Week 5, Term 2, 2024
Week 5, Term 2, 2024
Week 5, Term 2, 2024
13th May - 21st May - Years 7-10 Half Yearly examinations 19th June - School Photographs
20th May - 24th May - Year 9 Parent meetings 27th June - Parent Teacher interviews
24th May - Years 11 and 12 Elevate 28th June - Last day of Term 2
28th May - Year 7 Vaccination
29th May & 31st May - Market day
3rd June to 7th June - Year 9 Parent meetings
3rd June - Year 12 English excursion
4th June - Year 7 Robotics Workshop
5th June - Years 7 and 8 Geography excursion
7th June - Years 9 and 10 Geography excursion
- Year 12 English excursion
10th June - Kings Birthday Public Holiday
13th June - 14th June - Hajj Camp
17th June - 18th June - School closed for EID AL ADHA
Mouina Ramadan
Head of Senior School
Asalamu Alaykum,
Dear Parents,
As we move through the academic year, we find ourselves at a significant juncture with the half-
yearly examinations, the upcoming ISD Cross Country event, the much-anticipated Leadership
Conference, and the Sydney Writers’ Festival. This busy period highlights the incredible
dedication and talents of our students.
Half-Yearly Examinations
First and foremost, we want to acknowledge the hard work and determination our students have
displayed during the half-yearly examinations. Their commitment to their studies is inspiring.
The countless hours spent reviewing material, participating in study groups, and seeking extra
help from teachers reflect their eagerness to excel. We are immensely proud of their
perseverance and dedication.
We also recognise the essential role that you, as parents, play in this process. Your support and
encouragement at home are invaluable. By helping to create a conducive study environment,
providing emotional support, and reinforcing the importance of balance between work and rest,
you contribute significantly to your child’s success.
Next week, we look forward to the ISD Cross Country event. This annual competition is a
wonderful opportunity for our selected students to demonstrate their athleticism,
sportsmanship, and school spirit.
Leadership Conference
In addition to these activities, we are excited about the upcoming Leadership Conference. This
event will provide our students with the chance to enhance their leadership skills, collaborate
with peers, and learn from esteemed leaders in various fields. It is an invaluable opportunity for
personal and professional growth.
We are also thrilled about the Sydney Writers’ Festival. This event offers a unique opportunity
for our students to engage with renowned authors, participate in thought-provoking discussions,
and develop a deeper appreciation for literature. It promises to be an enriching experience,
fostering a love for reading and a broader understanding of the world.
We thank you, our supportive parents, for your continuous encouragement and involvement in
your children’s educational journey. Let us continue to celebrate and support our students as
they navigate this busy period with resilience and enthusiasm.
Asalamu Alaykum,
Dear Parents,
We’re excited to announce that Elevate Education will be hosting their next parent webinar on
exam preparation on May 22nd.
Elevate works with our students, delivering high-impact workshops on study skills, motivation,
wellbeing, and exam preparation. By tuning into their webinar series, you’ll learn how you can
help support your child at home by reinforcing the skills they’re learning at school.
Sign up for the session below to learn how you can help your child to get ready for their
assessments and walk into the exam hall feeling confident and prepared.
Bellfield College supports Scholastic Book Club and encourages reading for pleasure.
Students will receive Book Club brochures throughout the term.
All orders are online only. The Book Club LOOP platform allows you to pay by credit
card. Your child’s books are delivered directly to school. You can place your child’s order at
scholastic.com.au/LOOP or using the LOOP app, which can be downloaded from the App
Store or Google Play.
Each order helps to earn free books and teaching materials for our College, however there is
no obligation to order. I know of no better way to encourage reading than to allow children to
choose the books they want to read.
Please note: We ask that you book in the session for your youngest child. You will only
be asked to book in for one meeting per family.
School Photographs
Roll Call
Students must arrive prior to 8.30am and will attend period 1 class immediately after the
morning bell (8.30am). Attendance rolls will be marked at the commencement of period
1 and throughout the day occurring at the beginning of each period. Students late to
class will be issued with an ‘on the spot’ lunchtime detention.
Morning Drop off and Afternoon Pickup
Kiss and Drop
If travelling to and from school by car, pick up and drop off
is strictly via the school car line zone. Car line may be
accessed through the Junior school gate, follow the road
through to the senior school library and wait in your car for
your child. Children must wait in front of the library until
mum or dad are seen to approach the library. Students are
not permitted to wait along the grass area, nor should they
be encouraged to cross carline to enter your vehicle.
Sick Bay
Illness at School
Students must not telephone parents to arrange for their parent/guardian to collect
them. This will be done by the office staff.
The sick bay is used for a short time only and students will be monitored by the senior
school administration officer. If the problem persists parents or caregivers will be
contacted. For serious problems, parents or caregivers will be contacted immediately and
for very serious cases medical help will be sought.
It is extremely important that the medical information in each student’s file is accurate.
If there is a change in your child’s health status, the school MUST be notified. For students
who are on medication parents are required to complete a ‘Prescribed Medication’ form
explaining the nature of the medication and give clear guidelines for administering the
medication. This form is available from the front office. Prescribed medications must be
distributed from the office.
Lunchtime Homework
Homework is sent home every night.
Detentions Please contact your child’s class
teacher if you have any questions.
Your child may receive an on-the-spot The Main Types of Homework are:
lunchtime detention for reasons
including but not limited to:
Practice Exercises – providing
Late to class students with the opportunities to
Out of uniform apply new knowledge, or review, revise
Non completion of classwork and reinforce newly acquired skills
Preparatory Homework – providing
If a student is absent from school opportunities for students to gain
when the detention is served, then background information on a unit of
he/she will have to serve it on another study so that they are better prepared
day and families will be notified for future lessons
accordingly. Extension & Research Assignments –
encouraging students to pursue
Failure to attend the detention may knowledge individually
result in a suspension as this is Revision and consolidation – reading
considered a serious breach of college over class notes, applying information
rules. and organisation or reformatting notes
Private Buses
Travel Policy Students travelling to and from school via
private buses should use the footpath
Please ensure that prior to booking any holidays
along the front driveway. When leaving
during term time, that you seek approval from
school, students must use the Junior
the college.
crossing and the student exit pedestrian
We only allow 10 school days leave
maximum during a calendar year.