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Groups Count Sum Average Variance

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PROBLEM 1 – Page 1

Observation Blend 1 Blend 2 Blend 3 Blend 4

1 25.6 25.2 20.8 31.6
2 24.3 28.6 26.7 29.8
3 27.9 24.7 22.2 34.3

ANOVA Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Blend 1 3 77.8 25.93 3.32
Blend 2 3 78.5 26.17 4.50
Blend 3 3 69.7 23.23 9.50
Blend 4 3 95.7 31.90 5.13

Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 119.65 3 39.88 7.10 1.21E-02 4.07
Within Groups 44.92 8 5.62

Total 164.57 11
PROBLEM 1 – Page 2 - XLSTAT Output
Tukey Test

Contrast Difference Standardized difference Critical value Pr > Diff Significant

Blend 4 vs Blend 3 8.6667 4.4794 3.2025 0.0089 Yes
Blend 4 vs Blend 1 5.9667 3.0839 3.2025 0.0591 No
Blend 4 vs Blend 2 5.7333 2.9633 3.2025 0.0701 No
Blend 2 vs Blend 3 2.9333 1.5161 3.2025 0.4718 No
Blend 2 vs Blend 1 0.2333 0.1206 3.2025 0.9993 No
Blend 1 vs Blend 3 2.7000 1.3955 3.2025 0.5353 No
Tukey's d critical value: 4.529

Category Mean Groups

Blend 4 31.9000 A
Blend 2 26.1667 A B
Blend 1 25.9333 A B
Blend 3 23.2333 B

Q1 / Duncan / Analysis of the differences between the categories with a confidence interval of 95%:

Contrast Difference Standardized difference Critical value Pr > Diff Significant

Blend 4 vs Blend 3 8.6667 4.4794 2.4574 0.0089 Yes
Blend 4 vs Blend 1 5.9667 3.0839 2.4031 0.0359 Yes
Blend 4 vs Blend 2 5.7333 2.9633 2.3060 0.0181 Yes
Blend 2 vs Blend 3 2.9333 1.5161 2.4031 0.3340 No
Blend 2 vs Blend 1 0.2333 0.1206 2.3060 0.9070 No
Blend 1 vs Blend 3 2.7000 1.3955 2.3060 0.2004 No

Category Mean Groups

Blend 4 31.9000 A
Blend 2 26.1667 B
Blend 1 25.9333 B
Blend 3 23.2333 B
PROBLEM 2 – Page 1

0 ⁰C 25 ⁰C 50 ⁰C 75 ⁰C 100 ⁰C 80

55 60 70 72 65
55 61 72 72 66
57 60 72 72 60
54 60 70 70 64
54 60 77 68 65 70

Activated Life (s)

56 60 77 69 65


Anova: Single Factor


Groups Count Sum Average Variance 55
0C 6 331 55.17 1.367
25 C 6 361 60.17 0.167
50 C 6 438 73 10.4 50
75 C 6 423 70.5 3.1 Temp-0 C Temp-100 C Temp-25 C Temp-50 C Temp-75 C
100 C 6 385 64.167 4.57 Temp

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 1285.2 4 321.3 81.96 5.37E-14 2.758
Within Groups 98 25 3.92

Total 1383.2 29
PROBLEM 2 – Page 2

Temp / Tukey (HSD) / Analysis of the differences between the categories with a confidence interval of 95%:

Contrast Difference Standardized difference Critical value Pr > Diff Significant

50 C vs 0 C 17.8333 15.6009 2.9371 < 0.0001 Yes
50 C vs 25 C 12.8333 11.2268 2.9371 < 0.0001 Yes
50 C vs 100 C 8.8333 7.7276 2.9371 < 0.0001 Yes
50 C vs 75 C 2.5000 2.1870 2.9371 0.2172 No
75 C vs 0 C 15.3333 13.4139 2.9371 < 0.0001 Yes
75 C vs 25 C 10.3333 9.0398 2.9371 < 0.0001 Yes
75 C vs 100 C 6.3333 5.5405 2.9371 < 0.0001 Yes
100 C vs 0 C 9.0000 7.8734 2.9371 < 0.0001 Yes
100 C vs 25 C 4.0000 3.4993 2.9371 0.0139 Yes
25 C vs 0 C 5.0000 4.3741 2.9371 0.0016 Yes
Tukey's d critical value: 4.1537

Category Mean Groups

50 C 73.0000 A
75 C 70.5000 A
100 C 64.1667 B
25 C 60.1667 C
0C 55.1667 D
PROBLEM 3 – Page 1

Control Low Medium High Anova: Single Factor

2.1 6.2 9.6 10.3
5.6 4 8 6.9 SUMMARY
3 8.4 5.5 7.8 Groups Count Sum Average Variance
7.8 2.8 12.6 5.8 Control 6 26.3 4.383333 4.825667
5.2 4.2 7 7.2 Low 6 30.6 5.1 3.884
2.6 5 7.8 12 Medium 6 50.5 8.416667 5.993667
High 6 50 8.333333 5.470667

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 80.76833 3 26.92278 5.338114 0.007256 3.098391
Within Groups 100.87 20 5.0435

Total 181.6383 23


Financial Leverage / Dunnett (two sided) / Analysis of the differences between the control category Control
and the other categories with a confidence interval of 95%:

Standardized Critical Critical Pr >

Category Difference difference value difference Diff Significant
Control vs
Medium -4.0333 -3.1107 2.5404 3.2939 0.0148 Yes
Control vs High -3.9500 -3.0464 2.5404 3.2939 0.0170 Yes
Control vs Low -0.7167 -0.5527 2.5404 3.2939 0.9017 No
PROBLEM 4 – Page 1

T1 T2 T3 T4 Anova: Single Factor

13.7 6.2 27.2 18.2
23 5.4 16.8 8.8 SUMMARY
15.7 5 12.9 14.5 Groups Count Sum Average Variance
25.5 4.4 14.9 14.7 T1 12 199.8 16.65 35.01
15.8 5 47.1 17.1 T2 12 62.9 5.24 14.08
14.8 3.3 13 13.9 T3 12 234.8 19.57 112.50
14 16 10.8 10.6 T4 12 156.8 13.07 19.75
29 2.5 13.5 5.8
9.7 1.6 25.5 7.3
14 3.9 14.2 17.7 ANOVA
12.3 2.5 27.4 18.3 Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
12.3 7.1 11.5 9.9 Between Groups 1380.55 3 460.18 10.15 3.34E-05 2.82
Within Groups 1994.65 44 45.33

Total 3375.20 47

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