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Course Title: Numerical Analysis

Course Code: 2024103-3

Program: Mathematics Program
Department: Department of Mathematics and Statistics
College: Faculty of Science
Institution: Taif University
Table of Contents
A. Course Identification .................................................................................................... 3
6. Mode of Instruction (mark all that apply) ............................................................................... 3
B. Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes ............................................................... 3
1. Course Description ................................................................................................................. 3
2. Course Main Objective............................................................................................................ 4
3. Course Learning Outcomes ..................................................................................................... 4
C. Course Content ............................................................................................................. 4
D. Teaching and Assessment ............................................................................................ 5
1. Alignment of Course Learning Outcomes with Teaching Strategies and Assessment
Methods ....................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Assessment Tasks for Students ............................................................................................... 5
E. Student Academic Counseling and Support .............................................................. 5
F. Learning Resources and Facilities............................................................................... 6
1.Learning Resources .................................................................................................................. 6
2. Facilities Required................................................................................................................... 6
G. Course Quality Evaluation .......................................................................................... 6
H. Specification Approval Data ....................................................................................... 7

A. Course Identification

1. Credit hours: ( 3)
2. Course type
a. University College Department √ Others
b. Required √ Elective
3. Level/year at which this course is offered: 7th level, 4th year
4. Pre-requisites for this course (if any):
Ordinary differential equations (2022201-4)
Differential equations (2023103-4)
5. Co-requisites for this course (if any):

6. Mode of Instruction (mark all that apply)

No Mode of Instruction Contact Hours Percentage
1 Traditional classroom 45 100
2 Blended
3 E-learning
4 Correspondence
5 Other

7. Actual Learning Hours (based on academic semester)

No Activity Learning Hours
Contact Hours
1 Lecture 45
2 Laboratory/Studio
3 Tutorial
4 Others (specify)
Total 45
Other Learning Hours*
1 Study 40
2 Assignments 20
3 Library 5
4 Projects/Research Essays/Theses 10
5 Others (specify)
Total 75
Total 120
* The length of time that a learner takes to complete learning activities that lead to achievement of course learning
outcomes, such as study time, homework assignments, projects, preparing presentations, library times

B. Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes

1. Course Description
This course introduces the fundamental concepts of numerical methods and the relationship between numerical
analysis and other branches of science. The course includes the classifications of numerical errors, numerical
methods for solving nonlinear equations and linear system of equations, finite differences and interpolation,
numerical differentiation, numerical integration, and numerical solution of ordinary differential equations.

2. Course Main Objective
1- Developing and implementing numerically stable and accurate algorithms for all the
basic tasks of computational science and engineering:
2- Finding acceptable approximate solutions when exact solutions are either impossible
or so arduous and time-consuming as to be impractical.

3. Course Learning Outcomes

1 Knowledge:
1.1 Define the fundamental concepts and basics knowledge of numerical analysis K1
1.2 Classify numerical errors. K1
1.3 Memorize some numerical methods. K1
2 Skills :
2.1 Apply numerical methods for solving a problem. S1
2.2 Estimate the reliability and accuracy of the numerical results. S1
3 Competence:
3.1 Work effectively within groups and independently. C1

C. Course Content
No List of Topics
Preliminaries of Computing : Basic concepts: Round-off Errors, Floating
1 3
Point Arithmetic, Error Estimation, Convergence.
Numerical Linear Algebra:
2 Iterative methods: Jacobi’s Iteration Methods, Gauss-Seidal Iteration 6
Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Equations:
Bisection Method.
3 Newton Raphson’s Method. 6
Successive Approximation Method (Fixed point iteration).
Error Analysis for Iterative Methods.
Finite Differences and Interpolation:
4 1) Finite Difference Operator. 3
1st Mid term exam.
Interpolation and Polynomial Approximation:
1) Interpolation with Equal Intervals: Newton’s Forward
5 Interpolation- Newton’s Backward Interpolation. 9
Interpolation with Unequal Intervals: Lagrange Formula- Newton ‘s
Divided Difference.
Numerical Differentiation and Integration
1) Numerical Differentiation: using Newton’s forward interpolation-
using Newton ‘s divided difference.
6 6
2) Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal rule- Simpson’s rule-
Simpson’s 3/8 rule

Initial Value Problem for Ordinary Differential Equations:

1) Picard Method-Euler’s method- Modified Euler’s method- Runge-
7 9
Kutta methods.
2) 2 nd Mid term exam.

