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Lesson 1: Defining a Data Source View within an

Analysis Services Project

Lesson 1-1 - Creating an Analysis Services Project

In the following task, you use SQL Server Data Tools to create a new Analysis Services
project named Analysis Services Tutorial, based on the Analysis Services Project template.
A project is a collection of related objects. Projects exist within a solution, which includes one or
more projects.

To create a new Analysis Services project

1. Open SQL Server Data Tools.

2. Create a new Analysis Services Multidimensional project. Choose the Analysis Services
Multidimensional and Data Mining Project template.

Notice the default project name, location, and the default solution name are generated in
the bottom of the dialog box. By default, a new directory is created for the solution.

3. Change the project Name to Analysis Services Tutorial, which also changes the Solution
name box, and then click OK.

You have successfully created the Analysis Services Tutorial project, based on the Analysis
Services Multidimensional and Data Mining Project template, within a new solution that is also
named Analysis Services Tutorial.
Lesson 1-2 - Defining a Data Source

After you create an Analysis Services project, you generally start working with the project
by defining one or more data sources that the project will use. When you define a data source, you
are defining the connection string information that will be used to connect to the data source.

In the following task, you define the AdventureWorksDWSQLServer2012 sample database

as the data source for the Analysis Services Tutorial project. While this database is located on your
local computer for the purposes of this tutorial, source databases are frequently hosted on one or
more remote computers.

To define a new data source

1. In Solution Explorer (on the right of the Microsoft Visual Studio window), right-click Data
Sources, and then click New Data Source.
2. On the Welcome to the Data Source Wizard page of the Data Source Wizard, click Next to
open the Select how to define the connection page.
3. On the Select how to define the connection page, you can define a data source based on a
new connection, based on an existing connection, or based on a previously defined data
source object. In this tutorial, you define a data source based on a new connection. Verify
that Create a data source based on an existing or new connection is selected, and then
click New.
4. In the Connection Manager dialog box, you define connection properties for the data
source. In the Provider list box, verify that Native OLE DB\SQL Server Native Client 11.0 is
5. In the Server name text box, type localhost.

To connect to a named instance on your local computer, type localhost\. To connect to the
specific computer instead of the local computer, type the computer name or IP address.

6. Verify that Use Windows Authentication is selected. In the Select or enter a database
name list, select AdventureWorksDW2012.
7. Click Test Connection to test the connection to the database.
8. Click OK, and then click Next.
9. On the Impersonation Information page of the wizard, you define the security credentials
for Analysis Services to use to connect to the data source. Impersonation affects the
Windows account used to connect to the data source when Windows Authentication is
selected. Analysis Services does not support impersonation for processing OLAP objects.
Select Use the service account, and then click Next.
10. On the Completing the Wizard page, accept the default name, Adventure Works DW 2012,
and then click Finish to create the new data source.
Lesson 1-3 - Defining a Data Source View

After you define the data sources that you will use in an Analysis Services project, the next step is
generally to define a data source view for the project. A data source view is a single, unified view
of the metadata from the specified tables and views that the data source defines in the project.
Storing the metadata in the data source view enables you to work with the metadata during
development without an open connection to any underlying data source.

In the following task, you define a data source view that includes five tables from
the AdventureWorksDW2012 data source.

To define a new data source view

1. In Solution Explorer (on the right of the Microsoft Visual Studio window), right-click Data
Source Views, and then click New Data Source View.
2. On the Welcome to the Data Source View Wizard page, click Next. The Select a Data
Source page appears.
3. Under Relational data sources, the Adventure Works DW 2012 data source is selected.
Click Next.
4. On the Select Tables and Views page, select tables and views from the list of objects that are
available from the selected data source. You can filter this list to help you select tables and

In the Available objects list, select the following objects. You can select multiple tables by
clicking each while holding down the CTRL key:

o DimCustomer (dbo)
o DimDate (dbo)
o DimGeography (dbo)
o DimProduct (dbo)
o FactInternetSales (dbo)
5. Click > to add the selected tables to the Included objects list.
6. Click Next.
7. In the Name field, make sure Adventure Works DW 2012 displays, and then click Finish.

The Adventure Works DW 2012 data source view appears in the Data Source Views folder in
Solution Explorer. The content of the data source view is also displayed in Data Source View
Designer in SQL Server Data Tools. This designer contains the following elements:

o A Diagram pane in which the tables and their relationships are represented graphically.
o A Tables pane in which the tables and their schema elements are displayed in a tree
o A Diagram Organizer pane in which you can create subdiagrams so that you can view
subsets of the data source view.
o A toolbar that is specific to Data Source View Designer.
8. To view the tables in the Diagram pane at 50 percent, click the Zoom icon on the Data Source
View Designer toolbar. This will hide the column details of each table.
9. To hide Solution Explorer, click the Auto Hide button, which is the pushpin icon on the title
bar. To view Solution Explorer again, position your pointer over the Solution Explorer tab
along the right side of the development environment. To unhide Solution Explorer, click
the Auto Hide button again.
10. If the windows are not hidden by default, click Auto Hide on the title bar of the Properties
and Solution Explorer windows.

You can now view all the tables and their relationships in the Diagram pane. Notice that there
are three relationships between the FactInternetSales table and the DimDate table. Each sale
has three dates associated with the sale: an order date, a due date, and a ship date. To view
the details of any relationship, double-click the relationship arrow in the Diagram pane.

Lesson 1-4 - Modifying Default Table Names

You can change the value of the FriendlyName property for objects in the data source view to make
them easier to notice and use.

In the following task, you will change the friendly name of each table in the data source view by
removing the "Dim" and "Fact" prefixes from these tables. This will make the cube and dimension
objects (that you will define in the next lesson) easier to notice and use.

To modify the default name of a table

1. In the Tables pane of Data Source View Designer, right-click the FactInternetSales table, and
then click Properties.
2. If the Properties window on the right side of the Microsoft Visual Studio window is not
displayed, click the Auto Hide button on the title bar of the Properties window so that this
window remains visible.
3. Change the FriendlyName property for the FactInternetSales object to InternetSales.

When you click away from the cell for the FriendlyName property, the change is applied. In
the next lesson, you will define a measure group that is based on this fact table. The name of
the fact table will be InternetSales instead of FactInternetSales because of the change you
made in this lesson.

