for:
(a) the sub-contracting of any part of the Works for which the Sub-Contractor is
named in the Contract.
(c) the purchase of Materials which are in accordance with the standards
specified in the Contract.
7.3. The Engineer should satisfy himself before recommending to the Employer whether the
Sub-Contractor so proposed for the Works possesses the experience, qualifications and equipment
necessary for the job proposed to be entrusted to him in proportion to the quantum of Works to be
7.4 While sub-contracting part of construction work as per provisions of Clause 7.1 and 7.3
above, the Contractor shall enter into formal sub-contract with sub-contractor making
provisions for such requirements as may be specified by the Engineer including a condition
that to the extent of inconsistency, provision of the Contract shall prevail over the
provisions of the sub-contract. A copy of document of formal sub-contract shall be
furnished to the Employer within a period of 30 days from the date of such sub-contract. In
all such cases, on completion of the Contract, the Engineer, unless for reasons recorded in
writing decides otherwise shall issue a Certificate of Experience to the contractor and in
such certificate, the experience of the sub-contractors shall also be mentioned. The Copy of
such certificate would also be endorsed to the sub-contractor.
8. Other Contractors
8.1 The Contractor shall cooperate and share the Site with Other Contractors, public
8.2 The Contractor should take up the works in convenient reaches as decided by the Engineer
to ensure there is least hindrance to the smooth flow of traffic including movement of vehicles and
equipment of Other Contractors till the completion of the Works.
9. Personnel
9.1 The Contractor shall ensure that the personnel engaged by it in the performance of its
obligations under this Contract are at all times appropriately qualified, skilled and experienced in
their respective functions.
9.2 The Contractor shall employ for the construction work and operation of lab, the technical
personnel named in the Contract Data or other technical persons approved by the Engineer. Before
signing the agreement the contractor will submit the bio data of the technical personnel, as given in
contract data, he proposes to employ on this work to the Engineer and will get the bio data
approved from the Engineer. The Engineer will approve any proposed replacement of technical
personnel only if their relevant qualifications and abilities are substantially equal to or better than
those of the personnel stated in the Contract Data.
9.3 If the Engineer asks the Contractor to remove a person who is a member of the Contractor's
staff or work force, stating the reasons, the Contractor shall ensure that the person leaves the Site
within seven days and has no further connection with the Works in the Contract. The Contractor
shall then appoint (or cause to be appointed) a replacement.
9.4 The Contractor shall not employ any retired Gazetted officer who has worked in the
Engineering Department of the State Government and has either not completed two years after the
date of retirement or has not obtained State Government’s permission for employment with the
9.5 The Engineer may require the Contractor to remove (or cause to be removed) any person
employed on the Site or Works, including the Contractor's Representative, who in the opinion of
the Engineer:
10.1 The Employer carries the risks which this Contract states are Employer's risks, and the
Contractor carries the risks which this Contract states are Contractor's risks.
11.1 The Employer is responsible for the excepted risks which are (a) in so far as theydirectly
12.1 All risks of loss of or damage to physical property and of personal injury and death which
arise during and in consequence of the performance of the Contract other than the excepted risks,
referred to in clause 11.1, are the responsibility of the Contractor.
13. Insurance
13.1 The Contractor at his cost shall provide, in the joint names of the Employer and the
Contractor, insurance cover from the Start Date to the date of completion, in the amounts and
deductibles stated in the Contract Data for the following events which are due to the Contractor's
(a) loss of or damage to the Works and material, plant and machinery to be
incorporated in the work.
(c) Loss of damage to property of third party other than the Contractor and the
Employer (except works, plant, material and equipments) in connection with
the Contract.
13.2 Insurance policies and certificates for insurance shall be delivered by the Contractor to the
Engineer for the Engineer's approval before the Start Date. All such insurance shall provide for
compensation to be payable in Indian Rupees to rectify the loss or damage incurred.
13.3 (a) The Contractor at his cost shall also provide, in the joint names of the Employer and the
Contractor, insurance cover from the date of completion to the end of Defect Liability-cum-
Maintenance Period, in the amounts and deductibles stated in the Contract Data for personal
injury or death which are due to the Contractor's risks:
(b) Insurance policies and certificates for insurance shall be delivered by the Contractor to the
Engineer for approval before the completion date/start date. All such insurance shall provide for
compensation to be payable in Indian Rupees.
13.4 Alterations to the terms of insurance shall not be made without the approval of the
13.5 Both parties shall comply with any conditions of the insurance policies.
14.1 The Contractor, in preparing the Bid, may, at his own risk, rely on any Site Investigation
Reports if referred to in the Contract Data, supplemented by any other information available to him,
before submitting the bid.
14.2 The Contractor shall be required to make adequate dewatering arrangements to make the
16.1 The Contractor shall construct, and install and maintain the Works in accordance with the
Specifications and Drawings.
17.1 The Contractor may commence execution of the Works on the Start Date and shall carry out
the Works in accordance with the Programme submitted by the Contractor, as updated with the
approval of the Engineer, and complete them by the Intended Completion Date.
18.1 The Contractor shall submit Specifications and Drawings showing the proposed Temporary
Works to the Engineer, who is to approve them.
18.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for design and safety of Temporary Works.
18.3 The Engineer's approval shall not alter the Contractor's responsibility for design and safety
of the Temporary Works.
18.4 The Contractor shall obtain approval of third parties to the design and safety of the
Temporary Works, where required.
18.5 All Drawings prepared by the Contractor for the execution of the temporary or permanent
Works, are subject to prior approval by the Engineer before their use.
19. Safety
19.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for the safety of all activities on the Site.
19.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for safety of all persons, employed by him on Works,
directly or through petty contractors or Sub-Contractors, and shall report accidents to any of them,
however, and wherever occurring on Works, to the Engineer or the Engineer’s Representative, and
shall make every arrangement to render all possible assistance and to provide prompt and proper
medical attention. The compensation for affected Workers or their relatives shall be paid by the
Contractor in such cases expeditiously in accordance with the Workmen’s Compensation Act and
other labour Laws and regulations.
20. Discoveries
20.1 Anything of historical or other interest or of significant value unexpectedly discovered on the
Site shall be the property of the Employer. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of such
21.1 The Employer shall handover complete or part possession of the site to the Contractorseven
days in advance of construction programme. At the start of the work, the Employer shall handover
the possession of at least 80% of the site.
22.1 The Contractor shall allow access to the Site and to any place where work inconnection with
the Contract is being carried out, or is intended to be carried out to the Engineer and any
person/persons/agency authorized by:
22 A. Royalties
Except where otherwise stated, the contractor shall pay all tonnage and other royalties, rent and
other payments of compensation, if any, for getting stone, sand, gravel, clay or other materials
required for the works.
The contractor has to give proof for making payment of royalty to any state Government for
procuring stone soling, stone metal, bajri and earth etc. If these are arranged from quarries situated
in Haryana but not auctioned by Industries Department, Government of Haryana, the Engineer shall
be at liberty to make recovery of royalties after due notice to the contractor. The decision of
Employer in this regard shall be final.
23. Instructions
23.1 The Contractor shall carry out all instructions of the Engineer, which comply with the
applicable laws where the Site is located.
24.2 Either of the parties is barred from making reference to the competent authority
after 120 days from completion of work i.e. the claims will be time barred if the
reference to the competent authority is not made within 120 days from the
completion of work.
25. Arbitration
(a) Where any of the party is not satisfied with the order passed by the competent
authority can apply for appointment of Arbitrator. In case the party invoking
arbitrator is contractor he shall deposit a sum as security deposit, proportionate to
the claim amount, determined as per the values given in ‘Contract Data’with
‘Engineer’. On termination of the arbitration proceedings, this fee shall be adjusted
against the cost, if any, awarded by the arbitrator against the claimant party and the
balance remaining after such adjustment, and in the absence of such cost being
awarded, the whole of the sum bill will be refunded within one month of the date
of award.
(b) For agreement amounts upto Rs. 10.00 Crore (after adjusting the contract price any
increase/decrease due to variations etc.) the matter will be referred to a single
Arbitrator to be appointed by the Engineer-in-Chief from the panel of arbitrators
approved by the Government.
(c) For agreement amounts more than Rs. 10.00 Crore (after adjusting the contract price
any increase/decrease due to variations etc.) the matter will be referred to an
Arbitral Tribunal consisting of 3 arbitrators, one each to be appointed by the
Employer after taking approval from Engineer-in-Chief and the contractor and the
third arbitrator to be chosen by the two arbitrators so appointed by both the parties
to act as Presiding Arbitrator. In case of failure of the two arbitrators appointed by
the parties to reach upon a consensuswithin a period of 30 days from the
appointment of the arbitrator appointed subsequently, the Presiding Arbitrator shall
be appointed by the Administrative Secretary, of the department to which the work
belongs (Principal Secretary/ Additional Chief Secretary) as the case may.
(d) If one of the parties fails to appoint its arbitrator in pursuance of sub-clause (c)
above within 30 days after receipt of the notice of the appointment of its arbitrator
by the other party, then the Administrative Secretary, of the department to which
the work belongs shall appoint the arbitrator. A certified copy of the order of the
Administrative Secretary, of the department to which the work belongs, making
such an appointment shall be furnished to each of the parties.
e. The decision of the majority of arbitrators shall prevail both parties.
f. Arbitration proceedings shall be held in India, and the language of the arbitration
proceedings and that of all documents and communications between the parties
shall be English.
g. The cost and expenses of Arbitration proceedings will be paid as provided
hereinafter. However, the expenses incurred by each party in connection with the
preparation, presentation, etc. of its proceedings as also the fees and expenses paid
to the arbitrator appointed by such party or on its behalf shall be borne by each
party itself. The fee and expenses of presiding Arbitrator shall be borne by both the
parties equally.
h. Performance under the contract shall continue during the arbitration proceedings
and payments due to the contractor by the employer shall not be withheld, unless
they are the subject matter of the arbitration proceedings.
i) The fee and other charges payable to an arbitrator shall be as per of “THE
B. Time Control
26. Programme
26.1 Within the time stated in the Contract Data, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for
approval a Programme showing the general methods, arrangements, order, and timing for all the
activities in the Works, for the construction of works.
26.2 The Contractor shall submit the list of equipment and machinery being brought to site, the
list of key personnel being deployed, the list of machinery/ equipments being placed in field
laboratory and the location of field laboratory along with the Programme. The Engineer shall cause
these details to be verified at each appropriate stage of the programme.
26.3 An update of the Programme shall be a programme showing the actual progress achieved
on each activity and the effect of the progress achieved on the timing of the remaining Works,
including any changes to the sequence of the activities.
26.4 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval an updated Programme at
intervals no longer than the period stated in the Contract Data. If the Contractor does not submit an
updated Programme within this period, the Engineer may withhold the amount stated in the
Contract Data from the next payment certificate and continue to withhold this amount until the next
payment after the date on which the overdue Programme has been submitted.
26.5 The Engineer's approval of the Programme shall not alter the Contractor's obligations. The
Contractor may revise the Programme and submit it to the Engineer again at any time. A revised
Programme shall show the effect of Variations and Compensation Events.
27.1 The Engineer shall extend the Intend Completion Date, with approval from authority
competent to grant time extension as mentioned in clause 16.16.6 of PWD code through Employer,
if a Compensation Event occurs or a Variation is issued which makes it impossible for Completion
to be achieved by the Intended Completion Date without the Contractor taking steps to accelerate
the remaining work and which would cause the Contractor to incur additional cost.
27.2 The Engineer with the approval of the authority competent to grant time extension as per
PWD Code Clause 16.16.6 through employer shall decide whether and by how much to extend the
Intended Completion date within 56 days of the Contractor asking the Engineer for a decision upon
the effect of a compensation event or variation and submitting full supporting information. If the
Contractor has failed to give early warning to delay or has failed to cooperate in dealing with a
delay, the delay by the failure shall not be considered in accessing the new Intended Completion
27.3 The Engineer shall within 14 days of receiving full justification from the contractor for
extension of Intended Completion Date refer to the employer. The employer shall refer the case to
the authority competent to grant time extension as per Clause 16.16.6 of PWD Code within further
14 days for his decision. It the authority competent to grant time extension fails to give his
acceptance within next 28 days, the engineer shall not grant the time extension and the Contractor
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28.1 The Engineer may instruct the Contractor to delay the start or progress of any activity within
the Works. Delay/delays totaling more than 30 days will require prior written approval of the
29.1 The Engineer may require the Contractor to attend a management meeting. The business of
a management meeting shall be to review the plans for the Works.
29.2 The Engineer shall record the business of management meetings and provide copies of the
record to those attending the meeting. The responsibility of the parties for actions to be taken shall
be decided by the Engineer either at the management meeting or after the management meeting and
stated in writing to all those who attended the meeting.
C. Quality Control
30. Identifying Defects
30.1 The Engineer shall check the Contractor's work and notify the Contractor of any Defects that
are found. Such checking shall not affect the Contractor's responsibilities. The Engineer may
instruct the Contractor to search for a Defect and to uncover and test any work that the Engineer
considers may have a Defect.
31. Tests
31.1 For carrying out mandatory tests as prescribed in the specifications, the Contractor shall
establish field laboratory at the location decided by Engineer. The field laboratory will have
minimum equipments as specified in the Contract Data. The Contractor shall be solely responsible
for :
(a) Carrying out the mandatory tests prescribed in the relevantSpecifications, and
(b) For the correctness of the test results, whether preformed in his laboratory or elsewhere.
If the Engineer instructs the Contractor to carry out a test not specified in the Specifications to
check whether any work has a Defect and the test shows that it does, the Contractor shall pay for
the test and any samples.
32. Correction of Defects noticed during the Defects Liability-cum-Maintenance Period. Period
as defined in Contract Data.
32.1 The Engineer shall give notice to the Contractor of any Defects before the end of the
Defect Liability-cum-Maintenance Period, which begins from the Completion Date. The Defect
Liability-cum-Maintenance Periodshall be extended for as long as the Defects remain to be
32.2 Every time notice of Defect/Defects is given, the Contractor shall correct the notified
Defect/Defects within the duration of time specified by the Engineer’s notice.
32.3 To fulfill the objectives laid down, the Contractor shall undertake detailed inspection of the
work at least once in a month. The Engineer can increase this frequency in case of emergency. The
Contractor shall forward to the Engineer, the record of inspection and rectification each month. For
Road works the Contractor shall pay particular attention on those road sections which are likely to
be damaged or inundated during rainy season.
32.4 The Engineer may issue notice to the Contractor to carry out maintenance of defects, if any,
noticed in his inspection, or brought to his notice. The Contractor shall remove the defects within
the period specified in the notice and submit to the Engineer a compliance report.
33.1 If the Contractor has not corrected a Defect within the time specified in the ‘Engineer’s
notice, the ‘Engineer’ will assess the cost of having the Defect corrected, and the Contractor will
pay double of this amount.
D. Cost Control
34. Bill of Quantities
34.1 The Bill of Quantities shall contain items for the construction, installation, testing, and
commissioning works to be done by the Contractor.
35 The Bill of Quantities is used to calculate the Contract Price. The Contractor is paid for the
quantity of the work done at the rates in the Bill of Quantities for each item.
36. Variations
36.1 The Engineer shall, having regard to the scope of the Works and the sanctioned estimated
cost, have power to order, in writing, Variations within the scope of the Works, he considers
necessary during the progress of the Works. Such Variations shall form part of the Contract and the
Contractor shall carry them out and include them in updated Programmes produced by the
Contractor. Oral orders of the Engineer for Variations, unless followed by written confirmation,
shall not be taken into account.
37.1 If the final quantity of the work done exceeds from the quantity in the Bill of Quantities for
the particular item by more than 25 per cent provided the change exceeds 1% of initial
Contract Price, the ‘Engineer’ with the approval of the Competent Authority and shall adjust
the rate to allow for the change, duly considering:
(c) Entitlement of the Contractor to compensation events where such events are
caused by any additional work.
37.2 If requested by the ‘Engineer’ / Employer, the Contractor shall provide the ‘Engineer’ /
Employer with a detailed cost breakdown of any rate in the Bill of Quantities.
38.1 When the Programme is updated, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer with anupdated
cash flow forecast.
39.1 The Contractor shall submit to the ‘Engineer’ monthly statements of the estimated value of
the work completed less the cumulative amount certified previously by 1st week of the month. In
case contractor does not submit his bill by 1st week of the month, ‘Engineer’ shall get the monthly
statement of the estimated value of work completed less cumulative amount prepared by the end of
third week of the month. This procedure will be followed even if no work is carried out at the site
of work.
39.2. Deleted.
39.3 Deleted.
39.4 Deleted.
40. Payments
40.1 Payments shall be adjusted for deductions for advance payments, security deposit/retention,
other recoveries in terms of the contract and taxes at source, as applicable under the law.
41. The Employer may appoint another authority, as specified in the Contract Data (or any
other competent person appointed by the Employer and notified to the Contractor) to make
payment certified by the Engineer.
42. Items of the Works for which no rate or price has been entered in the Bill of Quantities, will
not be paid for by the Employer and shall be deemed covered by other rates and prices in the
43. The agency / bidder to whom the work is allotted shall be paid lowest of the following in
the running / final bills:-
1. Amount calculated with the accepted rates of lowest agency.
2. Amount worked out with the accepted percentage above /below HSR+CP/analytical
rates/NS item rates, worked out in financial statement. Financial statement will be made a part
of agreement.
44.1 The following are Compensation Events unless they are caused by the Contractor:
(a) The Employer does not give access to 80% of the area of project Site by the
Site Possession Date stated in the Contract Data.
(b) The Employer modifies the schedule of other contractors in a way which
affects the work of the contractor under the contract.
(c) The Engineer orders a delay or does not issue drawings, specifications or
instructions required for execution of works on time.
(d) The Engineer instructs the Contractor to uncover or to carry out additional
tests upon work which is then found to have no Defects.
(e) The Engineer does not approve of a subcontract to be let, within 30 days.
(f) Ground conditions are substantially more adverse than could reasonably
have been assumed before issuance of Letter of Acceptance from the
information issued to Bidders (including the Site Investigation Reports),
from information available publicly and from a visual inspection of the site.
(g) The Engineer gives an instruction for dealing with an unforeseen condition,
caused by the Employer, or additional work required for safety or other
(h) Other contractors, public authorities, utilities or the Employer does not work
within the dates and other constraints stated in the Contract, and they cause
delay or extra cost to the Contractor.
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(i) The advance payment is delayed, beyond 28 days after receipt of application
and bank guarantee.
44.3 If a Compensation Event would prevent the Works being completed before the Intended
Completion Date, the Intended Completion Date shall be extended. The Engineer shall recommend
to the Employer whether and by how much the Intended Completion Date shall be extended. Final
approval shall rest with the Employer.
45. Tax
The Price Bid by the Contractor shall include all custom duties, import duties, levies,
business taxes, income, toll and other taxes, duties etc. of local bodies and authorities as
applicable that may be levied in accordance to the laws and regulations in being as on the
closing date for submission of Bid in the countryof Employer on the Contractor’s
Equipment, Plant, materials and supplies (permanent, temporary and consumables) acquired
for the purpose of Contract and on the services performed under the Contract excluding
GST . Nothing in this Contract shall relieve the Contractor from the responsibility to pay the
taxes and duties that may be levied in the Employer’s country on profits made by him in
respect of the Contract. The GST amount shall be reimbursed on production of proof of
deposit of GST with Govt. for the previous payment.
46 Currencies
46.1 All payments will be made in Indian Rupees.
47.2 To the extent that full compensation for any rise or fall in costs to the contractor is not
covered by the provision of this or other clauses in the contract, the unit rates and prices included in
the contract shall be deemed to include amounts to cover the contingency of such other rise or fall
in costs.
47.3 The contractor shall submit original bill/ voucher while claiming the payment for the work
done. The bill/ voucher should pertain to the period of original contractual time limit and should
correspond with the progress of work. No extra payment due to increase in rate of
cement/steel/bitumen will be paid if the original bill/ vouchers are not submitted by the agency. No
increase in prices of the cement/steel/bitumen shall be reimbursed to the contractor beyond the
original time period allowed for construction as per contract agreement irrespective of extension of
time limit granted to the agency for any reason, whatsoever.
The Employer shall retain is sum of 6% (six percent) from each payment due to the
contractor subject to maximum of 5% of the final contract price until Completion of the whole of
the Works.
On completion of the whole of the Works half the total amount retained is repaid to the Contractor
and half when the Defect Liability-cum-Maintenance Period has passed and the Engineer has
certified that all Defects notified by the Engineer to the Contractor before the end of this period
have been corrected.
On completion of the whole works, the contractor may substitute retention money with an “on
demand” Bank guarantee/FDR.
49.1 In the event of failure on part of the Contractor to achieve timely completion of the project,
including any extension of time granted under Clause 27, he shall, without prejudice to any other
right or remedy available under the law to the Employer on account of such breach, pay as agreed
liquidated damages to the Employer and not by way of penalty in a sum calculated at the rate per
day or part thereof as stated in the Contract Data. For the period that the Completion Date is later
than the Intended Completion Date, liquidated damages at the same rate shall be withheld if the
Contractors fails to achieve the milestones prescribed in the Contract Data. However, in case the
Contractor achieved the next milestone, the amount of the liquidated damages already withheld
shall be restored to the Contractor by adjustment in the payment certificate. Both the Parties
expressly agree that the total amount of liquidated damages shall not exceed 10% (ten percent) of
the value of the balance work (amount of uncompleted work)on the date on which liquidated
damages have become due. The liquidated damages payable by the Contractor are mutually agreed
genuine pre-estimated loss and without any proof of actual damage likely to be suffered and
incurred by the Employer; and the Employer is entitled to receive the same and are not by way of
The Employer may, without prejudice to any other method of recovery, deduct the amount
of such damages from any sum due, or to become due to the Contractor or from Performance
Security or any other dues from Government or semi Government bodies within the state.
The payment or deduction of such damages shall not relieve the Contractor from his
obligations to complete the Works, or from any other of his duties, obligations or responsibilities
under the Contract.
The Contractor shall use and continue to use his best endeavour to avoid or reduce further
delay to the Works, or any relevant Stages.
49.2 The Employer, with the approval of the competent authority, based on the justified reasons,
can extend the intended completion date.The liquidated damages can be deferred/reduced/waived
(whole or part) by the SE concerned for contract(s) upto Rs.1.00 cr., CE from Rs.1.00 cr. to
Rs.10.0. cr. and E-In-C for contract(s) above Rs.10.00 cr. This will be done on the written request
of the contractor and written recommendations of EE/SE as the case may be. If the Intended
Completion Date is extended after liquidated damages have been paid, the Engineer shall correct
any such payment of liquidated damages by the Contractor
49.3 It is agreed by the Contractor that the decision of the Employer as to the liquidated damages
payable by the Contractor under this Clause shall be final and binding.
50.1. The Employer shall make advance payment to the Contractor of the amounts stated in the
Contract Data by the date stated in the Contract Data, against provision by the Contractor of an
Unconditional Bank Guarantee in a form as per Section-7and by a bank acceptable to the Employer
in amounts and currencies equal to the advance payment. The guarantee shall remain effective until
the advance payment has been repaid, but the amount of the guarantee shall be progressively
reduced by the amounts repaid by the Contractor. Interest will be charged on the advance payment
as specified in the contract data.
50.2. The Contractor is to use the advance payment only to pay for Equipment, Plant and
Mobilization expenses required specifically for execution of the Works. The Contractor shall
demonstrate that advance payment has been used in this way by supplying copies of invoices or
other documents to the ‘Engineer’.
50.3. The advance payment shall be repaid by deducting proportionate amounts from payments
otherwise due to the Contractor. Following the schedule of completed percentages of the Works on
a payment basis. No account shall be taken of the advance payment or its repayment is assessing
valuations of work done, Variations, price adjustments, Compensation Events, or Liquidated
The ‘Engineer’ shall make advance payment in respect of materials intended for but not yet
incorporated in the Works in accordance with conditions stipulated in the Contract Data.
51 Securities
51.1 The Performance Security equal to 5% (five percent) and additional security for unbalanced
bids shall be provided to the Employer no later than the date specified in the Letter of Acceptance
and shall be issued in an amount and form and by a bank or surety acceptable to the Employer, and
denominated in Indian Rupees. The Performance Security shall be valid until a date 45 days from
the date of expiry of Defect Liability-cum-Maintenance Period and the additional security for
unbalanced bids shall be valid until a date 28 days from the date of issue of the certificate of
51.2 Whenever the work value is enhanced on account of variation in quantities / change of
scope of work during the execution, beyond 10% above the original agreement amount, the
contractor shall be required to submit the additional Performance Security in the form of Bank
Guarantee @ 5% of the enhanced value of contract with the same validity as applicable to the
original Performance Securityand a supplementary agreement for the revised work value shall
be signed with the department which shall also define the mile stones as well as revised intended
completion date. The contractor shall deliver additional Performance Security within 21 days of
receipt of request in this regard from the employer.
52.1 Loss or damage to the Works or Materials to be incorporated in the Works between theStart
Date and the end of the Defect Liability-cum-Maintenance Period shall be remedied by the
Contractor at his cost if the loss or damage arises from the Contractor's acts or omissions.
53.1 The Contractor shall request the Engineer to issue a Certificate of Completion of the works
and the Engineer will do so upon deciding that the Work is completed, within 21 days of the receipt
of request or within a reasonable period as per nature of the work.
54.1 The Employer shall take over the Works within seven days of the Engineer's issuing a
certificate of Completion of Works. The Contractor shall continue to remain responsible for its
Defect Liability-cum-Maintenance period during the Defect Liability-cum-Maintenance
54.2 The Employer shall take over the maintained work within seven days of the Engineer
issuing a certificate of clearance of Defect Liability-cum-Maintenance Period.
55.1 The Engineer shall issue a substantial completion certificate if so requested by the
contractor if the work is atleast 95% complete and the work has been executed to such an extent
that it can be gainfully utilized by the Employer and remaining work is minor in nature not
affecting gainful use of the work.
56.1 The Defect Liability-cum-Maintenance period shall be as defined in the Contract Data and
Special Condition of Contract.
57.1. The Contractor shall supply to the ‘Engineer’ a detailed account of the total amount that the
Contractor considers payable under the Contract before the end of the Defects Liability Period. The
‘Engineer’ shall issue a Defect Liability Certificate and certify any final payment that is due to the
Contractor within 56 days of receiving the Contractor’s account if it is correct and complete. If it is
not, ‘Engineer’ shall issue within 56 days a schedule that states the scope of the corrections or
additions that are necessary. If the Final Account is still unsatisfactory after it has been resubmitted,
the Engineer shall decide on the amount payable to the Contractor and issue a payment certificate,
within 56 days of receiving the Contractor’s revised account.
57.2 The contractor will submit the final bill of construction within 21 days of issue of
Completion Certificate. The Engineer will process and pass the final bill within 21 days of the
submission of final bill by the contractor.
58.1 The Contractor shall submit “as built” drawings for the work by the dates given in the
contract data.If “as built” Drawings and/or operating and maintenance manuals are required,
the Contractor shall supply them by the dates stated in the Contract Data.
58.2 If the Contractor does not supply the Drawings and/or manuals by the dates stated in the
Contract Data, or they do not receive the Engineer's approval, the Engineer shall withhold the
amount stated in the Contract Data from payments due to the Contractor.
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59. Termination
59.1 The Employer or the Contractor may terminate the Contract if the other party causes a
fundamental breach of the Contract.
59.2 Fundamental breaches of the Contract shall include, but shall not be limited to, the
(a) the Contractor stops work for 28 days when no stoppage of work is shown on the
current Programme and the stoppage has not been authorized by the Engineer;
(b) the ‘Engineer’ instructs the Contractor to delay the progress of the Works and the instruction is
not withdrawn within 56 daysthe Contractor is declared as bankrupt or goes into
liquidation other than for approved reconstruction or amalgamation;
(c) the Engineer gives Notice that failure to correct a particular Defect whether pertaining
to construction work or pertaining to Defect Liability-cum-Maintenance Period is a
fundamental breach of the Contract and the Contractor fails to correct it within a
reasonable period of time determined by the Engineer;
(e) the Contractor has delayed the completion of the Works by the number of days for
which the maximum amount of liquidated damages can be paid, as defined in clause
(f) the Contractor fails to provide insurance cover as required under clause 13;
(g) if the Contractor, in the judgment of the Employer, has engaged in the corrupt,
fraudulent or coercive practice in competing for or in executing the Contract. For the
purpose of this clause, “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving, or
soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of a public official in the
procurement process or in Contract execution. “Fraudulent Practice” means a willful
misrepresentation or omission of facts or submission of fake/forged documents in order
to induce public official to act in reliance thereof, with the purpose of obtaining unjust
advantage by or causing damage to justified interest of others and/or to influence the
procurement process to the detriment of the Government interests. And, this includes
collusive practice among Bidders (prior to or after bid submission) designed to establish
bid process at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the Employer of the
benefits of free and open competition. “Coercive practice” means the act of obtaining
something, compelling an action or influencing a decision through intimidation, threat
or the use of force directly or indirectly, where potential or actual injury may befall
upon a person, his/ her reputation or property to influence their participation in the
tendering process.
(h) if the Contractor, in the judgment of the Employer, has engaged in the corrupt,
fraudulent practice to extract undue payments from the department while executing the
Contract. For the purpose of this clause, “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving,
receiving, or soliciting of anything of value to influence the action of a public official in
the procurement process or in Contract execution. “Fraudulent Practice” means a willful
misrepresentation or omission of facts or submission of fake/forged documents / claims
/ bills in order to induce public official to act in reliance thereof, with the purpose of
obtaining unjust advantage detriment of the Government interests.
59.3 When either party to the Contract gives notice of a breach of contract to the ‘Engineer’ for
a cause other than those listed under Sub Clause 59.2 above, the ‘Engineer’ shall decide whether
the breach is fundamental or not
59.4 Notwithstanding the above, the Employer may terminate the Contract for convenience.
59.5 If the Contract is terminated, the Contractor shall stop work immediately, make the Site safe
and secure, and leave the Site as soon as reasonably possible.
60.1 (i) If the Contract is terminated because of a fundamental breach of Contract by the
Contractor, the Engineer shall issue a certificate for the value of the work done, less liquidated
damages, less advance payments received up to the date of the issue of the certificate and less the
percentage to apply to the value of the work not completed, as indicated in the Contract Data. If the
total amount due to the Employer exceeds any payment due to the Contractor, the difference shall
be recovered from the Retention Money and Performance Security. If any amount is still left un-
recovered it will be a debt payable to the Employer from any other due payments to the contractor
for any other works executed by him in the State of Haryana, any other state Govt. works, Central
Govt. works including state public sector works executed by the Contractor.
61. Property
61.1 All materials on the Site, Plant, Equipment, Temporary Works and Works are deemed to be
the property of the Employer, if the Contract is terminated because of a Contractor’s default to
make recoveries.
62.1 If the Contract is frustrated by the outbreak of war or by any other event entirely outside the
control of the Employer or the Contractor, the Engineer shall certify that the Contract has been
frustrated. The Contractor shall make the Site safe and stop work as quickly as possible after
receiving this certificate and shall be paid for all work carried out before receiving it and for any
work carried out afterwards to which a commitment was made.
62.2 If a Contractor dies during the currency of the Contract or becomes permanently
incapacitated, and his/her legal heirs are not willing to complete the Contract, the Contract shall be
closed without levying any damages/compensation as provided for in clauses 44 and 60 of GCC.
However, if the nominee expresses his/her intention to complete the balance work and the
competent authority is satisfied about the competence of the nominee, then the competent authority
shall enter into a fresh agreement for the remaining work strictly on the same terms and conditions,
under which the Contract was initially awarded.
(ii) In relation to any other establishment to which this Act may be applicable at
any time after such commencement, within a period of 60 days from the date
on which this Act becomes applicable to such establishment, make an
application to the registering officer for the registration of establishment.
Further, the first running bill of the contractor shall be cleared only after the receipt of
registration certificate under the Building & Other Construction Workers Welfare (RE&CS)
Act, 1996 and registration of all the eligible construction workers as a beneficiary of the
Haryana Building & Other Construction Worker Welfare Board.
1.2 The Contractor shall, unless otherwise provided in the Contract, make his own
arrangements for the engagement of all staff and labour, local or other, and for their payment,
housing, feeding and transport.
1.3 The Contractor shall, if required by the ‘Engineer’s , deliver to the ‘Engineer’ a return in
detail, in such form and at such intervals as the ‘Engineer’ may prescribe, showing the staff and the
numbers of the several classes of labour from time to time employed by the Contractor on the Site
and such other information as the ‘Engineer’ may require.
During continuance of the contract, the Contractor shall abide at all times by all existing
labour enactments and rules made thereunder, regulations, notifications and bye laws of the State
or Central Government or local authority and any other labour law (including rules), regulations,
bye laws that may be passed or notification that may be issued under any labour law in future
either by the State or the Central Government or the local authority. Salient features of some of the
major labour laws that are applicable to construction industry are given below. The Contractor
shall keep the Employer indemnified in case any action is taken against the Employer by the
competent authority on account of contravention of any of the provisions of any Act or rules make
thereunder, regulations or notifications including amendments. If the Employer is caused to pay or
reimburse, such amounts as may be necessary to cause or observe, or for non-observance of the
provisions stipulated in the notifications/bye laws/Acts/Rules/regulations including amendments, if
any, on the part of the Contractor, the ‘Engineer’s /Employer shall have the right to deduct any
money due to the Contractor including his amount of performance security. The
Employer/’Engineer’ shall also have right to recover from the Contractor any sum required or
estimated to be required for making good the loss or damage suffered by the Employer.
The employees of the Contractor in no case shall be treated as the employees of the Employer at
any point of time.
(b) in relation to any other establishment to which this Act may be applicable at any
time after such commencement, within a period of sixty days from the date on
which this Act becomes applicable to such establishment, make an application to the
registering officer for the registration of such establishment;
Provided that the registering officer may entertain any such application after the expiry
of the periods aforesaid, if he is satisfied that the applicant was prevented by sufficient
cause from making the application within such period.
(2) Every application under sub-section (1) shall be in such form and shall contain such
particulars and shall be accompanied by such fees as may be prescribed.
(3) After the receipt of an application under sub-section (1), the registering officer shall
register the establishment and issue a certificate of registration to the employer thereof
in such form and within such time and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed.
(4) Where, after the registration of an establishment under this section, any change-occurs
in the ownership or management or other prescribed particulars intimated by the
employer to the registering officer within thirty days of such change in such form as
may be prescribed”.
(i) In relation to an establishment to which this Act applies on its commencement, within a
period of 60 days from such commencements; and
(ii) In relation to any other establishment to which this Act may be applicable at any time
after such commencement, within a period of 60 days from the date on which this Act
becomes applicable to such establishment, make an application to the registering officer
for the registration of establishment.
a) Workman Compensation Act 1923:- The Act provides for compensation in case of
injury by accident arising out of and during the course of employment.
b) Payment of Gratuity Act 1972:- Gratuity is payable to an employee under the Act
on satisfaction of certain conditions on separation if an employee has completed 5
years service or more on death, the rate of 15 days wages for every completed year
of service. The Act is applicable to all establishments employing 10 or more
c) Employee P.F. and Miscellaneous Provision Act 1952:- The Act Provides for
monthly contributions by the employer plus workers @10% each. The benefits
payable under the Act are:
(i) Pension or family pension on retirement or death, as the case may be.
(ii) Deposit insurance linked with death of the worker during Employment.
(iii) Payment of P.F. accumulation or retirement/death etc.
d) Maternity Benefit Act 1951:- The Act provides for leave and some other benefits to
women employees in case of confinement or miscarriage etc.
(e) Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970:- The Act provides for certain
welfare measures to be provided by the Contractor to contract labour and in case the
Contractor fails to provide, the same are required to be provided by the Principal
Employer by Law. The Principal Employer is required to take Certificate of
Registration and the Contractor is required to take licence from the designated
Officer. The Act is applicable to the establishments or Contractor of Principal
Employer, if they employ 20 or more contract labour.
(f) Minimum Wages Act 1948:- The Employer is supposed to pay not less than the
Minimum Wages fixed by appropriate Government as per provisions of the Act, if
the employment is a scheduled employment. Construction of Buildings, Roads,
Runways are scheduled employments.
(g) Payment of Wages Act 1936:_ It lays down as to by what date the wages are to be
paid, when it will be paid and what deductions can be made from the wages of the
(h) Equal Remuneration Act 1979:- The Act provides for payment of equal wages for
work of equal nature to Male and Female workers and for not making
discrimination against Female employees in the matters of transfers, training and
promotions etc.
(i) Deleted
(j) Industrial Disputes Act 1947:- The Act lays down the machinery and procedure for
resolution of Industrial disputes, in what situations a strike or lock-out becomes
illegal and what are the requirements for laying off or retrenching the employees or
closing down the establishment.
(l) Trade Unions Act 1926:- The Act lays down the procedure for registration of trade
unions of workmen and employers. The Trade Unions registered under the Act have
been given certain immunities from civil and criminal liabilities.
(m) Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act 1986:- The Act prohibits employment
of children below 14 years of age in certain occupations and processes and provides
for regulation of employment of children in all other occupations and processes.
Employment of Child Labour is prohibited in Building and Construction Industry.
(o) The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and
Conditions of Service) Act 1996 and the Cess Act of 1996:- All the establishment
who carry on any building or other construction work and employs 10 or more
workers are covered under this Act. All such establishments are required to pay cess
at the rate not exceeding 2% of the cost of construction as may be modified by the
Government. The Employer of the establishment is required to provide safety
measures at the Building or construction work and other welfare measures, such as
Canteens, First-Aid facilities, Ambulance, Housing accommodations for workers
near the work place etc. The Employer to whom the Act applies has to obtain a
registration certificate from the Registering Officer appointed by the Government.
