Wash Connector Issue 51
Wash Connector Issue 51
Wash Connector Issue 51
Editor’s Note
is another new year again and I wish you all a fruitful and prosperous 2017. The Editorial
Team would like to thank you all for your positive support during the course of 2016 and
is happy to announce launch of the 5th edition of the WASH Connector Newsletter. The
year 2016 was loaded with a number of strategic, high impact and life changing developments
which include the unveiling of a national WASH Sector Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) against
the current El-Nino-La Nina induced drought and development of the WASH Sector National
Sanitation and Hygiene Policy.
The Government also successfully launched two national strategic documents for the WASH
Sector viz The Monitoring & Evaluation and Learning Framework and The Sanitation & Hygiene
Advocacy Strategy. The 2016/17 Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking
Water (GLAAS) report with a financial focus was also finalised.
Two major sector development projects namely the 14 Small Towns WASH Programme and the
33 Districts Rural WASH Project were also successfully rounded up and formally handed over to
Government. The Rural WASH Project was also further extended to cover the three remaining
Provinces of Mashonaland East, Mashonaland Central and Manicaland. These development
activities together with many others kept us busy throughout the year. As such, the sector
performed very well and we applaud all our partners for a job well done.
Having realised these gains from 2016, the New Year started on a sad note with an unexpected
Typhoid outbreak in Mbare. To date, Harare City has reported more than 500 suspected cases
since the 13th of October 2016, 45 of which have so far tested positive with 3 deaths. A National
Rapid Response Team has been set put to try and quell further spread of the disease inlight of the
current rainy season characterised by heavy down pours across all the 10 Provinces.
I strongly believe and hope that we are ready for the New Year, new challenges and new
possibilities. Let us all put our hands together and serve our nation ensuring universal access to
clean-safe water and dignified sanitation thereby reducing the disease burdens associated with
their neglect.
Dhoba Lovemore
WASH Information Officer,
National Coordination Unit
Dhoba Lovemore
WASH Connector
Editorial Team
By Dhoba Lovemore, National Coordination Unit This system is currently being used to track
severity of the El Nino-La Nina induced drought.
In preparation for a new financial year There is also need to continue formulating new
and as a tactical move to open doors wide strategies able to withstand current climate
for strategic engagements, the Minister change challenges. Of major scrutiny was the
responsible for Environment, Water and issue of boreholes equipped with hand pumps.
Climate, Hon O. C. Z. Muchinguri-Kashiri (MP) The unrelenting recession of ground water
had a round table discussion with UNICEF’s table in direct response to climate change has
new Country Representative Dr. Mohamed Ag a net effect on water availability and access by
Ayoya. The meeting held at Kaguvi Building on communities.
the 13th of December 2016 was also attended
by the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of It was sweet to the ears hearing the Hon.
Environment, Mr. P Mupazviriho, the National Minister tabling technical solutions to technical
Coordinator in the National Coordination challenges bedevilling the sector in the face of
Unit Mr. H.R Mashingaidze and UNICEF’s climate change. Most interesting from her pool
Chief of WASH, Mr. V. Kinyanjui. In her of solutions was further deepening of already
opening remarks, the Hon. Minister expressed existing boreholes where there is evidence
dismay over the sector’s level of disaster of receding water table and for high yielding
preparedness which she said still remains boreholes, equip those with solar powered
on the reactive side resulting in unnecessary pumps and pipe water to follow communities.
loss of human life. She underscored that our This is also with some background that over
programming for 2017 should seek to reverse usage of hand pumps has resulted in frequent
this status quo and strive to reduce the impact breakdowns many of which are beyond the
of any future disasters affecting the sector. capacity of user communities to finance. More
often than not, this has resulted in long down
time of water points forcing communities back
As if to allay the Hon. Minister’s fears, the to traditional sources.
National Coordinator Mr. Mashingaidze apprised
the meeting that the Rural WASH Sub-Sector Dr. Mohamed Ag Ayoya was quick to point
has long since been put on a national real time out that, the current drought is a major cause
monitoring system able to report on the water for concern to UNICEF’s current and future
and sanitation situation across communities. programming. The Climate change office within
UNICEF is currently in the
process of mobilising resources
for a national programme
in response to the current
climate change challenges.
