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Demand Letter, POA & Contract-GL

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Administrative office BangSungRyeol

Head Office: 1-16, 302-Ho, Daejam-ro, Nam-gu Pohang-si Gyeongsangbuk-do South Korea(ROK)
Trade Licence , TIN no. 653-33-01102
Cell: +82 10 8902 7130, Fax : +82 70 6630 4100, E-mail : bsy7130@naver.com

TO : Greenland Overseas, License No. RL-040, DHAKA, BANGLADESH


Dear Sir,

We [BangSungRyeol Administrative Office] organized under the laws of SOUTH KOREA hereby
appoint you, Greenland Overseas License No. RL-040 to be our lawful attorney and agent in Bangladesh
for processing the respective affairs for recruiting manpower as follows.


1 WELDER 30 2200 USD

TOTAL = 30

Terms & Conditions of the contract as follows:

1. Period of Employment : 3 Year’s

2. Place of Employment : Anywhere at South Korea
3. Probationary Period : 3 months
4. Working hours : 8 Hours Per day
5. Accommodation : Provided by the company
6. Food : Provided by the company
7. Transportation : Provided by the company
8. Ticket : One way Free (after completion of contract)
9. Overtime : As per South Korea labor laws
10. Medical benefits : As per South Korea labor laws
11. All other facilities : As per South Korea labor laws
12. All other conditions of services shall be in accordance with the South Korea labor law
We appreciate your kind consideration on this undertaking.

Thanking you,

BangSungRyeol Administrative Office

Director: Bang sungryeol

방성열 행정사사무소
주소: 경상북도 포항시 남구 대이로 1 번길 16 302
호 사업자 등록번호 : 653-33-01102
휴대폰 : +82 10 8902 7130, Fax : +82 70 6630 4100, E-mail : bsy7130@naver.com

수신 : Greenland Overseas,

사업자번호: RL-040, 다카, 방글라데시

협조 요청서
대한민국의 법률에 따라 승인된 [방성렬 행정사사무소]는 아래와 같이 인력채용 관련업무를 처리하기 위하여

“Greenland Overseas” 를 합법적인 대리인으로 지정합니다.

번호 직종/직업 인원 (명) 월급여

1 용접공 30 \2,400,000/-

계 30

계약조건은 아래와 같습니다

1. 재직 기간: 3년
2. 근 무 지 : 대한민국, 전지역
3. 수 습 기 간 : 3 개월
4. 근 무 시 간 : 8 시간/일
5. 숙 소 : 업체에서 제공
6. 음 식 : 업체에서 제공
7. 출퇴근 차량 : 업체에서 제공
8. 항 공 권 : 편도 귀국편 제공
9. 근로초과시간 : 대한민국 근로기준법 적용
10. 보 험 : 대한민국 보험법 적용
11. 기타 시 설 : 대한민국 근로기준법 적용
12. 그 밖의 근로조건은 대한민국 근로기준법 적용

사업에 대한 귀하의 친절한 배려에 감사드립니다

방성렬 행정사사무소 대표 : 방 성렬

서식 BSR-2023
Administrative office BangSungRyeol
Head Office: 1-16, 302-Ho, Daejam-ro, Nam-gu Pohang-si Gyeongsangbuk-do South Korea(ROK)
Trade Licence , TIN no. 653-33-01102
Cell : +82 10 8902 7130, Fax : +82 70 6630 4100, E-mail : bsy7130@naver.com


M/S. Greenland Overseas,

License No. RL-040

Dhaka, Bangladesh


Known by all men by these present that we, [Administrative Office BangSungRyeol, 1-16, 302-Ho
Daejam-ro Nam-gu Pohang-si Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea (ROK], do hereby appoint Greenland
Overseas, approved by the government of Bangladesh, Ministry of Labour holding valid license no. RL-
40 with official address at Dhaka, Bangladesh to be our true and lawful agent in Bangladesh in respect of
handling the affairs of recruitment of the workers from Bangladesh as mentioned in accompanied
Demand Letter issued by us and entering into contract with selected employees, completion of
immigration formalities, signing of all the necessary documents required by the concerned offices in
connection with the recruitment of workers mentioned in the Demand Letter, to arrange their passport,
passage and to negotiate with workers as they deem fit as required by the law of Bangladesh, all in strict
compliance with the Demand Letter accompanied herein.

In witness whereof, we have executed this power of attorney on this day April 7 2023 in presence of the
subscribing witness. This POA will be valid for 06 months.

Thanking you and always assuring you of our best cooperation and attention, we remain.

