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P169698 LIG Annex4 Specifications - Jvari Mestia

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Annex 4: Specifications on Passive Network


1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 5

1.1 Information Banner .................................................................................................................. 5

2 Underground Civil Works ........................................................................................................ 6

2.1 Dimensions of Trenches .......................................................................................................... 6

2.1.1 Standard Trench ......................................................................................................... 6

2.1.2 Shallow Trench ........................................................................................................... 6

2.2 Performing Excavation Works ................................................................................................. 6

2.3 Backfilling ................................................................................................................................. 7

2.4 Trench Surface Restoration ..................................................................................................... 8

2.5 Directional Drilling .................................................................................................................... 8

2.6 General principles of channels construction ............................................................................ 8

2.7 Warning Tape(s) and utility markers........................................................................................ 9

2.7.1 Warning Tape ............................................................................................................. 9

2.7.2 Utility Markers ............................................................................................................. 9

2.8 Relocation of Ducts due to Road Works ............................................................................... 10

2.9 Installation of Manhole ........................................................................................................... 10

2.9.1 General information to manhole ............................................................................... 10

2.9.2 Construction Requirements ...................................................................................... 11

3 Construction of Duct Systems ............................................................................................... 11

3.1 Service Specifications ............................................................................................................ 11

3.1.1 Placement of ducts ................................................................................................... 11

3.1.2 Joining of ducts ......................................................................................................... 12

3.1.3 Attaching the ducts along Bridges and Overpasses ................................................. 12

3.1.4 Placement of Ducts along Curves ............................................................................ 12

3.1.5 Duct Integrity Test ..................................................................................................... 13

3.2 Materials Specifications Ducts ............................................................................................... 13

3.2.1 General Requirements.............................................................................................. 13

3.2.2 Temperature and Environmental Conditions ............................................................ 13

3.2.3 Materials ................................................................................................................... 14

4 Placing FO cable by aerial methods ..................................................................................... 14

4.1 General requirements ............................................................................................................ 14

4.2 Metal poles............................................................................................................................. 16

4.3 ADSS cable Installation ......................................................................................................... 17

5 Placing / Resting Joint Closures, Ducts, and Optical Fiber (OF) Cables .............................. 19

5.1 General Requirements .......................................................................................................... 19

6 Termination of FO Cables and Ducts ................................................................................... 19

6.1 Service Specifications - Termination of Cables and Ducts.................................................... 20

7 Pulling of FO Cables ............................................................................................................. 20

7.1 Service Specifications – Pulling manually .............................................................................. 20

7.2 Service Specifications – Pulling in of Ducts and FO Cables by Winches .............................. 20

8 Blowing-in FO Cables by Compressed Air ........................................................................... 20

8.1 General Specifications ........................................................................................................... 20

8.1.1 Blowing-in of Optical Fiber Cables into HDPE Ducts ............................................... 21

8.1.2 Compressed Air Blowing-in Machine ........................................................................ 21

8.1.3 Location of Blowing-in Machine ................................................................................ 21

8.1.4 Blowing-in Operation ................................................................................................ 21

9 Jointing / Splicing of Optical Fiber (OF) Cables .................................................................... 21

9.1 General Requirements .......................................................................................................... 21

9.1.1 Preparation Works .................................................................................................... 21

9.1.2 Preparation of FO Cable Ends ................................................................................. 22

9.1.3 Fiber Guiding Plate: .................................................................................................. 22

9.1.4 Cable Length Measurements ................................................................................... 22

9.1.5 Cable Length Measurements As-Built ...................................................................... 23

9.1.6 Actual Location of Closure ........................................................................................ 23

9.1.7 Termination of FO Cables ........................................................................................ 23

9.1.8 Fusion Splice Devices .............................................................................................. 23

9.1.9 OF Splicing Trailers / Splicing Vans ......................................................................... 23

9.1.10 Fiber Splicing ............................................................................................................ 23

9.1.11 Optical Fiber Directions ............................................................................................ 23

9.1.12 Labeling of Fiber Termination and Distribution Facilities.......................................... 23

9.1.13 Checks and Test Measurements during Cable Installation ...................................... 24

10 Sealing of Ducts .................................................................................................................... 24

10.1 General Conditions ................................................................................................................ 24

10.2 Service Specifications ........................................................................................................... 24

11 FO Cable Marking ................................................................................................................. 24

11.1 General Requirements .......................................................................................................... 24

12 Characteristics and Composition of FO Cables .................................................................... 26

12.1 General requirements ............................................................................................................ 26

12.2 Dielectric Outdoor FO Cables ................................................................................................ 26

12.3 Color Code of Fibers and Tubes ............................................................................................ 29

12.3.1 Color Code of Fibers ................................................................................................. 29

12.3.2 Color Code of Tubes ................................................................................................ 30

12.3.3 Single-mode Fiber Connectors ................................................................................. 30

13 Closures and Aggregation and Access Points ...................................................................... 30

13.1 General requirements ............................................................................................................ 30

13.2 Technical Specifications for Splice Closures ......................................................................... 30

13.3 Access Points ........................................................................................................................ 31

13.4 Big Aggregation Points .......................................................................................................... 33

13.5 Small Aggregation Points (Cabinet) ...................................................................................... 35

14 Optical Distribution Frames and FO Termination ................................................................. 37

14.1 General Requirements ODFs ................................................................................................ 37

15 Cable Raceway System ........................................................................................................ 37

15.1 General Requirements ........................................................................................................... 37

15.2 The Cable Raceway System must fulfill the following requirements: .................................... 37

16 Optical Test Measurements................................................................................................... 38

16.1 General Requirements ........................................................................................................... 38

16.2 Tests During Installation ........................................................................................................ 38

16.3 Optical Fiber Test Specifications ........................................................................................... 39

16.4 Recording the Tests Results ................................................................................................. 40

17 FO cable automatic monitoring system ................................................................................ 40

17.1 General requirements ............................................................................................................ 40

17.2 Software requirements .......................................................................................................... 41

1 Introduction
This document describes the technical norms and directives that have to be used during the
infrastructure building process.
Documents requested by the Employer described in this document, including (not only) data sheets,
schedules, certificates, reports of quality and origin, and so on, should be verified by the Engineer's
conclusion in the manner described by the agreement and only after that be presented to Open
All materials should be installed according to the installation instructions in this document.
Any deviation from any agreement/consent mentioned in this document, as well as from the
established route/technical requirements or infrastructure relocation, must be carried out in
accordance with the rules and procedures described in the contract.
The Contractor must meet the technical requirements of other infrastructure owners (the owner
of linear infrastructure such as roads, other utilities, etc.). If it is determined that minimum
requirements cannot be obtained during the project design or infrastructure construction phase,
the Contractor must agree on the corresponding change with representatives of the Employer and
the respective owners of the infrastructure.

1.1 Information Banner

On the construction site (at the access and aggregation points as well) Contractor must deploy a
special A3 banner with special informative text (see photo below) (the Employer will provide vector

2 Underground Civil Works
2.1 Dimensions of Trenches
2.1.1 Standard Trench

1. Standard dimensions of trenches must be followed as specified in this document.

2. The Contractor must follow the specifications for materials.
3. The minimum width of the trenches must be considered, such as to allow the installation of
the corresponding number of 40 mm HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene) duct(s), and the
minimum depth of the trench must be 90 cm.
4. All measurements must be taken from the average ground surface level. During the rollout
phase, the Employer may advise the Contractor if any depth change needs to be considered.
5. Specific routes and depth of trenches could be defined according to the local conditions found
on site. Therefore, the aforementioned depths need to be confirmed/approved by the
Employer before execution.
6. The formation of the corresponding number of HDPE 40 mm outer diameter ducts to be placed
must be horizontally beside each other or vertically above each other.
7. In exceptional cases when the standard depth of the trench cannot be maintained, remedial
action must be taken for the protection of the cables and ducts in agreement with the
Employer (e.g., reinforced materials like steel or polyethylene pipe, extra concrete layer).
8. It is prohibited to make trenches in the drainage channels. In cases when this is unavoidable,
it is possible to have a trench following the drainage channels, but the Contractor shall
• use additional protective pipes such as additional HDPE duct/Pipe;
• or use concrete cover;
• or keep the minimum depth of the trench to 1.2 m.
9. to avoid further damage of the developed FO underground infrastructure (e.g. during the
restoration and/or rehabilitation of the road), the Contractor must design and build an
underground duct outside the road infrastructure.

2.1.2 Shallow Trench

As indicated in this document, the minimum depth of the trench must be 90 cm. In case where
there is no possibility of digging the trench on 90 cm, and there is a non-backbone segment of the
FO cable, the Contractor is authorized to install the HDPE duct in a 35-40 cm trench. In such a case,
the HDPE duct must be covered with soil (5 cm under the 40 mm HDPE duct and 10 cm over the
HDPE duct with warning tape), and the rest of the trench must be fully filled with concrete.

2.2 Performing Excavation Works

1. The Contractor is responsible for performing all the required excavation/trenching works and must
provide all the tools/machines (equipment) required in order to perform such works.
2. Wherever possible, the route of the trench must be straight.
3. Along the road infrastructure with the asphalt or concrete surface, in case there is no sufficient
distance between a planned trench and road infrastructure, and there is the possibility of
damaging the road surface, works must be done with a special trenching machine (such as Walk-
Behind trenchers, Micro-trencher).

