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Concrete Test

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www.afrisam.com Creating Concrete Possibilities

Any concrete slab design should take the thermal If expansion joints to accommodate the flow of
properties of concrete into account. This will be water are not custom-designed by a competent
determined by a concrete technologist or other person, “twin kern upstand-type joints” should be
competent person, who will determine the required installed over any expansion joints. These should be
thickness of the concrete and its density and design positioned away from any outlets and should be built
the slab in such a way that a waterproofing layer in accordance with SANS 10400-L. Upstand beams
is built up. Often the designer will incorporate a that are at least 170 mm high should be incorporated
“thermally insulating layer” above the structural where masonry walls meet the concrete surface of
concrete deck. the roof. At these “intersections” (i.e., where they join)
corner fillets measuring at least 75 mm (vertically and
The concrete used for flat roofs shouldn’t contain horizontally) should be built in.
more than 7% moisture by weight; and sand-cement
or lightweight screeds shouldn’t contain more than
10% moisture by weight.

Waterproofing detail at perimeter upstand around balcony

Waterproofing detail at low perimeter upstand around balcony

In addition to these design elements, all concrete and • and ultimately whatever affects the building
screened roof surfaces must be waterproofed and because of where it is located.
constructed to the correct falls and cross falls. It is vital
that there are no undulations in the concrete surface, It is important to realize that waterproofing systems
and nothing should be allowed to protrude into the can delaminate if the substrates don’t allow any
concrete or contaminate it. moisture vapor that has been trapped to escape.
Generally a sand-cement screed or topping that is
The recommended finish for concrete roofs is wood not very dense will allow retained moisture vapor to
floating. While the final surface should be sound and dissipate and therefore protect against the possibility
smooth, concrete, and screened surfaces should of delamination.
not be highly polished. So they should NOT be
power floated. SANS 10400-L indicates that a 20 mm screed is laid
over all “lightweight” screeds, because these are
Concrete slabs can be extremely difficult to generally too friable and porous to provide good
waterproof, which is they should be built with a fall of adhesion for waterproofing systems. The SANS also
1:80. This might require a steeper design slope of 1:50 suggests that concrete and screened roof surfaces
in concrete slabs where construction is not always be allowed to dry thoroughly before any type of
100% accurate. A 1:50 slope is also required where waterproofing system is applied.
there is an interruption in the flow of water on the roof.
Where waterproofing turnups are provided against
The slope should be towards external gutters, roof abutments, they should be counter-flashed using the
edges and outlets. Other factors that should be same membrane, and the flashing should be cut into
considered include: walls to a depth of at least 40 mm.
• an avoidance of “penetrations” through the roof,
or they should be at least 200 mm away from Generally, sand-cement coves with a radius of at
vertical surfaces like walls and “upstand” beams. least 45 mm should be formed at all the inside corners
• an avoidance of having clusters of plumbing pipes, of both vertical and horizontal surfaces – unless a
air conditioning pipes, and electrical conduits. particular waterproofing system has a different design
• formation of a suitable step between inside and doesn’t require this.
and outside areas (floor levels) to prevent water
flowing or dripping into the interior of the house or There is always a potential problem with outlets. The
other building. installer must therefore pay close attention to overflow
pipes, flues and so on, and make sure that the
It is very important that precast panels and precast waterproofing material used covers everything but
roof structures are designed in a way that if there is the opening. Generally waterproofing membranes
subsequent movement of the concrete elements, around any pipe work should be clamped with a hose
this will not damage the waterproofing system or clamp or something similar before flashing is applied
compromise its performance. over the pipe.

