Autorun (Windows)
When the RaneRom is inserted in the drive, and Autorun is active on your
Windows computer, the screen to the right appears. Acrobat Reader 4 runs from this
CD, so no installation is required. Click on Rane Products to get going!
However, if you have a slow CD-ROM drive, you should install the latest
Acrobat Reader 5 on your hard drive and launch it prior to inserting the RaneRom. If
you have version 2, 3 or 4 of Acrobat installed, remove it from your computer before
installing Acrobat 5. Uninstalling is only complete in Windows by going to Start >
Settings > Control Panels > Add/Remove Programs, and finding Acrobat, choosing
uninstall. You may also have an uninstall Acrobat program nested in your Start menu.
Turn off any virus protection programs before attempting to install Acrobat.
After installing Acrobat, launch it from your hard drive and then insert the RaneRom. Or, run Acrobat and navigate to
CDHOME.PDF on the RaneRom.
Acrobat 5
The PDFs on this CD are compatible with Acrobat 3, 4 or 5. If you are using Acrobat 3 not all graphics may display
correctly, you should upgrade. If you have Acrobat 4 you do not need to upgrade.
PDF files
Cross-platform Acrobat files end with the .PDF (Portable Document Format) extension, and are referred to as PDF
files. This RaneRom contains many separate PDF files, all linked to a master PDF called CDHOME.PDF. Each data sheet,
manual, schematic, and RaneNote is archived on a separate PDF file. These are the same files that Rane gets it’s owners
manuals printed from, and the same files that are on our web site. These are viewable on both Mac and Windows computers.
CD-ROM Updates
The problem with a CD-ROM is that it’s instantly out of date. For convenience, we provide a special URL which
provides new PDF files downloadable since the latest RaneRom was released: If you
are online, place the RaneRom in your drive and click on Web Updates. Your browser will take you right to the URL.
Acrobat Navigation First page - Previous page - Next page - Last page - Previous view - Next View
Pages work just like those in a book, going from page 1, 2, 3, etc. The page navigation buttons let you move forward
or backward within the same document one page at a time, or jump to the very first or last page of that same document.
Views make use of hyperlinks, remembering where you were before. Views may jump between several open
documents. Click the Previous View button to go back to the last page you saw, click again to go to the one before that.
Views Page Only - Bookmarks - Actual Size - Fit in Window - Fit Width
The RaneRom uses bookmarks. When the Bookmark button is active, a list of bookmarks appears in a column on the
left. This really helps in the Professional Audio Reference. To view without the bookmarks, choose the Page Only button.
Since the bookmark column takes screen space, it affects the maximum readable screen width.
The view buttons assist reading from the screen. To see the entire page, click the Fit in Window button. Fit Width
makes the full width visible, though up/down scrolling is necessary to view an 8½ x 11 vertical page.
Hand tool - Zoom tool - Text tool
If the Fit Window button doesn't get you close enough, use the Zoom tool to Zoom in as far as you like. This is
helpful on diagrams and schematics. To Zoom out, hold the Ctrl (Control) key down while clicking the mouse. Return to
the Hand tool for normal navigation.
Copy / Paste
You may wish to copy descriptions and architectural specifications into your bids and proposals. To copy text from a
PDF file into your word processing application, use the Text Select tool (the 'T'). Click and drag to select the text. To copy
text that has been formatted in columns, hold down the Ctrl key before selecting the text. With the text highlighted, select
Edit > Copy. Switch to your word processor and select Edit > Paste. (The text tool looks different in Acrobat 5).
Just as in other Windows programs, print by selecting File > Print. You may print an entire document, a selected
range, or current page. Any document visible on your screen can be printed. To save trees only print the pages you need.
To get back to CDHOME.PDF, no matter where you are, click the First page
button, then click the Rane logo.
RaneRom Troubleshooting
External links are trying to download inside Acrobat, I would rather see them in my browser!
Edit > Preferences > Web Capture > Open Weblinks: change the popup to "In Web Browser."
I've opened several documents and I can't open any more! or...
Every time I link back to CDHOME I end up at the first page instead of where I was before.
In Acrobat 4, go to File > Preferences > General... OR in Acrobat 5 go to Edit > Preferences > General >
Options > Miscellaneous and check the Open Cross-Document Links in Same Window box. This enables the
current document to replace the previous, while allowing the back button to function.
The graphics look fuzzy when trying to print! or The fonts aren't readable or are missing!
You are probably using version 3 or lower. Upgrade to Acrobat 5. For best viewing results in 4 or 5, go to
Edit > Preferences > General: uncheck "Open Cross-Document Links in Same Window"
Edit > Preferences > Display > Smoothing: check all smoothing options for text and art
I am at the web site and can't save the PDF to my hard drive!
Acrobat installs the Acrobat plug-in if Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer are already installed on the computer.
Reader is just that, a reader, so save functions are disabled. After a PDF has downloaded into your browser, do the following
to save it to your hard drive for later viewing or printing. Select File > Save As... then in the Format: box, select
“Source” (not text), and then the destination folder. Terms may change between browsers and versions, but the idea
remains the same. You can also right-click (Win) or click-hold (Mac) to bring up a dialog allowing you to save the link.