2.3 Backfilling

1. During the installation of the ducts, for the fill of the trench, it is permittable to use three types of
I. Sand bed material - sand or stone fully free soil.
II. Selected fill material - soil containing stones, not exceeding 10 mm diameter.
III. General fill material - soil containing stones, not exceeding 40 mm diameter.
2. Before installation of the duct(s), the bottom of the trench must be leveled and freed from stones;
3. A layer of sand bed at least 10 cm thickness for duct systems must be prepared (1st layer of sand
4. The Corresponding number of HDPE 40 mm duct(s) must be arranged on the 1st layer of the sand
5. The newly installed duct(s) must be covered and compacted by a 20 cm Sand bed material (2nd
layer of the sand bed).
6. After the 2nd layer of the sand bed, a warning tape must be arranged (at least 20 cm above the
ducts' surface).
7. After placing the 1st warning tape, the trench should be filled with 30 cm of Selected fill material.
8. After the layer of Selected fill material, the bottom side warning tape must be arranged.
9. After the Selected fill material, a 2nd warning tape must be installed (at least 30 cm above the 1st
warning tape and a maximum of 30 cm from ground level)
10. After placing the 2nd layer of warning tape, the trench should be fully filled with General fill
11. During the filling of the trench, every layer must be compacted separately.
12. The Contractor is authorized to use the removed soil for backfilling purposes. During the
backfilling, the Contractor must follow the above-described requirements.
13. The Employer/Engineer reserves the right to control the trench-filling process selectively.
14. Ducts must be installed quickly and without delay; trenches and pits ready for duct laying must not
be kept open for more than 3 (three) days.
15. Only short trench sections with newly placed installations are allowed to remain open overnight.

16. For mandatory safety issues, the open trench section must be isolated with safety warning tape
and road safety signs throughout the whole section.

2.4 Trench Surface Restoration

1. The surface of roads and walkways must be restored to its original condition in accordance with
the requirements and to the full satisfaction of the Employer and of the respective owner of the
road in a reasonable timeframe.
2. The quality of the material used to restore surfaces must not be worse than the original ones.
3. The proposed route along which the "trenchless digging method" to be applied must always be
surveyed and investigated thoroughly so as to identify the nature of the soil and to locate the
position of all existing underground installations (in operation) of other utility bodies.
4. During the surface restoration, the minimum clearance from other utilities should be as it is
requested current technical document.

2.5 Directional Drilling

1. In the case of developing the infrastructure by directional drilling minimum depth from the surface
must be 150 cm.
2. The minimum clearance from other infrastructure/roads/other utilities must be 150 cm in all
directions. The Contractor must take into account the request by the owner of the infrastructure
(including the owner of linear infrastructure) in those cases where the requested clearance
exceeds the above-mentioned range. In the cases where it is determined that minimum clearance
levels cannot be obtained during the project design or infrastructure construction phase, the
Contractor must agree to the corresponding change with representatives of the Employer and the
respective owners of the infrastructure (including linear infrastructure).
3. When using this method, the Contractor must place the HDPE 40mm outer diameter ducts into
additional ducts (HDPE), the wall thickness of which should not be less than 3.5mm.
4. Both ends of the additional pipe should end in manholes.
5. Along the infrastructure built with this method, utility markers (pointing poles) must be assembled
in accordance with Chapter 2.1.7, bullets #3, #4, and #5. In cases where these norms cannot be
met, the Contractor must notify the Employer and offer an alternative solution.

2.6 General principles of channels construction

1. Duct ends must be sealed temporarily with adequate means until the joining of the ends can take
place. Ingress of water, silt, mud, sand, and stones must be prevented under all circumstances in
order to avoid any issues during the blowing-in of optical fiber cable.
2. The Contractor must take into consideration the environmental conditions in Georgia for storing
the ducts in outside/indoor locations so that the quality of the ducts will not be affected during

2.7 Warning Tape(s) and utility markers
2.7.1 Warning Tape
1. The warning tape must be made from PE or PP with additives and be 15 cm to 20 cm wide. It must
2. durable and yellow color.
3. On the warning tape must be written the following text in Georgian and English languages, in black
color letters, as shown in the Figure below (which will be provided by the Employer in vector format)

Figure: Warning Tape example

2.7.2 Utility Markers

1. Throughout those sections of the infrastructure where there are no buildings, fences, or other
structures, the Contractor must ensure the assembly of the utility markers.
2. There must be a clear line of sight between the 2 corresponding utility markers and a distance
between them, not more than 50 meters.
3. The utility markers must be of white plastic, flexible, with a height of 60cm from the surface level
and an installation depth of at least 40 cm below the surface level, with vertical writing in Georgian
and English languages.
4. The utility markers must have:
• A hermetically and firmly covered top;
• A special stopper on the bottom side prevents easy sliding from the ground;
• The drawing and inscription on the utility marker must be waterproof and UV resistant.
5. Technical requirements:
Parameter name Parameter value (At least)
Diameter 70 mm
Wall thinness 3.5 mm
Height above ground 60 cm
Installation depth 40 cm
Pipe color White
6. During the design period, the Contractor must provide example of the utility marker and its data
sheets that clearly provide text drawing methods and details of the paint.

7. The design of the utility markers must be confirmed with the Employer. The design of the writing is
shown below (will be provided by the Employer in vector format):

2.8 Relocation of Ducts due to Road Works

1. The Contractor is responsible for the relocation and repair of ducts when required (when a road
or other works are present, also in other cases according to the agreement) on the site.
2. Existing ducts (installed by the Contractor during the scope of this contract) and accessories must
only be taken up or relocated in agreement with the Employer.

2.9 Installation of Manhole

2.9.1 General information to manhole
1. Manholes intended for the FO 144 (and more) cable duct must be installed at a maximum of 1 km
from each other. In other cases, the maximum distance is 2 km from each other. Every such
manhole must have an extra length of cables.
2. Manholes have to be installed at every fiber-optic cable splice point (closure locations)
3. Ducts have to be terminated in manholes.
4. Manholes near the aggregation points should have a minimum inner size of 1000 x 800mm (L x W).
In all other cases, the inner size of manholes should be 700 x 800mm (L x W). The manholes can
be made from concrete or plastic.
5. Whenever the actual depth is different from the required specifications, it must be agreed upon
with the Employer before the start of work (duty to give notice by the Contractor).
6. The lid of the manhole must be made from plastic.
The following table lists the locations where the installation of plastic manholes is acceptable
and where it is not.

Place of Installation Load Assumption

Sidewalk, footpath, a pedestrian zone, narrow footpath, D 400
crossings for sidewalk, access lane to plot
Roadway, carriageway, Fire Brigade accessway, etc. Installation not allowed

Table: Load Assumptions and Installation Scenarios for Plastic manholes

7. The Contractor must state if there are any load limitations/installation constraints for their
provided manholes. The Contractor must indicate the dimensions of their available / offered
plastic manholes.
8. OPEN NET's logo, phone number, and address of the webpage on the lid of the manhole must be
factory-made, as it is shown in the picture below.

Picture: Manhole cover example

2.9.2 Construction Requirements

1. The bottom of the pits for plastic manholes must be leveled and freed of stones and must always
be prepared with a 10 cm thick layer of lean concrete of strength class ≥C8/10.
2. The adjustment of height and adaption of inclination of the plastic manhole to the actual paved
surface is achieved by customizable cover parts. The plastic manhole must be installed according
to the installation instructions provided by the manufacturer.
3. For purposes of hydro isolation (only in cases where groundwater is present), before putting sand
on concrete manholes, the outer layer of the manhole must be covered with bitumen (or other
relevant isolation material), and after the installation of the manhole, its inner layer must also be
covered with bitumen (or other relevant isolation material) for the hydro isolation purposes.

3 Construction of Duct Systems

3.1 Service Specifications
3.1.1 Placement of ducts
1. The connection of ducts establishing a ducting route between two manholes must preferably be
located in a straight route section in order to ease assembly of ducts.
2. The Contractor must supply the tools required for proper duct installation, cutting, etc.
3. Prior to duct placement, it must be ensured that the bottom of the trench is leveled and the sand
bed or stone-free soil of 10 cm thickness provided.
4. If ducts are dirty, the inside must be cleaned from sand and soil.
5. Ducts shorter than 2 m must not be used for main conduit routes.
6. For every duct used, the cut end must be as straight and perpendicular to the duct axis as possible.
7. Ducts with damaged ends must not be used. The damaged parts must be cut off.
8. Compacting of sand or stone-free soil must be carried out.
9. During installation, the duct must be inspected. Each case of deformation/damage discovered
needs to be eliminated.
10. Ducts placed in the trench the ducts must have embossed marking labels on the outer surface.
11. During installing more than one duct together in the same trench, they must be placed parallel and
aligned straight to avoid crossing each other.
12. Where the ducts must be joined, the duct ends must have no excessive overlap.
13. Due to prevent penetration of the water and dust inside of ducts, both ends of the ducts must be
closed with special caps/covers.

3.1.2 Joining of ducts

1. The Contractor is responsible for joining the duct ends whenever such activity is required. Fittings
for joining duct ends must correspond to appropriate standard specifications.
2. The Contractor must use the required tools for proper cutting and chamfering (beveling) in
sufficient quantity and make sure that the interior of the duct is free from dust, sand, stones, etc.