(p) Factories Act 1948:- The Act lays down the procedure for approval of plans before
setting up a factory, health and safety provisions, welfare provisions, working
hours, annual earned leave and rendering information regarding accidents or
dangerous occurrences to designated authorities. It is applicable to premises
employing 10 persons or more with aid of power or 20 or more persons without the
aid of power engaged in manufacturing process.
(a) The Contractor shall pay not less than the fair wage to labourers engaged
by him on the work.
EXPLANATION:- Fair Wage’ means wage whether for time of piece work
notified from time to time for the area and where such wages have not been so
notified the wages specified by the Irrigation & Water Resources Department
for the district in which the work is done.
(b) The Contractor shall not withstanding the provisions of any agreement to
the contrary, caused to be paid fair wages to labour, indirectly engaged on
the work including any labour engaged in connection with the said work, as
if the labourers had been directly employed by him.
(c) In respect of labour directly or indirectly employed on the works for the
performances of the contractor’s part on this agreement the contractor shall
comply with or cause to be complied with the Irrigation & Water Resources
Department Contractor’s Labour’s Regulations made by the Government
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(d) The Executive Engineer or Sub Divisional Engineer concerned shall have
the rights to deduct, from the moneys due to the Contractor, any sum
required or estimated to be required for making good the loss suffered by a
worker or workers by reason of non-fulfillment of the conditions of the
contract for benefit of the workers, non payment of wages or deductions
made from his or their wages, which are not justified by terms of the
contract for non observance of the regulations referred to in clause I above.
(e) Vis-à-vis the Haryana Government, the Contractor shall be primarily liable
for all payments to be made under and the observance of the regulations
aforesaid without prejudice to his right to claim indemnity from his sub
(f) The regulations shall be deemed to be a part of this contract and any branch
there shall be deemed to be branch of this contract.
2.4.1 Rules for the Protection of Health and Sanitary Arrangements for Workers Employed
by the Irrigation & Water Resources Department or its Contractors
The Contractor shall at his own expense provide or arrange for the provision of foot wear
for any labour doing cement mixing work (the Contractor has undertaken to execute under this
contract) to the satisfaction of the Engineer – in – charge and on his failure to do so Government
shall be entitled to provide the same and recover the cost thereof from Contractor.
The Contractor shall submit by the 4th and 19th of every month to the Executive Engineer a
true statement showing in respect of the second half of the proceeding month and the first half of
the current month respectively (i) the number of labourers employed by him on the work (ii) their
working hours (iii) the wages paid to them (iv) the accident that occurred during the said forthright
showing the circumstances under which they happened and the extent of damage and injury caused
by them and (v) the number of female workers who have been allowed Maternity benefit according
to clause 19-F and the amount paid to them failing which the Contractor shall be liable to pay to
Government a sum not exceeding Rs. 50/- for each default or materially incorrect statement. The
decision of the Executive Engineer shall be final in deducting from any bill due to the contractor
the amount levied as fine.
Maternity benefit for female workers employed by the Contractor, leave and pay during
leave shall be regulated as follow: -
2. PAY (i) In case of delivery, leave pay during maternity leave will be at the
rate of the woman’s average daily earning calculated on the total wages
earned on the day when full time work was done during a period of 3
months immediately preceding the date of which she gives notice that she
excepts to be confined or at the rate of Rs. 12/- per day which ever is
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(ii) In case of miscarriage, Leave pay at the rate of average daily earning
calculated on the total wages earned on the days when full time work was done during a
period of 3 months immediately proceeding the date of such miscarriage.
(iii) Conditions for the grant of Maternity leave:- No Maternity leave benefit shall
be admissible to a woman unless she produces a certificate of confinement and
excepted delivery within 4 weeks proceeding the date on she proceeds on leave.
3. FIRST AID (a) At every work place, there shall be maintained in readily accessible
place first aid appliances including an adequate supply of sterilized dressing and
cotton wools. The appliances shall be kept in good order and in large workplaces it
shall be placed under the charge of a responsible person who shall be readily
available during the working hours.
(b) All large work places where hospital facilities are not available within easy
distance of the work, first aid post shall be established and be run by a trained compo
(c) Where large work places are remote from regular hospital an indoor ward
shall be provided with one bed for every 250 employees.
(d) Where large work places are situated in cities, towns in their suburbs and no
beds are considered necessary owing to the proximity of city or town hospitals a
suitable transport shall be provided to facilitate removal of urgent cases to these
At other work place, the conveyance facilities such as car shall be kept readily available to
take injured or persons suddenly taken seriously ill, to the nearest hospital.
These shall be provided within the precinct of every work places, Latrines and Urinals in an
accessible place and the accommodation separately for each of them shall not be less than the
following scales : -
No. of Sheds
In particulars cases the Executive Engineer shall have the powers to very the scale where
The inside walls shall be constructed of masonry or some suitable heat resisting non
absorbent material and shall be cement washed inside and outside at least once a year. The dates of
cement shall be noted in register maintained for this purpose and kept available for inspection.
2.4.6 CRECHE:
At every work place these shall be provided free of cost two suitable sheds one main and the
other for the use of labour. The height of the shelter shall not be less than eleven feet from the floor
level to the lowest part of the roof.
At every work place at which 50 or more women workers are ordinary employed, these two
huts for use of children under the age of six years belonging to such women. One hut shall be used
for infants “Games and to play” and the other as their bed room. The hut shall not be constructed
on a lower standard then the following :-
(iii) Plants spread over mud floor and covered with mating.
The huts shall be provided with suitable and sufficient opening for light and ventilations. There
shall be adequate provision of sweepers to keep the place clean. There shall be two day attendant.
Sanitary, utensils shall be provided to the satisfaction of Health Office of the area concerned. The
use of the hut shall be restricted to children, their attendant and mothers of the children.
2.4.8 CANTEEN:
A cooked food canteen on a moderate scale shall be provided for the benefit of workers where over
it is considered expedient.
(i) Suitable scaffolds shall be provided for all workmen for all works that
cannot be safely done from a ladder or by other means.
1. be of sound material.
4. scaffolds shall not be overloaded and so far as practicable, the load shall be
evenly distributed.
(i) Every working platform and every gangway shall be closely boarded unless
other adequate measures are taken to ensure safety.
(ii) Every working platform and every gangway shall have adequate width, and;
Every opening in the floor of a building or in working platforms shall except for
the time and to the extent required to allow the access of persons or the
transport or shifting of material be provided with suitable means to prevent the
fall of persons or materials.
When persons are employed on a roof where there is a danger of failing from a height
exceeding that to be prescribed by national laws of regulations suitable precautions shall be a taken
to prevent the fall of persons or materials.
Suitable precautions shall be taken to prevent persons being struck by articles which might
fall from scaffolds or other working places.
1. Soft means of access shall be provided to all working platforms an other working
2. Every place where work is carried on the means approach there to shall be
adequately lighted.
3. Every ladder shall be securely fixed of such length as to provide secure hand held
and foot at every position at which it is used.
(1) All necessary personal safety equipment shall be kept and available for use of the
persons employed on the site be maintained in condition suitable for immediate
(2) The worker shall be required to use the equipment thus provided and the employed
shall take adequate steps to ensure proper use of the equipment by these concerned.
(3) Adequate provision shall be made for prompt first aid treatment of all injuries
likely to be sustained during the course of the work.
3.0 Environment
a) The contractor shall take all reasonable steps to protect the environment at and
off the Site and to avoid damage or nuisance to persons or to property of the
public or others resulting from pollution, noise or other causes arising as a
consequence of his methods of operation.
b) During continuance of the contract, the contractor shall abide at all times by all
existing enactments on environmental protection and rules made there under,
regulations, notifications and by laws of the State or Central Government or local
authorities and any other law, bye law, regulations that may be passed for
notification that may be issued in this respect in future by the State or Central
Government or the local authority.
3.1 Salient features of some of the major laws that are applicable are given below:
(i) The water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974: This provides for the
prevention and control of water pollution and the maintaining and restoring of
wholesomeness of water. ‘Pollution’ means such contamination of water or such
alternation of physical, chemical or biological properties of water or such discharge
of any sewage or trade effluent or of any other liquid, gaseous or solid substance
into water (whether directly or indirectly) as may, or is likely to, create a nuisance
or render such water harmful or injurious to public health or safety, or to domestic,
commercial, industrial, agricultural or other legitimate uses, or to the life and health
of animals or plants or of aquatic organisms.
(ii) The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981: This provides for
prevention, control and abatement of air pollution. ‘Air Pollution’ means the
presence in the atmosphere of any ‘air pollutant’, which means any solid, liquid, or
gaseous substance (including noise) present in the atmosphere in such concentration
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(iii) The Environment (Protection) Act 1986: This provides for the protection and
improvement of environment and for matters connected therewith, and the
prevention of hazards to human beings, other living creatures, plants and property.
‘Environment’ includes water, air and land and the interrelationship which exists
among and between water, air and land, and human beings, other living creatures,
plants, micro-organism and property.
(iv) The Public Liability Insurance Act 1991: This provides for public liability
insurance for the purpose of providing immediate relief to the persons affected by
accident occurring while handling hazardous substances and for matters connected
herewith or incidental thereto. Hazardous substance means any substance or
preparation which is defined as hazardous substance under the Environment
(Protection) Act 1986, and exceeding such quantity as may be specified by
notification by the Central Government.
4.1 The Contractor shall duly comply with the provisions of the Apprentices Act, 1961 (IIIof
1961), the rules made there under and the orders that may be issued from time to time under the
said Act and the said Rules and on his failure or neglect to do so, he shall be subject to all liabilities
and penalties provided by the said Act and said Rules.
5.0 Amendment
The Haryana Government may, from time to time and to amend any of the Labour or
Pollution or other regulations, all amendments in any or all Acts shall also be followed.
6.1 The Contractor shall do photography/video photography of the site firstly before the start of
the work, secondly mid-way in the execution of different stages of work and lastly after the
completion of the work. No separate payment will be made to the Contractor for this.
6.2 The Contractor shall not disclose details of Drawings furnished to him and works on which
he is engaged without the prior approval of the Employer in writing. No photograph of the works
or any part thereof or plant employed thereon, except those permitted under clause 58.1, shall be
taken or permitted by the Contractor to be taken by any of his employees without the prior
approval of the Employer in writing. No photographs/ Video photography shall be published or
otherwise circulated without the approval of the Employer in writing.
7. The various works shall be done in line to line level and grade. The periodical checking of
these by the Engineer or Engineer’s representative shall not absolve the Contractor of his
responsibility regarding their accuracy. In case of any deviation or discrepancy in line, level or
grade at the meeting faces, the Contractor shall make good the discrepancy at his own cost and
without any compensation for the additional work, if any involved. The Engineer shall further have
right, if need be, to rectify the discrepancies and recover the cost from the Contractor.
8. All materials, before being incorporated in the work, shall be inspected by the Engineer or
his representative and, if necessary, tested before use. Any work, on which such materials are used
without approval and written permission of the Engineer, is liable to be considered as defective and
not acceptable.
8.2 An authorized representative of the Contractor shall remain present at the time when the
samples are taken and shall authenticate the facts, if so required. If the Contractor’s
representative fails to be present as aforesaid, the samples or cores, etc. as are taken by the
Engineer or his representatives shall be considered to be authentic. The Contractor will
however be informed of the details of such samples having been taken.
8.3 The materials, mixes and the cores shall be tested day to day and periodically at the
laboratory and the results given thereby shall be considered correct and authentic by the
Contractor. The Contractor shall be given access to all operations and tests that may be
carried out as aforesaid so that he may satisfy himself regarding the procedure and method
adopted. It shall then be the Contractor’s responsibility to produce the works, materials and
finished item to the standards based on the laboratory design and tests.
8.4 The methods of sampling, testing, procedures and standards shall be laid down by the
Engineer from time to time.
8.5 The quality and quantity of material shall be the responsibility of the Contractor,
irrespective of the test results being good.
9. Arrangement of water and electric power, etc. required by the Contractor for the work shall
be made by him at his own cost. Engineer will, however, recommend to the concerned State
Electricity Utilities for providing the connection and power to the Contractor, however, the
Engineer will bear no responsibility in this respect.
9.1 Contractor shall not be allowed to start the work till Engineer is satisfied with the proper
arrangement of good quality water for execution of work including curing for 28 days. For
this, the Contractor shall have to construct water storage tanks of sufficient capacity. No
extra payment shall be made on this account. Any delay in execution of work due to non-
availability of sufficient water will be responsibility of the Contractor. In case water is used
from Government source, the contractor has to pay 0.5% of the cost of the part of such
work for which the water is used.
9.2 The Contractor shall not set fire to any standing jungle, trees, ‘bush’ wood or grass without
a written permission from the Engineer.
9.3 When such permission is given and also in all cases when destroying of dug trees, bush
wood, grass, etc. by fire the Contractor shall take necessary measures to prevent such fire
spreading to or otherwise damaging surrounding property.
9.4 Any damage caused by the spreading of such fire, whether in or beyond limits of the
Engineer’s property shall be made good by the Contractor within a period specified by the
Engineer or in default the amount of the damage shall be recovered by the Engineer from
the Contractor’s bill as damages or deducted by any other duly authorized officer from any
sums that may be due or become due from the Employer to the Contractor under the
Contract or otherwise.
10. The Engineer may order the Contractor to suspend any work that may be subject to damage
by climatic conditions and no claim of the Contractor will be entertained by the Engineer on this
11. A site order book shall be kept on the site of the work. As far as possible, all orders,
regarding the work are to be entered in this Book. All entries therein shall be signed by the
Engineer or his authorized representative and the Contractor or his authorized representative. In
important cases, the Engineer will countersign the entries which have been made. The site order
book shall not be removed from the work site except with the written permission of the Engineer
and the Contractor or his representative shall be bound to take note of all instructions and
directions meant for the Contractor as entered in the site order book without having to be called on
separately to note them. The authorized representative of the Engineer shall submit periodically
copies of the remarks in the site order book to the Engineer for record and to the Contractor for
submitting compliance report.
12. The Contractor shall confirm to the regulations, safety precautions,bye-laws or any other
statutory rules made by any local authority or by the Government and shall protect and indemnify
the Engineer against any claims or liability arising from or based on the violations of any such
laws, ordinance, regulations, orders and decrees, etc.
13. The Contractor shall make his own arrangement for supply of all materials including
cement and steel. The Contractor shall be responsible for all transportation and storage of the
materials at site and shall bear all the related costs. The Engineer shall be entitled, at any time, to
inspect or examine all such materials. The Contractor shall provide reasonable assistance for
inspection or examination as may be required.
13.1 The Contractor shall keep an accurate record for use of materials like cement and steel used
in the works in a manner prescribed by the Engineer.
13.2 Large stock of cement shall not be kept at the work site but only sufficient quantities shall
be kept to ensure continuity of the work. The Contractor shall provide and maintain
efficient water proof storage sheds for cement on the site of work. It shall be stacked on the
platform 30 cm above the floor level and shall be covered with tarpaulin or any other
impervious covering material in order to protect the cement bags from moisture. The
cement shall be neatly stacked in an orderly manner so as to allow an easy access and
count. The arrangement of storage and utilization shall be such as to ensure the utilization
of cement in order of its arrival at the stores and the Contractor shall maintain satisfactory
records which would at any time show the date of receipt and proposed utilization of
cement lying in the stores at site.
14. The Contractor shall also construct and equip at his cost a working office with electricity
and water arrangement for his site Engineer.
15. The contractor shall also provide instruments for setting up field laboratory at his own cost
to site Engineer. No separate payment shall be made for this.
16. The Engineer shall have the right to deduct from the money due to Contractor any sum
required or estimated to be required for making good the loss suffered by a worker or workers by
reason of non-fulfillment of the condition of Contract for the benefit of the workers vis-à-vis the
Haryana Government, the Contractor shall be primarily liable for all payments to be made under
17. Third Party Inspection - The Engineer-in-Charge may opt for 3rd party inspection other
than department in addition to inspection by department staff, the 3rd party would inspect to ensure
execution of work as per specification/ agreement and also quality control i.e. draw of samples,
testing and other items etc. The report of the same would be submitted to Engineer-in-Charge by
the 3rd party. The agency/ contractor shall be bound by the report of 3rd party inspection and shall
take remedial measures for execution of work as per specifications in agreement at their own cost.
The cost of 3rd party inspection will be borne by the employer.
18. The Contractor shall confirm to the regulations, safety precautions,bye-laws or any other
statutory rules made by any local authority or by the Government and shall protect and indemnify
the Engineer against any claims or liability arising from or based on the violations of any such
laws, ordinance, regulations, orders and decrees, etc.
19. The Contractor shall make his own arrangement for supply of all materials including
cement and steel. The Contractor shall be responsible for all transportation and storage of the
materials at site and shall bear all the related costs. The Engineer shall be entitled, at any time, to
inspect or examine all such materials. The Contractor shall provide reasonable assistance for
inspection or examination as may be required.
19.1 The Contractor shall keep an accurate record for use of materials like cement
and steel used in the works in a manner prescribed by the Engineer.
19.2 Large stock of cement shall not be kept at the work site but only sufficient
quantities shall be kept to ensure continuity of the work. The Contractor shall
provide and maintain efficient water proof storage sheds for cement on the
site of work. It shall be stacked on the platform 30 cm above the floor level
and shall be covered with tarpaulin or any other impervious covering
material in order to protect the cement bags from moisture. The cement shall
be neatly stacked in an orderly manner so as to allow an easy access and
count. The arrangement of storage and utilization shall be such as to ensure
the utilization of cement in order of its arrival at the stores and the Contractor
shall maintain satisfactory records which would at any time show the date of
receipt and proposed utilization of cement lying in the stores at site.
20. The Engineer may order the Contractor to suspend any work that may be subject to damage
by climatic conditions and no claim of the Contractor will be entertained by the Engineer on this
21. Cement contents - Actual cement required for the aggregates in concrete to be used shall be
determined by laboratory test while designing the concrete mixes. If the cement contents of the
design mix of that grade come less than the provision of cement contents provided in the Haryana
Scheduled of Rates, (with latest amendments) due to durability conditions, the cement contents as
provided in the Haryana Schedule of Rates shall be used and no extra payment on this account
shall be made to the contractor. No extra amount over and above the minimum cement content as
provided in the Haryana Schedule of Rates shall be paid.
In case, the above qualified personnel are not deployed the following deduction shall
be made per month from the payment due to the contractor.
(i) Insurance cover for work is equal to the contract price and the [Cl. 13.1 (a)]
amount of deductable is 1% of the contract price
(ii) Minimum insurance cover for injury and death is Rs.10.00 lacs per [Cl. 13.1 (b)]
occurrence with the number of occurrences limited to four. After
each occurrence, contractor will pay additional premium necessary
to make insurance valid for four occurrences always. The amount
of deductable is Rs. 2.00 Lacs of the contract price.
(iii) Minimum insurance cover for damage to the property of the third [Cl. 13.1 (c)]
party is Rs. 20.00 Lacs. The amount of deductable is Rs. 2.00 Lacs
of the contract price.
(iv) Insurance cover for work is equal to the contract price and the [Cl. 13.3 (a)]
amount of deductable is 1% of the contract price
12. Site investigation report [Cl.14.1]
13. Security Deposit for invoking Arbitration [Cl. 25]
Sr No. Amount of Claim Rate of Security Deposit
1. For claims below 10,000 2% of claimed amount
2. For claims of Rs. 10,000 and 5% of claimed amount
above but below Rs 1,00,000/-
3. For claims of Rs 1,00,000 7.5% of claimed amount
and above
14. a. The period for submission of the programme for approval of [Cl.26.1]
Engineer shall be 07 days from the issue of Letter of
b. The updated programme shall be submitted at interval of 14 [Cl. 26.4]
c. The amount to be withheld for late submission of an updated [Cl. 26.4]
programme shall be 2% of the initial / revised contract price or
the enhanced contract price as applicable.
15. The following events shall also be Compensation Events: [Cl. 44.2 l]
Price adjustment for increase or decrease in the cost of bitumen shall be paid as
That the rate of bitumen/ emulsion at the refinery on the date of close for financial
bidding shall be considered as base rate if during execution of the works, the rate of
bitumen/ emulsion increase or decrease at refinery, the difference in cost shall be
paid/ recouped from the contractor in the bill, subject to the following conditions:-
(A) The contractor shall submit original bill/ voucher of the refinery while
claiming the payment for the work done. The bill/ voucher should pertain to
the period of original contractual time limit and should correspond with the
progress of work. No extra payment due to increase in rate of bitumen /
emulsion will be paid if the original bill/ voucher are not submitted by the
(C) After approval of tender, the contractor shall submit the work programme for
execution of work and get it approved from the Engineer-in-Charge in the
time limit prescribed in the tender document. The increase in rates of
bitumen, emulsion shall only be paid if the bitumen work is carried out within
the prescribed period as per approved work programme.
(D) Only actual difference of rates of Bitumen will be payable / deductable to the
contractor. No overhead charges and contractor profit etc. are to be added /
deleted, no tender premium is to be added / deleted.”
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(E) The contractor can arrange the bitumen from any of the refinery or import the
same subject to the condition that the quality of bitumen is as per the
requirement of contract and specifications. Regarding payment of price
variation of bitumen as per the agreement, that the escalation de-escalation
will be paid on the basis of lesser cost implication to Department /
Government on consideration of the difference in rates as given below subject
to financial regularity and other terms and conditions of agreement :-
(a) Prevailing rates of IOC refineries at Panipat at the time of tender and at the
time of purchase of bitumen.
(b) Prevailing rates at the source from which the bitumen is purchased by the
contractual agency at the time of tender.
(b) When escalation is due to increase in rates of bitumen is due to agency, then
lesser of the difference in rates of IOC Panipat and that of private refinery /
Sector, from whom bitumen was purchased, shall be considered.
15 (a) (ii) Adjustment for Grey Cement (OPC/PPC) and, Steel for reinforcement and
structural members (index for MS Long Products) :
Price adjustment for increase or decrease in the cost of Grey Cement (OPC/PPC) and,
Steel for reinforcement and structural members (index for MS Long Products) shall
be paid as follows:
(A) If after submission of the, the price of Grey Cement (OPC/PPC) or Steel for
reinforcement and structural members (index for MS Long Products)
incorporated in the works (not being a material supplied form the Engineer-
in-Charge’s Store) increase (s) beyond the price (s) prevailing at the time of
the last stipulated date for financial bid closing of tenders (including
extensions, if any) for the work, then the amount of the contract shall
accordingly be varied and provided further that any such increase shall not be
payable if such increase has become operative after the stipulated date of
completion of work in question.
(B) If after submission of the, the price of Grey Cement (OPC/PPC) / or Steel for
reinforcement and structural members (index for MS Long Products)
incorporated in the works (not being a material supplied form the Engineer-
in-Charge’s Store) is decreased, Govt. shall in respect of these materials
incorporated in the works (not being materials supplied from the Engineer-in-
Stores) be entitled to deduct from the dues of the contractor such amount as
shall be equivalent to the difference between the prices of Cement
(OPC/PPC) as prevailed at the time of last stipulated date for receipt of
tenders including extensions if any for the work and the prices of these
materials on the coming into force of such base price of Cement (OPC/PPC)
and issued under authority of Engineer-in-Chief, Haryana PWD B&R,
(C) It is further clarified that the decrease in the prices of of Grey Cement
(OPC/PPC) / or Steel for reinforcement and structural members (index for
MS Long Products) and shall be deducted from the dues of the contractor if
such decrease has become operative after the stipulated date of completion of
work in question and increase shall not be payable if such increase shall not
be payable if such increase has become operative after the stipulated date of
completion of work in question.
(D) The increase/ decrease in prices shall be determined by the All India
Wholesale Prices Indices for Grey Cement (OPC/PPC) / or Steel for
reinforcement and structural members (index for MS Long Products) as
published by the Economic Advisor to Government of India, Ministry of
Commerce and Industry) and base price for Grey Cement (OPC/PPC) / or
Steel for reinforcement and structural members (index for MS Long Products)
as mentioned in the Bid Document or if not mentioned then as issued under
authority of Engineer-in-Chief, Haryana PWD B&R, Br. Chandigarh as valid
on the last stipulated date of receipt of tender, including extension if any and
for the period under consideration.
The amount of the contract shall accordingly be adjusted for Cement (OPC/PPC) will be
worked out as per the formula given below:-
Adjustment for component of “Grey Cement (OPC/PPC)”
Vc=Pc X Qc x CI-C1o
Vc= Variation in Cement (OPC/PPC) cost i.e. increase or decrease in the amount in
rupees to be paid or recovered.
Pc= Base price of Cement (OPC/PPC) as mentioned in the Bid Document or if not
mentioned then as issued under authority of Engineer-in- Chief, Haryana
PWD B&R, Br. Chandigarh valid at the time of the last stipulated of receipt
of tender including extension if any.
Qc= Quantity of Cement (OPC/PPC) used in the works since previous bill.
CI0= All India wholesale price index for Cement (OPC/PPC) as published by the
Economic Advisor to Government of India, Ministry of Industry and
Commerce as valid on the last stipulated date of receipt of tenders including
extensions if any.
C1= All India wholesale price index for Cement (OPC/PPC) for period consideration
as published by the Economic Advisor to Government of India, Ministry of
Industry and Commerce
Adjustment Calculation Formula for Steel for reinforcement and structural members
(index for MS Long Products)
Vs=Ps x Qs x SI-S1o
Vs = Variation in cost of Steel (MS Long Products) i.e. increase or decrease in the
amount in rupees in the amount in rupees to be paid or recovered.
Qs= Quantity of Steel (MS Long Products) paid either by way of secured advance or
used in the works since previous bill (Whichever is earlier).
S1o= All India wholesale Price Index for Steel (MS Long Products) for the period
under consideration as published by Economic Advisor to Government of
India, Ministry of Industry and Commerce as valid on the last stipulated date
of receipt of tenders including extensions, if any.
S1= All India Wholesale Price Index for Steel (MS Long Products) for the period
under consideration as published by Economic Advisor to Government of
India, Ministry of Industry and Commerce.
Vf = 0.85xPf/100xRx(Fl-Fo)/Fo
Vf =increase or decrease in the cost of work during the month under consideration
due to changes in rates for fuel and lubricants.
Fo = The all India wholesale price index for ‘Fuel and Power’ for the calendar month
28 days preceding the date of opening of bids as published by the Office of
Economic Advisor, Government of India, Ministry of Commerce and Industry,
Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion with website
F1 =The all India average wholesale price index for ‘Fuel and Power’ for the month
under consideration as published by Office of Economic Advisor, Government
of India, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Department of Industrial Policy
and Promotion with website as www.eaindustry.nic.in
Pf = 5.
R = Value of work executed during the period.
16. The proportion of payments retained (Retention Money) shall be 6% from each
bill subject to a maximum of 5% of final contract price.
17. (a) Milestones to be achieved during the contract period.
(c) Maximum limit of liquidated 10 (Ten) per cent of the contract price
damages for completion of rounded off to nearest thousand.
19. The period for setting up a field laboratory with the prescribed equipment [Cl.31.1]
is 28 days from the date of notice to start work
20. The Defect Liability-cum-Maintenance Period is 365 Days from the date of [Cl. 56]
21. The date by which “as-built” drawings (in scale as directed) in 2 sets are [Cl.58.2]
required is within 28 days of issue of certificate of completion of whole or
section of the work, as the case may be.
22. The amount to be withheld for failing to supply “as-built” drawings by the date [Cl.58.2]
required is Rs. 0.5% of agreement amount.
23. The following events shall also be fundamental breach of Contract: [Cl.59.2 (h)]
(i) The Contractor has contravened Clause 7.1 or Clause 9 of Part I General
Conditions of Contract
(ii) NA
24. The percentage to apply to the value of the work not completed representing the [Cl.60.1(i)]
Employer’s additional cost for completing the Works shall be 20 (Twenty)
Section 4-A
Detailed Scope of Work
Detailed Scope of Work.
Section 4-B
Technical Specifications
Technical Specifications
for Road Works
A. The work shall be carried out as per MoRT&H and PWD Specifications and also with latest
applicable IRC codes.
B. Maintenance during construction period
The contractor will maintain the existing road from start of contract to the completion
of contract by filling potholes duly covered with bituminous material to keep the road
in traffic worthy condition. This is incidental to main work and nothing extra shall be
payable on this account.
(a) “Bitumen and Bitumen Grade CRMB, wherever to be used in the work, will be
purchased from the refineries only.”
(b) An undertaking should be taken from the agency during the payment of every bill
i) He has actually purchased the bitumen as per list enclosed as annexure (the
annexure should be part of undertaking).
ii) He has used this bitumen on this work only.
iii) He has not claimed its cost from any other division/office or anywhere else.
iv) The data submitted by him is totally correct.
v) He owns full responsibility for the quality & quantity of bitumen and submission of
(c) For controlling the quantity of mixed material the following procedure be adopted:
(i) The contractor shall provide, install, maintain and operate at his own cost in good
working condition a weigh bridge of suitable capacity at site of the hot mix plant
under the direction of Engineer or his representative.
(ii) Each truck before loading of the mix shall be weighted on the Weigh Bridge and its
weight shall be recorded in the measurement book under the signature of authorized
representative of the contractor and of the Engineer.
(iii) The truck shall be again weighed on the weight bridge after loading of the mix and
its weight recorded as per prescribed performa.
The above instructions/ procedures are applicable for procurement of bitumen by department as
well as through the contractors. These may also be made part of the contract document
(d) The agency to whom the work is allotted will have to produce original vouchers for
all quantities in lieu of purchase of bitumen, steel, and cement from the original
manufacturer or other authorized dealers/distributors to the entire satisfaction of the
Engineer for ascertaining the genuineness of material. Attested copy of voucher will
have to be submitted along with bills.
(e) The Job mix formula will be got tested from CRRI New Delhi, NIT Kurukshetra,
PEC, Chd., TTI, Chandigarh, Shriram Institute, Delhi and testing charges will be
borne by the agency. Nothing shall be paid on this account.
(f) When the work under one agreement is being executed, the contractor shall not
undertake any other work from same hot mix plant without written permission of the
Engineer and shall also make separate arrangement of bitumen for that work.
(g) Before carrying out bituminous work, coating & stripping of bitumen aggregate mix
is to be performed in accordance with IS-6241.If coating and stripping of bitumen
aggregate mix is less than 95%, anti-stripping agent will be used by the contractor.
The anti-stripping agent should conform to the requirement as stipulated in IS
14982:2017.The cost so incurred will be considered as incidental to work and
nothing extra shall be payable. The type and brand of anti-stripping agent along with
procedure shall be approved by SE in-charge in writing before start of work.
A proper record of results be maintained and same shall be submitted along
with bills by the contractor.
(i) Before laying any construction layer of GSB, sub grade or base course, earth work
DNIT Name : Estimate for bridge on rive...
(ii) No compensation for any damages caused to the earthwork by rains, floods or any
other natural calamities shall be paid to the contractor. The contractor shall have to
make good all such damages at his own cost as per direction of Engineer.
(iii) The final payment of the tenderer will not be paid until and unless he furnishes to
the satisfaction of the Engineer, proof that the price of earth used for the work having
been fully paid to the owner of the land from which the earth was removed by the
contractor from his (owner) land for the work and to indemnify against all the losses,
damages, cost of land expenses which the Govt. suffer or incur as a result of such
(iv) In case of embankment with Fly Ash, the contractor shall take special care to keep
the surface wet at all times so that the Fly Ash does not get mixed up with the
atmosphere thus causing poor visibility besides health hazards. If the contractor does
not comply with this provision, the Engineer shall make necessary arrangement after
giving appropriate notice to the contractor, for keeping the fly ash surface wet and
the contractor shall pay the expenses incurred on demand or otherwise the same shall
be recovered by Engineer from bills due to the contractor.
(i) Correction of defects:- The Engineer shall give notice to the contractor of any
defects before the end of Defect Liability-cum-Maintenance Period which begins at
completion as per definition. The Defect Liability-cum-Maintenance Period shall be
extended as long as defects remain to be corrected. Every time notice of a defect is
given, the contractor shall correct the notice defect within the length of time specified
by the Engineer’s notice. If the contractor has not corrected a defect within the time
specified in Engineer’s notice, the Engineer will asses the cost of having the defect
corrected and the contractor will pay the amount.
(ii) The contractor shall have to provide a fields laboratory fully equipped at work site
and hot mix plant for conducting all the relevant tests mentioned in the MORT&H
specification subject to the approval of the Engineer or his representative. The record
of such tests is to be maintained in proper register duly singed by the contractor or his
representatives, which will become the property of the department. The contractor
will bear all the running expenses for conducting such tests. All the tests will be
carried in the presence of S.D.E.-in-charge and J.E.-in-charge.
(iii) The quality control test will also be done by the department and the material for such
test will be supplied by the contractor free of cost. In case the material is not found
upto the requirement, the same will be rejected.
(iv) Various quality control operation will be maintained as per Clause No. 901, 902, 903
of MORT&H (Road Wing) specification (5th revision) of latest edition and as per
instructions issued by MORT&H from time to time upto date.
(v) Contractor shall provide suitable measuring arrangement and leveling instruments of
latest quality as approved by Engineer at the site of work.
(vii) The Engineer at his description can get any type and Nos. of tests carried out from
any other approved laboratory for his satisfaction for which all the expenses incurred
would be borne by the agency. The result so obtained from the laboratory would be
acceptable/binding to the agency.
(viii) The contractor shall be required to provide all such materials/equipments at site to
conduct fields tests and to ensure that the quality of material/item shall be according
to the prescribed specification and no payment of any kind for such tests shall be
made to him. In case the material/item is not found upto mark, the same will be
(ix) For cement, bitumen, mild steel and similar other material, the essential tests are to
be carried out at the manufactures plant or at laboratories other than the site
laboratory. The cost of samples, testing and furnishing of test certificates shall be
borne by the contractor. He shall also furnish the test certificates to the Engineer.
(x) Contractor has to submit the bills (Running as well as final bill) for payment
alongwith quality control test results conducted as per frequency specified in
MORT&H specification. No payment will be made without test results.
(xi) OPC cement duly ISI marked of 43 grade such as JK, Lakshmi, L&T, A.C.C, Shree
and Birla or as approved by Engineer should be arranged by the contractor.
(xii) TMT Steel Fe-500/ 500 D duly ISI marked manufactured by reputed brands such as
Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited Vizag TMT 500 D/ Tata Iron & Steel Company
(TISCON) /Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL TMT Bar)/JSW( Jindal Panther
TMT)/ Electrosteel (V-Xega) 550D TMT Bar/Shyam Steel Industries Ltd. ( Shyam
TMT ReBars Fe 500D) / Orissa Metallurgical Industry Pvt. Ltd. (OMPL TMT 500
D)/Super Shakti Steel (Super Shakti Fe500) etc. shall be arranged by the contractor.
(xiii) Before executing the work of drain, proper drawing depicting L-section and X-
section of drain alongwith is proper disposal will be got approved by S.E. in writing.
All culverts and bridges will be constructed as per IRC-SP-13 and also approved by
the SE-in-Charge.
(xiv) Agency will have to submit to the Engineer, the original bills of cement and steel etc.
in token of proof of purchase of material alongwith quality control test certificate of
manufacturer failing which no payment shall be released.
(xv) Agency will get the material tested from any approved laboratory as directed and
whenever required by Engineer and all liability of testing shall be borne by the
(xvi) The rates are inclusive of cost of traffic management during construction, Contractor
shall provide road signages, boards, gunny bags, sheet etc. for safety of traffic during
construction period which will be incidental to work. Nothing extra shall be paid on
this account.
(xvii) The contractor will supply bills for purchase of RCC Hume Pipes clearly indicating
name of manufacturer, date of manufacturing, Lot no. etc. These details must painted
on the RCC Hume Pipe. The pipe should be ISI marked. The manufacturer should
(xviii) The contractor himself will arrange all the material such as bitumen, cement, steel,
bricks etc. at his own cost.
(xix) The riding quality of reach after giving treatment of wearing coat will not have
roughness more than 2000mm/km.
(xx) The contractor shall submit the proposal of widening of existing stretch to get the
centerline decided before commencement of work from Engineer.
(xxi) For work of embankment, sub grade & pavement, construction of subsequent layer of
same or other material over the finished layer shall be done after obtaining written
permission from the Engineer. Similar written permission from the Engineer shall be
obtained in respect of all other items of work prior to proceeding with the next stage
of construction.
(xxii) Before start of the work contractor will get his machinery inspected and approved
from the Engineer.
(xxiv) 80% material from scarification shall be credited & used at site in items as
mentioned in the BOQ.
(xxv) The pits on account of de-forestation of trees / roots, shall be filled with sand and
compacted to the specification by the agency at his own cost in the entire length. No
payment shall be made and the cost is incidental to work.
(a) A register in prescribed form showing day to day receipt, consumption and balance
of cement at site of work will be maintained at the work/test site by the department,
which shall invariably be signed by the contractor or his authorized representative in
(b) The following basic records, in addition to what might be considered necessary,
shall be kept at site and be made available to the inspecting officers.
i. Record of placement of concrete and test cubes shall be maintained in he
following form:
Water content of Water contents of Extra water added Total water content Water cement ratio
coarse aggregate fine aggregate
7 8 9 10 11
Slump of concrete Sources of supply Whether the batch Identification 7 days cube
of cement and of cement tested number of concrete Strength as
batch No. or not cube taken specified as per
actual test
12 13 14 15 16
ii. Record of test for controlling the quality of concrete such as grading, analysis of
Aggregates, silt content of fine aggregates, water content of fine aggregates, water
content of coarse aggregate etc.
iii. Record of test results on samples of mild steel. For steel, high tensile steel.
iv. Record of cement tests for different consignment/batches/sources of supply.
v. C.P.M/PERT chart, original and as revised/updated.
