State Immunity
State Immunity
State Immunity
KA-POLI NOTES Held: Yes. Both Sanders and Moreau were acting in their
official capacity; thus, they are covered by the Immunity of the
State doctrine. As for Sanders, as director of the special
services department of NAVSTA, undoubtedly had
supervision over its personnel, including the private
respondents, and had a hand in their employment, work
assignments, discipline, dismissal and other related
matters. As for Moreau, the conversion of the private
respondents' type of employment even before the grievance
proceedings had even commenced is clearly official in nature.
It involves the special services department of NAVSTA. In fact,
the letter dealt with the financial and budgetary problems of
the department and contained recommendations for their
solution, including the re-designation of the private
respondents. There was nothing personal or private about it.
In the case at bar, to repeat, comes under the general rule and Republic of the Philippines vs. Sandoval
not under any of the recognized exceptions. The government G.R. No. 84607. March 19, 1993
of the United States has not given its consent to be sued for
the official acts of the petitioners, who cannot satisfy any Facts:
judgment that may be rendered against them. As it is the ➔ The farmers and their sympathizers presented their
American government itself that will have to perform the demands for what they called "genuine agrarian reform".
affirmative act of appropriating the amount that may be The KMP, led by its national president, Jaime Tadeo,
adjudged for the private respondents, the complaint must be presented their problems and demands, among which
dismissed for lack of jurisdiction. were: (a) giving lands for free to farmers; (b) zero
retention of lands by landlords; and (c) stop
A final consideration is that since the questioned acts were amortizations of land payments.
done in the Olongapo Naval Base by the petitioners in the ➔ There was no dialogue between the rallyists and the
performance of their official duties and the private government forces. Upon approaching the intersections
respondents are themselves American citizens, it would seem of Legarda and Mendiola, the marchers began pushing
only proper for the courts of this country to refrain from the police lines and penetrated and broke through the
taking cognizance of this matter. first line of the CDC contingent.
➔ As a result, 12 marchers were officially confirmed dead,
JURISPRUDENCE CITED IN THE CASE although according to Tadeo, there were thirteen (13)
Festejo vs. Fernando – where the Court held that a Bureau dead, but he was not able to give the name and address
Director could be sued for damages on a personal tort of said victim. Thirty-nine (39) were wounded by
committed by him when he acted without or in excess of gunshots and twelve (12) sustained minor injuries, all
authority in forcibly taking private property without paying belonging to the group of the marchers.
just compensation, therefore, although he did convert it into ➔ President Aquino issued Administrative Order No. 11
a public irrigation canal. It was not necessary to secure the which created the Citizen’s Mendiola Commission for the
previous consent of the state, nor could it be validly purpose of conducting an investigation for the disorders,
impleaded as a party defendant, as it was not responsible for death, and casualties that took place.
the defendant's unauthorized act. ➔ The most significant recommendation of the
commission was for the deceased and other victims of
Doctrine: The State may not be sued without its consent. But Mendiola Incident to be compensated by the
this is not an absolute rule. Government.
➔ Due to the recommendation, petitioners filed a formal
ACTS COMMITTED BY THE OFFICERS IN THEIR OFFICIAL letter of demand for compensation from the government
CAPACITY ARE COVERED BY STATE IMMUNITY to which the latter did not take heed.
It is stressed at the outset that the mere allegation that a ➔ The group then instituted an action for damages against
government functionary is being sued in his personal capacity the Republic of the Philippines together with military
will not automatically remove him from the protection of the officers and personnel involved in the Mendiola
law of public officers and, if appropriate, the doctrine of state Incident.
immunity. By the same token, the mere invocation of official ➔ Respondent Judge Sandoval dismissed the complaint as
character will not suffice to insulate him from suability and against the Republic of the Philippines on the basis that
liability for an act imputed to him as a personal tort there was no waiver by the state.
committed without or in excess of his authority. These well-
settled principles are applicable not only to the officers of the Issue: W/N the State has waived its immunity from suit.
local state but also where the person sued in its courts
Held: No. This is not a suit against the State with its consent.