8 Computer implementations of selected numerical algorithms 3
Total 45

D. Teaching and Assessment

1. Alignment of Course Learning Outcomes with Teaching Strategies and
Assessment Methods
Code Course Learning Outcomes Teaching Strategies Assessment Methods
1.0 Knowledge
1.1 Define the fundamental concepts and basics • Lectures
knowledge of numerical analysis • Quizzes
• Group discussions
1.2 Classify numerical errors. • Lectures • Exams
• Group discussions • Assignments

1.3 Memorize some numerical methods. • Lectures

• Quizzes
• Group discussions
2.0 Skills
2.1 Apply numerical methods for solving a • Interactive classes • Quizzes
problem. Group discussions Assignments
2.2 Estimate the reliability and accuracy of • Lectures • Exams
the numerical results. • Group discussions • Quizzes

3.0 Competence
3.1 Work effectively within groups and Projects. Through the oral
independently. presentation of the

2. Assessment Tasks for Students

Percentage of Total
# Assessment task* Week Due Assessment Score
1 Quizzes Continuous 5%
2 Mid term exam 1 7th 20%
3 Mid term exam 2 13th 20%
4 Projects 15th 5%
5 Final exam 16th 50%
*Assessment task (i.e., written test, oral test, oral presentation, group project, essay, etc.)

E. Student Academic Counseling and Support

Arrangements for availability of faculty and teaching staff for individual student
consultations and academic advice :

Associated academic staff, who involved in the teaching of this course should be available in
their office for at least 6 hours per week for individual student consultations and academic advice

F. Learning Resources and Facilities

1.Learning Resources
Richard L. Burden and J. Douglas Faires, Numerical Analysis(2011), 10th
Edition. Student Edition: ISBN-10:0-534-39200-8.
Required Textbooks

Rao V. Dukkipati, (2010), Numerical Methods, 10th Edition, USA, New

Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers Published by New Age
International (P) Ltd., Publishers. ISBN (13) : 978-81-224-2978-7.
Essential References https://www.academia.edu/30721823/_Rao_V._Dukkipati_Numeri
Materials cal_methods_BookFi.org

Store J. and Bulirsch R., Introduction to Numerical Analysis, (1993),

Springer- Verlag, ISBN 0-387-90420-4.
• http://www.nd.edu/~zxu2/ACMS40390-F10.html
• http://home.ku.edu.tr/~emengi/teaching/math304/mart304.html
Electronic Materials • http://

Other Learning

2. Facilities Required
Item Resources
Accommodation Classrooms that are equipped with PC and retro
(Classrooms, laboratories, demonstration projector with a maximum of 30 students.
rooms/labs, etc.)
Technology Resources The computers are equipped with some required
(AV, data show, Smart Board, software, mathematical software such as Matlab.
Other Resources
(Specify, e.g. if specific laboratory
equipment is required, list requirements or
attach a list)

G. Course Quality Evaluation

Evaluators Evaluation Methods
Course is well organized
Students Indirect
and easy to navigate
Quality of learning
resources Students Indirect

Effectiveness of teaching
Students Indirect
and assessment
Extent of achievement of
Peer reviewer Direct
course learning outcomes

Evaluation areas (e.g., Effectiveness of teaching and assessment, Extent of achievement of course learning
outcomes, Quality of learning resources, etc.)
Evaluators (Students, Faculty, Program Leaders, Peer Reviewer, Others (specify)
Assessment Methods (Direct, Indirect)

H. Specification Approval Data

Council / Committee Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Reference No. 11
Date 12-7-1440 H.

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