Technical Specifications
Building Works
The work will be executed as per Haryana PWD B&R Specifications as per latest
amendment. In case of any discrepancy the Bureau of Indian Standards shall be followed and then
CPWD specifications shall be followed. These will be in order of preference as mentioned below:
i) Haryana PWD (B&R) Specifications.
ii) Bureau of Indian Standards.
iii) CPWD Specifications.
In case, any item is not covered by all three above, then the decision of ‘Engineer’
shall be final.
1.1 The technical specifications contained herein shall be read in conjunction with the other
bidding documents as specified in volume-1.
3.1 The information given here under and provided else, where in these documents is given in
good faith by the employer but the contractor shall satisfy himself regarding all aspects of site
conditions and no claim will be entertained on the plea that the information supplied by the
employer is erroneous insufficient.
3.2 The area in which the works are located is mostly plain terrain.
4.2 The average annual rainfall in the area is of the order of 500mm. A good portion of which is
concentrated during the months of August and September each year.
4.3 The range of relative humidity varies from a minimum of 40% to a maximum of 80%.
1. The rates are for complete work including cost of all materials, labour, tools and plants
and water etc. unless or otherwise specified.
2. All clauses and notes given in the Haryana PWD schedule of rates 2021 (2nd edition)
and DSR 2018 with upto date correction slips issued upto the date of tender shall be
applicable to all above items wherever necessary.
3. The description, rates, units, etc. of above schedule shall be corrected as per Haryana
PWD schedule of rate 2021, (2nd edition) in case of any error or omission.
4. Chapter numbers with items referred to above are of Haryana PWD schedule of rates
2021 (2nd edition), corrected upto date.
5. The whole work shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the Haryana PWD
specifications book 1990 latest edition as applicable to Haryana State with upto date
correction slips and CPWD / MoRT&H / MoRD Specifications as applicable.
6. No premium shall be payable on the items which are not provided in the Haryana PWD
schedule of rates 2021, corrected-up-to-date.
7. Samples of all building materials, doors and windows, fittings and other articles
required for use on the work shall be got approved from the ‘Engineer’, Articles
manufactured by firms of repute, approved by the ‘Engineer’ shall only be used. Only
articles classified, as First Quality by the manufactures shall be used. Articles which
are not First quality shall be rejected by the ‘Engineer’. Preference shall be given to
those articles, which bear I.S.I. certification mark. In case articles bearing ISI
certification mark are not available, the quality of samples brought by the contractor
shall be judged by the standards laid down in the relevant ISI specifications. All
materials and articles brought by the contractor to the site of work for use shall confirm
to the samples approved, which shall be preserved till the completion of work. Final
decision to reject any material shall rest with the ‘Engineer’.
8. The contractor shall provide suitable measuring arrangements at site for checking of
various articles brought by him to ensure mixing in specified proportions.
9. The contractor shall provide such recesses, hole, openings etc. as directed by ‘Engineer’
as required for the Electrical / sanitary work and nothing shall be payable on this
10. Thickness of RCC shall be measured and paid for structural sizes designed.
11. Reinforcement shall be measured in length including hooks, if any, separately for
different diameters actually used in work, during overlaps. From the length so
measured, the weight of reinforcement shall be calculated in tones on the basis of
IS:1732 Wastage, overlaps couplings, welded joints, spacer bars, chairs, stays,
hangers and annealed steel wire or other methods for binding and placing, shall
not be measured and cost of these items shall be deemed to be included in the
rates for reinforcement.
12. Where there is a provision for flush door shutters, only doors which bear the ISI
certification marks and arranged from manufacturer of good repute like Green, Duro,
DNIT Name : Estimate for bridge on rive...
13. Steel butt hinges shall strictly confirm to Indian standard specification, IS-1341-1970
(Latest edition) and dimensions given in table 2 for medium weight cold rolled mild
steel butt hinges of the above specifications Hinges shall be of good workmanship and
manufactured by the firm of good repute.
14. Analysis of rates for non-schedule / non agreement items i.e. items which are not
provided in the Notice Inviting Tender / Haryana PWD Schedule of Rates, 2021 (2nd
editions) corrected upto date shall be payable as per actual lowest market rates from the
recognized public market suitable to the executing division and wages of labour as
applicable at the time of execution of work, plus admissible contractors profit and over
head charge. For such items of materials the contractor shall be required to produce
original vouchers which shall be subjected to verification by the ‘Engineer’. The rates
for non-schedule items shall be approved by the competent authority as recognized in
the departmental financial rules in existence at the time of approval.
15 (a) OPC cement duly ISI marked of 43 grade such as JK, Lakshmi, L&T, A.C.C, Shree
and Birla or as approved by Engineer should be arranged by the contractor.
15 (b) TMT Steel Fe-500/ 500 D duly ISI marked manufactured by reputed brands such as
Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited Vizag TMT 500 D/ Tata Iron & Steel Company
(TISCON) /Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL TMT Bar)/JSW( Jindal Panther
TMT)/ Electrosteel (V-Xega) 550D TMT Bar/Shyam Steel Industries Ltd. ( Shyam
TMT ReBars Fe 500D) / Orissa Metallurgical Industry Pvt. Ltd. (OMPL TMT 500
D)/Super Shakti Steel (Super Shakti Fe500) etc. shall be arranged by the contractor.
16. Waterproofing Compound, membrane, PU coating for basement podium terrace puf
insulation, sunken portion treatment, Plasticizer, Super Plasticizer, Admixtures, Tile /
Stone Adhesive /Tile / Epoxy Grout / Injection Grout, FRP / Fibre reinforcement wrap
of reputed manufactures such as ASIAN SMARTCARE / GCP / BASF / Bitumet /
Technonicol / Fosroc / Sika / Pidilite to be supplied by the Deptt. or arranged by the
For paint works like Eexterior emulsions, ACRYLC interior emulsion / water-based
enamels / enamel and distempers the products of only Asian Paint, Dulux, Nippon,
Nerolac, Berger and Woodco paints etc shall be accepted.
17. The Tender with the condition regarding steel work to be done at labour rates shall be
considered invalid and rejected straightway.
18. The quantities of all items given in the Schedule are tentative. These can be increased
19. For quality control, the contractor shall be required to use cement concrete mix giving a
minimum cube strength as may be prescribed in the relevant structural drawings of
work. For cement concrete and cement mortar work and other items the test should be
regularly carried out as per procedure laid down in relevant I.S.I. & other codes at the
expense of the contractor. The rates provided in the H.S.R. 2021 (2nd edition) included
the cost of such testing.
20. Irrespective of what is stated in para 6 of General Rules of Haryana P.W.D. schedule of
rates, 2021 (2nd edition) no carriage of cement, steel, bricks and water or any other
type or material shall be admissible irrespective of any lead involved.
21. All the flooring like terrazzo, Kotah stone or marble flooring should be granite finished.
No extra rate shall be paid on this account to the contractor.
22. Where-ever brick work or earth filling/embankment work is to be executed, the same
has to be executed in accordance with the provision in the Fly Ash Notification dated
14.9.99 & 27.8.2003 i.e. by using Fly Ash brick and filling/embankment constn. by
Pond Ash/Fly Ash as specified in the aforesaid notification
after getting the design approved from ‘Engineer’s.Only I.S.I. marked factory
manufactured flush door shutter ply and block board should be used, where ever
23. In case factory manufactured items, the contractor will get the name of manufacturers
approved form deptt. and a warranty of 5 years certificate in favour of ‘Engineer’ in
charge. In case of door shutters the type of wood used shall also be given by the
manufacturer. The agency shall produced a certificate that door & window shutters
fixed at site are actually factory manufactured - in case agency fails to do so the rate
for the same shall be paid for site manufactured shutters as per HSR 17.30 & 17.31 of
HSR 2021 2nd edition.
24. The agency will provide 2 Nos. boards of size 4’ X 2½’ at the site of work intimating
the details of the project otherwise deduction will be made from the first running bill of
the Agency @ Rs 15000/- per board.
25. Contractor will use coarse aggregate (all type of stone grit) and coarse and i.e. stone
dust (Zone IInd as per IS code). The material should confirming to the latest IS
26. Regular and monthly quality control test as per frequency as per IS code specification /
PWD specification is to be done by the Contractor at his own cost and submit the result
to the ‘Engineer’ regularly and in case if he fails to do the same, ‘Engineer’ will got
conduct all quality control test as per frequency for any reputed lab & amount of the
same will be recovered for the agency. Beside this ‘Engineer’ will carry out their own
quality control test and also will engage IIIrd party quality control agency for proper
quality control work and charges of this will be borne by the Govt.
27. All aluminum fittings for doors and windows shall be of ‘Classic’ or equivalents make
confirming to I.S. Specifications as approved by the ‘Engineer’.
28. Third Party Inspection - The Engineer-in-Charge may opt for 3rd party inspection
other than department in addition to inspection by department staff, the 3rd party would
29. Cement contents - Actual cement required for the aggregates in concrete to be used
shall be determined by laboratory test while designing the concrete mixes. If the
cement contents of the design mix of that grade come less than the provision of cement
contents provided in the Haryana Scheduled of Rates, (with latest amendments) due to
durability conditions, the cement contents as provided in the Haryana Schedule of
Rates shall be used and no extra payment on this account shall be made to the
contractor. No extra amount over and above the minimum cement content as provided
in the Haryana Schedule of Rates shall be paid.
30. Design Mix Design mix will be got carried out by the Engineer-in-Charge from any of
the reputed laboratory at the cost of contractor. The source of aggregate shall be
identified by the contractor and Engineer-in-Charge’s representative shall be present
while taking sealed samples for the design mix from such source. Frequency of
carrying out Design Mix shall be as per relevant IS Codes and also when the source of
aggregate will change, the design mix shall be carried out again.
i. The contractor shall have to provide a field laboratory fully equipped at work site
before starting the execution of works for conducting all the relevant tests mentioned in
the Haryana PWD specification subject to the approval of the ‘Engineer’s -in-charge or
his representative. The record of such tests is to be maintained in proper register duly
signed by the Contractor or his representatives, which will become the property of the
department. The Contractor will bear all the running expenses for conducting such
tests. All the tests will be carried in the presence of S.D.E.-in-charge of the work. All
the entries are to be signed by the contractor, S.D.E. and J.E.-in-charge. In case the
contractor does not set up the field laboratory, an amount of Rs 10.00 lacs shall be
withheld from the first running bill and if the contractor does not setup the
laboratory, the same will be setup by the department from the withheld amount.
ii. The quality control tests which are carried out by the department and the material for
such tests will be supplied by the contractor free of cost. In case the material is not
found up to the requirement, the same will be rejected.
iii. Contractor shall provide suitable measuring arrangement and leveling instruments latest
quality duly approved by ‘Engineer’s -in-charge at the site of work.
iv. No extra payment on account of quality control measures shall be paid to the
v. The ‘Engineer’s -in-charge at his discretion can get any type/Nos. of tests carried out
any other approved laboratory for his satisfaction for which all the expenses incurred
would be borne by the agency. The results so obtained from the laboratory would be
acceptable and binding to the agency.
vi. The Contractor shall be required to provide all such materials/equipment’s at site to
conduct field tests and to ensure that the quality of aggregate shall be according to the
vii. For cement, steel and similar other material, the essential tests are to be carried out at
the manufacturer’s plants or at laboratories other than the site laboratory, the cost of
samples, testing and furnishing of test certificates shall be born by the contractor. He
shall also furnish the test certificates to the ‘Engineer’.
viii. 25 % of the beams and columns in each floor before laying of slab for that floor of the
building, shall be subjected to Rebound Hammer Test conforming to IS 13311 (Part 2):
1992 before proceeding further with construction of next story of Building. The tests
shall be witnessed by SDE. In case the test result fails the column in parameters it shall
be demolished and reconstructed at the cost of the contractor. The test results shall be
tabulated and made part of the final bill.
x. Upon completion and before offering the work for acceptance, the contractor shall
remove all false work, excavated and useless materials, rubbish, temporary building
constructed by him and shall leave the site and adjacent area in a neat and clean
condition to the entire satisfaction of the ‘Engineer’s . The ‘Engineer’s , reserves the
option to take away any item of work or any part thereof at any time during the
currency of the contract and reallocate it to any other agency with due notice to the
contractor without liability of any kind or payment of any compensation. Extra amount
if incurred will be recovered from the agency.
xi. The contractor has to make his own arrangements for water, bricks, wood and every
item required directly or indirectly for completion of work.
xii. No claim shall be entertained on account of increase in price of labour and material
other than provided in the contract due to any cause whatsoever.
xiii. In case of emergency the Contractor shall be required to pay his labour every day and
if this is not done, the ‘Engineer’ will make the requisite payment and recover the same
from the contractor.
xiv. Actual quantities of completed and accepted work shall only be paid.
xv. No pits shall be dug by the contractor near the site of work or within Govt. land for
taking out earth for use on the works. In case of default the pits so dug will be filled in
by the department at the cost of the contractor plus fourteen percent departmental
xvi. The rates to be quoted by the contractor shall be inclusive of octroi terminal tax,
royalty, cess and all other taxes (excluding GST) and charges. These are for complete
work in all respects The GST amount shall be reimbursed on production of proof of
deposit of GST with Govt. for the previous payment.
xvii. The Contractor shall not be entitled for any payment on account of work done untill he
ixvii. Nothing extra shall be paid for any lead and if unless otherwise specified for any
material required directly or indirectly and the rates to be given in the tender shall
include all leads in the contract schedule.
xix. The Contractor shall be responsible for any /all losses of material, damage done to
unfinished work as a result of floods and other acts of God. The Govt. will not be
responsible for any compensation as a result of such damage or loss to the Contractor
and the Contractor shall be liable to set right such damage at his own cost to the
satisfaction of the ‘Engineer’s .
xx. The royalty, sales tax, cess and any other taxes, if any shall be paid by the contractor
direct to the respective department in accordance with their rules and regulations in
force from time to time without intervention of the Public Works Department.
xxi. Amount of work may be increased or decreased and any item committed and
substituted in accordance with the requirement of the department and no claim on this
amount shall be entertained. The contractor will have to complete the whole
building as per architectural plans submitted by the Chief Architect Haryana by
the Architect
hired by the department for the work.
xxii. All material left at site by the contractor for a period of more than one month after the
completion of work shall become the property of the public works department and
Contractor shall have no claim whatsoever for such material.
xxiii. The Contractor shall maintain at site of work full details of specification of the work
fixed by the ‘Engineer’ and approved drawing of the work.
xxiv. Nothing extra shall be paid to the Contractor for diversion of water in the channels
stream if it becomes necessary for the execution and completion of the work.
xxv. The Contractor will not have any claim in case of delay by the Department for removal
of tree or shifting, raising, removing of telegraph, telephone or electric lines (Over head
or under ground) and other structure, if any, which comes in the way of the work.
xxvi. The percentage above and below HSR including ceiling premium if any should be
quoted by the Contractor after making due diligence of the items in the BOQ and item
rates for NS items in BOQ should be quoted without any condition. In case any
condition is tendered this will be considered as null and void and only percentage above
and below HSR item rates quoted for NS items by the tenderer shall be considered. In
case any tenderer refuses to accept this, action shall be initiated as per provisions in the
Bid Security Declaration Form or Bid Security shall be encashed.
The Contractor shall comply with all legal orders and directions given from time to time by
any local or public authorities and shall pay out of his own money the fees or charges to
which he may be liable.
iii. The agency to whom the work is allotted will have to produce original
voucher for all quantities in lieu of purchase of bitumen, steel and cement
from the original manufacture or the authorized dealer/ distributors to the
satisfaction of the ‘Engineer’ for ascertaining the genuineness of material.
Attested copy of such voucher will have to be submitted along with the
iv. The documentary proof of procurement of cement & steel from the
reputed source and test result from CRRI or Sri Ram Test House, New
Delhi will be produced by the agency.
v. The contractor will be held strictly responsible to the true intent of the
specification in regard to quality of materials, workmanship and the
diligent execution of the contract.
vi. All materials and each part of detail of the work shall be subject at all
times to inspection by the Engineer-in. Departmental Representative or
other authorized subordinate who shall be furnished with reasonable
facilities and assistance by the contractor for ascertaining whether or not
the work as performed or the materials used are in accordance with the
requirements and intent of the plans and specifications.
vii. The contractor shall furnish written information to the ‘Engineer’ stating
the original source of supply and dates of manufactures of all materials
manufactured away from the actual site of work. The information shall
be furnished at least two weeks (or such other period as may be
directedby ‘Engineer’ in advance of the incorporation of any such
materials in the works.)
ix. If so directed the Contractor shall at any time before the acceptance of
the work, remove or uncover such portion of the finished work as may be
directed. After examination, the contractor shall restore the said portion
of the work to the standards required as per specifications. The work
shall not be considered to have been completed in accordance with the
terms of the contract until the ‘Engineer’s -in-charge shall have certified
in writing that it has been completed to his satisfaction. No approval of
materials or workmanship or approval of part of the work during the
progress of execution shall bind the Engineer in any way or effect his
power to reject the work when alleged to be completed or to suspend the
issue of his certificate of completion until such alterations or
modifications or reconstructions have been affected as shall enable him to
DNIT Name : Estimate for bridge on rive...
x. The inspection of the work or materials shall not relieve the Contractor
any of his obligation to fulfill the terms of the contract as herein
prescribed by the plans and specifications.
xi. Failure to reject any defective work or material will not in any way
prevent later rejection when such defect is discovered or obligate the
department to make final acceptance.
xii. If, the contractor seeks to some assistance from the department in
connection with arranging water/electric connection from the public
utility service authorities for the purpose of Govt. work such assistance
only to the extent of writing a letter from the ‘Engineer’ to the authority
concerned for giving such connection may be provided. All charges etc.
shall be borne by the contractor.
xiv. The contractor shall supply at his own cost and expenses all labour
materials etc. for labour and checking of any portion of the work during
xvi. No claim by the contractor for additional payment will be allowed on the
ground of any misunderstanding or misapprehension in respect of any
such matter or otherwise on the ground of any allegation or fact that
incorrect information was given to him by any person whether in the
employ of the Govt. or not or of the failure on his part to obtain correct
information nor shall the contractor be relieved from any risk or
obligations imposed on or undertaken by him under the contract on any
such ground or on the ground that he did not or could not fore-see any
matter which may in fact, effect or have affected the execution of the
xx. The contractor shall also inform the ‘Engineer’ in writing when any
portion is ready for inspection giving him sufficient notice to enable him
to inspect the same without retarding the further progress of the work.
xxii. Any tress branches, bushes, crops etc. which may be required to be cut
during the execution of the work shall be handed over to the Public Works
Department or disposed of as directed.
xxiii The contractor will submit the design of temporary structure scaffolding
to department in advance without any cost. The contractor will remain
responsible for design and safety of scaffolding irrespective of approval
by the Engineer-in Charge.
xxiv. The contractor shall use canal water for construction of building or water
from any other sources as approved by the ‘Engineer’. Water should be
got tested at regular intervals i.e. maximum of 2 (two) months from the
laboratory approved by the ‘Engineer’ and no extra cost will be paid for
the same. Water to be used shall meet latest IS standard as per IS
456/other relevant codes.
(i) No Claim for Excess Consumption of material other than those specified
shall be entertained by the department.
(i) Upto 5%, the recovery of cost of material thus saved shall be made from
the contractor at the base price as applicable on the date of tender.
(ii) Less consumption by more than 5% (i.e. above 5 %) the rates of items of
work involved shall be reduced. If it is not possible to determine the exact
items on which less material has been used, the cost of the material so
saved shall be recovered from the contractor at double the issue rate. The
Executive Engineer reserves the right to take any other deterrent action
which he deems fit against the contractor. It shall be at the discretion of the
department to determine whether the stability of the structure is affected
adversely due to less consumption of materials and in case it is felt that it is
likely to be so, the Executive ‘Engineer’ shall reject the work and the
decision of ‘Employer’ in such matter shall be final.
38.1 The defect liability-cum-maintenance period shall be two years from the
date of completion in case of original works. For maintenance and S/R
works, defect liability period will be one year and re-painting / white wash
/ snowcem / distempering will not be required. The date of completion shall
be considered as the date certified by the ‘Engineer’.
38.2 The Engineer shall give notice to the contractor of any defects before the
end of the effects Liability-cum-Maintenance Period. The Defects
Liability-cum-Maintenance period shall be extended for as long as defects
remain to be corrected.
38.3 The Contractor shall correct the notified Defect / Defects within the length
of time as specified by the Engineer’s, notice.
38.4 The contractor will be fully responsible for the quality and workmanship of
the works executed by him. The liability on account of shortcomings in
executed items found by any investigating agency during the defect liability
period or afterwards shall be born by the agency.
38.5 The Contractor shall do the routine maintenance of building to the required
standards in the manners as per Haryana PWD specifications latest edition,
DNIT, agreement conditions and keep the whole building in defect free
condition during defect liability period as defined above.
38.6 The routine maintenance standards shall meet the following minimum
requirements to the entire satisfaction of ‘Engineer’:-
i) Plaster work and flooring work to be repaired soon after these appear or
brought to his notice either during contractor’s monthly inspection or by the
Engineer or otherwise. Repair shall be carried out in a manner which does
not affect the aesthetics.
v) All rain water pipes, sun-shades and the like components to be inspected
every fortnightly and cleaned as and when required.
vi) Leakage of water of any kind in the building to be set right immediately on
vii) All electrical / Public Health installations including wiring, pipelines etc.
made in the building to be repaired / rectified / replaced as soon as any
defect has appeared / notice.
viii) The agency shall make good all the items / works damaged during the repair
being done by him and bring the same in original form.
ix) Any other maintenance operation required to keep the building use worthy
at all the time during the maintenance period.
x) He shall maintain a register in the building for daily recording the defects,
damages, shortcomings noticed by user and address the problem within
three days or else he will approach the ‘Engineer’ for extension of this time.
38.7 To fulfill the objectives laid down in above sub clauses, the Contractor shall
undertake detailed inspection of the building at least once in a month. The
‘Engineer’ can reduce this frequency in case of emergency. The Contractor
shall forward to the ‘Engineer’ the record of inspection and rectification
every month. The contractor shall pay particular attention on the
maintenance of building during rains and rainy season.
38.8 The Engineer may issue notice to the Contractor to carry out maintenance or
remove defects, if any, notice in his inspection, or brought to his notice.
The contractor shall remove the defects within the period specified in the
notice and submit to the ‘Engineer’ a compliance report. By not giving
notice, will not absolve the contractor from his responsibility.
38.9 In case the Contractor fails to make good the defects, the Executive
Engineer may employ any other person to make good such defects and all
expenses consequent and incidental there to shall be borne by the
38.10 The contract shall not be considered as completed until a defect liability-
cum-maintenance certificate has been signed by the Executive Engineer
and delivered to the contractor stating that the works have been completed
and maintained to his satisfaction. The defect liability-cum-maintenance
38.11 Department shall not be responsible for any depreciation in the value of
securities, not for any loss of interest thereon.
38.12 There will be double lock system for the cement store. One Key of the lock
will be with the representative of the department and other key of the lock
will be with the agency.
Technical Specifications
Electrical Works, Lifts, Medical Gas Pipeline,
HVAC, Air Conditioning, LAN, EPBAX,
CCTV, Fire Alarm, Audio Video System,
Public Address, BMS, Access Control, DG Set
1. The recovery of the pipe already laid will be made on measurement rate basis or
point rate basis or on actual expenditure basis which ever is on high side. In case of
Departmental work, 10% supervision charges shall also be added.
2. Conduit pipe where already laid for wiring purpose will be delivered to the
contractor in absolutely clean condition with round inspection boxes duly painted,
covered and whole system tested. After the conduit system is handed over to
the contractor to whom the work is allotted, he will be responsible for its upkeep.
3. During execution of work, if the contractor does not lay pipe and its accessories in
the slab within time prescribed by the Engineer-in-Charge of the work, the Deptt.
can then lay the said pipe-departmentally at contractors risk and cost without
operating the clause 2 and 3 of the contract agreement.
4. Separate conduit pipe for power plug with independent circuit wires shall be laid.
6. C-Series MCB will be provided for air conditioner wiring and no extra payment will
be made and only one make of MCB’s will be used in whole work.
7. Vertical type of MCB distribution boards will be provided wherever required as per
8. The contractor is also allowed to use MCBs duly ISI marked of more then 9 KA
breaking capacity for which no extra payment will be made.
9. The make of enclosure will be same as that of MCB of standard size having
thickness 1.6 mm and 1.2 mm in case of TPN and SPN enclosure respectively.
10. All MCCBs upto 220 Amp will have 25 KA minimum breaking capacity and above
220 amp. MCCBs will have 50 KA minimum breaking capacity. All MCCBs will
have magnetic thermal release and rotary operating mechanism duly interlocked and
only one make of MCCBs shall be used in whole work. No extra payment on this
account shall be made.
11. The thickness of M.S. Sheet of switch boxes should be of 16 gauges for which no
extra payment will be made.
12. The fan boxes sheet should be 16 gauge and anodized for which no extra payment
will be made.
13. The contractor shall install the material from the list of approved electrical material
appended in the NIT. Material not covered in the list will be used as per HSR-2021,
and PWD Specifications-1990.
14. The contractor must ensure preparation and submission of pipe diagram, wiring
diagram, key diagram etc. as required vide PWD Specifications.
15 Where ISI recommends multi stranded conductor of cable, cable with multi-
stranded conductor only will be used on work.
16. Rates should be quoted by the tenderer both in word and in figure, in case of any
difference between the two, the lowest of the same shall be considered as final rate.
17. The rates of bus bar includes the cost of all Labour and material required to
complete the job in all respect including thimbles etc. of the same material as that of
bars. The support for bars will be made of porcelain. No extra payment in this
regard will be given.
18. The tenderer must either be ‘A’ Class Electrical Contractor enlisted with Haryana
PW(B&R) Deptt. or he must sublet the electrical work to a sub contractor
possessing the above qualification. The Sub contracting will be done with the
written approval of Superintending Engineer, Elect. Circle PW(B&R) Deptt.,
concerned or Executive Engineer, Elect. Divn. PW(B&R) Deptt. (concerned
division) as per competency.
19. All the street light fittings, bulbs and cables will be got inspected by the contractor
at the works/Go down of the manufacturer before installation at site. A certificate
will also be produced/ submitted by the contractor about the authenticity of
purchase of above material from the authorized source.
20. Only HYLAM make ISI make (I.S.2036-1995) white Bakelite sheet will be used
without any extra cost.
21. The rates mentioned in the NIT are for complete item including cost of all
accessories, material, labour, tool plants, water electricity bills etc. Unless otherwise
specified. No extra payment for the same shall be made.
22. The minimum size of MS control switch boards for controlling one fan point and
one light point shall not be less than 20cm x 25cm x 10cm.
23. The MS box for telephone, Intercom and Bell push shall be installed of size
100mm x 100mmx 60mm in place of 75mm x 75mm x 60mm.
24. The tender having ambiguous/confusing rates and conditions shall be summarily
25. The quantity/amount of NIT can be increased or decreased.
26. No Road cut charges shall be paid.
27. The contractor shall install two number check nuts and one No. PVC threaded Bush
for each pipe in MS inspection boxes. The contractor shall also install PVC flanged
bush in the junction boxes for each pipe. No extra payment on this account will be
made. The contractor shall quote the rates accordingly.
L.T. panel: -
General: - This distribution board shall be fabricated out of 14 gauge sheet steel cubical type
suitable for floor mounting end or dead front type. Suitable rubber gaskets shall be
provided between all opening and joint to make the distribution board dust, moisture and
vermin proof. The distribution board shall be suitable for indoor location and shall consist
of the bus bar chambers both vertically and horizontally and the cable entry for the
distribution shall be from bottom. Distribution board will consist of a number of vertical
sections. Each vertical section shall be divided in to a few standard sizes of the
compartment. The equipment for the various incoming and out going feeders shall be
housed in a separate compartment. Each compartment door of distribution board shall be
provided with inter locking arrangement with the handle of the respective switches/
MCCB such that the door can not be opened unless the switches are in the off position.
Vertical cable entry shall be provided on each section of the distribution board for cabling
purpose. Continues bus bar of copper shall be provided at the bottom along the entire
The bus bars chamber should have of strong metal having no possibility of any dents, due to
accidents and damage, which could result into electrical fault. Bus bars chamber shall be of
unit type construction and have standard flanges opening at the top and bottom on both side so
that any modification, extension can be easily effected at the site.
Test Certificate: - A test certificate from the manufacturer shall be handed over to the
department before installation of the panel specifying that the panel conform to relevant ISS/
PWD specifications.
Wiring Diagram: - After completion of the work complete diagram showing connections to the
various equipment on the board is to be prepared by the contractor and to be submitted to the
department along with final bill of the work. In case contractor fails to supply the diagram
amount @ 0.5% of the work executed shall be deducted from the contractor’s final bill.
Connection: - Inter connections from bus bar chamber to the different molded case circuit
breaker / air circuit breaker should be through solid copper bars of the required capacity duly
tinned and insulated for which no extra payment will be made.
2. The department reserves the right to withdraw any item or any portion of the work
while allotting the work / approving the tender case or during execution of work.
3. The rates mentioned in the NIT are for complete items including cost of all
accessories, materials, labour, tools plants and water electricity bill etc. Unless
otherwise specified.
4. In case of any error or omission in the description rates and unit etc. of HSR items it
will be applicable as mentioned in the schedule of rate 2021 corrected up to date
except mentioned as above. Further in case of any confusion or imperfection of the
HSR item the confidential detailed analysis of HSR shall be applicable and still
there is any dispute in this regard the decision of Superintending Engineer Electrical
Circle PWD B&R concerned shall be final.
5. The jurisdiction of the court will be the District Court of concerned district head
6. The recovery of the pipe already laid will be made on measurement rate basis or point
rate basis or on actual expenditure basis which ever is on high side. In case of
Departmental work, 10% supervision charges shall also be added.
7. Conduit pipe where already laid for wiring purpose will be delivered to the contractor
in absolutely clean condition with round inspection boxes duly painted, covered and
8. During execution of work, if the contractor does not lay pipe and its accessories in the
slab within time prescribed by the Engineer-in-Chief of the work, the Deptt. can
then get the said pipe laid departmentally/other sources at contractors risk and cost
without operating the clause 2 and 3 of the contract agreement. Recovery of such
work executed departmentally/other source shall be made at market rate+10%.
9. Separate conduit pipe for power plug with independent circuit wires shall be laid.
10. Multi plug socket shall be provided for light & power plugs.
12. C-Series MCB will be provided for air conditioner / motor wiring without any extra
14. The make of enclosure will be same as that of MCB of standard size having thickness
1.6 mm and 1.2 mm in case of TPN and SPN enclosure respectively.
15. All MCCB’s up to 220 Amp. will have 25KA minimum breaking capacity and above
220amp. MCCB’s will have 50 KA minimum breaking capacity. All MCCB’s will
have magnetic thermal release and rotary operating mechanism duly interlocked and
only one make of MCCBs shall be used in whole work. No extra payment on this
account shall be made.
16. The thickness of M.S. Sheet of switch boxes/ fan boxes should of minimum 1.6 mm.
17. The contractor shall install the material from the list of approved electrical material
appended in the NIT. Material not covered in the list will be used as approved by
Engineer-in-charge of site.
18. The contractor must ensure preparation and submission of pipe diagram, wiring
diagram, key diagram etc. as required vide PWD Specifications.
19. PVC insulated Stranded / multi strand wire shall be allowed to be used. Similarly
where ISI recommends multi stranded conductor of cable, cable with multi-
stranded conductor only will be used on work. PVC insulated PVC sheathed under
ground cable as per IS: 1554 Part-I is to be used. However the firm shall be allowed
to used XLPE insulated PVC sheathed cable as per IS: 7098 Part-I. No extra
payment on this account shall be made. The contractor should quote the rate
20. The rates of bus bar include the cost of all Labour and material required to complete
the job in all respect including thimbles etc. of the same material as that of bars. The
support for bars will be made of porcelain.
21. The tenderer must either be ‘A’ Class Electrical Contractor enlisted with Haryana
PWD B&R or he must sublet the electrical work to a sub contractor possessing the
above qualification. The Sub contracting will be done with the written approval of
Executive Engineer, Elect. Divn. PWD B&R Br. (concerned division) for value
22. The Electrical part of bill of quantity of the agreement will be got executed by and
under the supervision of Executive Engineer, Elect. Divn. PWD B&R Br.,
(concerned division) and all the running payment of electrical works will be made
by him. However copy of final bill will be sent to Executive Engineer (Civil) to
include in the final bill. The over all technical supervision of electrical work shall be
of Superintending Engineer Elect. Circle PWD B&R Br., concerned and any
technical instructions given by him will have to be adhered to strictly by the
23. If desired by Engineer-in-charge, the electrical material will be got inspected by the
contractor at the works / Go down of the manufacturer / dealer before installation at
site. A certificate will also be produced/ submitted by the contractor about the
authenticity of purchase of above material from the authorized source.
24. ISI make (I.S.2036-1995) white Bakelite sheet 3mm thick will be used on the work.
The contractor should quote rates accordingly.
25. The rates mentioned in the NIT are for complete item including cost of all accessories,
material, labour, tool plants, water electricity bills etc., unless otherwise specified.
26. The minimum size of MS control switch boards for controlling one fan point and one
light point shall not be less than 20cm x 25cm x 10cm.
27. The contractor shall install two number check nuts and one No. PVC threaded Bush
for each pipe in MS inspection boxes. The contractor shall also install PVC flanged
bush in the junction boxes for each pipe.
28. If the agency does not fill / quote the rate of any item then it will be considered as nil
and same item will be executed by the agency free of cost. The agency will have to
give an undertaking on account of above otherwise earnest money will be forfeited.
In addition to this Engineer-in-Charge of work may also black list the agency.
29. The department can withdraw any item from the contract agreement of the agency and
gets it executed from other sources.
30. In case of rewiring & special repair work the old dismantled material if any will be
handed over to the department by the contractor and the receipt obtained will be
submitted along with first bill.
31. The MS box for telephone, TV, intercom and bell push shall be installed of size
100mm x 100mm x 60mm.
32. In case of over head line, minimum distance of street light poles from the over head
line must be maintained as per Indian Electricity rule direction. Shut down to the
over head line from electricity department should be taken before doing the work
under such over head lines. Work in the campus where over head line is existing
should be carried out in the presence of SDE / ASDE / JE. The contractor will be
fully responsible for any damage / loss due to laps on this account.
33. Only experience of Central Govt. / State Govt. Department will be considered for this
34. The date of warranty will be start on the date of installation of the transformer, Panel
and allied equipments for this work
35. Minor civil repair including but not limited to chiseling plaster, paint will be in the
scope of firm / contractor.
36. The bidder will offer inspection at the place of manufacturing. The bidder will bear the
cost of travelling (to and fro). Boarding on lodging of atleast two officers/ officials.
37. These conditions shall supersede the similar conditions found contrary elsewhere in
the DNIT.
38. It will be mandatory for contractor to get the complete installation cleared / approved
from CEI Haryana after completion. The inspection fee will be deposited by the
firm metering equipment will also be got cleared for DHBVNL by the contractor
including depositing necessary feed etc.
39. Firm/ contractor will offer inspection of all major materials at manufacturer place and
will bear the to and fro including boarding & loading expenses for atleast two
40. A tenderer shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the relevant documents,
samples, site etc. whether he inspects them not.
41. The department reserves the right to withdraw any item or any portion of the work
while allotting the work / approving the tender case or during execution of work.
42. The rates mentioned in the NIT are for complete items including cost of all
accessories, materials, labour, tools plants and water electricity bill etc. Unless
otherwise specified.
43. In case of any error or omission in the description rates and unit etc. of HSR items it
will be applicable as mentioned in the schedule of rate 2021 corrected up to date
except mentioned as above. Further in case of any confusion or imperfection of the
HSR item the confidential detailed analysis of HSR shall be applicable and still
there is any dispute in this regard the decision of Superintending Engineer Electrical
Circle PWD B&R concerned shall be final.
44. The jurisdiction of the court will be the District Court of concerned district head
45. The recovery of the pipe already laid will be made on measurement rate basis or point
rate basis or on actual expenditure basis which ever is on high side. In case of
Departmental work, 10% supervision charges shall also be added.
46. Conduit pipe where already laid for wiring purpose will be delivered to the contractor
in absolutely clean condition with round inspection boxes duly painted, covered and
whole system tested. After the conduit system is handed over to the contractor to
whom the work is allotted, he will be responsible for its upkeep.
47. During execution of work, if the contractor does not lay pipe and its accessories in the
slab within time prescribed by the Engineer-in-Chief of the work, the Deptt. can
then get the said pipe laid departmentally/other sources at contractors risk and cost
48. Separate conduit pipe for power plug with independent circuit wires shall be laid.
49. Multi plug socket shall be provided for light & power plugs.
51. C-Series MCB will be provided for air conditioner / motor wiring without any extra
53. The make of enclosure will be same as that of MCB of standard size having thickness
1.6 mm and 1.2 mm in case of TPN and SPN enclosure respectively.
54. All MCCB’s up to 220 Amp. will have 25KA minimum breaking capacity and above
220amp. MCCB’s will have 50 KA minimum breaking capacity. All MCCB’s will
have magnetic thermal release and rotary operating mechanism duly interlocked and
only one make of MCCBs shall be used in whole work. No extra payment on this
account shall be made.
