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Improved Rice Production technology cm row to row and plant to plant respectively @ 2-3 Sheath blight: Deep ploughing

heath blight: Deep ploughing in summer and

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the daily staple food crop seedlings per hill to a depth of 2-3 cm. There should burning of stubbles, crop rotation with soybean or
of Nagaland. Lowland rice accounts for 50 % of rice be standing water in the field at the time of any other pulses eliminate weed hosts and adopt
cultivation in Nagaland but, the region is still facing transplanting. Organic manures like FYM or optimum spacing. Apply organic
a deficit of 33% due to non adoption of high composts should be applied about 15 days before amendments FYM, green manure,
yielding varieties and improved production transplanting and mixed with the soil during azolla etc., Avoid flow of irrigation
technology. ploughing. water from infected fields to healthy
Varieties: IR 64, Gomati dhan, Ranjit, RC- Intercultural operations: Maintain 2-3 cm ht. fields. Seed treatment with Pseudomonas
Maniphou-4, RC-Maniphou-5, RC Maniphou-7, RC standing water in the field at least from tillering to fluorescens @ 10g/kg of seed followed by seedling
Maniphou 10, TRC Borodhan-1, DR 92, Shahsarang flowering stage. Weeding is to be carried out timely. dipping @ of 2.5 kg of products / ha dissolved in
1, Lampnah. Stop water supply one week before the harvesting of 100 litres for 30 minutes. Soil application @ of 2.5
Seed testing by dormancy test: Dormancy is the the crop. kg/ha by mixing with 50 kg of FYM. Spray
failure of good quality mature seeds to germinate *Fertilizer application: Apply fertilizer in the field Chlorothalonil 75 WP (0.2%) or Hexaconazole 5%
under favourable conditions. Dormancy of freshly @ 80:60:40 Kgs NPK per ha which is equal to, EC (0.1%).
harvested seed should be broken by using heat Urea- 174Kgs, SSP-375 Kgs MOP-67 Kgs per ha. Bacterial leaf blight: Avoid flow of irrigation water
treatment at 50°C in an oven if available or by The entire quantity of SSP & MOP with 50% of from infected fields to healthy fields. Reduce the
placing the seeds on a plastic sheet and covering Urea is to be applied 1 day before transplanting of disease spread by careful handling of seedlings
with itself or another under direct sunlight for 1 or 2 the seedlings. The remaining 50 % Urea is to be during transplanting, maintaining
days. applied in the field after 45 days of transplanting as shallow water in nurseries, providing
Time of sowing: May-June sow the seed in the top dressing (25%+25%). good drainage during severe flooding.
nursery bed after the bed is properly prepared. Disease management: Reduce the amount of inoculum through
Seed rate: 40-50 Kg of paddy seeds will be Leaf blast: Early sowing with high quality and clean cultivation and drying the fallow
sufficient for 1hectare. disease free seeds. Destruction of infested residue fields. Remove collateral weed hosts from bunds and
Seed treatment: Put the seed in 2.5% salt solution. and weeds in the field. Avoid close channels. Use only disease free seedlings.
Discard floating seeds. Wash seeds in clean water & spacing of seedlings in the main field to Insect pest management:
dry in shade. To protect from leaf blast- soak seeds avoid the development of humidity and Stem borer: Release egg parasitoid, Trichogramma
in a solution of Bavistin 50 WP @ 2g/l for 24 hrs facilitate air passage. Continuous japonicum at 2 egg mass/m2 for the
Seed bed preparation: Select a fertile plot of 800m2 flooding of field limits the blast development. Seed management of the rice yellow stem
land rich in organic matter near to water source for treatment with Tricyclazole 75 WP @ 1.5 g/kg seeds borer. Spraying Neem seed kernel
transplanting one ha. Plough the land thoroughly and or with Carbendazim 50 WP @ 2g/kg seeds. Spray extract controls stem borer. Using
make plot size of 10m X 1.25m with ht-10 cm. the main field with Edifenphos 50 EC (0.1%) or optimal rates of N fertilizer in split applications.
Apply FYM or vermicompost and mix properly with Tricyclazole 50 WP (0.1%). Alternation of Harvesting at ground level, deep ploughing the
