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Adult Identity Mentoring: Reducing Sexual Risk For African-American Seventh Grade Students

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Journal of Adolescent Health 37 (2005) 337.e1–337.


Original article

Adult identity mentoring: Reducing sexual risk for African-American

seventh grade students
Leslie F. Clark, Ph.D.a,*, Kim S. Miller, Ph.D.b, Stephen S. Nagy, Ph.D.c,
Jason Avery, M.P.H.a, David L. Roth, Ph.D.a, Nicole Liddon, Ph.D.b, and
Snigdha Mukherjee, Ph.D.d
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia
University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
University of Arkansas, Little Rock, Arkansas
Manuscript received April 9, 2004; manuscript accepted September 16, 2004.

Abstract Purpose: This study was undertaken to determine whether the Adult Identity Mentoring (AIM)
project successfully promotes abstinence, delays initiation of sex, and decreases intention to engage
in sex.
Methods: Twenty middle school classes of African-American seventh graders were randomly
assigned to receive either the AIM intervention or a standard health education control curriculum.
The AIM is a 10-session curriculum based on the theory of possible selves. Class exercises
encourage students to articulate a possible future self-identity and to develop self-promotion skills.
Surveys about sexual activity were conducted before the intervention, 19 weeks after baseline, and
again at 1 year after the intervention.
Results: Hierarchical logistic regression analyses showed significant effects for the intervention on
sexual intentions, abstinence, and a trend toward fewer virgins initiating intercourse for the first
time, 19 weeks after baseline. Specifically, students who received the intervention showed decreased
intention to engage in sex and increased abstinence compared with students not receiving the
intervention. Effects for 1-year follow-up, with smaller sample size, showed only that AIM male
participants maintained the significant abstinence effect.
Conclusions: A new intervention, AIM was evaluated among African-American seventh graders.
This program, by focusing students on positive future selves, effectively modified sexual risk
without directly providing instruction on sexually explicit topics. © 2005 Society for Adolescent
Medicine. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Adolescents; African American; HIV prevention; Possible selves; Sexual risk

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including infection immune deficiency syndrome cases in 2000 and 50% of cases
with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), disproportionately reported from 1981 through 1999 in youth aged 13 through 19
affect minority adolescents and young adults. Although Afri- years [1]. Sexual risk behaviors that contribute to the likeli-
can-Americans account for 15% of the adolescent population hood of becoming infected with HIV include beginning sexual
in the United States, they accounted for 64% of new acquired activity at a young age, having many sex partners, and not
using condoms [2].
Data from the 2001 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance
*Address correspondence to: Dr. Leslie F. Clark, Department of Pedi-
atrics, Children’s Hospital, University of Southern California, Los Ange-
Survey [3] illustrate that sexual risk behaviors are more prev-
les, CA. alent among African-American high school students than
E-mail address: lfclark@chla.edu among white or Hispanic high school students. African-Amer-
1054-139X/05/$ – see front matter © 2005 Society for Adolescent Medicine. All rights reserved.
337.e2 L.F. Clark et al. / Journal of Adolescent Health 37 (2005) 337.e1–337.e10