3.1.3 Attaching the ducts along Bridges and Overpasses

1. On bridges, overpasses, or such types of construction, attaching the 40mm HDPE ducts directly to
the construction is not permitted. However, the above-mentioned method can be used if the
40mm HDPE ducts will be additionally pulled into the HDPE/UHDPE 70-80 mm (or similar)
specialized ducts, and with the usage of clamps, these special ducts can be attached to the sides
of the bridges, under the bridges and/or their suspension. It is prohibited to attach the
HDPE/UHDPE 70-80 mm (or similar) specialized ducts to the bridge railing or the carriageway. The
Contractor must confirm the usage of the installation methodology with the Employer.
2. On bridges, overpasses, or similar types of constructions where the infrastructure owners (and the
Contractor took their permit) have already installed duct/cable raceway, The Contractor is
authorized (After getting permissions from the infrastructure owner(s)) to place the 40 mm HDPE
duct on the raceway. During such installation, the duct must be UV resistance and fixed on the
raceway with special stainless clamps.
3. In the tunnels or similar types of constructions where the infrastructure owners (and the
Contractor took their permit) have already installed special channels of providing ducts or/and
cable raceway systems, The Contractor is authorized (After getting permissions from the
infrastructure owner(s)) to place the 40 mm HDPE duct on the raceway. During such installation,
the duct and all materials must be non-flammable.
4. The methodology and construction details must be included in the design documents.

3.1.4 Placement of Ducts along Curves

1. The ducts must be bent in such a manner to prevent flattening distortion. Slight curves can be
achieved by cold-bending the individual ducts during assembly.

3.1.5 Duct Integrity Test
1. After completion of a segment, when ducts are jointed and terminated in manholes, the
Contractor is responsible for providing duct integrity tests (DIT).
2. The maximum allowable loss of air pressure is 30% in one hour.
3. Test reports should be generated and signed by the Engineer.

3.2 Materials Specifications Ducts

3.2.1 General Requirements

1. The Contractor must provide HDPE ducts and relevant materials to be used for the network within
this project.
2. The Contractor must offer 40 mm outer diameter ducts and the relevant materials such as duct
organizer, sealing plugs, drawcord, etc.
3. The materials must be robust enough to survive the environmental conditions in Georgia for at
least 30 years. The Contractor must expect the following environmental conditions such as
flooding, harmful UV rays, extreme temperatures, humidity, dust, and chemicals.
4. All products must be free from cracks, holes, foreign objects, or any other defects that would
impair their performance after installation.
5. Both ends of the duct coils/drums must be capped, ensuring the ends are waterproof and dust-
proof in order to prevent the ingress of any contamination at any time while causing problems
during optical fiber cable rollout.
6. The ducts must be made of material as per Directive 2011/65/EU and must comply with RoHS
(Restriction for Hazardous Substances). Along with the above-mentioned requirements, the ducts
must meet the EN 61386-24 standard and/or equivalent British (BSI) and/or American Society for
Testing and Materials (ASTM) most recent standards. Equivalent international or other standards
can be accepted. If the Contractor refers to such, the Contractor must provide details of such
equivalent international/other standards within his proposal to the Engineer.
7. All types of HDPE/UHDPE ducts that will be used above the ground (such as attached on/under the
bridges, walls, overpasses, duct raceway, etc.) should be UV resistant.
8. All types of HDPE/UHDPE ducts must be not less than the PN10 standard (Equivalent international
or other standards can be accepted).

3.2.2 Temperature and Environmental Conditions

1. The material used for the ducts must fulfill the following temperature requirements:
a) Temperature range during installation: -10ºC up to +55ºC Ambient Temperature
b) Temperature During Storage and Transportation: - 10ºC up to +70ºC Ambient Temperature
2. The Contractor must ensure that during installation, ducts and the materials stored at the
storage/warehouse location as well as at the rollout location are always protected against the
direct radiation of the sun.

3.2.3 Materials
1. The Contractor must provide an HDPE duct that is also composed of Anti-oxidants and pigments.
The offered ducts and their supporting materials must be unaffected by water, oil, oxidizing
Agents, salinity, aggressive soil, sand, fungi, bacterial or electrolytic impacts, etc.
2. The Contractor must not use those materials that will adversely affect the long-term mechanical
strength of the HDPE.
3. For all quoted ducts and the supporting materials, the Contractor must provide datasheets/related
documents, along with the Engineer's conclusion that they meet the specified requirements.
4. The Contractor must offer ducts that must be homogeneous throughout; all surfaces must be
clean, smooth, and without any visible cracks, grooves, blisters, wrinkles, dents, beat marks, or
foreign inclusions.
5. The ends of the ducts must be free from sharp edges.
6. The ducts must have a two-layer construction.
7. The inner layer must be equipped with special grooves (see picture below).

Picture: example of HDPE pipe with grooves

8. The Contractor must provide a duct with an outer diameter of 40 mm in accordance with the
following table:

Outer Diameter Inner Diameter Duct thickness

40 mm 32.6 mm 3.7 mm

9. The Contractor must mark HDPE.

10. The marking symbols on the outer surface must be waterproof.
11. The color of the duct must be red.
12. When 2 or more 40 mm outer diameter ducts are placed together, they must be of different colors
(contrast colors such as red and black).
13. The Contractor must mark on the outer surface with a waterproof marker the name of the owner
- ოუფენ ნეტი/OPEN NET. The mark must be visible, made with a contrast color from the surface
of the duct, and must be written in bold letters with a font size of 1 cm.

4 Placing FO cable by aerial methods

4.1 General requirements
1. The Contractor shall take into account the best practices in the world, the recommendations and
instructions of the manufacturers of materials (including fiber optic cables) used during
construction, as well as the requirements described in this chapter when installing the fiber-optic
infrastructure by the aerial method (hanging on poles). According to the mentioned placement
methodology, the cable should be an aerial ADSS (All Dielectric Self-supporting) type G.652D
standard cable.
2. When installing the Optical fiber cable, the Contractor must take into account climatic conditions
(including ice cover), terrain, and wind. Based on these conditions, select the cable and types of
3. If vibration dampeners are required to resist wind-induced vibrations, dampers should be installed
following the manufacturer's instructions.
4. If the cable is to be placed on structures that also support power transmission equipment, the
safety practices of the power utility company must be followed in addition to those of the
telecommunications company. National, state, and local requirements and the safety procedures
of the power utility company shall take precedence over the information contained in this
5. In the aerial method, the maximum number of fibers allowed in one cable is 48. For some segments
of the route where more than 48 fibers are required, the Contractor shall use more than one cable.
In such a case, the minimum vertical clearance between the cables should be at least 15 cm.
6. On the pole, which is for changing cable installation method (Underground to aerial or vice versa),
the Contractor must use a special metal and HDPE pipe construction as requested for poles of
access points.
7. The extra length of the cables on the poles with closures must be determined in accordance with
the exploitation norms and by taking into account the minimum permissible cable bending radius,
and the cable length must be at least 15 meters from each incoming direction.
8. When installing the Optical fiber cable, the Contractor must consider the surrounding conditions
(for example, trees, buildings, etc.) of the segment between poles and ensure the line of sight.
9. The minimum breaking load/force of the ADSS optical cable support kit, clamps, and other
components (such as ADSS FO cable pole brackets, hooks, materials for banding, etc.) should be
appropriate for loads of the cable.
10. The Contractor shall keep the horizontal and vertical clearance between installed cables, trees, or
various infrastructures as it is requested by the technical norms and law. Ensure not to rub over
any tree or other hardware that could damage the cable or cable jacket.
11. To avoid further damage of the aerial infrastructure (that may be caused by rockfall, landslide, tree
fall, avalanche, etc.), design/build of the aerial cable on the side of the road where there is a rocky
mountain, crag, or similar type of geological formation is not allowed. In the above-mentioned
cases, the Contractor must use another side of the road. If another side of the road does not fit
the technical requirements described in this Annex 4, for this specific segment the Contractor must
use an underground cable installation method. Such kind of variation must be agreed with the

Minimum clearances between aerial plant and various infrastructure

Horizontal minimum clearance between aerial cable and various
Fire Hydrants 1m
Railroad Tracks 4m
Power Cables (750 v) 1.5 m
Along the roads 1m
Vertical clearance between aerial cable and various infrastructure
Along Roadways 6.30 m
Crossing Roads 7.50 m
Driveways to Residences 6.30 m
Entrances to Garages 6.30 m
Alleys 6.30 m
Pedestrian Walkways 6.30 m
Railroad Tracks (from the top of the rail) Not Allowed
Minimum circular distance
(radius between the aerial cable and tree/branch of tree) 1.5 m

4.2 Metal poles

1. For installing FO cable by the aerial method, the Contractor is responsible for supplying, storing,
transporting, and installing poles. The Contractor must do all the required works for the foundation
of the poles.
2. The pole must be new, without defects (including rust and cracks), and all metal components must
be protected from corrosion (painted).
3. The color of the paint must be agreed upon with the Employer.
4. The pole should be metal, height above ground level, and installation depth not less than, as it is
shown in the table below.