55. The thickness of M.S. Sheet of switch boxes/ fan boxes should of minimum 1.6 mm.
56. The contractor shall install the material from the list of approved electrical material
appended in the NIT. Material not covered in the list will be used as approved by
Engineer-in-charge of site.
57. The contractor must ensure preparation and submission of pipe diagram, wiring
diagram, key diagram etc. as required vide PWD Specifications.
58. PVC insulated Stranded / multi strand wire shall be allowed to be used. Similarly
where ISI recommends multi stranded conductor of cable, cable with multi-
stranded conductor only will be used on work. PVC insulated PVC sheathed under
ground cable as per IS: 1554 Part-I is to be used. However the firm shall be allowed
to used XLPE insulated PVC sheathed cable as per IS: 7098 Part-I. No extra
payment on this account shall be made. The contractor should quote the rate
59. The rates of bus bar include the cost of all Labour and material required to complete
the job in all respect including thimbles etc. of the same material as that of bars. The
support for bars will be made of porcelain.
60. The tenderer must either be ‘A’ Class Electrical Contractor enlisted with Haryana
PWD B&R or he must sublet the electrical work to a sub contractor possessing the
above qualification. The Sub contracting will be done with the written approval of
Executive Engineer, Elect. Divn. PWD B&R Br. (concerned division) for value
upto 25 lacs. For work more than Rs. 25 Lacs Superintending Engineer Elect. Circle
PWD B&R Br., concerned shall be competent authority.
61. The Electrical part of bill of quantity of the agreement will be got executed by and
under the supervision of Executive Engineer, Elect. Divn. PWD B&R Br.,
(concerned division) and all the running payment of electrical works will be made
62. If desired by Engineer-in-charge, the electrical material will be got inspected by the
contractor at the works / Go down of the manufacturer / dealer before installation at
site. A certificate will also be produced/ submitted by the contractor about the
authenticity of purchase of above material from the authorized source.
63. ISI make (I.S.2036-1995) white Bakelite sheet 3mm thick will be used on the work.
The contractor should quote rates accordingly.
64. The rates mentioned in the NIT are for complete item including cost of all accessories,
material, labour, tool plants, water electricity bills etc., unless otherwise specified.
65. The minimum size of MS control switch boards for controlling one fan point and one
light point shall not be less than 20cm x 25cm x 10cm.
66. The contractor shall install two number check nuts and one No. PVC threaded Bush
for each pipe in MS inspection boxes. The contractor shall also install PVC flanged
bush in the junction boxes for each pipe.
67. If the agency does not fill / quote the rate of any item then it will be considered as nil
and same item will be executed by the agency free of cost. The agency will have to
give an undertaking on account of above otherwise earnest money will be forfeited.
In addition to this Engineer-in-Charge of work may also black list the agency.
68. The department can withdraw any item from the contract agreement of the agency and
gets it executed from other sources.
69. In case of rewiring & special repair work the old dismantled material if any will be
handed over to the department by the contractor and the receipt obtained will be
submitted along with first bill.
70. The MS box for telephone, TV, intercom and bell push shall be installed of size
100mm x 100mm x 60mm.
71. In case of over head line, minimum distance of street light poles from the over head
line must be maintained as per Indian Electricity rule direction. Shut down to the
over head line from electricity department should be taken before doing the work
under such over head lines. Work in the campus where over head line is existing
should be carried out in the presence of SDE / ASDE / JE. The contractor will be
fully responsible for any damage / loss due to laps on this account.
72. Only experience of Central Govt. / State Govt. Department will be considered for this
73. The date of warranty will be start on the date of installation of the transformer, Panel
and allied equipments for this work
74. Minor civil repair including but not limited to chiseling plaster, paint will be in the
scope of firm / contractor.
75. The bidder will offer inspection at the place of manufacturing. The bidder will bear the
cost of travelling (to and fro). Boarding on lodging of atleast two officers/ officials.
76. These conditions shall supersede the similar conditions found contrary elsewhere in
the DNIT.
77. It will be mandatory for contractor to get the complete installation cleared / approved
from CEI Haryana after completion. The inspection fee will be deposited by the
firm metering equipment will also be got cleared for DHBVNL by the contractor
including depositing necessary feed etc.
78. Firm/ contractor will offer inspection of all major materials at manufacturer place and
will bear the to and fro including boarding & loading expenses for atleast two
1. A battery operated emergency alarm bell with rechargeable cells and recharger
including wiring shall be provided and connected to a clearly marked push button in the
car operating panel. Alarm bell shall be located outside at the ground floor landing.
2. Suitable size of railing shall be provided on the car top for safety.
3. All exposed elevator material shall be properly painted to the entire satisfaction of
4. Proper counter weight screen shall be provided at the hoist way pit.
5. Fire resistant traveling cable shall be used as per relevant ISI specifications.
7. The car movement shall be controlled through Governor including speed in descending
and free fall, limiting the speed to safe limits as per relevant I.S.I.
15. Certified date of completion will be accepted after 30 days uninterrupted trouble free
trail run of lift after commissioning. This trail run period is excluded from the contractual
16. Necessary lockable accommodation for storing of lift material shall be provided by
the department. The contractor shall however, be responsible for watch and ward of
material brought at site against damage and theft and losses due to any reason including
natural calamities.
17. No living accommodation for the elevator staff shall be provided by the department.
18. The lifts are deemed to have life span of 20 years. Under no circumstances, the lifts
will be declared obsolete during the above period by the firm. The firm shall be bound to
keep/maintain sufficient inventory of Parts/Assemblies required for maintaining the lifts
for 20 years’ life.
20) The work shall conform to IS- 1860 –1980/ or latest, IS: 4666-1980 and all other
relevant IS (BIS) specifications mutatis mutandis.
21 The reference floor for call collection and start of lift, in case of any fault shall be
the nearest/same floor where the lift will stop after operation of ARD. offer should
be inclusive of this arrangement and no extra payment will be made for this.
22) For wiring purposes ISI mark heavy gauge welded MS conduit/GI/aluminum
troughing /flexible pipe shall be used.
23 Under no circumstances the lift shall operate when the car door or landing door is
in open position. If lift will be found in operation without proper barricading when
the door of either landing or car is open, it will be treated as serious negligence on
the part of firm and firm shall be held responsible for all direct damages arising
there from.
32 Income Tax / Sales tax /works contract tax/ labour cess /service tax / GST at
source as and if applicable will be deducted on the amount of the work done from
all running and final bills .Necessary TDS certificate will be issued by the
33 The rates shall be inclusive of all charges at the time of quoting however
variation due to increase/decrease in rates of statutory duties, taxes etc. and any
new levies during execution of original/maintenance work, as per the contract
agreement shall be to the account of the department.
34 IEEMA price variation is not acceptable within the original time limit. If the
delay is on account of department IEEMA will be payable for such period only. If
the delay in completion is on the part of firm, no IEEMA price variation shall be
35 In case of force major circumstances, time extension will be granted on proof of
the same but no IEEMA price variation will be payable.
36 The agencies shall submit separate rates for lifts with vandal proof and Moon
Rock/Honey Comb Scratch resistant stainless steel. Stainless steel to be used shall
be decided by the department.
39 There shall not be delay of more than 24 (Twenty four) hours in removal of
minor break down /defect and four days including day of complaint and holidays
for the major break down /defect reported in station where quotationer has lift
service organization. At other place it shall not be more than 48 (Forty eight)
hours and 6 (six) days inclusive of holidays respectively. In case firm do not
attend to above complaint and rectifies defects within above specified period
then, free maintenance period will be extended by 2 (Two) times the delayed
period beyond the prescribed period .
40 The elevator contractor shall guarantee that the material and workmanship of the
42. In any case in which under clause or clauses of this contract the contractor has
rendered himself liable to pay compensation amounting to the whole of his
security deposit (whether paid in one sum or deducted by installments. The
Executive Engineer on behalf of Govt. Of Haryana shall have power to adopt any
following course s he may deem best suited to the interest of Govt.
(a) To rescind the contact of which recession notice in writing to the contractor under the
hand of Executive Engineer shall be conclusive evidence & in which case the security
deposit of the contractor shall stand forfeited & be absolutely at the disposal of Govt.
(b) To measure the work of the contractor, & to take such part there of as shall be
unexpected out of his hands & to give it to another contractor to complete in which
case any expenses which may be incurred in excess of the sum which would have
been paid to the original contractor of the whole work had been executed by him (of
the amount of such excess, the certificate in writing of the Executive Engineer shall be
final & conclusive shall be borne & paid by the original contractor & may be deducted
from any money due to him by Govt. under the contract or otherwise or from his
security deposit.
In the event of any above courses being adopted by the Executive Engineer, the
Contractor shall have no claim to compensation for any loss sustained by him by reason
of his having purchased or produced any material or entered into any engagement or
made any advances on account of or with a view to the execution of the work for the
performance of contract. And in case of the contract shall be rescind under the
provision aforesaid, the contractor shall not be entitled to recover or be paid any sum
for any work there to for actually performed under the contract, unless & until the
Executive Engineer will have certified in writing the performance of such work & the
payable in respect thereof & he shall only be entitled to be paid the value so certified.
43. Agreement amount will stand automatically enhanced if there is any increase due
to applicability of IEEMA clause or any other statutory variation in taxes and duties
levied after the date of quotationing subject to the condition that this enhanced
amount does not require revision of detailed estimate/administrative approval. For
any other excess proper enhancement will be sought from the competent authority
as per usual practice/rules.
44. The agencies shall submit their tender of lifts with the specifications/conditions
given in the quotation document only. They will not give their own
specifications/conditions separately in general. If there is any deviation in
specifications/conditions from those given above then only those particular
specifications/conditions shall be given in the first envelop meant for technical bids.
45. TRAVEL: - Travel of lift will be measured as per IS 3534-1976 or latest i.e
from floor level of Ist landing to floor level of last landing.
46. Before quoting the rates the bidder should visit the site and ensure that the lift
well is as per the size/ specifications given in the tender documents. In case
P= Po 15 + 55 MP + 15 Wo (D) + 15 Wo (D)
100 MPo Wo Wo
P= Price payable as adjusted in accordance with the above price variation formula.
Po = Price quoted/confirmed.
Mpo = Whole sale price index number for metal products as published by the office of
“the Economic Advisor, Ministry of Industry, Government of India, in their
weekly bulleting, Revised Index Number of wholesale prices for the week ending
first Saturday of the relevant calendar month.
Wo = All India Consumer price index number for industrial workers as published by
Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour, Government of India for the relevant
calendar month.
The above index numbers Mpo & Wo are those published by Government of
India as prevailing on the first working day of the calendar month FOUR months
prior to the date of tendering e.g. when offer is submitted in June 1998 then the
applicable indices Mpo will be as prevailing of the 1st Saturday of February 1998
and Wo would be that for the month of February 1998.
MP = Whole sale price index number for metal products as published by the office of
“the Economic advisor, Ministry of Industry, Government of India, in their
weekly bulletin revised index number of wholesale prices. The applicable whole
sale price index number for metal products as the 1st Saturday of month covering
the date FOUR months prior to the date of delivery.
Wo(D) = All India average consumer price index number for industrial workers as
published by Labour Bureau, Ministry of Labour, Government of India.
The applicable all India. Average consumer price index number for Industrial
workers prevailing for the month covering the data FOUR months prior to the
date of delivery of manufactured material and would be as published by Govt. of
P= Po 15 + 50W + 25 MP + 10 FP
100 Wo MPo FPo
MP= The final wholesale price index number for metal products as published by the
office of the Economic Advisor, Ministry of Industry, Govt. of India.
This index number is as applicable on the 1st Saturday of the month, six months
prior to the date of commencement of previous year’s contract.
FP= The final wholesale price index number for fuel, power, light and lubricants as
published by the office of the Economic Advisor, Ministry of Industry, Govt. of
This index number is as applicable on the 1st Saturday of the month, six months prior to the
date of commencement of previous year’s contract.
1. AMC means AMC after completion of free maintenance period specified in the
2. The work will be carried out as per relevant IS: Specifications and other
general codes and practices.
3. Sales Tax / Income Tax/ labour cess /GST /Service tax as and if applicable will
be deducted from all bills. However, certificate for TDS will be issued by the
4. The jurisdictions of court shall be at district head quarter concerned of work.
5. After expiry of free maintenance period, AMC shall come into force. AMC
charges for first year will be calculated on updated value of original work
contract agreement after including up to date IEEMA price variation. The
maintenance charges will be increased/ decreased every year on the basis of
IEEMA Price variation clause. The first maintenance period will be from expiry
of free maintenance period to the end of financial year i.e. 31st March
Subsequently the maintenance charge shall be fixed on Ist April every year and
will remain current throughout the financial year without any variation.
However any statutory variation / new imposition of taxes and duties will be to
the account of the department
6. The firm will maintain a reasonable inventory of genuine spares parts in their
service depot, so that faults in the lifts do not remain unattended for want of
spares. During the free maintenance period lift will have to be maintained and
inspected. Regularly at least once in a month and as and when called by
Engineer-in- Chief Charge or his representative, due to fault/breakdown without
20. After completion of free maintenance period of one year from the date of
completion as above, the firm will be bound to carry out paid comprehensive
maintenance i.e. repair and replacement of all installation including consumable
items etc. for next ten years for which the firm will quote the rates on BOQ
21. The bidder will arrange the necessary safety certificate from Chief Electrical
Inspector including insurance and all other formalities. However, department
will reimburse the Govt. fee and other charges subsequently.
Payment of this maintenance will be done on half yearly basis after deducting the Statutory
22. The standard AMC rates are as following: -
(i) 1st year (after one year guarantee period) @ 4% of capital cost
(ii) 2nd year @ 4.5% of capital cost
(iii) 3rd year @ 4.75% of capital cost
(iv) 4th year @ 5% of capital cost
(v) 5th year @ 5.5% of capital cost
(vi) 6th year @ 5.75% of capital cost
(vii) 7th year @ 6% of capital cost
(viii) 8th year @ 6.5% of capital cost
(ix) 9th year @ 6.75% of capital cost
(x) 10th year @ 7% of capital cost
DNIT Name : Estimate for bridge on rive...
These additional conditions shall supersede the similar conditions found contrary elsewhere in
1.0 Liquidtank(Indian)
a) Design,manufactureandsupplyofvacuum+perliteinsulatedverticalstoragetank(Non-
b) Design,fabricationandsupplyof LowPressureAtmosphericVaporizeraspertechnical
specificationand GAcumfoundationdrawingenclosed
Qualitytestcertificate–1setforCryogenicpressurevesselshallbesubmittedalongwith the
a) ApprovalletteralongwithapproveddrawingsfromCCOEfor innervessel
b) CertificatefromthirdpartyinspectionAgencyforinnervessel
c) MaterialHeatchartforinnervesselpressureparts.
d) Mechanicalpropertiestestreportforproductiontestcoupon
e) Historysheetforinnervessel
f) Materialtestreportforpressureparts(innervessel)
g) Nameplatephotocopy
h) Certificateofsafetyvalve,pressuregauge,levelgauge
Operation&Maintenancemanual-1set alongwiththeequipmentshallbeprovided
· Civilfoundation/ foundationbolts,anyothercivilwork
· Spares,burstingdisc,etcforthe equipment.
· Unloading,ErectionandCommissioningofEquipmentat site
· Interconnectingpipingbetweentankand
vaporizeranddownstreamof vaporizer
· Fencing,gates,fire-fightingequipmentetc
· CCOElicensefortheusageof equipment
· ColdtestatourWorks/Site
· Liquefiedgasesforcommissioningofthesystem
Manifold should be suitable to withstand a pressure of 140 Kg/cm2, along with high pressure
copper annealed tail pipes with Brass adapter suitable for Oxygen Cylinders and manifold.
Top frame comprising of high pressure copper pipes of size 1/2” I.D. x 14swg with high pressure
brass fittings made of high tensile brass and connections through non- return valves.
High pressure copper tail pipes, made of high pressure copper pipe of size 1/4” I.D. x 16 swg.
The middle and bottom frame to be provided to fit both round and flat bottom cylinders safely. The
manifold should be tested (hydraulically) at 250kg / cm sq.
The copper tail pipes are fitted to the individual non return valves of the cylinder manifold for easy
removal of cylinders without disturbance to system operation.
Each manifold should be provided with one terminal header and a NPT connection for the
Automatic control panel.
3.0 Fully Automatic Oxygen Gas Control System – (Imported) as per NFPA -99 Std with
latest amendments / HTM -2022/02-01 of UK
Digital / Analog Display Gas Manifold should be fully automatic, self – shifting to reserve bank on
exhaustion of the service bank without interruption of gas delivery to the system. A critical
connections should be gas specific, non-interchangeable and should be designed to eliminate gas
supply error. The manifold control system should supply a flow of 1000 L/ Min at 50 psi. The dual
line regulator/single vent Medical Gas Manifold control unit should include right and left header
bars and pigtails for the appropriate medical gas. The installed system should automatically switch
over to the reserve bank when the primary bank is depleted. When the depleted cylinders are
replaced with full cylinders the system should automatically reset itself in preparation for the next
bank change. The primary side bank in use and the remaining side bank on reserve. This
designation should automatically change from left to right and right to left as each bank is depleted
and, in turn, refitted with full gas cylinders.
The LED indicator should show a depleted bank by turning red. A buzzer should also sound to
indicate an empty bank. When the system is reset by replacing the depleted cylinders, the indicator
should turn green and also silence the buzzer. If the manifold is connected to the health care
facility’s central alarm system that should also indicate that the bank was depleted and, in turn, was
reset. The only manual activity Medical gas Manifold requires is the changing of the depleted
cylinders. When a bank is depleted, Manifold should automatically switch to the fresh bank,
delivering an uninterrupted gas supply to the health care facility. Changeover is performed by
solenoid valves contained in the control cabinet. In the event of an electrical power failure, both
DNIT Name : Estimate for bridge on rive...
The pigtails should have on-way Valves (check valves) to allow the replacement of depleted
cylinders without gas pressure back-flow into the remaining depleted cylinders on that bank. In the
event a safety relief device on an individual cylinder should activate or a pigtail should leak
excessively, the local check vale should also prevent loss of gas from the rest of the cylinders on
that bank.
The gas should flows through the manually operated shutoff valve into the primary regulator. This
regulator should reduce the high cylinder pressure to an intermediate pressure. The intermediate
pressure gas flows through the solenoid valve to the line regulator for its final (Line) pressure
reduction for use in the health care facility. Two line pressure regulators should be installed in
parallel, and each should be capable of maintaining a constant dynamic delivery pressure at the
maximum designed flow rate of the system.
The solenoid valve should be the key to the automatic mechanism the manifold. This component
ensures that the flow of gas is not interrupted and the pressure does not fluctuate during normal
operation. When the operating bank pressure falls to a predetermined level, which is controlled by
the preset pressure switches (for high at 60 PSI and for low at 40PSI) , the switches should activate
the solenoids to switch to the fresh ( reserve) cylinder bank .
The manifold control cabinet should have three means of giving continuous information on the
system status: first pressure gauges to indicate the bank pressure and the delivery pressure: second
six indicator LEDs , two green that indicate which cylinders is in use, two yellow for Reserve
Ready and two red that indicate a bank is now depleted : third, a loud audible buzzer gives an
alarm when either or both banks are depleted.
The six indicators should controlled by sensing the bank pressure. Replacing the depleted cylinders
on the empty bank resets the system, changing the indicator form red to yellow. At the same time
the yellow LED should change to green to go form Reserve Ready to In Service. LEDs should
show red prior to initial pressurization or whenever both cylinder banks are below the present
Manifold should be suitable to withstand a pressure of 140 Kg/cm2, along with high pressure
copper annealed tail pipes with Brass adapter suitable for Oxygen Cylinders and manifold.
Top frame comprising of high pressure copper pipes of size 1/2” I.D. x 14swg with high pressure
brass fittings made of high tensile brass and connections through non- return valves.
High pressure copper tail pipes, made of high pressure copper pipe of size 1/4” I.D. x 16 swg.
The middle and bottom frame to be provided to fit both round and flat bottom cylinders safely. The
manifold should be tested (hydraulically) at 250kg / cm sq.
The copper tail pipes are fitted to the individual non return valves of the cylinder manifold for easy
removal of cylinders without disturbance to system operation.
5.0 Terminal / Gas Outlet with probes– as per NFPA-99 std with latest amendments / HTM -
2022/02-01 of UK (Imported)
Surface mount, non interchangeable, self sealing outlets, outlets should consist of a roughing in
assembly and a finishing assembly. A non removable positive- pin keying arrangement for each
specific gas service. Installed in the mounting box a fully assembled brass secondary check valve.
Design of outlet should be such that it should have 100% metal construction for corrosion
resistance fire safety & push button mechanism for quick release of adaptor. The secondary check
valve automatically should form a positive seal to prevent a gas flow when the finishing assembly
is removed. The secondary check valve to include 7’’ (17.78cm) of 1/2’’ Type K copper tubing
with a label affixed which identifies the specific gas by name and colour. A plastic cap inserted at
the end of the inlet tube. Rotation of the inlet tube should allow gas connection from the top or
bottom. the finishing assembly should consists of a die cast chrome plated cover plate , a machined
brass housing for the primary check valve, and a positive –pin keying device to prevent accidental
installation into a roughing in assembly of a dismal gas. The finishing assembly incorporates a
double seal arrangement which automatically engages when a hose adapter or patient treatment
device is removed from the outlet. The design of the outlet should be such that if can be easily
repaired without disassembly of the outlet.
The finishing assembly should have a colour coded (specific gas) keying disc to prevent
connection of hose adapters or patient treatment device to the wrong gas service. The primary
check allows absolutely no gas flow to take place until the keying devices are engaged. It should be
manufactured in accordance with all applicable NFPA and CGA standards. The locking device
should be in the probe instead of gas outlet.
Matching probe for outlets – Imported as per NFPA-99 / HTM 02-01 UL Listed / CE Marked
Matching probes to the gas outlet mentioned above. That is adapter for Gas outlets each adapter
should have suitable barb or threads so that it can be connected to tube or flow meter /suction
regulator. Adapter should have clear gas service embossed on it.
6.0 Oxygen Flow meter & Humidifier Bottle for critical area – (Imported)European CE
Certified with notified body no./UL listed
· The graduated scale should have an oval shape this allows a "lens effect" get the scale values
easy-reading in any condition of use.
· I/0 switch button green and red allows the operator to quickly lock and reactivate the
flowmeter gas supply, keeping unchanged the previous flow preset value.
When the flowmeter is not working, the green button is visible and pushing it, the flow is
activated. On the contrary, to stop the flow, the red button must be pushed.
· It should have ADJUSTING KNOB WITH PUSH&LOCK SYSTEM: it keep locked the pre-
set flow value. To adjust the flow pull the knob, set the flow value you need to deliver to the
patient and push the knob to lock the selected value.
· The flowmeter should have an integrated pressure reducer for the stabilization of supplied
pressure at 2.8bar, to guarantee always and in any condition the flow accuracy of the device.
The flowmeter can be used in any hospital with different pressure from the plants and it is not
necessary to calibrate it.
DNIT Name : Estimate for bridge on rive...
6a Oxygen Flow meter & Humidifier Bottle – (Imported) CE Certified with 4 digit notified
body no./UL Listed for other area
Brass bodychromeplatedFlowmeter withcolour codingtomatchwiththegas beingused.
Thehousingshouldbemade ofpolypropylenetoensure highdurability.Theflowrange shouldbe0-
15LPM.TheFlowmeter shouldbefittedwithmatching adaptor (probe)for OxygenGas Outlet Point.
1. D-Type high pressure seamless cylinder for medical oxygen gas, cylinder are ISI marked
confirmingto IS: 7285 part 2, certified bythe Bureau of Indian Standards(BIS) and
approvedbythe chief controller of explosive (CCOE)GovernmentofIndia.
2. Cylinder made.fromManganeseSteel.
3. 46.7Ltr.watercapacity(220CU.FT.).
4. FittedwithbullnosetypevalveasperIS:3224,andneckcap.
5. Valvemadeof BrassandChromePlated.
6. Working pressure 150Kg.f/cm2at15deg.C.
7. Hydraulictestpressure 250Kg.f/cm2.
8. Color code of the cylinder should as per IS 3933-1966with updating till date.
Manifold should be suitable to withstand a pressure of 140 Kg/cm2, along with high pressure
copper annealed tail pipes with Brass adapter suitable for Nitrous Cylinders and manifold.
Top frame comprising of high pressure copper pipes of size 1/2” I.D. x 14swg with high pressure
brass fittings made of high tensile brass and connections through non- return valves.
High pressure copper tail pipes, made of high pressure copper pipe of size 1/4” I.D. x 16 swg.
The middle and bottom frame to be provided to fit both round and flat bottom cylinders safely. The
manifold should be tested (hydraulically) at 250kg / cm sq.
The copper tail pipes are fitted to the individual non return valves of the cylinder manifold for easy
DNIT Name : Estimate for bridge on rive...
2.0 Fully Automatic Nitrous Oxide Gas Control System – As per NFPA-99 std with latest
amendments / HTM -2022/02-01 of UK(Imported)
Gas Manifold should be fully automatic, self – shifting to reserve bank on exhaustion of the
service bank without interruption of gas delivery to the system. A critical connections should be
gas specific, non-interchangeable and should be designed to eliminate gas supply error. The
manifold control system should supply a flow of 1000 L/ Min at 50 psi. The dual line
regulator/single vent Medical Gas Manifold control unit should include right and left header bars
and pigtails for the appropriate medical gas. The installed system should automatically switch over
to the reserve bank when the primary bank is depleted. When the depleted cylinders are replaced
with full cylinders the system should automatically reset itself in preparation for the next bank
change. The primary side bank in use and the remaining side bank on reserve. This designation
should automatically change from left to right and right to left as each bank is depleted and, in turn,
refitted with full gas cylinders.
The LED indicator should show a depleted bank by turning red. A buzzer should also sound to
indicate an empty bank. When the system is reset by replacing the depleted cylinders, the indicator
should turn green and also silence the buzzer. If the manifold is connected to the health care
facility’s central alarm system that should also indicate that the bank was depleted and, in turn, was
reset. The only manual activity Medical gas Manifold requires is the changing of the depleted
cylinders. When a bank is depleted, Manifold should automatically switch to the fresh bank,
delivering an uninterrupted gas supply to the health care facility. Changeover is performed by
solenoid valves contained in the control cabinet. In the event of an electrical power failure, both
solenoid valves should automatically open to provide an uninterrupted gas flow. Under normal
operating conditions, the gas should leave the high pressure cylinders through the pigtails into the
header bars.
The pigtails should have on-way Valves (check valves) to allow the replacement of depleted
cylinders without gas pressure back-flow into the remaining depleted cylinders on that bank. In the
event a safety relief device on an individual cylinder should
Activate or a pigtail should leak excessively, the local check vale should also prevent loss of gas
from the rest of the cylinders on that bank.
The gas should flows through the manually operated shutoff valve into the primary regulator. This
regulator should reduce the high cylinder pressure to an intermediate pressure. The intermediate
pressure gas flows through the solenoid valve to the line regulator for its final (Line) pressure
reduction for use in the health care facility. Two line pressure regulators should be installed in
parallel, and each should be capable of maintaining a constant dynamic delivery pressure at the
maximum designed flow rate of the system.
The solenoid valve should be the key to the automatic mechanism the manifold. This component
ensures that the flow of gas is not interrupted and the pressure does not fluctuate during normal
operation. When the operating bank pressure falls to a predetermined level, which is controlled by
the preset pressure switches (high and low) , the switches should activate the solenoids to switch to
the fresh ( reserve) cylinder bank .
The manifold control cabinet should have three means of giving continuous information on the
system status: first pressure gauges to indicate the bank pressure and the delivery pressure: second
six indicator LEDs , two green that indicate which cylinders is in use, two yellow for Reserve
The six indicators should controlled by sensing the bank pressure. Replacing the depleted cylinders
on the empty bank resets the system, changing the indicator form red to yellow. At the same time
the yellow LED should change to green to go form Reserve Ready to In Service. LEDs should
show red prior to initial pressurization or whenever both cylinder banks are below the present
b)The medical air compressors should be of the totally oil-less scroll air-cooled design. Connecting
rod and bearings should be packed with lifetime lubrication and sealed.
c) Each compressor should be belt driven by a suitable HP, 3 phase, 50 cycle, 415 volt, ODP
NEMA construction motor. Slide bases for convenient belt tension adjustment and totally enclosed
OSHA approved belt guards should be provided.
e) The system should include individual compressor inline intake filters, discharge check valves of
bronze construction, safety relief valves, bronze intake and discharge flexible connectors, solenoid
unloaders, isolation valves, air cooled after coolers for each compressor, high discharge
temperature shut down switches on each cylinder, pressure control switches, as well as copper
tubing with shut-off cock for gauge and switches. The system should include a 120 gallon.
Pressure storage tank of ASME construction rated for 200-PSI MWP service. The tank should be
equipped with a pressure gauge, safety relief valve, 3-way by-pass; gauge glass and automatic
electronic tank drain with manual override. The inside of the tank should be coated for rust
protection with a two component coating which provides a hard, durable lining. Provide spring
vibration isolators for each compressor.
f)The system should include a UL listed control panel in a NEMA 12 enclosure with the following
accessories for each pump:
g) Externally operatable fusible disconnect with door interlock, control circuit transformer with
fused primary and secondary coils, H-O-A switch, magnetic starter with 3 leg overload protection,
hour meter, motor running light. Provide the panel with a multiple position selector switch for
Provide manual reset for thermal malfunction shutdown. All control and alarm functions should
remain energized while any compressor in the system remains electrically on-line. The lag
compressor should be able to start automatically if the lead compressor fails to operate. All models
should operate between 65-90 dBa
The Oil Lubricated Rotary Vane Medical vacuum System should provided superior performance
with minimal maintenance. The packaged system should contain all necessary controls and
The pump should include an integral, multi-stage oil-removal system featuring a built in exhaust
demister that should remove and reclaim 99.9% of the exhausted oil. Additionally each pump
should include exhaust back pressure gauge to indicate the need for filter maintenance and an oil
sight glass for monitoring oil level. Lubrication should provided by the integral, fully re-
circulating oil supply. The pump inlet should be protected by means of a wire mesh screen. An
internal anti suck back valve should included to prevent oil from entering the vacuum piping
network. Pump vanes, because of their construction, should provide superior heat transfer and long
life. The pumps should be dynamically balanced and virtually vibration free.
Each pump should be driven by a direct flanged three-phase, standard TEFC motor via a pin and
bush coupling. All models should operate between 58-83 dBa,. Pumps require standard automotive
grade SAE-30 non-detergent oil for lubrication.
The UL listed / CE marked electrical control panel should be mounted in a control cabinet. The
standard control panel includes the following components:
Integral circuit breaker disconnected with door interlock, across-the-line motor starters with three-
phase overload protection
A programmable logic controller to cycle lead pump with each use
Hand off Automatic selector switch for each pump
Lag pump in use indicator light with horn and connection for remote annunciation
Hour meters to monitor factory recommended service intervals.
Pump running lights to indicate pump in operation.
Each system should include an ASME coded receiver rated for full vacuum service. The system
receiver should include a 4-1/2” vacuum gauge, manual drain, and three- valve by pass.
Additionally, each system should include properly sized inlet and exhaust flex connectors and
vibration isolation pads for filed installation. the pump has the facility that in case one pump stop
the standby pump should automatically start. if any pump fails the system should automatically
revert to the stand by pump. All the status monitoring of the pump can be connected to the Master
Alarm. The system should also includes factory installed 5 micron pump inlet filters to promote
longer life.
3 Ward Vacuum Unit with Suction Jar - Imported CE certified with 4 digit notified body no./
UL Listed for critical area
· The digital vacuum regulator should have a digital vacuum gauge with monochromatic
LCD display, it is available with three possible end of scale: -250 mbar, -600 mbar and -
1000 mbar.
· The scale should be able to set in mbar/hpa or mmhg by the end user
· The numerical display should show the vacuum value and a sector bar proportional to
the adjusted de-pressure. The reading resolution is 1 mbar/hpa (1 mmhg).
· The frontal part of the digital gauge should be equipped with 3 buttons: one to switch
ON/OFF the vacuum regulator, the other 2 for various settings such as: set the timer for
the automatic switch off of the regulator; select the unit scale (mbar/hPa or mmHg); set
up a preferred vacuum value; zeroing the device at any time.
· The device should have a quick I/0 switch button that allows the operator to quickly
lock and reactivate the vacuum, keeping unchanged the previous preset value. When the
device is suctioning, the red button is outside and by pushing it, the operator can stop the
vacuum at any time. While, to reactivate the vacuum, at the same pre-set value, the
operator have to simply push the green button (visible when the device is not working).
· A vacuum adjustment knob with Soft Grip inserts for an easy handling with a “Push &
Lock” position system, the operator have to pull the knob, by rotating it regulate the level
of vacuum needed and then push the know to lock the selected value.
· Suctionjar shouldbe made of polycarbonate autoclave upto121ºC.Thejar capacityis
1000ml . Thefloat&cap assemblyincludesa patientportinletthatishorizontal tohelp
preventkinking ofsuctiontubing. All collection bottleassembliesallow visual inspection
offluidlevel,color &consistency&canbesteam autoclaved or gas sterilized. Polycarbonate
bottlesoffer theadditional advantage of eliminatingbreakage
3b Ward Vacuum Unit with Suction Jar - Imported CE certified with 4 digit notified body
no. / UL listed for other area
W.V.Unitshouldhavesofttouchknobfor easyaccess to(a) On/offmode(b) Regulation mode
(c)fullflowofvacuum pressure directlyformvacuumline.Mode.Theanaloguegauge shouldhave 2’’
diacolor coded;glow–in–the–darkfacefor easyreadabilityunder any condition.Highvacuumsetting0-
DNIT Name : Estimate for bridge on rive...
4 Theatre Vacuum Unit with Suction Jar - Imported CE certified with 4 digit notified body
no. / UL listed
· The digital vacuum regulator should have a digital vacuum gauge with monochromatic
LCD display, it is available with three possible end of scale: -250 mbar, -600 mbar and -
1000 mbar.
· The scale should be able to set in mbar/hpa or mmhg by the end user
· The numerical display should show the vacuum value and a sector bar proportional to
the adjusted de-pressure. The reading resolution is 1 mbar/hpa (1 mmhg).
· The frontal part of the digital gauge should be equipped with 3 buttons: one to switch
ON/OFF the vacuum regulator, the other 2 for various settings such as: set the timer for
the automatic switch off of the regulator; select the unit scale (mbar/hPa or mmHg); set
up a preferred vacuum value; zeroing the device at any time.
· The device should have a quick I/0 switch button that allows the operator to quickly
lock and reactivate the vacuum, keeping unchanged the previous preset value. When the
device is suctioning, the red button is outside and by pushing it, the operator can stop the
vacuum at any time. While, to reactivate the vacuum, at the same pre-set value, the
operator have to simply push the green button (visible when the device is not working).
· A vacuum adjustment knob with Soft Grip inserts for an easy handling with a “Push &
Lock” position system, the operator have to pull the knob, by rotating it regulate the level
of vacuum needed and then push the know to lock the selected value.
· Suctionjar shouldbemadeofpolycarbonateaautoclaveupto121ºC.Thejar capacityis
2000ML..Thefloat&cap assemblyincludesapatientportinletthatis horizontal tohelp
preventkinking ofsuctiontubing.All collectionbottle assembliesallow visual
inspectionoffluidlevel,color &consistency&can besteamautoclaved or gas sterilized.
Polycarbonatebottlesoffer the additional advantage of eliminatingbreakage.
AGSS/WAGD SUPPLYSYSTEM – asperNFPA-99 std / HTM -2022/02-01of UK ( Imported)
Waste Anesthetic GasDisposalSystem( WAGD)/AnestheticGas
ScavengingSystem (AGSS) Imported -asper NFPA-99 Std /HTM -2022/02-01of UK
Thestandard controlsinclude:
a) Combinationcircuitbreaker disconnects,non reversing, across-theline motor starter
withthree-phaseoverload protection
b) A programmablecontroller tocyclelead pumpwitheach use.
c) Hand-Off Automaticselectorswitches
d) Lag pumpin useindicator lightwith horn and connection for remote annunciation
e) Hourmeterstomonitorfactoryrecommendedserviceintervals
f) Running lightsindicatingpump in operation
g) Thesystemshould besupplied with properlysized inlet,discharge flexconnectorsand
vibration isolationpadsforfield installation. As options,thesystemcanbesupplied with a
dischargesilencer and/or bacterial filtersfor field installation.
The main lines to the building to be taken overhead through metallic poles or through underground
ducts with inspection removable slabs, All pipe joints should be made using inert gas flux less
brazing method. All joints should be of copper to copper and should be brazed by silver brazing
filler material without flux while being brazed joints shall be continuously purged with oil free dry
nitrogen to prevent the formation of copper oxide on the inside surface of the joint. All pipes
should be installed without springing or forcing. All pipes should be protected against mechanical
injury in a manner satisfactory to authorities having jurisdiction.
Test: After erection, all the new pipes cleaned or purged with the help of dry nitrogen gas.
Complete system should be tested with dry nitrogen at 2 times of working pressure for 24 hours.
Fittings will be made of copper conforming to BS 864 and suitable for a steam of working
pressure of 35 bar and especially made for brazed socket type connections.
Area Alarms are designed to include all necessary displays, factory wiring, transformers and
circuitry requiring only 230 VAC primary powers. Internal voltage should be stepped down to 5
VDC and 15 VDC for control circuit Power. Voltage to external pressure or vacuum transducers
should be 15 VDC.