ican students (61%) were more likely than Hispanic (48%) and is possible, and therefore we do not plan for the future and
white (43%) students to have ever experienced sexual inter- are not motivated to avoid present gratification in the pursuit
course. Sixteen percent of African-American high school stu- of long-term goals.
dents, compared with 8% of Hispanic and 5% of white stu- Constructs from the theory of possible selves have been
dents, had had sexual intercourse before age 13 years. successfully used to predict adolescent risk behavior [15]
Furthermore, 27% of African-American students reported hav- and recidivism among African-American male juvenile of-
ing had 4 or more sexual partners during their lifetime, com- fenders [16 –18] and to identify which at-risk African-
pared with 15% of Hispanic and 12% of white students. American male adolescents are likely to graduate from
To reduce STIs in adolescents, interventions have been versus drop out of high school [19]. In addition, a theory-
developed to delay initiation of first sexual intercourse for based curriculum (School to Jobs Program) has successfully
sexually inexperienced adolescents and to promote absti- improved bonding and commitment to school among Afri-
nence and increased condom use by sexually active adoles- can-American eighth graders [20].
cents [4 –7]. These school-based and clinic-based interven- The theory of possible selves also offers a new approach
tions consist of curriculum-based programs that include sex to HIV prevention by focusing on young adults’ desires and
education, condom use skills, and abstinence-based educa- motivations for attaining goals. By drawing from the as-
tion [8]. sumptions in resiliency literature and the theory of possible
Other programs to prevent adolescent risk behaviors, selves [14], a novel mixture of theory resulted in the devel-
such as drug use and violence, have used a youth develop- opment of Adult Identity Mentoring (Project AIM).
ment or resiliency approach [9]. These programs attempt to Project AIM was developed to steer adolescents away
reduce risk by improving general life skills; instilling an from risky behavioral choices by offering alternative ave-
optimistic belief in the future, and building self-confidence, nues to defining themselves as adults. The AIM exercises
coping, and risk avoidance skills. Systematic research ex- enhance individual students’ articulation of their future self
amining the effect of youth development programs on ad- through interest inventories, business cards, and resumes.
olescent sexual behavior, condom use, or STI rates has not Students consider how their own behaviors might promote
been conducted. However, several studies have shown that or impede the development of desired future self-identities.
youth development programs significantly reduce rates of The curriculum encourages self-examination through exer-
teen pregnancy or birth, which implies that these programs cises to identify desired future selves, through peer discus-
may also reduce risk for STIs, including HIV [10]. In sions of risky behavior and achieving future selves, and
addition, programs with a service learning component have through interviews of participants regarding their desired
been shown to reduce sexual risk [11]. occupation. In these ways the intervention provides oppor-
Adolescence is a time of many challenges, in which tunities for students to think about their future and their
developing a self-identity as an adult is a primary task [12]. responsibility for that future.
During this time youth are developing cognitively, and Like the School to Jobs Program, Project AIM encour-
many begin to recognize that their circumstances and envi- ages at-risk adolescents to articulate their personal goals and
ronment may restrict their life alternatives. Early sexual risk uses exercises to teach them the skills required to achieve
behaviors may occur as a reaction to a pessimistic view of these goals [21],. Unlike the School to Jobs Program,
one’s future or as a means of asserting oneself as an adult Project AIM attempts to reduce risk behaviors by increasing
[13]. In either instance, risk behavior occurs not merely due adolescents’ interest in successful adult development rather
to a lack of skills, as many current HIV prevention programs than academic improvement. Small groups and role models
assume, but because at-risk adolescents are not motivated to are used to create and sustain group norms of delaying or
make wise risk behavior choices [13]. One such motiva- abstaining from sexual activity and other behaviors (drugs,
tional theory is the theory of possible selves, developed by violence, dropping out of school) that could disrupt achieve-
Markus and Nurius [14]. ment of their goals.
The theory of possible selves maintains that we are Project AIM is designed to encourage young people to
motivated in our present life by mental images of possible think about their desired future and how current risky be-
future selves [14]. It postulates that motivations are en- havior choices can adversely affect it. By fostering future
hanced when we have a balance between those future selves possible selves, youth may form an adult identity that could
that we wish to achieve and those that we wish to avoid be threatened by risky behaviors, thereby motivating them
becoming. The better articulated we make these images, the to avoid risky behavioral choices. For example, an adoles-
more attainable, or real, they appear, and hence the more cent interested in the health industry might think about ways
motivating they can become. When we have only positive to volunteer to help at hospitals and how involvement in sex
future selves, we may not accurately gauge our chances at or drugs might obstruct their educational goals. A budding
success or properly prepare ourselves for obstacles, short- musician may begin by spending more time practicing,
term disappointments, or setbacks. With only negative fu- while a future businessman may decide that partying with
ture selves in mind, we have no belief that a positive future friends may disrupt the learning of mathematics or com-
L.F. Clark et al. / Journal of Adolescent Health 37 (2005) 337.e1–337.e10 337.e3