A.O. 11 that the purpose of creating the Commission was to While it is true that nothing is better settled than the general
have a body that will conduct an "investigation of the rule that a sovereign state and its political subdivisions cannot
disorder, deaths and casualties that took place." be sued in the courts except when it has given its consent, it
cannot be invoked by both the military officers to release
In the exercise of its functions, A.O. 11 provides guidelines, them from any liability, and by the heirs and victims to
and what is relevant to Our discussion reads: Its conclusions demand indemnification from the government.
regarding the existence of probable cause for the commission
of any offense and of the persons probably guilty of the same The principle of state immunity from suit does not apply, as in
shall be sufficient compliance with the rules on preliminary this case, when the relief demanded by the suit requires no
investigation and the charges arising therefrom may be filed affirmative official action on the part of the State nor the
directly with the proper court. affirmative discharge of any obligation which belongs to the
State in its political capacity, even though the officers or
In effect, whatever may be the findings of the Commission, agents who are made defendants claim to hold or act only by
the same shall only serve as the cause of action in the event virtue of a title of the state and as its agents and servants. This
that any party decides to litigate his/her claim. Therefore, the Court has made it quite clear that even a "high position in the
Commission is merely a preliminary venue. The Commission government does not confer a license to persecute or
is not the end in itself. Whatever recommendation it makes recklessly injure another."
cannot in any way bind the State immediately, such
recommendation not having become final and, executory. Under our Constitution the principle of immunity of the
This is precisely the essence of it being a fact-finding body. government from suit is expressly provided in Article XVI,
Section 3.
Secondly, whatever acts or utterances that then President The principle is based on the very essence of sovereignty, and
Aquino may have done or said, the same are not tantamount on the practical ground that there can be no legal right as
to the State having waived its immunity from suit. against the authority that makes the law on which the right
The President's act of joining the marchers, days after the
incident, does not mean that there was an admission by the It also rests on reasons of public policy — that public service
State of any liability. In fact, to borrow the words of petitioners would be hindered, and the public endangered, if the
(Caylao group), "it was an act of solidarity by the government sovereign authority could be subjected to law suits at the
with the people". instance of every citizen and consequently controlled in the
uses and dispositions of the means required for the proper
The speech of President Aquino that the government would administration of the government.
address the grievances of the rallyists. By this alone, it cannot
be inferred that the State has admitted any liability, much less Doctrine: The principle of state immunity from suit does not
can it be inferred that it has consented to the suit. apply when the relief demanded by the suit requires no
affirmative official action on the part of the State nor the
Thirdly, the case does not qualify as a suit against the State. affirmative discharge of any obligation which belongs to the
State in its political capacity, even though the officers or
Some instances when a suit against the State is proper are: agents who are made defendants claim to hold or act only by
➔ When the Republic is sued by name. virtue of a title of the state and as its agents and servants.
➔ When the suit is against an unincorporated government
agency. What is the Doctrine of State Immunity or The Royal
➔ When the suit is on its face against a government officer Prerogative of Dishonesty?
but the case is such that ultimate liability will belong not The doctrine reflects nothing less than a recognition of the
to the officer but to the government. sovereign character of the State and an express affirmation of
the unwritten rule effectively insulating it from the jurisdiction
The Republic in this case may be sued by its name; however, of courts. It is based on the very essence of sovereignty.
the ultimate liability does not pertain to the government.
Although the military officers and personnel, then party The doctrine is derisively called “the royal prerogative of
defendants, were discharging their official functions when the dishonesty” because it grants the prerogative to defeat any
incident occurred, their functions ceased to be official the legitimate claim against it by simply invoking its non-suability.
moment they exceeded their authority. Based on the It has been explained in its defense, however, that a continued
Commission findings, there was lack of justification by the adherence to the doctrine of non-suability cannot be
Are these actions conclusive? A state may be said to have descended to the level of an
No. individual and can thus be deemed to have tacitly an
individual and can thus be deemed to have tacitly given its
Can it be controverted? consent to be sued only when it enters into a business
Yes, if the officers acted in excess of their authority. contract.