4. Click DimProduct in the Tables pane. In the Properties window, change

the FriendlyName property to Product.
5. Change the FriendlyName property of each remaining table in the data source view in the
same way, to remove the "Dim" prefix.
6. When you have finished, click the Auto Hide button to hide the Properties window again.
7. On the File menu, or on the toolbar of SQL Server Data Tools, click Save All to save the
changes you have made to this point in the Analysis Services Tutorial project. You can stop
the tutorial here if you want and resume it later.
Lesson 2: Defining and Deploying a Cube

Lesson 2-1 - Defining a Dimension

To define a dimension

1. In Solution Explorer (on the right side of Microsoft Visual Studio), right-
click Dimensions, and then click New Dimension. The Dimension Wizard appears.
2. On the Welcome to the Dimension Wizard page, click Next.
3. On the Select Creation Method page, verify that the Use an existing table option is
selected, and then click Next.
4. On the Specify Source Information page, verify that the Adventure Works DW
2012 data source view is selected.
5. In the Main table list, select Date.
6. Click Next.
7. On the Select Dimension Attributes page, select the check boxes next to the
following attributes:
o Date Key
o Full Date Alternate Key
o English Month Name
o Calendar Quarter
o Calendar Year
o Calendar Semester
8. Change the setting of the Full Date Alternate Key attribute's Attribute Type column
from Regular to Date. To do this, click Regular in the Attribute Type column. Then
click the arrow to expand the options. Next, click Date > Calendar > Date. Click OK.
Repeat these steps to change the attribute type of the attributes as follows:
o English Month Name to Month
o Calendar Quarter to Quarter
o Calendar Year to Year
o Calendar Semester to Half Year
9. Click Next.
10. On the Completing the Wizard page, in the Preview pane, you can see
the Date dimension and its attributes.
11. Click Finish to complete the wizard.

In Solution Explorer, in the Analysis Services Tutorial project, the Date dimension
appears in the Dimensions folder. In the center of the development environment,
Dimension Designer displays the Date dimension.

12. On the File menu, click Save All.

Lesson 2-2 - Defining a Cube

The Cube Wizard helps you define the measure groups and dimensions for a cube. In the following
task, you will use the Cube Wizard to build a cube.

To define a cube and its properties

1. In Solution Explorer, right-click Cubes, and then click New Cube. The Cube Wizard appears.
2. On the Welcome to the Cube Wizard page, click Next.
3. On the Select Creation Method page, verify that the Use existing tables option is selected,
and then click Next.
4. On the Select Measure Group Tables page, verify that the Adventure Works DW 2012 data
source view is selected.
5. Click Suggest to have the cube wizard suggest tables to use to create measure groups.

The wizard examines the tables and suggests InternetSales as a measure group table.
Measure group tables, also called fact tables, contain the measures you are interested in,
such as the number of units sold.

6. Click Next.
7. On the Select Measures page, review the selected measures in the Internet Sales measure
group, and then clear the check boxes for the following measures:
o Promotion Key
o Currency Key
o Sales Territory Key
o Revision Number
8. Click Next.
9. On the Select Existing Dimensions page, make sure the Date dimension that you created
earlier is selected, and then click Next.
10. On the Select New Dimensions page, select the new dimensions to be created. To do this,
verify that the Customer, Geography, and Product check boxes are selected, and then clear
the InternetSales check box.
11. Click Next.
12. On the Completing the Wizard page, change the name of the cube to Analysis Services
Tutorial. In the Preview pane, you can see the InternetSales measure group and its
measures. You can also see the Date, Customer, and Product dimensions.
13. Click Finish to complete the wizard.

In Solution Explorer, in the Analysis Services Tutorial project, the Analysis Services Tutorial
cube appears in the Cubes folder, and the Customer and Product database dimensions
appear in the Dimensions folder. Additionally, in the center of the development
environment, the Cube Structure tab displays the Analysis Services Tutorial cube.

14. On the toolbar of the Cube Structure tab, change the Zoom level to 50 percent, so that you
can more easily see the dimensions and fact tables in the cube. Notice that the fact table is
yellow and the dimension tables are blue.
15. On the File menu, click Save All.
Lesson 2-3 - Adding Attributes to Dimensions

Now that you have defined dimensions, you can populate them with attributes that
represent each data element in the dimension. Attributes are commonly based on fields from a
data source view. When adding attributes to a dimension, you can include fields from any table in
the data source view.

In this task, you will use Dimension Designer to add attributes to the Customer and Product
dimensions. The Customer dimension will include attributes based on fields from both the
Customer and Geography tables.

Adding Attributes to the Customer Dimension

To add attributes

1. Open Dimension Designer for the Customer dimension. To do this, double-click

the Customer dimension in the Dimensions node of Solution Explorer.
2. In the Attributes pane, notice the Customer Key and Geography Key attributes that were
created by the Cube Wizard.
3. On the toolbar of the Dimension Structure tab, make sure the Zoom icon to view the tables
in the Data Source View pane is set at 100 percent.
4. Drag the following columns from the Customer table in the Data Source View pane to
the Attributes pane:
o BirthDate
o MaritalStatus
o Gender
o EmailAddress
o YearlyIncome
o TotalChildren
o NumberChildrenAtHome
o EnglishEducation
o EnglishOccupation
o HouseOwnerFlag
o NumberCarsOwned
o Phone
o DateFirstPurchase
o CommuteDistance
5. Drag the following columns from the Geography table in the Data Source View pane to
the Attributes pane:
o City
o StateProvinceName
o EnglishCountryRegionName
o PostalCode
6. On the File menu, click Save All.
Adding Attributes to the Product Dimension
To add attributes

1. Open Dimension Designer for the Product dimension. Double-click the Product dimension in
Solution Explorer.
2. In the Attributes pane, notice the Product Key attribute that was created by the Cube
3. On the toolbar of the Dimension Structure tab, make sure the Zoom icon to view the tables
in the Data Source View pane is set at 100 percent.
4. Drag the following columns from the Product table in the Data Source View pane to
the Attributes pane:
o StandardCost
o Color
o SafetyStockLevel
o ReorderPoint
o ListPrice
o Size
o SizeRange
o Weight
o DaysToManufacture
o ProductLine
o DealerPrice
o Class
o Style
o ModelName
o StartDate
o EndDate
o Status
5. On the File menu, click Save All.
Lesson 2-4 - Reviewing Cube and Dimension Properties

After you have defined a cube, you can review the results by using Cube Designer. In the following
task, you review the structure of the cube in the Analysis Services Tutorial project.