puter skills and make him appear less reliable to future In quarter 1, class periods 3 and 5 were assigned to AIM and
employers (see Appendix A for a description of the AIM periods 2, 4, and 6 were assigned to standard health educa-
intervention). Project AIM uses a more holistic approach tion curriculum. In the remaining quarters, class periods 2,
than changing a specific sexual risk behavior; it helps youth 3, and 6 were randomly assigned as AIM intervention
to explore seeing themselves as adults, a task developmen- classes and periods 4 and 5 as the standard health education
tally associated with adolescence. curriculum. In this way quarter 1 health education students
Although the overall evaluation of Project AIM included had the opportunity to participate in AIM in the fall, and
assessments of other risky behaviors, this article focuses on the quarter 4 health education students had the opportunity to
effect of AIM on the sexual risk outcome behaviors of seventh participate in AIM in the late spring.
grade students. We predicted that Project AIM would signifi- Intervention sessions (n ⫽ 10) were conducted once or
cantly reduce intentions to engage in sexual activity and in- twice a week for 6 weeks, depending on the overall school
crease abstinence among all students. In secondary analyses of schedule, such as assemblies, testing, holidays. (See Appen-
the subset of virgins, we examined the effectiveness of AIM to dix A for description of activities). No intervention sessions
reduce intentions to engage in sexual activity and to delay were held on consecutive days. African-American college
sexual debut of sexual intercourse. graduate students, 1 male and 1 female, trained in AIM
delivery, implemented the intervention. Health education
classes were taught by the regular classroom instructor.
Intervention outcomes were examined in the short-term (19
Setting weeks after baseline) and again at 1 year post intervention.
Before announcing which classes would receive the AIM
Project AIM was implemented in a middle school in a intervention and which would receive the standard health
suburban town near a southeastern metropolitan area. The education curriculum, baseline surveys were administered
students were predominately (98%) African-American and by Project AIM staff in the health education classroom
were mostly from low-income families. At the time of the settings in August (quarter 1), October (quarter 2), January
program the school was on academic probation, meaning (quarter 3), and April (quarter 4). Because health education
that less than 50% of students were able to pass the Stanford classes were no longer in session during the follow-up
Achievement Test. period, assessment of short-term outcomes and 1 year post
Participants intervention took place in classrooms, the library, or the
auditorium. Each student who participated received a $5
All students who were African-American, in seventh grade, coupon as compensation for every survey completed.
and enrolled in the required 9-week health education class
were eligible for study participation. Seventh graders ranged in Survey measures
age from 12 to 14 years. Active parental and child consent was Demographics. Basic demographics included year of birth
required. Of the 252 eligible students, 4 parents (less than 2%) and ethnicity. Ethnicity was ascertained via the question,
refused to let their child participate. These students completed “With what racial/ethnic group do you most closely iden-
library enrichment activities assigned by school personnel dur- tify?” Response options included “African-American/
ing intervention or assessment sessions. Of the remaining 248 black,” “Caucasian/white,” and “Other.”
students, all completed the baseline surveys 1 week before the
intervention; however, 6 were dropped from analysis because Sexual intentions. Sexual intentions were assessed at base-
of extensive missing data. line, as short-term outcomes, and 1 year post intervention,
Of the remaining 242 eligible students, 211 (87% of using similar questions. At baseline students were asked,
baseline) provided data that could be used to evaluate in- “Which of the following best describes how much you
tervention outcomes (i.e., they completed both baseline and intend to have sex in the next 6 months?” For short-term
short-term outcome assessment and did not have missing outcome assessments, students were asked, “Which of the
data) and 156 (64%) provided data that could be used to following best describes how much you intend to have sex
evaluate intervention outcomes at the 1-year post-interven- in the next 9 months?”; for the 1-year follow-up they were
tion assessment. asked about their intentions over a 12-month interval. The
response options were the same for each of these 3 intention
Data collection and intervention procedures question formats: “I plan to have sex in the next X months,”
“I’m thinking about having sex in the next X months,” “I
Throughout the academic school year, 20 health educa-
have no plan to have sex in the next X months,” and “I plan
tion classes were offered (5 per quarter). Of these 20
not to have sex in the next X months.”
classes, 11 were randomly assigned to offer the AIM inter-
vention, twice a week for 6 weeks, in place of standard Sexual behaviors. Questions about voluntary sexual inter-
health education curriculum on those days. The remaining 9 course were taken from prior work by Miller et al [22–24].
classes followed the standard health education curriculum. The specific question for female study participants was,
337.e4 L.F. Clark et al. / Journal of Adolescent Health 37 (2005) 337.e1–337.e10