If an officer, even while acting under color of his office, U.S. vs. Guinto
exceeds the power conferred on him by law, he cannot shelter G.R. No. 76607. February 26, 1990
himself under the plea that he is a public agent.
It is a general rule that an officer-executive, administrative ➔ These cases have been consolidated because they all
quasi-judicial, ministerial, or otherwise who acts outside the involve the doctrine of state immunity. The United States
scope of his jurisdiction and without authorization of law may of America was not impleaded in the complaints below
thereby render himself amenable to personal liability in a civil but has moved to dismiss on the ground that they are in
suit. effect suits against it to which it has not consented but
for the purposes of this topic will discuss GR No. 76607
If he exceeds the power conferred on him by law, he cannot with regard barber service in the US Base Airforce in Clair
shelter himself by the plea that he is a public agent acting Air Base.
under the color of his office, and not personally. In the eye of ➔ In the first case, the private respondents are suing several
the law, his acts then are wholly without authority. officers of the US Airforce Stationed in Clark Air Base in
connection with the bidding conducted by them for
Doctrine: It is a general rule that an officer-executive, contracts for barber services in the base.
administrative quasi-judicial, ministerial, or otherwise who ➔ The private respondents are suing several officers of the
acts outside the scope of his jurisdiction and without U.S. Air Force stationed in Clark Air Base in connection
authorization of law may thereby render himself amenable to with the bidding conducted by them for contracts for
personal liability in a civil suit. If he exceeds the power barbering services in the said base.
conferred on him by law, he cannot shelter himself by the plea ➔ The bidding was won by Ramon Dizon, over the
that he is a public agent acting under the color of his office, objection of the private respondents.
and not personally. In the eye of the law, his acts then are ➔ The private respondents complained to the Philippine
wholly without authority. Area Exchange (PHAX). That Dizon was already operating
this concession.
➔ Act No. 2457 does not operate to extend the It is, therefore, evidence that the State (the Government of the
Government's liability to any cause not previously Philippine Islands) is only liable for the acts of its agents,
recognized, the defendant's liability for the negligent officers and employees when they act as special agents within
acts of its officers, agents, and employees. Paragraph 5 the meaning of paragraph 5 of Article 1903 of the Spanish Law
of Article 1903 of the Civil Code reads (Spanish Civil and that the chauffeur of the ambulance of the General
Code): Hospital was not such an agent.
◆ The state is liable in this sense when it acts
through a special agent, but not when the
damage should have been caused by the
official to whom properly it pertained to do ➔ When the State waives its immunity from suit does not
the act performed, in which case the concede its liability to any case of action, the
provisions of the preceding article shall be commencement of suit is only for the purposes of
applicable. settling plaintiff’s controversies with the state.
◆ The last paragraph of Article 1903, ➔ The responsibility of the state is limited to that which it
responsibility for acts of third persons ceases contracts through a special agent, duly empowered by a
when the persons mentioned in said article definite order or commission to perform some act or
prove that they employed all the diligence of charged with some definite purpose which gives rise to
a good father of a family to avoid the damage, the claim, and not where the claim is based on acts or
and among these persons, called upon to omissions imputable to a public official charged with
answer in a direct and not a subsidiary some administrative or technical office who can be held
manner, are found, in addition to the mother to the proper responsibility in the manner laid down by
or the father in a proper case, guardians and the law of civil responsibility.
owners or directors of an establishment or
enterprise, the state, but not always, except What is Act No. 2457?
when it acts through the agency of a special
agent, doubtless because and only in this case, ➔ Act No. 2457, effective February 3, 1915, reads:
the fault or negligence, which is the original ◆ An Act authorizing E. Merritt to bring suit
basis of this kind of objections, must be against the Government of the Philippine
presumed to lie with the state.
What incident is involved? Does the State waive its immunity by entering into a contract?
There was a collision between Mr. E. Merritt’s motorcycle and No. Only as to contracts entered into which are proprietary in
the ambulance of the General Hospital nature. BASIS? :From the phrase “which could serve as a basis
of civil action between private parties.”
Can general law be used by any person?
