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or fire rites. The group of bronze discovered on the hind wall of the mandapa outside,
from Tiruvenkadu (district Thanjavur) now flanking the shrine-front projection. From
on view in the Art gallery, Thanjavur is an the time of Parameshvara, when this vogue
exquisite example of this. Such are commenced, the group comes to be
generally called Kalyanasundara recalling depicted in bas-relief sculptures too on the
the annual wedding festival of Meenakshi hind wall of the sanctum in the cave-
and Sundareshvaramoorti in Madurai. temples. (e.g. Ramanuja-mandapa, a triple-
Ganapathi, ever since his advent (c.A.D. celled cave-temple where the flanking cells
700) as a deity in worship in Tamilnadu in for Brahma and Vishnu contain their painted
the early structural temple of Rajasimha- representations, the Atinarachanda cave-
Pallava, the Kailasanatha in Kanchi and the temple in Saluvankuppam (Rajasimha), the
contemporary and later cave-temples of Vedagireesvara structural temple on the
the Pandya Muttavaiyar area further south top of Tirukkazhukkundram hill and in all
in Tamilnadu, is always found associated the other Pallava structural temples
with the Saptamatrika group next to the beginning from the time of Rajasimha (700-
last of the Seven Mothers, Chamunda 728) to the middle of the 9th century as in
(Durga); the series preceded by Shiva as the apsidal Virattaneeshavara temple in
Veerabhadra (often by other forms of Shiva Tirutthani (Aparajita Pallava). The cult
too) coming before Brahmi. This proximal comes to claim greater prominence as the
association of Durga and Ganapati gets Vitanka cult in the Chela country,
repeated in the representation of these thereafter, where we have six out of the
two forms in the north and south exterior seven Vitanka temples, round about the
devakoshthas or the ardha-mandapa most important one in Tiruvarur, in the
noticed above. Kaveri delta. The seventh, in Tiruvanmiyur,
The Somaskanda cult, in the iconic Madras in Tondaimandalam or the Pallava
representation of which Shiva is seated home country. Further south in the Pandya
with Uma with baby Skanda in between, is country, the Somaskanda form is found on
as old as the seventh century A.D. The the hind wall of the Shiva shrine in the
group of Shiv a, Uma and Skanda is flanked Tirupparankundram cave temple (late 8th
on either side by Brahma and Vishnu as in century), while in the Pandya cave-temple
attendance in the representations found in Piranmalai (district Ramanathapuram)
in the cave-temples of the Pallavas. In the Shiva and Uma alone are represented as
earlier cave-temples of Mahendra Pallava seated together on the sanctum hind wall,
(580-630) there is no sculpture of any sort as also in the lateral wall of the cave-
occupying the hind wall of the sanctum temple in Kunnandar Koil (district
and in the Orukalmandapam cave-temple Pudukottai). These two exceptions, which
of his son Mamalla (630-668) in are merely Uma-Shakta-muktis possibly
Tirukkazhukkunram, the theme was possibly bear a greater relation to the Vaivahika
painted or picked out in stucco in the hind form (Kalyanasundra) than to the
wall of the sanctum, for we have the Somaskanda form.
sculptures in relief of Brahma and Vishnu The Tiruvaroor Vitankan or Veedi vitankan

