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1-Which of the following amino acids is the precursor of carnitine?

2-What is the key enzyme of cholesterol synthesis?
A-HMG CoA synthase
B-HMG CoA reductase
3-How can the FA synthesis be regulated?
A-Insulin inhibits its key enzyme
B-citrate Inhibit its key enzyme
C-glucagon activates its key enzyme
D-Palmitoyl CoA inhibits the key enzyme
4-What is the main source of NADPH for FA and cholesterol synthesis
A-Malic enzyme
B-oxidative phase of HMS
C-Extra mitochondrial isocitrate dehydrogenase
D- intra mitochondrial isocitrate dehydrogenase
5- Which Lipoproteins are the main cholesterol carriers?
A-Chylomicrons and IDL
D- Chylomicrons and HDL
6- Which plasma lipid increases the risk of atherosclerosis?
A-Increased HDL
B-Decreased LDL
C-Increased LDL
D-Increase Chylomicrons
7- What is the key enzyme of lipolysis
A-Hormone sensitive lipase
B-DAG lipase
C-MAG lipase
8- How can the brain utilize the fatty acids
A-oxidation to produce energy
B-Oxidation to form cerebrosides
C- it can’t oxidize fatty acids
D-producing ketone bodies
9- The ETC happens in:
A-Outer mitochondrial membrane
B-Inner mitochondrial membrane
C-Mitochondrial matrix
10-At what level does the larynx end
11-At what level does the ascending aorta end?
A-Right 2nd Costal cartilage
B-Right 2nd intercostal space
C-Left 2nd Costal cartilage
D-Left 2nd intercostal space
12-A patient is suffering from tricuspid regurgitation, what is the surface anatomy of
the tricuspid valve?
A-4th coastal cartilage at left border of sternum
B-4th costal cartilage at the midline
C-4th intercostal space behind midline
D-4th intercostal space behind left border of sternum
13- Which of the following is correct about the heart
A-The diaphragmatic surface is posterior
B-the apex is upward and to the right
C-The base is downward and to the left
D-the apex is forward, downward and to the left
14- How many cusps does the pulmonary valve contain?
15- How does the vagi enter the abdomen?
A-enter through esophageal opening
B--enter through aortic opening
C--enter through IVC opening
D--enter through Costal slips
16- Which of the following is a branch from the artery that passes through cavernous
D-Anterior cerebral
17-What is the difference between the two innominate veins?
A-right innominate is oblique and long
B-left innominate is oblique and short
C-right innominate is vertical and short
D-Left innominate is vertical and long
18-What happened during formation of the interventricular septum
A-Growing of the membranous part leaving the interventricular foramen then the
muscular part closes it
B- Growing of the muscular part then the membranous leaving the interventricular
C- Growing of the membranous part then the membranous part
D-Growing of the muscular part leaving the interventricular foramen then the
membranous part closes it
19-What is the embryological origin of the stapedial artery?
A-First aortic arch
B-Second aortic arch
C-Third aortic arch
D-Fourth aortic arch
20- In which meatus are you supposed to find irregular discharge if a patient is suffering
from inflammation of the maxillary air sinus
A-Sphenoethmoidal Recess
B-Superior meatus
C-Middle meatus
D-Inferior meatus
21- Which of the following paranasal air sinuses opens in the superior meatus
A-Posterior ethmoidal
B-Middle ethmoidal
C-Anterior ethmoidal
22- If the peripheral part of the diaphragm is injured, the pain will be sensed due to which
C-upper 6 intercostal nerves
D-Lower 6 intercostal nerves
23- What is the rib that the lower border of the parietal pleura will cross the mid clavicular
A-Rib 10
B-R 9
C-R 8
24- Which vein drains the trachea
A-Anterior jugular vein
B-inferior thyroid
C-superior thyroid
25-A boy playing with a small car toy, suddenly, one of the car wheels fall in his mouth then
the trachea, which of the following structures is the most common where the wheel stuck:
A-Right primary bronchus
B-Left primary bronchus
C-Carina of trachea
D-superior labor of left lung

26-Which is correct about the cardiomyocyte?
A-T tubules at Z line
B-Myofibrils in perfect register
C-Intercalated disc at A-I junction
D-Sarcoplasmic reticulum with T tubules form triads
27- Which of the following is correct about the coronary arteries
A-The musclo-elastic thickenings is absent in the elder people
B-Tunica media is thinner compared to other muscular arteries
C-Tunica adventitia has high collagen to elastic ratio
D- Tunica adventitia has low collagen to elastic ratio
28- Which of the following has prominent pinocytotic vesicles?
A-Continuous capillaries
B-medium sized reins
C-sinusoid capillaries
D-medium sized arteries

What is the function of the following cell

A-Proliferate during alveolar damage
B-Represents 95%of the cells in alveoli
C-it forms the alveolar side of blood air barrier
D-its basal lamina is fused with the basal lamina of nearby capillaries
30- A woman stands up from supine position, which of the following group of
compensatory mechanisms will occur
Total peripheral resistance Renal blood flow Heart rate