Yes. Applicable to all persons who might qualify to file an ACT NO. 3083 - AN ACT DEFINING THE CONDITIONS UNDER
What are the 2 kinds of express waiver of immunity?
➔ Express waiver of immunity through a general law – ➔ Section 1. Complaint against Government. – Subject to
applicable to all persons who might qualify to file an the provisions of this Act, the Government of the
action against the government Philippine Islands hereby consents and submits to be
➔ Express waiver of immunity from a special law – only sued upon any moneyed claim involving liability arising
applicable to a specific person or group of persons from contract, expressed or implied, which could serve
specified in the law, just like in the case of Merritt vs. as a basis of civil action between private parties.
Government of the Philippine Islands (Act No. 2457) ➔ Sec. 2. A person desiring to avail himself of the privilege
herein conferred must show that he has presented his
Do we have a general law where the State expresses its claim to the Insular Auditor 1 and that the latter did not
consent to be sued? decide the same within two months from the date of its
YES. Act No. 3083. The State consents to being sued upon any presentation.
moneyed claim involving liability arising from contract, ➔ Sec. 3. Venue. – Original actions brought pursuant to the
express or implied, which could serve as a basis of civil action authority conferred in this Act shall be instituted in the
between private parties. If the COA does not act on the Court of First Instance of the City of Manila or of the
Facts: The correct test for the application of State immunity is not
➔ The United States of America had a naval base in Subic, the conclusion of a contract by a State but the legal nature of
Zambales. The base was one of those provided in the the act.
Military Bases Agreement.
➔ In May 1972, the US invited submission of bids for the Doctrine: The restrictive application of State immunity is
following projects: (a) Repair Fender System; (b) Repair proper only when the proceedings arise out of commercial
Typhoon damage transactions of the foreign sovereign, its commercial activities
➔ Eligio de Guzman & Co. (EDGC) responded to the or economic affairs.
invitation and submitted bids.
➔ Thereafter, the company received from the United States Is there a waiver?
two telegrams requesting it to confirm its price None. a State may be said to have descended to the level of
proposals and for the name of its bonding company. The an individual and can thus be deemed to have tacitly given its
company complied with the requests consent to be sued only when it enters into business contracts
➔ In June 1972, the company received a letter which was
signed by William I. Collins, Director, Contracts Division. Dissenting opinion (Makasiar, J.):
The letter said that the company did not qualify to Justice and fairness dictate that a foreign government
receive an award for the projects because of its previous that commits a breach of its contractual obligation — in
unsatisfactory performance rating on a repair contract the case at bar by the unilateral cancellation of the award
for the sea wall at the boat landings of the U.S. Naval for the project by the United States government, through
Station in Subic Bay. The letter further said that the its agency at Subic Bay — should not be allowed to take
projects had been awarded to third parties. undue advantage of a party who may have legitimate
➔ Subsequently, EDGC sued the US and Messrs. James claims against it by seeking refuge behind the shield of
Galloway, William Colins and all members of the non-suability. A contrary view would render a Filipino
engineering command to allow them to perform the citizen, as in the instant case, helpless and without redress
work on the projects and, in the event that specific in his own country for violation of his rights committed
performance was no longer possible, to order the by the agents of the foreign government professing to
defendants to pay damages. act in its name. Under the doctrine of implied waiver of
➔ Defendants filed a motion to dismiss questioning the its non-suability, the United States government, through
jurisdiction of the court over the subject matter and the its naval authorities at Subic Bay, should be held
persons of the defendants and that the subject matter of amenable to lawsuits in our country like any other juristic
the complaint are acts and omissions of the individual person.
defendants as AGENTS of USA, a foreign sovereign which
has not given her consent to this suit.
What is the nature of the transaction?
➔ The trial court denied the motion.
➔ The defendants moved twice to reconsider but to no
Holy See vs.
avail. Hence the instant petition. U.S. vs. Ruiz U.S. vs. Guinto
Rosario, Jr.