Yours faithfully,

BangSungRyeol Administrative Office

Director : Bang sungryeol

방성열 행정사사무소
주소: 경상북도 포항시 남구 대이로 1 번길 16 302
호 사업자 등록번호 : 653-33-01102
휴대폰 : +82 10 8902 7130, Fax : +82 70 6630 4100, E-mail : bsy7130@naver.com

수신 : Greenland Overseas,

사업자번호: RL-040, 다카, 방글라데시

위 임 장
방글라데시 다카에서 우리가 발행한 동봉된 요구서에 언급된 방글라데시 노동자 채용 업무를 처리하고
직원과 계약을 체결하는 것과 관련하여 방글라데시의 진정하고 합법적인 대리인이 될 것입니다 , 요구서
에 언급된경상북도 포항시 남구 대이로 1-16, 302 호 “행정사무소 방성렬”은 방글라데시 정부로부터 유효한 면허증
관련하여 관련 받은
승인을 사무소가
“KBS 필요로 하는 모든
Global Trader 필요한
& HR 서류에
Solutions” 을 서명하고
대리인으로, 여권 , 통과를
위임합니다. RL-1734 는
준비하며 ,
방글라데시 법에 의해 요구된 대로 근로자와 협상 등등 , 이 모든 것이 여기에 첨부된 요구서에 엄격하게 부
합합니다 .

우리는 [2023 년 4 월 7 일 ] 의 증인 앞에서 이 위임장을 집행했습니다 . 본 위임장은 06 개

월간 유효합니다 .

귀하께 감사드리며 , 항상 최선의 협력과 관심을 약속드립

니다 .

사업에 대한 귀하의 친절한 배려에 감사드립니다

방성렬 행정사사무소 대표 : 방 성렬

서식 BSR-2023
Power of Attorney

"Our company hereby entrusts all matters related to the introduction of

foreign workers (welders for shipbuilding) to the BANG SUNG RYEOL
Administrative Office."

we have executed this power of attorney on this day 10 th April 2023 in

presence of the subscribing witness. This POA will be valid for 06 months.

10th April 2023



Skilled Labor Supply Contract (Visa E7)

Korea: BangSungRyeol Administrative Office

Bangladesh: Greenland Overseas RL-40

Skilled Labor supply contract (VISA E7)

Contract number:

In accordance to the law of Bangladesh and South Korea, 1 st party name of Greenland
Overseas RL-40 and 2nd party name of BangSungRyeol Administrative Office are agree
on the contract of sending and receiving skilled labors (Visa E7)


1st party: “Greenland Overseas RL-40” Bangladeshi company that provides services for
dispatching workers abroad according to a contract, (hereinafter referred to as a service

address: 1 Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh

telephone: +88 02 488 10210-17, Fax: +880 2 488 10221
representative: Abdullah Al-Mamun

(hereinafter referred to as "1st Party")

2nd party: BangSungRyeol Office (South Korea)

Address : 1-16 302-ho Daei-ro Nam-gu Pohang-si Gyeongsangbuk-do South Korea

Phone: (+82)52 250 6944 Fax: (+82)70 4027 4100, Cell : (+82)10 8902 7130
Representative: SungRyeol Bang
Position: Director

(hereinafter referred to as "2nd Party")

Both parties agree to sign this Contract on the following terms and conditions:

2nd Party has the terms and authority to enter and enforce this Agreement under the
Korean law.

Article 1. supply requirements

1.1. At the request of 2nd Party, 1st Party agrees to recruit Bangladeshi workers to work in
Korea under the 2nd Party accordance to Skilled Manpower Program (E7 visa).

Number of workers, occupation, salary, place of work: specified in the recruitment


1.2. Labor suppliers will ensure that selected employees meet the following criteria:

1. Age: 25 - 45 years old Bangladeshi nationality male

2. Health: Those who are healthy enough to work in Korea according to Korean

Article 2. worker's system

2nd Party should guarantee to provide following terms and conditions to the employee.

2.1. labor contract term

The employee's service period can be extended by agreement between the employer
and the worker after the expiration of 36 months (3 years) including the probationary

The employment contract period is calculated from the date of appointment to each
company after entering Korea. However, those who have re-entered the country through
the Labor Standards Act are those who have agreed to start their first working day
pursuant to Article 18-4 Paragraph 1 of the Foreign Workers Employment Act.
2.2. work time, rest

Working hours: 8 hours per day, 40 hours per week in accordance with the Korean Labor
Law. Workers may work overtime according to the agreement between the worker and
the employer, but the overtime hours are 4 hours per day, but weekly cannot exceed 12
hours. The employer may extend working hours in special cases with the approval of the
Ministry of Labor and the consent of the worker. If working hours excess of 8 hours per
day or 40 hours per week, in those case, it must be considered as overtime.