“Have you ever had sexual intercourse (a boy or man has sary to use HLM to take into account the multilevel nature
put his penis in your vagina) without being forced?” This of the research design [25,26]. Not only were students in
question for male participants was worded “Have you ever existing classroom groups, but these groups or classroom
had sexual intercourse (you have put your penis in a girl or clusters, and not the individual students, were randomly
woman’s vagina) without being forced?” Response catego- assigned to the AIM intervention or standard health educa-
ries were “Yes,” “No,” and “Haven’t had sex.” This ques- tion curriculum. The multilevel model allowed for the clus-
tion was asked at baseline, and at subsequent surveys was tering of residuals (error variance within each class) and for
asked to reflect the time between baseline and short-term the fact that the intervention was a class-level manipulation.
outcomes (19 weeks) and between post-intervention and For these reasons, the HLM statistical approach was the best
1-year follow-up. choice for the current study.
Because of dichotomous outcome variables (i.e., sexu-
Coding of outcome measures ally active vs. abstinent, plans to have sex vs. no plans,
sexual initiation [yes vs. no], and plans to have sex by
With respect to sexual intercourse, there are 4 possible
students who were previously not sexually active), the logit
groups: group 1, sexually active students who abstain from
link function was used in the HLM analysis. Consequently,
baseline to follow-up; group 2, sexually active students who
these models represented multilevel extensions of standard
continue to have sex; group 3, students who are not yet
logistic regression analyses. If a standard logistic regression
sexually active and remain not active; and group 4, students
analysis approach were used with these data, the clustering
who have sexual intercourse for the first time during the
of residuals for students within classes could lead to an
study follow-up period.
inflated type I error rate. The multilevel approach imple-
The first outcome variable examines the combination of
mented through HLM avoided this potential problem [26].
groups 2 and 4, that is, those who had sex during the study
When analyzing intervention effects, gender and the
follow-up period, regardless of whether they had experi-
baseline value for the outcome variable in question were
enced sexual intercourse prior to baseline. In other words,
the first variable examines any instance of sexual inter- entered into the HLM analysis as a covariate (e.g., sexual
course from baseline to follow-up. Engaging in sexual in- intention, sexual intercourse). Because intervention was ma-
tercourse was defined as reporting 1 or more instances of nipulated at the class level, the unit of analysis for the
sexual intercourse between the baseline survey and the intervention condition main effect was the class (Nclasses ⫽
follow-up survey assessments. If any intercourse was re- 20). The unit of analysis for the main effect of gender were
ported during those intervals (baseline to short-term out- the student (Nstudents ⫽ 211).
comes or baseline to 1-year follow-up) the participant was
coded as sexually active or nonabstinent.
The second outcome variable, sexual intention, is defined Results
as having a plan to have sex within the next 9 months
(short-term outcomes) or 12 months (1-year follow-up). For There were no significant baseline differences in demo-
all study participants sexual intention was coded as a di- graphic and sexual risk characteristics between students
chotomous variable, differentiating those students who had receiving the standard health education classes and students
a plan to have sex from those who did not (all other re- receiving the AIM intervention, with 1 exception. There
sponses). were imbalances in previous sexual experience among the 2
Separate exploratory subanalyses were conducted exam- groups, and therefore this was used as a baseline covariate
ining groups 3 and 4, those students who had not previously in analysis of abstinence (Table 1).
had sexual intercourse. Sexual initiation was defined using
students who reported having never had voluntary sexual Effect of intervention across all students on short-term
intercourse prior to the baseline survey. Within this group, outcomes
those who initiated sex between baseline and short-term
Sexual intention. Using HLM and controlling for baseline
outcomes or 1 year post intervention were defined as having
intentions, there was a significant main effect for interven-
initiated sex. Sexual intentions were also examined for this
tion condition on the proportion of students who reported
sexual intentions at short-term outcomes: intervention,
t(1,18) ⫽ ⫺2.249, p ⬍ .037, ␤ ⫽ ⫺1.146, SE ⫽ .5095.
Data analysis
AIM produced a protective effect (partial odds ratio [OR] ⫽
All data were double-entered by an independent firm, .32; 95% confidence interval [CI] ⫽ .12, .87). Only 16% of
and verified by project personnel. The Statistical Package students receiving the AIM intervention reported having
for Social Sciences (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL) was used for all any plans to engage in sexual intercourse in the next 9
descriptive analyses, and hierarchical linear modeling months, compared with 49% of students receiving the stan-
(HLM) was used to test intervention effects. It was neces- dard health education curriculum (Table 2).
L.F. Clark et al. / Journal of Adolescent Health 37 (2005) 337.e1–337.e10 337.e5

Table 1
Project AIM Participants at Baseline Assessment (N ⫽ 221): Demographic and Sexual Risk Characteristics
Characteristic AIM Control

Boy Girl Total Boy Girl Total

(n ⫽ 70) (n ⫽ 48) (n ⫽ 117) (n ⫽ 52) (n ⫽ 52) (n ⫽ 104)

Age (mean, SD) 12.52 (.64) 12.48 (.64) 12.50 (.64) 12.47 (.67) 12.79 (.65) 12.62 (.67)
Age at first sexual encounter
(mean, SD) 10.19 (2.5) 10.14 (1.6) 10.18 (2.2) 10.20 (1.8) 11.70 (1.4) 10.80 (1.8)
No. of sex partners (mean, SD) 3.29 (3.4) 3.20 (1.8) 3.27 (2.4) 3.64 (3.4) 5.25 (8.1) 4.23 (5.4)
Sexually active* (n, %) 35 (50) 7 (15) 42 (36) 17 (33) 15 (29) 32 (31)
Condom use at most recent
sexual encounter (n, %) 23 (79) 4 (66) 27 (77) 11 (73) 8 (80) 19 (76)
Birth control use at first sexual
encounter (n, %) 13 (46) 1 (20) 14 (42) 8 (53) 3 (30) 11 (44)

AIM, adult identity monitoring.