Height above Height of

Type of Pole
ground Installation depth

Access point pole 480 cm 120 cm

Poles along the road 640 cm 160 cm
Poles for the cross roads 760 cm 160 cm

5. Due to technical purposes on certain sections (e.g., terrain, road crossing points, etc.), the
Contractor may change the installation height and depth of the pole in agreement with the
6. During the design stage, the Contractor must plan an aerial cable route in a manner that minimizes
crossing the road and keeps the line of sight on the same side of the road. Frequent crossing of the
roads is not recommended and may not be allowed during the design approval by the Employer.
7. When calculating the distance between the poles, the Contractor, based on the climatic conditions
(including ice cover), terrain, and wind, should consider the recommendations and best practices
in the world. However, the maximum allowable distance between the poles is 40 meters.
8. The outer diameter of all types of poles must be at least 108 mm and the wall thickness of at least
4 mm.
9. The head of the pole must be welded hermetically.

10. Where required, the poles must be equipped with reflective strips. At least three reflective strips
should be installed on the pole between 50-90 cm above the level of the surface. The minimum
height of each strip must be at least 7 cm.

4.3 ADSS cable Installation

1. ADSS cable can be placed using both the "Stationary reel" and the "Moving reel" methods.

ADSS Cable Placement - Stationary Reel Method

ADSS Cable Placement - Moving Reel Method with an Aerial Lift

2. In the moving reel or drive-off method, the cable is paid off the top of the cable reel carried by a
moving vehicle as it drives along the pole line. The cable is placed into a "J" hook or block fitting
bolted to the support structure for temporary support. This procedure continues as the cable reel
moves along the cable line until a "dead-end" pole is reached. A "dead-end" pole is either a start
or ending support or support in which the cable route is misaligned by 10° or more. At this point,
the cable is tensioned and terminated into "dead-end" fittings.
3. Sufficient slack must be provided at each splice point to enable the splice to be made and to
provide for any cable maintenance. This slack length shall equal the height of the cable on the
support structure plus the distance from the support structure to the location of the splice in its
vehicle or tent. In addition, at least 5 meters of fiber must be provided to make the splice. When
the splice has been completed, the splice closure shall be safely mounted on the support structure.
4. The excess cable shall be wrapped inside special storage frames or and mounted on the existing
cable near the splice closure.
5. When the cable has been placed and held by its support structures, it shall be tensioned to the
specified tension level for the cable size and weight and affixed to the dead-end structure. The
cable is then removed from each of its intermediate supports and transferred to the permanent
support, which will remain loose on the cable until the tensioning is completed.

Picture: Cable Storage Frame/Bracket

Picture: Dead-End tension procedure and Supports kit

5 Placing / Resting Joint Closures, Ducts, and Optical Fiber (OF)

5.1 General Requirements

1. The Contractor is responsible for the placing/resting of joint closures (herein after closures), ducts,
and FO cables.
2. When arranging fiber optic infrastructure underground, the fiber optic cable and the closures must
be installed in manholes.
3. The excess lengths of Cables must be cut off, transported, and stored.

6 Termination of FO Cables and Ducts

6.1 Service Specifications - Termination of Cables and Ducts

1. At Aggregation Points, the Contractor must terminate the FO cables and ducts, passing through
the wall ducts inside the Container/Box/Building, and terminate the FO cable on the Optical
Distribution Frame (ODF).
2. At Access Points, the Contractor must terminate and connect the FO cables to the outdoor ODF,
while the HDPE duct must be terminated at the pole and connected to the metal duct situated on
the pole intended for the ODF.
3. At the existing Connection point, the newly installed FO cable must be spliced to the existing FO
cable cores.
4. At the new Connection point, the FO cables must be terminated at fiber optic splice closure (for
future extension).
5. The Contractor shall carry out the construction of the inlet channel.
6. Prevent ingress of water and gas into the buildings and/or containers/boxes.
7. The material used/offered must be halogen-free and fire-resistant.

7 Pulling of FO Cables
7.1 Service Specifications – Pulling manually
1. Short-length cables (not longer than 100m) can be pulled in by hand into a duct using a cable grip,
but only up to 150N pulling forces.
2. Pushing cable by hand is not allowed.

7.2 Service Specifications – Pulling in of Ducts and FO Cables by Winches

1. The Contractor must verify that the visible ends of the cable/duct are free of defects. In case of
any damages, the Contractor must restore them.
2. In principle, FO cable longer than 100 m must always be blown in.

8 Blowing-in FO Cables by Compressed Air

8.1 General Specifications
1. FO Cable is recommended to be blown in at the blowing-in temperatures of 0 up to + 50.
2. The Contractor must repair or replace each case of damage to the cable/duct discovered before
or during unwinding / blowing-in.
3. Before the blowing, the Contractor must ensure that the duct bore has sufficiently been lubricated
appropriately (e.g., blowing through a sponge/piece of foam);
4. The cable must unwind regularly and evenly from the drum;
5. The maximum blowing speed must be limited to values that do not damage the FO Cables.
6. The attenuation of the cable system must be kept as low as possible. The number of splice points
must be minimized (for example, cable over the coil must be blown in over its full course, and only
if a technical requirement arises can the closure be used).

8.1.1 Blowing-in of Optical Fiber Cables into HDPE Ducts

1. This method is suitable for placing optical fiber cables in HDPE ducts.
2. The standard delivery length must be blown in the ducts:
• in one direction,
• in one work step and
• at a maximum speed of 100 m/min
3. Before blowing the cable in the duct, the Contractor must do the Duct Integrity Tests (DIT).
4. During the Duct Integrity Tests, a 30% loss of air pressure in the duct during the one hour is
5. Installing more than one cable in a single pipe is prohibited.

8.1.2 Compressed Air Blowing-in Machine

1. The Contractor must provide the compressed air blowing in the machine.
2. Both blowing-in and pressing-in devices must be synchronized.

8.1.3 Location of Blowing-in Machine

1. The blowing-in machine must have a stable position.
2. Whenever a cable trailer cannot be used due to local physical barriers, drum jacks in combination
with rollers, must be used.
3. The minimum permissible bending radius of the FO cables with laminated polyethylene sheath
that is indicated in cable specifications must be strictly followed.

8.1.4 Blowing-in Operation

1. Special tools and auxiliary devices, e.g., guide rollers, guide plates, and reversing sheaves, must be
used to avoid cable damage during the blowing-in operation.
2. The maximum permissible tensile forces for the individual cable type must be respected.

9 Jointing / Splicing of Optical Fiber (OF) Cables

9.1 General Requirements

1. The Contractor is responsible for the jointing/fusion splicing and termination works for the Optical
Fiber Cables.
2. The splice machine must be equipped with a method for estimating the achieved splice loss.

9.1.1 Preparation Works

1. The following requirements need to be considered prior to the beginning of the work:
a) cleaning manholes, pumping water out where applicable;
b) installing air blower;
c) provide all required tools as must be needed;
d) excavating jointing pits in sufficient size;
e) providing the proper environment, dust-free as much as possible, for splicing works;

f) providing traffic guiding bars, pointers, or rails and cones.

9.1.2 Preparation of FO Cable Ends

1. The Contractor must check that the cables and the cable ends which must be installed have not
been affected by any mechanical damage.
2. Any damages found must be repaired before starting cable termination works.
3. During the installation of FO cable, any activities with closures must always be performed outside
of pits and manholes.
4. Fiber slack - The length of the cables in the manholes must be determined in accordance with the
exploitation norms, and by taking into account the minimum permissible cable bending radius and
the extra cable length must be at least 15 meters from each incoming direction.
5. Locations of fiber slacks should be considered in such a way as to avoid further problems (cable
damage when stretching) and makes its subsequent maintenance easier.
6. The locations of the fiber slacks must be agreed upon with the Employer.
7. The length markings on the cable must be provided.
8. Fiber ends must be placed in splice cassettes. If necessary, they must be used for storing and
resting excess fiber and fusion splice points.
9. The Contractor must specify the capacity of the offered cassettes.
10. The main module of the cassette must consist of an organizer tray and a wraparound groove plate
and must follow field-proven Fiber Infrastructure System Technology.

9.1.3 Fiber Guiding Plate:

1. A "wraparound" groove plate must have slots for routing fiber to and from the organizer trays. The
fibers must enter and leave the groove plate on all sides.

2. During the installation, the bending radius requirements of the fiber must be fulfilled.
a) The hinged feature of the trays must provide protection for the fiber as well as facilitate
easy access and identification. An extra length, for example, between 650 mm and 2050
mm of each fiber at either side of the splice must be able to be stored in each splice tray;
at least 10 re-splices must be possible.
b) The splice holder must be used for crimp splice protection.
c) The thickness of the Universal Mounting System must be 6 mm: 1 UMS (6 mm).
3. Organizer splicing tray, Single element -assembly
a) The tray must be designed appropriately for 12 fibers and take up 12 fusion splices

9.1.4 Cable Length Measurements

1. The Contractor is responsible for the cable length measurements for the installed cables.
2. The length of the cable sections must be given in meters with one dot-separated decimal position
(e.g., 183.4 m).

9.1.5 Cable Length Measurements As-Built
1. Cable length markings must be provided on the cable Fiber, and cable sheath length
measurements of the completely installed cables must be taken after each fusion of the cables.
These measurements must be included in the corresponding maps and diagrams.

9.1.6 Actual Location of Closure

The actual location of the closures must be indicated in the design map.