With immediate effect, the
Rural WASH Project has been
extended to the three provinces
of Manicaland, Mashonaland
East and Mashonaland Central
High Level Discussion: (From left) National Coordinator for National Coordination reaching out to more than
Unit Mr. H.R Mashingaidze, Environment, Water and Climate Minister 1.4m people. This is backed by
Hon O. C. Z. Muchinguri-Kashiri, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of
Environment Mr. P. Mupazviriho, Hon. Minister’s Aid Mr. S. Karimanzira, £12 million grant from DFID.
UNICEF Country Representative Dr. Mohamed Ag Ayoya and UNICEF Chief of Plans are also at an advanced
WASH, Mr. V. Kinyanjui during the round table discussion at Kaguvi Building on
the 13th of December 2016
stage to commission a national
and Sanitation Collaborative Council developed which the Guest of Honour toured. Unilever
for effective implementation and tracking of sponsored IEC materials for the event and
sanitation and hygiene interventions. also conducted road-shows in the surrounding
villages and at Mubaira business centre a week
The Minister responsible for Health and Child before the launch. Other smaller celebrations
Care Honourable Dr David Parirenyatwa,called were held across the country and were attended
on all Zimbabweans to actively take up the by thousands of Zimbabweans. Welthungerhilfe
duty to improve sanitation and hygiene and (WHH) supported 10 commemorative events
abandon the business-as-usual approach which in Mashonaland West under its SELF project
relegates sanitation and hygiene to the lowest initiative.
position on individual and national priorities.
Other notable speakers at the event were the Just to mention a few events, Saint Oswald`s
Minister responsible for Environment, Water High School, in collaboration with three other
and Climate Honourable O.C.Z Muchinguri- local schools, hosted the event on the 22nd
Kashiri, Unilever Managing Director Mr H. of November in Mhondoro Ngezi. Children
performed drama on handwashing, diarrhoea
Muzondiwa, World Health Organisation Country
and dangers of poor hygiene while encouraging
Representative, Dr D. Okello and Australian Aid
others to cascade information from School
Head of Development Cooperation in Zimbabwe
Health Clubs to their families. The children also
Christina Landsberg who all reiterated the
performed poetry and songs on handwashing
importance of investing in water and sanitation, and hygiene themes while other pupils and
reducing child mortality by improving health and teachers participated in a competition for the
hygiene facilities and tackling climate change best handwashing method as demonstrated by
through building climate resilient communities. the Shamiso handwashing poster.
Sheila Mutero shows her water jug and bar of soap which she won during competitions at a live performance show.
Zimbabwe Handwashing Campaign Alliance level. The Swiss Agency for Development and
that comprises Action Aid Zimbabwe, Farm Cooperation has further availed more funds
Community Trust of Zimbabwe and the for upscaling this initiative in rural Masvingo
Combined Harare Residents Association Trust. (Bikita and Zaka) and implementation started in
The alliance aims to develop communication October of 2016. In addition to these activities,
materials and train teachers and community the campaign pushed for the inclusion of
health workers to teach school children and Handwashing with soap as a key aspect to
families in urban areas on proper personal ensure hygiene in communities and institutions
hygiene behaviour, especially handwashing in the new National Sanitation and Hygiene
with soap at all critical times. Policy currently under finalization.
health worker as well as our teachers we are emaoko Sipo yehupfu Sipo yemvura
To further support the national reach of the Kwesha mukati menzwara Kwesha panoperera minwe Dzumburudza maoko ako nemvura
yakachena inochururuka
Zunza maoko ako aome kana
kuomesa ne tauro rakachena
By Geshem Madzingaidzo
WASH Wizards are locally identified residents
It all started as a usual community meeting. who are trained by the SELF Project and
A 57 year old widow, Florence Mukondorongwe Kadoma City Council Engineering department
was preparing to sit through at least an hour on basic plumbing skills so as to provide
of predictable council announcements and plumbing services to their community. They
updates on WASH but when the WASH Wizards help to reduce water loss and toilet blockages
concept was introduced Florence became at household level providing services at a
more interested. Little did she know that this reasonable price.
meeting would change her life. Initially she
thought, “Plumbing by a local woman? It is not
possible”. Few women seemed interested and For Florence, becoming a WASH Wizard
that added to her anxiety. “I really want to be expanded her horizons and made a huge impact
part of this but what will people say when they in her household. In Old Ngezi, blocked and
see me walking around carrying spanners?” filthy communal toilets were the only facilities
thought Florence? Informal plumbing is seen available to residents. The SELF Project
as men’s work in our patriarchal society but introduced new water and sewer reticulation
despite this, the idea caught her interest and infrastructure and individual households were
Florence decided to join the team at last able to build their own toilets and get
water connections. Florence was one of the
Florence Mukondorongwe grew up as one first two WASH Wizards in Old Ngezi to build a
of nine children in Mubaira, Mhondoro. Her toilet and get a water connection at her home.