* Differences between baseline treatment and control, p ⬍ .05.

Sexual intercourse. Those students who reported being active than female students (partial OR ⫽ 3.86, 95% CI
sexually experienced at baseline were more likely to ⫽ 1.56, 9.56; Table 2).
report having had sexual intercourse at short-term out-
comes: t(206) ⫽ 3.52, p ⬍ .001. After controlling for Sexual risk for virgin students
these baseline effects for sexual experience, there were
significant main effects for AIM intervention and gender Sexual intention. Analyses of a main effect of the AIM
on the proportion of students who reported sexual inter- intervention showed significant protective effects on sexual
course at short-term outcome: intervention, t(18) ⫽ intention for short-term outcome: t(1,18) ⫽ ⫺2.599, p ⬍
⫺2.69, p ⫽ .015, ␤ ⫽ ⫺1.218, SE ⫽ .453; gender, t(207) .018, ␤ ⫽ ⫺2.073, SE ⫽ .7976, partial OR ⫽ .13, 95% CI
⫽ 2.97, p ⫽ .003, ␤ ⫽ 1.350, SE ⫽ .454. The overall ⫽ .034, .61). Only 1% of students who were virgins at
effect for intervention condition indicates that the AIM baseline and who received the AIM intervention reported
intervention produced a protective effect for all students. the intention to have sex in the next 9 months, compared
Regardless of baseline sexual experience, students re- with 15% who were virgins at baseline and received the
ceiving the AIM intervention were significantly less standard health education curriculum.
likely to report any sexual intercourse (from 36% to 26%)
than were students receiving the standard health educa- Sexual initiation. HLM showed a marginally significant
tion curriculum (from 33% to 34%), partial OR ⫽ 0.30, AIM intervention main effect; 4% of students receiving the
95% CI ⫽ .11, .77. The main effect for gender indicates AIM intervention reported having initiated sex at short-term
that male students were much more likely to be sexually outcome, compared with 14% of the students receiving the

Table 2
Project AIM Participants at Short-Term Outcome Assessment (N ⫽ 211): Number Engaging in Sexual Intercourse and Planning to Engage in Sexual
Outcome Baseline Short-term outcomes

AIM Control AIM Control

n % n % n % n %

Sexual intercourse
Total* 40 36 30 33 29 26 33 34
Males 33 50 16 32 24 36 23 46
Females 7 15 14 29 5 11 10 20
Sexual intention
Total† 37 34 31 33 10 16 21 49
Males 17 35 17 27 10 16 15 31
Females 20 30 14 30 0 0 6 18

AIM, Adult Identity Monitoring.

* Intervention effect significant p ⬍ .015.

Intervention effect significant at p ⬍ .04.
337.e6 L.F. Clark et al. / Journal of Adolescent Health 37 (2005) 337.e1–337.e10

Table 3
Project AIM Participants at Short-Term Assessment Who Were Virgins (N ⫽ 134): Initiation of Sexual Intercourse and Intention to Initiate Sexual
Outcome Baseline Short-Term Outcomes

AIM Control AIM Control

n % n % n % n %

Initiation of intercourse
Total* 0 0 3 4 10 14
Males 0 0 2 6 9 27
Females 0 0 1 3 1 3
Sexual intention
Total† 30 42 22 31 1 1 10 15
Males 10 30 12 35 1 3 8 24
Females 20 51 10 28 0 0 2 6

AIM, Adult Identity Monitoring.

* Intervention effect significant at p ⬍ .07.