Issue: Whether USA may be sued? JURE IMPERII
The projects are The bidding for
The acquisition
an integral part the operation of
Held: No. The traditional rule of State immunity exempts a of the property is
of the naval base barbershops
State from being sued in the courts of another State without for the site of its
which is devoted subject to the
its consent or waiver. State immunity now extends only to mission or the
to the defense of concessions
acts jure imperii - sovereign and governmental acts. The Apostolic
both the United granted by the
restrictive application of State immunity is proper only when Nunciature in
States and the United States
the proceedings arise out of commercial transactions of the the Philippines
Philippines, government are
foreign sovereign, its commercial activities or economic
Facts: Facts:
➔ On July 3, 1961 - Judge Villasor rendered a Decision in ➔ The Department of Agriculture and Sultan Security
favor of P.J. Kiener Co., Ltd., Gavino Unchuan and Agency entered into a contract for security services.
International Construction Corporation against the ➔ Save for the increase in the monthly rate of the guards,
Republic confirming the arbitration award in the amount the same terms and conditions were also made to apply
of Php 1, 712,396.40. to another contract. Pursuant to their arrangements, the
➔ On June 24, 1969 - Respondent Judge issued an Order guards were deployed by Sultan Agency in the various
declaring the aforestated Decision as final and executory, premises of DAR.
thus directing the sheriff to execute the said Decision. ➔ Later, several guards filed a complaint for underpayment,
➔ On June 26, 2969 - the Sheriff served notices of non-payment of 13th month pay, uniform allowances,
garnishment with the banks- Philippine Veterans Bank night shift differential pay, holiday pay, overtime pay,
and Philippine National Bank. and damages.
➔ The funds in the said banks, as certified by the AFP ➔ The Executive Labor Arbiter rendered a decision finding
Comptroller, are funds of the AFP with the said banks are DAR liable with Sultan Security Agency. Thus, the LA
public funds for the pensions, pay, and allowances of its issued a writ of execution commanding the City Sheriff
military and civilian personnel. to enforce and execute the judgment against the
➔ On July 7, 1969- the Republic filed a petition for certiorari property of the two respondents. For DAR: (1) one Toyota
and prohibition challenging the validity of an order Hi-Ace; (2) one Toyota Mini Cruiser; and (3) one Toyota
issued by respondent Judge Guillermo Villasor. Crown.
➔ A petition for injunction, prohibition, and mandamus,
Issue: May the funds of the government be subject to with a prayer for preliminary writ of injunction was filed
garnishment? by DAR with NLRC.
➔ DAR pointed out that the LA did not have jurisdiction
Held: No. Although the State may give its consent to be sued over them, thus rendering the LA’s decision null and
by private parties, there is corollary that public funds cannot void. Further, DAR alleged that the attachment or seizure
be the object of garnishment proceedings even if the consent of its property would hamper and jeopardize their
to be sued has been previously granted and the state’s liability governmental functions to the prejudice of public good.
has been adjudged.
Thus in the recent case of Commissioner of Public Highways Issue: W/N DAR may be sued and its properties be awarded
v. San Diego, such a well-settled doctrine was restated in the to the private respondents.
opinion of Justice Teehankee: "The universal rule that where
the State gives its consent to be sued by private parties either Held: Yes. The States’ consent may be given either expressly
by general or special law, it may limit claimant's action `only or impliedly. Express consent may be made through a general
up to the completion of proceedings anterior to the stage of law or a special law. In this jurisdiction, the general law
execution' and that the power of the Courts ends when the waiving the immunity of the state from suit is found in Act No.
judgment is rendered, since government funds and properties 3083, where the Philippine government "consents and
may not be seized under writs of execution or garnishment to submits to be sued upon any money claim involving liability
satisfy such judgments, is based on obvious considerations of arising from contract, express or implied, which could serve as
public policy. Disbursements of public funds must be covered a basis of civil action between private parties." Implied
by the corresponding appropriation as required by law. The consent, on the other hand, is conceded when the State itself
functions and public services rendered by the State cannot be commences litigation, thus opening itself to a counterclaim or
allowed to be paralyzed or disrupted by the diversion of when it enters into a contract.