the soil and sow the treated seeds. fungicides prevents fungicidal resistance. stubble and crop rotation significantly reduce the
Field preparation: Plough the field 3-4 times at a Brown spot: Proper crop nutrition, avoid water borer population. Early planting may result in a
short interval. After final puddling apply the stress, clean cultivation, use disease free reduced impact from stem borers. Clip the seedling
fertilizer as basal dose*. seeds for sowing. Do not use high tips before transplanting to eliminate egg masses and
Transplanting: The optimum time of transplanting nitrogenous fertilizer. If the disease collect and destroy the egg masses in main field.
is first fortnight of July. 30-40 days old seedlings are observed in the field than spray 1g of Leaf folder: Highly fertilized plots attract females,
carefully uprooted from nursery bed and diphenphos or 2g Mancozeb or 2.25g Zineb in 1 surrounding grass habitats of natural enemies like
transplanted in the field at a spacing of 20 cm x 15 liter of water. crickets, which are egg predators of leaf folders to be
maintained. The larval and pupal stages are Adults damage only the surface layer of bulk-stored
parasitized by many species of wasps, grain, because adults are unable to penetrate deeply.
Damselflies, ants, beetles, wasps, Lesser Grain Borer (Rhyzopertha dominica F.): Improved Rice
mermithids, granulosis virus and The eggs are laid in the grain mass. Production Technology
nucleopolyhedrosis virus prefer the larval Larvae may enter the kernels and
stages. Spiders and mermithids attack the develop within or may feed externally
adults. If infestations of the flag leaves are extremely in the flour-like dust that builds up
high (>50%) during maximum tillering and maturity from the feeding of the adults and other larvae.
stage, insecticide sprays may be useful. Spray Delta Saw-toothed Grain Beetle (Oryzaephilus
methrin 5% @ 2ml/l surinamensis L.): Eggs are usually
Gundhi bug: Small wasps parasitize the eggs and laid, either one by one or in small
the meadow grasshoppers prey on them. Both the groups in a crack in the grain but in
adults and nymphs are preys to spiders, coccinellid products such as flour they are laid
beetles and dragonflies. Look for rice freely.
bugs at pre flowering stage and Rust-red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum):
continue daily until the hard dough Mainly attacks milled grain products.
stage during early morning or late afternoon hours. Adults and larvae feed only on the
When population of rice gundhi bug reaches 1 grain dust and broken kernels and do
nymph /adult per hill, spray malathion dust 5% @ not attack the undamaged whole
8kg/acre or malathion 50EC @ 2ml/l (350ml/acre) kernels. Infestation leads to constant and unpleasant
on panicle. 270 liter of spraying chemical is required smell of the rice.
per acre. Yield: After 25-30 days of the flowering the early
Storage pests: crop will be matured for harvesting. Yield expected
Rice weevil- (Sitophilos oryzae L): Adults and is 30-40 quintals of paddy per hectare.
larvae feed on grains and completely damage the
grain. A female lays up to 150 eggs. A
single egg is laid in each grain after
making a hole inside. The egg stays in
the grain until it becomes an adult. Prevention:
Inspect upon purchase, buy rice in small quantity,
store rice in small firmly sealed metal, glass, or
Prepared by
durable plastic containers (not bags), regularly clean
Dr. Patu K. Zeliang, SMS, Plant Breeding & Genetics
pantry cracks, crevices, and shelves, place dried Z. James Kikon, ACTO, Soil Science & S. Scientist i/c
chillies around the pantry. Dr.Harendra Verma, Scientist, Plant Breeding &
Angoumois grain moth (Sitatroga KRISHI VIGYAN KENDRA PEREN
Genetics, ICAR ICAR Research Complex for NEH region
cerealella O.): Eggs are laid on or near
the grain. The white larvae bore into the Nagaland Centre
Published by
kernels and eat the inside. Mature larvae The Joint Director Jalukie, Nagaland-797110
eat their way to the outer portion of the grain, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region
leaving only a thin layer of the outer seed coat intact. Nagaland centre, Medziphema

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