9.1.7 Termination of FO Cables

1. For any individual closure and fiber terminal, the system of counting the fibers and tubes according
to "Chapter Color Codes of Fibers and Tubes" of this document must be followed.
2. The sequence of fibers and tubes must be universal for each closure and fiber terminal.
3. The fibers must not be damaged or squeezed in order to avoid high attenuation of the fibers and
malfunctions of the service.

9.1.8 Fusion Splice Devices

1. Only fusion splice devices must be used for fiber connections in FO cables.

9.1.9 OF Splicing Trailers / Splicing Vans

1. For high-quality fusion splicing, it is recommended to use OF Splicing Trailers or Splicing Vans. Using
such equipment will ensure a proper splicing environment during required OSP works (dust-free
and at accepted temperature ranges).

9.1.10 Fiber Splicing

1. For splicing, the fusion splice method must be applied (fusion splice: a splice created by welding or
fusing two fibers together).
2. Each optical fiber connection creates attenuation. The nominal attenuation of fusion splice points
for each fiber connection must not exceed ≤ 0.15 dB / connection.

9.1.11 Optical Fiber Directions

1. The minimum number of optical fibers from access/connection points to aggregation/access
points are described in Annex 3.
2. Each fiber connection following Annex 3 must be connected uninterruptedly, and shown on the
diagram called "General Connections".
3. Based on the created FO "General Connections" diagram, the Contractor must then provide a
distribution diagram of the remaining FO cable cores called "Internal Connections".
4. Both stages of creating the diagram (General Connections followed by Internal Connections) must
be agreed upon by the Engineer subsequently.

9.1.12 Labeling of Fiber Termination and Distribution Facilities

1. The racks, shelves (-racks), closures, and cassettes must be labeled using a standard method in the
agreement with the Employer.

9.1.13 Checks and Test Measurements during Cable Installation
1. The Contractor must perform OF tests during cable installation and must measure the level of the
optical signal.
2. The Contractor must perform bidirectional tests of attenuation at 1310nm and 1550nm and return
loss, verifying that the measured results coincide with the defined permissible ones.
3. If measurement results are unsatisfactory, the fault(s) must be identified and located using the
OTDR tool.
4. The individual fibers must be checked for continuity and for not being mixed up amongst each
other before the final closing of the closure.
5. Termination of fibers in cassettes at all ends (ODF, boxes) must follow the numbering/counting
sequence of the bundle/fiber color code, which has to be agreed upon with the Employer.
6. The Contractor must rectify any identified errors, irregularities, or faults during the rollout.
7. If the splice loss value indicated by the fusion splice equipment is ≤ 0.15 dB, the value is accepted,
and the splice point must be put into the respective place of the splice cassettes. If the splice loss
value is > 0.15 dB, the splice must be repeated (max. three times).
8. If the loss value still exceeds the permissible value, the fusion splice work must be stopped, and a
further course of action must be taken in order to improve the situation.
9. All the results must be recorded by the Contractor in the relevant project documentation and
handed over to the Employer.

10 Sealing of Ducts
10.1 General Conditions
The Contractor is responsible for the adequate sealing of all Ducts.

10.2 Service Specifications

1. Adequate seals for the cable Ducts must be used for the following purposes:
1. prevent ingress of water and gas into the manholes and buildings
2. avoid mud, sand, or stones from entering the ducts in order to secure free movement of
the cables in the duct
2. Open ends of the ducts, which end in buildings or manholes, must be sealed with sealing plugs of
the necessary size on both ends.
3. Emptied Ducts as a result of cable pulling-out works (if required) must also be sealed on both ends
with sealing plugs.
4. The openings of newly occupied Ducts in manholes and buildings must also be sealed after
completion of the cable pulling-in / blowing-in works.
5. The sealing and fixing elements must be used in accordance with the installation instructions
provided by the corresponding manufacturer.

11 FO Cable Marking
11.1 General Requirements
1. All cables must have tags in cable vaults, manholes, and cable pulling boxes. Marker tags must be
resistant to environmental conditions such as light, water, acid, rodents, temperature, etc.

2. The cables must be marked with cable type, cable number, and similar additional information
relevant for easy cable identification. The Contractor is invited to propose a marking format.
3. All incoming and outgoing cables (including underground cables) of the sleeves must be marked.
4. The tags must be fixed in such a way that they can be easily identified.
5. The marking must withstand severe conditions of high humidity and temperature.
6. Their writing must be readable and durable and must not fade away even when being exposed to
ultraviolet sunlight.
7. The material must be resistant to aggressive concentrations of acid, gases, and base prevailing in
the air and soil.
8. The Contractor must provide marking tags and structure for the cables and fibers based on the
picture below and agree on it with the Employer.

Cable Fiber

Location/ Rack
Point A Point A Number/ODF Number/
number/ODF Number
ODF Port Number

Point B Closure Number Point B
Number/ODF Number/
ODF Port Number

652D/Number of Fibers
Length between points
Cable type and # in the Cable/Cable Full length of fiber
A and point B (Meters)

Cable length between

Cable length point A and point B

9. The marking labels/tapes must be waterproof and in light color, marked with printed tape or metal
plate, and fastened to the cable with an appropriate clamp.

12 Characteristics and Composition of FO Cables
12.1 General requirements
1. During the rollout, different types of FO Cables will be used. As part of the response, the Contractor
must provide the specifications of the cables (and their naming conventions), that they will use for
the project.

12.2 Dielectric Outdoor FO Cables

1. According to the International Standard (e.g., ITU, ETSI), which describes the type and composition
by letters and numbers, the cable code for optical fiber underground outdoor and Aerial cables
must be used.
2. The cable coding for the Outdoor FO Cable is subject to approval by the Employer. The Employer
retains the right to request adjustments to the cable coding if required.
3. The single-mode Low Water Peak fiber utilized in the optical fiber cable must meet ITU
recommendation G.652. (Category D), "Characteristics of a single-mode optical fiber cable".
4. The Contractor's offered conventional OF fiber cable must meet the attributes of G.652.D, defined
in ITU-T Recommendation G.652.
5. For cables in ducts, the cable must be without Laminated Aluminum Polyethylene tapes.
6. The aerial cables must have at least 24 and not more than 48 fibers.
7. The underground cables must have at least 48 and not more than 144 fibers (excluding the line
segment going to the Access Point).
8. In case of full utilization of the existing fibers intended for any particular Access Point (excluding
the line segment going to the Access Point), a cable with more fibers should be used. In case when
144 fiber cores cable is fully utilized, the Contractor shall deploy the additional FO cable.
9. The cable must be suitable for external usage in ducts.
10. Optical fibers must be placed inside PC/PBT loose buffer tubes.
11. Each buffer tube must contain 12 fibers.
12. The optical fibers contained in a tube buffer (loose tube) must have a clearance between the fibers
and the inside of the container sufficient to allow for thermal expansions of the tube buffer without
constraining the fibers.
13. Each optical fiber must consist of a Germania-doped silica Fiber surrounded by a concentric glass
14. The solid glass optical fibers must consist of a cylindrical Fiber and cladding covered by either an
ultraviolet-cured acrylate or other suitable coatings.
15. Each fiber must be continuous throughout its length.
16. The FO underground cable must have a double jacket and aramid yarn reinforcement.
17. The outer jacket must provide the cable with a tough, flexible, protective covering that can
withstand exposure to sunlight, atmosphere temperatures, and to stresses reasonably expected
in normal installation and service.

18. The fiber must be coated with an acrylate protective coating.
19. To prevent the ingress of water into the fiber and water migration, a suitable filling compound or
water-blocking elements must be applied to the interior of the loose fiber tubes and into the
interstices of the fiber.
20. The normal temperature ranges for cables must meet the following requirements:
a) Operation -30 ºC to +70 ºC (-22 F to +158 F)
b) Storage and Shipping -40 ºC to +70 ºC (-40 F to +158 F)
c) Installation -10 ºC to +60 ºC (+14 F to +140 F)
21. The maximum tensile strength must be at least 2700 Newton (600 pound force) for short-term
pulling works and 601 Newton (135 pound force) for long-term.
22. The minimum bend radius must be:
• Minimal installation bending radius: 20 x OD
• Minimal operational bending radius: 10 x OD.
23. The Contractor must specify the minimum bending radius of their offered FO cables.
24. The cable must be designed and manufactured for a predicted operating lifetime of at least 20
years. In this context, the attenuation of the installed cable at the operating wavelength(s) must
not exceed values specified in this document and specified standards.
25. All the fibers in the cable must be of the same type and origin.
26. There must be no fiber splice in a delivery length.
27. It must be possible to identify each individual fiber throughout the length of the cable.
28. The sheath must be hermetic, without folds, cracks, blisters, or other defects, and reasonably
circular. The sheath must be well-fitted to avoid longitudinal water penetration.
29. Each fiber must be distinguishable by means of color coding in accordance with The ITU- T L.78
Standards, "Optical Fiber Cable Color Coding."
30. The central member must consist of a dielectric, glass-reinforced plastic (GRP)/Fiber-Reinforced
Plastic(FRP)). The purpose of the central member is to provide tensile strength and prevent
buckling. The central member must be over-coated with thermoplastic when required.
31. Loose tubes containing fibers must be distinguishable by means of color coding in accordance with
The ITU-T L.78 Standards, "Optical Fiber Cable Color Coding" .
32. The nominal radial thickness of the sheath is defined as the average thickness during production.
However, the mean value must not be less than (90 %) of the nominal thickness.
33. The minimum thickness must not at any point be less than 85% of the nominal thickness of the
sheath. The thickness is determined by the method indicated in IEC 189-1 Para 2.2.1 and 2.2.3.
34. The cable diameter is determined by the method indicated in IEC 189-1 Para 2.2.2.
35. The fiber must comply with the data given in ITU.T Recommendation (G-652.D).

