PBC Materials Animals and Conservation 14032019
PBC Materials Animals and Conservation 14032019
PBC Materials Animals and Conservation 14032019
Class:10C5 Lesson: 19
Reptiles – a class of animals that are cold-blooded, with scales
Amphibians – a class of animals that can live in the water and on land, no
Mammals — a class of warm-blooded, usually hairy animals, that feed their
young with milk secreted by the mammary glands of females
Fish — are vertebrates which live in water and respire (get oxygen) with
Birds — a class of warm-blooded animals that can fly
Diurnal — active by day
Nocturnal — performing most actions (feeding, breeding, etc.) at night
Herbivores — animals eating plants, leaves, and vegetation
Carnivores — animals feeding on other animals; flesh-eating
Omnivores — animals feeding on a variety of different foodstuffs, both animal
and vegetable
Predator — an animal which must hunt and kill other animals for food
Prey — an animal which is hunted by other animals for food
Enclosure — the man-made habitat of an animal in captivity
Biome — a group of areas with similar climates, weather patterns, seasons,
and vegetation (tundra, rainforest, etc.)
Environment — the total conditions in which an organism exists (climate,
terrain, food, light, presence of other living organisms)
Habitat — a place that contains all the nutrients, water, shelter, and
resources that an individual needs to survive; the place in which an animal or
plant normally eats, drinks, sleeps, and moves around
Territory — the space within an animal’s habitat that it actively defends
Terrestrial — of or relating to land as distinct from water or air; living on, or
in, or growing from land
Endangered — in peril or danger of extinction as a species
Extinct — plant or animal species that no longer exists
Prehensile — adapted for seizing or grasping, especially by wrapping around,
e.g. tails of some New World monkeys
Domesticated – living in a house with people (such as pets)
Conservation — a careful preservation and protection of something,
especially planned management of a natural resource to prevent exploitation,
destruction, or neglect Climate — how the atmosphere behaves over
relatively long periods of time; the prevailing set of weather conditions in any
14/03/2019 Phan Bội Châu High School Teacher: RFW
Class:10C5 Lesson: 19
habitat the natural natural habitat, wildlife habitat, I believe new measures are
environment where an threatened/endangered habitat, necessary to protect wildlife
animal or plant lives damage/destroy a habitat, habitats.
conserve/protect a habitat, loss of
biodiversity the number and types biodiversity loss, biodiversity Biodiversity conservation plans
of plants and animals conservation, global biodiversity, should be a priority for
in a specific area or in preserve biodiversity governments around the world.
the world
ecosystem all the people, animals forest ecosystem, healthy It is well known that commercial
and plants living in an ecosystem, maintain the fishing can have a very negative
area and the way they ecosystem, benefit the ecosystem, impact on the ecosystem, yet
affect each other and damage the ecosystem, species in little has been done to address
the environment an ecosystem this.
endangered a type of plant or save endangered species, critically There are many organizations
species animal that might stop endangered species that are committed to saving
existing endangered species.
vegetation plants in general natural vegetation, green The Costa Rican jungles are
vegetation, dense/lush/thick characterized by thick, green
vegetation, native vegetation, vegetation.
14/03/2019 Phan Bội Châu High School Teacher: RFW
Class:10C5 Lesson: 19
Idiom Meaning
A ants in one's pants 1 a person who does the same thing as someone else
B (the) birds and the 2 a person who is excited about doing certain work
C cat nap 3 a short sleep
D cat's got one's 4 become quiet suddenly
E chicken out 5 begin to suspect trickery etc
F clam up 6 diagonal direction
G copy cat 7 directly from the original source
H dog days 8 dying/giving up quickly
I dropping like flies 9 eat a lot of something
J eager beaver 10 face a challenge or danger boldly
K fishy 11 fierce, competitive struggle for power, position etc
L have a cow 12 for a very long time
M hold your horses 13 get extremely upset (often over something minor)
N holy cow! 14 get the greatest percentage
O horse around 15 get two things done at once
P get the lion's share 16 go straight for something
Q in the dog house 17 I heard something (usually secretive or unknown) from someone
(not named)
R kill two birds with 18 in trouble with another person
one stone
S kitty corner 19 money saved for the future
T let the cat out of the 20 odd, suspicious
U (a) little bird told me 21 play roughly
V make a beeline 22 raining heavily
W monkey see, 23 reveal a secret
monkey do
X nest egg 24 said about someone who doesn't speak (usually due to shyness)
Y pig out 25 sex education
Z raining cats and 26 silly/unintelligent people tend to copy each other's actions
A1 rat race 27 to decide not to do something out of fear (usually just before)
B1 smell a rat 28 unable to sit still or remain calm out of nervousness or excitement
C1 straight from the 29 very hot days
horse's mouth
14/03/2019 Phan Bội Châu High School Teacher: RFW
Class:10C5 Lesson: 19
Discuss the below questions without partner and present some ideas in front of the
What are the reasons why these animals are at risk from extinction in Vietnam?
Discuss the reasons for and against the below questions/motions in your groups,
please be prepared to debate either viewpoint with the other groups in your class.
Animals should not be used for the benefit of human beings, unless there is
evidence that the animals do not suffer in any way. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?
Wild animals have no place in the 21st century. Some people think that
preventing these wild animals from dying out is a waste of resource. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people say that too much attention and too many resources are given
in the protection of wild animals and birds. Do you agree or disagree about
this opinion?