Intervention effect significant at p ⬍ .02.

standard health education curriculum: t(1,18) ⫽ ⫺1.91, p ⬍ nificant for the 1-year post-intervention follow-up: t(1,19)
.07, ␤ ⫽ ⫺1.375, SE ⫽ .719; Table 3). ⫽ ⫺1.71, p ⬍ .10. Of students receiving the AIM interven-
tion, 9% intended to have sex in the next year, compared
Descriptive discussion of previously sexually active
with 18% of students receiving the standard health educa-
tion curriculum (Table 4).
Although the numbers were too small to yield statisti- At 1-year follow-up, the effects of baseline (p ⬍ .001)
cally significant effects, we describe the pattern of responses and gender (p ⫽ .01) were still statistically significant. The
of sexual intercourse for students who received the AIM main effect for intervention condition was no longer statis-
intervention and who were not virgins at baseline. Of male tically significant (␤ ⫽ ⫺1.604, SE ⫽ 1.00, p ⬍ .11). While
students who were previously sexually active, 22 (64%) not originally a pre-specified hypothesis and therefore ex-
who received the AIM intervention reported 1 or more ploratory, the protective effect of the intervention on sexual
instances of sexual intercourse at the short-term assessment, activity for male students was still statistically significant:
compared with 35 (88%) of those who received the standard t(18) ⫽ ⫺2.08, p ⬍ .05, ␤ ⫽ ⫺1.221, SE ⫽ .586. Control-
health education curriculum. ling for baseline sexual activity, fewer male students who
had received the AIM intervention were reporting any in-
Effect of intervention on 1-year follow-up
stances of sexual intercourse (47%) than were male students
Sexual intentions and sexual intercourse across all subjects. The who had received the standard health education curriculum
intervention effect for sexual intentions was no longer sig- (54%; partial OR ⫽ 0.30, 95% CI ⫽ 0.09, .94; Table 4).

Table 4
Project AIM Participants at 1-Year Follow-Up (N ⫽ 156): Number Engaging in Sexual Intercourse and Planning to Have Sexual Intercourse
Outcome Baseline 1-Year Follow-Up

AIM Control AIM Control

n % n % n % n %

Sexual intercourse
Total 31 37 24 33 30 36 32 44
Males* 27 52 11 29 24 47 21 54
Females 4 13 13 39 6 19 11 32
Sexual intention
Total† 29 36 25 36 8 9 10 18
Males 16 32 15 41 8 16.5 9 24
Females 13 43 10 32 0 0 1 5

AIM, Adult Identity Monitoring.

* Intervention effect significant at p ⬍ .05.

Intervention effect significant at p ⬍ .10.
L.F. Clark et al. / Journal of Adolescent Health 37 (2005) 337.e1–337.e10 337.e7

Table 5
Project AIM Participants at 1-Year Follow-Up Who Were Virgins (N ⫽ 101): Initiation of Sexual Intercourse and Intention to Initiate Sexual
Outcome Baseline One-year follow-up

AIM Control AIM Control

n % n % n % n %

Initiation of intercourse*
Total 0 0 7 13 11 23
Males 0 0 4 15 10 39
Females 0 0 3 11 1 5
Sexual intention*
Total 19 40 16 36 3 6 6 13
Males 7 32 11 42 3 13 5 19
Females 12 48 5 26 0 0 1 5

AIM, Adult Identity Monitoring.

* None of these effects reached statistical significance.

Intentions and sexual debut for virgins. There were no long- A fundamental assumption of Project AIM is that many
term follow-up differences among sexual intentions among at-risk youth are looking to define themselves in terms of
virgins. Although there was a 10% difference in virgins adult identity, and this search is what leads them to engage
initiating sex by 1-year post-intervention follow-up (n ⫽ 4 in risk behaviors, such as engaging in sex, smoking, and
[13%] for AIM) versus comparison students (n ⫽ 10 drug use. Such adolescents may see no reason to follow
[23%]), there were no significant differences found for sex- adult authority, because they do not believe that it will reap
ual initiation at 1-year follow-up (Table 5). them an adult independence that is worth having. Project
AIM promotes the belief that one can achieve successful
Descriptive data for previously sexually active students. At
the 1-year follow-up assessment, 77% (n ⫽ 20) of male adulthood through academic excellence (and advanced
students who had received the AIM intervention and who schooling) and through planning for careers that do not
were previously sexually active continued to be sexually require education beyond high school.
active, compared with 92% (n ⫽ 11) of male students who One possible insight gained during participation in the AIM
had received the standard health education curriculum. For program is that engaging in risk behavior during early to
sexually active female students, 3 (57%) who had received middle adolescence reduces one’s chances of successful adult-
the AIM intervention continued being sexually active at hood. Encouraging adolescents to focus on a future positive
long-term follow-up, compared with 5 (65%) who had re- self may also act directly as a competing adult agenda for
ceived the standard health education curriculum. at-risk youth, providing them with opportunities to pursue
goals that directly conflict with engagement in risky behaviors.
Students who participated in AIM were more likely to be
Discussion abstinent and less likely to intend to have sex than were
Low-income African-American adolescents often live in students who did not participate in AIM. Project AIM also
environments where they are exposed to violence, drug use, led to significantly lower intentions to have sex among all
school failure, and norms of sexual onset at a young age. students, and separately among virgins. The long-term fol-
Compounding this problem, many adolescents lack strong low-up showed abstinence only for boys in a gender-spe-
role models and mentors to guide them through the explo- cific analysis, which, because it was exploratory, should be
ration that naturally occurs as a part of adolescent self- viewed with caution.
identity development. Guidance by parents, extended fam- There was a marginal trend for AIM to delay first sexual
ily, school personnel, and church affects adolescents’ sexual experience at short-term outcome (p ⬍ .07). This trend is
risk [24]. However, many factors make it difficult for these similar to short-term effects on delay found by others
sources of support to provide the guidance that is needed by [4,7,11]. Although at the 1-year follow-up, rates of initiation
adolescents. Schools, for example, are faced with maintain- of first sexual experience for virgins not receiving the AIM
ing specific standards of safety, discipline, and educational intervention were 10% higher than for those who did re-
attainment, and often lack resources for adult development. ceive the AIM intervention, this finding was not significant.
Parents may find themselves in situations in which eco- The lack of long-term follow-up effects may be due to small
nomic hardship and the challenges of daily living take sample size at 1-year follow-up or may be due to a dissi-
precedence over socialization of their children regarding pation of the AIM intervention effect. The answer to this
adulthood. awaits further research.
337.e8 L.F. Clark et al. / Journal of Adolescent Health 37 (2005) 337.e1–337.e10

