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Teacher Love will introduce Us:

Teacher Dan: May I request Everyone to please stand as we formally start our program with a prayer to be lead by our
dear student Flynne Elixxe Emmanuel D. Lood
● Prayer

● Singing of National Anthem

● Singing of Dauin Hymn

Teacher Bern & Teacher Love – “Good Morning Parents, Students, and Teachers of Dauin Learning Pod” -- (Shout)

Teacher Bern: Can you hear them teacher Love?
Teacher Love: yeah, I can barely hear them teacher Bern.
Teacher Bern: yes, me too. can we make them do that again? Okay,

Teacher Bern & Teacher Love: “Good Morning Parents, Students, and Teachers of Dauin Learning Pod” -- (Shout)

Teacher Bern: That’s more energetic right teacher Love?

Teacher Love: Yes it is.

Teacher Love: I think we can now proceed to our program since everybody is energized and ready right teacher Bern?
Teacher Bern: Absolutely teacher Love.

Teacher Bern: Okay, at this point we are going to listen to one of the beautiful, smart and active teachers of Dauin
learning Pod as she gives us the welcoming remarks. Please Help me welcome

Teacher Bern & Teacher Love: Teacher Marisa Alabata

----------------------------------------------Welcoming remarks of Teacher -Marisa Alabata---------------------------------------------------

Teacher Bern: Thank you so much Teacher Marisa. Let us give her again a round of applause.
Teacher Love: That was a very overwhelming welcome message right teacher Bern?
Teacher Bern: Yes, it is teacher Love.

Teacher Vinca: Okay, we have been welcomed and overwhelmed by the message of one of the teachers of Dauin
Learning Pod, at this point we are going to listen to the Supervisor of Free Tutorial Program/Teacher of Dauin Learning
Pod. Please help us welcome

Teacher Bern & Teacher Love: Teacher Catherine Alam

----------------------------------------------Series of Presentation by Teacher Catherine alam ---------------------------------------------

Teacher Bern: Thank you so much Teacher Cath, that presentation was very informative, full of love and passion.
In order for us to achieve our certain goal it really needs a lot of support and also dedication.
That's why we really are so thankful to our sponsors, teachers and also the one who made this program
possible, teacher Naya.
Let us give her again a round of applause.
Teacher Love: can we ask everyone teacher dan if they are, okay?
Teacher Bern: Okay pa ba ang tanan (Is everyone okay?)?
Teacher Bern: Okay, so at this point before we proceed to the more exciting part of this program let us be entertained
by one of the students and graduate of 1st Batch free tutorial program. She will show us that she did not just excel in her
studies but also in her talent in singing.

Teacher Love: Please help us welcome the very cute and adorable
Teacher Bern & Teacher Love: Ryzelle Alia

-------------------------------------------------------------Presentation of Ryzelle Alia---------------------------------------------------------------

Teacher Love: Thank you so much Ryzelle Alia. Let us give her a round of applause.
Teacher Bern: Now that we have been entertained and amazed by one of the talents of our dear student of Dauin
Learning Pod. We are now going to hear some words from our Guest Speaker. Yes, I am so excited teacher Vinca!

Teacher Love: Yes, Me too. Let me have the privilege to introduce him Teacher Dan.

He lives in Jacksonville Florida, USA.

And Graduated in Architectural Design minor in secondary education.

He is also the owner of Educational Partnership LLC.

Teacher Love: Please help us welcome.

Teacher Bern & Teacher Love: Mr. Willie Stanfield

-----------------------------------------------------------Guest Speaker Mr. Willie Stanfield--------------------------------------------------------

(depends on the speakers message)

Teacher Love: Thank you so much Mr. Will stanfield. (you can state whatever you want to say about the message of our
guest speaker.)

Teacher Bern : (Request teacher Naya and teacher Tal to be on stage to give the certificate to MR. Willie Stanfield)

Giving of certification to Mr willie stanfield

Teacher Bern: Okay, at this point we are going to hear a message coming from our sponsors.
Teacher Love: Right Teacher Dan. Let me introduce to you our first sponsor who is the CEO OF global office works.

Teacher Love: Let us all welcome

Teacher Bern & Teacher Love: Mr. Rodney Allen

-----------------------------------------------------------Mr. Rodney Allen’s Message--------------------------------------------------------

Teacher Love: Thank you so much Mr. Rodney Allen

, let us give again a round of applause to Mr. Rodney Allen.

Teacher Bern: Okay, now we are going to listen to another message coming from one of our sponsors.
Teacher Love: We have a lot of sponsors, teacher Dan.
Teacher Bern: Yes, teacher Love. Thanks to them we can give continuous support to those students who really need help
in terms of their reading abilities.
Teacher Dan: let me welcome the owner together with his husband of Kawayan collectives

Teacher Bern & Teacher Love: Mrs. Amy Villanueva\

Teacher Bern: Let us all give her a round of applause

----------------------------------------------------------- Mrs. Amy Villanueva’s message ----------------------------------------------------------

(depends on the speakers message)

Teacher Love: Thank you so much Mrs. Amy Villanueva. Now let us be entertained by an intermission number coming
from our 2nd batch recipients.

