Gregory Palamas 150 Chapters Parallel Di
Gregory Palamas 150 Chapters Parallel Di
Gregory Palamas 150 Chapters Parallel Di
The chart below focuses on the first of these. The chart is in two columns.
The column on the left has words and items from the chapters of Gregory’s book,
and the column on the right has related words and items from the Psalm of the same
One example from the chart illustrates how the Psalm-connections add
dimensions to Gregory’s work. Psalms 111 and 112 form a pair. In Psalm 111, God is
described with particular attributes. In the next Psalm, 112, these attributes become
human attributes.
This models how the Energies, a major topic of Gregory’s work, are given by
God to humanity. Gregory makes wonderful references to Psalms 111 and 112,
hiddenly, to support and elucidate his theory.
Although I am not an expert on St. Gregory Palamas, it is clear that in his 150
Chapters he establishes himself as one of the great Christian writers who is making a
hidden commentary on the Psalms, and is aware of the Mystical Psalm Structures.
In the following table, I simply compare the parallels between his individual
chapters and the individual Psalm of the same number. I offer no conclusions yet.
And at this point I must ask a second time for compassion from the Orthodox
Christian community: I had to recently return the books and materials I was using
for this, and the work is incomplete. Eventually I would like to make this into a book.
However, not being an expert in Palamas’ thought, I would welcome the opportunity
to write that book with the help of author(s) who are more experienced than me in
Palamas’ thought. Because this information could be of use now to Palamas scholars,
I humbly offer it, early, at this time.
Here is the chart that shows the parallel connections between the 150
Chapters and the Psalms of the Psalter:
St. Gregory Palamas’ Chapters Psalms
1 -beginning, world Psalm 1:
-“ever-flowing river streams issue -“My heart will exult in your salvation”;
forth” “Streams of living water will flow from
your heart (belly)” (John 7:38)
-treasure -inheritance
17 -more discussion of interior processes -more discussion of interior processes
18 -shortest chapter to this point -longest Psalm to this point
-extremes and fluctuations -extremes and fluctuations
-darkness and light -darkness and light
-chastisement -chastisement
19 -when the mind lingers over the -thoughts of my heart
imaginative faculty of the soul
-processes of learning and growth -processes of learning and growth
-sun -sun
-orbit of sun -orbit of sun
20 -sun and moon -God and king, anointed one
21 -God and Moses -God and king
-eternal being -eternal life
-fire -fire
-he rightly drives far off those who…. -king defeats enemies, destroys offspring
-teaching of Spirit -much spiritual learning in Psalm 21
22 -With the immovable earth as a center -Psalm 22, Christ on the Cross, elevated
point he arranged the….heaven….and to a middle region between heaven and
bound the two together with great earth. (Paul, wisdom of Cross)
wisdom through the middle regions -Jesus unites heaven and earth.
-Absalom, other son of David, in tree,
suspended between heaven and earth
23 -master craftsman, aristoteknes -shepherd. Lord is my shepherd.
-human soul capable of receiving God -gates, raise heads….so King of Glory may
25 -Euclid….Platonists -elements, perfect polyhedra in Psalms;
these polyhedra appear in both Euclid’s
geometry treatise, the Elements, and in
Plato’s Timaeus
-tongue -tongue
-Spirit -Spirit
35 -“good” cognates x 9 -“good” x 1
-Truth -deceit
37 -good -good
-Love -Love
-their own innermost being -(much like Psalm 36, “In your light we
-we recognize him as perfect in a perfect see light”)
and proper hypostasis….
-a teaching about why God allowed -the individual person, subjected to the
the devil to seduce humanity; so that trial of the forced exile to Babylon,
humanity might learn to be faithful to becomes involved in a much more
themselves and to the Creator profound relationship with God
-“Thus, he will readily become victor -One of God’s names in Psalm 42 is l’El
over the one who fell from true life; he cha, the “Living God”. (The only other
will justly receive blessed immortality Psalm where this name appears is Psalm
and will abide forever in life divine.” 84.) (84 = 42 x 2)
* “Thus he will readily become victor *In Psalm 43, the good mantra defeats
over the one who fell from true life; he the bad mantra, which disappears. See
will justly receive blessed immortality the end of the Psalm, for the joyous
and will abide forever in life divine.” return of the exile to Jerusalem.
-We have come to be more in the -I shall thank him for the salvations of my
image of God than they are. countenance (face, image).
44 -devil rules in evil manner; humans -humans are like sheep, whom God has
are meant both to be ruled and to rule delivered and scattered among nations
45 -The great Paul…. -pen of a skillful scribe (also, Paul quotes
from previous Psalm, 44, in Romans 8)
-self-indulgent widow -young princess
-sense of taste, eating to satiety; -God asks people if they think God’s
“impassioned eating of sweetest victuals” hungry; he takes no delight in their burnt
51 -the sentence of death for the soul -Psalm 51 (Nathan in superscription)
-we come into being in corruption -previous Psalm, 51, “conceived in sin”
-the constantly changing and ephemeral -But I am like an olive tree ever fresh in
quality of this transient life the house of God.