The positive outcomes demonstrated by the AIM inter- enhancing admission in these contexts. In this sense, the
vention may be due to the strength of the theory and the findings work against self-presentational confounds.
timing of risk for adolescent male students. The theoretical Given that the study took place in 1 school, students
basis of the intervention focused on motivating students to receiving the standard health education curriculum may
avoid risk by offering concrete examples of their own pos- have talked to other students about information learned in
sible positive future selves. These visions of a positive the AIM intervention classes. Even so, results suggest that
future self and practice in skills relevant to achieving such mere leaking of the knowledge is not sufficient to change
a self provided an alternative to the less optimistic scenarios sexual behavior. Each of the intervention classes was led by
to which many such youth are exposed. Second, the timing an African-American male-female pair who were graduate
of AIM was particularly relevant for male adolescents, as students at the local university. The use of 3 male interven-
seventh and eighth grade is when African-American males tionists and 2 female interventionists allowed for multiple
are particularly likely to initiate intercourse [27]. pairings distributed across the 10 intervention classes. It is
Work by Oyserman et al. [20], which uses the School to possible that interaction between students and any or all of
Jobs Program, is similar in ways to Project AIM. Both the interventionists may have had a confounding effect that
interventions were designed to guide students in creating, could explain some program outcomes. Future studies
visualizing, and articulating positive future identities for should include a group to control for effects due to inter-
themselves. Students were encouraged by racially similar ventionist attention. Finally, we recognize that implement-
interventionists (and for AIM, visiting role models) to en- ing the program in an almost exclusively African-American
vision these identities and develop relevant skills through school in a community with low socioeconomic status limits
culturally appropriate materials. Both interventions were ability to generalize to diverse school populations.
designed to help students realize that their current behaviors Loss to follow-up is another limitation. Chi-square anal-
affect their future self and to motivate them to act in the best yses comparing students who were surveyed at 19 weeks
interest of that future self. past baseline with the 31 who did not complete the inter-
At 12 to 14 years of age, seventh graders may seem too vention with regard to sexual activity and planning to have
young to engage in discussions of adult identity and respon- sex showed no differences between intervention and control
sibilities. However, research indicates that early adolescents groups and no differences when looking at male and female
are already facing adult opportunities to choose risky or safe groups separately. Chi-square analyses examining outcomes
behaviors [16]. Our findings, as well as those of Oyserman for the 156 students available for long-term follow-up and
et al. [20], indicate that early adolescents are capable of the 65 who were not available showed no differences by
articulating both positive and negative possible future selves intervention group or for gender-by-intervention interac-
and of understanding the connection between current be- tions. Baseline variables in Table 1 were compared with
haviors and future selves. variables for those students who were lost to follow-up and
those who were not, by intervention group. These analyses
Limitations and strengths of the study found no differences in age and, for those already sexually
active, no differences in age of sexual initiation, birth con-
This study was intended as the first small demonstration trol, or condom use. These analyses show that students lost
of the efficacy of a new intervention to reduce adolescent to follow-up were at no greater risk than those who re-
sexual risk. Therefore the sample size was small, involving mained in the study, and students were not differentially lost
only 1 school for 1 school year. With more than 200 par- to follow-up as a function of intervention versus control
ticipants in the overall analysis, power was adequate to conditions. The 1-year follow-up showed attrition that was
detect statistically significant main effects for the interven- in part due to school scheduling and in part to fourth-quarter
tion on abstinence and intentions. However, power was eighth grade students electing not to attend school the week
more limited for the 1-year follow-up analyses, and analyses before graduation. While these occurrences are difficult to
of specific subgroups (e.g., virgins). Power for the subgroup anticipate, they suggest that it may be best to conduct
analyses was particularly limited using the HLM approach, follow-up assessments earlier in a given quarter.
because of dwindling sample sizes within specific classes. Strengths of the study include a theory-based curriculum
Despite these limitations, the results are promising and and the ecologic validity (real-world quality) of intervention
warrant further investigation. experiences. Methodologic strengths include the use of mul-
The data are limited because they are self-reported; it is tiple interventionist pairs in multiple classes across 4 aca-
possible that students receiving the AIM intervention may demic quarters, and analysis using HLM. This analysis
have been more likely to respond in ways they thought approach takes into account the clustering of variance
appropriate (less risky). However, in general, continued within classes, which provides the most appropriate test for
reports of virginity or reports of abstinence among male intervention effects in this design. Because this intervention
adolescents, in particular, should not be seen as a self- will be delivered in classroom settings, the randomization
L.F. Clark et al. / Journal of Adolescent Health 37 (2005) 337.e1–337.e10 337.e9

