GDPR Compliance Letter
GDPR Compliance Letter
GDPR Compliance Letter
GDPR Compliance
Shieldbyte Infosec Pvt. Ltd. (Shieldbyte Infosec) an independent information security and data
privacy compliance and audit company has reviewed and audited Matrix Comsec Pvt. Ltd. (Matrix
Comsec) for GDPR compliance. The assessment and audit were carried out at Matrix Comsec to
review Data Governance Framework and GDPR-compliant privacy practices.
Audit Methodologies
Organization’s Responsibilities
In connection with the GDPR compliance, Matrix Comsec was responsible for providing
information through a GDPR Assessment regarding its GDPR compliance practices and
demonstrating supporting evidence.
This GDPR compliance letter and audit report is for the intended use of Matrix Comsec –
▪ This compliance letter, audit Report, and any Summary, provided by Shieldbyte Infosec
may be used by the Matrix Comsec until the expiration date listed below.
▪ This GDPR Compliance Letter can be shared with the Organization’s customers,
contractors, and other stakeholders until the expiration date.
▪ This GDPR Compliance Letter and audit report are valid till 21st March 2025.
In our opinion, in all material respects, based on the descriptions and supporting evidence of
practices-level measures identified in Matrix Comsec’s GDPR Audit:
Based on audit assessment and findings Matrix Comsec Pvt. Ltd. is GDPR compliant as of 22nd
March 2024.
Vaishali Mutalik
Principal Auditor