HECHO Positive Actionj
HECHO Positive Actionj
HECHO Positive Actionj
Objective: To test the efficacy of 2 programs designed lence, provocative behavior, school delinquency, sub-
to reduce high-risk behaviors among inner-city African stance use, and sexual behaviors (intercourse and con-
American youth. dom use).
Design: Cluster randomized trial. Results: For boys, the SDC and SCI significantly re-
duced the rate of increase in violent behavior (by 35%
Setting: Twelve metropolitan Chicago, Ill, schools and and 47% compared with HEC, respectively), provoking
the communities they serve, 1994 through 1998. behavior (41% and 59%), school delinquency (31% and
66%), drug use (32% and 34%), and recent sexual inter-
Participants: Students in grades 5 through 8 and their course (44% and 65%), and improved the rate of in-
parents and teachers. crease in condom use (95% and 165%). The SCI was sig-
nificantly more effective than the SDC for a combined
Interventions: The social development curriculum behavioral measure (79% improvement vs 51%). There
(SDC) consisted of 16 to 21 lessons per year focusing on were no significant effects for girls.
social competence skills necessary to manage situations
in which high-risk behaviors occur. The school/ Conclusions: Theoretically derived social-emotional pro-
community intervention (SCI) consisted of SDC and grams that are culturally sensitive, developmentally ap-
school-wide climate and parent and community compo- propriate, and offered in multiple grades can reduce mul-
nents. The control group received an attention-placebo tiple risk behaviors for inner-city African American boys
health enhancement curriculum (HEC) of equal inten- in grades 5 through 8. The lack of effects for girls de-
sity to the SDC focusing on nutrition, physical activity, serves further research.
and general health care.
Main Outcome Measures: Student self-reports of vio- Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2004;158:377-384
IOLENCE, SUBSTANCE USE, lence, substance use, delinquency, and
and unsafe sexual prac- risky sexual activity reflect an underly-
tices are major public ing “problem behavior” construct,13-15 and
health problems challeng- empirical evidence increasingly supports
ing today’s urban African this premise,16,17 regardless of ethnicity or
American youth.1,2 Urban African Ameri- race. Given the strong correlations among
can youth are at high risk for violence ow- these behaviors and their predictors, pre-
ing to exposure to violence in their com- vention efforts may best be served by ad-
munities.3-6 They also experience more dressing multiple behaviors concur-
exposure, easy access, and daily pressure rently.13,18,19 Only a handful of interventions
to use or traffic illicit drugs.7-9 Compared aimed at multiple behaviors have been
with white youth, African Americans are tested,20-23 and most have not used ran-
more likely to report earlier initiation of domized designs. The current study was
sex, higher lifetime rates of sexual inter- designed to overcome this methodologi-
From the Health Research and
course, and more sexual partners in their cal limitation and to meet recommenda-
Policy Centers, University of lifetimes, with resulting high rates of preg- tions for effective prevention programs.24
Illinois at Chicago. A complete nancy and human immunodeficiency vi- The Aban Aya Youth Project—
list of the Aban Aya rus infection.10-12 which derives its name from 2 Ghanian
investigators appears on Investigators have theorized that the symbols, aban, a fence signifying double
page 383. seemingly separate behaviors of vio- (social) protection, and aya, an unfurl-
*The first 2 columns show the content of the 2 curricula. Note that when the same skills were taught in the 2 curricula, the targeted behaviors always differed
by condition. The third column shows the content of the school/community condition—the social development curriculum (column 2) plus the other
components listed.
tion across health educators, experimental conditions, and times, dom use were added at grade 6. Each behavior was assessed
2 training sessions were held before each lesson. The health with multiple items. For violence, provoking behavior, and sub-
educators role-played each activity and senior staff provided stance use, scale scores were formed for each behavior by sum-
feedback. Weekly debriefings were held to discuss issues that ming multiple items. For sexual behaviors (having sexual in-
may have affected implementation. Senior staff also con- tercourse and use of condoms), single item scores were used.
