Thermo MTEX 01
Thermo MTEX 01
Thermo MTEX 01
problems thus become evident through calculations of relative simplicity. We focus first on the
application of Raoult's law.
Because xi yi = 1, Eq. (10.1) may be summed over all species to yield:
This equation finds application in bubblepoint calculations, where the vapor-phase composition
is unknown. For a binary system with x2 = 1 - x l ,
P = P2Sat f (PIsat- P,sat)xl
and a plot of P vs. xl at constant temperature is a straight line connecting P,sat at xl = 0 with
PISatat xl = 1. The P - x - y diagrams of Fig. 10.8 show this linear relation.
Equation (10.1) may also be solved for xi and summed over all species. With xi xi = 1,
this yields:
an equation applied in dewpoint calculations, where liquid-phase compositions are not known.
10.4. Simple Models-for Vapor/Liquid Equilibrium 329
330 CHAPTER 10. Vapor/Liquid Equilibrium: Introduction
10.4. Simple Models for Vapor/Liquid Equilibrium 331
Henry's Law
Application of Raoult's law to species i requires a value for PiS t at the temperature of ap-
plication, and thus is not appropriate for a species whose critical temperature is less than the
temperature of application. If a system of air in contact with liquid water is presumed at equilib-
rium, then the air is saturated with water. The mole fraction of water vapor in the air is usually
found from Raoult's law applied to the water with the assumption that no air dissolves in the
liquid phase. Thus, the liquid water is regarded as pure and Raoult's law for the water (species 2)
becomes y2 P = P p t . At 298.15 K (25'C) and atmospheric pressure, this equation yields:
where the pressures are in kPa, and P p t comes from the steam tables.
334 CHAPTER 10. Vapor/Liquid Equilibrium: Introduction
If one wishes to calculate the mole fraction of air dissolved in the water, then Raoult's
law cannot be applied, because the critical temperature of air is much lower than 298.15 K
(25°C). This problem can be solved by Henry's law, applied here for pressures low enough
that the vapor phase may be assumed an ideal gas. For a species present as a very dilute solute
in the liquid phase, Henry's law then states that the partial pressure of the species in the vapor
phase is directly proportional to its liquid-phase mole fraction. Thus,
p=iq (10.4)
where X iis Henry's constant. Values of X icome from experiment, and Table 10.1 lists
values at 298.15 K (25°C) for a few gases dissolved in water. For the airlwater system at
298.15 K (25°C) and atmospheric pressure, Henry's law applied to the air (species 1) with
yl = 1 - 0.0312 = 0.9688 yields:
This result justifies the assumption made in application of Raoult's law to the water.
10.5. VLE by Modified Raoult's Law 335
The factor yi is called an activity coeficient. Bubblepoint and dewpoint calculations made with
this equation are only a bit more complex than the same calculations made with Raoult's law.
Activity coefficients are functions of temperature and liquid-phase composition, and ultimately
are based on experiment (Sec. 12.1). For present purposes,.the necessary values are assumed
Because Ci y, = 1, Eq. (10.5) may be summed over all species to yield:
Alternatively, Eq. (10.5) may be solved for xi, in which case summing over all species yields:
6 ~ hcorrelation
e of activity-coefficient data is treated in Secs. 12.1 and 12.2.