To review cube and dimension properties in Cube Designer

1. To open the Cube Designer, double-click the Analysis Services Tutorial cube in
the Cubes node of Solution Explorer.
2. In the Measures pane of the Cube Structure tab in Cube Designer, expand the Internet
Sales measure group to reveal the defined measures.
3. In the Dimensions pane of the Cube Structure tab in Cube Designer, review the cube
dimensions that are in the Analysis Services Tutorial cube.

Notice that although only three dimensions were created at the database level, as displayed
in Solution Explorer, there are five cube dimensions in the Analysis Services Tutorial cube.
The cube contains more dimensions than the database because the Date database dimension
is used as the basis for three separate date-related cube dimensions, based on different date-
related facts in the fact table. These date-related dimensions are also called role playing
dimensions. The three date-related cube dimensions let users dimension the cube by three
separate facts that are related to each product sale: the product order date, the due date for
fulfillment of the order, and the ship date for the order. By reusing a single database
dimension for multiple cube dimensions, Analysis Services simplifies dimension
management, uses less disk space, and reduces overall processing time.

4. In the Dimensions pane of the Cube Structure tab, expand Customer, and then click Edit
Customer to open the dimension in Dimension Designer.

Dimension Designer contains these tabs: Dimension Structure, Attribute

Relationships, Translations, and Browser. Notice that the Dimension Structure tab includes
three panes: Attributes, Hierarchies, and Data Source View. The attributes that the
dimension contains appear in the Attributes pane. To switch to Cube Designer, right-click
the Analysis Services Tutorial cube in the Cubes node in Solution Explorer, and then
click View Designer.

5. In Cube Designer, click the Dimension Usage tab.

In this view of the Analysis Services Tutorial cube, you can see the cube dimensions that are
used by the Internet Sales measure group. Also, you can define the type of relationship
between each dimension and each measure group in which it is used.

6. Click the Partitions tab.

The Cube Wizard defines a single partition for the cube, by using the multidimensional online
analytical processing (MOLAP) storage mode without aggregations. With MOLAP, all leaf-
level data and all aggregations are stored within the cube for maximum performance.
Aggregations are precalculated summaries of data that improve query response time by
having answers ready before questions are asked. You can define additional partitions,
storage settings, and writeback settings on the Partitions tab.
7. Click the Browser tab.

Notice that the cube cannot be browsed because it has not yet been deployed to an instance
of Analysis Services. At this point, the cube in the Analysis Services Tutorial project is just a
definition of a cube, which you can deploy to any instance of Analysis Services. When you
deploy and process a cube, you create the defined objects in an instance of Analysis Services
and populate the objects with data from the underlying data sources.

Lesson 2-5 - Deploying an Analysis Services Project

To view the cube and dimension data for the objects in the Analysis Services Tutorial cube in the
Analysis Services Tutorial project, you must deploy the project to a specified instance of Analysis
Services and then process the cube and its dimensions. Deploying an Analysis Services project
creates the defined objects in an instance of Analysis Services. Processing the objects in an
instance of Analysis Services copies the data from the underlying data sources into the cube

At this point in the development process, you generally deploy the cube to an instance of Analysis
Services on a development server. Once you have finished developing your business intelligence
project, you will generally use the Analysis Services Deployment Wizard to deploy your project
from the development server to a production server.

In the following task, you review the deployment properties of the Analysis Services Tutorial
project and then deploy the project to your local instance of Analysis Services.

To deploy the Analysis Services project

1. In Solution Explorer, right-click the Analysis Services Tutorial project, and then
click Properties.

The Analysis Services Tutorial Property Pages dialog box appears and displays the
properties of the Active(Development) configuration. You can define multiple
configurations, each with different properties. For example, a developer might want to
configure the same project to deploy to different development computers and with
different deployment properties, such as database names or processing properties. Notice
the value for the Output Path property. This property specifies the location in which the
XMLA deployment scripts for the project are saved when a project is built. These are the
scripts that are used to deploy the objects in the project to an instance of Analysis Services.

2. In the Configuration Properties node in the left pane, click Deployment.

Review the deployment properties for the project. By default, the Analysis Services Project
template configures an Analysis Services project to incrementally deploy all projects to the
default instance of Analysis Services on the local computer, to create an Analysis Services
database with the same name as the project, and to process the objects after deployment
by using the default processing option.


If you want to deploy the project to a named instance of Analysis Services on the local
computer, or to an instance on a remote server, change the Server property to the
appropriate instance name, such as <ServerName*>\<InstanceName>*.

3. Click OK.
4. In Solution Explorer, right-click the Analysis Services Tutorial project, and then click Deploy.
You might need to wait.


If you get errors during deployment, use SQL Server Management Studio to check the
database permissions. The account you specified for the data source connection must have
a login on the SQL Server instance. Double-click the login to view User Mapping properties.
The account must have db_datareader permissions on
the AdventureWorksDW2012 database.

SQL Server Data Tools builds and then deploys the Analysis Services Tutorial project to the
specified instance of Analysis Services by using a deployment script. The progress of the
deployment is displayed in two windows: the Output window and the Deployment
Progress - Analysis Services Tutorial window.

Open the Output window, if necessary, by clicking Output on the View menu.
The Output window displays the overall progress of the deployment. The Deployment
Progress - Analysis Services Tutorial window displays the detail about each step taken
during deployment.

5. Review the contents of the Output window and the Deployment Progress - Analysis
Services Tutorial window to verify that the cube was built, deployed, and processed
without errors.
6. To hide the Deployment Progress - Analysis Services Tutorial window, click the Auto
Hide icon (it looks like a pushpin) on the toolbar of the window.
7. To hide the Output window, click the Auto Hide icon on the toolbar of the window.

You have successfully deployed the Analysis Services Tutorial cube to your local instance of
Analysis Services, and then processed the deployed cube.
Lesson 2-6 - Browsing the Cube
After you deploy a cube, the cube data is viewable on the Browser tab in Cube Designer, and the
dimension data is viewable on the Browser tab in Dimension Designer. Browsing cube and
dimension data is way to check your work incrementally. You can verify that small changes to
properties, relationships, and other objects have the desired effect once the object is processed.
While the Browser tab is used to view both cube and dimension data, the tab provides different
capabilities based on the object you are browsing.

