Schematic Diagram
Figure 1. The Schematic Diagram of the study showing the interplay of variables
(Goosegrass) crude extracts through in-vitro protein stabilization assays. It intends to address the
1. What are the secondary metabolites present in Eleusine indica (Goosegrass) crude extracts?
2. What is the average absorbance of the following treatment groups when applied on prepared
albumin solutions?
3. What is the maximum percentage inhibition of protein denaturation by the following treatment
3.1 Eleusine indica (Goosegrass) crude extracts (75%)
4. Is there a significant difference in the average absorbance of the following treatment groups
6. What is the half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of the Eleusine indica (Goosegrass)
crude extracts?
75%Ab1 0.431 1 Absorbance
75%Ab2 0.429 1
75%Ab3 0.425 1
50%Ab1 0.554 2
50%Ab2 0.555 2
50%Ab3 0.545 2
25%Ab1 0.752 3
25%Ab2 0.756 3
25%Ab3 0.761 3
75%InH1 56.7 4 Inhibition
75%InH2 57.0 4
75%InH3 57.3 4
50%InH1 44.4 5
50%InH2 44.4 5
50%InH3 45.2 5
25%InH1 24.5 6
25%InH2 24.2 6
25%InH3 23.5 6
PCAb1 0.251 7 Positive Control
PCAb2 0.255 7
PCAb3 0.256 7
PCInH1 74.8 8
PCInH2 74.4 8
PCInH3 74.3 8
NCAb1 0.996 9 Negative Control
NCAb2 0.995 9
NCAb3 0.990 9
NCInH1 0.0 10
NCInH2 0.3 10
NCInH3 0.5 10
BNKC1AB 0.996 11 Blank Control
BNKC2AB 0.998 11
BNKC3AB 0.995 11
Kruskal-Wallis Test
GRoup N Mean Rank
Trials 1 3 7.00
2 3 11.00
3 3 14.00
4 3 29.00
5 3 26.00
6 3 23.00
7 3 3.00
8 3 32.00
9 3 17.67
10 3 5.00
11 3 19.33
Total 33
Test Statisticsa,b
Kruskal-Wallis H 31.355
df 10
Asymp. Sig. .001
a. Kruskal Wallis Test
b. Grouping Variable: GRoup
95% Confidence Interval for
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum
1 3 .4283 .00306 .00176 .4207 .4359 .43 .43
2 3 .5513 .00551 .00318 .5377 .5650 .55 .56
3 3 .7563 .00451 .00260 .7451 .7675 .75 .76
4 3 57.0091 .27979 .16154 56.3141 57.7042 56.73 57.29
5 3 44.6641 .48673 .28101 43.4550 45.8732 44.38 45.23
6 3 24.0880 .50952 .29417 22.8223 25.3537 23.52 24.50
7 3 .2540 .00265 .00153 .2474 .2606 .25 .26
8 3 74.5065 .26859 .15507 73.8393 75.1737 74.27 74.80
9 3 .9937 .00321 .00186 .9857 1.0017 .99 1.00
10 3 .2677 .25287 .14599 -.3605 .8959 .00 .50
11 3 .9963 .00153 .00088 .9925 1.0001 1.00 1.00
Total 33 18.5923 26.65334 4.63975 9.1415 28.0432 .00 74.80
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 22731.402 10 2273.140 35169.837 .000
Within Groups 1.422 22 .065
Total 22732.824 32
Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: Trials
Tukey HSD
Mean Difference (I- 95% Confidence Interval
(I) GRoup (J) GRoup J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
1 2 -.12300 .20758 1.000 -.8651 .6191
3 -.32800 .20758 .875 -1.0701 .4141
4 -56.58079 .20758 .000 -57.3228 -55.8387
5 -44.23581 .20758 .000 -44.9779 -43.4938
6 -23.65969 .20758 .000 -24.4017 -22.9176
7 .17433 .20758 .998 -.5677 .9164
8 -74.07815 .20758 .000 -74.8202 -73.3361
9 -.56533 .20758 .251 -1.3074 .1767
10 .16063 .20758 .999 -.5814 .9027
11 -.56800 .20758 .246 -1.3101 .1741
2 1 .12300 .20758 1.000 -.6191 .8651
3 -.20500 .20758 .994 -.9471 .5371
4 -56.45779 .20758 .000 -57.1998 -55.7157
5 -44.11281* .20758 .000 -44.8549 -43.3708
6 -23.53669 .20758 .000 -24.2787 -22.7946
7 .29733 .20758 .927 -.4447 1.0394
8 -73.95515 .20758 .000 -74.6972 -73.2131
9 -.44233 .20758 .570 -1.1844 .2997
10 .28363 .20758 .944 -.4584 1.0257
11 -.44500 .20758 .562 -1.1871 .2971
3 1 .32800 .20758 .875 -.4141 1.0701
2 .20500 .20758 .994 -.5371 .9471
4 -56.25279* .20758 .000 -56.9948 -55.5107
5 -43.90781* .20758 .000 -44.6499 -43.1658
6 -23.33169 .20758 .000 -24.0737 -22.5896
7 .50233 .20758 .398 -.2397 1.2444
8 -73.75015 .20758 .000 -74.4922 -73.0081