ducted observations to ensure fidelity and help target training For school delinquency, a more complicated approach was nec-
needs. In addition, each year the regular classroom teachers re- essary to produce a “scale score” because of “planned missing-
ceived a 4-hour workshop to provide an overview of program ness.”42 To reduce respondent burden, starting in the spring
philosophy, curriculum content, and clarification of their sup- of fifth grade, 3 versions of the survey, each containing the core
port roles. and 2 of the modules, were randomly assigned to classrooms
(evenly distributed across the 3 interventions) at each wave of
ASSESSMENT data collection. The core unit, answered by every student, in-
cluded items assessing demographics and all of the behavioral
Constructs were derived from the theory of triadic influence14 outcomes except school delinquency. Each of the 3 modules
and program content, and included background covariates, pro- contained two thirds of the items from the measure of school
cess variables, mediating variables, and behaviors. Only stu- delinquency. The scale and change scores were computed by
dent self-reports of behaviors (violence, provoking behaviors, fitting growth curves to each item simultaneously by means of
school delinquency, substance use, and sexual behaviors) are mixed-effect models and summing them to form the intercept
reported in this article. Measures were based on instruments (baseline score) and growth (change) of delinquency. We cre-
previously used with inner-city populations.20,27,38-41 Survey ques- ated a combined behavior measure by adjusting the range of
tions were modified for grade 4 readability and cultural sensi- the variables to be the same (0-10) and reversing the direction
tivity by means of feedback from focus groups and piloting. of scoring for condom use.
The items, response categories, scale score ranges, and re-
liability coefficients of each behavioral scale at each grade are DATA COLLECTION
available from one of us (B.R.F.). Violence, school delin-
quency, and substance use were measured from grade 5 on- Students completed surveys in classrooms at the beginning and
ward; provoking behaviors, recent sexual intercourse, and con- end of grade 5 and at the end of each subsequent year. We took
end of grade 8 and a total analysis sample (students with
4 one or more waves of data) of 1153. The final sample was
49.5% male, with an average age of 10.8 years (SD, 0.6
year) at the beginning of grade 5; approximately 77% re-
2 ceived federally subsidized school lunches, and 47% lived
HEC Boys SDC and
HEC Girls SCI Girls in 2-parent households.
1 SDC Boys SCI Boys Table 2 shows baseline (grade 5 or grade 6), end
point (grade 8), and change in scale scores or propor-
5 6 7 8 tions engaging in behaviors, percentage relative reduc-
Grade tions, significance levels, and effect sizes by condition for
boys and girls. Boys engaged in higher levels of behav-
Changes in school delinquency for boys and girls by condition from the
beginning of grade 5 to the end of grade 8. Baseline intercepts shown are iors at baseline than girls for all behaviors (P⬍.001) ex-
the average of the 3 conditions for each sex. HEC indicates health cept provoking (P = .17). The prevalence of all behav-
enhancement curriculum; SDC, social development curriculum; and iors increased over time across sex and conditions. There
SCI, school/community intervention.
was one significant baseline (grade 5) difference be-
tween conditions: boys receiving the SCI engaged in more
several precautions to ensure the validity of the data. To en- violence than boys in the SDC (P=.02).
sure even completion, staff read the survey aloud to students. There were no significant program effects for girls.
To minimize underreporting of behaviors, trained project staff, Program effects for boys were significant for all 6 behav-
not the teacher or health educator assigned to that classroom, iors in the SCI and marginally so in the SDC (except for
administered the surveys. To emphasize the confidential na- condom use); boys receiving the SDC and SCI increased
ture of their answers, we assured students that results would these behaviors less (more for condom use) than boys in
not be shared with anyone and we used identification num- the HEC. The Figure shows the developmental pattern
bers rather than names to track students over time. Students of behavior change and program effects for school delin-
without consent completed teacher-assigned tasks during sur- quency. It exemplifies the nature of program effects for
vey administration.
boys, occurring gradually between grades 6 and 7.