Waterproofing Systems If outlets aren’t the “full-bore”, coned type, pipes

Any waterproofing system that is installed on flat roofs should be flanged so that waterproofing can be done
MUST be done by a “competent person” who MUST correctly. Elements such as water storage tanks and
follow the manufacturer’s instructions. SANS 10400-L solar absorbers should never be allowed to penetrate
states that for roofs to be up to standard, they must the waterproof layer.
remain watertight for at least five years without the
need for any form of maintenance other than the In addition to this part of SANS 10400, SANS 10021 also
normal cleaning of downpipes, gutters and so on. It is provides some information and guidance about the
also important that the person doing the installation waterproofing of slabs. Remember, it’s important to
is satisfied that the materials used are appropriate for do it correctly!
that particular application (fit for purpose), and should
therefore take into account: Reference: http://www.sans10400.co.za/
• the degree UV and temperature exposure the
waterproofing system will be subjected to. Reference: SANS10400 PART L
• how much protection the waterproofing material
will have.

Membrane waterproofing systems Felt waterproofing membranes: have been
Membrane waterproofing systems whether torch- developed to meet specific requirements of buried,
on, acrylic or other, are the only certain method of exposed and covered situations and are available in
waterproofing concrete slabs. Systems are essential various thickness to suit different applications.
in a variety of applications, as they provide durability,
dimensional stability at different temperatures Specification
(thermal movement) and most are installed with 4mm membranes are the most commonly used,
a guarantee. with the ideal system being a double layer system
which incorporates the application of two torch-on
Manufacturers also provide assistance from membranes; the under layer being a 3mm membrane
specification support at design phase to on-site and the top layer a 4mm membrane, which are
support during material/system application. typically used in roofing and balcony applications.
There is a proliferation of membranes being imported
Torch-on membrane systems into South Africa, with some not suitable for use in our
Torch-on membranes can be described as sheets climate and are only suitable to use as a “cap sheet”
of fibres matted into felt and bonded by saturating or top layer.
with bitumen, bitumen-polymer or other modified
bitumen’s and other components such as rot-proof Covered grade membranes (CG) are typically
polyester reinforcements. The fibres are usually a available in the following thicknesses.
non-woven polyester fleece, or glass wool, which
both have better resistance to puncturing or tearing. Sizes
They are mostly applied by torching-on and can (mm)
be used in dry applications like roofing and damp
1.7 - 2 multipurpose underlay and DPC
proof membranes.
torch applied membrane
for buriedsituations

torch applied membrane for

underground tanking parking
decks, retaining walls, roof
gardens etc

Exposed grade membranes: are a range of superior

quality special polyester (SP) dual reinforced
membranes to suit exposed applications and
available in the following thicknesses.

Torch-on systems are generally the most suitable and (mm)
the most commonly specified waterproofing systems
torch applied membrane for
used for concrete roofs. Torch-on systems are basically
box gutters, parapets and as an
bitumen felt sheets welded together to create a 3
underlay to a dual systemusing a
waterproofing membrane to a concrete substrate, 4mm top sheet
that has been primed using a bituminous solution with
petroleum solvents. torch applied membrane for flat
4 roofs, boardedroofs, parking decks,
balconies, terraces, reservoirs etc





Creating Concrete Possibilities

Application Roof Finishes and Protection
This application refers to general low-slope (less than Generally, all waterproofing systems require
5° pitch) concrete roofs screeded to falls and cross protection from ultra- violet radiation and
falls to rainwater outlets where the roofing membrane pedestrian traffic occasioned by more than general
is exposed to the elements and temperature maintenance or servicing.
fluctuations. The waterproofing membrane,
correctly selected, installed and maintained, is now Paint
considered as a permanent structural element with Bituminous Aluminium Paint is the most widely used
a life expectancy equal to that of the building it protective coating. Whilst not the most aesthetically
is protecting. pleasing finish it has particular advantages. Being
bitumen-based, adhesion is assured and excellent
solar reflection is achieved.
Note: Simplicity in design together with
proper preparation of the substrate are key
Acrylic Paint
to successful waterproofing.
Acrylic Co-polymer Paint is available in selected
colours Waterproofing contractors must be advised
Substrates by the paint manufacturer about the application
As with most membranes and coatings, the substrate procedure and suitability as regards adhesion to
plays an extremely important part in the success flexible waterproofing membranes. Whilst many
or failure of the waterproofing system. Too often membranes are unaffected by standing water, it
Waterproofing Contractors do or are compelled to should be noted that pooling in slight hollows or
install the waterproofing system on inadequate or behind overlaps, besides being unsightly, could result
poorly prepared surfaces. in rapid deterioration of the paint coating.