The Area Alarm should have digital display facility. Each area alarm should monitor up to 6 or 12
medical gas & / or Vacuum services.
Area alarm panels should be modular in design. Each gas monitored should have a light Emitting
Diode (LED) display to continuously indicate actual line pressure. A vertical series of LED’s
should further indicate relative line pressure.
The control module should include a silence/enter button, a Test/Shift button, an Up button and a
Down button. These buttons should be used to silence the audible alarm, set up the alarm panel and
to test the alarm panel. The test button should test all modules one at a time. An LED on the
control module should illuminate green to indicate Power on.
The LED should show Normal pressure at 50 psi . apart from Normal it should also show low risk
of 40 PSI as low-pressure and 60 psi as high. High risk of 30 psi as low pressure & 70 psi as High
Line pressure modules should be available in dual display configuration, dual display modules
should accept any Combination of pressure or Vacuum.
The back box should contain factory installed copper tube extensions 6” Long , 3/8” ID (1/2”OD) ,
to accept installer furnished lines form the medical gas system.
Each inlet tube should accept gas – specific DISS fittings for transducers, to prevent cross-
connection. The power supply should be installed in the back box Power supply should include an
on / off rocker switch and a fuse holder.
The audible alarm tone should pulsate, 90 dBa at 2 meters. The audible signal should be cancelled
only by the alarm silence button or fault correction. The display should remain illuminated to
indicate the presence of the alarm condition. The alarm should automatically reset with the
correction of the fault condition. A new alarm should occur while the panel is silenced, the audible
alarm should reactivate. The area alarm should store the last four alarm conditions in memory at
the alarm panel. These conditions can be indicated by using the buttons on the alarm panel control
Line pressure Alarm panel for Medical Gas Piping System should monitor the following
2 gas service :
Oxygen Normal / High / Low
Vacuum Normal / Low
3 gas service
Oxygen Normal / High / Low
Medical Air Normal / High / Low
4 gas service
Oxygen Normal / High / Low
Medical Air Normal / High / Low
surgical Air Normal / High / Low
Vacuum Normal / low
I Bedhead panel for Low Equity Ward Areas, 1500mm length, with provision of Gas outlets
& provided with electrical sockets & accessories complete as per enclosed tender technical
Bed Head Panel – CE Marked / UL Listed
The system should provide a safe, efficient means of delivering services to patients/staff in general
ward application.
The Bed Head Panel should meet the following criteria.
Robust design in extruded aluminium sections
Ability to house medical gas terminal units and Electrical Sockets.
Ease of installation via separate wall mounting plates.
The system should consist of a number of aluminium extrusions joined together to form a carcass
to suit the particular application.
Each Bed Head Panels will have three extruded section compartments
. One for MGPS outlets with copper pipe
. One for electrical receptables 6, 6/16 Amps receptacles
. One for low voltage like nurse call, data points & voice points
Note: All system for Medical Gas Pipe line System must be certified by third party: i.e.(i) - For
system installed as per NFPA standard , NFPA appointed inspector must certified system and
relevant documents for inspector must be submitted with bid documents . (ii) - For system installed
as per HTM standard, HTM appointed Pharmacist must certify system and relevant document for
pharmacist must be submitted with bid documents.
The individual ceiling panels will be welded together. All joints will be filled with metal filler
(Dupont / 3M) make and will be sanded flush on site till ready to receive the plastic finish. Ceiling
panel joints will not be visible after the final wall coating is applied.
The gap between the inside and outside surfaces of the theatre will be variable to suit the
architects’ layout, but will be sufficient for the flush mounting of equipments.
The prima will be applied prior to coating of Anti – bacterial & Anti- Fungus sterlite paint an EGP
/SS walls & ceiling. 3 to 4 coates will be applied to achieve a thickness of 200micrones.
Sterile coating and primer will be applied on the surface by air-less spray gun. Sterile coating will
be to withstand with commonly used cleaners in the operation rooms and even withstanding with
regular steam cleaning.
L Planair Ceiling (Plenum box – Air Diffuser) – (cladding type OT) (Indian)
The plenum box (2400mm x 2400mm) will be made of high quality Aluminium 2mm thick & Air
diffuser will be made of Woven polyester cloth that will introduce the highest air quality into the
Operation Theatre. There will be 6-8, H-14 HEPA filters 0.3 microns size (as per plenum size)
with 99.97% efficiency to ensure high quality clean air & tight control of bacteria infection system.
Air will be diffused into the theatre uniformly over the total area through perforated aluminium
sheet / SS 304. The air distribution system serving to the Operation Theatre will be tested as per
DIN 4799 standards / HTM 03-01 standard.
The Unidirectional laminar flow installation & lighting system will be design to provide the
Operation Theatre as key to preventing patients being infected during operation lies on the design
of sterilized air conditioning system and the flow pattern of draught as well as the quality of
The airflow should be Unidirectional, downwards and the average velocity of the diffusers should
be 25 to 35 fpm . It should have a low noise recirculation system, compliance with noise level of
<45 to 48dB.
The ceiling will incorporate supports to secure it to the main structural frame of the modular
operating theatre.
Light will be generated from high frequency electronic ballast’s complete with colour corrected
fluorescent tubes. The ceiling will incorporate supports to secure it to the main structural frame of
the modular operating theatre. The laminar flow ceiling will be able to provide integrated lamp
support system, ease of maintenance and long life system. Control equipment for the peripheral
The operation procedures can never be affected by shadows, shimmering lights and dazzling eyes.
This has been achieved by the lighting system with sufficient illumination level at the wound site
and to provide flicker less design lighting control system
Controls for the peripheral lighting will be provided in the theatre control panel to allow
independent control of the lighting levels by the surgical team.
Time Day Clock will be digital type and clocks have high brightness characters, not less than
30mm in height. Time Elapsed Day Clock will be digital type and clocks have high brightness
characters, not less than 30mm in height. Temperature Indicator will indicate the theatre
temperature will be connected to the local pressure switches of Air-Conditioning system. Indicator
will be digital type have high brightness characters, not less than 30mm in height.
General Lighting System incorporates all the necessary controls of the lighting system inside the
theatre. The medical gas alarm will indicate High and Low gas pressure for each gas service
present in the operating theatre and will have an audible buzzer with mute facility. The medical gas
alarms will be connected to local pressure switches located downstream of the last isolation valves.
A Hand Free Set Telephone system incorporated in the panel with memory type card.
The size of the each tile will not be more than 300mm x 200mm. Colour will be RAL 9002 for the
frame and membrane fascia. The Control Panel will be designed for front – access only.
All high voltage equipment is installed in a separate enclosure. The remote cabinet will house the
operating lamp transformers, mains failure relays, electrical distribution equipment and circuit
protection equipment for all circuits within the operating theatre. All internal wiring will terminate
in connectors with screw and clamp spring connections of the Clip-on type mounted, on a DIN rail
and labelled with indelible proprietary labels. Individual fuses or miniature circuit breakers will
protect all internal circuits. All internal wires will be marked with plastic ferrule type cable
markers, for ease of identification.
Flooring will fulfil EN 649 of US requirements. It will have chemical resistance as per EN 423 . It
will have electrical resistance conforming to EN 1081/IEC 61340.
All joints will be welded and the plastic wall finish will overlap the floor coving by 25mm, to
provide a continuous sealed surface.
A floor screed will be provided, flat to within a tolerance of +/- 3mm over any 3-metre area. Onto
this sub floor, a self-levelling compound will be laid prior to laying of the floor finish.
The self-levelling compound will be of the type that does not promote bacteriological growth.
Copper grounding strips (0.05mm thick, 50mm width) will b laid flat on the floor in the conductive
adhesive and connect to copper wire of grounding
The station will be equipped with thermostatic mixing valve to control the temperature of hot / cold
water supply. The washing faucet will be made of Chrome plated brass hand.
Coating in NCS-colour in accordance with the architect’s / hospital’s choice. Double panes with 2
laminated safety glasses , installed hermetically between the windows.
The window size will be 300x300mm
(a)The double dome operating light must be designed for the use in high demanding surgical
procedures. State-of-the-art LED bulbs should be used to ensure a low energy consumption and a
long service life.
(b)Outer handles at the light head should be provided to allow for non-sterile positioning.
(c) Light head must be designed with smooth transitions and surfaces, without slots, gaps or
exposed screwing to ensure fast and effective cleaning.
(d) The light head with streamlined shape is favourable within laminar flow. The light head must
be resistant to disinfectant.
(e)For sterile positioning an ergonomic, exchangeable and centrally positioned sterile handle
within the light head should be provided.
(f) All main joints of surgical light must be provided with unlimited rotation (360°). Light head and
suspension must be sealed dustproof.
(g) Color temperature should be homogeneous at every illumination intensity.
(h) Control of illumination intensity must be possible via wall control panel
(i) Classification
a. Protection class acc. to IEC 60601-1 -
i. Mains connection component - Protection class 1
ii. Light head – SELV
b. Protection class acc. to IEC 60529
i. Arm system/mains connection component - IP 30
ii. Light head - IP 42
c. Classification in accordance with EU Directive 93/42/EEC Annex IX - Class I
d. UMDNS-Code (Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System ) - 12-282
e. IEC 60601-1 - Medical electrical equipment – Section 1-1
f. IEC 60601-2-41 - Medical electrical equipment – Section 2-41
g. IEC 60601-1-2 - Medical electrical equipment – Section 1-2
(j) The surgical light should be complete with all components for ceiling mount and electrical feed-
in, incl. finalised installation.
(k)Technical data for main dome: - 1nos.
i. Central illumination intensity Ec 160000 Lux
ii. Light field diameter at a distance of 1 m 200 mm
iii. Depth of illumination L1+L2 1300 mm
iv. Average Color rendering index Ra 95
v. Color rendering index R9 (red) 93
vi. Color temperature 5000K
vii. Central illumination at 1m distance with:
A Hatch of 600mm x 600mm size should be provided in the Operation Theatre as specified in the
scope of the work to remove waste materials from the Operation Theatre to Dirty linen Area just
adjacent to Operation Theatre. Each Hatch should be equipped with two doors and the door should
be operated electronically. The Hatch should be designed in such a way that only one door should
be opened at one time. The UV light should be so installed that it is kept on while both the doors
are closed, this UV light has to be automatically turned off in case of opening of either of the
doors. There should be indicators on both sides of the OT so that the door open/close status can be
monitored from both ends. Hatch Box should be manufactured from Stainless Steel (Grade 304).
14.(ii) HD Camera PAL for OT Ceiling Light:
for displaying real time images during surgery
Features: Centrally mounted in the light head
Touch screen Surface Controls
Glass Surface for hygiene requirements
Technical Data:
Image Device Sensor: 1/3"
Video standards: Full HD 1920x1080
Pixels: 20,00,000
Video outputs: lx Y/Pb/Pr,1x DVI, 2x HD SDI
LAN, RS232, RS485
Zoom: 10x optical zoom
12x digital
Minimum Illumination: 12 Lux
Signal to Noise Ratio: >50dB
Minimum Working distance: 10mm- wide end
800 -tele-end
Image rotation: Via OP lighting, 360 deg
Power connection: Yes
Image stabilizer: Auto, manual
Focus: Auto, manual
Iris: Auto, manual
White balance: Auto, manual
20 Internal Ducting
The internal ducting inside of the Operation theatre should be done duly fabricated out of 22 /24
swg Aluminium sheet complete with flanges and accessories such as GI suspenders and GI
supports completely sealed with Silicon sealant duly insulated with Aluminium foil Nitrile rubber
self-adhesive type insulation.
NOTE: All system for medical gas pipeline system must be certified by third party:
(i) – For system installed as per NFPA standard, NFPA appointed inspector
must certified system and relevant documents for inspector must be
submitted with bid documents.
(ii) – For system installed as per HTM standard, HTM appointed Pharmacist
must certify system and relevant document for pharmacist must be
submitted with bid documents.
Note: In case if the brand/ make of any item being used is not available in the above list the
same should be got approved from the consultant/ engineer in charge before installation
After completion of the installation the firm shall get the installations inspected
from authorized person deputed by department and prepare as built drawings with
complete detail of installations along with inventory of equipment with their make Sr.
No. model size etc.. the firm shall also obtain a certificate of OEM of the equipment
installed for proper installation and backup guarantee by OEM of major items.
The firm after successful completion of the work, shall stand guarantee for all
material, equipment and installation for one year from date of completion. This will
include repair, replacement and all labour of all installation including consumable
items if any. This will be treated as free maintenance period. The firm will hand
over the system as per para above before completion of Defect Liability period /
free maintenance period free maintenance period / Defect Liability of period will
be considered as extended till hand over the system. The decision for allotment of
maintenance work will be on the discretion of client department. However for
operation of system during this period the firm shall be paid @ 1% of the value of
original work done. The decision for allotment of operation and maintenance work will
be allotted on the discretion of client department.
After completion of free maintenance period of one year from the date of
completion as above, the firm will be bound to carry out paid comprehensive
maintenance i.e. repair and replacement of all installations including consumable items
etc. and operation of system for next Four year for which the firm will be paid as
under: -
1. For 1st year (After free maintenance period or actual handover the system
to Client deptt. whichever is later) @ (5.50% of the original work done.
2. For 2nd year @ 6.05% of the original work done.
3. For 3rd year @ 6.66% of the original work done.
4. For 4th year @ 7.30% of the original work done
The contractor would submit an affidavit in the technical bid that he shall
undertake to carry comprehensive maintenance as brought out in the
DNIT. In case of failure to do so, the department is at liberty to take any
due action including proceeding under criminal negligence against the
firm / contractor.
Payment of this maintenance will be done on quarterly basis. After deducting the
statutory taxes.
Other terms and conditions of comprehensive maintenance contracthave been as
depicted under heading addition condition for free maintenance period and annual
maintenance contract of this DNIT.
After completion testing and commissioning the installations will be handed
over to the authorized authority of Hospital. The contract for operation and
comprehensive maintenance contracton the rates terms and conditions for the
period as per this DNIT / Agreement will be done with the firm by authorized
authority of Hospital. The firm will be bound to carry out the comprehensive
maintenance and operation contract accordingly for which necessary payments
etc. will be done by Hospital authority.
Note:- Operation means day and night around the year (24x7x365)
Detailed Specifications :- (Diesel Generating Sets 5 KVA, 7.5 KVA, 10 KVA, 15 KVA, 20
KVA, 25 KVA, 30 KVA & 40 KVA)
Diesel Engine and Alternator should be close coupled and mounted on a base plate of
robust construction.
1. DIESEL ENGINE : (Manufactured in India)
Diesel Engine shall be Liquid Cooled, electric start developing required B.H.P. at 1500/
3000 rpm WITH Class A-I Governor or Electronic Governor suitable for alternator to deliver
specified continuous KVA output at 0.8 lagging PF at NTP conditions (Rating shall be tested at
Unity PF). The Diesel Engine should be capable of providing 10 % overload for one hour
continuous running at full load after every 11 Hours continuous running.
The Diesel Engine shall be complete with the following accessories:-
a) Engine instrument Panel consisting of starting switch/push button, Lube Oil and
Pressure Gauges, Water Temperature Gauge, RPM indicator and Hour meter.
b) Low lube oil pressure safety required in Engines, High Water temperature safety for
water cooled Engines is required. The safety should include audio alarm and trip
facility also to avoid damage to the engine.
c) Radiator.
d) Exhaust silencer of Residential type.
e) 12V/24Vstarting system complete with starter motor, charging alternator and Cutout.
f) Lead Acid battery of suitable ratings with connecting cables. The batteries shall be supplied
in uncharged conditions and of Make :
g) The Diesel Engine fitted with Common Rail Direct Injection Fuel Pump shall be only
The Alternator shall be self – excited, self – regulated of specified KVA rating in three
phase at 220V/415 Volts, 50 Hz, 1500/ 3000 RPM and 0.8 pf lagging (Rating shall be tested at
Unity PF). The alternators shall be of brushless type only. The alternators shall be screen-protected
drip proof with Min. IP-21 or improved degree of protection for outdoor installations. The class of
insulation of the Alternator would be F/H. The rated voltage of Alternator will be 415 V for 3
Make of Alternator: Kirloskar / Kirloskar Green/ Crompton – Greaves/ Leroy Somer / Trident/
Stamford/ Meccalte.
Automatic mains failure (AMF) control panel shall be able to start up the DG set and can
transfer the load on to D.G. set on mains failure without requiring any human intervention,
similarly, on restoration of main supply, it shall be able to transfer the load to mains supply and
switch off the D.G. Set automatically.
The AMF panel enclosure should be with the IP-53 degree of protection and shall be
fabricated from minimum 16 SWG thick steel sheet duly pre-treated and aesthetically finished and
Power coated.
The AMF Control Panel shall have the following instruments:
a) Microprocessor based relay with composite/separate meter for digital display of:
1. Generator voltage/AC Mains voltage.
2. Generator Current.
3. Load Current.
4. Power Factor.
5. Frequency.
6. Energy.
7. Three attempts engines start/ engines cranking relay.
8. On delay timer for load change over.
9. On delay timer for engine shut off.
b) Mode selector switch for setting the panel on any one position such as off or auto or
manual or test.
c) Engine On-Off switch (Push button type)
d) MCCB/Fuses of suitable rating shall be provided.
e) Rectangular Aluminium Bus Bars (one number for each phase, neutral and Earthing
terminal) of adequate ratings duly colour coded with heat shrinkable PVC Sleeves or
Copper Cables.
f) Two contactors/ACB of suitable rating (one for DG set & one for AC mains) with over
load relay.
g) Under + Over Voltage Relay.
h) Automatic Battery charger with on-off switch, voltmeter and ammeter for charging the
battery from mains. This will be addition to the battery charging alternator fitted on the
i) Instrument & Control Fuses/MCB.
j) Four number indicating lamps to indicate ‘load on mains’ ‘set running’ ‘load on
set’and ‘battery charger on’.
k) Audio visual alarm for ‘Low lubricating oil pressure’ High water temperature’ (for water
cooled), ‘Start failure’, and ‘DG overload’
l) Any other switch, instrument, relay or contactor etc. essential for smooth and trouble free
function of DG set with AMF Panel (to be specified by the tenderer in their offer with
complete detail of the item).
m) All Electro components/ parts such as MCCB/ MCB/FUSE/ Contactor/ Meters should be
Main Switch :- I) Supply & Erection of following Main switches, TPN Re-wireable/HRC on angle
iron frame including earthing necessary connections complete in all respect, Make:- MEX, SSK,
DPPL, Standard, Havells, Crystal. Capacity 32, 63, 100, 200 Amps.
a) Supply and erection of plate earthing as per IS specification with 600mm x 600mm
x 3mm of copper plate below ground upto 2.13 meter with 20mm x 3mm copper
strip of electrolytic grade as per specification. The strip is to be inserted through G.
I. pipe of medium class of suitable size. Earthing should be complete with charcoal,
salt & provision of watering arrangement & manhole cover of size 1 ft x 1ft
including all bricks masonary work, digging & refilling etc., complete in all respect
as required inclusive of the cost of earth excavation work & required material.
Diesel Engine and Alternator should be close coupled and mounted on a base plate of
robust construction.
a) Engine instrument Panel consisting of starting switch/push button, Lube Oil and Pressure
Gauges, Water Temperature Gauge, RPM indicator and Hour meter.
b) Low lube oil pressure safety required in Engines, High Water temperature safety for water
cooled Engines is required. The safety should include audio alarm and trip facility also to
avoid damage to the engine.
c) Radiator.
d) Exhaust silencer of Residential type.
e) 12V/24Vstarting system complete with starter motor, charging alternator and Cutout.
f) Lead Acid battery of suitable ratings with connecting cables. The batteries shall be supplied
in uncharged conditions and of Make:
Diesel Engine of direct injection or Diesel Engine fitted with common Rail Direct Injection
Pump shall be accepted.
The Engine should confirm to applicable Emission Norms. The Diesel Engine shall be
accepted only which conforms to BIS: 10000/1/2 or BS:5514.
The Alternator shall be self – excited, self – regulated of specified KVA rating in three
phase at 415 Volts, 50 Hz, 1500 RPM and 0.8 pf lagging (Rating shall be tested at Unity PF). The
alternators shall be of brushless type only. The alternators shall be screen-protected drip proof with
Min. IP-21 or improved degree of protection for outdoor installations. The class of insulation of the
Alternator would be F/H. The rated voltage of Alternator will be 415 V for 3 phase.
Make of Alternator : Kirloskar / Kirloskar Green/ Crompton – Greaves/ Leroy Somer / Trident/
Stamford/ Meccalte.
Automatic mains failure (AMF) control panel shall be able to start up the DG set and can
transfer the load on to D.G. set on mains failure without requiring any human intervention,
similarly, on restoration of main supply, it shall be able to transfer the load to mains supply and
switch off the D.G. Set automatically.
The AMF panel enclosure should be with the IP-53 degree of protection and shall be
fabricated from minimum 16 SWG thick steel sheet duly pre-treated and aesthetically finished and
Power coated.
The AMF Control Panel shall have the following instruments:
a) Microprocessor based relay with composite/separate meter for digital display of:
1. Generator voltage/AC Mains voltage.
2. Generator Current.
3. Load Current.
4. Power Factor.
5. Frequency.
6. Energy.
7. Three attempts engines start/ engines cranking relay.
8. On delay timer for load change over.
Main Switch :- I) Supply & Erection of following Main switches, TPN Re-wireable/HRC on angle
iron frame including earthing necessary connections complete in all respect, Make:- MEX, SSK,
DPPL, Standard, Havells, Crystal. Capacity 200, 320, 400, 630, 800, 1000 Amps.
a) Supply and erection of plate earthing as per IS specification with 600mm x 600mm
x 3mm of copper plate below ground upto 2.13 meter with 20mm x 3mm copper
strip of electrolytic grade as per specification. The strip is to be inserted through G.
I. pipe of medium class of suitable size. Earthing should be complete with charcoal,
salt & provision of watering arrangement & manhole cover of size 1 ft x 1ft
including all bricks masonary work, digging & refilling etc., complete in all respect
as required inclusive of the cost of earth excavation work & required material.
b) Supply and erection of copper strip earthing of 25mm x 3mm copper earth strip &
suitable size medium class GI pipe including all necessary material and termination
etc. complete in all respect.
Diesel Engine and Alternator should be close coupled and mounted on a base plate of
robust construction.
1. DIESEL ENGINE : (Manufactured in India)
Diesel Engine shall be Liquid Cooled, electric start developing required B.H.P. at 1500 rpm
suitable for alternator to deliver specified continuous KVA output at 0.8 lagging PF at NTP
conditions (Rating shall be tested at Unity PF). The Diesel Engine should be capable of providing
10 % overload for one hour continuous running at full load after every 11 Hours continuous
running. Diesel Engine 400 KVA and above should be fully electronic i.e. governing, fuel
injection, monitoring of engine and its parameters should be all electronic. Diesel Engine
Monitoring & Controlling & Controller for Generator Operation Monitoring & Synchronization
Function shall be Independent of Each other.
a) Engine instrument Panel consisting of starting switch/push button, Lube Oil and Pressure
Gauges, Water Temperature Gauge, RPM indicator and Hour meter.
b) Low lube oil pressure safety required in Engines, High Water temperature safety for water
cooled Engines is required. The safety should include audio alarm and trip facility also to
avoid damage to the engine.
c) Radiator.
d) Exhaust silencer of Residential type.
e) 12V/24Vstarting system complete with starter motor, charging alternator and Cutout.
f) Lead Acid battery of suitable ratings with connecting cables. The batteries shall be
supplied in uncharged conditions and of Make :
The Engine should confirm to applicable Emission Norms. The Diesel Engine shall be
The Alternator shall be self – excited, self – regulated of specified KVA rating in three
phase at 415 Volts, 50 Hz, 1500 RPM and 0.8 pf lagging (Rating shall be tested at Unity PF). The
alternators shall be of brushless type only. The alternators shall be screen-protected drip proof with
Min. IP-21 or improved degree of protection for outdoor installations. The class of insulation of the
Alternator would be F/H. The rated voltage of Alternator will be 415 V for 3 phase.
Make of Alternator : Kirloskar / Kirloskar Green/ Crompton – Greaves/ Leroy Somer / Trident/
Stamford/ Meccalte.
2A. ALTERNATOR (HT) for 1500/2000/2275/2500 KVA in addition to LT:-
The Alternator shall be self – excited, self – regulated of specified KVA rating in three
phase at 3.3/6.6/11KV, 50 Hz, 1500 RPM and 0.8 pf lagging (Rating shall be tested as per standard
design of Manufacturer). The alternators shall be of brushless type only. The alternators shall be
screen-protected drip proof with Min. IP-21 or improved degree of protection for outdoor
installations. The class of insulation of the Alternator would be F/H. The rated voltage of
Alternator will be 3.3/6.6/11 KV for 3 phase as per Manufacturer design with Latest amendment.
Make of Alternator : Kirloskar / Leroy Somer / Stamford/ TDPS/ABB/ Siemens.
Automatic mains failure (AMF) control panel shall be able to start up the DG set and can
transfer the load on to D.G. set on mains failure without requiring any human intervention,
similarly, on restoration of main supply, it shall be able to transfer the load to mains supply and
switch off the D.G. Set automatically.
The AMF panel enclosure should be with the IP-53 degree of protection and shall be
fabricated from minimum 16 SWG thick steel sheet duly pre-treated and aesthetically finished and
Power coated.
The AMF Control Panel shall have the following instruments :
a) Microprocessor based relay with composite/separate meter for digital display of :
1. Generator voltage/AC Mains voltage.
2. Generator Current.
3. Load Current.
4. Power Factor.
5. Frequency.
6. Energy.
7. Three attempts engines start/ engines cranking relay.
8. On delay timer for load change over.
9. On delay timer for engine shut off.
b) Mode selector switch for setting the panel on any one position such as off or auto or
manual or test.
c) Engine On-Off switch (Push button type)
d) MCCB/Fuses of suitable rating shall be provided.
e) Rectangular Aluminium Bus Bars (one number for each phase, neutral and Earthing
terminal) of adequate ratings duly colour coded with heat shrinkable PVC Sleeves or
Copper Cables.
f) Two contactors/ACB of suitable rating (one for DG set & one for AC mains) with over
load relay.
g) Under + Over Voltage Relay.
h) Automatic Battery charger with on-off switch, voltmeter and ammeter for charging the
battery from mains. This will be addition to the battery charging alternator fitted on the
i) Instrument & Control Fuses/MCB.
j) Four number indicating lamps to indicate ‘load on mains’ ‘set running’ ‘load on set’and
‘battery charger on’.
Fabricated as per standard specification of manufacturer, stuffing done with suitable Foam/
Rock wool. Rock wool supported with Tissue Paper or perforated sheets having holes. Residential
type silencer provided to lower the noise of exhaust outlet. Canopy treated for antirust with powder
coating. Should have fresh Air inflow and proper ventilation. Modular in construction and
provided with lockable doors. The Sound proof enclosure shall be strictly as per CPCB prevalent
norms. The sheet thickness should be 18 gauge (min) as per manufacturer standard and as per
CPCB rules.
Supply & erection of underground Aluminum armoured cable ISI mark including necessary
connections, thimbling, glands alongwith digging & re-filling of cable trenches, complete in all
Main Switch :- I) Supply & Erection of following Main switches, TPN Re-wireable/HRC on angle
iron frame including earthing necessary connections complete in all respect, Make:- MEX, SSK,
DPPL, Standard, Havells, Crystal. Capacity 630, 800, 1000 Amps.
a) Supply and erection of plate earthing as per IS specification with 600mm x 600mm
x 3mm of copper plate below ground upto 2.13 meter with 20mm x 3mm copper
strip of electrolytic grade as per specification. The strip is to be inserted through G.
I. pipe of medium class of suitable size. Earthing should be complete with charcoal,
salt & provision of watering arrangement & manhole cover of size 1 ft x 1ft
including all bricks masonary work, digging & refilling etc., complete in all respect
as required inclusive of the cost of earth excavation work & required material.
b) Supply and erection of copper strip earthing of 25mm x 3mm copper earth strip &
suitable size medium class GI pipe including all necessary material and termination
etc. complete in all respect.
In case offers are submitted by the Authorised Dealer, letter of Authority from the Diesel
Engine manufacturer to quote rates on their behalf must be furnished alongwith their offers,
duly supported with the documents as required above. The authority letter must be signed
and stamped by the Proprietor/ Partner/ M.D./ Director/ Manager of the firm/ company and
must be valid for the period of rate contract.
SECURITY is to be kept till expiry of warrantee period by the office of Director General
Supplies & Disposals Haryana.
Guarantee that the equipment being offered is the latest model and that spare for the
equipment will be available for a period of at least 10 years and also guarantee that they
will keep the institution informed of any update of the equipment over a period of next
10 years.
9. Tenderer should also have Service Centers throughout Haryana & Chandigarh. He
should submit list of such Authorised Service Centres along with complete address
Phone Nos. and Email etc.
The Diesel Generating Sets above 1000 KVA, which are not approved from Central Pollution
Control Board nodel agency, have to submit Performance Certificate of approx. 25 Nos. Diesel
Generating Sets from 1010 KVA to 2500 KVA which are installed with Govt. Departments or
Private Consumers with minimum 2 years performance.
Rates offered must be quoted including Taxes (but excluding GST), Duties, Freight, etc.
1. The transformer, G.O switch LT panel, Shall be got inspected / approved from
Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative before its installation at site.
The inspecting authorized / approving authority may get tested the above noted
items at the work of manufacture’s firm, if desired by the inspecting / approving
2. The contractor shall be responsible for getting inspected / passed the electrical
substation from Chief Electrical inspector, Haryana, Chandigarh & he will also
make necessary payments of fees for this purpose to his office. The department
will however give render necessary assistance to the contractor in this regard.
4. The Contractor shall submit the original manufacture’s test certificate in respect
of DG set, Transformer, LT panel, HT panel MCCB’s, PVC armored
underground LT cable, XLPE 11 KV cables, CT’s, PT’s, Isolator and electronics
Digital metering panel.
7. The Air Circuit breaker and MCCB in LT panel shall be of same make.
8. The material and installation will be got checked by the contractor from local
DHBVNL authorities during execution. Makes as approved by DHBVNL will be
10. All material will be got inspected from department before dispatch to site of
11. Firm / contractor will offer inspection of all major materials at manufacturer
place and will bear the to and fro including boarding & loading expense.
1. Bidders to submit along with the data sheet of their make & model as per BOQ along
with their technical bid.
2. Bidders should submit along with technical bid certificate from OEM regarding
technical compliance of their model as per technical specification attached on their letter
3. Bidder should submit along with technical bid certificate from OEM that their products/
Brands are not debarred / blacklisted from Govt. semi Govt. deptt. / Undertaking.
4. The bidder to submit the authorization letter from OEM along with technical bid
5. Bidder to submit backup guarantee of principle manufacturer.
6. In addition to above the contractor will have to arrange certificate from OEM that the
installation have been checked by him and the material installed is genuine and the OEM
stands for back up guarantee of material/ equipment’s.
7. Bidder should submit list of works executed & their performance certificates of similar
work in addition to the above contractor.
1. The firm shall set right the breakdown in working condition within 24 hours for the
minor defects and 48 hours for the major breakdown after receipt of the complaint at
their centre. If the complaint is not attended to within the specified period and
monthly examination is not done on due date compensation for delayed period,
compensation @ 0.5% work done of original work for every delay of one day or part
thereof shall be levied but the total amount of compensation shall not exceed 5% of
the work done of original work. The Superintending Engineer may, on representation
from the firm, reduce the amount of compensation and his decision in writing shall be
final. It the firm does not attend to the complaint / monthly examination for further
four days of the above specified period i.e. 24 and 48 hours the same shall be got
attended to at his risk and cost from other source.
2. The firm will also attend to the breakdown after normal working hours, if necessary,
to keep the system in working condition. In a such case department will provide
necessary assistance but no extra charges will be paid.
3. The part, if replaced by the firm shall be OEM parts matching with the existing
equipment. Defective / removed parts will be the property of the firm.
4. The department will have prerogative / option to discontinue the maintenance work
of complete / part system without assigning any reason at any time without paying
any compensation for such an act. However, a valid one month notice will be given
before taking any such action as mentioned above or maintenance charges will be
paid to firm for the period for which notice falls sort.
5. All T&P items required shall be of the agency.
6. The successful tenderer will have to train two persons nominated by the department
for proper handling and minor routine maintenance.
7. The system will have to be serviced & demonstrated once in every three months
DNIT Name : Estimate for bridge on rive...
The scope of work covers the supply, installation, erection testing, commissioning of
e) Hydrant valves, hose reel, hose pipes, Fire hose cabinets etc.
f) Electrical and diesel operated Fire fighting pumps with all accessories.
i) Fire extinguishers.
j) All other allied and necessary equipment and accessories to complete the
system up to the satisfaction of engineer-in- charge and for proper
functioning of the entire system.
k) The system shall be maintained by the contractor at its cost by the contractor
for a period of 3 years from issue of completion i.e The Defects Liability-
cum-Maintenance period for the work and system is 3 years with all the cost
borne by the contractor.
l) Contractor shall carry out successful mock drill and provide training to the
user’s staff and also educate them about fire fighting on quarterly basis for 3
It will be the responsibility of the contractor to get all approval and completion
certificate from the Local Fire Authorities without which the work will not be
considered complete and will not be taken over. The contractor shall bear all the
expenses required to obtain these certificates. The contractor has to prepare the
necessary drawings and documents for the submission to fire authorities. Nothing extra
will be paid for the work done and follow up by him in this regard. However, any
statutory fees paid by the contractor shall be reimbursed by the client on depositing the
proper receipt.
The complete installation of Fire Fighting System shall strictly confirm to the
minimum specifications and guidelines given in NBC – 2005 (part IV), IS : 15105
for sprinkler system, IS : 13030 for external hydrant system, other relevant IS code
of practice and Haryana PWD/ CPWD specifications (part V) amended up to date.
b) In the event of failure of any particular part of any equipment more than
three times during the guarantee period. It shall not be repaired but the
complete part shall be replaced by the contractor and the guarantee for this
particular part shall be extended by one year from the date of last
c) In case it is found that the above mentioned failure is due to some connected
part of the equipment, that part shall also be rectified or replaced by the
contractor to avoid such failure. The guarantee for such replaced part shall be
extended by one year from the date of replacement.
In the event of failure of any particular equipment which fails more than three
times during the guarantee period as mentioned in clause-b above, the contractor
shall replace at his own cost that equipment with another equivalent make as
approved by the consultant/engineer-in-charge.
d) For electrical motors during the guarantee periods in case some important
part of motor like starter winding shaft bearing squirrel cage, motor etc.
become defective the guarantee shall cover their complete replacement and
no repairs shall be allowed.
It is assumed that before tendering the Contractor would have visited the site and
familiarized himself with all the local conditions and means of transportation and
communications. No claim of whatsoever nature would be entertained at a later date on
account of the Contractor's ignorance of the local conditions.
The workmanship shall be best of its kind and shall conform to the specifications, as
below or Indian Standard Specifications in every respect or latest trade practices and
shall be subject to approval of the Architects/consultants. All materials and/or
Workmanship which in the opinion of the Engineer is defective or unsuitable shall be
removed immediately from the site and shall be substituted with proper materials and /
or workmanship forthwith.
All electrical works shall be carried out only by those Contractors who are licensed
by the concerned local authorities to execute this type of work.
The rates mentioned in the schedule of quantities / to be quoted for any particular item
by the tenderer are / shall be inclusive of the cost of material, erection, connection,
testing, labour, supervision, tools, plant, transportation, storage, insurance, excise duty,
all taxes ,(but excluding GST) contingencies, breakage, wastage and all other sundries
for execution at any level, depths, leads and height. Nothing extra shall be payable to
him on these account.
The rate shall also be inclusive of cutting holes, making chases in RCC or brick, making
good the same, providing sleeves for crossing of pipes, hangers for supports etc. No
claim for extra would be entertained on this account.
All materials to be supplied by the Contractor shall be new, best of their kind and shall
confirm to the latest Indian standards. All packed items shall arrive at site in original
packing only. Any items found defective or damaged shall be replaced by the Contractor
at his own expenses.
The Contractor shall provide, free of cost, all equipment, instruments, labour and all
other allied assistance required by the Architect/Consultant or their representatives for
measurement and testing of the works.
It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to clear away, from time to time all debris
and excess material generated by the activities of his workers.
All work shall be adequately protected, to the satisfaction of the Architect, so that the
whole work is free from the damage throughout the period of construction up to the time
of handing over.
Before handing over the work, the Contractor shall clean all elements of the complete
installation, remove plasters, stickers, rust stains and all other foreign matter and leave
every part in acceptable condition and ready for use to the satisfaction of the
(i) In respect of all labour employed directly or indirectly on the work for the
performance of the fire fighting contractor's part of work, the contractor at his
own expense, will arrange for the safety provisions as per the statutory
provisions, B.I.S recommendations, BOCOW (building & other construction
workers) act, workman's compensation act, Haryana PWD code and instructions
issued from time to time. Failure to provide such safety requirements would
make the tenderer liable for penalty for Rs. 20000/- for each violation. In
addition the Engineer-in-charge, shall be at liberty to make arrangements and
provide facilities as aforesaid and recover the cost incurred thereon from the
(ii) The contractor shall provide necessary barriers, warning signals and other
safety measures while laying pipelines, cables etc. or wherever necessary so as
to avoid accident. He shall also indemnify client against claims for
compensation arising out of negligence in this respect. Contractor shall be
liable, in accordance with the Indian Law and Regulations for any accident
occurring due to any cause. The client shall not be responsible for any accident
occurred or damage incurred or claims arising there from during the execution
of work. The contractor shall also provide all insurance including third party
insurance as may be necessary to cover the risk. No extra payment would be
made to the contractor due to the above provisions thereof.
