17 Anuradha
17 Anuradha
17 Anuradha
If you are born in Anuradha nakshatra (birth star constellation), you are categorized
under the zodiac sign – ‘Scorpio’ (Vrischika rasi / Vruschika rashi). Here are the
horoscope details of your personality and characteristics: Mitra rules the Nakshatra
Anuradha, the divine friend. Anuradha Nakshatra gives balance in relationship, both
honoring others and seeking ourselves to be honorable. Anuradha nakshatra natives
are extremely popular as friends.
Physical Features:
As you are a native of Anuradha nakshatra, you will have attractive face with bright
eyes. Some of you may have cruel looks, because of bad combination of planets.
You may face several obstacles in your life. Some of you may easily pass through
these obstacles. You will have a flexible attitude to handle difficult situations in a
proper way. It is noticed that, some of you may have frustrated face. Most of you will
not find peace in life.
You are fun-loving person. You will wait for your turn to take revenge. You are a very
hardworking and independent person. You are a firm believer of god. You cannot
maintain a stable relationship with any person. Sometimes you are pessimistic but,
most of the times you are optimistic towards your ambitions in life.
Education and Profession:
You will be successful in the business field. If you are employed, you have a potential
to pocket your superiors. You start earning your own bread at very young age on or
about 20 years of age.
Careers Ideally Suited For You:
Your horoscope and your personality predictions clearly indicate that you are most
suitable for mining, marketing, and stocks sectors. Plumbing, acting and dentistry are
also suitable for you. Some of you may go very far from your birth place searching
your profession.
Family Life:
You will not be benefitted from your co-borns at any point of your life. It is noticed
that some of you will be in frequent friction with your father. Some of you will not
enjoy your mother’s affection. You will have a good life partner. As you are a good
parent, your children may reach good heights in their lives.
Health Problems:
Generally, you enjoy good health. Some of you may suffer from severe headache,
breathing problems and constipation. It is noticed that most of the natives of
Anuradha nakshatra will suffer from dental problems and ailments like Asthma.