Employees are entitled to public holidays in accordance with the Korean Labor Law. If
the worker agrees to work on a holiday at the request of the employer, the employer
must pay the worker overtime pay for such holiday in accordance with the provisions of
the Korean Labor Law.

Employees are entitled to annual paid leave in accordance with the provisions of the
Korean Labor Law.

2.3 Salary, Bonuses

- 2nd party must guarantees the basic wage of workers who are above the minimum
wage by region and industry while working in the country of employment.

The basic wage is specified in the job application form and the labor contract concluded
between the employer and the employee.

- Payment method: Wages are calculated on a monthly basis and paid in Korean Won.

2nd Party works with the employer company to pay the employee's salary on a fixed date
every month in the form of a transfer payment to the employee's bank account.

Each month, 2nd Party and the employer must provide pay stubs that clearly show the
employee's salary, bonuses, and payroll deductions.

Overtime payment: In accordance with Korean regulations

Bonuses / Allowances: In accordance with the regulations of each company

4 Major Insurances: Apply the same as Koreans in accordance with Korean regulations
2.4. Worker safety and labor protection

2nd Party must organize training on occupational safety and hygiene. All the work
equipment, labor protection tools suitable for workers' industries, professions and
occupations are provided free of charge. Ensure a safe and hygienic workplace.

2.5. insurance

2nd party and the employer shall follow procedures in accordance with Korean law to
enable employees to participate in and receive benefits from the insurance system in
accordance with Korean law, such as industrial accident insurance, medical insurance,
employment insurance and other insurance (if any). have a responsibility to do so. .
Premiums are paid and deducted according to Korean law.

2.6. Meals, lodging and living conditions

2nd Party and the employer’s company are responsible for arranging housing to ensure
the safety and sanitation of the employee while the employee is performing the contract.
A portion of the monthly rent is deducted from the employee's salary.

Employers will be provided free lunch to employee while working in Korea, but breakfast
and dinner will not be provided.

(Specific accommodation and food conditions are specified in the manpower recruitment

2.7. Transportation and other expenses

- The employer has responsible for providing or paying for free of transportation, from
the accommodation to the place of work.

2.8. Cases of disease, injury, breeding.

Employees have the right to receive medical examination and treatment under the same
conditions as Koreans in accordance with Korean law.

While an employee is ill, the employer must arrange and create conditions under which
the employee can receive medical care and take reasonable breaks. Employees receive
treatment according to the doctor's prescription.

2.9. Termination of the contract before the period

Early termination of the contract must comply with Korean law.

If the worker terminates the labor contract through no fault of the worker and returns
home in advance through no fault of the worker, 2nd party is responsible for
compensating the worker as agreed and paying the cost to the worker.

If the worker has to return home in advance due to irresistible force (natural disaster,
war, epidemic, etc.) after terminating the labor contract, both parties are responsible to
discuss of the returning cost. After workers return home, both party need to consider
worker assistance and resolve outstanding issues in accordance with current legal

If the contract is terminated before the period due to faulty of worker, employer will not
take any of responsibilities, and the employer does not bear any of further costs. In
addition, in case of early departure due to faulty of the worker, 1st party must take
responsibility accordingly.

Article 3. Scope of work of both parties

3.1. 1st Party

1. Recruit test takers according to the criteria and requirements of the employer.

2. Organize foreign language training and vocational technical training (if required). An
employee-oriented training organization.

3. Responsibility for confirming the eligibility of candidates for the aptitude

test. (Verification of identity and authenticity of candidate profiles)

4. Notarization of required documents at the Korean Consulate

5. Arrange fully equipped workshops to test candidates' skills.

6. Thoroughly check the candidate's qualifications and professional qualifications

7. Apply for a visa with a visa confirmation number issued in Korea. Responsible for
carrying out other formalities for workers to leave the country in accordance with the
regulations of Vietnam and Korea.
8. Support workers leaving Korea.

9. Cooperate with 2nd party to protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees.
Coordinating and resolving issues arising during the implementation of labor contracts.
In the event of an employee's death, cooperate with the 2nd party to organize the return
of the employee's body/remains to the state according to the wishes of the family, and
assist the employee's relatives to carry out insurance benefits, insurance, salary and salary
payment procedures.

