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Poly MAAGSouvenir 20221

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Dr. Atul P Dwivedi

HEAD-R&D (Explosives),
Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Ra onal large-scale mining and excava on have forced the development of mining equipment and
consequently also explosive products including manufacturing, distribu on, and handling. The safety and
working environment have become most significant parameters when the overall mining opera on is
evaluated. Explosives are an integral part of the mining services whether it is a mine, stone quarries,
infrastructure development works, tunnelling etc.

The con nuous development is the need for hour with the advancement in the techniques of mining and
blas ng as more and more sophis cated instruments are used for the said purpose the demand for more
reliable and précised explosive material has grown very rapidly and because of this the need for more safety of
the end user and the environmental impacts of these materials has arisen.

Keywords: safety and working environment, handling, use, explosives etc…


In the simplest terms, an explosive is defined as a substance, which on ini a on by fric on, impact, shock,
spark, flame, hea ng, or any simple applica on of an energy pulse, undergoes a rapid chemical reac on
evolving a large amount of heat and so exer ng a high pressure on its surroundings.

The safety and working environment in mines have become most important parameter when the overall
mining opera on is evaluated.


1. Explosives should not be taken to the blast site un l the blast holes are ready to be charged.
2. Explosives and blas ng agents should be kept separated from detonators un l charging begins.
3. Explosive material should be protected from impact and from temperatures more than 65°C when taken to
the blast site.
4. No person should smoke, have a naked light or any other appliance that could generate heat or sparks in the
vicinity of holes that are being charged with explosives.
5. Charges should be made up only at the me of use and as close to the blast site as condi ons allow.
6. Once charging begins, the only ac vity permi ed within the blast site should be that which is directly related
to the blas ng opera on.
7. Before charging, blast holes should be checked for obstruc ons which should, as far as possible, be cleared.
8. Explosives should not be forcibly pressed into a blast hole for any reason.
9. Tamping (compressing the explosive in the hole to reduce air spaces) should only be done with non-sparking
equipment, such as bamboo-type charging rods.


1. Store explosives only in licensed magazine.
2. Always maintain magazine in good condi on.
3. Always keep gangway of 60 cm between stack of explosives boxes and wall.
4. Get all lightening conductors on magazine tested for con nuity and resistance once in a year. The
5. Resistance of lightening conductors should less than 10 ?.
6. Mark licence no. And validity prominently on licensed premises.
7. Mark 12 mm thick red line 2.5 m above floor level inside the magazine and do not stack explosives boxes
above it.
8. Provide fencing at a distance of 15 m from magazine and keep the fenced area free of vegeta on.
9. Always keep stock of explosives within licensed capacity.
10. Always issue old explosives first.
11. Provide security guards round the clock.
12. Keep security guard’s shelter at a distance of 30 m from magazine.
13. Always sell explosives to person/firm having valid licence.
14. Always report loss, the or short receipt of explosives to controller of explosives and police.
15. Always take precau ons to prevent mechanical impact of any hard object with explosives.
16. Always employ cer fied blaster for blas ng opera ons.
17. Mark ‘danger – explosive’ and ‘turn off radio transmi er’ at the site.
18. Sufficient warning like display of red flag, whistle sound shall be given to public before blas ng. Also
display blas ng me.
19. Suspend blas ng opera ons during thunderstorms.
20. Blas ng schedules should be arranged in such a manner that all holes charged with explosives are
immediately blasted on the same day.
21. In case, for any reason, such charged holes cannot be blasted on the same day, these sleeping holes
charged with explosives should be properly guarded from a suitable safe distance, ll the same are
22. Always return unused explosives a er day’s work to the magazine before sunset.
23. Respect explosives.

1. Don’t sell explosives to blaster on the strength of the shot firer’s permit.
2. Don’t sell explosives to unauthorized person.
3. Don’t undertake construc on of building for manufacture or storage of explosives unless you
4. Obtain construc on approval from licensing authority and NOC from district magistrate.
5. Don’t abandon any explosive material a er use at site.
6. Don’t store explosives outside magazine.
7. Don’t use sparking tools.
8. Don’t throw, drop boxes of explosives.
9. Never use bale hook during loading/unloading of explosives boxes.
10. Don’t cut explosives cartridges or change descrip on of explosives.
11. Don’t deface markings on cartridge or box of explosives.

12. Don’t store high explosives and detonators together.
13. Don’t use misfired explosives.
14. Don’t use deteriorated or exuded explosives.
15. Don’t a ach detonator to detona ng cord un l everything is ready for blast.
16. Don’t use mobile phones/pagers near place of storage and use of explosives.
17. Don’t use iron implements during prepara on of charges.
18. Don’t deliver explosives unless photograph and signature of authorized person are verified.


1. Always maintain transport vehicle in good mechanical & road worthy condi on.
2. Always carry two fire ex nguishers in explosives van.
3. In case of breakdown of explosives van, inform controller of explosives and local police.
4. Always carry following documents during transport of explosives:
a) Indent in form RE-11
b) Pass in form RE-12
c) Copy of explosives van’s licence.
d) Bill/invoice.
5. Two-armed guard should always accompany explosives van during transport of explosives.
6. Sensi ve area no fied by MHA, the police armed guard shall be provided.
7. Employ only trained driver and cleaner, whose antecedents are verified by police.
8. Always maintain 300 m distance between two vans carrying explosives.
9. Always load/unload explosives only when explosives van’s.
a) Engine of the vehicle is stopped.
b) Wheels chocked.
c) Hand brakes applied.
10. Always avoid routes passing through centre of dense habita on and municipal limits.
11. Always give no ce of accident to controller of explosives, District Magistrate, and police.

1. Don’t stop explosives van un-necessarily or for longer dura on during transporta on on road.
2. Don’t transport flammable substance with explosives.
3. Don’t transport detonators with other type of explosives.
4. Don’t carry passengers while transpor ng explosives in van.
5. Don’t employ any person:
a) Who is below 18 yrs of age?
b) Who is in state of intoxica on?
c) Who is mentally or physically challenged?
6. Do not transport explosives in the night (from Sunset to Sunrise) in the sensi ve areas no fied by Ministry
of Home Affairs (MHA).


The PESO has introduced a system for explosives tracking and tracing from manufacturers to end user. In this
system a Bar coding system has been introduced to unit level.

The explosive box, inner pack and en ty will be iden fied by the barcode which will be generated by explosive
manufacturers using the IT system.

Tracing is the systema c tracking of explosives from manufacturer to purchaser (and/or possessor) for the
purpose of aiding law enforcement officials in iden fying suspects involved in criminal viola ons, establishing
stolen status, and proving ownership this will help in tracing the genuinely in use of explosives at end user.

The SETT barcode has been implemented in three levels:

I take this opportunity to thanks M/s. Keltech Energies Ltd. Management for allowing me to send an ar cle
for publishing in pres gious PolyMAAG e-Souvenir.

1. Dr. Alim A. Fatah1 Richard D. Arcilesi, Jr.,Dr. Joseph A. McClintock, Charlo e H. La n, Michael Helinski,
Mar n Hutchings(2008), Guide for the Selec on of Explosives Detec on and Blast Mi ga on Equipment for
Emergency First Responders Guide 105–07.
2. R. Dambov, S. Bosevski (2011) Blas ng technique in special condi ons, Monograf, SRGIM, Skopje, R.
3. Explosive Rules 2008.


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