Unless otherwise specified in the tender documents, the following works shall be
arranged by the Client:
(i) Space for accommodating all the equipments and components involved in the
Unless otherwise mentioned in the tender documents, the following works shall be done
by the contractor and therefore, their cost shall be deemed to be included in their
tendered cost- whether specifically indicated in the schedule of work or not :-
Within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the letter of award, the successful
tenderer shall submit his programme for submission of drawings, supply of equipment,
installation, testing, commissioning and handing over of the installation to the Engineer-
in-Charge. This programme shall be framed keeping in view the building progress and
the priority fixed by Engineer in-charge. Items like piping etc. that directly affect the
building progress shall be given priority. Hose pipes, branch pipes, first aid hose reel
pipes shall be supplied just before commissioning the system.
The contractor shall submit the drawings to the Engineer-in-Charge as per para of
“drawings for approval on award of work” for approval before start of work.
Commencement of Work:-
The contractor shall commence work as soon as the drawings submitted by him are
approved either in full or in part as the case may be.
The contractor shall co-ordinate with all other agencies involved at the site of work so
that the work of other agencies is not hampered due to delay in his work. Piping, cabling
or any other work, which directly affect the progress of work of other agencies, shall be
given priority.
Care shall be taken by the contractor during execution of the work to avoid damage to
the building. He shall be responsible for repairing all such damages and restoring the
same to the original finish at his cost. He shall also remove all unwanted and waste
materials arising out of the installation from the site of work from time to time.
The entire metal work related to fire fighting above ground level shall be painted with
red colour shade No. 536 of IS: 5.
(ii) The client also reserves the right to inspect the fabrication job at factory and
the successful tenderer has, to make arrangements for the same.
The installation will be offered for inspection by local bodies (Chief Fire Officer). The
contractor or his representative shall attend such inspection of the Chief Fire Officer,
extend all test facilities as are considered necessary, rectify and comply with all
observations of the Chief Fire Officer which are part of the agreement and arrange for
obtaining necessary clearance certificate in favour of the client. In case the contractor
fails to attend the inspection and make desired facilities available during inspection, the
client reserves the right to provide the same at the risk and cost of the contractor and
impose penalty for the same. The installation will be accepted by the client only after
receiving clearance from Chief Fire Officer for the work executed by the contractor
under the agreement.
All equipments shall incorporate suitable safety provisions to ensure safety of the
operating personnel at all times. The initial and final inspection reports shall bring out
explicitly the safety provisions incorporated in each equipment.
Tender Drawings
The drawings appended with the tender documents are intended to show the areas for
various equipments, tentative pipe routes. The equipments offered shall be suitable for
installation in the spaces shown in these drawings.
(a) Lay out drawings of the equipments to be installed in pump room and
(b) Drawings showing the detail of erection of entire equipments including their
(c) Fire drawings showings the layout of entire piping, dia. and length of pipes,
hydrant, air vessel, valves and isometric drawings showing connections to
various equipment.
(b) Sprinkler drawing indicating layout and sizes of pipe, location of valves,
sprinklers etc.
(c) Electrical wiring diagrams for all electrical equipments and controls
including the sizes and capacities of the various cables and equipments.
(d) Dimensioned drawings of all electrical and control panels,
(e) Drawings showing details of supports for pipes, cable trays etc.
(f) Any other drawings relevant to the work.
As built Drawings
Three sets of the following laminated drawings shall be submitted by the contractor
while handing over the installation to the Client. Out of this one of the sets shall be
laminated on a hard base for display in the fire control room. In addition one set soft
copy will be given on compact disc.
(a) Installation drawings giving complete details of all the equipments, including their
(b) Fire drawings giving sizes and lengths of all the pipes and the sizes and locations
of all types of valves, and including isometric drawings for the entire piping
including the pipe connections to the various equipments.
(c) Line diagram and layout of all electrical control panels giving switchgear ratings
and their arrangement, cable feeder sizes and their layout.
(d) Control wiring drawings with all control components and sequence of operations
to explain the operation of control circuits.
There sets of the following documents shall be furnished to the client by the contractor
on completion of work :-
(c) Operation and maintenance manual of all major equipments, detailing all
adjustments, operation and maintenance procedure.
(e) The contractor/ Agency should arrange approval of fire scheme and fire
NOC Certificate from fire authority.
(e) The contractor/ Agency should arrange approval of fire scheme and fire
NOC Certificate from fire authority.
(f) The contractor shall submit the ISI certificate of all the firefighting
equipments. Test certificates of Manufacturing company, ISI and explosive
certificate with Serial number of Carbon dioxide type fire extinguishers to
the department.
The contractor shall furnish in 3 copies details instruction and operation manual to the
consultant/engineer-in-charge. The contractor shall guide owner’s / client’s staff for
operation and maintenance of the entire installation for at least fifteen days.
The manual shall contain detailed technical data and drawings for each equipment
installed, the erection, testing, operation and maintenance procedures, spare parts
manual and recommended spares for 3 years period of maintenance of each equipment.
This covers the general requirements of water pumps for main fire pump and jockey
The pumps shall be centrifugal type direct driven with a 3 phase, 415 V ± 10%, 50 Hz.,
A.C. motor. The standby fire pump shall be driven by diesel engine. The pumps may be
either of horizontal split casing (HSC) type with operating speed 1500 / 2900 rpm, or
end suction type / solid casing or multi stage with operating speed not exceeding 3000
rpm as specified in the BOQ.
The main fire pumps shall be suitable for continuous operation in the system. The
jockey pumps shall be suitable for intermittent operation to built up pressure in the
system on account of leakage. The head and discharge requirements shall be as specified
in the tender documents. The head shall be suitable for the system and shall take into
consideration the pressure drops across the various components in the water circuit as
well as the frictional losses.
Pump shall be capable of discharging not less than 150 percent of the rated discharge at a head of
not less than 65 percent with the rated head. The shut off head shall not exceed 120 percent of the
rated head.
(ii) The pump casing shall be of heavy section close grained cast iron and designed to
withstand 1.5 time the working pressure. The casing shall be provided with shaft
seal arrangement as well as flanges for suction and delivery pipe connections as
(iii) The impeller shall be of bronze. This shall be shrouded type with machined
collars. Wear rings, where fitted to the impeller, shall be of the same material as
the impeller. The impeller surface shall be smooth finished for minimum frictional
loss. The impeller shall be secured to the shaft by a key.
(iv) The shaft shall be of stainless steel and shall be accurately machined. The shaft
shall be balanced to avoid vibrations at any speed within the operating range of the
(vi) The bearings shall be ball or roller type suitable for the duty involved. These shall
be grease lubricated and shall be provided with grease nipples/cups. The bearings
shall be effectively sealed against leakage of lubricant or entry of dust or water.
(vii) The shaft seal shall be mechanical type, so as to allow minimum leakage. A drip
well shall be provided beneath the seal.
(viii) The pumps shall be directly coupled to the motor/diesel engine shaft through a
flexible coupling protected by a coupling guard.
(ix) The pump and motor / diesel engine shall be mounted on a common base plate
fabricated from mild steel section. The base plate shall have rigid, flat and true
surfaces to receive the pump and motor/diesel engine mounting feet. The pump
will be perfectly aligned with the motor/engine so as to avoid any vibration during
(a) Butterfly valves on suction and discharge (If positive suction is not provided
butterfly valve at suction is not to be provided)
(b) Reducers, as may be required to match the sizes of the connected pipe work.
(d) Pressure gauge at discharge side between pump and the non-return valve.
(i) The pump and motor assembly shall be mounted and arranged for ease of
maintenance and to prevent transmission of vibration and noise to the building
structure or to the pipe work.
(ii) The pump and motor assembly shall be installed on suitable RCC foundation. The
length and width of the foundation shall be such that 100 mm. space is left all
around the base frame. The height of foundation shall be so decided that the total
weight of foundation block is 1.5 times the operating weigh of the pump assembly.
The foundation shall be isolated from the floor by vibration isolating pads. Angle
iron frame of size 35 mm x 35 mm x 3 mm shall be provided on the top edges of
the foundation.
(iii) More than one pump and motor assembly shall not be installed on a single base or
cement concrete block.
(iv) the suction/discharge pipe shall be independently supported and their weight shall
not be transferred to the pump. It should be possible to disconnect any pump for
repairs without disturbing the connecting pipe line.
(v) The suitable clearance have to be provided around the fire pumps as per drawings.
(vi) Sufficient space is to be left in front for the radiator of diesel engine for free
discharge of hot air. Arrangement for discharge hot air to outside the pump house
shall be provided so that hot air does not stagnate in the pump house.
Fire pumps shall operate on drop of pressure in the mains header as given below. The
pump operating sequence shall be arranged in such a manner to start the pump
automatically but should be capable of being stopped manually by stop push buttons
· Jockey pumps shall start and stop through pressure switch automatically.
· Main Fire pump shall start automatically on fall of pressure but stopping shall be
· Diesel Fire pump shall start automatically on further fall of pressure but stopping shall
be manual.
The 'Cut in' and 'Cut out' pressures shall be reconfirmed at detailed design stage.
This covers the details of requirements of a diesel engine for main fire pump to act as
The diesel engine shall be suitable for automatic operation complete with necessary
automatic starting gear, battery system and shall be complete with all accessories. Both
engine and pump shall be assembled on a common bed place, fabricated from mild steel
The pump shall be only direct driven by means of a flexible coupling. Coupling guard
shall be provided. The speed shall be 1500 to 2300 RPM.
(iii) Radiator with hoses, fan, water pump, drive arrangement and guard.
d) Cooling System- The engine shall be radiator water cooled. The radiator assembly
shall be mounted on the engine. The radiator fan shall be driven by the engine as its
auxiliary with multiple fan belts. When half the belts are broken, the remaining belts
shall be capable of driving the fan. Cooling water shall be circulated by means of an
auxiliary pump of suitable capacity driven by the engine in a closed circuit.
e) Fuel System- The fuel, system shall be gravity fed from the fuel tank to the
enginedriven fuel pump. The engine fuel tank shall be mounted either adjacent to
the engine are suitably wall mounted on brackets. The fuel filter shall be suitably
located to permit easy servicing.
All fuel piping to the engine shall be with M.S. 'C' class pipe with flexible hose
connections where required. Plastic tubing shall not be permitted.
The fuel tank shall be of welded steel construction (2 mm. thick) and of capacity
sufficient to allow the engine to run on full load for at least 2 hours. The tank shall be
complete with necessary floor mounted supports, level indicator (protected against -
mechanical injury) inlet, outlet, overflow connections and drain plug and piping to the
engine fuel tank. The outlet should be so located as to avoid entry of any sediments in to
the fuel line to the engine.
f) Lubricating Oil System- Forced feed Lubricating Oil system shall be employed
forpositive lubrication. Necessary Lub. oil filters shall be provided, located suitably
for convenient servicing.
g) Starting System- The starting system shall comprise necessary batteries 12 Volts
/24 Volts, starter motor of adequate capacity and axle type gear to match with the
toothed ring on the fly wheel. Suitable protection to protect starting motor from
excessively long cranking runs shall be suitably integrated with engine protection
The capacity of the battery shall be suitable for meeting the needs of the starting system.
The battery capacity shall be adequate for 10 consecutive starts without recharging with
cold engine under full compression.
Three attempt starting facility shall be provided. If the engine fails to start after third
attempt, the engine shall be locked out and suitable audio-visual alarm shall be giver to
indicate engine failure.
The scope shall cover all cabling, terminals, initial charging etc
i) Engine shut down mechanism- This shall be manually operated and shall
returnautomatically to the starting position after use.
(iv) Tachometer.
m) Pipe work- All pipe lines with fittings and accessories required shall be provided
forfuel oil, lub.oil and exhaust systems.
This covers the requirements of pipe work in fire fighting installations. The work will be executed
as per Haryana PWD B&R Specifications as per latest amendment. In case of any discrepancy the
Bureau of Indian Standards shall be followed and then CPWD specifications shall be followed.
These will be in order of preference as mentioned below:
i) Haryana PWD (B&R) Specifications.
ii) Bureau of Indian Standards.
iii) CPWD Specifications.
In case, any item is not covered by all three above, then the decision of Engineer-in-Charge shall
be final.
Pipe sizes shown in tender documents are purely for contractor's guidance. The contractor shall be
responsible for selection of sizes as per detailed engineering to be done by him. Plumbing design
(i) (a) Butterfly valves shall be provided at suction and delivery sides of pumps. (If
positive suction is not provided valve at suction is not to be provided).
(ii) For testing the system healthiness and automatic operation on daily basis, one test
pipe with butterfly valve shall be provided in common discharge header. For
avoiding wastage of water, this pipe shall discharge water in the tank.
(iii) Non return valve shall be provided at the delivery of each pump and fire service
inlet. This shall be of swing type.
(iv) Air Cushion Tank and Air release valves with ball valve shall be provided in the
piping system for venting trapped air.
(v) Fire drawings showing the sizes of pipe, valves, layout and other details shall be
prepared and shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge before the execution
of the plumbing work.
(a) Mild steel heavy class (C-class) conforming to IS: 1239 for sizes upto 150 mm.
For sprinkler drain pipe the pipe class will be G. I. medium duty (B-class)
(b) Welded black steel pipe,conforming to IS: 3589, for sizes greater than 150 mm.
These pipes shall be factory rolled and fabricated from minimum 6mm thick
M.S. Sheet for pipes upto 250 mm dia
i) For 50 mm dia and above pipe size, Electric welding joints with V groove shall be
provided in the M.S.pipe work. For up to 40 mm dia, threaded joints by Teflon tape shall
be provided in the M.S. pipe work. Flanged joints to be provided for connections to
valves, pumps, vessels etc. and also on straight lengths at suitable points to facilitate
erection and subsequent maintenance.
iii) Mild steel flanges shall be in accordance with Table - 17 of IS : 6392 i.e. "Plate Flanges
for Welding" and flange thickness shall be as under. Gasket thickness shall not be less
than 3 mm.
All hardware items such as Nuts, Bolts, Washers shall be of appropriate size.
Washers shall be used on both sides of the bolt.
Sluice valve conforming to IS:14846 or butterfly valve conforming to IS: 13095 shall be
provided. All valves shall be suitable to with-stand the pressure in the system and rating shall
be as per BOQ; All valves shall be right handed (i.e. handle or key shall be rotated clock wise
to close the valve), the direction of opening and closing shall be marked and an open/shunt
indicator fitted.
(i) The material of valves shall beas under : Body - Cast iron / caststeel
(ii) Non return valves shall be swing check type in horizontal run and lift check type in
vertical run of pipe or dual plate type as per BOQ.
Stainless steel strainers shall have 1.6 mm thick screen with 3 mm perforations.
Orifice plate shall be made of 6 mm. thick stainless steel and shall have an identification
tag projecting beyond any flange between which it is clamped. The orifice shall be plain
central hole without burs and diameter not less than one-half of the internal diameter of
the pipe to which it is fitted.
(i) Pressure gauge of appropriate range and 150 mm. dia size shall be provided.
(ii) The pressure gauge shall be duly calibrated before installation and shall
complete with shut off valve.
Air cushion shall be provided on top of each riser, and shall be fabricated out of 8 mm
thick M. S. Sheet. The ends shall be dished. This shall be of 250 mm. dia, 1.2 m. high
and installed vertically on suitable legs. The legs shall be provided with M. S. Plate of
size 75mm x 75 mm x 5 mm at the bottom so that the legs do not puncture the roof. The
legs shall be grouted in CC foundation. Flange connection shall be provided for
connection with pipe. Air release valve and pressure gauge with shut off valve shall be
provided. The air cushion tank shall be tested at 25 kg/cm2 pressure before installation.
Pressure vessel shall be provided inside fire pump house connected to main header of
fire pumps and shall be fabricated out of 10 mm thick M. S. Sheet. The ends shall be
dished. This shall be of 450 mm. dia, 2 m. high and installed vertically on suitable legs.
The legs shall be provided with M. S. Plate of size 75 mm x 75 mm x 5 mm at the
bottom. The legs shall be grouted in CC foundation. Flange connection shall be
provided for connection with header pipe. Air release valve and pressure gauge with
shut off valve shall be provided.
The pressure vessel tank shall be tested at 25 kg/cm2 pressure before installation.
Suitable pressure switches shall be installed for automatic operation of fire pumps.
(i) The installation work shall be carried out in accordance with the detailed drawings
prepared by the contractor and approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
(ii) In pipe above ground level, expansion loops or joints shall be provided to take care
of expansion or contraction of pipes due to temperature changes.
(iii) Tee-off connections shall be through equal or reducing tees, otherwise ferrules
welded to the main pipe shall be used. Drilling and tapping of the walls of the main
pipe shall not be resorted to.
(iv) Open ends of piping shall be blocked as soon as the pipe is installed to avoid
entrance of foreign matter.
Proper lines and levels shall be maintained while installing exposed pipes.
(vi) The Spacing of fire pipe supports for sprinkler / clevis hanger shall not be more
than that specified below: -
(vii) Anti vibration pads, springs or liners of resilient and non-deteriorating material
shall be provided at each support, so as to prevent transmission of vibration through
the supports.
(viii) Pipe sleeves of diameter larger than the pipe by least 50 mm shall be provided
wherever pipes pass through walls and the annular spaces shall be filled with felt
and finished with retaining rings.
(ix) (a)Vertical risers shall be parallel to walls and column lines and shall be straight
and in plumb. Risers passing from floor to floor shall be supported at each floor by
MS angle with clamp as per specification of pipe support
(b) The space in the floor cut outs around the pipes work shall be closed
using cement concrete (1:2:4 mix) or steel sheet, from the fire safety
considerations, taking care to see that a small annular space is left
around the pipes to prevent transmission of vibration to the structure.
(c) Riser shall have suitable supports at the lowest point.
(x) Where mild steel pipes are to be buried under ground the same shall be treated in
accordance with Para under anti corrosive treatment before laying. The top of the
pipes shall be not less than 100 cms. below the ground level. Where this is not
practicable, permission of the Engineer-in-charge shall be obtained for burying the
pipes at lesser depth. Masonary or C.C. blocks shall be provided for supporting the
pipes at interval in accordance with Para (vi) above. After the pipes have been laid,
the trench shall be refilled with the excavated soil in layers of 20 cm. and rammed
and any extra soil shall be removed from the site of work by the contractor.
(xi) Underground pipe shall be laid at least 2 m. away from the face of the building
preferably along the roads and foot paths. As far as possible laying of pipes under
road, pavement and large open spaces shall be avoided. Pipes shall not be laid under
building and where unavoidable, these shall be laid in masonry trenches with
removable covers.
(xii) To facilitate detection of leak and isolation of defective portion of pipe, valves
shall be provided in under ground pipe at suitable locations. As far as possible such
valves shall be provided over ground. If the valves are to be provided below ground,
suitable masonry chamber with cover plate shall be provided. Locations where
vehicles can pass shall be avoided for provision of valve below ground.
(xiii) Pipe over ground shall be painted in red colour shade No 536 of IS : 5 Suitable
identification shall be provided to indicate the run of under ground pipe where the
route of underground pipe cannot be ascertained from the location of yard
hydrant/isolating valves.
(xiv) It shall be made sure that proper noiseless circulation is achieved in the system. If
proper circulation is not achieved due to air-bound connections, the contractor shall
rectify the defective connections. He shall bear all the expenses for carry out the
above rectification, including the tearing up and refinishing of floors, walls etc. as
(xv) Thrust blocks shall be installed for underground pipe line wherever there is a
(a) All piping shall be tested to hydrostatic test pressure of at least the 1.5 times of
operating pressure, but not less than 15 kg./sq.cm. for a period not less than 24
hours. All leaks and defects in joints revealed during the testing shall be rectified to
the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
(b) Piping repaired subsequent to the above pressure test shall be re-tested in the same
(c) System may be tested in sections and such sections shall be securely capped.
(d) pressure gauges may be capped off during pressure testing of the installation.
For installing pipes vertically or horizontally inside the building standard pipe supports
of reputed make shall be used. Following supports shall be used.
(i) Split pipe support clamps with rubber lining for vertical, horizontal and roof
(iii) Sprinkler Hangers for horizontal supports for pipes from 15 mm dia to 150
mm dia.
Fasteners and fully threaded rods shall be used for installing the pipe supports. The sizes
For pipes of size 100 mm and above, with the prior approval of Engineer-in-Charge,
50x50x6 mm MS angle iron with ‘U’ cIamp with dash fastener may be used for
supporting horizontal pipe from ceiling.
(a) Piping shall be measured along the centre line of installed pipes including all
pipe fittings and accessories but excluding valves and other items for which
quantities are specifically indicated in the schedule of work. No separate
payment shall be made for fittings and accessories.
(b) The rates for piping work shall include all wastage allowances, flanges pipe
supports, hangers, excavation, refilling, testing, nuts and check nuts, vibration
isolators, suspension where specified or required, and any other item required to
complete the piping installation. None of these items will be separately measured
and paid.
This chapter covers landing valves, first aid hose reels, hose pipes, branch pipes etc,
which are vital tools for fire fighting.
Landing valves are provided in the system for connection of hose pipes for discharging
water for fighting fire by brigade or trained personnel.
b) The landing valves are of single and double head outlet types as per BOQ.
c) Material of construction.
(i) Body outlet and cap etc stainless steel (as per BOQ)
(ii)Spindle stainless steel for stainless steel body
(ii)Hand wheel Mild steel or cast iron.
i) The landing valve shall be fitted to a T connection of the riser at the landing
in such a way that the valve is in the centre of the internal hydrant opening
and at a height of 1 M. from floor level.
ii) The valve base shall be vertical and the valve facing out side. There should
be no hindrance in operation of the handle.
First aid hose reel shall be as per IS – 884. The coupling, branch pipe and nozzle shall
be as per IS:8090.
d) Material of Construction:-
(i) Hub and sides : Aluminium Alloy/ Mild steel/ Aluminium sheets
(ii) Wall Bracket : Cast iron / Mild steel
(iii) Hose tube (20 mm) : high pressure rubber braided hose pipe as per IS :
(iv) Nozzle with branch pipe : SS (as per BOQ)
c) The water flow rate shall not be less than 24 lpm and the range of jet shall be
not less than 6 meter.
d) Installation
First aid hose reel are installed in suitable size MS cabinet as per BOQ and shall be
pained red as per colour shade No. 536 of IS:5. The size & location of the cabinet
shall be such that it does not form an obstruction in passage/escape route.
The delivery hose coupling consist of male half coupling and female half coupling.
Groves are provided on outer side on both coupling for binding hose pipes with wires.
In female coupling spring loaded cam tooth is provided for holding male half coupling
in position. Male half coupling and female half coupling are provided on both sides (i.e.
on one side male and on other side female) of hose pipes. Two or more pipes can be
joined together with the help of these couplings instantaneously, Sizes:- 63 mm nominal.
Branch pipes with nozzle are mounted at the end of hose pipe. Branch pipe is properly
finished and free from sharp edges. During operation, a fireman has to hold the branch
pipe. One end of branch pipe is fixed with hose coupling and the other end is threaded to
fit the nozzle.
Nozzle is tapered pipe with one end threaded internally which is fixed on branch pipe.
The size of other end i.e. nozzle shall be 15 mm. (nominal internal diameter).
a) These are provided for connection of fire service hose pipes for either directly
pressurizing the system with their pumps or filling water in the tank from a
distance. In the first case non return valve with butterfly valve shall be provided
for holding water pressure. Fire service inlet shall be provided with each wet
riser/down comer and the ring main. These are fixed to 150 mm dia. pipe and
located in MS box made of 2 mm thick mild steel with openable glass cover.
Hose pipes shall be rubber lined woven jacketed and 63 mm in diameter. They shall
conform to Type A (Re-inforced rubber lined) of IS:636. They shall be flexible and
capable of being rolled. Length of hose pipe will be 15 m.
The hose pipe shall be complete with male and female coupling at the ends.
Besides keeping hose pipe with internal and yard hydrant, spare hose pipes along with
branch pipes shall be kept in fire control room/pump room.
(i) IS: 15105:- Design and Installation of Fixed Automatic Sprinkler, Fire
Extinguisher Systems- Code of Practice.
(ii) IS: 9972:- Specification for Automatic Sprinkler Heads for Fire
Protection Service.
a) The sprinkler heads are to be fixed into heavy duty (C Class) steel pipes,
conforming to 1S:1239. The size of pipe will vary from 25 mm to 150mm to
suit the hydraulics of the system and in conformity with the guide lines laid
down under IS : 15105-2002. The System shall conform to above code for
the installation of sprinkler systems in general for 'Moderate Hazard'
DNIT Name : Estimate for bridge on rive...
c) Reduction in pipe sizes shall not be made by use of bushings. All piping
shall be done by means of V groove welding, screwed & flanged jointing as
per codes.
e) Sprinkler System Test Pipe: A test pipe of 25 mm dia in size with a drain
valve to test alarm device shall be provided.
f) All control, drain, test and alarm valves shall be provided with signs to
identify their purposes, functions, direction of flow the satisfaction of the
g) Testing: Before connecting sprinkler risers for testing, all piping and
devices under pressure including yard piping and fire hydrant connections
shall be tested hydrostatically for strength and leakage with pressure not less
than 15 Kg/Sq.cm or 1.5 times the working pressure whichever is higher for
24 hour.
a) Sprinkler heads shall be made of gun metal / quartzoid bulb sufficiently strong, in
compression to withstand any pressure, surge or hammer likely to occur in the
system. The yoke & body shall be made of high quality gun metal with arms
streamlined to ensure minimum interference with the spread of water. The deflector
of suitable design shall be fitted to give even distribution of water over the area
commanded by the sprinkler.
c) The bulb shall contain a liquid having a freezing point below any natural climatic
figure and a high coefficient of expansion. The temperature rating of the sprinkler
shall be stamped on the deflector. The colour of the liquid filled in the bulb shall be
according to the temperature rating as per international standard. The sprinkler
heads shall be of type & quality approved by the Chief Fire office of the area.
d) The sprinklers shall have 15 mm nominal size of the orifice for light / ordinary
hazard and the orifice size shall be marked on the body or the deflector of the
a) The Operating temperature, at which the quartzoid bulb of the sprinkler head shall
actuate, shall be 68 degree C or as specifically mentioned.
b) Light hazard : The density of water discharge shall be at least 2.25 lit/min/sqm
overan assumed area of operation covering 84 sqm. The flow requirement for
sprinkler system shall be 225 Ipm at not less than 2.2 bar pressure at installation
a) Pipes must be of Heavy grade M.S. pipe conforming to IS 1239. The pipes, fittings
and installation shall be hydraulically tested to a pressure of 15 Kg/Sq.cm. or 1.5
times the working pressure whichever is higher.
b) Fittings for M.S. pipes shall be of MS (IS 1239) or malleable iron (IS 1879) or
Ductile Iron. The fitting of 40 mm dia and less shall be screwed only.
c) All bolt holes & flanges shall be drilled. The drilling of each flange shall be in
accordance with the relevant Indian Standard.
d) Flanges shall be faced & shall have jointing of rubber insertions or asbestos
e) All installation pipe work above ground shall be installed at a slope not less than
1:500 for horizontal run of pipes towards the installation control valve for drainage
f) The necessary MS sleeve of suitable dia and length shall be kept in RCC beams,
walls and other structural members during the casting, for the passing of sprinkler
a) For restricting pressure at lower levels in the sprinkler system, orifice plates of
appropriate sizes shall be fitted at different floor levels, at the branching points from
Riser Main.
b) The Diameter of such orifice shall not be less than 50% of the dia of pipe into
which it is to be fitted, which shall not be less than 50mm dia. These orifice plates
must be of stainless steel with plain central hole without burrs, and the thickness
shall be 6 mm for pipe size upto 150 mm dia pipes and 9 mm for above 150 mm dia
a) Sprinkler pipes shall be so installed that the system can be thoroughly drained. As
far as possible all pipes shall be arranged to drain to the installation drain valve as
shown in the drawing for ordinary hazard system.
b) In the case of basement & other areas where sprinkler pipe-work is below the
installation drain valve & in other trapped points in the system, auxiliary valves of
the following sizes shall be provided.
All pipes & fittings above ground and in exposed locations shall be painted with two
coat of zinc
chromate primer and two or more coats of synthetic enamel of fire red colour paint.
The entire piping for sprinkler installation shall be designed to make it a hydraulically
balanced system to fulfill the various requirements of IS: 15105. The guidelines given in the IS:
15105 is minimum prescribed.
i) Stop valve
v) Check Valve.
x) Pressure Gauges.
a) Main Stop Valve:- Only one main stop valve shall be provided immediately after main
alarm valve at a location which is readily accessible.
b) Test Valve: For testing hydraulic alarm or electric alarm by drawing water from down
stream side, test valve shall be connected with down stream of the water flow alarm.
c) Drain Valve:- For drainage of system, drain valve 50 mm. dia shall be provided down
stream of installation valve/stop valve or any subsidiary stop valve.
d) A common valve can perform the functions of test drain. The outlet shall be connected
with a 50mm dia G. I. drain pipe along with riser pipes.
e) Flushing Valve -: If the water used for sprinkler is not portable. Flushing valves shall
be provided at the end of a distribution pipe. The valve size shall be same as
distribution pipe. Valve outlet shall be fitted a brass plug and extended to not more than
3 m. above floor
f) Check Valve:- Check valve shall be provided where more than one water supply is
available and same shall be fitted on each water supply pipe.
g) Subsidiary Stop Valve:- Subsidiary stop valve which shall be of the same dia. as the
pipe line in which they are fitted shall be provided to control water supply to sprinklers
of highly sensitive areas like computer rooms.
h) Installation and alarm Valve:- A sprinkler installation shall be fitted with suitable main
installation valve to control water supply to the installation. The valve set shall
comprise of following:
The main stop valve shall be placed in the vicinity of the main entrance of the protected area at
an easily accessible place. The valve shall be secured open by a pad locked and protected against
damage. A location plate shall be fixed near the valve bearing the following words in raised
Alarm valve shall be fitted on the main supply pipe immediately after the main control valve and
before any connection is taken off to supply any part of the installation.
h) Alarm Device:- Water monitor alarm suitable for sprinkler services shall be provided very
close to the installation and alarm valve. This alarm shall be provided on the out side of an
external wall. Strainer shall be fitted between the motor nozzle and the alarm valve
connection. The water outlet shall be positioned so that any flow of water can be seen. The
alarm device shall provided audibility level of 85 dB above the back ground noise level.
i) Pressure Gauges: - Pressure gauges shall be provided at each of the following points.
Stop cock shall be provided before pressure gauges for removal without interruption of water
supply of the installation. Pressure gauges shall be per IS: 3624.
Electrically operated alarm shall be provided for indication of operation of sprinkler an area.
Water flow switches shall be installed in main distribution pipes which shall be wired to sprinkler
annunciation panel. In the event of operation of a sprinkler, the flow switch will operate and give
signal to the annunciation panel to indicate operation of sprinkler in the area. This will initiate an
electrically operated alarm. The system shall be independent of fire alarm system.
Construction Details
a) The Panel shall be fabricated out of not less than 1.6 mm thick CRCA sheet and powder
coated after 9 tank treatment process and shall be totally enclosed damp and vermin proof.
Suitable knockout shall be provided for the entry cables. The panel shall be designed such
that the equipment for power supply to battery charging are housed in independent
compartments. Sealed maintenances free batteries shall also be accommodated inside the
b) Indicating lamps control switches, buttons and fuses shall be suitably located the front and
properly labeled.
c) The indicating lamps shall be LED type of following colours. The flow switch operation
conditions shall be indicated by twin lamps.
i) Red to indicate flow switch operation.
e) The panel shall be solid state type or microprocessor type as indicated in the tender.
f) The primary function of the panel shall be to respond automatically to the operation of
one or more flow switches to give alarm and to indicate area/areas where the device has
activated. The operation of one or more flow switches shall result' simultaneous alarm
given by the following:-
g) The panel shall indicate the fault within the system and immediate fault warning shall be
given by an audible and visible signal on the panel in case of open circuit short circuit and
earth fault in cable between flow switch and annunciation panel.
h) The panel shall be complete with mimic diagram for the areas covered by different flow
switches. The layout of mimic diagram shall be got approved from Engineer-in-Charge.
i) Battery backup with trickle cum boost charger shall be provided for operation of the
system. Indication of mains failure and low battery voltage shall be provided. The batteries
shall be sealed maintenance free. The capacity of the battery shall be 12 Volt 2 Nos. 24
AH each. All standard accessories shall be provided.
The installation shall be carried out as per good practices. Following additional Points are to be
taken care for sprinkler installations.
a) For fixing sprinkler heads, 15 mm. dia. M.S. Socket is to be screwed to range pipes at the
locations as' per drawings. Dead plug shall be fixed in the socket.
b) If sprinkler head is to be provided away from range pipe, M.S. Pipe nipple of suitable size
be used to extend the sprinkler head and socket is welded at desired location.
c) After completion of the entire work, pressure testing of entire pipe work shall be carried
out for 24 hrs. at a pressure of 15 kg/cm2. The drop of pressure up to 0.5 kg/cm2 shall be
d) The lines shall be flushed before completion of building work so that any foreign matter
which might have entered the system is taken out. The pressurization pump (Jockey pump)
be operated and valves opened at different locations.
e) During occupation of the building, sprinkler heads shall be provided in place of dead
plugs. Teflon tape shall be used on threaded portion. The sprinkler heads shall be properly
tightened in the socket.
f) When all sprinklers heads are installed, pressure is built up in the system by pressurization
pump slowly and in case no leak is found, desired pressure is developed and maintained.
In case any leak is detected, the same shall be attended before pressurizing the system
It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to obtain the approval of the system from the
Authorities on relevant drawings before actual installation at site and to get the complete
installation inspected and passed by the concerned authorities, as may be necessary as per local
bye laws.
This covers the requirements for the electrical works associated with fighting
installations, namely, motors, switch boards, power cabling, control earthing and remote
control-cum-indicating panels.
b) All electrical works shall be carried out complying with the Indian Electricity
Rules, 1956 as amended to date.
c) All parts of electrical works shall be carried out as per appropriate General
Specifications for Electrical works published by Haryana PWD all amended up to
Following 3 phases, 415 Volts, 50 Hz., supplies shall be made available for fire fighting
installations directly from sub-station.
(i) Normal supply for fire pumps near under ground tank.
In buildings where power failures are likely to be for long duration, in order to facilitate
operation of Jockey Pump and maintain pressure in the system, essential supply for
Jockey Pump and control for diesel engine shall be made available in the pump house.
a) Power cable of adequate size shall be laid from the sub-station directly to the
switch board of above pumps. Independent supply shall be provided for water
supply pumps if installed in the same pump house. The power supply for fire
fighting is not used for any other purpose.
b) If the fire pump house, is away from the sub-station building, the route of the
cable shall not pass under the building or permanent structure. Cable shall be
laid along the route which is safe from fire.
c) Sufficient spare power shall always be available to drive pumping sets at all
times throughout the year. Suitable capacity ACB/MCCB/Fuse Switches/Switch
Fuses shall be provided in the electrical panel for extending supplies to fire
pumps. Such switches shall be suitably marked with “FIRE SWITCH” and shall
not be switched off without permission/intimation to appropriate authority. In
case any maintenance work is to be carried out on the electrical panel where
from supplies to fire pumps have been extended, alternative arrangement shall
be made to ensure that power supply to fire pumps continue to be available for
operation any time.
The motors shall be squirrel cage AC induction type. The motors shall be suitable for
continuous duty and rating necessary to drive the pumps at 150 percent of its rated discharge
with at least 65 percent rated head. The motor shall be totally enclosed fan cooled type
confirming to protection clause IP 21 of IS: 4691. The class of insulation shall be ‘F’ having
IP 55 protection. The synchronous speed shall be 1500/3000 rpm as per requirement of the
pumps. The motor shall conform to IS: 325.
b) Starter for the motor shall be direct on line (D.O.L) for motors up to and
including 7.5 H.P. rating and automatic star-delta type for motors of higher rating
unless otherwise specified in the tender specifications.
a) The main panel shall be floor mounted, free standing or wall mounted cubical
type and shall be factory built fabricated by one of the approved switch board
manufacturer. The board shall be fabricated from 2 mm. thick CRCA sheet and
powder coated after 9 tank treatment process. The board shall be fabricated with
IP 52 degree of protection. It shall be suitable for termination of the incoming
cable (s) from bottom.
b) The capacity of switch gear shall be suitable for the requirements of motor fed
controlled. Starting currents shall be duly considered.
c) MCCB’s shall be used upto and including 630 amp. and ACB shall be used for
800 amp. and above ratings.
e) Switch boards shall house starters for motors with independent current sensing
type single phase preventer for each starter.
f) Volt meter with selector switch, a set of indicating lamps and fuses for voltmeter
and lamps shall be provided. Ammeter with CTs, and selector switch shall
provided with each motor starter. Instruments shall be flush mounted with the
panel and have a class index not higher than 1.0. The instruments and accessories
shall be provided whether or not specifically indicated in the tender specifications.
g) The fabrication of switchboard shall be taken up only after the drawings for the
fabrication of the same are approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
j) Care shall be taken to provide adequate clearances between phase bus bars as
well as between phase bus bars, neutral and earth.
k) Where terminations are done on the bus bars by drilling holes therein, extra cross
section shall be provided for the bus bars. Alternatively, terminations may be
made by clamping.
l) Provision shall be made for proper termination of cables at the switchboards such
that there is no strain either on the cables, or on the terminators. Cable connected
to the upper tiers shall be duly clamped within the switchboard.