1 Decrease Decrease Increase

2 Decrease Increase Decrease

3 Increase Decrease Increase

4 Increase Increase Decrease

31- What decreases p50?
A-Increased temperature
B-Increased PH
C-Increased 2-3DPG
D-Increased PCO2
32- What is the difference between the fetal Hb and the mother's Hb at same PO2
A-Increased O2 content and increased Hb O2 saturation
B-Decreased O2 content and decreased Hb O2 saturation
B-Decreased O2 content and increased Hb O2 saturation
D-Constant O2 content and increased Hb O2 saturation
33- What is the main cause of c wave in jugular venous pulse curve
A-Contraction of right ventricle with bulging of the tricuspid valve into right atrium
B-atrial relaxation
C-opening of the tricuspid valve
D-atrial systole
34- Which of the following explains Frank-Starling law
A-Increased heart rate increases the force of contraction
B-Increased stroke volume due to increased venous return
C-Parasympathetic supplying the heart
D-sympathetic supplying the heart
35- Which of the following decreases the systemic filling pressure
A-Increased blood volume
B-Increased venous compliance
C-decrease venous compliance
D-decrease venous pressure
36- The capillary pressure is 35mmHg and the interstitial hydrostatic pressure is 2
mmHg while the capillary osmotic pressure is 26 mmHg and the interstitial osmotic
pressure is 2 mmHg, what is the net force and the direction of fluid movement?
A-Absorption 9 mmHg
B-Absorption 7 mmHg
C-filtration 7 mmHg
D-filtration 9 mmHg
37- Which ion is responsible for release of ca from sarcoplasmic reticulum
38- If blood flow to an arm is obstructed for more than 30 seconds during BP
measurement, the release of the cuff will be followed by a temporarily higher than
resting level of blood flow through the arm. Which of the following best describes the
temporarily higher blood flow?
A- accumulation of local metabolites
B-myogenic regulation
C-systemic regulation
D-increase sympathetic outflow
39- A patient is being treated with a drug which acts as angiotensin II receptor
blocker, what will be its effect
A-increase his blood pressure
C- increase aldosterone secretion
C-increase water retention
D-decrease his blood pressure
40- Which of the following doesn't affect the diffusion of gases across the respiratory
A-thickness of the membrane
B-Solubility of the gas
C-Molecular weight of the gas
D-Position of the subject
41- A patient’s lung with a compliance of 150 ml/cmH2O, what is the pressure
required to inspire a tidal volume of 600 ml
42- What are the alveolar oxygen and carbon dioxide tensions in a patient with
obstructed airways
PO2=150mmHg, PCO2= 0mmHg
PO2= 100mmHg, PCO2= 40mmHg
PO2= 40mmHg, PCO2= 46mmHg
PO2= 0mmHg, PCO2= 46mmHg
43-What is the peripheral chemoreceptors responsive to?
A-They respond to changes in arterial PO2 but not pH
B-They respond to changes in PCO2 but not arterial PO2
C-They respond to both arterial PCO2 and PO2
D-They respond to changes in CSF
44- A patient suffered from a head trauma which increased the intracranial pressure,
what will be the CVS compensatory action?
A-Increased blood pressure and decreased heart rate
B-Increased blood pressure and increased heart rate
C-Decreased blood pressure and decreased heart rate
D-Decreased blood pressure and increased heart rate
45-A patient came to emergency with pulmonary embolism, which is correct about
his case?
A-V/Q ratio is decreased
B- there is shunt
C-Po2 in inspired air equal Po2 in alveoli
D-V/Q ratio in left lung is lower than right lung
46- The phase 2 of the fast action potential is due to:
A-opening of fast voltage-gated Na+ channels
B-outflux of K and influx of Na
C-outflux of Ca and influx of K
D-influx of Ca and outflux of K
47-why does smoking cause pulmonary edema?
A-decrease surfactant
B-increase surfactant
C-increase the surface area of diffusion
D-increase solubility of O2
Integrated questions

48- Which of the following is a characteristic feature of the pointed structure

A-Highest compliance
B-Lowest elasticity
C-Highest viscosity
D-Least resistance
49-what is the site of termination of pointed structure?
D- T5

50- Which bronchopulmonary segments are present in the lobe pointed by the arrow
A-Apical, anterior and posterior
B-superior and inferior
C-Medial and lateral
D-anterior and posterior
51- What is the histological feature of the bronchus supplying this bronchopulmonary
A-lined by respiratory epithelium
B-has mixed glands in lamina propria
C-lined by simple cuboidal epithelium
D-covered by complete rings of cartilage
Number Answer
1 A
2 B
3 D
4 B
5 C
6 C
7 A
8 B
9 B
10 C
11 A
12 C
13 D
14 B
15 A
16 D
17 C
18 D
19 B
20 C
21 A
22 D
23 C
24 B
25 A
26 A
27 C
28 A
29 A
30 C
31 B
32 A
33 A
34 B
35 B
36 D
37 B
38 A
39 D
40 D
41 A
42 C
43 C
44 A
45 C
46 D
47 A
48 D
49 A
50 C
51 A

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