Class 6 - 4-6-2024
Class 6 - 4-6-2024
Class 6 - 4-6-2024
Talk about these words from the article. f) What rivers around the world would you like
to see?
study / rivers / human activity / data / polar
g) What do you know about biodiversity loss?
regions / deserts / biodiversity / climate /
regions / towns / cities / development / h) How do you feel when you see polluted
industrialisation / population / 200 years ago rivers?
Phrase Match
1. 86 per cent of the world's rivers a. development
2. They examined data on b. the Arctic
3. the polar regions of c. and rich towns
4. The scientists looked into changes d. of fish
5. the introduction of new species e. 200 years ago
6. the worst-hit rivers are f. have been damaged
7. these regions have large g. to biodiversity
8. economic h. of industrialisation
9. due to a slower rate i. over 2,500 rivers
10. compared with how they were j. in western Europe