For dimensions, the Browser tab provides a way to view members or navigate a hierarchy all the
way down to the leaf node. You can browse dimension data in different languages, assuming you
have added the translations to your model.

For cubes, the Browser tab provides two approaches for exploring data. You can use the built-in
MDX Query Designer to build queries that return a flattened rowset from a multidimensional
database. Alternatively, you can use an Excel shortcut. When you start Excel from within SQL
Server Data Tools, Excel opens with a PivotTable already in the worksheet and a predefined
connection to the model workspace database.

Excel generally offers a better browsing experience because you can explore cube data
interactively, using horizontal and vertical axes to analyze the relationships in your data. In
contrast, the MDX Query Designer is limited to a single axis. Moreover, because the rowset is
flattened, you do not get the drilldown that an Excel PivotTable provides. As you add more
dimensions and hierarchies to your cube, which you will do in subsequent lessons, Excel will be
the preferred solution for browsing data.

To browse the deployed cube

1. Switch to Dimension Designer for the Product dimension in SQL Server Data Tools. To do
this, double-click the Product dimension in the Dimensions node of Solution Explorer.
2. Click the Browser tab to display the All member of the Product Key attribute hierarchy. In
lesson three, you will define a user hierarchy for the Product dimension that will let you
browse the dimension.
3. Switch to Cube Designer in SQL Server Data Tools. To do this, double-click the Analysis
Services Tutorial cube in the Cubes node of Solution Explorer.
4. Select the Browser tab, and then click the Reconnect icon on the toolbar of the designer.

The left pane of the designer shows the objects in the Analysis Services Tutorial cube. On
the right side of the Browser tab, there are two panes: the upper pane is the Filter pane,
and the lower pane is the Data pane. In an upcoming lesson, you will use the cube browser
to do analysis.
Lesson 3: Modifying Measures, Attributes and

Lesson 3-1 - Modifying Measures

You can use the FormatString property to define formatting settings that control how measures
are displayed to users. In this task, you specify formatting properties for the currency and
percentage measures in the Analysis Services Tutorial cube.

To modify the measures of the cube

1. Switch to the Cube Structure tab of Cube Designer for the Analysis Services Tutorial cube,
expand the Internet Sales measure group in the Measures pane, right-click Order Quantity,
and then click Properties.
2. In the Properties window, click the Auto Hide pushpin icon to pin the Properties window

It is easier to change properties for several items in the cube when the Properties window
remains open.

3. In the Properties window, click the FormatString list, and then type #,#.
4. On the toolbar of the Cube Structure tab, click the Show Measures Grid icon on the left.

The grid view lets you select multiple measures at the same time.

5. Select the following measures. You can select multiple measures by clicking each while
holding down the CTRL key:
o Unit Price
o Extended Amount
o Discount Amount
o Product Standard Cost
o Total Product Cost
o Sales Amount
o Tax Amt
o Freight
6. In the Properties window, in the FormatString list, select Currency.
7. In the drop-down list at the top of the Properties window (right below the title bar), select
the measure Unit Price Discount Pct, and then select Percent in the FormatString list.
8. In the Properties window, change the Name property for the Unit Price Discount
Pct measure to Unit Price Discount Percentage.
9. In the Measures pane, click Tax Amt and change the name of this measure to Tax Amount.
10. In the Properties window, click the Auto Hide icon to hide the Properties window, and then
click Show Measures Tree on the toolbar of the Cube Structure tab.
11. On the File menu, click Save All.
Lesson 3-2 - Modifying the Customer Dimension

There are many different ways that you can increase the usability and functionality of the
dimensions in a cube. In the tasks in this topic, you modify the Customer dimension.

Renaming Attributes

You can change attribute names with the Dimension Structure tab of Dimension Designer.

To rename an attribute

1. Switch to Dimension Designer for the Customer dimension in SQL Server Data Tools. To do
this, double-click the Customer dimension in the Dimensions node of Solution Explorer.
2. In the Attributes pane, right-click English Country Region Name, and then click Rename.
Change the name of the attribute to Country-Region.
3. Change the names of the following attributes in the same manner:
o English Education attribute - change to Education
o English Occupation attribute - change to Occupation
o State Province Name attribute - change to State-Province
4. On the File menu, click Save All.

Creating a Hierarchy

You can create a new hierarchy by dragging an attribute from the Attributes pane to
the Hierarchies pane.

To create a hierarchy

1. Drag the Country-Region attribute from the Attributes pane into the Hierarchies pane.
2. Drag the State-Province attribute from the Attributes pane into the cell in
the Hierarchies pane, underneath the Country-Region level.
3. Drag the City attribute from the Attributes pane into the cell in the Hierarchies pane,
underneath the State-Province level.
4. In the Hierarchies pane of the Dimension Structure tab, right-click the title bar of
the Hierarchy hierarchy, select Rename, and then type Customer Geography.

The name of the hierarchy is now Customer Geography.

5. On the File menu, click Save All.

Adding a Named Calculation

You can add a named calculation, which is a SQL expression that is represented as a calculated
column, to a table in a data source view. The expression appears and behaves as a column in the
table. Named calculations let you extend the relational schema of existing tables in a data source
view without modifying the table in the underlying data source.
To add a named calculation

1. Open the Adventure Works DW 2012 data source view by double-clicking it in the Data
Source Views folder in Solution Explorer.
2. In the Tables pane on the left, right-click Customer, and then click New Named Calculation.
3. In the Create Named Calculation dialog box, type FullName in the Column name box, and
then type or copy and paste the following CASE statement in the Expression box:

FirstName + ' ' + LastName
FirstName + ' ' + MiddleName + ' ' + LastName

The CASE statement concatenates the FirstName, MiddleName, and LastName columns
into a single column that you will use in the Customer dimension as the displayed name for
the Customer attribute.

4. Click OK, and then expand Customer in the Tables pane.

The FullName named calculation appears in the list of columns in the Customer table, with
an icon that indicates that it is a named calculation.

5. On the File menu, click Save All.

6. In the Tables pane, right-click Customer, and then click Explore Data.
7. Review the last column in the Explore Customer Table view.

Notice that the FullName column appears in the data source view, correctly concatenating
data from several columns from the underlying data source and without modifying the
original data source.

8. Close the Explore Customer Table tab.

Using the Named Calculation for Member Names

After you have created a named calculation in the data source view, you can use the named
calculation as a property of an attribute.