36. The cable sheath outer surface must be covered by the text with the name (OPEN NET) and year
of manufacture. The information must be repeated at intervals of not more than 150 mm, must
be readable and durable, and not fade away even when exposed to ultraviolet sunlight.
37. Trunk/distribution cable must be provided in units with a length between 2,000 and 6,000 m.
38. Neither the inner or outer surfaces of the OF jacket must exhibit visible cracks, splits, tears, holes,
splits, blisters, or other openings.
39. OF must be equipped with proper protection from termites.
40. The provided cable should meet the following testing standards and requirements.
a) Attenuation: The attenuation coefficient measured in a cable delivery length must be ≤ 0.35
dB/km as a mean value of all fibers in the cable in the wavelength range 1285-1330 nm,
while in the wavelength range 1530-1570 nm, it must be ≤0.21 dB/km.
b) For any cable, no fiber must have an extra attenuation due to non-homogenous or other
defects in the fiber, of more than 0.15 dB, in addition to the attenuation coefficient
measured in a cable delivery length, for both ranges of wavelength.
c) Total Dispersion: The zero-dispersion wavelength must be between 1310 – 1324 nm as a
mean value for all fibers in a cable delivery length.
d) IEC 60794-1-2 G7 (or equivalent), Tests applicable to tubes must be used to measure a
tube's kink characteristics.
e) Mechanical characteristics of cable: the ITU-T L.87, section 8.2 – Test methods for
mechanical characteristics of cable recommendations should be taken into account such as
meet the following test standards: IEC 60794-1-2 E1; IEC 60794-1-2 E3; IEC 60794-1-2 E4;
IEC 60794-1-2 E6; IEC 60794-1-2 E7; IEC 60794-1-2 E11A; IEC 60794-1-2 F1; IEC 60794-1-2
f) All optical fibers must be 100% attenuation tested, and the results of the tests must be
shown in the corresponding data papers.
g) The Contractor should provide the refractive index of the fiber as well as the jacket, as well
as the schedule of the fiber refraction index.
41. The Contractor must provide related documents and/or data sheets and/or certificates to the
Engineer for make sure and confirm that provided FO cables meet the requirements mentioned
42. The Contractor must provide technical specifications for each FO cable as well as their adherence
to the requirements described in this chapter (it must be approved by an engineer). The
information must contain at least the following:
a) Type of FO cable
b) Color code (is given in the next chapter) and data sheets (specifications) in accordance with
the parameters and requirements of this document.
c) Fibers per tube (pcs)
d) Number of tubes (pcs)
e) No. of Fiber Fibers (pcs)
f) No. of Dummy Elements (pcs)
g) Outer cable Diameter (mm)
h) Weight of Cable (kg/km)
i) Min. Permissible Bending Radius (not under tensile load during cable installation) (mm)
j) Min. Permissible Bending Radius (under tensile load during cable blowing/laying/pulling)
k) Standard Delivery Length (m)

l) Attenuation coefficient (dB/km) at 1310nm and 1550nm
m) Polarization mode dispersion coefficient
n) Mode field diameter
o) Mode field concentricity error
p) Mode field non-circularity
q) Cladding diameter
r) Cladding non-circularity
s) Cable cut-off wavelength
t) Appropriate standards for FO cables
u) Tube diameter
v) Outer diameter
w) Fiber colors
x) Tape
y) Jacket material
z) Jacket thickness
Additionally, aerial cable (with the above mention parameters), must be shotgun resistant (ballistic
protection), with double jackets and adapted for bad climates and high snow/ice Load.

12.3 Color Code of Fibers and Tubes

12.3.1 Color Code of Fibers

1. The coating of the fibers must be colored in order to provide a standardized numbering/counting
2. The ITU-T L.78 Standards for Color Coding of Optical Fibers must be followed.
3. The Contractor must maintain the same color code for the fibers during the project rollout.
4. The tables below show the overview of the color codes to be used for the fibers and during the

12.3.2 Color Code of Tubes
1. The tubes must bear a color on their outer surface to simplify fiber identification.
2. The Contractor must specify the color code of tubes that they will use and which international
standards they will follow for color coding.

12.3.3 Single-mode Fiber Connectors

1. Connectors must be of high quality for durable functionality and long life. The insertion loss (IL)
must be small, whereas the optical return loss (ORL) must be high.
2. For that reason, the standard single-mode fiber connector must be of type SC/UPC.
3. Connectors must comply with IEC 61755.
4. The following target values for Insertion Loss and Optical Return Loss must be fulfilled by the
Contractor's offered single-mode fiber UPC connectors:
a) Insertion Loss ≤0.25 dB.
b) Optical Return Loss ≥ 50 dB.

13 Closures and Aggregation and Access Points

13.1 General requirements
1. All fibers (except fibers terminating in connection points) of all cables must always be terminated
at the ODF.
2. The fibers between the ODFs must be connected by using splice closures and fusion splices.
3. There must be full utilization (welding/joining) of fibers going from ODF to the closures.
4. The subsequent diagram must be approved by the Employer.
5. Each fiber of a cable must be terminated in a cassette.
6. Splice points must be placed in closures/manholes.

13.2 Technical Specifications for Splice Closures

1. The Contractor must offer different types of closures based on the network part location:
a) Fiber OFC splice closure.
b) Distribution of OFC splice closure.
2. The Contractor must provide a quotation on the specified closure on specifications listed below;
however equivalent solution following the relevant international standards may be accepted by
the Engineer/Employer. In that case, the Contractor must provide detailed
information/specifications of the offered alternative solutions.
3. The following specifications are required for all Closures to be offered by the Contractor:
a) Made of material that can resist environmental conditions in Georgia, such as UV rays,
moisture, dust, chemicals, and extreme temperatures for at least 20 years.
b) Made from two plastic pieces and resistant to all common environmental conditions
expected in Georgia, e.g., low temperatures during winter in the mountains, high
temperatures and effect UV/sunlight rays.
c) Made of material as per Directive 2002/95/EC / RoHS.
d) Compliant with IP68.
e) Sealed with reusable silicone.
f) Suitable for duct and ADSS cable for straight and branching applications.
g) Using stainless steel and plastic tensioners sealing the closure.
h) Supporting minimum fiber bend control while providing adequate bend radius protection
and therefore minimizing attenuation.
i) Cable ties in order to secure output tubing into the relevant splice tray.
j) Proper labeling for each tray, cable, and closure.
k) Option of adjusting the in/outlet for OFC.
4. Splice Closure specifications
a) Based on the specific requirements of the constructed network, each closure must be able
to fully accommodate all the spliced fibers of the incoming cables.
b) In case of full utilization of cassettes, the closure must be equipped with an additional
empty cassette.
c) Each splice tray must be individually accessible.
d) Each closure needs to have entries for at least four (4) cables.
e) The closures of underground cables must always be located in the associated Manholes.
f) The closure of the aerial cable must always be located on top of the associated pole on the
support structure.
5. The design of the closure must be based on FO Dome (Vertical) Closure with corresponding
cassettes and pre-fabricated entrances for conventional FO Cables.
6. In the closure, the same splice cassette system must be used.
7. The components inside the closure must consist of functional areas for fiber termination and
fusion splicing.
8. Closures must be sealed water-tight and dust-tight, according to the IP68 Ingress Protection
Standard of the IEC International Electrotechnical Commission.
9. The fixing and marking/labeling of the individual cassettes inside the closure must be arranged by
two UMS profiles (UMS = universal-mounting-system). The UMS profiles must be marked (A front
side, B back side) clearly.
10. The Contractor must describe the used system of numbering/counting the cassettes/fibers for
different types of closures.
11. Cassettes must support a 12-core entry system.

13.3 Access Points

1. Before starting all types of work, the Contractor must deploy an informative banner (Chapter 1.1)
at all aggregation points.
2. The Contractor is responsible for delivering, storing, and installing the boxes and poles intended
for access points.
3. The Contractor must do all the required works for the foundation of the poles.
4. All metal components shall be corrosion protected (galvanized or painted).
5. Painting color must be agreed upon with the Employer.
6. The pole intended for access points must be made from metal, height from the surface level of at
least 400 cm, and an installation depth from the surface level of at least 100 cm.
7. The pole base must have a diameter of at least 40 cm.
8. The base surface must be directed towards the center of the pole in the cone shape, and the height
of the cone from the surface must be at least 20cm.

