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UIU CSE 2213 CourseSyllabus

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Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

Course Syllabus

1 Course Title Discrete Mathematics

2 Course Code CSE 2213

3 Trimester and Fall 2026

4 Pre-requisites None
5 Credit Hours 3.00

6 Section E

7 Class Hours Sat, Tue: 1:51 pm – 3:10 pm

8 Class Room 306

9 Instructor’s Name Iftekharul Abedeen

10 Email iftekharul@cse.uiu.ac.bd

11 Office 636 (A)

12 Counselling
Hours Day Time [CNH]
Saturday -

Sunday 8:30 am - 11:10 am

Tuesday -

Wednesday -

13 Text Book 1. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen

14 Reference N/A

15 Course Contents Discrete mathematics course is required for the students to be able to learn
(approved by discrete structures and techniques needed to solve different computer
UGC) science related as well as real life problems. To achieve these goals, this
course stresses mathematical reasoning and the different ways problems are
16 Course
Outcomes (COs) COs Description
CO1 Represent logical sentences in terms of propositions, predicates,
quantifiers and logical connectives.
CO2 Produce convincing arguments for basic mathematical proofs using
propositions and proof techniques.
CO3 Understand different properties and basic operations of sets and
CO4 Apply simple and advanced counting techniques to solve
mathematical and real-life problems.
CO5 Solve problems using different properties and basic algorithms of
graphs and trees.

17 Teaching Methods Lecture, Case Studies, Project Developments.

18 CO with
Assessment CO Assessment Method (%)
Methods - Attendance 5
- Assignments 10
- Class Tests 40
1,2,3 Midterm exam 20
4, 5 Final exam 25

19 Mapping of COs and Program outcomes

COs Program Outcomes(POs)

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

20 Lecture Outline

Class Topics/Assignments COs Reading Lecture

Reference Outcomes/Activities
1 Introduction, Propositional Logic 1 1 Lecture, Assignment

2 Propositional Logic 1, 2 1 Lecture, Assignment

3 Propositional Logic 1, 2 1 Lecture, Test

4 Predicates and Quantifiers 1 1 Lecture, Assignment

5 Nested Quantifiers 1 1 Lecture, Test

6 Basic Proof Techniques 2 1 Lecture, Assignment

7 Basic Proof Techniques 2 1 Lecture, Test

8 Introduction to Sets 3 1 Lecture, Assignment

9 Set Operations 3 1 Lecture, Assignment

10 Functions 3 1 Lecture, Assignment

11 Mathematical Induction 2 1 Lecture, Test

12 Review of Mid-term Exam Syllabus - 1 Lecture


13 The Basics of Counting 4 1 Lecture, Assignment

14 The Pigeonhole Principle 4 1 Lecture, Assignment

15 Permutations and Combinations 4 1 Lecture, Assignment

16 Discrete Probability principles of 4 1 Lecture, Assignment

inclusion and exclusion
17 Recurrence Relations 4 1 Lecture, Test

18 Graphs and Graph Models 5 1 Lecture, Assignment

19 Different types of graphs 5 1 Lecture, Assignment

20 Representation of Graphs and 5 1 Lecture, Assignment

21 Paths and Graph Connectivity 5 1 Lecture, Test

22 Trees and its properties 5 1 Lecture, Assignment

23 Binary Search Trees and Tree Traversal 5 1 Lecture, Assignment

24 Applications of Trees 5 1 Lecture, Test

Appendix 1: Assessment Methods

Assessment Types Marks

Attendance 5%
Assignments 10%
Class Tests 40%
Mid Term 20%
Final Exam 25%

Appendix 2: Grading Policy

Letter Grade Marks % Grade Point Letter Grade Marks% Grade Point
A (Plain) 90-100 4.00 C+ (Plus) 70-73 2.33
A- (Minus) 86-89 3.67 C (Plain) 66-69 2.00
B+ (Plus) 82-85 3.33 C- (Minus) 62-65 1.67
B (Plain) 78-81 3.00 D+ (Plus) 58-61 1.33
B- (Minus) 74-77 2.67 D (Plain) 55-57 1.00
F (Fail) <55 0.00
Appendix-3: Program outcomes

POs Program Outcomes

PO1 An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
PO2 An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
PO3 An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability
PO4 An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
PO5 An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice
PO6 The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global, economic, environmental, and societal context
PO7 A knowledge of contemporary issues
PO8 An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
PO9 An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
PO10 An ability to communicate effectively
PO11 Project Management and Finance
PO12 A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning

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