Aluminium paint - Typical specification: It is important to note, that when using Acrylics as
One layer waterproofing membrane, with 75mm side UV protection for torch-on membrane, that not all
laps and 100mm end laps, sealed to primed surface acrylics are suitable, as many delaminate as they are
to falls and crossfalls by ‘torchfusion’ finished with two not bitumen compatible.
coats bituminous aluminium paint. Refer to Fig below.

A: Derbigum SP4 Acrylic paint - Typical specification

B: Roofcote Aluminium paint One layer waterproofing mem-brane, with 75mm side
C: Counter flashing laps and 100mm end laps, sealed to primed surface
D: Cove to falls and crossfalls by ‘torchfusion’ finished with two
E: Screed to fall coats acrylic paint. Waterproofing to be installed by
F: Structure an approved Contractor under a ten year guarantee.

Concrete/screeded roof with aluminium paint

The application
Most of these products come in a one part
application, but it can also come in a two-part
application. Polyurethane products can be applied
by brush, roller or spray, depending on the type of
product. After some training and knowledge of the
product, the application is quite easy. Due to strict
quality assurance, the products are not available in
stores as DWASA requires proper training before using
and applying these products. Training is necessary
to know which product to use for which application.
Laymen must therefore be properly trained to
fully understand which products go with which
applications, and how the build-up process works.

One would usually start with a primer, then put on two

A: Derbigum SP4 coats of waterproofing material. If it is exposed to UV,
B: Roofcote Acrylic paint there would also have to be a protective top coat.
C: Counter flashing
D: Cove TPO Waterproofing Membrane
E: Screed to fall TPO or thermoplastic polyolefin is a single-ply reflective
F: Structure roofing membrane. It is composed of polypropylene
and ethylene-propylene rubber which are
Concrete/screeded roof with acrylic paint
polymerized together to form what we call TPO.
Polyurethane Waterproofing
This relatively new product has quickly become a fast- TPO was first introduced in the roofing industry way
growing product among waterproofing contractors in back in the 1980’s. In much earlier years, TPO was
South Africa. It is therefore vital that more contractors initially used in the automotive industry to protect
use and adapt to this product in their waterproofing surfaces and also for geomembrane applications.
processes and understand the product better.
Since it has been around for only more or less
What is Polyurethane? than 35 years, it’s technically newer than other
Initially invented as an adhesion, Polyurethane has commercial flat roofing systems. Some materials
been around for over 30 years. However, it has only have been present in the industry for more than a
been in South Africa for a small period. Polyurethane century already.
is a non-toxic liquid-based system that will attach to
about any cooling material such as concrete, bricks, TPO originated as a more malleable material than
wood and glass. It is entirely seamless and can easily it is today. One of the reasons why it became
be applied by either a brush or a roller. The product is popular is that it doesn’t contact chlorine as well as
non-toxic and entirely safe to be used in water tanks plasticizers and halogens which are all harmful to the
and the like. It comes in different colours, depending environment. It is also a good alternative to PVC as
on the volume required by the client. they have similar benefits.

How does it react to different temperatures? When the 90s came, TPO entered the mainstream
A lot of the Polyurethane range products can deal roofing industry and started to become a popular
with temperatures going as low as -30 degrees and as option for many property owners.
high as 90 degrees.