public funds from their legitimate and specific objects, as
appropriated by law. In this situation, the government is deemed to have
descended to the level of the other contracting party and to
Doctrine: FUNDS OF THE GOVERNMENT ARE NOT SUBJECT have divested itself of its sovereign immunity. Not all
TO GARNISHMENT. Disbursements of public funds must be contracts entered into by the government operate as a waiver
covered by the corresponding appropriation as required by of its non-suability; distinction must still be made between
law. one which is executed in the exercise of its sovereign
functions and another which is done in its proprietary
National Airports vs. Teodoro, Sr. – In this case, the Court held
otherwise, stating that it can include a claim based on tort or
➔ Private respondent, Ernest E. Simke, is a naturalized
quasi-delict. Further, it was settled that CAA, as an agency, is
Filipino citizen and at the time of the incident was the not immune from suit as it is engaged in functions pertaining
Honorary Consul General of Israel in the Philippines. to a private entity. To state, “CAA is engaged in an enterprise
➔ Simke, with several other persons, went to the Manila which, far from being the exclusive prerogative of the State,
International Airport to meet his future son-in-law. In may, more than the construction of public roads, be
order to get a better view, their group proceeded to the undertaken by private concerns.”
viewing deck or terrace of the airport.
➔ While walking on the terrace, Simke slipped over an Can the CAA answer to damages?
elevation. As a result, he broke his thigh bone. Yes. The liability of CAA to answer for damages, whether
➔ After his operation, Simke filed an action for damages actual, moral, or exemplary, cannot be seriously doubted in
based on quasi-delict against the Civil Aeronautics view of the conferment of the power to sue and be sued upon
Administration (CAA) as the entity empowered to it.
administer, operate, manage, control, maintain, and
develop the Manila International Airport. Air Transportation Administration vs. Sps. David
➔ Judgment was rendered in favor of Simke. However, G.R. No. 159402. February 23, 2011
CAA’s motion to reconsideration on the ground of
immunity of suit, was denied by the trial court. Facts:
➔ Sps. Ramos discovered that a portion of their land was
Issue: W/N CAA may be sued. being used as part of the runway and running shoulder
of the Loakan Airport, which was being operated by the
Held: Yes. Air Transportation Office (ATO).
➔ Executive Order No. 365 – The law prevailing in the 1952 ➔ Subsequently, Sps. Ramos agreed to sell such property
Teodoro case, which reorganized the CAA; thus, to ATO for a certain consideration.
abolishing the National Airports Corporation. ➔ However, ATO failed to pay.
➔ Republic Act No. 776 – Or the Civil Aeronautics Act of the ➔ Thus, Sps. Ramos filed an action for collection against
Philippines, did not alter the character of CAA’s
ATO and some of its officials with the RTC.
objectives under Executive Order No. 365, which led the
➔ In their answer, ATO invoked as an affirmative defense
Court to consider the CAA in the category of a private
the issuance of Proclamation No. 1358, whereby
President Marcos had reserved certain parcels of land for
the use of the Loakan Airport—which unfortunately
From the foregoing, it can be seen that CAA is tasked with included Sps. Ramos land. Further, ATO asserted that the
private or non-governmental functions which operate to RTC has no jurisdiction.
remove it from the purview of the rule on State Immunity from
suit. Issue: W/N the Doctrine of State Immunity be extended to
Not all government entities, whether corporate or non-
corporate, are immune from suits. Immunity from suit is Held: No. In the previous case of Civil Aeronautics Association
determined by the character of the objects for which the vs. CA, it was upheld that not all government entities, whether
entity was organized. corporate or non-corporate, are immune from suits. Immunity
from suit is determined by the character of the objects for
which the entity was organized.
Mun. if San Miguel vs. Fernandez Doctrine: Public funds are not subject to levy and execution;
G.R. No. L-61744. June 25, 1984 thus, taxes are not subject to execution, unless so declared by
➔ Margarita Imperio filed a case against the Municipality of
San Miguel and ordered the partial revocation of the
Deed of Donation signed by the deceased Carlos Imperio
in favor of the Municipality of San Miguel.