mother died when she was just 8 years old and
her father remarried and abandoned Florence “I did not call plumbers to my household for
and her siblings to fend for themselves. When plumbing works. I installed my toilet set alone
her father returned with the intention of giving and only called my supervisor to inspect the
Florence away in marriage, she fled to her works,” She says “I was very happy when my
sister in Chitungwiza. Florence later married a work passed their requirements. After training
man of her choice and relocated to Kadoma. as a WASH Wizard I vowed never again to
Sadly her husband passed away in 2003. She hire anyone for plumbing works at my home.
is a resident of Old Ngezi, Kadoma where the I risked losing money on wasted material if
SELF project is being implemented. my work was condemned as not being done to
better. We WASH Wizards are able to offer our The WASH Wizards programme has changed
services as a group and are being paid $40.00 the lives of dedicated women plumbers in
for each toilet we connect”. Ngezi.
The Sanitation for Success program has three To improve service delivery the program also
Key Result Areas which are: supplied a number of hardware items including
1. Comprehensive sanitation coverage a compactor and over 300 litter bins sourced
increases by 50% by the Murewa Waste Management Taskforce.
2. Hygiene practices and behaviours improve The program has also installed a biogas to
in target areas electricity plant and biogas cooking facilities at
3. A sustainable sanitation service provision schools. This development triggered residents
structure is in place to meet their obligation to improve in payment
of rates and at the same time, improving solid
Pomona Landfill
Siphilisiwe Nsingo, a member of the club and kitchen wares. The group has also been
testified that the club has assisted all its linked to another Dabane implemented project
members to construct latrines through member- called Amalima. The project has provided
cash contributions towards purchase of latrine the group with trainings in Disaster Risk
construction materials. “Besides purchasing Reduction, Environmental Management and
construction materials for members, we have the construction of Eco stoves and training
assisted each other construct pot racks, hand in sustainable climate SMART agricultural
washing facilities and rubbish pits”, she said. practices and nutrition.
The CHC has made an impact to the Enyandeni
community of Gwanda. It has positively Apart from these, Dabane Trust also trained
influenced the formation of up to 10 other CHCs the group in Community Based Management,
in Ward 5 which follow on its footsteps. Leadership for Transformation, Participatory
Health and Hygiene Education and awareness
The group has also engaged in door to door sessions on Gender and HIV and AIDS. These
and community health and hygiene campaigns various trainings received by the group and
to foster the adoption of appropriate health the diversified portfolio of activities has made
and hygiene behaviours such as proper use of the group versatile and resilient. Hlanzekile
latrines for excreta disposal, hand washing at Sizanani’s long term vision is to have Enyandeni
critical times such as after using the toilet and community certified as an Open Defaecation
home hygiene. The group has been effective in Free Zone where all households own and use
these campaigns through the use of captivating toilets. The group has already lobbied the
health and hygiene songs, drama and slogans. local leaders to pass by-laws that prohibit
Hlanzekele Nyandeni group slogan is “Dubula the construction of new homesteads without
idoti ihlanye” translated to mean shoot and a toilet structure. Mrs. Phiri said in Sizanani
drive out dirt mercilessly. The group slogan is village only 13 households out of 36 had no
common amongst the community members toilets and the club was working tirelessly lure
and school children who chant it out every those outstanding households into constructing
time there is a clean-up campaign or health their own latrines.
and hygiene triggering session. Mrs Phiri added
that the use of the slogan and drama has led to
increased of awareness on health and hygiene
issues amongst communities.
The Ministry of
Health and Child Care
is part of the project
assisting with water
quality monitoring.
The provision of water
through rehabilitation
of broken down
boreholes also allows
Dual Latrine Construction at Sherukuru Sec School in Ward 14, Mutasa Distict
for the establishment of nutrition gardens at users are guaranteed of their privacy especially
every rehabilitated borehole in line with the the girl child who enjoys the services under
C-WASH Project’s quest to improve the dietary a closed toilet door. The design of school and
diversity of the communities. household latrines follow a ‘dual mode’ where
the latrine has to accommodate the needs of
For Sanitation, the project is also committing the people living with disabilities, the girl child,
some extra effort to ensure that latrines the boy child, the sick, the pregnant and the
being constructed resample strategic tenets elderly through providing comfort during use.
of safety, privacy, comfort and dignity. The The latrines have compartments that are big
designs of latrines are ensuring safety because enough to accommodate a wheelchair. A raised
they follow the recommended construction seat to allow the wheelchair bound user easy
standards through inspection at every stage of and comfort of services; the people who are
construction by the Ministry of Public Works. The visually impaired are aided by fitted hand rails
where they can tap
using their guides.