or simply Arooran, as referred to in the more so referred to in the hymns of the
inscriptions, later came to be called Shaiva Nayanmars-it is their sublimation
Tyagaraja from the 15th century onwards. into the Ananda tandava of Natesha or
It is only the bronze sculpture of the Adavallan that is universally accepted as
Somaskanda group placed in the ardha- the most important contribution of the Tamil
mandapa of the stone vimana of the country in the realm of concept, art,
Tiruvaroor temple complex, built in the times iconography and esoteric symbolism. It
of Chola Rajendra I (in A.D. 1030) that is ranks with the concept of the icon of the
in worship and the sanctum where one would Buddha as evolved in the north as the
expect the stone representation to be unique contribution of India to world art.
enshrined as the moolabeera is empty, While the other forms of Tandava Shiva
denoting a rahasya as in the Nataraja are depicted in the early sculptures and
shrine in Chidambaram. The bronze group, corroborated in the description of the
perhaps formed as the processional deity, Tevaram hymnists, the climax of the
for we have Appar, the early Shaiva saint, concept, the quite essence of the
as referring to it in his hymns. Particularly panchakritya of Shiva as evolved in the
in his hymn- Tevaram 5297 -he refers to Shaivism of the Tamil country, appears to
the Vitankar being taken out in procession. have been reached only towards the end
Like the bronze Adavallan or Nataraja of of the 9th century. The characteristic form
Chidambaram, Vitankar of Thiru-Aroor or of Adavallan in significant poise and pose
Arooran, was a favourite deity of the of arms, the upper two holding up the little
Cholas, for we have Rajaraja-1(985-1016) drum and fire and the lower in abhaya and
installing the copper image of Arooran by gajahasta, dancing on one foot placed on
the name Dakshinameeru-Vitankar the recumbent Muyalahan (Apasmara
(Dakshinameru refers to the Brihadeesvara Purusha) and the other raised in the blissful
temple in Thanjavur) along with Adavallan. kunchita, the entire poise suggesting
No wonder we have the celebrated movement all round, as evolved in the Tamil
Somaskanda-Tyagaraja shrine in the temple country is found for the first time in a small
of Tiruvotriyoor near Madras, since the panel on the hara aedicule facing south in
Adipureeshavara (the name of the main the early Pandya structural temple (c.890)
shrine) as it is called, was built by Rajendra in Tiruvaleesvaram (district Tirunelveli).
I, Chola, in whose time the stone-temple Another early example in the Chola country
of Vitankar in Tiruvaroor was also is the nearly free-standing Nataraja in the
constructed. The Tyagaraja bronzes which ananda-tandava in a niche torana the arch
are Somaskanda forms with shrines and of the festoon framing the front of a
festivals of their own are common in the devakoshtha in Punjai (district Thanjavur).
temples of the Chola country. Though the A virtually free-standing image in the
early Tamil works of the Sangam period Tiruvaduturai temple depicting the nadanta
assign the type of dance called Kodukotti or ananda-tandava mode, appears in the
to Shiva and various tandava forms are devakoshiha on the south wall of the ardha-
represented in sculpture all over India and mandapa of the Koneerirajapuram temple

(c.969-976). These forms would appear to Arudradarshana is the most noted festival
be stone copies of the form first realised in Chidambaram.
in bronzes and it is the early Chola copper Another unique feature of the Tamilian
or bronze icons of Nataraja, that more than temple is the inclusion of Chandesha in the
the stone sculptures mark the acme of parivara as an essential deity, with a shrine
perfection and have drawn the appreciation or vimana of his own. He is one of the 63
of aesthetes the world over. The first canonised Shaiva saints or Nayanmars and
mention of ananda-tandava as ananda-k- is considered to be the moolabritya (chief
koottu is by saint Manikkavachagar in his servant or devotee) of Shiva, to whom he
Tiruvachakam (588, Tiruvarttai 42 V.3) all endeared himself by his readiness to
in the same work (3: Keertti-t-tiru akaval). chastise even his own father, who
He states that Shiva danced the ananda- interrupted his devoted worship to Shiva.
koottu for the sake of the sage, Patanjali. The boy devotee was specially blessed by
In the early temples of 10th-11th centuries Shiva who bestowed the (Chandesha
the Nataraja icon, in relief, comes to padam himself, investing the devotee with
occupy a niche on the exterior of the the parivattam (the garland or upper cloth
south-west of the ardhamandapa next to worn by Him) round the boy’s head. This is
Ganapathi. In the later Chola temples, they a way of specially honouring a great
are found in one of the many devakoshthas servant or devotee in Tamilian temples and
on the wall of the vimana itself as in persists even today to honour great
Thanjavur, Gangaikonda Cholapuram and benefactors, devotees and important
Darasuram. Adavallan, the presiding deity personages who visit a temple. Chandesha
of the Chidambaram temple, was the thus came to be the chief guardian and
favourite of the Cholas, for it was in seneschal of the Shiva temple. Its
Chidambaram that they performed their properties and affairs, gift deeds and the
ritual coronation. Rajaraja I made an like are made in the name of Chandesha.
exquisite metal icon of Nataraja-Adavallan The magnificent Chola sculpture group of
of which a precise technical description is Chandeshanugrahamoorti of the
given in his inscription on the temple at Brihadeeshvara in Gangaikondacholapuram
Thanjavur. There is no Shiva temple of any is the classical example of this theme,
importance in Tamilnadu without a metal though many other Shiva temples have
icon of Nataraja. He came to be installed sculptures, or bronzes of the same. The
in separate mandapa temple called the earliest extant sculptural example of this
Sabha-mandapa or Sabha-nayakar kovil theme is found in the intermediate tala of
built facing south, always in the precincts the Dharmaraja ratha in Mahabalipuram and
of a temple complex. Such a mandapa with a beautiful miniature in the hara line of the
a sabha-nayaka shrine with a bronze icon Tiruvaleesvaram temple. An icon of
of the god became the sine quenon of any Chandesha thus became an obligate
Tamilian temple complex. The Arudra feature of the Tamilian Shiva temple and
(Tiruvadirai) festival which falls in December one can see his large sculptuory in the
every year is sacred to Nataraja and the north-east corner of the cloister of


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