3. Mizhavu and Edakka are the musical 26.With reference to the history of ancient India,
instruments used in this art form. Sopara,Semylla and Kalyana were well
How many of the statements given above are
known as:
correct? (a)Buddhist pilgrimage sites
(a)Only one (b)centres of cotton and silk textiles
(b)Only two (c)learning centres
(c)All three (d)ports
Vajiram &Ravi PowerUp Prelims Test Series (2024)
GS Test-11-Ancient and Medieval Indian History &Art and Culture (V5521)
27.Consider the following pairs with reference to 30. With reference to the history of medieval
the Gupta period: India,the term 'Mohur'referred to:
(a)tribal ritual
(b)royal seal
Sl. Type of tax Levied on (c)musical scale used in classical music
No. (d)gold coin issued during Mughal empire
29.Which one of the following is best depicted in 2. Vishayapati
of Mining
the Bhitari Pillar inscriptions,located in Uttar
Pradesh? In charge of
3. Valanjiyar
(a)Life and achievements of Skandagupta land grants
(b)Victory of Chandragupta-ll over Vanga Which of the pairs given above are correctly matched?
countries (a)1 only
(c)Famine-relief efforts of Mauryan Kings (b)2 and 3 only
(d)Path of spirituality undertaken by Ashoka (c)3 only
(d)1 and 3 only
Vajiram &Ravi PowerUp Prelims Test Series (2024)
GS Test-11-Ancient and Medieval Indian History &Art and Culture (V5521)
33.Consider the following statements with 36.Which of the following are the works of Kalidasa?
reference to the economy during the Gupta 1.Ritusamharam
period silk trade with the Roman Empire
1.India's 2.Raghuvamsam
saw a significant increase. 3.Meghadutam
2.The gold coins were more refined than
that of the coins issued by the Kushana
rulers. 5.Amarakosha
3.Expansion of the land under cultivation Select the correct answer using the code given
relieved thepeasants from the tax below:
burden. (a)1,2 and 3 only
How many of the above statements are (b)2,3,4 and 5 only
correct? (c)1,4 and 5 only
(a)Only one (d)1,3,4 and 5 only
(b)Only two
(c)All three 37.Consider the following statements with eference
(d)None to Sangam Literature:
1.Tolkappiyam gives insights into the
34.Consider the following statements with
political and socioeconomic conditions of the
reference to the reign of Chandragupta I
Sangam period
1.He was referred to as Sakari for
defeating the western saka satraps 2.OTirukkural authored by Tiruvalluvar is a
2.Ujjain became the altemative capital of philosophical text which deals with ethics
the Guptas during his reign and morals.
3.He conquered Bactria and deprived the Which of the statements given above is/are
Kushana king of their rule in this region correct?
4.Fa-hein mentions the patronisation of (a)1 only
Nalanda University by Chandragupta Il. (b)2 only
How many of the statements given above are
(c)Both 1 and 2
correct? (d)Neither 1 nor 2
(a)Only one
(b)Only two
(c)Only three 38.With reference to the origin of Indian theatre consider the
(d)All four following statements:
1.Sariputra Prakarana which is considered
35.Consider the following statements with the first example of classical Sanskrit drama was
reference to the land grants in ancient India: authored by Bhasa.
1.Devagrahara was the land given to military
2.The essence of conflict was first
commanders in lieu of their duties. introduced by Ashvagosha in his play
2.Agraghara was the tax free and hereditary
land grants exclusively given to the Mricchakatika.
Which of the statements given above is/are
Which of the statements given above is/are not correct?
correct? (a)1 only
(a)1 only (b)2 only
(b)2 only (c)Both 1 and 2
(c)Both 1 and 2 (d)Neither 1 nor 2
(d)Neither 1 nor 2
Vajiram &Ravi PowerUp Prelims Test Series (2024)
GS Test-11-Ancient and Medieval Indian History &Art and Culture (V5521)