ANALYTICAL METHODS Effect sizes for the comparison of SDC and SCI with
HEC for boys ranged from 0.29 to 0.66, and relative im-
To estimate mean responses at baseline and in response to the provements were 31% to 165%. For boys in the SDC and
program, we used hierarchical statistical models that accom- SCI, the increase in negative behaviors from fifth to eighth
modate nested observations (times within subjects, subjects grade was less than in the HEC: violence by 35% and 47%,
within schools) and missing data.43-45 For the major reported respectively; provoking behavior, 41% and 59%; school
analyses, we included all students who provided one or more delinquency, 31% and 66%; drug use, 32% and 34%; and
waves of data. recent sexual intercourse, 44% and 65%. The relative im-
We used mixed models for continuous outcomes (vio- provement in the rate of condom use was 95% and 165%.
lence, provoking behavior, school delinquency, and the com-
The effect sizes for the combined behavior score were 0.52
bined behavior) and generalized estimating equations for or-
dinal outcomes (substance use, sexual activity, and condom use). for the SDC and 0.82 for the SCI, and the relative im-
We present 2-level models throughout, as school effects proved provements were 51% and 79%.
negligible in 3-level models for continuous outcomes (and the In addition, all 6 behaviors increased less (more for
pattern of results were the same) and 3-level software for or- condom use) for boys in the SCI than for boys in the SDC.
dinal outcomes is not available. All models included terms for This difference was significant for the combined behav-
condition, sex, time (quadratic trends where necessary), and ior measure (mean difference in change, −3.35; effect size,
all interactions, except for condom use, which was estimated 0.82 vs 0.52; or 79% vs 51% relative improvement) but
separately for boys (because of low rates of sexual intercourse only for one of the individual behaviors (school delin-
for girls). Inference was based on tests of regression coeffi- quency: effect size, 0.61 for the SCI and 0.29 for the SDC;
cients and contrasts among estimated means. Contrasts were
relative reductions of 66% and 31%, respectively).
used to test baseline differences between boys and girls and be-
tween conditions (HEC, SDC, and SCI), change from baseline
to end point within condition, and differences between con- COMMENT
ditions in the amount of change, or program effects. All statis-
tical tests are 2-tailed. This randomized controlled study provides evidence
that a prevention program that teaches skills and is
RESULTS theoretically derived, developmentally appropriate, and
culturally sensitive can have concurrent effects on mul-
We first describe our sample, then baseline differences tiple risk behaviors for inner-city African American
by sex, and finally program effects. Survey completion boys in grades 5 through 8. The effect sizes for violence
rates were 93.2% of students with consent at baseline, (0.31 and 0.41) and substance use (0.42 and 0.45) are
and between 89.5% and 92.7% at the other waves. Non- substantially better than those reported in meta-analy-
completions were due primarily to school absenteeism ses for interactive school-based violence (0.16),23 drug
(0.24),46 sex (0.05),47 and other problem behavior (0.16)48 the side of making the HEC too similar to the SDC, in
prevention programs that address only 1 behavioral do- that the HEC included some of the same skills as the SDC,
main. Schools and communities should be encouraged but with a focus on different behaviors. This means that
to adopt programs that have effects on multiple out- the HEC might have been more effective than a stan-
comes. Public pressure on schools has resulted in school dard placebo-attention condition or than “standard care”
systems being mandated or expected to provide mul- in most schools. If so, this would mean that our re-
tiple prevention programs. Adoption of one effective mul- ported results underestimate the actual effectiveness of
tiple-behavior program would reduce the costs and bur- the SDC and SCI. It might also partially explain the lack
dens on school personnel. It may also lead to reduced of effects detected for girls.
school dropout rates and improved learning.13 Our program effects are of practical significance for
Previous studies suggest that comprehensive pro- public health and education. From a public health per-
grams that address multiple behaviors (like the SDC) and spective, reducing these risk behaviors can decrease mor-
involve families and the community (like the SCI) are bidity and mortality related to these behaviors. For ex-
generally more effective than programs that address single ample, a reduction in the use or carrying of weapons not
behaviors or do not involve families or commu- only can prevent homicides, the leading cause of death
nity.13,36,49,50 Both programs significantly reduced the rate for young African American males, but also can help de-
of increase of multiple risk behaviors for boys. The sig- crease other crimes that impact African American com-
nificantly larger effect found for SCI in the combined be- munities. Reduced drug use and safer sexual practices
haviors analysis (and the generally larger effect sizes for can diminish the substantial morbidity and social prob-
SCI) suggest that the SCI may be even more effective than lems associated with human immunodeficiency virus in-
the SDC in reducing the targeted behaviors. fection, unintended pregnancy, and sexually transmit-
The effects of our programs may be underesti- ted diseases.
mated because of the design of our control condition. We Because the incidence of all measured risk behav-
wanted to design a placebo-attention condition that would iors increased for girls, and no program effects were
involve providing the same amount of attention to stu- found, an obvious question is why. Others have also re-
dents as the SDC and be seen as equally interesting, en- ported sex-specific results for these behaviors.51-54 One
gaging, and helpful by students. We probably erred on possibility is that the targeted behaviors are more diffi-
Abbreviations: HEC, health enhancement curriculum; SCI, school/community intervention; SDC, social development curriculum.