53 -depth of wisdom -the fool says in his heart….
-condescension of God the word unto -Saul accidentally stumbles into same
us cave where David is
-Let us acquire…a gentle heart full of -David spares Saul’s life, which
mercy…peacemaking…glad to suffer immensely pleases God
58 -“The absence of passions….” -This is a humorous beginning of this
chapter of Gregory, because Psalm 58 is
-The rest of the chapter is about love perhaps the harshest cursing Psalm
59 -again there is a humorous contrast -The Psalm superscription discusses
between the Psalm and the chapter, Saul’s men who guarded the house, to kill
which concludes with John 4:23, “those him (David).
who thus worship the supreme Father in -“They return towards evening, they
spirit and truth are true worshippers.” howl like dogs about the city.”
60 -“place”; God is spirit, not -“…and Joab (vicious right-hand man of
circumscribed by spatial boundaries David) returned and smote Edom in the
Valley of Salt, [killing] 12,000 [men].”
-many other places mentioned in Psalm
61 -connection of body and soul -connection of David and God
62 -Cain -“you are committing murder” (LXX)
-bless, curse
63 -In company with many others…. -Psalmist alone with God is wilderness
-angels -wings
-flesh -flesh
64 -ways of comprehension -comprehending, contemplating, God’s
65 -circular motions of divine minds -furthest ends (of earth), cycles of year
-divine minds; Areopagus -holiest part of your sanctuary
66 -Word of God -Psalm 66 is an amazing compendium of
-John Chrysostom (Golden-Mouth) speech acts. With the discussion of the
refining of silver, there is a connection
[recent chapters have discussed words: with Psalm 12, where the Word of God is
59 took up the Word of God, and 65 like silver refined 7 times. (12 and 66 are
discussed great theologians] both Ladder Psalms.)
-transformation: “He indicated what -there is also a discussion of elements,
we once were and what we shall become which may be connected with the
through him in the future age if we mention of the Greek Areopagus in
choose here below to live according to his Chapter 65; “…you brought us out into
ways as much as possible, as John abundance….” (after transforming
Chrysostom says.” process)
-Golden-Mouth -“mouth”, “tongue”, speech
-“Here below” -“mortals rode over our heads”
67 -“a Psalm, a Song” [verbal multiplicity]
-great Paul
-divine illumination, twice more
-“words”, “theology”; quoting Gregory
Nazianzen: “…brief flash of the Great
68 -“a Psalm, a Song [verbal multiplicity]
-Holy Spirit; indivisible substance of -dove covered with silver and gold
[go over all below here; went quickly] -your strength, your might
-increase my greatness
72 -birth of Only-Begotten in flesh -king’s son
-David -David
-pours -pours
76 -the Maximus quote discusses the -the end of Psalm 76 discusses the
receiving of divine Energies as a result of overcoming (and spiritual incorporation-
laying aside ‘carnal properties’. utilization) of anger, a necessary
-“they become spiritual themselves evolution for all spiritual people.
-“dance with the angels”, from Basil -Psalms 75 & 76 are halfway point of
quote; this sounds like Psalm 150 Psalter; 150 = 75 x 2
-Spirit -spirit
-illumined -illumined
-creatures -beasts
-draw near (as in Chapter 78) -Israelites get mauled in Holy Land, after
the Exodus, because of bad behavior, just
like Psalm 78; (new exile will happen)
80 -Thus, we should not have recourse to -neighbors
ourselves to say anything about God, but
rather we should direct ourselves to
those who speak of the things of the
Spirit in the Spirit (Spirit x 2) -(illumination, x 3)
-adversaries require word from us (yet -God not answering our requests (x 3)
we should maintain silence)
81 -They say that on the portals of -the “portals” is a picture of the Psalms
Plato’s school there was the inscription: Ladder, which is also a portal. (Recall
“Let no one enter who is ignorant of that Jacob said the Ladder is the Gate of
geometry.” Heaven.)
Also, with Plato and geometry, we have
the Timaeus, in which are the 5 perfect
polyhedra, which represent the
elements. The 5 perfect polyhedra are
also hidden in the Psalms. (See above
comments also on Euclid’s geometrical
treatise Elements.)
-question about whether creatures -princes are called “elohim”, sons of the
are actually creatures, or something most high; but they shall die like mortals
higher after their unjust pronouncements
83 -single heart (mind); see Chapter 81
-grandeur -glory
-quoting Gregory of Nyssa, “For from -Psalm 84 is the only place in the Bible
the grandeur and beauty of creatures the where God is said to be the “sun”. [This,
Creator is contemplate by analogy.” of course, is a literary analogy. The Psalm
is not equating God with the sun.]
