Unit 6. Ecosystems Around The World: A Food Web
Unit 6. Ecosystems Around The World: A Food Web
Unit 6. Ecosystems Around The World: A Food Web
The ecosystem you live in
a. The number of living species in a place increase as you move from the north to the
b. huge areas of land and oceans.
c. Ecology.
2 a An ecosystem is made up of a community of living things and their environment, and
how they are linked together through the movement of nutrients and energy (as shown
in food chains and webs). An ecosystem can be divided into many habitats.
b A habitat is a place where a living organism lives.
10. The signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) is larger and, when competing for
the same food, may push the smaller native species out of the way and starve
It also burrows in riverbanks and may destroy the holes where the young
native species need to shelter to survive. This may result in the young native
species being killed.
The signal crayfish also carries a disease which is fatal to the native species.
11. The ecologist should set up pitfall traps throughout the woodland (perhaps 4–5 metres
apart. They should be emptied every morning and reset three times. This procedure should
be repeated monthly throughout the year. If the trap results show that A is trapped
regularly throughout the year (or matching a known seasonal variation) and B is only
trapped occasionally at this time with no increase of numbers, then B may be a species that
is naturally found in the woodland, but only as a small population. If the numbers of B
increase over this time, then the beetle could be an invasive species. If the numbers of A
decrease as the numbers of B increase, then it could be described as a harmful invasive