*Assessed for baseline and growth in continuous or log odds scale (substance use, recent sexual intercourse, and condom use). Reduction in growth is relative
to comparison group (HEC or SDC). For condom use, increase in growth relative to comparison group (HEC or SDC) is shown. P values are from 2-tailed tests.
Only the P value is shown for girls, as there were no significant program effects. Effect size is the difference in growth between groups divided by the pooled
standard deviation of growth. Effect sizes for substance use, recent sexual intercourse, and condom use are the differences in growth divided by the square root of
2/3. Combined model effect size accounts for covariance between behaviors.
†Baseline at beginning of grade 5. End point at end of grade 8.
‡Mean (SE).
§Baseline at end of grade 6. End point at end of grade 8.
㛳Proportion and 95% confidence interval of students responding yes to any of the 4 substance use items; generalized estimating equation (GEE) regression
models logarithm of cumulative odds, In[p i ⬎ j /(1−p i ⬎ j )], where p i ⬎ j is proportion, with j equal to possible response 0 to 4.
¶Proportion and 95% confidence interval of students reporting recent sexual intercourse; GEE regression models logarithm of odds, In[p/(1−p)], where p is
#Proportion and 95% confidence interval of students reporting condom use “all the time”; GEE regression models logarithm of cumulative odds,
In[p i ⬎ j /(1−p i ⬎ j )], where p i ⬎ j is proportion, with j equal to possible response 0 to 4.
**Baseline for each behavior in the combined model is the same as in models of each behavior. Condom use is reverse coded in the combined model.
cult to reduce among girls because they already occur at possible that our male health educators contributed to
lower levels. The fact that the interventions reduced the the observed effects for boys.
frequency of the targeted behaviors for boys down to Another possible explanation for the lack of female
the levels for girls in some cases provides some support effects may be that, like at least one other interven-
for this possibility. Nevertheless, the fact that the inci- tion,51 the SDC did not address the types of aggressive
dence of these behaviors increased for girls is still of behaviors used more by girls, ie, indirect aggressive be-
concern. haviors, such as spreading rumors, and creating friend-
In 2 previous studies, differential effects may have ship alliances for the purpose of revenge.56 In addition,
resulted from program implementers being male; they the SDC did not take into consideration the functions that
may have served as more effective role models for boys violence may provide for girls in high-risk environ-
than girls.51,54 Findings from one review55 suggested ments (ie, presenting a tough persona for protection).57
that programs that provide positive female role models Our study supports evidence that the dominant
might improve intervention effects for girls. However, prevention strategies may work better for boys than
in our study, about equal numbers of classes were girls.58 Although research focusing on sex differences is
taught by men and women. Nevertheless, given the sparse,58 current research is identifying factors that may
relative lack of male teachers in public schools, it is still enhance prevention strategies for young girls. This lit-
Brian R. Flay, DPhil, principal investigator, Public Health Most school-based prevention programs are of short du-
and Psychology, University of Illinois at Chicago; Shaf- ration and address only one behavioral domain (eg, sub-
fdeen A. Amuwo, PhD, School of Public Health; Carl C. stance use) or one behavior (eg, smoking). High corre-
Bell, MD, Psychiatry and Public Health, and Commu- lations among risky behaviors suggest the need for
nity Mental Health Council; Michael L. Berbaum, PhD, multibehavior programs, but few have been developed
Methodology Research Core, Health Research and Policy and even fewer have been tested in randomized trials.