To use the named calculation for member names

1. Switch to Dimension Designer for the Customer dimension.

2. In the Attributes pane of the Dimension Structure tab, click the Customer Key attribute.
3. Open the Properties window and click the Auto Hide button on the title bar so that it stays
4. In the Name property field, type .
5. Click in the NameColumn property field at the bottom, and then click the browse (...)
button to open the Name Column dialog box.
6. Select FullName at the bottom of the Source column list, and then click OK.
7. In the Dimensions Structure tab, drag the Full Name attribute from the Attributes pane into
the cell in the Hierarchies pane, underneath the City level.
8. On the File menu, click Save All.

Defining Display Folders

You can use display folders to group user and attribute hierarchies into folder structures to
increase usability.

To define display folders

1. Open the Dimension Structure tab for the Customer dimension.

2. In the Attributes pane, select the following attributes by holding down the CTRL key while
clicking each of them:
o City
o Country-Region
o Postal Code
o State-Province
3. In the Properties window, click the AttributeHierarchyDisplayFolder property field at the
top (you might need to point to it to see the full name), and then type Location.
4. In the Hierarchies pane, click Customer Geography, and then in the Properties window on
the right, select Location as the value of the DisplayFolder property.
5. In the Attributes pane, select the following attributes by holding down the CTRL key while
clicking each of them:
o Commute Distance
o Education
o Gender
o House Owner Flag
o Marital Status
o Number Cars Owned
o Number Children At Home
o Occupation
o Total Children
o Yearly Income
6. In the Properties window, click the AttributeHierarchyDisplayFolder property field at the
top, and then type Demographic.
7. In the Attributes pane, select the following attributes by holding down the CTRL key while
clicking each of them:
o Email Address
o Phone
8. In the Properties window, click the AttributeHierarchyDisplayFolder property field and
type Contacts.
9. On the File menu, click Save All.

Defining Composite KeyColumns

The KeyColumns property contains the column or columns that represent the key for the
attribute. In this lesson, you create a composite key for the City and State-Province attributes.
Composite keys can be helpful when you need to uniquely identify an attribute. For example,
when you define attribute relationships later in this tutorial, a City attribute must uniquely identify
a State-Province attribute. However, there could be several cities with the same name in different
states. For this reason, you will create a composite key that is composed of
the StateProvinceName and City columns for the City attribute.

To define composite KeyColumns for the City attribute

1. Open the Dimension Structure tab for the Customer dimension.

2. In the Attributes pane, click the City attribute.
3. In the Properties window, click in the KeyColumns field near the bottom, and then click the
browse (...) button.
4. In the Key Columns dialog box, in the Available Columns list, select the
column StateProvinceName, and then click the > button.

The City and StateProvinceName columns are now displayed in the Key Columns list.

5. Click OK.
6. To set the NameColumn property of the City attribute, click the NameColumn field in the
Properties window, and then click the browse (...) button.
7. In the Name Column dialog box, in the Source column list, select City, and then click OK.
8. On the File menu, click Save All.

To define composite KeyColumns for the State-Province attribute

1. Make sure the Dimension Structure tab for the Customer dimension is open.
2. In the Attributes pane, click the State-Province attribute.
3. In the Properties window, click in the KeyColumns field, and then click the browse (...)
4. In the Key Columns dialog box, in the Available Columns list, select the
column EnglishCountryRegionName, and then click the > button.

The EnglishCountryRegionName and StateProvinceName columns are now displayed in

the Key Columns list.

5. Click OK.
6. To set the NameColumn property of the State-Province attribute, click
the NameColumn field in the Properties window, and then click the browse (...) button.
7. In the Name Column dialog box, in the Source column list, select StateProvinceName, and
then click OK.
8. On the File menu, click Save All.

Defining Attribute Relationships

If the underlying data supports it, you should define attribute relationships between attributes.
Defining attribute relationships speeds up dimension, partition, and query processing.

To define attribute relationships

1. In the Dimension Designer for the Customer dimension, click the Attribute
Relationships tab. You might need to wait.
2. In the diagram, right-click the City attribute, and then click New Attribute Relationship.
3. In the Create Attribute Relationship dialog box, the Source Attribute is City. Set
the Related Attribute to State-Province.
4. In the Relationship type list, set the relationship type to Rigid.

The relationship type is Rigid because relationships between the members will not change
over time. For example, it would be unusual for a city to become part of a different state or

5. Click OK.
6. In the diagram, right-click the State-Province attribute and then select New Attribute
7. In the Create Attribute Relationship dialog box, the Source Attribute is State-Province. Set
the Related Attribute to Country-Region.
8. In the Relationship type list, set the relationship type to Rigid.
9. Click OK.
10. On the File menu, click Save All.

Deploying Changes, Processing the Objects, and Viewing the Changes

After you have changed attributes and hierarchies, you must deploy the changes and reprocess
the related objects before you can view the changes.

To deploy the changes, process the objects, and view the changes

1. On the Build menu of SQL Server Data Tools, click Deploy Analysis Services Tutorial.
2. After you receive the Deployment Completed Successfully message, click the Browser tab
of Dimension Designer for the Customer dimension, and then click the Reconnect button
on the left side of the toolbar of the designer.
3. Verify that Customer Geography is selected in the Hierarchy list, and then in the browser
pane, expand All, expand Australia, expand New South Wales, and then expand Coffs

The browser displays the customers in the city.

4. Switch to Cube Designer for the Analysis Services Tutorial cube. To do this, double-click
the Analysis Services Tutorial cube in the Cubes node of Solution Explorer.
5. Click the Browser tab, and then click the Reconnect button on the toolbar of the designer.
6. In the Measure Group pane, expand Customer.

Notice that instead of a long list of attributes, only the display folders and the attributes
that do not have display folder values appear underneath Customer.

7. On the File menu, click Save All.

Lesson 3-3 - Modifying the Product Dimension
In the tasks in this topic, you use a named calculation to provide more descriptive names for the
product lines, define a hierarchy in the Product dimension, and specify the (All) member name for
the hierarchy. You also group attributes into display folders.

Adding a Named Calculation

You can add a named calculation to a table in a data source view. In the following task, you create
a named calculation that displays the full product line name.