Creating Concrete Possibilities

This synthetic roofing membrane comes in various reinforced membranes, provide maximum protection
thickness and dimensions. Usually, customers can find on parapets.
45 to 80 mils thickness in the market. TPO is typically
available in just three colors namely white, gray, and Advantages
tan. If you want to achieve an energy efficient cool • Water based
roof, you can go for the color white which effectively • Good adhesion to concrete, brick and plaster
reflects the sun’s energy. This also reduces the • Excellent adhesion to damp surfaces
building’s energy consumption as well as the urban • Quick drying
heat island (UHI) effect. • No primers necessary

TPO temporarily shifts from a solid material to a semi- There are solvent based bituminous coatings
solid state. This happens when it undergoes proper available, which are used for metallic surfaces but
heating treatments. When it changes its state, the can be used for cementitious surfaces as well.
sheets or panels are overlapped and combined
together to form a solid surface until it cools down. Typical Specifications
Apply by brush, roller or spray; All surfaces should
If you’re curious about TPO waterproofing membrane be clean and free of loose and unsound material;
specification. Here’s where the magic happens: a Surfaces may be damp but there should be no
TPO’s hot air-welded seams make it 100% resistant to surface water.
water penetration.
Cementitious Coatings Rubberized bitumen coatings can be used on
A number of cementitious coatings are available; parapet walls, flashings, retaining walls, balconies,
some are not manufactured specifically as terraces and patios, roof gardens and planter boxes.
waterproofing coatings and are used as more Can also be used as an adhesive for wood blocks,
decorative type coatings. It is therefore important insulation board, etc. May also be used in conjunction
to ensure the product you specify, or use is classed with a polyester fibre membrane/mat for maximum
as a waterproofing system and not as a decorative protection on retaining walls, ponds, etc.
coating even though they may serve a dual purpose
as a weatherproofing coating. Polyurethane resins
Polyurethane is manufactured from synthetic resins
Applications which are elastic and not subject to hair cracks and
Cementitious systems should never be used on areas have excellent stability properties to light whether
greater than 50sqm and always used with a re- clear or pigmented. Polyurethane based systems and
inforcing membrane. coatings are ideal for heavily trafficked applications
and the hard elastic surface is resistant to chemicals
Cementitious coatings can be used in almost all and abrasion; making it ideal for workshop and
applications in residential buildings, refer to the parking garage floors.
manufacturer’s instructions.
Typical Specifications/Applications
Rubberized Bitumen Polyurethane coatings may be specified as a
Bitumen emulsions and solutions, some containing protective trafficable wear resistant membrane for a
rubber latex are used to provide an economical variety of applications including:
system for the sealing and waterproofing of tanks,
floors, walls and roofs. It can also be used as an • Car park decks
adhesive for the fixing of wooden flooring blocks, • Trafficable flat roofs
insulation boards, a concrete curing agent etc. • Traffic ramps
• Dams and ponds
Rubberized bitumen emulsion dries to provide • Balconies
a tough, seamless, flexible waterproof coating. • Protection of concrete from the damaging effects
Bitumen coatings used in conjunction with fibre of salt water, chemicals, fuel and oil spillage e.g.
garage floors and workshops

Epoxy resins combinations of fibres and strands. They are typically
Are expensive and are typically a two-part synthetic used to reinforce different types of waterproofing
resin which cures to a strong, durable, water- systems, including bitumen felt membranes.
resistant coating.
Waterproofing Admixtures
Carriers A variety of waterproofing admixtures are available,
They assist in the durability of systems and help which when added to the basic constituents
withstand the elements, thermal heat changes and (aggregate, cement, and water) of concrete or
prevent the system from cracking. A number of fibre mortar alter the combination of properties of the mix
mesh/reinforcement membranes are available which while it is fresh becoming an integral waterproofer in
can be made of polyester, polypropylene and other the mixture.



Creating Concrete Possibilities

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Areas to be treated must be clean
of loose particles. Dampen prior to
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tions carefully!

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