For controlling operation of pumps and indicating fault, system annunciation shall be
provided. The system shall consist of relays timer, contactors etc and shall be designed
to operate the fire pumps with interlocking and fault indication Annunciation window
shall be provided to indicate following faults.
a) Remote indicating panel shall be provided in the fire control room. This panel shall
have necessary status indication of all electrical motors.
b) Back indication to show the status of operation of all the motors and also pressure
in the system, water level in under ground and over head tank etc. shall be provided.
c) Panel shall be fabricated from not less than 1.6 mm thick CRA sheet and powder
coated after 7 tank treatment process. The panel shall be dust, damp and vermin
proof. This shall be of wall mounting type. This shall be complete with necessary
termination arrangements, multicore cables, tag blocks, control transformer,
designation plastic labels, double earth studs etc. as required.
b) Power cables shall be sizes to meet the starting and running current of motors fed
and shall be as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge, after taking into consideration
the load, the length of cabling.
c) Cables shall be laid in suitable metallic trays suspended from ceiling, or mounted
on walls. Cable ducts shall not be provided in pump rooms. Cable trays shall be of
perforated steel sheet with adequate structural strength and rigidity. Necessary
supports and suspenders for cable trays shall be provided by the contractor as
a) Control wiring shall be done using ISI marked FRLS, PVC insulated and PVC
sheathed, 2.5 sq. mm, 250 V grade, armoured multi-core copper conductor cable.
The control cable shall also be laid in the same manner as power cable.
b) The number and size of the control cables shall be such as to suit the control system
design adopted by the contractor.
c) Runs of control wires within the. Switchboard shall be neatly bunched and suitably
supported / clamped. Means shall be provided for easy identification of the control
b) The earth work shall be carried out in conformity with Haryana PWD / CPWD
Specifications for Electrical works.
c) Metallic body of all motors, medium voltage equipments and switch boards shall be
connected by two separate and distinct earth conductors to the earth stations of the
installations. Looping of such body earth conductors is acceptable from one
equipment, or switch board to another.
d) The size of earth conductors for body earthing of equipments shall be 2 Nos. 25 x 3
mm G.I. strip. / 2 Nos. 32 x 6 mm G.I. strip as required & as specified in BOQ.
All panels shall be supplied with the manufacturer’s standard finish painting or as
indicated in the Schedule of Work.
This covers the requirement of Installation, testing and commissioning fire fighting
On award of the work, the contractor has to prepare shop drawings as per special
conditions of contract and submit to the Engineer-in-charge for approval. The work is to be
executed as per approved drawing. The stage of approval of drawings is therefore very
important. All drawings should be carefully and critically examined before approval. The
requirements of various components of fire fighting system have been described with the
components of fire fighting system. However generally following points are to be taken care
while examining and approving the drawings.
c) As for as possible, under ground pipe are not to be laid under road, pavement,
building and along open spaces. The locations along road, foot path in earth may
be preferred.
d) The location of yard hydrants, fire services inlet and fire service connection are to
be decided based on National Building code. However necessary adjustments are
to be made so that these components do not become hindrance in vehicular
movement and entrance to the building. Requirement of other building services are
also to be given due consideration. Symmetry should be maintained for aesthetic
a) The pump and motor/engine are to be perfectly aligned on the base plate so that there
is no vibration during operation. All nuts, bolts, washers shall be of adequate size and
b) The pipe supports should be decided in a way that the weight of pipes and valves are
not transferred to the pumps and supports do not cause hindrance in movement inside
the pump house. As far as possible, floor supports may be provided in pump house.
c) All valves shall be installed at a height and in a position that their operation by right
hand is conveniently possible.
d) All pressure gauges should be installed so that the dial is vertical and is visible while
entering the pump house.
e) Electrical panels should not be installed at floor level. The panels shall be
sufficiently raised above ground level. If panels are to be mounted on wall, an angle
iron frame shall be provided so that at least 75 mm space is left behind the panels.
The panels shall be easily approachable.
f) Cable trays are to be used for laying of power and control cable inside pump house.
No cable is to be laid at floor level/in trench. Cable tray layout should give neat
appearance. All cable tray shall be adequately supported from the ceiling /floor.
g) Drain pump of suitable size as per drawings shall be installed in the sump provided
in pump house. The pump shall operate automatically for which water level sensor
shall be provided.
h) In no case any structural member i.e. RCC wall, column, beam and floor are to be
damaged during installation. Mechanical fasteners are to be used for grouting
support. U.G. tank wall is not to be used for any support. No pipe/cable is to cross the
pump house below ground level. Openings above ground level are only to be used for
this purpose.
i) The engine installation work shall be carried out in accordance with the requirement
of engine manufacturer and be got approved by the manufacturer or their authorised
service centre. The exhaust pipe should be suitably extended out side the pump house
so that smoke does not effect nearby structure. Fuel tank shall be properly supported
and located in way that the same does not cause hindrance in movement in the pump
j) While excavating for laying of external pipes, suitable sign board/ barricading shall
be provided to ensure that no person falls in the trench.
k) The width and depth of trench shall be adequate for laying the pipe 1 m below
ground level.
l) No earth or any other matter is to be allowed to enter the pipes. The ends shall be
kept closed always.
n) Pressure testing is to be carried out in sections before filling the earth back in the
p) where pipes crossing road likely to have heavy traffic, additional protection over
pipe shall be provided to ensure that pipe is not damaged.
q) External hydrants and fire service connection/ inlet shall be located parallel to the
nearby road/foot path so as to give proper appearance. Foundation shall be raised
from below ground level and shall be properly plastered in plumb. The hydrants shall
be facing the road/ approach. There shall be no obstruction in approaching the
hydrants for operation.
r) Risers shall be parallel to the wall and in plumb. Adequate supports shall be provided
from the wall. Opening around the pipe in slab shall be filled with CC and finished
with plaster.
s) Internal hydrant shall be provided in the centre and facing out side for ease of
operation. Sufficient space shall be provided around the handle for operation. There
shall be no hindrance in moving the first aid hose reel.
t) Terrace pipe shall be supported on CC pedestals of adequate height. The pipe route
shall be such as no hindrance is created in movement at the terrace. Pipes shall be
sufficiently raised above terrace. It is to be ensured that water proofing is not
damaged during laying of pipes.
a) Initial Testing
ii) After completion of the work, all valves/ fittings shall be installed in position and
entire system shall be tested for 24 hours at a pressure of 15 kg/ cm2. The drop of
pressure up to 0.5 kg/cm2 shall be accepted.
b) Final Testing
i) After completion, all operation checks shall be carried out for automatic operation
of the systems. For this purpose, landing valves may be opens at different locations.
The exercise shall be repeated couple of times to ensure trouble free operation of
the system.
ii) Flow Test:- The design flow of pumps shall be checked. The pump shall
beoperated after opening a number of landing valves at different locations. Design
pressure is be maintained in the pump house. Water discharge is to be measured by
drop in level in UG tank for a certain period. All pumps shall be tested one by one.
After completion of the work and testing to the entire satisfaction of Engineer-in Charge
the installation shall be offered for inspection by Chief Fire Officer or his representative.
Testing as desired by the Fire Officer shall be carried out. The contractor will extend all
help including manpower during testing. The observation of Chief Fire Officer which
are a part of agreement shall by attended by the contractor. Nothing extra is to be paid
for testing as above. If required installation are to be inspected and approved by Director
Safety or his authorized representative.
a) Flushing the System: - Before commissioning, the entire system shall be flushed
toensure that any earth/ foreign matters which might have entered during Installation
are taken out. For this, pump may be operated and valves opened at different location.
b) As soon as the work is complete, the system shall be commissioned and made
available for use. Requirement of fire fighting installations is equally important
during occupation of the building. If the building is to be occupied in part, fire
fighting system of building completed shall be commissioned by isolating the system
of under construction portion of the building.
c) The fire fighting system shall be maintained and manned from the very first day of
its commissioning.
d) Any defects noticed during the warranty period shall be promptly attended by the
contractor and availability of the system at all time is to be ensured.
S.No I.S. No. Title
1 IS-8757 Glossary of terms associated with fire safety
2 IS-884. Specification for first-aid hose reel for fire fighting
3 IS-901 Specification for couplings, double male and double female instantaneous
pattern for fire fighting.
4 IS-902. Specification for fire hose delivery couplings, branch pipe, nozzles and
nozzle spanner.
5 IS-903. Specification for fire hose delivery couplings, branch pipe, nozzles and
nozzle spanner.
6 IS-904 Specification for two way and three – way suction collecting heads for fire
fighting purposes.
7 IS-907. Specification for suction strainers, cylindrical type for fire fighting purpose.
8 IS-908. Specification for fire hydrant, stand post type
9 IS-909. Specification for under ground fire hydrant.
10 IS-636. Non percolating flexible fire fighting delivery hose.
11 IS-7637. Glossary of terms for fire fighting equipment.
12 IS-937. Specification for washers for water fittings for fire fighting purposes.
13 IS-1641. Code of practice for fire safety of buildings (general): General principles.
14 IS-1642. Code of practice for fire safety of buildings (general): Details of
15 IS-1643. Code of practice for fire safety of buildings (general):Exposure
16 IS-1644. Code of practice for fire safety of buildings (general): Exit requirements and
personal hazard.
17 IS-1646. Code of practice for fire safety of buildings (general): Electrical installations
18 IS-2871. Specification for branch pipe, universal for fire fighting purposes.
19 IS-2930. Functional requirements for hose laying tender for fire brigade use.
20 IS-5290. Specification for landing valves.
21 IS-8090. Specification for couplings, branch pipe, nozzle, used in hose feel tubing for
fire fighting.
22 IS-8442. Specification for stand post type water monitor for fire fighting.
23 IS-9972. Specification for automatic sprinkler heads.
24 IS-12349. Fire protection-Safety sign.
25 IS-12407. Graphic symbols for fire protection plan.
26 IS-9668. Code of practice for provision and maintenance of water supplies and fire
27 IS-3844. Code of practice for installation and maintenance of internal fire
hydrants and hose reel on premises.
28 IS-12585. Specification for thermoplastic hose (Textile Reinforced)
DNIT Name : Estimate for bridge on rive...
ESS Abbreviations:
BS: British Standards
EN: European Standards
IS: Indian Standard
FCD: Fire Check Door
GI: Galvanized Iron
1.0 GENERAL………………………………………………………………………
2.0 CODES &SPECIFICATIONS………………………………………
3.0 TESTING &CERTIFICATION.…………………………………
4.0 FIRE CHECK DOORS..............………………………………………….
5.0 INSTALLATION …………………………………………………………………
6.0 PACKING........................................................................................
7.0 STORAGE................................................................
8.0 DELIVERABLES BY THE CONTRACTOR………………….................
The Fire & smoke Check Doors/ Fire resistant Doors (hereinafter termed as FCD) shall
not collapse during the rated period of fire under the specified fire conditions and shall
provide safe access to the escape route.
Each FCD shall be provided with a small metal identification plate in suitable location
indicating Fire rating, name of the Manufacturer, date of installation and approval of
approved test house.
Door Frames and Leaves are made from Galvanized Steel sheet of GPSP Grade as per IS
Door leaf shall be minimum 49mm thick fully flush double skin door. The door is duly
tested at CBRI /NABL as per IS 3614 part 2 – 1992 , BS 476 part 20 & 22 for minimum
120 minutes fire rating for its Stability & Integrity. Door leaf shall be manufactured from
0.8 mm minimum thick Galvanized steel sheet. The internal construction of the door
should be rigid reinforcement pads for receiving appropriate hardware. The infill material
shall be Rockwool / Honeycomb. All doors shall be factory prepped for receiving
appropriate hardware and provided with necessary reinforcement for hinges, locks, and
door closers. The edges should be interlocked with a bending radius of 1.4mm. For pair
of doors astragals has to be provided on the meeting stile for both active and inactive leaf.
Vision lite wherever applicable should be provided as per manufacturer’s
recommendation with bedding and screws from inside.
Door frame shall be double rebate profile of minimum size 100mm X 57 mm made out of
1.2 mm thick galvanized steel sheet. Door frame shall be Single rebate profile with a
factory pre-punched groove so as to accommodate Fire & smoke seal size minimum
10x4mm.Frames shall be Butt jointed and field assembled with self-bolted. The frames
should be finished with Thermosetting Powder Coating in desired RAL Shade. All
provision should be mortised, drilled and tapped for receiving appropriate hardware.
Frames should be provided with back plate bracket and anchor fasteners for installation
on a finished plastered masonry wall opening.
Unless otherwise mentioned elsewhere, all FCD shall be of two hours (120 Mins.) and all
door assemblies (except fully glazed fire door) shall satisfy criteria of fire resistance
(stability, fire smoke check integrity with insulation material).
The door frames and door shutters to be Powder coating in (70 micron) RAL desired
SS Ball Bearing Hinges of size 100 x 75 x 3mm complete with SS Screws of BB1953
F.S / 3090F DORMA Make ( 4 No’s per panel ) (Required For All Doors)
Panic Bar single / double leaf panic exit devices SBL 390/395 Becker F.S. / PHA2000
Series DORMA Make (Required for Fire Staircase Location Doors Only)
Panic Trim For Operation From The Other Side Of The Panic Bar Becker F.S. / PHT-
3905 DORMA Make (Required For Fire Staircase Location Doors)
Mortise Sash Lock With SS Lever Handle Of SL7260/ TLH612 Becker F.S. / DORMA
TH121 Type 2 Series Make (Required For Service Room Location Such As AHU,
Electrical Rooms Etc.)
Mortise Dead Lock DL7260 Becker F.S. / 288A DORMA Make.
Supply & fixing of SS 304 Finish D Type Pull Handle of size 300mm mm Long of PHD
Series Becker F.S/ TGDI DORMA Make.
Door closers of BLC-604 Becker F.S/ TS-71 DORMA Make. (Required For All Fire
Doors except Shaft Door)
Shaft lock with Allen key of Becker FS/ 9119315 DORMA.
Anchor fasteners of HILTI/ FISHER/ Equivalent of maximum 80mm length.
Smoke seal batwing type on all side of frame of IS-1212 LORIENT/ Becker FS Make for
air tightness.
Exit, Electro Magnetic Hold Open Device, Door Coordinator, Automatic Door Bottoms
etc., can be provided if required.
Shop drawings of the doors in accordance to the prototype profiles used to obtain fire test
certificate by approved national or international test house shall be prepared and
submitted for approval by the Engineer-In-Charge. The shop drawings shall include all
details of construction, anchoring, connections, fastenings etc. Any suitable modification
in fittings, fixtures as required for project specific installations shall have to be
4. Packing
Frame & Shutter: Individual frames members & Shutter to be wrapped in protective 70-
micron polyethene sheets and placed in individual card board boxes. Individual boxes to
be sealed. Frames to be assembled at site with aid of roofing bolts.
All knocked down frames shall be stacked flat and shutters vertically on wooden runners
and suitably covered as per the instructions of manufacturer to prevent rust and damage.
Technical Specifications
Bridge Works
1.1 The work shall be executed as per MORT&H/PWD Standard specification/ relevant
I.S./I.R.C. Code/Latest Edition for material and works with latest editions & approved
1.2 Some of the Code of practice are mentioned as under (with upto date correction slips):-
i. I.S. code of practice for plain and reinforcement concrete for general
building construction (I.S. 456-2000).
ii. I.S./I.R.C. Code of Practice for plain/reinforced and pre-stressed concrete
for general/bridge construction.
iii. I.S./I.R.C. Rules specifying the loads for design of super structure and
substructure of Bridge work.
iv. I.S./I.R.C. Bridge substructure and foundations code-code of practice for the
design of the substructure and foundation of bridges.
v. Indian Road Congress Codes for items not specially covered by any code or
provision mentioned in these documents (All sections).
vi. I.S. Methods on testing of soil I.S. 2720 (all parts) latest revision with up to
date correction slips).
vii. I.S code for use of structural steel in general building construction (IS 800-
viii. I.S code of practice for Electric welding of mild steel IS 823-1964.
ix. IS Code of practice for fine and coarse aggregate from natural source for
concrete (IS 383-1979)
x. IRC 83 (Part III) 2002 standard specifications and code of practice for road
over bridges (POT, POT cum PTFE bearings)
For steel:
i. IS 226: 1975 Specification for structural steel.
ii. IS 800-1984 code of practice for use of structural steel.
iii. IS 1786: for HYSD bars of reinforcement steel.
1.3 Latest edition and up to date correction slip in all the above relevant codes will be
applicable so far as this work is concerned.
1.4 In case difference between the provision of codes such as above and any discrepancy in the
interpretation of codal provision, decision of Engineer-in-Charge would be treated as final
and will be binding upon the contractor.
1.5 Some stipulations of relevant codes for some of the items are mentioned in this tender
documents. These stipulations are only for guidance. The work shall be executed as per
relevant codes.
2.1. The depth of bored pile shall be as per design and drawing.
2.2. Construction of bored pile foundations shall be strictly in accordance with the stipulations
made in the building digest CBRI India 56 for bored piles for foundations and IS: 2911/1979 part-
I to 4. Wherever the tilt of the piles exceeds 2% or the piles shifts by more than what is specified,
area will have to be increased and also additional reinforcement will have to be added and
expenditure involved including cost of cement and steel shall be borne by the contractor.
2.3. The rates quoted by the contractor shall be over all including rate, for boring through any
DNIT Name : Estimate for bridge on rive...
3.1. Form work shall be of steel plates fixed on the angle iron frame or waterproof ply wood
shuttering of adequate thickness unless otherwise directed by the Engineer-in- charge.
It should be watertight sufficiently strong and rigid to resist forces caused by vibration
and incidental loads associated with it and keep the form rigid.
3.2. If at any stage of work during/ after placing the concrete in the structure, the work is found
defective, such concrete shall be removed and work shall be redone with fresh concrete and
adequate and rigid forms at the cost of contractor. The props for the centering wherever
permitted shall be supported by the double wedges in order to facilitate causing & removal
of the shuttering without jarring. Centering and shuttering should be carefully released in
order to prevent the loading being instantly transferred to concrete. The period that shall
lapse after the last pour of concrete for easing removal of centering and shuttering shall be
fixed by the Engineer-in-charge and will be binding on the contractor/s.
3.3. It may be necessary to make provision for holes/ grooves in the form work to house the
various services, for which neither any extra payment shall be made to the contractor/s for
making these provisions nor any deduction shall be made on a/c of any saving in RCC/PSC
work due to these provision.
3.4. Wherever chamfer or rounded corners are mentioned in the drawing formwork should be
such that no chiseling/cutting is required.
3.5. The surface of formwork shall be clear, smooth and free of cement mortar etc.
3.6. The Contractor shall give the Engineer In-charge due notice before placing any concrete in
the forms to permit him to inspect and accept the form work and forms as to their
strength, alignment and general fitness but such inspection shall not
relieve the contractor of his responsibility for safety of works, men, machinery,
materials and for obtained.
4.1 The Engineer In-Charge shall be informed in advance by the contractor of his intension to
strike any formwork.
4.2 While fixing the time for removal of form work, due consideration shall be given to the
local conditions, character of the structure, the weather and the other conditions that
influence the setting of concrete and of the material used in the mix.
4.3 The period shall be suitably increased in case of temperature lower than 25 degree Celsius
and for any other conditions tending to delay the setting of concrete.
4.4 These field operation are controlled by strength tests of concrete, the removal of the load
supporting arrangements of soffit may commence when concrete has attained strength equal
to twice the stress to which the concrete will be subjected to, at the time of striking props
including the effect of any further additions of loads. When field operations are not
4.5 All formwork shall be removed without causing any damage to the concrete. Centering
shall be gradually and uniformly lowered in such a manner as to avoid any shock or
vibrations. Supports shall be removed in such a manner as to permit concrete to take stress
due to its own weight uniformly and gradually. Where internal metal ties are permitted,
their removable parts shall be extracted without causing any damage to the concrete and the
remaining holes filled with mortar. No permanently embedded metal parts shall have less
than 40mm cover to the finished concrete surfaces, where it is intended to re-use released
form work, it shall be cleaned and make good to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge.
5.1 Reinforcement may be TMT as per the drawings and confirming to the latest ISI/IRC
codes. Steel will be procured from TISCO/Rastriya IspatNigamLimited/SAIL/Jindal
Steel and Power Ltd. (Jindal Panther), JSW Steel ltd, Electro Steel Steels
Ltd(V-XEGA) and M/s Super Shakti.
5.2 Before use, contractor’s will be required to obtain test certificate for the quality
of reinforcement used, at his/their own cost form the laboratory/institute,
approved by the Engineer-in charge.
5.3 Contractor will ensure that before fixing reinforcement, bars are cleaned with dry
gunny bags to remove the light rust or other impurities, if any.
5.4 Welding of reinforcement will not be generally permitted except in special circumstances
under the written approval of the Engineer-in-charge.
5.5 Binding wire of approved quality shall be arranged by the contractor’s himself/themselves
and the rates quoted for RCC/PSC work should include cost of this item of work.
5.6 Nothing extra will be paid for overlaps and wastage of steel.
5.7 Reinforcement steel shall be arranged by the contractor and payment made as per
items of agreement.
5.8 Payment for the steel reinforcement shall be made on the basis of standard unit weights
as per approved drawings and nothing extra will be paid for overlaps and wastage
of steel involved in cutting the bars to their required sizes. Nothing extra will be
paid for over weight steel and no deduction will be made for under weight steel
within the limit of tolerances permitted as per IS 1786-1985.
5.9 Steel having unit weights per meter not falling within the tolerances specified in above
IS code shall not be accepted.
6.01 To improve the workability of concrete and cement grout admixtures conforming to
6.2 Maximum Cement content in concrete shall be as per relevant code of practice. If
desired workability is not achieved due to restrictions in cement contents,
contractor have to use plasticiser of approved quality for which no extra payment
shall be made.
6.3 Quality test certificate for cement as per IS-4031 Code shall be furnished by the contractor
before use of cement supplied.
6.4 Cement for use in works, shall be procured by the contractor from the main producers or
their authorised dealers only.
6.5 Cement older than 3 months from the date of manufacture as marked on the bags shall not
be accepted. Cement bags preferably in paper bag packing should bear the following
7. Quality test certificate for cement as per IS 4031 shall be furnished by the contractor/s at his
own cost from the manufacturer, before use of cement.
7.0 Engineer in Charge may also take samples during the course of execution of works and get
the cement tested to ascertain its conformity to the relevant IS specifications at contractor/s
cost before a particular lot is put to use. Frequency of testing shall be as prescribed by the
relevant IS code. Following test interalia shall be carried out.
i) Fineness
ii) Compressive strength
iii) Initial and final setting time
iv) Consistency
v) Soundness.
7.1 In case samples tested do not pass quality tests conducted, the entire batch of cement
supplied shall be rejected and returned to the contractor/s. No payment for such cement
shall be made to the contractor.
7.1 For storage of cement, the contractor shall have to construct a temporary Godown of
adequate capacity at his own cost. The contractor shall bring the cement to the site
of work only on written instructions from representative of Engineer. It will be
obligatory on the part of the contractor to get every consignment/truck of cement
weighed in the presence of Engineer or his representative and supply the original
copy of weight slip alongwith consignment. The representative of Engineer will verify
the weight of cement brought to the site of work and return one verified weigh slip
to the contractor after the same is stacked inside the cement Godown under his supervision.
7.3 The record of cement brought to the site of work, daily consumption, daily opening balance
and closing balance shall be maintained at the site jointly by the representative of
Engineerof work and contractor/s or his/ their authorized representative. For this purpose, 2
sets of registers duly reconciled and signed by the contractor/s and the representative of
Engineerof work certifying the opening balance, consumption, closing balance should be
7.4 The contractor shall be the custodian of cement Godown and shall keep the Godown under
his lock and key to ensure safe custody of cement. The contractor shall ensure that the
cement once brought to the site and accounted shall be used at the site only and shall not be
taken away from site for any other purpose.
7.5 The contractor shall make the cement Godown available for inspection alongwith
connected record to the site Engineer or his representative as and when required.
7.6 The contractor shall ensure that after completion of the work and or termination of the
contract for any reason whatsoever, the temporary cement Godown shall be dismantled and
all dismantled material /debris shall be removed and the clear site shall be handed over
back to Department. All the released material shall be the property of the contractor/s and
no payment shall be made by the Department for dismantling etc.
(iii) The number of bags in sample showing a minus error greater than 2 percent of the
specified net mass (50 kg) shall be not more than 5 percent of bags in the sample. Also the minus
error in none of such bags in the sample shall exceed 4 percent of the specified
net mass of cement in the bags. In case, the minus error exceeds the percentages herein specified,
the entire batch of cement samples shall be rejected.
(iv) In case of a wagon/Truck load of 10 to 25 tonnes, the overall tolerance on net mass of
cement shall be 0 to +0.5 percent. Any batch of cement not conforming to above tolerances will
be rejected.
7.8 Stacking of cement in the Godown shall be done on a layer of wooden sleepers so as to
avoid contact of cement bags with the floor; or alternatively scrap of sheets may be used in place
of sleepers but these must be placed at least 20 cm above the floor. The bags shall be stacked at
least 30 cm clear of the walls to prevent deterioration. The wooden sleepers/scrap GI sheet shall be
arranged by the contractor/s at his/their own cost.
7.9 Cement shall be stored in such a manner as to permit easy access for proper inspection.
Cement should be stacked not more than ten layers high to prevent bursting of bags in the
bottom layers and formation of clods. The stacks of cement bags shall be covered with
tarpaulin during monsoons so as to obviate the possibility of deterioration of cement by
moisture in the atmosphere. Cement that is set or partially set is not to be used.
7.11 Engineer-in-Charge may also take samples during the course of execution of works and get
the cement tested to ascertain its conformity to the relevant IS specifications at contractor/s cost
before particular lot is put to use. Frequency of testing shall be as prescribed by the relevant IS
Code or as per instructions of Engineer in charge. Following tests interline shall be carried out:-
i) Fineness
ii) Compressive strength
iii) Initial and final setting time
iv) Soundness
v) Consistency
8.0 Fine and coarse aggregate for all types of concrete work shall conform to I.S-383 (Latest
8.1 In addition to the routine tests, special tests of material will be carried out whenever required
by the Engineer. The cost of the special tests will be borne by the contractor. Necessary facilities in
the form of moulds, cones, scales, materials, labour for casting, curing specimens and such other
facilities as per requisite in any standard concrete tests will, in any case, be afforded by the
contractor free of cost. Cement for the tests shall be arranged by the contractor at his own cost and
no payment shall be made for this.
9.0 The contractor shall be responsible for the arrangements to get the supply of water
necessary for the works at his own cost and rates quoted shall also include the cost of water or any
other arrangements required to be made for procuring water and leading/ transporting and carrying
water to the site of the work irrespective of the distance from the source of water. The water shall,
however, conform to I.S-456 If water as per prescription of IS-456 is not available then contractor
will have to install RO Plant free of cost to obtain the water as per specification. No extra payment
for the same admissible at any point of time during the execution or defect liability period later on.
10.1 The design mix concrete of strength as indicated as per approved drawings shall be used for
foundation, sub-structure and super-structure of the bridge. The contractor will submit design mix
along with the calculations to the Engineer-in-Charge. The design mix will have to be got approved
from the Engineer In-Charge before use in the construction.
10.2 The concrete shall be mixed properly in mechanical mixer and shall be of proper
consistency. The proper consistency shall be determined by Engineer-In charge through tests that
shall be carried out by the contractor/s. The Concreting shall be commenced only after the
Engineer-in charge has inspected the shuttering, the placement of reinforcement and passed the
same. Cost of concrete moulds and other test shall be borne by the contractor/s.
10.3 The concrete shall be compacted immediately after placing by means of mechanical
vibrator of approved quality.
10.4 The mixing time of concrete in mixer will be decided by the Engineer, depending upon the
type of work and strength of concrete.
10.5 The contractor shall make adequate arrangements for casting of necessary numbers of
cubes and cure and finish them as per direction of Engineer.
10.6 The contractor shall establish laboratory in field and provide the necessary equipments to
carryout all preliminary test and working out the grading and proportioning of aggregate, assessing
the moisture content, casting and testing of cubes etc., in order to obtain and maintain uniform
quality of work confirming to codal practices.
10.7 The exposed surface of plain, R.C.C/P.S.C. work shall be rubbed with Carborandum stone
and rendered smooth if necessary with cement to leave surface smooth and even. Nothing extra
will paid on this account. Cement for the same will be arranged by the contractor/s at his own cost
and no payment shall be made.
10.8 The controlled concrete ingredients should be weigh batched in approved type weigh-
10.9 The slump of the approved trial mix shall be measured and this slump shall not be exceeded
through out all the batches of concrete made from the same materials mixed in the same proportion
as the trial mixes and used in those parts of the work as instructed.
10.10 Concreting in hot weather: Hot weather is defined as any combination of high air
temperature, low relative humidity, and wind velocity tending to impair the quality and properties
of fresh or hardened concrete. In hot weather, the contractor shall ensure that the temperature of
the concrete at the time of placing does not exceed 30 degree C and that the maximum internal
temperature attained during setting does not exceed 75 degree C.
The contractor shall provide the effective measures suggested by the Engineer Incharge to protect
the concrete from the effects of high temperatures. No concreting in hot weather shall be put in
hand until the proposed measures have been approved by the Engineer.
10.11 Concreting in cold weather: Cold weather is defined as the situation existing at the work
where either or both of the following conditions exist:
i) The air temperature at the time considered is below 5 degree C.
ii) The mean daily air temperature over three or more successive days has
dropped below 5 degree C.
On no account may concrete be placed in contact with frozen ground or for work in contact with
ice, snow or frost on the ground or on form work of reinforced concrete shall not be made with
frozen materials, Concreting may proceed in cold weather provided special precautions are taken to
ensure that the surface temperature of the concrete at the time of placing is not less than 5 degree
The contractor shall provide the effective measures suggested by the Engineer to take to protect the
concrete from the effects of low temperatures and with details of the methods he proposes to use to
assess the correct timing at which such protection may be removed. No concreting in cold weather
shall be put in hand until the proposed measures have been approved by the Engineer.
10.12 Concrete placed in water: Where any concrete is to be placed in water, the contractor
shall submit detailed proposals to the Engineer and shall obtain his approval before commencing
the work. The quantity of cement in any concrete placed in water, shall, be increased by 10% so
that the free water/cement ratio of the mix is not more than the specified.
Concrete shall not be placed in running water or be allowed to fall through water.
Concrete shall be placed in water only by means of a bottom opening watertight box or a tremie of
a type approved by the Engineer. Bottom-opening boxes shall not be opened until they are resting
on the work, and the lower ends of tremies shall always be kept below the surface of freshly placed
10.13.1 All work will be paid for at the tendered rates on the basis of actual measurements taken at
site. No cognizance will be taken for heights and thickness of structural members over
those shown in the plan.
10.13.2 The gross dimensions of RCC/PSC work exclusive of the thickness of plaster shall be
measured for purpose of payment. No deduction shall be made for the volume of
reinforcement and for small weep holes for drainage etc. No payment shall be made for
plastering over the exposed surface of the RCC/PSC.
10.13.3 No deduction shall be made for the volume of sectional steel measurement on the cutting
edge for the portion embedded in concrete.
10.14.1 The bed of open foundations should be made horizontal and sides neatly dressed and in all
cases got approved by the Engineer before concrete is laid. If foundations are laid in sandy or clay
soil, the variation in levels should not be more than 15mm but in case it is laid on soft rock/boulder
studded soil larger variation may be permitted by the Engineer, at his discretion according to
condition at site. In no case concrete be laid on a sloping bed. In case of loose pockets the same
will have to be filled with lean concrete, as directed by the Engineer, for which no extra payment
will be made excepting that cement required for this purpose, will be paid to the contractor as per
relevant item.
10.14.2 It is expected that design of open foundation will suit in all the bridges. Payment for
excavation of foundation of all the structures including foundation of pucca side and catch water
drains (embedded concrete and masonry portion) and floor of bridges will be made as per relevant
item. It will be applicable to all types of soil including all lead and lift, including excavation water
requiring pumping and bailing out of water including back filling in 15cm layers with proper
watering & ramming. The payment for excavation of foundation will be as per MORT&H/PWD
Standard Specification for material and works irrespective of the fact that excavation has been
done in slopes and there have been slips etc. or any shoring or shuttering has been done. The
surplus earthwork from foundation (quantity of excavation minus quantity of refilling of earth in
foundation limited to vertical dimension) should compulsorily be lead to the adjoining filling
without any extra payment for loading, unloading, crossing of nallaha/streams, rehandling,
dressing the filling irrespective of facts whether surplus earthwork from foundations has been
utilized or not. No cognizance for any boulder more than 15 kg and 15 cm in dimension will be
taken for purpose of any claim and contractor is free to take away such boulders free of cost after
paying due royalty etc. to State Govt. if any.
10.16.1 The contactor shall at his own cost arrange and carry out the tests on various types
of materials to be used in the work. The tests shall be carry out in Laboratories approved by the
Engineer in charge. The frequency of the test and different type of test to be carried out on
different materials shall be decided by the Engineer-in-charge. Nothing extra shall be paid on this
11.0 STEEL:
11.1 Steel shall conform to latest relevant IS specifications. Test certificate for steel before use
as per latest relevant IS specifications will be furnished by the contractor at his own cost from the
manufacturer or the laboratories approved by the Engineer In-Charge.
11.2 The Engineer in Charge will also take samples during the course of work and get the steel
tested to ascertain their conformity to the relevant IS specifications at the contractor/s cost before a
particular lot is to be used. Frequency of testing shall be as prescribed by the relevant IS Code or as
per instruction of engineer in charge.
12.1 No plastering shall be done over the exposed surface of RCC/PSC work, special care
should be taken in centering and shuttering and casting to ensure good finish, wherever necessary
rendering in 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) shall be done to the satisfaction of Engineer-In-Charge.
Nozzle and form vibrators are to be used for RCC/PSC work.
13.2 The permissible variation from the specified value shall also conform to these
specifications. It shall be sole responsibility of the contractor to arrange for quality control test
during the construction as per specification. The Engineer-In-Charge shall be empowered to get the
quality control tests done through other agency if required, the cost of which shall be borne by the
14.2 All the pressures gauges, machines, equipments and other measuring and testing
equipments of the laboratory shall be got checked/calibrated regularly as directed by the Engineer
and the necessary certificates produced to the Engineer.
14.3 The Contractor shall render all reasonable assistance and help in making the checks and
tests. All the equipments, machinery etc. shall be kept in good working conditions.
14.4 Cost of setting up the laboratory, equipping the same, maintaining, conducting all tests on
materials and cubes shall be borne by the contractor and nothing extra shall be paid on this
15.0 CURING:
15.1 All concrete work in cement mortar, plaster, pointing etc., shall be continuously cured for the
prescribed period as per direction of the Engineer, Curing shall be done by covering the newly laid
concrete with gunny bags and keeping them wet constantly. If it is found that the contractor is not
observing properly these instructions, the Engineer may get the curing done through another
agency, labour without any notice to the contractor at the cost of the contractor. The cost incurred
along with incidental charges of 2% and along with supervision charges 12 ½ % of the cost will be
debited to the contractor.
16.2 It may clearly be noted that the Engineer in Charge (Const) shall have full power to make
alterations in the drawings and to give such further instructions, directions as may appear to him
necessary or proposed for the guidance of the contractor and for the official execution and
completion and maintenance of the work.
17.2 The contractors shall provide all stakes, ballies, bamboo, strings, pegs and labour for setting
out profiles, of embankment required for the correct execution of the work and shall also be
responsible to maintain in the proper order. He is also required to provide labour for the setting of
the same when called upon to do so. This is deemed to be included in the item rate for the
earthwork. The contractor/s shall take necessary precautions to prevent their being removed,
altered and disturbed and shall be responsible for the consequence of such removal alterations and
disturbance and will take action for their proper reinstatement.
17.3 The contractor shall be liable to set up field laboratory with adequate equipments so as to
carry out tests of the soil as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
17.4 The contractor shall also be required to provide full assistance for carrying out these tests,
i.e. labour and other materials etc. The rates quoted by the contractor deem to have included of this
element and nothing extra shall be payable to him on this account.
17.5 Engineer-in-charge, if required may get the soil samples tested from another outside agency
17.6 Before the earthwork is started by the contractor the ground between the line where
filling/excavation is to be done for embankments, cuttings and training works shall be cleared of all
trees along with the roots, shrubs heavy grass, and under growth of every kind. None of the items
of work mentioned in this para will entitle the contractor/s to any extra payment.
17.7 The contractor should commence work systematically at one or more points in consultation
with the Engineer and should maintain continuous and steady progress to complete the work in
continuous length including leveling and dressing.
17.8 Any extra earth deposited on the top and slopes of the formation shall be removed within 48
hours after a written notice. If not complied, the same shall be removed by other means at
contractor/s cost. Cost of which shall be recovered from contractor/s bill. The payment shall be
made as per designed cross section only.
17.9 It must be clearly understood that the rates are intended to cover the full cost of the finished
works . The banks and cuttings are to be correctly dressed to profile with such slopes as specified
in each case by the Engineer. The rates for earth work shall also include the following:-
i) Site clearance as per specifications including cutting of trees.
ii) Benching in side long ground and existing bank.
17.10 The rates also include maintenance of the banks and cutting to correct profile including
repairs of all rain cuts, making good earth work due to base settlement, natural or otherwise due to
rains etc. In case of filling embankments and removal of silts and slips that may be accumulated in
cutting during rains etc.
17.11 Until the final measurements have been recorded and banks/cutting taken over by the
Department, the item rate of BOQ and quantities will cover the full cost of finished work of cutting
and embankments.