9. In the 2m radius around the pole, a concrete or asphalt surface of at least 5cm must be arranged.
10. The outer diameter of the pole must be at least 108 mm and the wall thickness of at least 4 mm.
11. The head of the pole must be welded hermetically.
12. Boxes:
a) The boxes must be equipped with the Open Net logo and corresponding writings as in the
picture below (the Employer will provide the vector format)

b) Must have IP65 (NEMA 4, IK07) class of protection or better

c) It must consist of a case and ODF or OF patch panel to terminate.
d) The capacity of ODF and/or OF patch panels must be sufficient for the number (minimum
24 ports) of fiber optic cables for each given point, and it must be equipped with SC/UPC
e) The box must have at least 2 holes for optical and 24 holes for optical drop cables. The
holes must be sealed before the pulling of the cable as well as after the pulling is done.
f) The box must have such a design as to ensure that cables are properly organized and that
each optic cable can be accessed without difficulty. The Contractor must provide detailed
specifications and illustrative diagrams of their proposed boxes. The diagrams must show
at least the following:
1. FO cable lead in
2. Cable separation in the cable lead-in
3. FO cable endings and distribution
13. The outdoor ODF must be anti-vandal and waterproof, in compliance with the IP65 standards or
better, and equipped with an appropriate lock.
14. The pole must be equipped with a metal duct enclosure intended for the fiber optic cable, which
must be welded itself to the pole.
15. The metal duct enclosure must be organized to ensure the allowable bending angle of the fiber
optic cable.
16. The box/ ODF on the pole must be installed at 300cm height and mounted on the metal
sheet/holder on the pole.
17. The pole must be equipped with a 50 cm sized support for the ladder, which must be welded to
the pole.
18. In case if aerial cable laying method is used, the Contractor can use the same pole used for cable
support but take into account all of the above-mentioned parameters in this chapter.

13.4 Big Aggregation Points
1. Before starting all types of work, the Contractor must deploy an informative banner (Chapter 1.1)
at all aggregation points.
2. The Contractor shall provide reinforced concrete foundations for the aggregation Telecom
shelter/containers; the underground structure has to be painted with bitumen.
3. The concrete foundation for the containers should be:
• Raised at least 300mm above ground level;
• The area of the foundation must be a minimum of 10 cm wider than the outer area of the
• A concrete slab of the foundation should be arranged on the entirety area of the floor and
fully fill it.

4. The Contractor has to organize the fundament in such a manner that it is appropriate for the
installation of the chosen containers. The works have to be done in accordance with the
international construction and officially used standards of Georgia.
5. A manhole has to be installed outside the foundation
6. The container's door must be accessible directly from the street; If there is no possibility, the
container and door location should be agreed upon with the Employer.
7. The Telecom shelter/Container shall be factory assembled and mast meet the following
1. Must meet or exceed the IP65 standards
2. Size shell be 4m X 3m X 2.5m (LxWxH) or 4m X 2.5m X 2.5m, or in case of different
dimensions (minimum area - 10 m2) it must be agreed upon the Employer.
3. The container shall be of so-called "sandwich construction" insulated with a material of
polyurethane. In the case of metal (such as iron or steel) surface it must be painted or
4. The surface of the sandwich must be clean, smooth, and without any visible cracks,
grooves, blisters, wrinkles, dents, beat marks, or foreign inclusions.
5. The thickness of the sandwich panel should be not less than 100mm.
6. All components of the Telecom shelter/Telecom Container shall be fire-resistant.
7. All metal components shall be corrosion-protected (galvanized or painted).
8. The use of wooden parts is restricted.
9. The container shall be water and dust-proof.
10. The surface of the floor must be dielectric.
11. The container's floor must be durable and resistant to high loads of 6kN/m2 or more (such
as a full rack (60X80) with a battery, with a total weight of 600 kg).
12. The roof shall be homogeneous and completely cover the entire perimeter of the Telecom
13. The Roof load coefficient shall be a minimum 3KN/m2 .
14. Must be equipped with factory pre-installed Min. 2 plugs and min. 3 lamps (2 inside and 1
outside near the door)
15. Must be equipped with factory pre-installed Cable Raceway System
16. The container's door must be water and dust proof.
17. The container's door must be equipped with factory pre-installed water and dust proof 3-
point lock.
18. The lifetime of a container in service shall not be less than 20 years.
8. If the container is located outside the existing fence, in order to avoid outside damage, the
container Contractor must ensure the fencing of the location. The height of the fence must be 1
meter (from the ground), installed into the concrete, and it must be made of solid metal. The color
and design of the fence must be agreed upon with the OPEN NET.
9. A minimum of 8 lead-ins 40mm ducts from inside the container to the manhole outside of the
foundation have to be installed.
10. All steel containers shall be painted in a color agreed with the Employer.
11. An aggregation container must be equipped with an AC power distribution box (PDU), which
should be connected to the electrical circuit (phase 3). The Contractor is responsible for the
agreement with the local electricity service providers, preparation for the required
documentation, and connection to the circuit.

12. The container must be equipped with 2 units of 42U-48U (60X80) telecommunication rack and
with the cable raceway system for cable placement and vertical cable management system
between racks.
13. In the container must be installed FO cable automatic monitoring system. Technical specifications
and requirements are described in Chapter 17.
14. Within 3 meters of the container, a Pole has to be assembled in accordance with the parameters
described in Chapter 13.3
15. 12 ducts going to the box must be organized, out of which 8 will be terminated in the manhole and
4 outside of the manhole, at the pole near the cabinet, by underground method
16. There shall be two separate grounding systems provided for each container and terminated on the
separate copper ground bus bar:
a) The grounding resistance must not exceed 4 ohms for each system.
b) The copper ground bus bar should be:
▪ wall/surface-mounted;
▪ at least 7 mm thick;
▪ at least 50 mm width;
▪ at least 200 mm in length;
▪ stand at least 70 mm from the backboard or wall;
▪ at least with 15 pre-drilled holes.
Ground cable should be made with copper, Cross section (cable size) at least 25 mm², and
See the example below: The cabinet has to be installed in such a manner to have the possibility of
installing AC, battery array, and other assisting equipment, as shown in the pictures below.

13.5 Small Aggregation Points (Cabinet)

1. Before starting all types of work, the Contractor must deploy an information banner (Chapter 1.1)
at all aggregation points.
2. The cabinet shall provide reinforced concrete foundations for the aggregation cabinets; the
underground structure has to be painted with bitumen.
3. The concrete foundation for the containers should be:
• Raised at least 400mm above ground level;

• The area of the foundation must be a minimum of 10 cm wider than the outer area of the
• A concrete slab of the foundation should be arranged on the entire perimeter of the floor
and fully fill it.
4. The Contractor has to organize the fundament in such a manner that it is appropriate for the
installation of the chosen cabinets. The works have to be done in accordance with the International
construction and officially used standards of Georgia.
5. A manhole has to be installed outside the foundation.
6. The cabinet's doors must be accessible directly from the street. If there is no possibility, the cabinet
and door location should be agreed upon with the Employer.
7. If the cabinet is located outside the existing fence, in order to avoid outside damage, the container
Contractor must ensure the fencing of the location. The height of the fence must be 1 meter (from
the ground), installed into the concrete, and it must be made of solid metal or concrete. The color
and design of the fence must be agreed upon with the OPEN NET.
8. Minimum 4 lead-in 40mm ducts from inside the cabinet to the manhole outside of the foundation
have to be installed
9. There shall be one separate grounding system provided for each container and terminated on the
separate copper ground bus bar:
a) The grounding resistance must not exceed 4 ohms for each system.
b) The copper ground bus bar should be:
▪ wall/surface-mounted;
▪ at least 7 mm thick;
▪ at least 50 mm width;
▪ at least 200 mm in length;
▪ stand at least 70 mm from the backboard or wall;
▪ at least with 15 pre-drilled holes.
Ground cable should be made with copper, Cross section (cable size) at least 25 mm², and
10. The cabinet's design must be against vandalism and extreme weather conditions.
11. The cabinet must be a factory-made outdoor network cabinet and meet or exceed the IP65
12. The cabinet shall be made of stainless steel/aluminum and must be equipped with a double-layer
design for the body.
13. The cabinet shall consist of two adjacent spaces with 2 front doors and an anti-theft lock.
14. In the cabinet's equipment space must be installed a 19-inch rack system with a minimum 24U
space for each side.

14 Optical Distribution Frames and FO Termination
14.1 General Requirements ODFs
1. The fibers must be terminated at the Optical Distribution Frames (ODF).
2. The fibers must be placed in a Single Fiber Management System (SFMS) Cassette individually.
3. Only Single Fiber Management System (SFMS) cassettes must be used in all ODFs.
4. The type of ODF must be properly proposed during the design by the Contractor.
5. The ODF must meet the following minimal requirements:
a) Shall include Fiber Management System cassette.
b) Shall include multiple shelves for splicing and patching.
c) Shall include Patch Cable Guiding Channels.
d) ODFs for the Aggregation point should be with sliding panel, placed in Standard 42U-48U
19-inch floor mounted rack. Rack and ODF should have patch cords management and
routing guides with storage shelves also fiber guides to ensure the optical fiber bending
radius is always greater than 30mm.
e) ODFs must be fully equipped with SC/UPC adapters and be able to terminate all fibers of
the incoming cable.
f) Separate ODF must be installed for each incoming cable
g) Shall include colored guide tubes (12 different colors) for the fibers from each cable tray
h) Shall include flexible conduit from opened cable to splice/patch-rack
6. The ODF systems must be capable of accommodating not less than 24 fibers.
7. Access to each of the system racks must be possible through the front and rear entry.
8. A fiber identification system with labeling facilities must be provided.
9. After fulfillment of the project, The Contractor must provide ODF Diagrams, including Fiber
Occupation Schemes.
10. Cassettes in the Splice Shelves must be numbered;
11. Cassettes and connectors in the patch shelves must be numbered;
12. The Contractor is responsible for the supply, storage, transportation, and installation of the ODF.