The girl child has a girl
friendly compartment
with a fitted cupboard
for the storage of
sanitary wear, a mirror
and a bathroom to aid
menstrual hygiene
Filling of the water pan: Even cattle enjoy the dignity and comfort of service
It is high time that we should start asking limited to large scale water supply utilities, water
ourselves questions around sustainable models trucking, borehole drilling and water bottling
for water supply. What is the difference companies. However, government needs to
between a public entity and a private entity in provide for an independent water regulation
water supply with regards to service quality and for the sector. In general whether we decide
performance? Private entities operate using to adopt privatisation or maintain the status
strict business principles that entail making a quo, it still remains imperative for government
profit for the services rendered. That allows to determine the financial autonomy of a
private entities to easily access loans from service provider. Without proper systems in
financial institutions. One key characteristic place revenue from water will continue to be
of private water supply institutions is diverted and used for other purposes. There is
benchmarking. Although this is not unique to also need for a clear strategy on the inclusion
private run institutions they usually operate of the poor and marginalised if we recognise
within a calculated risk margin. As a country water as a human right through creating a
it is important to understand the Knowledge, balance between the business and the human
Attitude, Behaviour and Practices (KABP) with right aspects of water management.
regards to water supply services, payment
and potential impact of using a specific water Regarding water as a human right without
supply model on all water users. taking cognisance of the financial and
economic aspect of the precious commodity
Water is a driver for human development ultimately leads to collapse of systems. As
and is essential for survival. These attributes professionals in the water sector it is our duty
make it an interesting investment. In the early to bring such issues to the fore to stimulate
1990s Zimbabwe was one of the few countries discussions and encourage evidence based
in Sub Saharan Africa that were progressive planning and strategy development in the
with respect to water management. In present water management sector in Zimbabwe. There
day Zimbabwe we have more water bottling are still huge misconceptions around the rights
than we had a decade ago. This undoubtedly based approach to programming in water
reflects on the current water management supply including the thinking that water should
systems in Zimbabwe. When publicly managed be free or there is no place for private players
water systems fail to meet the needs of people when water is regarded a basic human right.
in terms of quality and quantity and business It is impossible to tackle this issue in a single
people find an opportunity. We have also seen publication let alone in one article. However
the advent of water trucking business and this seeks to stimulate discussion and debate
drilling of both private and public boreholes in on how we view water management and its
urban areas. The actual statistics or the impact related services in Zimbabwe.
of these on water resources and
the current water supply models
is not well documented.
from 18.0to 7.2 and total coliform bacteria from From the preceding discussion, the
>1800 to 13. No E. coli bacteria was found in advantages of earthworm based waste water
the system after 24 months of recycling. The treatment compared to other systems (ponds,
quality of cleaned water was excellent. The activated sludge, BNR and biogas anaerobic
reduction of Total Coliform from more than 1800 processes) are presented below:
to 13 is a significant milestone and reflects the
effectiveness of this technology • Simple & easy to operate & long life of
Similar toilets based on earthworms are in • Low operating & maintenance costs
use in India, Chile, etc. The Vermimo recycled • Low energy requirement
water flush toilet does not discharge any water • No sludge formed
into the ground. It is water tight. Therefore, it is • No chemicals used
very suitable for homes or institutions in areas • No pre-treatment required for solids
with high water tables. Contamination of well separation
or borehole water from underground seepage • Little green house gas emissions
is prevented. In new settlements, homes can • Treated water is very suitable for
be clustered and be supplied by recycled water irrigation.
from such a system. Bath and laundry water is • Completely hygienic &odorless process.
collected, stabilized and treated in the system
without killing earthworms. Where populations Rehabilitation of existing high tech systems
are bigger, excess water can be used to irrigate may not sustainably address the challenges.
gardens. The energy requirements of running Consideration should be given to alternative,
such systems are very low and the manpower simple and ecological friendly systems like Zim
requirements are very minimal. Two people Earth Worms which are deemed affordable in
can manage several units while in other similar developing countries.
sized sewage treatment systems many people
are required to run the system.