To add a named calculation

1. To open the Adventure Works DW 2012 data source view, double-click Adventure Works
DW 2012 in the Data Source Views folder in Solution Explorer.
2. In the bottom of the diagram pane, right-click the Product table header, and then click New
Named Calculation.
3. In the Create Named Calculation dialog box, type ProductLineName in the Column
name box.
4. In the Expression box, type or copy and paste the following CASE statement:

CASE ProductLine
WHEN 'M' THEN 'Mountain'
WHEN 'R' THEN 'Road'
WHEN 'S' THEN 'Accessory'
WHEN 'T' THEN 'Touring'
ELSE 'Components'

This CASE statement creates user-friendly names for each product line in the cube.

5. Click OK to create the ProductLineName named calculation. You might need to wait.
6. On the File menu, click Save All.

Modifying the NameColumn Property of an Attribute

To modify the NameColumn property value of an attribute

1. Switch to Dimension Designer for the Product dimension. To do this, double-click

the Product dimension in the Dimensions node of Solution Explorer.
2. In the Attributes pane of the Dimension Structure tab, select Product Line.
3. In the Properties window on the right side of the screen, click the NameColumn property
field at the bottom of the window, and then click the browse (...) button to open the Name
Column dialog box. (You might need to click the Properties tab on the right side of the
screen to open the Properties window.
4. Select ProductLineName at the bottom of the Source column list, and then click OK.

The NameColumn field now contains the text, Product.ProductLineName (WChar). The
members of the Product Line attribute hierarchy now display the full name of the product
line instead of an abbreviated product line name.
5. In the Attributes pane of the Dimension Structure tab, select Product Key.
6. In the Properties window, click the NameColumn property field, and then click the ellipsis
browse (...) button to open the Name Column dialog box.
7. Select EnglishProductName in the Source column list, and then click OK.

The NameColumn field now contains the text, Product.EnglishProductName (WChar).

8. In the Properties window, scroll up, click the Name property field, and then type Product

Creating a Hierarchy
To create a hierarchy

1. Drag the Product Line attribute from the Attributes pane into the Hierarchies pane.
2. Drag the Model Name attribute from the Attributes pane into the cell in
the Hierarchies pane, underneath the Product Line level.
3. Drag the Product Name attribute from the Attributes pane into the cell in
the Hierarchies pane, underneath the Model Name level. (You renamed Product Key to
Product Name in the previous section.)
4. In the Hierarchies pane of the Dimension Structure tab, right-click the title bar of
the Hierarchy hierarchy, click Rename, and then type Product Model Lines.

The name of the hierarchy is now Product Model Lines.

5. On the File menu, click Save All.

Specifying Folder Names and All Member Names

To specify the folder and member names

1. In the Attributes pane, select the following attributes by holding down the CTRL key while
clicking each of them:
o Class
o Color
o Days To Manufacture
o Reorder Point
o Safety Stock Level
o Size
o Size Range
o Style
o Weight
2. In the AttributeHierarchyDisplayFolder property field in the Properties window,
type Stocking.

You have now grouped these attributes into a single display folder.

3. In the Attributes pane, select the following attributes:

o Dealer Price
o List Price
o Standard Cost
4. In the AttributeHierarchyDisplayFolder property cell in the Properties window,
type Financial.
You have now grouped these attributes into a second display folder.

5. In the Attributes pane, select the following attributes:

o End Date
o Start Date
o Status
6. In the AttributeHierarchyDisplayFolder property cell in the Properties window,
type History.

You have now grouped these attributes into a third display folder.

7. Select the Product Model Lines hierarchy in the Hierarchies pane, and then change
the AllMemberName property in the Properties window to All Products.
8. Click an open area of the Hierarchies pane, and then change
the AttributeAllMemberName property at the top of the Properties window to All

Clicking an open area lets you modify properties of the Product dimension itself. You could
also click Product at the top of the attributes list in the Attributes pane.

9. On the File menu, click Save All.

Defining Attribute Relationships

If the underlying data supports it, you should define attribute relationships between attributes.
Defining attribute relationships speeds up dimension, partition, and query processing.

To define attribute relationships

1. In the Dimension Designer for the Product dimension, click the Attribute Relationships tab.
2. In the diagram, right-click the Model Name attribute, and then click New Attribute
3. In the Create Attribute Relationship dialog box, the Source Attribute is Model Name. Set
the Related Attribute to Product Line.

In the Relationship type list, leave the relationship type set to Flexible because
relationships between the members might change over time. For example, a product model
might eventually be moved to a different product line.

4. Click OK.
5. On the File menu, click Save All.

Reviewing Product Dimension Changes

To review the Product dimension changes

1. On the Build menu of SQL Server Data Tools, click Deploy Analysis Services Tutorial.
2. After you have received the Deployment Completed Successfully message, click
the Browser tab of Dimension Designer for the Product dimension, and then click the
Reconnect button on the toolbar of the designer.
3. Verify that Product Model Lines is selected in the Hierarchy list, and then expand All
Notice that the name of the All member appears as All Products. This is because you
changed the AllMemberName property for the hierarchy to All Products earlier in the
lesson. Also, the members of the Product Line level now have user-friendly names, instead
of single-letter abbreviations.

Lesson 3-4 - Modifying the Date Dimension

In the tasks in this topic, you create a user-defined hierarchy and change the member names that
are displayed for the Date, Month, Calendar Quarter, and Calendar Semester attributes. You also
define composite keys for attributes, control the sort order of dimension members, and define
attribute relationships.

Adding a Named Calculation

You can add a named calculation, which is a SQL expression that is represented as a calculated
column, to a table in a data source view. The expression appears and behaves as a column in the
table. Named calculations enable you to extend the relational schema of existing tables in a data
source view without modifying the table in the underlying data source.

To add a named calculation

1. To open the Adventure Works DW 2012 data source view, double-click it in the Data Source
Views folder in Solution Explorer.
2. Near the bottom of the Tables pane, right-click Date, and then click New Named
3. In the Create Named Calculation dialog box, type SimpleDate in the Column name box, and
then type or copy and paste the following DATENAME statement in the Expression box:

DATENAME(mm, FullDateAlternateKey) + ' ' +

DATENAME(dd, FullDateAlternateKey) + ', ' +
DATENAME(yy, FullDateAlternateKey)

The DATENAME statement extracts the year, month, and day values from the
FullDateAlternateKey column. You will use this new column as the displayed name for the
FullDateAlternateKey attribute.

4. Click OK, and then expand Date in the Tables pane.

The SimpleDate named calculation appears in the list of columns in the Date table, with an
icon that indicates that it is a named calculation.