Centers; Richard T. Campbell, PhD, Sociology, and Meth- Risky behaviors are particularly problematic for Afri-
odology Research Core, Health Research and Policy Cen- can American youth; however, few school-based pre-
ters; Julia Cowell, RN, PhD, Nursing (now at Rush Uni- vention interventions have been developed for them.
versity, Chicago); Judith Cooksey, MD, Public Health The Aban Aya Youth Project developed a cultur-
(now at University of Maryland, College Park); Barbara ally sensitive classroom curriculum and community pro-
L. Dancy, PhD, Nursing; Sally Graumlich, EdD, Health gram for inner-city African American students (grades
Research and Policy Centers; Donald Hedeker, PhD, Bio- 5-8) that targeted multiple risky behaviors (violence, pro-
statistics, Public Health, and Methodology Research Core, vocative behavior, school delinquency, substance use, and
Health Research and Policy Centers; Robert J. Jagers, PhD, sexual behavior). This study evaluated the curriculum
African American Studies and Psychology (now at Mor- and a combined curriculum plus community interven-
gan State University, Baltimore, Md); Susan R. Levy, PhD, tion in a school-based randomized trial. Results dem-
Public Health; Roberta L. Paikoff, PhD, Psychiatry; In- onstrate that a single curriculum or intervention can have
dru Punwani, DDS, Pediatric Dentistry; Roger P. Weiss- large effects on multiple behaviors, at least for boys, re-
berg, PhD, Psychology. ducing their risky behavior to the levels observed in girls
by the end of grade 8. A lack of effects for girls repli-
cates other investigators’ findings, suggesting an area for
new research.
erature suggests that to be effective for girls, programs
may need to focus more on internal manifestation of
risks and on connectedness to school and family.54,59 In
addition, further studies are warranted to help preven- approach was successful and needs to be adopted by fu-
tion researchers better understand when and how risk ture prevention studies in high-risk schools and com-
factors come into play at the various stages of female de- munities.
velopment so that programs can address these crucial Further analyses are needed to determine whether
variables. the interventions enhanced student bonding with their
A major strength of the SCI program was the strong parents, connection with their heritage, and attachment
partnership that was developed with community orga- to their school and community. Analyses are also needed
nizations, including a community-based mental health to explore the role of mediators (eg, intentions and at-
organization. All stakeholders, including academia, the titudes) in reducing the growth of problem behaviors in
schools, and their communities, had very different African American boys. Finally, further research is needed
strengths and weaknesses that provided challenges as well on why programs like this are ineffective for girls.
as opportunities.59 The community mental health orga-
nization was instrumental in developing collaborative re- Accepted for publication December 4, 2003.
lationships and facilitating implementation of SCI com- This study was one of several funded in 1992 by the
ponents. However, it is not clear that this would be easily Office for Research on Minority Health to conduct research
replicated in other communities because of the amount on the prevention of violence, unsafe sex, and drug use
of coordination required, or worth the additional effort among minority students, administered by the National In-
for what appears to be marginal improvement. stitute for Child Health and Human Development,
Some limitations of this study need to be noted. First, Bethesda, Md, grant U01HD30078 (1992-1997). Grade 8
the number of schools was small. This leads to low sta- data collection and statistical analyses were funded by
tistical power to detect small differences, especially be- grant R01DA11019 from the National Institute on Drug
tween the 2 intervention conditions. However, the sig- Abuse, Bethesda (1998-2003).
nificant effects have clear practical public health and We thank the principals, teachers, students, and par-
educational relevance and application. ents of the Chicago-area schools that participated in the Aban
Second, as expected with a high-risk sample, stu- Aya Youth Project. Without their willing participation, this
dent turnover in study schools was relatively high. This project would not have been possible. We also thank the Com-
led us to adopt program and analytical strategies that in- munity Mental Health Council/Foundation and the many
cluded all students for whom we had 1 or more waves of health education, evaluation, data management (with spe-
data and who received at least some of the program, re- cial thanks to Ling Zou Gurnack, MSc), and other staff who
gardless of how much of the program they received. The worked on the project during the 10 years of its conception,
idea was that the intervention would diffuse through- implementation, and reporting.
out the grade level and affect all students in that cohort. Corresponding author: Brian R. Flay, DPhil, Health
The curriculum was designed so that appropriate re- Research and Policy Centers, University of Illinois at Chi-
view and sequencing of content allowed new students to cago, 850 W Jackson Blvd, Suite 400, Chicago, IL 60607
“catch up” reasonably well. Our results suggest that this (e-mail: bflay@uic.edu).