4 - Business-Combination
4 - Business-Combination
4 - Business-Combination
PROBLEM 10. The Manila branch of the Great Company is billed for
merchandise by the home office at 20% above cost. The branch in turn prices
merchandise for sales purposes at 25% above billed price. On February 16 all
of the branch merchandise is destroyed by fire. No insurance was maintained.
Branch account shows the following information;
Merchandise inv, January 1 (at billed price)…………….P26,400
Shipments from home office (Jan 1-Feb 16)…………… 20,000
Sales………………………………………………………… 15,000
Sales returns………………………………………………. 2,000
Sales allowances…………………………………………. 1,000
Basak Malut-lut, National Highway
Marawi City, 9700
1. Unadjusted Balance of the Home Office Account?
2. Adjusted Balance of the reciprocal account?
a. A charge for labor by the Home Office, P500 was recorded twice
by the branch.
b. A charge of P895 was made by the Home Office for freight on
merchandise, but the amount was recorded by the Branch as
c. A charge of P980 (furniture and fixture) on the Home office books
was taken up by the Branch as P890.
d. A credit by he Home Office for P350(merchandise allowances)
was taken up by the Branch as P400.
e. The Home Office charged the Branch P425 for interest on open
account which the branch failed to take up in full: instead, the
branch sent to Home Office a wrong adjusting memo,reducing
the charged by P100 and set up a liability for the net amount.
f. The Home Office received P5,000 from the sale of a truck which
it erroneously credited to the Branch; the Branch did not charge
the Home Office therewith.
g. The Branch by mistake sent the Home Office a debit note for
P370 representing its proportion of a bill for repairs of truck; the
Home Office did not record it.
h. The Branch inadvertently received a copy of the Home Office
entry dated July 19, 2024 correcting item (f) and entered a credit
in favor of the Home Office as of June 30, 2024.
1. unadjusted balance of the Home Office current account on the
branch books, and the branch books?
2. the adjusted balance of the reciprocal account on June 30, 2024?
Basak Malut-lut, National Highway
Marawi City, 9700
Marketable securities
-IFRS 3 defines business combination as a transaction or other Building
events in which an acquirer obtains control of one or more businesses (the Equipment
acquiree). Total Assets
Total Liabilities
Types of Acquisition: Common Stock
1. Assets Acquisition -it takes place when the company’s assets are Additional Paid in Capital
acquired directly and liabilities are assumed.
Retained Earning
➢ Statutory Merger- refers to the absorption of one or more
Total Shareholder’s Equity
existing legal entites by aother existing company that
combines as the sole surviving legal entity.
➢ Statutory consolidation- refers to the combining of two or PROBLEM 2. A Co. Paid the following;
more existing legal entities into one new legal entity. Finders fee P40,000
2. Stock Acquisition- a controlling interest (typically more than 50%) Accountant’s fee (Advisory) 10,000
of another voting common stock is acquired.t Legal fees (Advisory) 15,000
Salaries of A Co’s employees assigned to the
1. Identify the acquirer Cost of closing duplicate facilities 12,000
2. Determine the acquisition date Cost of shareholder’s meeting to vote on the
3. Determine the consideration given (price paid) by the acquirer. merger 14,000
4. Recognize and measure the identifiable assets acquired, the Cost of printing stock certificates 7,000
liabilities assumed and any non-controlling interest (formerly called Audit and accountant’s fee related to the stock
minority interest) in the acquire. Any resulting goodwill or gain from Issuance 3,000
a bargain purchase should be recognized. SEC registration fess 5,000
Stock listing application fees 4,000
Based on the preceding information, under the cquisition method following
PROBLEM 1. Coke company and Pepsi company agreed to a combination on PFRS 3,
January 1, 2024. On the date of the combination, the companies reported the
following data: (in thousands) Required:
Coke company Pepsi company 1. What amount of relating to business combination would be expensed?
Book value Fair value Book value Fair value 2. The total stock issuance cost would be?
Cash and Receivables P290 P290 P20 P20
Inventory 100 150 30 42 PROBLEM 3. AA ltd., a supplier of snooker equipment, agreed to acquire the
Land 100 140 10 15 business of a rival firm, BB Lts. Taking over all assets and liabilities as at June
Plant and Equipment 400 300 200 140 1, 2024.
Less: Accumulated Depreciation (150) (80)
Total Assets P740 P880 P180 P217 The price agreed upon was P60,000; payable P20,000 cash and the balance
by the issue to the selling company of 16,000 fully paid shares in AA ltd. These
Current liabilities P80 P80 P20 P20 shares having a fair value of 2.50 per share.
Capital Stock 200 20
APIC 20 5 The trial balance of the two companies as at June 1, 2024 were as follows:
Retained Earnings 440 135 AA BB
Total Liabilities and Equities P740 P180 Share capital P100,000 P 90,000
Retained earnings 12,000 (24,000)
Coke company has 10,000 shares of its P20 par value shares outstanding on Accounts Payable 2,000 20,000
January 1, 2024, and Pepsi Company has 4,000 shares of P5 par value stock Cash 30,000 -
outstanding. The market values of the shares are P300 and P50, respectively Plant assets 50,000 30,000
Inventory 14,000 26,000
Case 1: Purchase price equals the fair value of net identifiable assets Accounts Receivable 8,000 20,000
Coke Co. acquired Pepsi company’s net assets by paying P197,00 cash. Coke All the identifiable net assets of BB Ltd. were recorded by BB Ltd. at fair value
Co. pays professional fees of P20,000 to accomplish the acquisition and stock except for the inventory which was considered to be worth P28,000. The plant
issuance cost of P1,000. had an expected remaining life of five years.
Case 2: Purchase price exceeds the fair value of net identifiable assets The business combination was completed and BB Ltd. went into liquidation.
acquired. Costs of liquidation amounted to P1,000. AA ltd. incurred incidental costs of
Coke Co.. issues 500 shares and 75,000 cash for Pepsi Co’s net assets. Coke P500 in relation to the acquisition costs. Costs of issuing shares in AA Ltd were
Co. pays professional fees of P20,000 to accomplish the acquisition and stock P400.
issuance cost of P5,000.
Case 2: Purchase price below the fair value of net identifiable assets 1. The price consideration would be?
acquired. 2. The Total fair value of net assets acquired would be?
Coke Co.. issues 500 shares and P30,000 cash for Pepsi Co’s net assets. 3. What is the amount of goodwill to be recognized in the combined
Coke Co. pays professional fees of P20,000 to accomplish the acquisition and financial statements?
stock issuance cost of P25,000. 4. The Gain on bargain purchase would be?
5. Acquisition expenses will be recorded at what amount?
Compute the following amounts; 6. The amount of APIC that would be credited as a result of business
combination would be?
CASE 1 CASE 2 CASE 3 7. What is the total amount of inventory after acquisition?
Price consideration given 8. The total assets after business combination is?
9. The total liabilities would be?
Fair Value of Net Assets
10. The Total stock holder’s equity as a result of business combination
would be?
Gain on Bargain purchase
Basak Malut-lut, National Highway
Marawi City, 9700