5. On the File menu, click Save All.

6. In the Tables pane, right-click Date, and then click Explore Data.
7. Scroll to the right to review the last column in the Explore Date Table view.
Notice that the SimpleDate column appears in the data source view, correctly
concatenating data from several columns from the underlying data source, without
modifying the original data source.

8. Close the Explore Date Table view.

Using the Named Calculation for Member Names

After you create a named calculation in the data source view, you can use the named calculation
as a property of an attribute.

To use the named calculation for member names

1. Open Dimension Designer for the Date dimension in SQL Server Data Tools. To do this,
double-click the Date dimension in the Dimensions node of Solution Explorer.
2. In the Attributes pane of the Dimension Structure tab, click the Date Key attribute.
3. If the Properties window is not open, open the Properties window, and then click the Auto
Hide button on the title bar so that it stays open.
4. Click the NameColumn property field near the bottom of the window, and then click the
ellipsis browse (...) button to open the Name Column dialog box.
5. Select SimpleDate at the bottom of the Source column list, and then click OK.
6. On the File menu, click Save All.

Creating a Hierarchy

You can create a new hierarchy by dragging an attribute from the Attributes pane to
the Hierarchies pane.

To create a hierarchy

1. In Dimension Structure tab of the Dimension Designer for the Date dimension, drag
the Calendar Year attribute from the Attributes pane into the Hierarchies pane.
2. Drag the Calendar Semester attribute from the Attributes pane into the cell in
the Hierarchies pane, underneath the Calendar Year level.
3. Drag the Calendar Quarter attribute from the Attributes pane into the cell in
the Hierarchies pane, underneath the Calendar Semester level.
4. Drag the English Month Name attribute from the Attributes pane into the cell in
the Hierarchies pane, underneath the Calendar Quarter level.
5. Drag the Date Key attribute from the Attributes pane into the cell in the Hierarchies pane,
underneath the English Month Name level.
6. In the Hierarchies pane, right-click the title bar of the Hierarchy hierarchy, click Rename,
and then type Calendar Date.
7. By using the right-click context menu, in the Calendar Date hierarchy, rename the English
Month Name level to Calendar Month, and then rename the Date Key level to Date.
8. Delete the Full Date Alternate Key attribute from the Attributes pane because you will not
be using it. Click OK in the Delete Objects confirmation window.
9. On the File menu, click Save All.
Defining Attribute Relationships

If the underlying data supports it, you should define attribute relationships between attributes.
Defining attribute relationships speeds up dimension, partition, and query processing.

To define attribute relationships

1. In the Dimension Designer for the Date dimension, click the Attribute Relationships tab.
2. In the diagram, right-click the English Month Name attribute, and then click New Attribute
3. In the Create Attribute Relationship dialog box, the Source Attribute is English Month
Name. Set the Related Attribute to Calendar Quarter.
4. In the Relationship type list, set the relationship type to Rigid.

The relationship type is Rigid because relationships between the members will not change
over time.

5. Click OK.
6. In the diagram, right-click the Calendar Quarter attribute, and then click New Attribute
7. In the Create Attribute Relationship dialog box, the Source Attribute is Calendar Quarter.
Set the Related Attribute to Calendar Semester.
8. In the Relationship type list, set the relationship type to Rigid.
9. Click OK.
10. In the diagram, right-click the Calendar Semester attribute, and then click New Attribute
11. In the Create Attribute Relationship dialog box, the Source Attribute is Calendar Semester.
Set the Related Attribute to Calendar Year.
12. In the Relationship type list, set the relationship type to Rigid.
13. Click OK.
14. On the File menu, click Save All.

Providing Unique Dimension Member Names

In this task, you will create user-friendly name columns that will be used by
the EnglishMonthName, CalendarQuarter, and CalendarSemester attributes.

To provide unique dimension member names

1. To switch to the Adventure Works DW 2012 data source view, double-click it in the Data
Source Views folder in Solution Explorer.
2. In the Tables pane, right-click Date, and then click New Named Calculation.
3. In the Create Named Calculation dialog box, type MonthName in the Column name box,
and then type or copy and paste the following statement in the Expression box:

EnglishMonthName+' '+ CONVERT(CHAR (4), CalendarYear)

The statement concatenates the month and year for each month in the table into a new

4. Click OK.
5. In the Tables pane, right-click Date, and then click New Named Calculation.
6. In the Create Named Calculation dialog box, type CalendarQuarterDesc in the Column
name box, and then type or copy and paste the following SQL script in the Expression box:

'Q' + CONVERT(CHAR (1), CalendarQuarter) +' '+ 'CY ' +

CONVERT(CHAR (4), CalendarYear)

This SQL script concatenates the calendar quarter and year for each quarter in the table
into a new column.

7. Click OK.
8. In the Tables pane, right-click Date, and then click New Named Calculation.
9. In the Create Named Calculation dialog box, type CalendarSemesterDesc in the Column
name box, and then type or copy and paste the following SQL script in the Expression box:

WHEN CalendarSemester = 1 THEN 'H1' + ' ' + 'CY' + ' '
+ CONVERT(CHAR(4), CalendarYear)
'H2' + ' ' + 'CY' + ' ' + CONVERT(CHAR(4), CalendarYear)

This SQL script concatenates the calendar semester and year for each semester in the table
into a new column.

10. Click OK.

11. On the File menu, click Save All.

Defining Composite KeyColumns and Setting the Name Column

The KeyColumns property contains the column or columns that represent the key for the
attribute. In this task, you will define composite KeyColumns.

To define composite KeyColumns for the English Month Name attribute

1. Open the Dimension Structure tab for the Date dimension.

2. In the Attributes pane, click the English Month Name attribute.
3. In the Properties window, click the KeyColumns field, and then click the browse (...)
4. In the Key Columns dialog box, in the Available Columns list, select the
column CalendarYear, and then click the > button.
5. The EnglishMonthName and CalendarYear columns are now displayed in the Key
Columns list.
6. Click OK.
7. To set the NameColumn property of the EnglishMonthName attribute, click
the NameColumn field in the Properties window, and then click the browse (...) button.
8. In the Name Column dialog box, in the Source Column list, select MonthName, and then
click OK.
9. On the File menu, click Save All.
To define composite KeyColumns for the Calendar Quarter attribute

1. In the Attributes pane, click the Calendar Quarter attribute.

2. In the Properties window, click the KeyColumns field, and then click the browse (...)
3. In the Key Columns dialog box, in the Available Columns list, select the
column CalendarYear, and then click the > button.