and analysis at the level of classes were more compatible fully reduced sexual risk for seventh graders. This develop-
with the probable dissemination of the intervention. mental approach fosters adolescents’ inner resources and
School-based interventions are considered universal dreams, and has the potential to affect a variety of protective
rather than targeted in their approach to prevention. How- as well as risk behaviors. Given the difficulties in getting
ever, Project AIM also personalizes each participant’s ex- communities and schools to embrace sexually explicit in-
perience of the intervention. For the intervention to be tervention curricula for early adolescents, Project AIM is a
successful, it is not necessary that students actualize their viable alternative to existing HIV prevention programs.
chosen future occupation. It is the process of identifying
future selves that motivates students to take action to pro-
mote positive future well-being and avoid actions with neg-
ative consequences for their future.
The Adult Identity Monitoring project was supported by
cooperative agreement #U64/CCU41327 from the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention. Data analyses were
The theory of possible selves provided the framework for supported by the infrastructure and resources provided by
an early adolescent intervention curriculum that success- the NIH CFAR Core Grant P30 AI27767.

APPENDIX A: Intervention Description

Unit 1: Legacy, Role Models, and Peers

Goals Exercises (3 sessions) Discussion

To conceptualize the meaning of — Examples of African American who have How certain behaviors jeopardize the achievement
legacy in their own lives left legacies of life goals
— Interacting with visiting role models;
To begin to think of their own future How peers, family, and others can negatively and
composing thank you letters
in terms of their legacies positively impact on our choices in life.
— Generating ways others help or harm us
in goal achievement

Unit 2: Self-Projection: Expanding Visions of Possible Selves

Goals Exercises (2 sessions) Discussion

To identify possible occupations of — Interest inventories and career matching The ways in which today’s products and services
interest — Writing business letters require abilities and teamwork of people with dif-
— Decision-making exercise for choosing ferent jobs.
To research relevant occupations one’s occupation
Visualizing oneself in a good future can guide cur-
To commit to one occupation — Behavioral declaration of the career
rent decisions

Unit 3: Self-expression through Work: Development of Possible Self

Goals Exercises (2 sessions) Discussion

To identify the necessary skills to be — Creating business cards Presenting oneself in terms of relevant strengths
competitive in the marketplace — Composing resume with community
Connecting current skills and experiences to one’s
To learn the value of self-presentation future self
— Being interviewed for letter of recom-
specific to the desired future self mendation for specific occupation chosen Setting goals/developing skills can actualize one’s
positive future self.

Unit 4: Skills of Fulfilling Positive Future Possible Selves

Goals Exercises (3 sessions) Discussion

To gain skills to promote one’s life — Relationship and self-expression skills Reinforcement of relationship between current be-
goals — Planning a group vacation haviors and one’s future positive selves
— Establishing a timeline for goals in their
To generalize skills Integration of experiences into products promotes
future life
possible positive future selves; avoids risky
To motivate avoidance of future risky behavior
337.e10 L.F. Clark et al. / Journal of Adolescent Health 37 (2005) 337.e1–337.e10

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