15 Cable Raceway System

15.1 General Requirements

1. The Cable Raceway System must be a fully enclosed ducting system that segregates, routes and
protects optical fiber cables and patch cords from the point of building entry to the fiber
termination and distribution equipment.

15.2 The Cable Raceway System must fulfill the following requirements:
1. Must ensure a secure and stress-free environment for protecting fiber optic cables
2. It must be in a bright color in order to provide clear identification, high visibility, and diverse fiber
optic cable pathways
3. It must be a system that has a smart design, supporting the following features such as to be safe,
robust, fast, efficient, free of stress, modular, customized and easy to install/modify and reusable,
easily extendable, and fire resistant
4. Must be designed to protect and route fiber optic patch cords and multi-fiber cable assemblies

5. Must be able to mount on the top of ETSI racks and/or on the ceiling of the exchange center
equipment room and/or under the raised floor
6. Must support straight channels and curved fittings to be specifically engineered to prevent fibers
from exceeding the minimum bend radius requirement
7. Must allow ease of change or extension without the need to remove the existing fiber or suspend
the services
8. It must be made out of low smoke zero halogens (LSZH), and the enclosed design must ensure the
fiber optic cables are fully protected
9. Must ensure that all plastic-based products used are fire-resistant and halogen-free to avoid the
risk of harming personnel, transmission, and any other equipment installed, rescuers, and the
buildings in case of fire
10. Must ensure that all plastic-based products must be ROHS (Restriction of Hazardous Stances
Directive) compliant
11. Must support self-supporting straight section up to a maximum span of 2 meters
12. Must ensure that a 50mm minimum bend radius is maintained throughout the system regardless
of the raceway size installed
13. Must be designed so that the clearly defined cable routing paths keep cables organized, using less
space and avoiding the tangled mess of cables
14. Must not contain PVC at any part of the offered fiber raceway and its components
15. Fiber Optic Raceway System can select any of the following dimensions:
a) Fiber Raceway 2x2 inch System
b) Fiber Raceway 2x6 inch System
c) Fiber Raceway 4x4 inch System
d) Fiber Raceway 4x6 inch System
e) Fiber Raceway 4x12 inch System
f) Fiber Raceway 4x24 inch System

16 Optical Test Measurements

16.1 General Requirements
1. The Contractor must carry out the test measurements which must prove the proper execution of
the cable installation works.
2. The test measurements must be documented/recorded and handed over to the assigned
representative of the Employer. The results from the Optical Test Measurements and Tests
Procedures represent part of the project acceptance and deliverables.
3. The Contractor is required to ensure complete testing on the Passive Infrastructure.
The Contractor must conduct a complete Acceptance Test throughout the whole installed network,
and the results have to be verified by the Engineer.

16.2 Tests During Installation

1. The Contractor must conduct regular OF tests during fiber installation.
2. Fiber continuity tests must be performed during splicing/terminating
3. The Contractor must perform attenuation tests and Return Loss Tests at 1310 nm and 1550 nm.

4. The Contractor must verify during the tests that the installed cables/fibers are free of deformations
and reflections.

16.3 Optical Fiber Test Specifications

1. The attenuation coefficient must be according to the standard ITU-T G.652D
2. Optical Return Loss (ORL) must be stated
3. For the optical return loss (ORL), the following parameters must be verified and validated during
the tests by the Contractor:
a) The overall ORL of each end-to-end fiber connection of the entire ODN must be ≥ 32 dB;
open fiber ends need to be terminated free of reflections by suitable measures to keep
and maintain this value
b) The following optical properties must be maintained and verified during testing by the
Contractor, as detailed in the table below.


CONTINUITY TEST Neither disconnection nor
change in sequence shall be allowed.
- Test all fibers according to
continuity and sequence

The maximum optical limits per kilometer are

as follows:
1310 nm α ≤ 0.35 dB/km
1550 nm α ≤ 0.21 dB/km


Shall be measured and recorded
The maximum loss per splice point ≤ 0.15 dB
automatically during a splicing operation

CONNECTION POINTS The maximum IL of connector points ≤ 0.3 dB

• should be measured and recorded
during the OTDR test and trace analyses
unidirectional end-to-end test from the
ODF (exchange) to ODF
• only such type of connector shall be
standardized which can meet the
overall end-to-end ORL under the given
number of flexibility points as specified

4. The Contractor must perform the testing of P2P Fiber Links, measuring the following, but not
limited to:
a) The fiber attenuation/insertion loss (IL).

b) Link Loss.
c) Optical Return Loss (ORL).
5. Whenever deviations from the target values are detected during acceptance test measurements,
these deviations need to be analyzed and corrected by the Contractor.

16.4 Recording the Tests Results

The Results of the tests must be reported and recorded by the Contractor in the form of test protocols
(soft-copy) and must be approved by the Engineer. The format of the test results must be agreed upon
with the Employer in advance.

17 FO cable automatic monitoring system

Aggregation points must be equipped with the standalone FO cable automatic monitoring system (FO-
AMS). The system shall constantly (24/7) monitor the fiber cable performance based on OTDR
measurement methods. The monitoring system configuration, rules, parameters, and FO cable cores
for monitoring must be agreed upon with the Employer.

The FO-AMS shall be installed in aggregation points provided below in the table. The Contractor must
provide, configure, and install the equipment in 19" racks and connect each port to the aggregation
ODFs with FO patch cords using the connection scheme provided by OPEN NET (connection scheme
will be provided after creation of the FO core distribution diagram described in the Chapter 9.1.11). All
materials (such as patch cords, rack-ears, power supply, etc.) required for performing the works are
the Contractor's responsibility.
The number of devices per site and their port capacity is provided in the table below:

Minimum number of ports per

Aggregation Point Quantity
Jvari 1 16
Mestia 1 16

The monitoring system shall have the possibility to monitor fiber cores (with active links as well). The
WDM principle shall be used to split the Data and fiber monitoring wavelengths in a single fiber core.
The filters shall be used on the receiving end to filter OTDR measurement signal and avoid interference
with data network equipment. The system shall be compatible with C and L band data traffic.
Additionally, all required components shall be provided to monitor 2 fiber cores (with active links) from
each aggregation. The filters quantity shall be sufficient to be installed in 2 different
geographical locations.

17.1 General requirements

The equipment must meet the following requirements:
1. The unit must be standalone, without any local or remote controller.
2. It must support multi-users.

3. Equipped with a user-friendly web interface and an open API interface based on SNMP and
4. Integrating it into the centralized monitoring and management system must be possible.
5. The principle of fiber monitoring shall be based on OTDR measurements.
6. The device must be rack mountable, maximum - 1RU (19" rack mounts included).
7. The device must have an ethernet port for remote access.
8. The device must be equipped with a console or similar type of local access.
9. The device must support DHCP or static IP address configuration.
10. All connections on the device (both optical and electrical) must be on the front panel.
11. The device must be able to compare the actual OTDR measurements with a user's specified
reference OTDR trace.
12. It must be equipped with a dual power supply (DC - 48V).
13. Operating temperature: -5 to 50 degrees Celsius.
14. Wavelength: 1621-1654 nm (considering the measurement accuracy).
15. Optical Budget / Dynamic range: at least 40 dB.
16. Event Dead zone: 1m or better.
17. Attenuation Dead zone: 3m or better.
18. Pulse width: 5ns to 20μs.
19. OTDR line port Insertion Loss: <1.2dB.
20. OTDR line port Return Loss with connectors: > 50 dB.

17.2 Software requirements

1. Each standalone unit shall have the following functionality in its interface:

a) Display of the OTDR trace of the latest monitoring test.

b) It must be possible to define the reference trace automatically.
c) Minor, Major, and Critical Alarm thresholds should be supported with the possibility of
modification by the user.
d) Association of monitored fibers with KML/KMZ/SHAPE files containing cable path location.
e) If the fiber is in alarm, the fault distance and GPS coordinates must also be displayed and
provided via the API.
f) Test on demand to immediately compare the selected fiber trace with the reference trace.
g) Measurement on demand to get an OTDR trace with the user's parameters.
h) In case when multiple ports shall be monitored, the measurement one by one method can
be used. The duration of each port measurement shall be adjustable/configurable. The
minimum adjustable/configurable duration of the measurement must be equal or less
then 10 seconds.
i) Refractive index management.
j) OTDR trace display: zoom, attenuation, and reflectance measurement, automatic
discovery, and measurement of optical events.
k) Upload/download the complete configuration.
l) Secured Web Browser Access (HTTPS).

2. Notifications:

a) SNMP and REST API (over HTTP/HTTPS) support.
b) Possibility to send SNMP traps to other OSS/NMS.
c) Email notifications.
d) Email must contain measurement results provided in .sor format.
e) Email text must contain at least: test unit name, Event date and time, Alarm severity, the
distance of fiber fault, and GPS coordinates of fault location.

18 Additional information
1. The cables on the backbone segment Jvari-Khaishi-Mestia must have at least 96 fibers.
2. At the connection point - "Mestia-Jvari-Chkhorotskhu-conn-point", the newly installed FO cable
must be spliced to the OPEN NET’s existing FO cable at the same location.


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