85 -Dionysius the Areopagite mentioned
-“This most prominent of divine -some ‘processions’ of Psalm 85: -people
hymnodists announces he will praise return from captivity, God extends anger
these processions and adds ‘as far as (then withdraws it), God speaks, God
possible’ to show that these transcend dwells in the land again, Love and Truth
our praises. (Psalm terminology here)” meet, Justice and Peace kiss, Truth
sprouts from earth, Justice looks down
from heaven. Yahweh provides good,
land will yield produce. The righteous
person walks on the path.
86 -There are repetitions in short -there are at least 17 word repetitions in
Chapter 86, which begins by again this Psalm
referring to Dionysius: “The same divine
revealer who said above….”
-Other repetitions in this Chapter:
divine, procession, distinction,
communications, incomprehensible,
reason, intellect, created….
87 -divinely fitting names
-drag God’s providence down to the -Elion, Most High: The human city is
level of a creature…. called this, which is a name of God!
-identical…divine participations…. -humanity lifted, joined to God….
88 -3 good authors mentioned: -in the LXX, three authors of Psalm 88:
Dionysius, Maximus, Basil sons of Kore, Maeleth, Haiman
-creation will become divine, God will -Yahweh MLK Psalm, God comes to live
share his rank with creatures and be among creation
101 -Question: When will you come to me?
102 -Question: How can he be God if his -your years endure through all
creatures are not posterior to him? generations
103 -Question: How can he be God if he -Bless Yahweh, all his legions, his
creates without will? servants who do his will.
-forgiveness, healing of human will
-merging of human and divine will
104 -God in universe, universe in God. -waters above the heavens, discussion of.
(Just like all universe and all -Psalm 104 (and 103) begins and ends
time/history is in the individual human with the phrase “Bless Yahweh, my
soul, as Psalms 103 & 104 discuss.) soul”. Therefore, the blessing soul
contains Psalms 103 & 104, and,
everything that those Psalms contain.
-God himself is within himself. Psalm 103 contains Salvation History.
Psalm 104 contains Space & Time, the
cosmos, and the processes of Creation,
and ‘natural history’. Psalm 103
emphasizes this at the outset, saying,
“Bless Yahweh, my soul, and all that is
within me (bless) his holy name.”
This is a deep teaching of
nonduality, such as we might expect to
find in a discussion of Buddhism, Zen,
Taoism …. (Eastern Christianity
celebrates nonduality more than
Western Christianity.) See also John
1:1, which celebrates individuality,
relationship, and Union in 1 verse.
105 -Those who have pleased God…. -Psalm 105 and 78 both discuss the
Exodus. While Psalm 78 treats the many
and serious/comical failures of the
Israelites, Psalm 105 deals with none of
the problems of their journey of growth,
and emphasizes the goodness of God, and
the goodness of Joseph (and Moses).
-Additionally, Joseph becomes so close to
God that he almost participates in the
earthly trajectory of the Incarnation of
the Word: consider how this verse is a
type, a prelude, of the journey of the
Incarnation of the Logos, as Joseph is
lifted from the nadir to the zenith of his
existence: “They afflicted with fetters his
leg, into irons came his soul. Until the
time His Word was fulfilled, Yahweh had
purified him. He sent a king who released
him, a ruler of peoples who freed him. He
appointed him (Joseph) master of his
palace and ruler of all his wealth.” vv. 18-
106 -“no word formed in the soul….” -Connections with 103, 104, 105
-apophasis (Dionysius is quoted later -difficult parts of life (such as those times
in the Chapter) expressed by Psalm 106) prepare us for
-next Psalm, 107: “Those who sat divine gifts in ways that good times
in darkness….” simply cannot prepare us for….
Somewhat similar to the role of silence in
-“…since the divine nature has conceived -The meta-structure of Psalms 103 & 104
all things within itself beforehand in a
general and indeterminate manner….”
128 -Because he alone possesses an -Children are growing like olive tree
energy completely void of passion, for by saplings around the table.
it he is active only but is not acted upon,
neither coming into being nor changing.
(Palamas is being understated here, by -Psalms 112 and 128, both Menorah
describing passionlessness in tandem Psalms, are very much connected. Each
with the Psalm (128) which most Psalm is also powerfully paired with a
celebrates the joy of marriage and family, neighbor (111 & 112) and (127 & 128),
as well as vines, garden, and trees.) and both of these pairs are connected
with each other.
Thanks to Fr. John Endres, S.J., and to Fr. Solomon Farinto for conversations that
helped this project. A discussion with Dr. Thomas Cattoi was also beneficial.