The CalendarQuarter and CalendarYear columns are now displayed in the Key Columns list.

4. Click OK.
5. To set the NameColumn property of the Calendar Quarter attribute, click
the NameColumn field in the Properties window, and then click the browse (...) button.
6. In the Name Column dialog box, in the Source Column list, select CalendarQuarterDesc,
and then click OK.
7. On the File menu, click Save All.

To define composite KeyColumns for the Calendar Semester attribute

1. In the Attributes pane, click the Calendar Semester attribute.

2. In the Properties window, click the KeyColumns field, and then click the browse (...)
3. In the Key Columns dialog box, in the Available Columns list, select the
column, CalendarYear, and then click the > button.

The CalendarSemester and CalendarYear columns are now displayed in the Key
Columns list.

4. Click OK.
5. To set the NameColumn property of the Calendar Semester attribute, click
the NameColumn field in the property window, and then click the browse (...) button.
6. In the Name Column dialog box, in the Source Column list, select CalendarSemesterDesc,
and then click OK.
7. On the File menu, click Save All.

Deploying and Viewing the Changes

After you have changed attributes and hierarchies, you must deploy the changes and reprocess
the related objects before you can view the changes.

To deploy and view the changes

1. On the Build menu of SQL Server Data Tools, click Deploy Analysis Services Tutorial.
2. After you have received the Deployment Completed Successfully message, click
the Browser tab of Dimension Designer for the Date dimension, and then click the
Reconnect button on the toolbar of the designer.
3. Select Calendar Quarter from the Hierarchy list. Review the members in the Calendar
Quarter attribute hierarchy.

Notice that the names of the members of the Calendar Quarter attribute hierarchy are
clearer and easier to use because you created a named calculation to use as the name.
Members now exist in the Calendar Quarter attribute hierarchy for each quarter in each
year. The members are not sorted in chronological order. Instead they are sorted by quarter
and then by year. In the next task in this topic, you will modify this behavior to sort the
members of this attribute hierarchy by year and then by quarter.

4. Review the members of the English Month Name and Calendar Semester attribute

Notice that the members of these hierarchies are also not sorted in chronological order.
Instead, they are sorted by month or semester, respectively, and then by year. In the next
task in this topic, you will modify this behavior to change this sort order.

Changing the Sort Order by Modifying Composite Key Member Order

In this task, you will change the sort order by changing the order of the keys that make up the
composite key.

To modify the composite key member order

1. Open the Dimension Structure tab of Dimension Designer for the Date dimension, and then
select Calendar Semester in the Attributes pane.
2. In the Properties window, review the value for the OrderBy property. It is set to Key.

The members of the Calendar Semester attribute hierarchy are sorted by their key value.
With a composite key, the ordering of the member keys is based first on the value of the
first member key, and then on the value of the second member key. In other words, the
members of the Calendar Semester attribute hierarchy are sorted first by semester and
then by year.

3. In the Properties window, click the ellipsis browse button (...) to change
the KeyColumns property value.
4. In the Key Columns list of the Key Columns dialog box, verify that CalendarSemester is
selected, and then click the down arrow to reverse the order of the members of this
composite key. Click OK.

The members of the attribute hierarchy are now sorted first by year and then by semester.

5. Select Calendar Quarter in the Attributes pane, and then click the ellipsis browse button
(...) for the KeyColumns property in the Properties window.
6. In the Key Columns list of the Key Columns dialog box, verify that CalendarQuarter is
selected, and then click the down arrow to reverse the order of the members of this
composite key. Click OK.

The members of the attribute hierarchy are now sorted first by year and then by quarter.

7. Select English Month Name in the Attributes pane, and then click the ellipsis button (...) for
the KeyColumns property in the Properties window.
8. In the Key Columns list of the Key Columns dialog box, verify that EnglishMonthName is
selected, and then click the down arrow to reverse the order of the members of this
composite key. Click OK.
The members of the attribute hierarchy are now sorted first by year and then by month.

9. On the Build menu of SQL Server Data Tools, click Deploy Analysis Services Tutorial. When
deployment has successfully completed, click the Browser tab in Dimension Designer for
the Date dimension.
10. On the toolbar of the Browser tab, click the Reconnect button.
11. Review the members of the Calendar Quarter and Calendar Semester attribute hierarchies.

Notice that the members of these hierarchies are now sorted in chronological order, by
year and then by quarter or semester, respectively.

12. Review the members of the English Month Name attribute hierarchy.

Notice that the members of the hierarchy are now sorted first by year and then
alphabetically by month. This is because the data type for the EnglishCalendarMonth
column in the data source view is a string column, based on the nvarchar data type in the
underlying relational database.

Lesson 3-5 - Browsing the Deployed Cube

In the following task, you browse the Analysis Services Tutorial cube. Because our analysis
compares measure across multiple dimensions, you will use an Excel PivotTable to browse your
data. Using a PivotTable lets you place customer, date, and product information on different axes
so that you can see how Internet Sales change when viewed across specific time periods,
customer demographics, and product lines.

To browse the deployed cube

1. To switch to Cube Designer in SQL Server Data Tools, double-click the Analysis Services
Tutorial cube in the Cubes folder of the Solution Explorer.
2. Open the Browser tab, and then click the Reconnect button on the toolbar of the designer.
3. Click the Excel icon to launch Excel using the workspace database as the data source. When
prompted to enable connections, click Enable.
4. In the PivotTable Field List, expand Internet Sales, and then drag the Sales
Amount measure to the Values area.
5. In the PivotTable Field List, expand Product.
6. Drag the Product Model Lines user hierarchy to the Columns area.
7. In the PivotTable Field List, expand Customer, expand Location, and then drag
the Customer Geography hierarchy from the Location display folder in the Customer
dimension to the Rows area.
8. In the PivotTable Field List, expand Order Date, and then drag the Order Date.Calendar
Date hierarchy to the Report Filter area.
9. Click the arrow to the right of the Order Date.Calendar Date filter in the data pane, clear
the check box for the (All) level, expand 2006, expand H1 CY 2006, expand Q1 CY 2006,
select the check box for February 2006, and then click OK.

Internet sales by region and product line for the month of February, 2006 appear as shown
in the following image.

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