Teacher Bern: let us welcome them with a round of applause

----------------------------------------------------------- 2nd batch recipients presentation--------------------------------------------------------

(depends on the presentation)

Teacher Bern: Thank you so much students for that wonderful presentation.
Teacher Love: Okay, this time we are going to listen to a message.
Teacher Bern: Another message teacher?
Teacher Love: Yes, teacher Bern. But this time it would be coming from our dear student!
Teacher Bern: WOW! I can’t wait for it teacher Love.

Teacher Love: Let us not make it long and let us welcome our dear student

Teacher Bern & Teacher Love: Kim Audrey Sayre!

---------------------------------------------------------- Kim Audrey Sayre


Teacher Bern: Thank you so much Kim Audrey

Teacher Love: Now let us listen to another message.
Teacher Bern: hmm, another message.
Teacher Love: Yes, Teacher Bern. And this time it would be coming from our dear parents.
Teacher Bern: Wow, you said Dear Parents. so there will be more than 2 right. Okay, let us hear the message of Ma’am.
Arsally Alagao and followed by Ma’am Bernin Bandoles.

----------------------------------------------------------- Ma’am Arsally Alagao’s Message---------------------------------------------------------

Teacher Bern: Thank you so much ma’am Arsally Alagao.

----------------------------------------------------------- Ma’am Bernin Bandoles Message--------------------------------------------------------

Teacher Love: Thank you so much Ma’am Bernin Bandoles

Teacher Bern: Okay, we have heard a lot of inspiring and thankful messages coming from our dear parents right teacher

Teacher Love: Yes, teacher Dan.

Teacher Bern: (Introduce teacher Krissavic Catalonia) How would you like to see another intermission number teacher
Teacher Love: I would love to.
Teacher Bern: but this time it would be coming from our Teachers of Dauin Learning POD! let us all welcome our
beautiful, smart and talented teacher

Teacher Bern & Teacher Love: Teacher Krissavic Catalonia

-----------------------------------------------------------Teacher Krissavic’s Performance--------------------------------------------------------

Teacher Love: Thank you so much Teacher Kriss. That was really a powerful voice!
Teacher Bern: Right Teacher Love! I wish I also had that kind of voice. Do you also have that talent teacher Love?
Teacher Love: (you can respond whatever you like)

Teacher Bern: Now we have come to this most awaiting and I think emotional part of this program.
Teacher Love: Yes teacher Bern. We have come to this most awaited and exciting part of this program which is the
Distribution of Certificates to the kids.

Teacher Bern: may I call on the presence of our dear sponsors, Teacher Naya and teacher Cath to be here on stage as
we distribute the certificates.
----------------------------------------------------------- Distribution of Certificates to the kids--------------------------------------------------

Teacher Love: Okay, this time we are going to give certificates to our beloved sponsor to be led by Teacher Naya and
Teacher Tal.

Teacher Bern: may I call on the presence of our dear sponsors, Teacher Naya and teacher Tal to be here on stage as we
distribute the certificates.
----------------------------------------------------- Distribution of Certificates to the Sponsors--------------------------------------------------

Teacher Vinca: Congratulations to our Dear students and Thank you so much to our dear sponsors.

Teacher Bern: Okay, this time we are going to watch and listen to a very short video presentation coming from our dear
parents and students of of the 2nd batch free tutorial Program.

----------------------------------------------------- Video Presentation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Teacher Dan: That was a very overwhelming smiles and happiness coming from our dear parents.
Okay, before we proceed. May I call on the attention of Teacher Naya. Teacher Naya? Do you want to say
something before we continue?

Teacher Naya’s message.

Teacher Bern: Thank you so much teacher Naya.

Teacher Love: At this moment. We are now almost at the end of our program for today. For the closing remarks we will
be hearing a message coming from the beautiful, smart and active teachers of Dauin Learning Pod.
Please Help me welcome.

Teacher Bern & Teacher Love: Teacher Rosemar Villapaz

----------------------------------------------------- Teacher Rosemar Villapaz’s Closing Remarks ----------------------------------------------

Teacher Bern: Thank you teacher Rosemar.
That was a lot for today right teacher Love?

Teacher Love: Yes Teacher Bern. (State what you felt and what can you say about the program)

Teacher Bern: Yes teacher Love. I can say that this has been a wonderful day for all of us. Right?
Teacher Love: Yes That’s true teacher Bern.

Teacher Bern: Let us give ourselves a round of applause.

To officially end the program I would like to introduce ourselves. This has been Teacher Bern

Teacher Love: And this has been teacher Love.

Teacher Bern & Teacher Love: Saying, Daghang salamat ug maayong hapon ka natung tanan.

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