➔ Further, Margarita ordered the Municipality of San
Miguel to execute the corresponding Deed of
Facts: Facts:
➔ A bank account was opened with PNB under the name ➔ Samson, Mayor of Caloocan, through Ordinance No.
of the Municipality of Makati. 1749, abolished the position of Assistant City
➔ After due hearing, where the parties presented their Administrator and 17 other positions from the plantilla
appraisal reports regarding the value of the property, the of the local government of Caloocan.
RTC Judge rendered a decision which fixed the appraised ➔ Then Assistant City Administrator, Santiago, assailed the
value of the property at P5,291,666 and ordering the legality of the abolition. The CFI declared the abolition
Municipality to pay this amount minus the advance illegal and ordered the reinstatement of the dismissed
payment of P338,160, which was earlier released to the employees and the payment of their backwages.
private respondent. ➔ The City of Caloocan appealed to the CA, but Santiago
➔ After this decision became final and executory, private and the others moved for the dismissal for being dilatory
respondent moved for the issuance of a writ of and frivolous. But the appellate court denied their
execution, which the RTC Judge granted. Thus, a Notice motion. Thus, when it was elevated to the SC, the SC
of Garnishment was served by the respondent sheriff stated that the decision was correct.
upon the manager of PNB. ➔ Thus, the City of Caloocan paid Santiago P75,083.37 in
➔ However, the respondent sheriff was informed that a partial payment of her backwages, leaving a balance of
hold code was placed on the account of the Municipality P530,761.91. While, her other co-complainants were paid
of Makati. As a result, private respondent filed a motion in full.
directing PNB to deliver to respondent sheriff the unpaid ➔ A year later, the City of Caloocan appropriated funds for
balance of the Municipality of Makati. her unpaid back salaries. It was included in Supplemental
➔ Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration, contending Budget No. 3 for the fiscal year 1987. However, the City
that its funds deposited with PNB could neither be refused to release the money to Santiago.
garnished nor levied upon execution, for to do so would
result in the disbursement of public funds without the Issue: W/N Santiago may recover from the City of Caloocan.
proper appropriation required under the law.
Held: Yes. As a general rule, all government funds deposited
Issue: W/N the funds of the Municipality of Makati exempt in PNB or any other official depositary of the Philippine
from garnishment and levy upon execution. Government, whether by general or special deposit, remain
government funds and may not be subject to garnishment or
Held: Yes. The properties of a municipality, whether real or levy, in the absence of a corresponding appropriation
personal, which are necessary for public use cannot be required by law. Further, the functions and public services
attached and sold at execution sale to satisfy a money rendered by the State cannot be allowed to be paralyzed or
judgment against the municipality. Municipal revenues disrupted by the diversion of public funds from their
derived from taxes, licenses, and market fees, which are legitimate and specific objects, as appropriated by law.
intended primarily and exclusively for the purpose of However, as an exception, when there is a corresponding
financing the governmental activities and functions of the appropriation as required by law, the rule on immunity of
municipality, are exempt from execution. public funds from seizure or garnishment does not apply.
In this case, the Municipality has passed an ordinance In this case, the City Council of Caloocan has already approved
appropriating from its public funds an amount corresponding and passed Ordinance No. 0134, Series of 1992, allocating the
to the balance due under the RTC decision. amount of P439,377.14 for Santiago’s back salaries plus
interest. For all intents and purposes, the above-mentioned
OTHER LEGAL RECOURSE ordinance for Santiago was deemed automatically segregated
Where a municipality fails or refuses, without justifiable from the other budgetary allocations of the City of Caloocan
reason, to effect payment of a final money judgment rendered and earmarked solely for the City’s monetary obligation to
against it, the claimant may avail of the remedy of mandamus her.
in order to compel the enactment and approval of the
necessary appropriation ordinance, and the corresponding Doctrine: Immunity of public funds from seizure or
disbursement of municipal funds. garnishment does not apply where the funds sought to be
levied under execution are already allocated by law
Doctrine: The State’s power of eminent domain should be specifically for the satisfaction of the money judgment against
exercised within the bounds of fair play and justice. Thus, it the government.
cannot hide behind the mantle of the doctrine of State
Immunity for such acts of injustice. They are political laws; hence they are deemed abrogated.