18.2 Construction joints shall be located so as not to impair the strength of the concrete. The position of
construction joints and the size of the formwork panels shall be so coordinated that where possible the line
of any construction joint coincides with the line of a formwork joint and that in any case all construction
joint lines and formwork joint lines appear as a regular and uniform series.
18.3 For all exposed horizontal joints and purposely inclined joints, a uniform joint shall be formed with
a batten of approved dimensions to give a straight and neat joint line.
NOTE: For more details refer relevant I.S./I.R.C. Code (Latest Edition).
19.2 The contractor shall, before handing over the works or and part thereof to the Department, dismantle
and remove all temporary works and temporary materials, but such removal shall not be effected without the
previous written approval of the Engineer-in-Charge and the contractor shall comply with the directions (if
any) given by him as to the method or removal and/or disposal.
POT PTFE bearing shall be provided for the girders. The bearings shall be in accordance with the IRC-83
(Pt.III) 2002. (Latest Edition)
These bearings shall be correctly manufactured according to the approved drawings subject to the
permissible tolerances. The bearing shall be got approved from Engineer In-charge prior to placement under
the girder. For example (Bearing of METCO, Sanfield, Mageba), M/S Steel Auto Industries and any other
brand/make with the approval of department.
21.2 The manufacture /supplier of expansion joint shall be got approved from Engineer-in Charge prior to
placing the order. Preference will be given to the bearing of METCO, Sanfield, Mageba and any other
brand/make with the approval of department.
22. Material steel nosing: The steel nosing shall be of angle section ISA 100x100 conforming to
weldable structural steel as per IS:2062. The thickness of legs shall not be less than 12mm. The top face of
the angle shall be provided with Bleeder holes of 12mm diameter spaced at maximum 100mm centers so as
to ensure that there are no voids in the concrete beneath the angle.
23. Anchorage: The anchorage steel shall conform to IS: 2062 or equivalent. The steel nosing shall be
anchored to the deck by reinforcing bars, headed studs or bolts or anchor plates cast in concrete or a
combination of anchor plate and reinforcing bars, headed studs or bolts. Anchor bars, studs or bolts shall
engage the main structural reinforcement of the deck and in case of anchor plates or anchor loops, this shall
be achieved by passing transverse bars through the loops or plates.
The minimum thickness of anchor plate shall be 12mm. Total cross sectional area of bars, studs or bolts on
each side of the joint shall not be less than 1600 mm sq. per meter length of the joint and the center to center
spacing shall not exceed 250mm. The ultimate resistance of anchorage shall not be less than 500 KN/m in
any direction.
Corrosion protection: All steel section shall be protected against corrosion by hot dip galvanizing or any
other approved anticorrosive coating with a minimum thickness of 100 micron.
The physical properties of chloroprene/closed cell foam sealing element shall conform to the following.
(a) Chloroprene seal: Shall be preformed extruded multi web cellular section of chloroprene of such a
shape as to promote self removal of foreign material during normal service operations. Chloroprene of
joints seal shall conform to clause of IRC 83 (Pt.II) and satisfy the properties stipulated in Table 2 of
the specifications except in respect of the working movement range of the sealing element which shall be as
specified in clause 31.5.1 above.
Closed cell foam steel: Shall perform non-extruded non cellular section made from low density closed cell,
cross linked ethylene vinyl acetate, polyethylene copolymer that is physically blown using nitrogen. The
material shall possess properties as indicated in the table.
Lubricant cum adhesive: The type and application of material used in bonding the preformed joint seal to
the steel nosing and concrete shall be as recommended by the manufacturer/supplier of the seal system.
Handling and storage:
a) The expansion joint material shall be handled with care and stored under cover.
b) All joint material and assemblies shall be protected from damage and assemblies shall be
supplied to maintain true shape and alignment during transportation and storage.
The expansion joint shall be installed by the manufacturer/supplier or their authorized representative,
who will ensure compliance of installation procedure and instructions.
The dimension of the joint recess and the width of the gap shall conform to the approved drawing.
Anchoring steel shall be welded to the main reinforcement in the deck maintaining the level and
26. Prior to acceptance 25% of the completed and installed joints, subject to minimum of one joint, shall
be subjected to water tightness test. Water shall be continuously pounded along with entire length for a
minimum period of 4 hours for a depth of 25mm above the highest point of deck. The width of pounding
shall be at least 50mm beyond the anchorage block of the joint another side. The depth of water shall not
fall below 25mm anytime during the test. A close inspection of the under side of the joint shall not reveal
any leakage.
27. Tests and standards of acceptance: The materials shall be tested in accordance with these
specifications and shall meet the prescribed criteria. The manufacturer/supplier shall furnish the requisite
certificates from the recognized testing laboratory of India or abroad.
The work shall conform to these specifications and shall meet the prescribed acceptance.
29. Coordination with Railway for end span (regarding issues of bridges the coordination with
Railway considered to be deleted) only for ROB & RUB.
The contractor has to made coordination with the Railway Authorities, during the execution of work.
The end span of approaches shall be laid only after consultation with Railway. Nothing extra shall be paid
on account of delay of railway portion. However suitable time extension on this account, if any, will be
granted by the department.
Section 6
Bill of Quantities
1) The Bill of quantities shall be read in conjunction with the instructions to Bidders, Conditions of contract,
Technical Specifications and Drawings.
2) The quantities given in the Bill of Quantities are estimated and provisional, and are given to provide a
common basis for bidding. The basis of payment will be the actual quantities of work ordered and carried
out, as measured by the contractor and verified by the Engineer and valued at the rates and prices tendered
in the priced Bill of Quantities, where applicable, and otherwise at such rates as the Engineer may fix within
the terms of the Contract.
3) The rates and prices tendered in the priced Bill of Quantities shall, except in so far as it is otherwise
provided under the Contract, include all constructional plant, labour, supervision, materials, erection,
maintenance, insurance, profit, all taxes (but excluding GST) and duties, together with all general risks,
liabilities and obligations set out or implied in the Contract.
4) The rates and prices shall be quoted entirely in Indian Currency.
5) A rate or price shall be entered against each item in the Bill of Quantities, whether the quantities are stated
or not. The cost of Items against which the contractor has failed to enter a rate or price shall be deemed to
be covered by other rates and prices entered in the Bill of Quantities.
6) The whole cost of complying with the provisions of the Contract shall be included in the items provided in
the priced Bill of Quantities, and where no Items are provided the cost shall be deemed to be distributed
among the rates and prices entered for the related Items of work.
7) General directions and descriptions of work and materials are not necessarily repeated or summarized in the
Bill of Quantities. References to the relevant sections of the contract documentation shall be made before
entering rates or prices against each item in the Bill of Quantities.
8) Errors will be corrected by the Employer for any arithmetic errors pursuant to clause of the Instructions to
9) Any items of work not provided in the contract schedule of rates if required to be executed will be paid as
per Haryana PWD schedule of rates 2021 plus ceiling premium as applicable in DNIT subject to the
premium tendered by the contractor. In case of non schedule item, these will be paid by the ‘Engineer’
based on market rates of that time after getting approval from the competent authority and will be binding
upon the contractor.
10) The work will be carried out strictly in accordance with the PWD book of specification 1990 edition,
CPWD Specifications and MoRT&H Specifications as applicable and that will form part and parcel of this
contract agreement.
12) In this contract schedule of rates only essential portion of items has been written, but it will deem to cover
the entire items as fully described in Haryana PWD schedule rates 2021 till the date of opening of tender
and will be applicable on this contract schedule of rates.
13) All the items in this contract schedule of rates 2021 subject to the foot notes given in the Haryana PWD
schedule of rates 2021 till the date of opening of tender and will be applicable on this contract schedule of
14) Quantities given in the BOQ may vary at the time of execution of works done at site by the contractor.
15) Unless otherwise specified all material, machinery and labour input are to be arrange by the contractor.
16) All amendments issued to the Haryana PWD schedule of rates will be applicable on the contract schedule of
17) As and when contractor gives condition that arrangement of water shall be made by the department, it shall
be deemed that all the charges incurred thereon shall be borne by the department and recovery on the total
work done shall be made from him.
18) No claim will be entertained from the contractor in case of any mistake in description, rate or unit occurred
on account of typing or comparison or over sight. If there is any mistake, the same shall be rectifiable by the
‘Engineer’ at any stage as per Haryana PWD schedule of rates 2021 and all the amendments received from
time to time.
19) The premium should be quoted above or below for HSR items and individual rates for NS Items. No
conditional offer should be made. In case any conditions is tendered, this will be considered as null and
void and only the premium or discount quoted by the tender shall be accepted. In case any tender refused to
accept the above afterwards, his earnest money will be forfeited or the action as per conditions of Bid
Security Declaration Form shall be taken.
21) Rate quoted by the contractor for each N.S. item shall be for complete job including all taxes (but excluding
GST) , carriage etc. Nothing extra on any account shall be paid.
22) The payment will be made according to the actual work done by the contractor.
Name of work:-Estimate for bridge on river Ghaggar at RD 31000 upstream Sirsa Bhatinda
railway line on village road farwain Kalan to Budhbhana district Sirsa.
Sr. Description of Item with brief specification and Quantity Unit Rate to be quoted by the contractor/
No reference to book of specification. society
In figures In words
In figures In words
Beyond 10 m up to 20 m
(a) Add 5 per cent for every additional meter depth of
sinking over the rate of sinking for the previous meter
(b) Add for dewatering @ 5 per cent of cost, if required.
11. [15.26.1]Sand Filling and Water Filling of Wells 1. Sand 516.22 cum
Filling in Wells complete as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications MORT&H clause 1207
12. [17.15.1]Granular Sub-Base with Coarse Graded Material 256.50 cum
- Grading-I or II or III (Table:- 400-2)
Construction of granular sub-base by providing coarse
graded material, spreading in uniform layers with motor
grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method
with Rotavator at OMC, and compacting with vibratory
roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause
401.of MORTandH specifications 1. Grading I material
13. [17.22.1]Water Bound Macadam Gr I 1. Water Bound 128.25 cum
Macadam Grading I (without screenings for low volume
roads (undesignated)
Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone
aggregates of specific sizes to water bound macadam
specification including spreading in uniform thickness,
hand packing, rolling with 3 wheeled steel/ vibratory roller
8-10 tonnes in stages to proper grade and camber, applying
and brooming requisite type of screening/ binding
Materials to fill up the interstices of coarse aggregate,
watering and compacting to the required density complete
as per technical clause 404 of MORT&H specifications
14. [17.23.2]Water Bound Macadam Grading - II 2. Water 128.25 cum
Bound Macadam - II with Screening Type A / Type B
Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone
aggregates of specific sizes to water bound macadam
specification including spreading in uniform thickness,
hand packing, rolling with 3 wheeled steel/ vibratory roller
8-10 tonnes in stages to proper grade and camber, applying
and brooming requisite type of screening/ binding
Materials to fill up the interstices of coarse aggregate,
watering and compacting to the required density complete
as per technical clause 404 of MORT&H specifications
15. [17.25]Prime Coat @ 0.85kg per sqm Providing and 1710.00 Sqm
applying primer coat with bitumen emulsion on prepared
surface of granular Base including clearing of road surface
and spraying primer at the rate of 0.85 kg/sqm using
mechanical means as per technical clause 503 of
MORT&H specifications
16. [17.26.2]Tack Coat 2. Providing and applying tack coat 3420.00 Sqm
with penetration grade bitumen VG - 10 using bitumen
pressure distributor at the rate of 0.30 kg per sqm on the
prepared bituminous/ granular surface cleaned with
mechanical broom as per technical clause 503 of
MORT&H specifications
In figures In words
In figures In words
26. [27.17]Providing and laying of Filter media with granular 224.12 cum
materials/stone crushed aggregates satisfying the
requirements laid down in clause 2504.2.2. of MoRTH
specifications to a thickness of not less than 600 mm with
smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the
wall and provided over the entire surface behind abutment,
wing wall and return wall to the full height compacted to a
firm condition complete as per drawing and MoRTH and
Specification 710.1.4 of IRC: 78 and 2200.
27. [27.23]Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line 7200.00 Per tonne
and level POT-PTFE bearing consisting of a metal piston capacity
supported by a disc or unreinforced elastomer confined
within a metal cylinder, sealing rings, dust seals, PTFE
surface sliding against stainless steel mating surface,
complete assembly to be of cast steel/fabricated structural
steel, metal and elastomer elements to be as per IRC: 83
part-I and II respectively and other parts conforming to
BS: 5400, section 9.1 and 9.2 and clause 2006 of MoRTH
Specifications complete as per drawing and approved
MoRTandH Specifications. 2000 & 2200.
28. []Using Batching Plant,Transit Mixer and 571.83 cum
Concrete Pump 2.3. For formwork and staging add the
For T-beam & slab, 23-33 per cent of labour, material and
machinery cost
Height above 10m
29. [27.38]Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar 557.62 Tonne
reinforcement in super-structure complete as per drawing
and MoRTandH specifications 1600.
30. [27.49]Painting on concrete surface 597.03 Sqm
Providing and applying 2 coats of water based cement
paint to unplastered concrete surface after cleaning the
surface of dirt, dust, oil, grease, efflorescence and applying
paint @ of 1 litre for 2 sqm and MORT&H specification
31. [27.5]Plain/Re-inforced cement concrete in sub-structure 387.53 cum
complete as per drawing and MoRTandH specifications
1500,1700 and 2200.
In figures In words
In figures In words
1. The item for which no rate or price has been entered in will not be paid for by the Employer
when executed and shall be deemed to be covered by the other rates and prices in the Bill of
Quantities (Refer: ITB Clause 13.2).
2. Unit rates and prices shall be quoted by the bidder in Indian rupees excluding GST [ITB
Clause 14.1].
Section 7
Standard Forms
Letter of Acceptance
Other Forms
Standard Forms
(Letterhead paper of the Employer)
Dear Sirs,
You are hereby requested to furnish Performance Security, (and additional security
for unbalanced bids in terms of ITB Clause 29.3) [where applicable] in the form detailed in Clause
34.1 of ITB for an amount equivalent to Rs. ___________ within 15 days of the receipt of this
letter of acceptance valid up to 28 days from the date of expiry of Defect Liability-cum-
Maintenance Period i.e. up to _________________________ and sign the contract, failing which
action as stated in Clause 34.3 of ITB will be taken.
Yours faithfully,
Authorized Signature
Name and title of Signatory
Name of Employer
for and on behalf of Governor of Haryana
Dear Sirs:
Pursuant to your furnishing the requisite Performance Security as stipulated in ITB Clause 34
and signing of the Contract for the work of ————————
Yours faithfully,
[name and address of Contractor] (hereinafter called “the Contractor” of the other part).
(hereinafter called “the Works”) and the Employer has accepted the Bid by the
Contractor for the execution and completion of such Works and the remedying of any
1. In this Agreement, words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively
assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to, and they shall be deemed
to form and be read and construed as part of this Agreement.
i) Letter of Acceptance;
ii) Notice to Proceed with the works;
iii) Contractor’s Bid;
iv) Contract Data;
v) Special Conditions of Contract and General Conditions of Contract;
vi) Specifications;
vii) Drawings;
viii) Bill of Quantities; and
ix) Any other document listed in the Contract Data as forming part of the Contract.
In witness whereof, the parties thereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day
and year first
before written.
The Common Seal of ______________________________________________________
(D) Form of Unconditional Bank Guarantee from Contractor for Performance Bank
SEALED with the common seal of the said Bank this ___________ day of ____________, 20
(1) If after Bid opening the Bidder withdraws his bid during the period of Bid validity specified in
the from of tender.
(2) If the Bidder having been notified to the acceptance of his bid by the Employer during the
period of Bid validity:
(a) fails or refuses to execute the Form of Agreement in accordance with the Instructions to
Bidders, if
required; or
(b) fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Security, in accordance with the Instructions to
Bidders; or
We undertake to pay to the employer up to the above amount upon receipt of his first written
demand, without the Employer having to substantiate his demand, provided that in his demand
the Employer will note that the amount claimed by him is due to him owing to the occurrence
of one or any of the three conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions.
This Guarantee will remain in force up to and including the date ________________ ** days
after the deadline for submission of Bids or as such deadline as is stated in the Instructions to
Bidders or as it may be extended by the Employer, notice of which extension(s) to the Bank is
hereby waived. Any demand in respect of this guarantee should reach the Bank not later than the
above date.
DATE ___________________________
WITNESS________________________ SEAL
* The Bidder should insert the amount of the guarantee in words and figures denominated in
Indian Rupees.
** 45 days after the end of the validity period of the Bid. Date should be inserted by the employer
before the Bidding documents are issued.
1. I hereby submit a declaration that the bid submitted by the undersigned, on behalf of the
bidder, (name of the Bidder), shall not be withdrawn or modified during the period of
validity i.e. not less than 120 (one hundred twenty) days from the bid due date.
2. I, on behalf of the bidder, (Name of Bidder), also accept the fact that in case the bid is
withdrawn or modified during the period of its validity or if we fail to sign the contract in
case the work is awarded to us or we fail to submit a performance security before the
deadline defined in clause 34.1 of the tender document, then (Name of Bidder) will be
debarred for participation in the tendering process in any of the
Department/Boards/Corporations etc. of the Government of Haryana for a period of Two
year from the bid due date of this work
____________________________ [name of Employer]
____________________________ [address of Employer]
AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the Contractor
shall furnish you with a Bank Guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum specified therein as
security for compliance with his obligation in accordance with the Contract;
AND WHEREAS we have agreed to give the Contractor such a Bank Guarantee:
NOW THEREFORE we hereby affirm that we are the Guarantor and responsible to you on
behalf of the Contractor, up to a total of ___________________________ [amount of guarantee]*
_______________________ (in words), such sum being payable in the types and proportions of
currencies in which the Contract Price is Payable, and we undertake to pay you, upon your first
written demand and without cavil or argument, any sum or sums within the limits of
________________________________[amount of guarantee] as aforesaid without your needing to
prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand for the sum specified therein.
We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the contractor before
presenting us with the demand.
We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the
Contract or of the Works to be performed there under or of any of the Contract documents which
may be made between you and the Contractor shall in any way release us from any liability under
this guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition or modification.
This guarantee shall be valid until 28 days from the expiry of the Defect Liability-
cum-Maintenance Period.
The Lease Agreement (the “agreement”) is made and entered on dated__________, by and
between (“Lessor) and (“ Lessee”) (collectively referred to as the parties).
The parties agree as follows:-
2 LEASE TERM: The Lessee will start on dated ___________________ (begin date) and will end on
. dated ___________ (end date).
3 LEASE PAYMENT: Lessee agrees to pay lessor as rent for the equipment/ machinery the amount
. of Rs._________ (“RENT”) each month in advance on the first day of each month
at________________(Address for rent payment) or at any other address designated by Lessor. s
4 LATE PAYMENT: If any amount under this agreement is more than ______ days late, lessee agree
. to pay a late fees of Rs. _______ per day.
5 SECURITY DEPOSIT: Prior to taking possession of the Equipment/ machinery, Lessee shall deposit
. with Lessor in trust, a security deposit of Rs. _________ as security for the performance by Lessee
of the terms under this agreement and for any damages caused by Lessee or Lessee’s agents to the
equipment/ machinery during the lease term. Lessor may use part or all of security deposit to repair
any damage to Equipment/ machinery caused by Lessee or Lessee’s agents. However, lessor is not
just limited to security deposit amount and lessee remains liable for any balance. Lessee shall not use
or apply any such security at any time in lieu of payment of rent. If lessee breaches any terms or
conditions of this Agreement, Lessee shall forfeit any deposit, as permitted by law.
6. DELIVERY: Lessee shall not be responsible for all expenses and costs i) at the beginning of the
Lease Term, of transporting the equipment/ machinery Lessee’s premises and ii) at the end of the
Lease Term, of transporting the equipment/ machinery back to Lessor’s premises.s
8. USE OF EQUIPMENT/ MACHINERY: Lessee shall only use the equipment/ machinery in a
careful and proper manner and will comply with all laws, rules, ordinances, statues and orders
regarding the use, maintenance of storage of the equipment/ machinery.
11. INSURANCE: Lessee shall be responsible to maintain insurance on the equipment/ machinery with
losses payable to Lessor against fire, theft, collision and other such risks as are appropriate and
specified by Lessor, upon request by Lessor, Lessee shall provide proof of such insurance.
12. OWNERSHIP: The equipment/ machinery is and shall remain the exclusive property of Lessor.
13. BINDING EFFECT: The covenants and conditions contained in the Agreements shall apply to and
bind the Parties and the heirs, legal representatives, successors and permitted assigns of the Parties.
14. GOVERNING LAW: This agreement shall be governed and constructed in accordance with the
Laws of State of Haryana.
15. NOTICE: Any notice required or otherwise given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing
and mailed certified return receipt requested, postage prepaid, or delivered by courier or speed post
to Lessor/ Lessee.
Address of the Lessor Address of the Lessee
Either party may change such address from time to time by providing notice as set for the above.
In witness whereof, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above
WHEREAS the parties herein above mentioned are desirous of entering into a Joint Venture
for carrying on Engineering and/or contract works, in connection with
___________________________________ and other works mentioned in Tender Notice No.
__________________________ Dated ____________________ of PWD B&R Department or any
other work or works, as mutually decided between the parties to this Joint Venture.
WHEREAS all the parties are desirous of recording the terms and conditions of this Joint
Venture to avoid future disputes.
2. This all the parties shall be legally liable, severally and or jointly responsible for the
satisfactory/successful execution/completion of the work in all respects and in accordance with
terms and conditions of the contract.
3. That the role of each constituent of the said Joint Venture in details shall be as under:-
4 . The share of profit and loss of each constituent of the said Joint venture shall be as under:-
5. That all the parties of this Joint Venture shall depute their experienced staff as committed
commensuration with their role and responsibility and as required for the successful completion of
the works in close consultation with each other.
6. That the investment required for the works under this Joint Venture shall be brought in by the
parties as agreed to between them from time to time.
7. That all the Bank guarantee shall be furnished jointly by the parties in the name of Joint
9. That all the above noted parties i.e. __________________________ not to make any change in
the agreement without prior written consent of the competent authority of the department.
Gentlemen :
In accordance with the provisions of the Conditions of Contract, sub-clause 51.1 (“Advance
Payment”) of the above-mentioned Contract, ______________________________ [name and address
of Contractor] (hereinafter called “the Contractor”) shall deposit with __________________________
[name of Employer] a bank guarantee to guarantee his proper and faithful performance under the said
Clause of the Contract in an amount of _______________________ [amount of Guarantee]*
_______________________ [in words].
We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of terms of the Contractor
or Works to be performed thereunder or of any of the Contract documents which may be made
between _______________________ [name of Employer] and the Contractor, shall in any way
release us from any liability under this guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any such change,
addition or modification.
This guarantee shall remain valid and in full effect from the date of the advance payment
under the Contract until _______________________________ [name of Employer] receives full
repayment of the same amount from the Contractor.
Yours truly,
* An amount shall be inserted by the Bank or Financial Institution representing the amount of the
Advance Payment, and denominated in Indian Rupees.
AND WHEREAS the contractor has applied to the Employer that he may be allowed advanced
on the security of materials absolutely belonging to him and brought by him to the site of the works
the subject of the said agreement for use in the constructions of such of the works as he has
undertaken to executive at rates fixed for the finished work (inclusive of the cost of materials and
labour and other charges).
AND WHEREAS the Employer has agreed to advance to the Contractor the sum of Rupees
__________________________________________________ on the security of materials the
quantities and other particulars of which are detailed in Accounts of Secured Advances attached to the
Running Account bill for the said works signed by the Contractor on_________ and the Employer has
reserved to himself the option of making any further advance or advances on the security of other
materials brought by the Contractor to the site of the said works.
Now THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that in pursuance of the said agreement and in
consideration of the sum of Rupees ___________________ on or before the execution of these
presents paid to the Contractor by the Employer (the receipt where of the Contractor doth hereby
acknowledge) and of such further advances (if any) as may be made to him as a for said the
Contractor doth hereby covenant and agree with the President and declare as follows:
(1) That the said sum of Rupees _______________________ so advanced by the Employer to the
Contractor as aforesaid and all or any further sum of sums advanced as aforesaid shall be employed
by the Contractor in or towards expending the execution of the said works and for no other purpose
(2) That the materials details in the said Account of Secured Advances which have been
offered to an accepted by the Employer as security are absolutely the Contractor’s own
propriety and free from encumbrances of any kind and the contractor will not make any
application for or receive a further advance on the security of materials which are not
absolutely his own property and free from encumbrances of any kind and the Contractor
indemnified the Employer against all claims to any materials in respect of which an
advance has be made to him as aforesaid.
(3) That the materials detailed in the said account of Secured Advances and all other materials
on the security of which any further advance or advances may hereafter be made as
aforesaid (hereafter called the said materials) shall be used by the Contractor solely in the
execution of the said works in accordance with the directions of the ‘Engineer’.
DNIT Name : Estimate for bridge on rive...
(4) That the Contractor shall make at his own cost all necessary and adequate arrangements for
the proper watch, safe custody and protection against all risks of the said materials and that
until used in construction as aforesaid the said materials shall remain at the site of the said
works in the Contractor’s custody and on his own responsibility and shall at all times be
open to inspection by the ‘Engineer’ or any officer authorized by him. In the event of the
said materials or any part thereof being stolen, destroyed or damaged or becoming
deteriorated in a greater degree than is due to reasonable use and wear thereof the
Contractor will forthwith replace the same with other materials of like quality or repair and
make good the same required by the ‘Engineer’.
(5) That the said materials shall not be any account be removed from the site of the said works
except with the written permission of the ‘Engineer’ or an officer authorized by him on
that behalf.
(6) That the advances shall be repayable in full when or before the Contractor receives
payment from the Employer of the price payable to him for the said works under the terms
and provisions of the said agreement. Provided that if any intermediate payments are
made to the Contractor on account of work done than on the occasion of each such
payment the Employer will be at liberty to make a recovery from the Contractor’s bill for
such payment by deducting there from the value of the said materials than actually used in
the construction and in respect of which recovery has not been made previously, the value
for this purpose being determined in respect of each description of materials at the rates at
which the amounts of the advances made under these presents were calculated.
(7) That if the Contractor shall at any time make any default in the performance or observance
in any respect of any of the terms and provisions of the said agreement or of these presents
the total amount of the advance or advances that may still be owing of the Employer shall
immediately on the happening of such default be re-payable by the Contractor to be the
Employer together with interest thereon at twelve per cent per annum from the date or
respective dates of such advance or advances to the date of repayment and with all costs,
charges, damages and expenses incurred by the Employer in or for the recovery thereof or
the enforcement of this security or otherwise by reason of the default of the Contractor and
the Contractor hereby covenants and agrees with the Employer to reply and pay the same
respectively to him accordingly.
(8) That the Contractor hereby charges all the said materials with the repayment to the
Employer of the said sum of Rupees ____________________________________ and any
further sum of sums advanced as aforesaid and all costs, charges, damages and expenses
payable under these presents PROVIDED ALWAYS and it is hereby agreed and declared
that notwithstanding anything in the said agreement and with- out prejudice to the power
contained therein if and whenever the covenant for payment and repayment here-in-before
contained shall become enforceable and the money owing shall not be paid in accordance
there with the Employer may at any time thereafter adopt all or any of the following
courses as he may deem best :
(a) Seize and utilize the said materials or any part thereof in the completion of the said works
on behalf of the contractor in accordance with the provisions in that behalf contained in the
said agreement debiting the contractor with the actual cost of effecting such completion
and the amount due to the contractor with the value of work done as if he had carried it out
in accordance with the said agreement and at the rates thereby provided. If the balance is
against the contractor, he is to pay same to the Employer on demand.
(b) Remove and sell by public auction the seized materials or any part there of and out of the
(c) Deduct all or any part of the moneys owing out of the security deposit or any sum due to
the Contractor under the said agreement.
(9) That except in the event of such default on the part of the contractor as aforesaid interest
on the said advance shall not be payable.
(10) That in the event of any conflict between the provisions of these presents and the said
agreement the provisions of these presents shall prevails and in the event of any dispute or
difference arising over the construction or effect of these presents the settlement of which
has not been here-in-before expressly provided for the same shall be referred to the
Employer whose decision shall be final and the provision of the Indian Arbitration Act for
the time being in force shall apply to any such reference.
Whereas, the Employer has floated the Tender (NIT No..........dtd .......................} (hereinafter
referred ’to as “Tender/Bid”) and intends to award, under laid down organizational
procedure, contract/s for {Name of the work}(hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”).
And Whereas the Employer values full compliance with all relevant laws of the land,
rules of land, regulations, economic use of resources and of fairness/ transparency in its
relations with its Bidder(s) and/ or Contractor(s)/Concessionaire (s)/Consultant(s).
And whereas to meet the purpose aforesaid, both the parties have agreed to enter into
this Integrity Pact (hereafter referred to as “Integrity Pact” or “Pact”) the terms and
conditions of which shall also be read as integral part and parcel of the Tender
documents and contract between the parties.
Now, therefore, in consideration of mutual covenants contained in this pact, the parties
hereby agree as follows and this pact witnesses as under:
(1) The Employer commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption and to observe
the following principles:-
b) The Employer will, during the Tender process treat all Bidder(s) with equity and reason.
The Employer will in particular, before and during the Tender process, provide to all
Bidder(s) the same information and will not provide to any Bidder(s) confidential/
additional information through which the Bidder(s) could obtain an advantage in relation to
DNIT Name : Estimate for bridge on rive...
c) The Employer will exclude all known prejudiced persons from the process, whose conduct in
the past has been of biased nature.
(2) If the Employer obtains information on the conduct of any of its employees which is a
criminal offence under the IPC/PC Act or any other Statutory Acts or if there be a substantive
suspicion in this regard, the Employer will inform the Chief Vigilance Officer and in addition
can initiate disciplinary actions as per its internal laid down Rules/Regulations.
b) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) /Concessionaire (s)/Consultant(s) will not enter with other Bidders
into any undisclosed agreement or understanding, whether formal or informal. This applies
in particular to prices, specifications, certifications, subsidiary contract, submission or non
submission or bids or any other actions to restrict competitiveness or to introduce cartelization in
the bidding process.
d) The Bidder(s) / Contractor(s) / Concessionaire(s) / Consultant(s) will, when presenting his bid,
disclose any and all payments he has made, is committed to or intends to make to agents,
brokers or any other intermediaries in connection with the award of the contract. He shall also
disclose the details of services agreed upon for such payments.
e) The Bidder(s) / Contractor(s) / Concessionaire(s) / Consultant(s) will not instigate third persons to
commit offences outlined above or be an accessory to such offences.
f) The Bidder(s) / Contractor(s) / Concessionaire(s) / Consultant(s) will not bring any outside
influence through any Govt. bodies/quarters directly or indirectly on the bidding process in
furtherance of his bid.
Article-3 Disqualification from tender process and exclusion from future contracts.
3. A transgression is considered to have occurred if the Employer after due consideration of the
available evidence concludes that “On the basis of facts available there are no material
4. The Bidder(s) / Contractor(s) / Concessionaire(s) / Consultant(s) with its free consent and
without any influence agrees and undertakes to respect and uphold the Employer
absolute rights to resort to and impose such exclusion and further accepts and undertakes not to
challenge or question such exclusion on any ground, including the lack of any hearing
before the decision to resort to such exclusion is taken. This undertaking is given freely and after
obtaining independent legal advice.
5. The decision of the Employer to the effect that a breach of the provisions of this Integrity Pact
has been committed by the Bidder(s) / Contractor(s) shall be final and
binding on the Bidder(s) / Contractor(s) / Concessionaire(s) /Consultant(s) however,
the Bidder(s) / Contractor(s) / Concessionaire(s) / Consultant(s) can approach IEM(s) appointed
for the purpose of this Pact.
6. On occurrence of any sanctions/ disqualification etc arising out from violation of integrity pact,
the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s)/Concessionaire (s)/Consultant(s) shall not be entitled for any
compensation on this account.
7. Subject to full satisfaction of the Employer, the exclusion of the Bidder(s)/ Contractor(s)
/Concessionaire (s)/Consultant(s) could be revoked by the Principal if the Bidder(s)/
Contractor(s)/Concessionaire (s)/Consultant(s) can prove that he has restored/recouped the
damage caused by him and has installed a suitable corruption prevention system in his
1. If the Employer has disqualified the Bidder(s) from the tender process prior to the award
according to Article-3, the Employer shall be entitled to forfeit the Earnest Money Deposit/
Bid Security or demand and recover the damages equivalent to Earnest Money Deposit/ Bid
Security apart from any other legal right that may have accrued to the Employer.
2. In addition to I above, the Employer shall be entitled to take recourse to the relevant
provisions of the contract related to Termination of Contract due to Contractor
Default. In such case, the Employer shall be entitled to forfeit the Performance Bank
Guarantee of the Contractor demand and recover liquidated and all damages as per the
provisions of the contract/concession agreement against Termination.
1. The Bidder declares that no previous transgressions occurred in the last 3 years
immediately before signing of this Integrity Pact with any other Company in any country
conforming to the anti corruption/ Transparency International (TI) approach or with any
other Public Sector Enterprise/ Undertaking in India or any Government Department in
India that could justify his exclusion from the tender process.
2. If the Bidder makes incorrect statement on this subject, lie can be disqualified from the tender
process oi action for his exclusion can be taken as mentioned under Article-3 above for
transgressions of Article-2 and shall be liable for compensation for damages as per Article-4
2. The Employer will enter into agreements with identical conditions as this one with all
Bidders/Contractors//Concessionaire (s)/Consultant(s)
3. The Employer will disqualify from the tender process all Bidders who do not sign this
Pact or violate its provisions.
1. The Employer has appointed a Independent External Monitor (herein after referred to as
“Monitor”) for this Pact. The task of the Monitor is to review independently and
objectively, whether and to what extent the parties comply with the obligations under this
2. The Monitor is not subject to instructions by the representatives of the parties and
performs his functions neutrally and independently. He reports to the Engineer – In – Chief.
4. The Employer will provide to the Monitor sufficient information about all meetings among
the parties related to the Project provided such meetings could have an impact on the
contractual relations between the Principal and the Contractor. The parties offer to the Monitor
5. As soon as the monitor notices, or has reason to believe, a violation of this Pact, lie will so
inform the Management of the Employer and request the Management to discontinue or take
corrective action, or to take other relevant action. The monitor can in this regard submit non-
binding recommendations. Beyond this, the monitor has no right to demand from the parties that
they act in a specific manner, refrain from action or tolerate action.
6. The Monitor will submit a written report to the Engineer – In – Chief within 8 to 10 weeks from
the date of reference or intimation to him by the Employer and, should the occasion arise, submit
proposals for correcting problematic situations.
This Pact begins when both parties have 1egally signed it. It expires 12 months after the
Defect Liability period is over or 12 months after his last payment under the contract
whichever is later and for all other unsuccessful Bidders 06 months after this Contract has
been awarded. If any claim is made/ lodged during his time, the same shall be binding and
continue to be valid despite the lapse of this pact as specified above, unless it is discharged/
determined by the Engineer – In – Chief.
1. This pact is subject to Indian Law. Place of performance and jurisdiction is the
Registered Office of the Employer
4. Should one or several provisions of this agreement turn out to be invalid, the remainder of
this agreement remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement
to their original intentions.
5. Any disputes/ differences arising between the parties with regard to term of this pact, any action
taken by the Employer in accordance with this Pact or interpretation thereof shall not be
subject to any Arbitration.
6. The actions stipulated in this Integrity Pact are without prejudice to any other legal action that
may follow in accordance with the provision of the extent law in force relating to any civil or
criminal proceedings.
In witness whereof the parties have signed and executed this Pact at the place and date first done
mentioned in the presence of following witness:-
(For & On behalf of the Employer) (For & On behalf of the Bidder/
(Office Seal)
Place Date
Witness I : (Name & Address):
Witness 2 : (Name & Address):
(J) Undertaking
To :
Address :
1. With full understanding that Part II of our bid (Financial bid) will be opened only if
I/We qualify on the basis of evaluation in Part I of the Bid (Technical bid), I/We offer
to execute the Works described above and remedy any defects therein in conformity
with the conditions of Contract, specifications, drawings, Bill of Quantities and
Addenda for an amount quoted in the Financial Bid.
2. I/We agree to abide by this Bid for the period of 120 days from the date fixed for
receiving the same, and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any
time before the expiration of that period.
3. Unless and until a formal Agreement is prepared and executed this Bid, together with
your written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a binding contract between us.
5. I/We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender you may
(NOTE: This affidavit should be on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.10/- and shall be attested by
Magistrate/Sub-Judge/ Notary Public)
1. I, undersigned, do hereby certify that all the information furnished and statement’s made
in response to this notice inviting bid are true and correct and nothing has been concealed.
4. The undersigned hereby authorize(s) and request(s) any bank, person, firm PSU/
Authority or Corporation to furnish pertinent information deemed necessary and requested
by the Department to verify this statement or regarding may (our) competence and general
5. The undersigned understand and agrees that further qualifying information may be
requested, and agrees to furnish any such information at the request of the Department/
Project implementing agency.
7. I, the undersigned do hereby undertake that our firm M/s ________________ agree to
abide by this bid for a period of 120 days from the date fixed for receiving the same and it
shall be binding on us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that
8. I, the undersigned do hereby undertake that our firm M/s _________ agree to deploy on
this work the machinery, equipment and technical personnels as mentioned in the bid
Signed by an
Officer of the firm
Place: ……………..
Date: ………………
* not applicable if the bidder is an individual and is signing the bid on his own behalf.