9 -.23733 .20758 .983 -.9794 .5047
10 .48863 .20758 .435 -.2534 1.2307
11 -.24000 .20758 .981 -.9821 .5021
4 1 56.58079 .20758 .000 55.8387 57.3228
2 56.45779* .20758 .000 55.7157 57.1998
3 56.25279 .20758 .000 55.5107 56.9948
5 12.34498 .20758 .000 11.6029 13.0870
6 32.92110 .20758 .000 32.1790 33.6632
7 56.75512* .20758 .000 56.0131 57.4972
8 -17.49736 .20758 .000 -18.2394 -16.7553
9 56.01546 .20758 .000 55.2734 56.7575
10 56.74142 .20758 .000 55.9994 57.4835
11 56.01279* .20758 .000 55.2707 56.7548
5 1 44.23581 .20758 .000 43.4938 44.9779
2 44.11281 .20758 .000 43.3708 44.8549
3 43.90781 .20758 .000 43.1658 44.6499
4 -12.34498* .20758 .000 -13.0870 -11.6029
6 20.57611 .20758 .000 19.8341 21.3182
7 44.41014 .20758 .000 43.6681 45.1522
8 -29.84234 .20758 .000 -30.5844 -29.1003
9 43.67047* .20758 .000 42.9284 44.4125
10 44.39643 .20758 .000 43.6544 45.1385
11 43.66781 .20758 .000 42.9258 44.4099
6 1 23.65969 .20758 .000 22.9176 24.4017
2 23.53669* .20758 .000 22.7946 24.2787
3 23.33169 .20758 .000 22.5896 24.0737
4 -32.92110 .20758 .000 -33.6632 -32.1790
5 -20.57611 .20758 .000 -21.3182 -19.8341
7 23.83403* .20758 .000 23.0920 24.5761
8 -50.41846 .20758 .000 -51.1605 -49.6764
9 23.09436 .20758 .000 22.3523 23.8364
10 23.82032 .20758 .000 23.0783 24.5624
11 23.09169* .20758 .000 22.3496 23.8337
7 1 -.17433 .20758 .998 -.9164 .5677
2 -.29733 .20758 .927 -1.0394 .4447
3 -.50233 .20758 .398 -1.2444 .2397
4 -56.75512 .20758 .000 -57.4972 -56.0131
5 -44.41014 .20758 .000 -45.1522 -43.6681
6 -23.83403* .20758 .000 -24.5761 -23.0920
8 -74.25248 .20758 .000 -74.9945 -73.5104
9 -.73967 .20758 .051 -1.4817 .0024
10 -.01370 .20758 1.000 -.7558 .7283
11 -.74233* .20758 .050 -1.4844 -.0003
8 1 74.07815 .20758 .000 73.3361 74.8202
2 73.95515 .20758 .000 73.2131 74.6972
3 73.75015 .20758 .000 73.0081 74.4922
4 17.49736* .20758 .000 16.7553 18.2394
5 29.84234 .20758 .000 29.1003 30.5844
6 50.41846 .20758 .000 49.6764 51.1605
7 74.25248 .20758 .000 73.5104 74.9945
9 73.51282* .20758 .000 72.7708 74.2549
10 74.23878 .20758 .000 73.4967 74.9808
11 73.51015 .20758 .000 72.7681 74.2522
9 1 .56533 .20758 .251 -.1767 1.3074
2 .44233 .20758 .570 -.2997 1.1844
3 .23733 .20758 .983 -.5047 .9794
4 -56.01546 .20758 .000 -56.7575 -55.2734
5 -43.67047 .20758 .000 -44.4125 -42.9284
6 -23.09436* .20758 .000 -23.8364 -22.3523
7 .73967 .20758 .051 -.0024 1.4817
8 -73.51282 .20758 .000 -74.2549 -72.7708
10 .72596 .20758 .059 -.0161 1.4680
11 -.00267 .20758 1.000 -.7447 .7394
10 1 -.16063 .20758 .999 -.9027 .5814
2 -.28363 .20758 .944 -1.0257 .4584
3 -.48863 .20758 .435 -1.2307 .2534
4 -56.74142* .20758 .000 -57.4835 -55.9994
5 -44.39643 .20758 .000 -45.1385 -43.6544
6 -23.82032 .20758 .000 -24.5624 -23.0783
7 .01370 .20758 1.000 -.7283 .7558
8 -74.23878* .20758 .000 -74.9808 -73.4967
9 -.72596 .20758 .059 -1.4680 .0161
11 -.72863 .20758 .057 -1.4707 .0134
11 1 .56800 .20758 .246 -.1741 1.3101
2 .44500 .20758 .562 -.2971 1.1871
3 .24000 .20758 .981 -.5021 .9821
4 -56.01279* .20758 .000 -56.7548 -55.2707
5 -43.66781 .20758 .000 -44.4099 -42.9258
6 -23.09169 .20758 .000 -23.8337 -22.3496
7 .74233 .20758 .050 .0003 1.4844
8 -73.51015* .20758 .000 -74.2522 -72.7681
9 .00267 .20758 1.000 -.7394 .7447
10 .72863 .20758 .057 -.0134 1.4707
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.
Homogeneous Subsets
Tukey HSDa
Subset for alpha = 0.05
GRoup N 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 3 .2540
10 3 .2677 .2677
1 3 .4283 .4283
2 3 .5513 .5513
3 3 .7563 .7563
9 3 .9937 .9937
11 3 .9963
6 3 24.0880
5 3 44.6641
4 3 57.0091
8 3 74.5065
Sig. .051 .057 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 3.000.
Means Plots