3.2. BangsungRyeol Administrative Office. (2nd Party)

1. Notify the labor supplier in advance of the recruitment and selection requirements.

2. Prepare consular notarized documents and other documents at 1st party’s request.

3. Document screening and evaluation of applicants.

4. A skill test is conducted at the training center prepared by 1st party.

5. Manage and solve labor-related problems as they arise.

6. Receive a visa confirmation number from the Korea Immigration Office.

7. Employing workers who entered Korea.

8. Support workers to return wages and legal income to their home country in
accordance with the laws of the receiving country.

9. Ensure that the labor contract concluded between the Bangladeshi employee and the
company employing the foreign worker is consistent with the terms and conditions
agreed in this contract.

10. Regularly inform the labor supplier of the situation of workers working in Korea and
cooperate with 1st party to solve problems that arise during contract execution. In the
case of the death of a worker, work with the labor supplier to return the worker's
body/remains to the state according to the family's wishes, and assist the worker's
bereaved family in carrying out the payment process for the worker's insurance, wages
and deposit system. supports
11. Allow workers to take leave if they want it for a legitimate reason.

12. Notification and mediation to 1st Party for resolve any issues that arise.

Article 4. guarantee

4.1. If the worker resigns or terminates the employment contract within 3 months,1 st
Party will replace the worker.

4.2. If an employee is dismissed for user reasons, 2nd Party will assist the employee in
transferring his or her job to another company.

Article 5 Validity of contract

5.1. This Agreement comes into force from the date of signature and is executed after
obtaining approval from the competent national authority.

5.2. If either party wishes to amend or supplement the terms during the effective term of
the contract, he or she must notify the other party in writing. Any modification,
supplement or extension of this Agreement will only come into effect if in writing by the
parties and approved by the competent national authority.

5.3. Both parties may terminate the contract in the following cases:

- If the performance of the contract cannot be continued due to irresistible force(such as

war, natural disasters and other events beyond the reasonable control of the parties), the
parties to the contract shall jointly resolve any unresolved issues and give priority to
them. With respect to the interests of the Employees, ensure that the Employees fully
enjoy the lawful rights and benefits set forth in this Agreement and in accordance with
the laws of the receiving country in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.

- In the event that a service provider or business owner is deprived of a necessary

position (service operation permit, business registration, etc.), is not accepted, or cannot
be converted

5.4. In the event of termination of this agreement, the labor contract between the
Bangladeshi employee and the employer shall remain in force and the rights and
obligations of the contracting parties shall remain in effect.

Article 6 Other conditions

This Labor Supply Agreement sets out the basic conditions for both parties to cooperate
in dispatching workers to work in Korea. The receiving party will provide the labor
supplier with a request for employment in accordance with the form attached to this
Agreement. According to the content of the manpower recruitment request, the
manpower supplier will conduct manpower preparation and recruitment and carry out
fulfillment registration with Bangladesh authorities.

Article 7. security

1st party and 2nd party will keep confidential all information obtained in the course of
business by either party, except to the extent required to be disclosed for business
purposes or required by law. consent of the other party.

Article 8. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

8.1. Any disputes arising out of this Agreement shall first be resolved through
negotiations on a mutually beneficial basis in accordance with the laws and international
practices of the two countries.

8.2. If the dispute cannot be resolved through negotiation, any complaints related to this
Agreement shall be submitted to the competent authority in accordance with applicable
laws and regulations for resolution.

Article 9. cost

9.1 The following expenses shall be paid by the Bangladeshi staff.

a. Health check-up for workers before departure

b. Examination fee for proficiency test function and cost of issuing vocational certificate

c. Expenses related to passport and visa application

d. Cost of Korean language education and necessary knowledge for living in Korea

e. Other expenses incurred by the sending agency to promote the E7 visa skilled labor
supply program.

f. All travel expenses, including departure air tickets, before the worker leaves the

9.2 Expenses paid by employer.

On the labor employer side, the costs required to receive skilled workers are as follows:

a. After the expiration of the normal working period, when the worker returns to his or
her home country, employer will be provided a return air ticket. (each employer has right
to decide based on worker's work attitude)

b. Training costs during employment in Korea

c. Regular health checkup cost in Korea

d. Expenses for visa application when re-employment after the period of service in Korea
has expired

e. When the period of service in Korea (3-year E7 visa) expires or the contract is
renewed, the contract is renewed in increments of one year.

1st Party Greenland Overseas RL-40

Managing Director

2nd Party BangsungRyeol Administrative Office.

CEO Bang SungRyeol

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